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Name: Louis Michael O. Cabalan

Section: 1F
Course: BSIT
Schedule: TTH 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

I agree with the research conclusions on language anxiety for students. The study shows important
details about how fear affects students and how well they learn languages. In this study, it was also
stated that regardless of their gender, it doesn't make them more or less anxious about learning a
language. Instead, we should encourage them and focus on their unique needs and experiences. It
also shows that feeling confident in their language skills makes students less anxious. So, we should
find ways to help students feel good about their abilities. For example, we can give them simple
tasks at first so they can feel proud of their progress. For instance, we choose the correct words to
educate them rather than speaking to them harshly.

Also, the study stated that learning the language outside of the classroom can help reduce anxiety. I
believe that real-life practice, like talking with friends or talking in Discord with strangers, can help
them be more fluent in speaking it. By encouraging these interactions in reality, we can reduce
students' stress levels while learning.

In conclusion, I agree that controlling language anxiety matters for successful language learning. We
need to focus on each student, build their confidence, and create opportunities for real-life practice.
In doing so, we can promote a friendly environment in which all students can succeed in learning a
new language.

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