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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, The Father of India, always has been a source of

inspiration. It is true to say, without Gandhi there is no Independent India. The
present world respects Mahatma by celebrating his birthday as the ‘International
Day of Non violence’.

M.K.Gandhi was born to Putlibhai and Karamchand Gandhi at

Porbandhar on October 2nd 1869. He was the youngest among his siblings. He
started school at the age of 7 and then got shifted to suburban school. Gandhiji
mentions a story about the arrival of school inspector Mr.Giles in his school for
inspection. Gandhiji got married at the age of 13 to Kasturba. After passing
matriculate exams, Gandhiji went to England for further learning. But he was
nervous about adjusting to the British ways of living as he was not a meat eater or
alcoholic. The noise of untruth troubled him.

The second part mentions about the returning back of Gandhi to India. There
he met Shri. Revashankar Jagjivan. Gandhiji talks about the 3 moderns that have
left a deep impression in his life. The 3 models include Raychand by his living
contact, Leo Tolstoy by his book, ‘The Kingdom of God Is Within You’; and
Ruskin by his ‘Unto The Last’.

Third part brings the first voyage of family along with Gandhi to South
Africa. Gandhiji developed the passion for self-help and simplicity. Gandhiji
returned back to India by providing all his expensive gifts received during the
farewell to the organized trust. Gandhiji was of the opinion that “a public worker
should accept no costly gifts”.

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