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11 HUMSS - Jacinto
Reading and Writing skills
Mrs. Angelica Joyce C. Delos santos
Performance task 3.1

Cause and effect

The rampant use of single-use plastics, such as bottles and bags, has led to a surge in environmental
pollution. This overreliance on disposable plastic products has resulted in widespread contamination of
ecosystems, particularly oceans and waterways. As a consequence, marine life is increasingly
endangered, with many species suffering from entanglement, ingestion, and habitat destruction.
Furthermore, the presence of plastic debris in marine environments has detrimental effects on human
health, as toxins from plastics can enter the food chain through seafood consumption, posing risks to
human well-being. Thus, the cause of excessive plastic usage directly correlates with the detrimental
effects of pollution on both marine ecosystems and human health.


Test questions generally fall into categories, depending on how they are answered: objective and
subjective. The first kind, objective questions, have definite right and wrong answers. Multiple choice,
matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions are objective. Although they can be tricky because of their
wording, most students prefer objective questions. The answers are already there, and the student just
has to choose the right one. Subjective test items, such as short-answer and essay questions, have no
single correct answer. There is a range of possible responses. Students have to know the information in
order to answer each question, and they have to present it in their own words. You can make a lucky
guess on an objective question, but a subjective question doesn't offer much hope for a student relying on
dumb luck.

Comparison and contrast

Paris and Rome, reveals both similarities and differences. Both cities boast rich histories, architectural
marvels, and world-renowned cuisine. However, Paris is renowned for its romantic ambiance, iconic
landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, and haute couture fashion. On the other hand, Rome is celebrated for
its ancient ruins like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, as well as its vibrant street life and delicious
gelato. While Paris exudes elegance and charm, Rome offers a more bustling, lively atmosphere steeped
in millennia of history. Ultimately, whether one prefers the enchanting streets of Paris or the lively spirit of
Rome depends on individual preferences and interests.


Definition of "Democracy":
Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the hands of the people, either directly
or through elected representatives, allowing for equal participation, representation, and accountability in
decision-making processes.
"dog" is a domesticated carnivorous mammal, Canis lupus familiaris, typically kept as a pet or for work.
This definition encompasses various breeds and sizes of dogs, emphasizing their biological classification
and their role in human society as companions or helpers. It does not include any emotional attachments
or cultural perceptions associated with dogs, such as loyalty, friendship, or symbolism in different cultures.
Consider the word "snake." Denotatively, it refers to a legless reptile. However, its connotations often
evoke feelings of deceit, treachery, or danger due to cultural associations and literary representations.
The word "snake" is frequently used metaphorically to describe someone who is untrustworthy or sneaky,
emphasizing the negative connotations associated with the animal.


The dirt of the girls' cotton dresses continued on their legs, feet, arms, and faces to make them all of a
piece. Their greasy uncolored hair hung down, uncombed with a grim finality. I knelt to see them better, to
remember them for all time. The tears that had slipped down my dress left unsurprising dark spots, and
made the front yard blurry and even more unreal. The world had taken a deep breath and was having
doubts about continuing to resolve.

In the bustling downtown area, rows of elegant Victorian-style townhouses lined the cobblestone streets,
their colorful facades adorned with intricate wrought-iron balconies. As the neighborhood extended
outward, the architecture transitioned into sleek modern apartment complexes, their sleek glass exteriors
reflecting the vibrant city life below. Parks and green spaces punctuated the landscape, offering serene
respites amid the urban hustle and bustle. The systematic layout of streets and blocks facilitated efficient
movement, while the occasional historic landmark added a touch of charm and character to the evolving

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the tranquil waters of the lake, a
sense of serenity enveloped the scene. The gentle rustle of leaves whispered secrets to the breeze, while
the distant calls of birds added a melodic backdrop to the symphony of nature. Each ripple on the water's
surface seemed to dance in harmony with the fading light, painting a masterpiece of tranquility and beauty
that captivated the soul. In that moment, time stood still, allowing for a profound connection with the
natural world, where worries melted away and the heart found solace in the simple yet profound beauty of
the evening.


Title: A journey through enchantment

In the heart of a bustling metropolis, a shy librarian named Alice discovers a dusty, forgotten book hidden
away in the archives of her library. Intrigued by its mysterious cover and cryptic title, she delves into its
pages, only to find herself transported to a fantastical realm filled with enchanted forests, mythical
creatures, and ancient secrets. With the help of a wise old wizard and a band of unlikely companions,
Alice embarks on a perilous journey to unlock the book's secrets and save the magical world from
impending doom. Along the way, she learns the true power of courage, friendship, and the magic that lies
within her own heart.


Imagine a world where every child has access to quality education, where no one is left behind due to
financial constraints. By supporting initiatives that promote universal education, we not only uphold the
fundamental principle of equality but also ensure the collective prosperity of our society. Through the
provision of compelling statistics showcasing the positive impact of education on economic growth and
social development, coupled with testimonials from individuals whose lives have been transformed by
education, we appeal to reason and emotion alike. Moreover, by aligning with reputable organizations
dedicated to educational equity, we establish credibility and trustworthiness, solidifying our stance as
advocates for a brighter future for all.

Problem solution

One pervasive problem in urban areas is traffic congestion, leading to increased commuting times, air
pollution, and frustration among residents. To address this issue, a comprehensive solution could involve
implementing a combination of strategies such as improving public transportation infrastructure,
incentivizing carpooling and ridesharing, promoting telecommuting options for employees, implementing
congestion pricing schemes, and investing in smart traffic management systems utilizing advanced
technologies like AI and IoT sensors to optimize traffic flow. By integrating these approaches, cities can
effectively alleviate traffic congestion, reduce environmental impact, and enhance overall quality of life for

Process analysis

Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a simple yet satisfying process. To begin, gather your
ingredients and tools: two slices of bread, peanut butter, jelly, a knife, and a plate. Take the two slices of
bread and place them on a clean plate. Using a butter knife, scoop out a generous amount of peanut
butter and spread it evenly onto one slice of bread. Then, repeat the process with jelly on the other slice
of bread. Carefully place the two slices together, with the peanut butter side facing the jelly side, and
press down gently to ensure the sandwich sticks together. For customization, consider using different
types of bread, adding bananas, or substituting almond butter for peanut butter. Finally, enjoy your
delicious homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

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