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Part 1

1. Do you use computers?

Of course, yes, I’m a computer buff. I have a personal laptop that I use on a daily basis. It plays
an essential part in my daily life because you know, as a teacher, I need to access the computer
to prepare materials and mark students’ homework every day.

- computer buff (noun): người dam mê máy tính

- on a daily basis (adv): hàng ngày

- play an essential part in (doing) something (collo.): dóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc

2. How often do you use your computer?

As I mentioned before, I use my computer almost every day to get my work done. Also, I use it
for a variety of personal use like watching movies, listening to music, and doing some online

- get my work done (verb phrase): hoàn thành công việc

3. What kind of computer skills do you have?

I have acquired several skills related to computers. I have a good typing skill, which is the
most basic skill when it comes to computers. 1 also know how to use different software
including MS Office and Adobe Illustrator.

- acquire something (verb): đạt được cái gì

- when it comes to something (idiom): khi đề cập đến vẩn đề gì

4. How important is your computer to you?

Computer plays an indispensable role in my daily life, and I can’t imagine a day without it. I
could start off by saying that using the computer allows me to increase the effectiveness of
working and making a living. Another important thing that I want to add is that it helps me to
become open-minded and have interesting experiences. For example, when I watch plenty of
videos about travelling on Youtube channels, I seem to be lost in the stunning landscapes of
many countries all over the world.

- play an indispensable role in (doing) something (collo.): đóng vai trò quan trọng trong
việc gì

- make a living (verb phrase): kiếm sống

- stunning (adj): tuyệt đẹp

5. What kind of activities involve using computers?

There are countless activities that you can do with your computer, particularly for work, study
and entertainment. As regards official purposes, we can use computers for sending emails,
getting work done, doing research or preparing a presentation. When it comes to relaxation, we
can unwind by surfing the Web, watching movies, listening to music, you name them.

- countless (adj): vô sổ, nhiều

- as regards something (idiom): khi đề cập đến vấn đề gi

- get work done (verb phrase): hoàn thành công việc

- when it comes to something (idiom): khi đề cập đến vấn đề gì

- unwind (verb): thư giãn

Part 2

Describe your favourite gadget.

You should say:

What is it

When did you get it

- How often do you use it

- And say why is it so important to you

When I read the cue card, the first gadget coming to mind was my laptop. This is a MacBook
Air which is manufactured by Apple Inc. It has an amazing configuration and it supports most
of the cutting-edge software. It came with its upgraded IOS operating system. It costan arm and
a leg to buy, but I can say that it was definitely worth it.

I still remember vividly that when 1 passed the entrance exam with flying colours, my sister
bought it forme. So, I have used it since I was a first-year student at a university, but it still
works well. I use this device on a daily basis as it’s multifunctional and helps me a lot.

This computer has become an indispensable part in my life as I used it fora number of
purposes, both for official purposes and personal use. As regards my study, 1 use It to lookup
information and do assignments like presentations or research. I also log in the university
website to be updated with the announcement of the administration. It also serves as a source
of entertainment. In fact, I usually watch films on this computer rather than going to the movies
as it helps me not only keep abreast of the latest film but also save a great deal of time having
to go to the cinema. Besides, I play online games and do some online shopping at times on this
computer whenever I wanna wind down.

All in all, I have to say that I’m a computer freak, and I can’t imagine living without it.

- gadget (noun): thiết bị

- come to mind (idiom): xuất hiện trong đầu

manufacture something (verb): sản xuất cái gi

- con figuration (noun): cấu hình

- cutting-edge (adj): tối tân

- cost an arm and a /eg (idiom): đắt đỏ

- vividly (adv): một cách rõ ràng

- with flying colours (idiom): đạt điếm cao

on a daily basis (adv): hàng ngày

- multifunctional (adj): đa chức năng

- indispensable (adj): không thế thiếu

- look something up (phrasal verb): tỉm kiếm cái gì

- go to the movies (verb phrase): đi xem phim ở rạp

- keep abreast of something (idiom): cập nhật cái gì

- a great deal of something (idiom): rất nhiều cái gì

al times (idiom): thình thoảng

- wind down (phrasal verb): thư giãn

- computer freak (noun phrase): người dam mê máy tính

Part 3

1. What is the best age for children to begin computer lessons?

I think the ideal age for children to start to learn computer lessons would be when they attend
secondary school. If they learn computer skills at a too young age, they might be easily tempted
to click on inappropriate-age content. Some students even become addicted to playing games,
which adversely affects their study.

- tempt somebody to do something (verb): xui khiến ai làm gì

- inappropriate-age content (noun): nội dung không phù hợp với lứa tuổi
- addicted to something (adj): nghiện củi gì
- adversely (adv): một cách không tốt

2. Do you think schools should use more technology to help children learn?

Yes. I think technology has become an indispensable part of education because of its great
benefits. Since children are familiar with state-of-the-art gadgets, integrating technology in
classroomscan make them get involved actively inlessons, and therefore relish the lessons more.
Besides, utilizing technology can help teachers ease their workload like writing on the board.

- indispensable (adj): một phần không thể thiếu

- state-of-the-art (adj): hiện đại
- gadget (noun): thiết bị
- get involved actively in (doing) someth ing (verb phr.): tham gia tích cực vào việc gì
- ease workload (verb phr.): giâm bớt khối lượng công việc

3. Do you think schools should use more technology to help children learn?

Yes. I think technology has become an indispensable part of education because of its great
benefits. Since children are familiar with state-of-the-art gadgets, integrating technology in
classroomscan make them get involved actively inlessons, and therefore relish the lessons more.
Besides, utilizing technology can help teachers ease their workload like writing on the board.

- indispensable (adj): một phần không thể thiếu

- state-of-the-art (adj): hiện đại
- gadget (noun): thiết bị
- get involved actively in (doing) someth ing (verb phr.): tham gia tích cực vào việc gì
- ease workload (verb phr.): giâm bớt khối lượng công việc

- be superseded by something (verb phr.): bị thay thế bởi củi gì

- labour-saving (adj): tiết kiệm sức lao động
- a great deal of something (idiom): nhiều cái gì
- make gradual progress (verb phr.): tiến bộ dần dần
- a good role model (noun): tấm gương tốt
- resolve something (verb): giải quyết việc gì

4. Could you suggest some reasons why some people are deciding to reduce their use of

There are two reasons that come to mind. Firstly, maybe because some people see their excessive
use of this gadget like spending hours scrolling mindlessly through social media, they find this
wastes a great deal of their time. Secondly, being glued to computers is extremely damaging to
their eyes. Many people end up being shortsighted. So, they make up their mind to reduce the use
of computers.

- come to mind (idiom): chợt nảy ra trong đầu

- excessive (adj): nhiều quả mức
- gadget (noun): thiết bị
- a great deal of something (idiom): nhiều cái gì
- be glued to (idiom): dán mát vào cái gì
- damaging to something (adj): có hại cho việc gì
- short-sighted (adj): bị cận
- make up one’s mind to do something (idiom): quyết định làm gì

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