Semester Fee 07.02.2024

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Refi 066/5KFNOTIC E/2024 Date:07.02.2024

The B.Tech students of all streams of 2nd & 4th & M.Tech & MBA.Zna Semester students are instructed to pay their
even semester fees by 29tn February 2024, and the SIMT students of all streams of 2"d Semester students are
requested to pay their even semester fees by 29tt' February 2O24, failing which an amount of Rs.10/- per day will
be charged as Iate fine. The students who have already deposited their even semester fees may ignore this notice,
The fees will be deposited by online mode only, steps of which are mentioned below:

Step-l.Go to College i"Or,,


Step-2. Put User Name (Your Mobile No) & Password (Your Date of Birth, DDMMYYYY Format)
Step-3. Click fees Paym€nt Tab in Payment menu then click Pay Button.
Those students are paying their fees through Bank Loan, Student Credit card & Scholarship please fill the aetlits i.e.
Amount, Date of Payment & UTR no in Bank Loan, student credit card & scholarship menu.
topy forwarded for kind information to: Redlslrar
1. Hon'ble Chairman, Trust
2. Vice Chairman Chief Administralive Officer
3. Vice President
4. Principal, SIMT'
5. Dean- Business Administration Studies
6. Office ofRegistrar & CAO
7. Director - CRT"T
B. Vice-Principal,Diploma
9. Vice Principal, SIMT
10. HOD - All
11. Coordinators ofMBA & BBA
12. Administration Department
13. Examination Cell
14. Assistlnt General Manager - Admission & Branding
15. Admission Cell oty
15. Accounts Department
17. Reception
18. Library'
19. Maintenance. Chief Administiative Offi cer
20. Mr. Prithwish Patra ,
21. Website

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