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journal für

ästhetische chirurgie

J Ästhet Chir 2020 · 13:64–69 Klaus Hoffmann · Silas Soemantri · Kristina Hoffmann · Klaus Karl Phillip Hoffmann
Published online: 8 May 2020 Dermatologische Klinik, Abteilung für ästhetisch operative Medizin, Laserzentrum des Landes NRW,
© Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Universitätsklinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Springer Nature 2020

M. Sandhofer, Linz
Body shaping with high-intensity
focused electromagnetic

Introduction low intensities, the stimuli are not strong = light spectrum visible to the human
enough to trigger any muscle structure eye
Current surgical as well as noninvasive changes or growth. 4 1–30 MHz (high frequency)
body shaping procedures are effective A true advancement for aesthetic = most non-invasive radiofrequency-
for fat elimination, but require patients use came with the introduction of the based devices for skin/fat
with well-defined bulges for successful high-intensity focused electromagnetic 4 3–30 kHz (very low frequency)
and safe treatment. Many patients, es- (HIFEM) procedure based on electro- = HIFEM
pecially those with lower BMI, are not magnetic field technology, which over-
considered suitable candidates for es- comes the disadvantages of electrical Thus we are looking at the very low fre-
tablished body shaping procedures such stimulation. Without any risk of burns quencies. The law of electromagnetic in-
as cryoadipozytolisis (membrane defect or pain [7], the HIFEM procedure can duction says that any change in a mag-
to subcutaneous white adipose tissue, induce supramaximal involuntary con- netic field induces an electric current and
sWAT), radiofrequency (heat = apoptosis tractions that have been found to result in vice versa. The HIFEM device comprises
in sWAT), or high-intensity focused muscle growth and even in a reduction a circular coil located in the applicator,
ultrasound (HIFU) [1] (“cooking” of of subcutaneous fat in (but not lim- which is placed over the treatment area.
sWAT). ited to) lower-BMI patients. With dual During the treatment, an alternating elec-
Furthermore, while there are many effects of this kind, the procedure com- tric current is passed through the wire of
ways of targeting subcutaneous fat, none plements the fat reducing set of tools for the circular coil. The alternations in the
of the established procedures deals with practitioners to cover the entire patient electric current induce rapidly changing
the underlying musculature. However, it spectrum and offers a completely new magnetic waves, which propagate into
is the shape, volume, and firmness of the approach to body shaping by targeting the underlying tissue, where they induce
underlying muscles that is highly respon- muscle tissue. a secondary electric current. These elec-
sible for a toned and aesthetically pleas- tric currents within the tissue depolarize
ing visual appearance. Physical exercise HIFEM technology the muscle-innervating motor neurons
has long been the only option for muscle and induce muscle contractions [8].
toning. Although various electrical stim- 4 HIFEM technology utilizes low Several studies have shown that hu-
ulation-based modalities have been in- frequency magnetic waves (3–5 kHz), mans are unable to fully activate muscles
troduced for muscle strengthening [2, 3], which propagate through the tissue voluntarily, since the power of muscle
their efficacy has been considered contro- without being absorbed. Thus, an contraction is limited by the firing rates
versial. The electric current induced by interaction between the wave and and conductivity of neural pathways [9,
electrical stimulation depolarizes motor human tissue occurs according to 10]. The application of HIFEM bypasses
neurons, which results in muscle con- the principles of electromagnetic the central nervous system and directly
traction [4]. However, during electri- induction first described by Michael stimulates the muscles, thereby allow-
cal stimulation, most of the energy is Faraday in 1831. ing their full contraction. In addition,
concentrated superficially, which leads to A distinction is made between the the frequency of delivered pulses does
skin overheating and the risk of burns [5, following frequencies: not allow the muscle to relax between
6]. Moreover, nociceptors are activated, 430–750 THz (between infrared/ two consecutive stimuli, which results in
making the procedure highly painful at ultraviolet <laser>) supramaximal tension within the muscle
higher intensities [7] and thus limiting and thus supramaximal muscle contrac-
the use of efficient settings. When using tion.

64 Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie 2 · 2020

Fig. 1 9 Examples of his-
tological images of slices
taken at baseline (a) and
2 weeks post treatment (b).
The baseline image shows
the normal structure of
muscle fibers, while the
post-treatment image
shows hypertrophy of
muscle fibers with the
muscle cell diameter being
noticeably larger. (With
permission from © BTL
Medical Technologies s.r.o.
All rights reserved)

Fig. 2 8 Computed tomography scans taken at baseline (a) and 1 month post treatment.The measurements showed a 30.3%
reduction in thickness of subcutaneous fat, a thickening of abdominal muscle by 8.4%, and a reduction in waist circumference
by 2.0 cm. (With permission from © BTL Medical Technologies s.r.o. All rights reserved)

The HIFEM field directly targets the [11], but to a greater extent. This triggers catecholamine epinephrine (adrenaline)
fibers of peripheral motor nerves in the biochemical processes aimed at strength- to supply the muscle with the energy
stimulated area and thus leads to a con- ening the muscle in order to adapt to stored in fat. During the process, triglyc-
traction of the whole muscle group in- such high-load stimuli. Physiologically, erides are broken down into free fatty
nervated by the specific nerve or nerve the adaptation response manifests as acids (FFA) and glycerol [15, 16]. Re-
plexus. a highly efficient growth of myofib- leased molecules normally act as the pri-
rils—muscle fiber hypertrophy, creation mary energy source for muscle and body
Mechanism of action of new protein strands, and possibly new metabolism. However, when the amount
muscle fibers—muscle fiber hyperplasia of released FFAs exceeds a certain level,
Effect on muscle [12, 13]. . Fig. 1 provides an example of they start accumulating intracellularly in
a histological image. According to pre- adipocytes, and eventually cause their
The intensity of muscle contractions vious research, the first results of muscle dysfunction [17, 18].
has a very powerful impact on deep structural improvements can be seen as Lipolysis starts primarily in the area
muscle remodeling and firm toning of early as 14 days after the last system- around the muscles undergoing contrac-
the muscles. The muscle structure is atic muscle contractions, when tissue tions. This is due to increased adipose tis-
directly modified through the specific growth, thickening, and regeneration sue blood flow (ATBF) and paracrine sub-
conditions to which the muscles need are fully completed [14]. stances released from contracting mus-
to adapt. HIFEM technology utilizes cles, which diffuse to the adipose tissue
a unique combination of various field Effect on subcutaneous fat and stimulate blood flow and adipose
intensities, frequencies, and contraction tissue lipolysis [15].
lengths to induce optimum changes in HIFEM-induced supramaximal muscle During HIFEM therapy, the mecha-
muscle tissue. The supramaximal na- contractions create a high demand for en- nism that leads to adipocytes’ death is
ture of the HIFEM-induced contractions ergy supplies, which cannot be provided endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-in-
puts a high load on the muscle tissue, solely from glycogen storage. Lipoly- duced apoptosis [17, 18]. This reaction
which results in muscle fiber micro-dam- sis is thus initiated by an intracellular is triggered by an increased intracellular
age, much like during resistance exercise cascade reaction, which is activated by concentration of FFA due to an exag-

Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie 2 · 2020 65

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

gerated lipolytic reaction to the supra- J Ästhet Chir 2020 · 13:64–69
maximal contractions. The ER is central © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2020
for protein folding, secretions, calcium
homeostasis, and lipid synthesis. With K. Hoffmann · S. Soemantri · K. Hoffmann · K. K. P. Hoffmann
regard to adipocytes, the ER is directly Body shaping with high-intensity focused electromagnetic
involved in lipid droplet (LD; reservoir technology
for cholesterol and triglycerides) forma-
tion and maintenance of lipid homeosta- Abstract
The field of non-invasive body shaping muscle thickness (e.g., abdominal muscle)
sis [19].
has long been represented solely by fat after a series of HIFEM treatments. The effect
The cell reacts to the FFA overflow reducing technologies, and the condition on both types of tissue was also confirmed
by initiating an ER stress response to of the underlying muscles could be altered by histological studies and was present in
restore homeostasis. However, one of the only by physical exercise. In 2018, high- all imaging techniques (ultrasonography,
additional cell responses to the ER stress intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) magnetic resonance imaging, computed to-
technology was introduced to simultaneously mography). With an effect of this kind, HIFEM
is lipolysis itself, creating a continuous
tone and strengthen muscle and reduce technology has opened up a completely new
flow of FFA through lipolysis caused by fat. The technology is based on delivering segment in body contouring.
the supramaximal muscle contractions focused electromagnetic fields into the
and lipolysis triggered by the ER stress treatment area, causing supramaximal Keywords
[20, 21]. muscle contractions. Clinical studies showed HIFEM · Electromagnetic stimulation · Muscle
a significant reduction in subcutaneous white building · Fat removal · Muscle atrophy
At some point, the cell can no longer
adipose tissue (sWAT) and an increase in
regulate homeostasis and enters apopto-
sis—programmed cell death. The apop-
totic response to the fatty acid treatments Körperformung mit hochintensivem fokussiertem
has been confirmed by the measurement elektromagnetischem Feld
of cytoplasmic histone-associated DNA
fragments. The results confirmed that Zusammenfassung
the ER stress contributes to apoptosis in- Das Fachgebiet der nichtinvasiven Kör- Zunahme der Muskeldicke (beispielsweise
duced by increased intracellular levels of performung beinhaltete lange Zeit nur des M. rectus abdominis) nach einer Serie
fettreduzierende Techniken. Der Zustand von HIFEM-Anwendungen. Der Effekt auf
FFA [22]. The fat cell apoptosis follow-
der darunter liegenden Muskeln konnte beide Gewebetypen wurde in histologischen
ing a HIFEM procedure was proven in ausschließlich durch körperliches Training Studien bestätigt und ließ sich mit sämt-
an animal study [23], where the apoptotic beeinflusst werden. Im Jahr 2018 wurde lichen bildgebenden Verfahren darstellen
index increased by 91.7%. die sogenannte High-intensity-focused- (Sonographie, Magnetresonanztomographie,
The best aesthetic improvement after electromagnetic(HIFEM)-Technik eingeführt, Computertomographie). Mit einer derartigen
um zugleich eine Formung und Kräftigung Wirkung eröffnet die HIFEM-Technik ein
non-invasive fat reduction treatments has
der Muskulatur sowie eine Fettreduktion vollkommen neues Arbeitsfeld im Bereich der
been widely claimed to appear between 1 zu erreichen. Die Technik basiert auf der Körperformung.
and 3 months after the actual treatment Erzeugung fokussierter elektromagnetischer
[24], when the body fully processes and Felder im zu behandelnden Gebiet, wodurch Schlüsselwörter
clears the cell debris and other metabolic supramaximale Muskelkontraktionen HIFEM · Elektromagnetische Stimula-
ausgelöst werden. Klinische Studien tion · Muskelaufbau · Fettentfernung ·
waste. The visible fat reduction captured
zeigten eine signifikante Reduktion von Muskelatrophie
by computed tomography (CT) can be weißem Unterhautfettgewebe und eine
seen in . Fig. 2.

Clinical application
The recommended treatment proto- to the treatment, the device applicator is
The HIFEM procedure is currently used col for the abdominal, thigh, and but- positioned over the treatment area and
for strengthening and toning the entire tock HIFEM procedure consists of four should be secured by a fixation belt to
abdominal area, for lifting and toning treatments, each lasting 30 min, while the prevent it from shifting with the move-
buttocks and thighs, as well as for toning individual treatments should be spaced ments of contracting muscles. Low inten-
arms and calves. Ideal patients for the at 2–3 days. For arm and calf procedures, sities should be used at the beginning of
HIFEM procedure are males and females 20-mintreatments are recommended due the treatment, as it is necessary to adjust
with a fat layer of up to 2–3 cm. Exclusion to the smaller volume of these muscle the applicator position to a location re-
criteria include pregnancy, breastfeeding, groups. sulting in the strongest and most evenly
heart disorders, unhealed wounds in the For abdominal treatments, one or two distributed contractions across the en-
treatment area, and any medical condi- applicators are placed over the treatment tire muscle group. During the ongoing
tion contraindicating the application of area according to patient size. Bilat- treatment, the intensity should be con-
an electromagnetic field. eral placement is used for the buttock, tinuously increased according to patient
thigh, arm, and calf procedures. Prior

66 Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie 2 · 2020

duced muscle hypertrophy on a cellular
level. The investigators acquired muscle
biopsies prior to and after four HIFEM
treatments and found a significant in-
crease in the cross-sectional muscle mass
of 20.56%. Individual muscle fibers in-
creased by 12.15% on average and, al-
though not statistically significant, the
number of muscle fibers also increased
by 8%, indicating that muscle fiber hy-
perplasia may also play a role in addition
to muscle fiber hypertrophy.
Besides histology, the effects of the
treatment on the abdomen were assessed
Fig. 3 8 An example of the result of abdominal treatment in a 52-year-old female patient. Pho- using various imaging techniques: CT
tographs taken at baseline (a) and 2 months post four treatments (b). (With permission from © BTL [29], magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Medical Technologies s.r.o. All rights reserved)
[27], and ultrasound imaging (US) [28].
The results from the different studies were
seen to be consistent in terms of both sub-
cutaneous fat and muscle thickness. The
average subcutaneous fat reduction seen
in these studies was 19.6% (17.5–23.3%),
while muscle thickness was increased by
15.1% (14.8–15.4%) on average. Some of
the studies also measured abdominal sep-
aration, which was found to be reduced
by 9.95% on average due to the muscle
thickening effect. In addition, the waist
circumference measured in these studies
was found to be decreased by 3.85 cm on
average. . Fig. 3 provides an example of
the abdominal treatment outcome.
The studies [25, 30] investigating the
HIFEM procedure for shaping, toning,
and lifting of buttocks were based pri-
marily on a satisfaction assessment and
Fig. 4 8 An example of buttock treatment outcome in a 31-year-old female patient. Photographs an evaluation of digital photographs. In
taken at baseline (a) and 1 month post four treatments (b). (With permission from © BTL Medical Tech-
general, the studies found high patient
nologies s.r.o. All rights reserved)
satisfaction and a significant improve-
ment in the aesthetic appearance of the
feedback to induce challenging but not been published to date in peer-reviewed buttocks, as documented by the digital
painful muscle contractions. journals. The studies comprising hun- photographs. An example of treatment
Immediately after the treatment, pa- dreds of test subjects focused on deter- outcome can be seen in . Fig. 4.
tients experience firming of the treated mining the safety and efficacy of HIFEM To summarize, the HIFEM proce-
area, butthe results fullymanifestapprox- for abdominal body shaping, buttock dure is supported by strong clinical
imately 2 weeks to 2 months after the final shaping, and histological evaluation. evidence based on a variety of investi-
procedure. For some patients seeing de- A histological study by Weiss et al. [23] gating methodologies. The studies found
clines in the achieved outcomes, it may be focusing on fat tissue demonstrated levels the procedure to be effective for body
beneficial to perform maintenance treat- of apoptosis elevated by 92% through an shaping through fat reduction and mus-
ments 8–12 months post treatment in apoptotic index following HIFEM treat- cle thickening while being safe, since
order to preserve the results. ment. The study also found increased none of the studies reported any adverse
levels of pro-apoptotic markers, further events or side effects.
Clinical evidence indicating the apoptotic response of sub-
cutaneous fat to the treatment. The mus-
Numerous clinical studies [13, 23, 25–30] cle histology study performed by Dun-
investigating HIFEM technology have can et al. [13] confirmed HIFEM-in-

Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie 2 · 2020 67


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