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Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100061

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Vermifiltration as a natural, sustainable and green technology for

environmental remediation: A new paradigm for wastewater
treatment process
Sudipti Arora a, *, Sakshi Saraswat b
Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Malaviya Industrial Area, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, 302017, India
Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan


Keywords: Wastewater treatment and reuse is one of the most promising efforts to stem global water crisis. With the present
Biofilter shift towards sustainable development as a priority, the wastewater companies should respond to this require-
Earthworms ment. To downturn, the negative impact of anthropogenic activities, advanced green technologies (AGTs) are
Green technology
being practiced. AGTs refer to a group of natural, green technologies that includes practical methodologies and
Wastewater treatment process
materials based on non-toxic chemical processes, clean energies, and environmental monitoring to slow down the
negative impact induced by human activities. The main motive of green technologies is to provide high end
results without compromising on environmental sustainability. Among all the existing options, green technology
such as vermifiltration is the natural & sustainable choice. Vermifiltration is an extension of the vermicomposting
process. It is a biofilter with earthworms, where the earthworms digest the suspended particles screened on the
filter bed, and degrade organic matter through enzymatic activity, and in the process of ingestion; they passively
aerate the system by burrowing action and removes pathogens. In this context, the present graphical review
envisages the current state of the technical knowledge of the vermifiltration process, factors affecting the process
and performance of vermifilters under different scenarios related to the treatment mechanisms and effective
applications and advantages of the technology. This technology is a stand-alone technology providing tremendous
benefits such as decentralized solution and high value end products like vermicompost and can be considered as a
new paradigm for wastewater treatment processes.

1. Introduction be a potential resource. A variety of centralised and decentralized

wastewater treatment technologies exists and is under implementation
According to the UN World Water Development Report 2020, water for the treatment and nutrients recovery. The capital cost, and operation
use has increased six-fold over the past century and is rising by about 1% and maintenance costs of centralised wastewater treatment facilities like
a year. However, it is estimated that climate change, along with the activated sludge process, trickling filter, aerated lagoon, ozone oxidation,
increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events – storms, floods and floatation and sedimentation are high as compared to decentralized fa-
droughts, will worsen the situation in developing nations which are cilities due to huge setup for machineries. These treatment facilities are
already experiencing ‘water stress’ and may generate parallel problems generally divided into primary, secondary and tertiary treatment di-
in regions that have not been severely affected. Water quality is said to be visions. Fig. 1 describes a typical wastewater treatment process which
affected by increased water temperatures and a decrease in dissolved includes preliminary screening (with mechanical grits) to exclude large
oxygen. This will, in turn, deteriorate the marine life and will result in floating material, followed by bars, fine screens, to remove grit. This is
loss of their habitat by phenomenon like eutrophication. To deal with the followed by the primary treatment that involves the settlement and
problem of water scarcity, the treatment of wastewater is considered as a sedimentation of fine solids resulting in the removal of suspended
possible alternative. Wastewater acts as a source of various valuable organic solid content from the water by 50%. Oxidation and biodegra-
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and if treated properly, it can dation is the fundamental basis of biological wastewater treatment.

* Corresponding author. Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, 6E, Malviya Industrial Area, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, 302017, India.
E-mail address: (S. Arora).
Received 31 October 2020; Received in revised form 22 December 2020; Accepted 22 January 2021
Available online 27 January 2021
2666-0865/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Arora, S. Saraswat Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100061

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a typical sewage treatment process as compared to a vermifiltration treatment process.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation along with design parameters of a vermifilter unit.

S. Arora, S. Saraswat Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100061

Fig. 3. Mechanism involved in the treatment of wastewater through vermifiltration technology.

Aerobic bacteria, sustaining in the optimized conditions, are responsible inside a biofilter which helps in removing the contaminants especially
for the significant reduction of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), organics and pathogens with the help of indigenous microorganisms.
chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and ammonia (NHþ 4 -N) levels Vermifiltration technology encompasses all forms of treatment, i.e. pri-
in the effluent. This is the main biological aspect of the process and in- mary (removal of grit, silt, etc.), secondary (biological degradation and
volves the two essentially linked steps of initial bio-processing and the nutrients removal) and tertiary (nutrients recovery) treatment technol-
subsequent removal of solids due to enhanced biological activity. The ogy into one unit. It is a compact biological wastewater treatment system
high concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) lead to eutro- as compared to other conventional systems (Fig. 1). Vermifiltration re-
phication of waterways. Therefore, to achieve an effective reduction, the sults in useful end products: treated effluent for reuse purposes and
effluent after the secondary treatment is passed to a tertiary treatment vermicompost. This vermicompost can be used in agricultural fields as
unit. In most cases, tertiary treatment is required as an advanced final organic manure. Moreover, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were
step to remove trace organics, remove high nutrient loads or to disinfect reported to be declined by 10% more in vermifilters compared to acti-
effluent, which adds significantly to the cost of wastewater treatment. At vated sludge systems; NHþ 4 N was also removed three times more in
the end of the process, the treated water may be suitable for reuse but vermifilters.
there can be difficulty in finding suitable outlets for the concentrated
sludge produced. Sludge management is another issue, requiring a 2. Design of a vermifilter
separate treatment unit. Furthermore, centralised wastewater treatment
also contributes to climate change as it generates greenhouse gases which The schematic diagram of a typical vermifilter is described in Fig. 2.
account for an estimated 3%–7% of all emissions. It is not suitable in The successful design and operation of the vermifilter are very crucial to
areas with low population densities and dispersed households, especially achieve efficient treatment performance in this technology. The effi-
in rural and hilly areas. In the face of these challenges, innovative ciency of any biological system is greatly influenced by the flow rate of
wastewater treatment and management interventions are being focused wastewater, which needs to be optimized. The optimal design of HLR
upon. The new trend is inclined towards advanced green technologies (Hydraulic Loading Rate) and HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time) plays a
(AGTs) such as decentralized, natural, green & sustainable on-site key role in maintaining high removal efficiency in a vermifilter. HRT is
treatment systems where there is scope for flexibility in management the time of interaction of wastewater with the filter media in which
and simplicity in operation. It is presumed that by adaptation of decen- earthworms reside, whereas HLR is the rate of application of wastewater
tralized wastewater treatment technologies, reliable and effective long- to the unit area of vermibed for unit time. An appropriate microbial
term solutions can be introduced. Major decentralized technologies community can only be established in the vermifilter when adequate
include membrane filtration, microbial fuel cells, nanotechnology, contact time is offered by providing longer HRT. Higher HLR reduces the
development of biological treatments and natural treatment systems such contact time for the biochemical reactions involved in the treatment
as wetlands and vermifilters. process. Both these parameters are dependent on the area, volume of the
Among all other AGTs, vermifiltration technology is one such inno- filter media bed and porosity of filter media layer. Thus, HLR and HRT
vative and emerging green technology which incorporates earthworms are calculated based on the size of the treatment system and may range

S. Arora, S. Saraswat Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100061

Fig. 4. Applications of vermifiltration technology for various kinds of wastewater treatment over the past decades [10–23].

between 3.5 and 8 h of HRT and 1.5–2.5 m3 m2 d1 of HLR, depending 3. Mechanisms
on the vermifilter dimensions.
Other design parameters include stocking density, health and matu- Vermifiltration is an extension of soil filtration or a biofilter with
ration conditions of earthworms. Stocking density refers to the population earthworms to speed up the decomposition processes, to utilize organics
of worms applied to the bed. There is always a need to maintain optimum to produce fresh manure which can be utilized in agriculture to support
earthworm concentration, as low density of earthworms may not stimu- healthy plant production. Wastewater passes through the active layer,
late and enhance microbial activities effectively. Moreover, earthworms where the organic matter is converted into humus enriched vermicom-
those are bigger in size can treat more efficiently compared to the smaller post by the earthworms. This is followed by the filtration through filter
one due to their voracious eating habits. The optimum stocking density media. Filter media supports the growth of microorganisms and subse-
lies between 15,000 and 20,000 worms/m3. Certain environmental con- quently, secondary treatment occurs. The grinding activity of the earth-
ditions such as pH, Temperature, ammonia and sodium, may affect the worms helps in increasing the total specific surface area present in the
earthworm’s survival and the treatment performance of wastewater. filter media, enabling higher absorption of the organic and inorganic
Earthworms survive best at the pH range of 6.2–9. They are poikilothermic contaminants from the wastewater. Dissolved and suspended particles
in nature thus their body temperature is significantly associated with the are trapped in the filter media as they percolate and are stabilized
outside temperature. 25–27  C is the optimum temperature range for the through complex bioprocesses that take place in the active layer. Dis-
activity, growth and reproduction of epigenic earthworm species. From solved components of wastewater move further down in the profiles,
several studies, it is observed that the earthworms that are capable of adsorbed into the surface matrix of media and are degraded by symbiotic
treating wastewater at higher moisture levels are Eisenia fetida, Perionyx action of earthworms released enzymes and microbes. The vermifilter
sansibaricus, Lumbricus rubellus, Eudrilus eugeniae and Eisenia hortensis. does not clog because earthworms improve aeration by the burrowing
Earthworms also need a suitable dwelling habitat to thrive upon and action and accelerate microbial activity by increasing the population of
perform its activity and functions so filter media or earthworm bedding, is soil microorganisms, thus increase speedy utilization of absorbed or-
another vital design parameter. For designing the ideal filter media, ganics. This symbiotic and synergetic activity of earthworms and
different materials have been utilized such as river bed gravels, sand, microorganism also change the physicochemical properties of the
cobblestone, glass beads and quartz sand. The characteristics of this filter wastewater. This treatment mechanism is explicitly described in Fig. 3.
media layer also influence the establishment of microbial biofilms and the
microbial community structure within the complex vermi-ecosystems, as 4. Applications
well as, on the treatment performance. Filter bed media also affects the
retention of wastewater and hydraulic conductivity. The operational and The vermifiltration technology has been applied as an environmental
environmental conditions play a very important role in vermifiltration friendly technique for the treatment of a wide range of wastewater ef-
process. It may be necessary to operate vermifilter in presence of high fluents as described in Fig. 4 [1]. Found that the removal efficiency of
moisture and sometimes under water-logged conditions. biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)

S. Arora, S. Saraswat Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100061

Fig. 5. Advantages of vermifiltration technology.

for domestic wastewater, within the vermifilter were 92% and 74% as 6. Conclusions
compared to a geofilter where it was observed to be 74% and 68%
respectively. A report focusing on the seasonal effects on vermifiltration Vermifiltration coupled with other technologies have been thor-
stated that higher BOD and COD removal was accomplished during oughly researched upon, especially in the past two decades as the need
spring and autumn seasons. Additionally, during summer, the indicator for water reuse and wastewater treatment is increasing in line with
bacteria removal was found to be 99.9%, Salmonella reduction by 96.9% climate change. Earthworms change the properties of biofilm present in
and E. coli by 99.3% [2]. In a study conducted by Ref. [3] for urban the active layer by their burrowing activity and ingestion. They also help
wastewater, treatment efficiencies for BOD5, COD, total suspended solids in the degradation of organic matter by symbiotic and synergistic in-
(TSS) and NHþ 4 were found to be 91.3%, 87.6%, 98.4% and 76.5% teractions with the indigenous microbes. It has been successfully applied
respectively. It was concluded that earthworms contributed to reduce for the treatment of municipal and industrial sewage. Some recent studies
4 and total nitrogen removal and increase NO3 concentration in the also point towards its worth for treating hospital and clinical laboratory
treated effluent. Lately, the traditional vermifilters have been integrated wastewater. Taking into account the pro-environmental politics world-
with other technologies for obtaining better removal and performance wide, it may be considered an interesting eco-innovation in wastewater
efficacies [4]. Analysed the potential of vermifiltration for the combined treatment. If applied on a full scale, vermifiltration technology would
treatment of wastewater and organic fraction of municipal solid waste help society reach the triple bottom line of sustainability: good for the
(OFMSW). OFMSW was placed as a top layer over the filter media and environment, good for the economy, and good for the people.
earthworms were found to convert it into organic manure [5]. Designed a
tower vermifilter system by the addition of one anaerobic biofilter for CRediT authorship contribution statement
pre-treatment, followed by two stages of vermifilters. They discovered
that this was a versatile system that could work effectively under a va- Sudipti Arora:(Corresponding author): Conceptualization, investi-
riety of natural and socioeconomic conditions at a reasonable cost. Ver- gation, resources, manuscript review and editing, corresponding author.
mifilters have also been attested to plants like Carex frankii [6], Cyprus Sakshi Saraswat: Data analysis, Writing -original draft of
rotundus [7] and Canna indica [8]. It was found that plants and earth- manuscript.
worms together play a vital role in the enhancement of the nutrient
removal efficacies and overall performance efficiency of the system. The Declaration of competing interest
effect of treated effluent on Allium cepa was investigated by Ref. [9] and
they found that the treated effluent was safe to be used for irrigation and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
agricultural practices. Recently, this technology has also been extended interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
for the treatment of hospital and clinical laboratory wastewaters. the work reported in this paper.

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