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 The tracking of training accomplishments is as easy as 1 click.

 Reports can be exported to Excel, Word or PDF.
 Individual courses or a complete curriculum can be assigned by job roles with
specific timeframes for accomplishment any time, or any place with internet
 Configurable report creation for custom/ad hoc report allows you to save reports
and share them with your team to retrieve commonly requested information.
 Reminders for course assignments help keep compliance on track. An employee
will receive email alerts until they complete the course.

Questions? - When logged in, chat in the Relias program

online. Visit Relias Connect from the Overview menu to email a
question. Call Trust University Relias Support at (800) 381-2321.
Email for additional help.
Supervisor Reports

Bulk Certificate Printing Report…………………………………………………………….2

Course Status Report……………………………………………………………………………5

DOC 1634 Training Plan Completion History Report…………………………….7

Doc 1640 Course Completion History Report……………………………………..11

Exam Scores Report……………………………………………………………………………16

Functions Common to Most Reports………………………………………………….18

Item Analysis Report……………………………………………………………………….….24

Learner Status Report…………………………………………………………….………….28

Saving a Report…………………………………………………………………………………..32

Scheduling Automated Reports……………………………………………………….…36

Shared Reports…………………………………………………………………………………..41

Skills Checklist Analytics Report………………………………………………………....45

Skills Checklist Assignment Detail Report………………………………………..….47

Training Hours……………………………………………………………………………….…..49
Bulk Certificate Printing Report

Bulk Certificate Printing Report

This report will allow Administrators and Reporting Supervisors to print certificates for
modules completed by selected sets of users en masse. The export will pull License/
Certification information previously added by each individual Learner, allowing the
Administrator or Supervisor to print certificates exactly as the Learner would.

If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.

Access to this report can be found under Reports >

Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on hierarchy levels. If you
wish to run the report for all Learners, leave this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report for an individual module or
group of modules. To add a module, click on the "Add Module(s)" button. In the new window
that appears, check the boxes next to the names of the modules that you wish to run the
report for and click the "Add" button. To run the report for all courses, leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners will be included on the
report. To run the report for all Learners, leave these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set additional parameters for how your report will
The Indiv./Mult. field which gives you access to run the report for all Learners
or one individual Learner. You also have the option to show each Learner on a
separate page, show external training entered by a Supervisor/Administrator,
and/or show trainings added manually by the Learner.

Bulk Certificate Printing Report

In this section, you will also specify the Date Type and Date Range for which you wish to
run your report. You can choose Date Type: Completed to show which modules have been
completed within a certain time frame or Due Date Range to show which modules have or
have not been completed based on if its due date falls within the range you choose.
Date Range allows you to choose the dates you wish to run the report for based upon the
Date Type chosen above. You can choose a preset date range from the drop-down or
choose Specify Dates to manually enter your date range.
Please Note: If running the report for Course Status: Not Completed or All, the report will
default to run by Due Date Range and you will want to be sure to expand the end date to
include the due date for the module for which the report is being run.
Once you have entered your filters and preferences, scroll to the top of the page and click
"Print Certificates."
Below is an example of a Bulk Certificate report. This report was run for just the Client Care
hierarchy, to show only completed modules, within a date range of 2/28/2014-3/31/2014.
Please Note: This report shows a list of ALL certificates for ALL Learners who match the parameters you set
for this report. The example below is only showing two Learners' certificates due to size restrictions.

Additional Information on the Bulk Certificate Printing Report

The Bulk Certificate Printing export will print certificates according to License/Certification
information entered by the individual Learners. This capability allows the Learner's
Professional License information to be printed on certificates for completed courses in which
the Learner is eligible to earn Continuing Education credit.
• For example, if a Learner is a Registered Nurse in the state of North Carolina
and has this information, including Professional License Number, entered into
the License/Certification tool, his/her certificates will print using this information
through the Bulk Certificate Printing export. If a Learner has more than one license/
certification entered into the License/Certification tool, the Bulk Certificate Printing
export will print two certificates, one for each of the Learner's licenses. For Learners
without License/Certificate information entered into the tool, including unlicensed
staff, the Bulk Certificate Printing export will print Certificates of Completion (No CE
Credit) for all completed modules.

The Bulk Certificate Printing export will print Certificates of Completion (No CE Credit) for all
Learners without License/Certification information entered into the tool, or for Learners who
have selected 'General Staff' as Professional Role in the License/Certification tool.

Bulk Certificate Printing Report

Course Status Report

Course Status
This report allows you to view the status of module enrollments due within a given date
range in several groupings. This report is best utilized to review current completions for a
module(s) against your training plan expectations.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.
Access this report under Reports >
Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on
hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
this field blank.
Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report for
an individual module or group of modules. To add a module, click
on the "Add Module(s)" button. In the new window that appears,
check the boxes next to the names of the modules that you wish to
run the report for and click the "Add" button. To run the report for all
modules, leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners
will be included on the report. To run the report for all Learners, leave
these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set additional parameters
for how your report will run.
This report runs based on a Due Date Range so be sure that the dates selected encompass
the due dates for any module(s) for which you wish to view the status. You can also choose
how your report will group the results. You can choose to group by Departments, User
Locations, Job Titles, Employment Types, or User Categories.
Additionally, you can also choose to add an optional column on this report to include the
course code.
After choosing what data the report will show, click the "Run Report" button. Below you will
see an example of a Course Status report grouped by Departments and run for all modules
due between 1/1/2014 and 12/31/2014.

Course Status Report

If you wish to view the specific modules assigned to 1 department, click the "+" to the left of
the department name.

Training Plan Completion History Report

Training Plan Completion History

This report shows historical completion and compliance data for training plans as of the reporting close date.
This report can be used to get a snapshot of how Learners have done with completing their training plans in a
timely manner over a certain time frame.
For purposes of this report, a Learner is considered compliant if he/
she is not yet past the due date for a given training plan enrollment.
Learners are considered non-compliant if they have passed their due
date without completing their requirement.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.

Access this report under Reports >

Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on
hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
this field blank.
Section 2: Filter by Training Plan allows you to choose the training
plan that you wish to report on. If you want to run the report for more
than one plan, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select
multiple training plans. If you wish to see results for all training plans,
leave section 2 blank.

Training Plan Completion History Report

Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners

will be included on the report. To run the report for all Learners, leave
these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output allows you to set additional parameters for
your report .
First, you will set the Close Date Range. This will pull any training
plan that have a close date within the time frame chosen. The close
date for each training plan type is:
• Non-Recurring - the close date occurs once all modules in the

training plan are completed

• Dynamic Recurring - the date is simply the recurrence cycle

(such as 365 days for an annual training plan) added to the

reporting start date

Fixed Recurring - the date will be the close date you entered on the Training Plan Details page

You can also choose how your report will be grouped: by

Departments, User Locations, Job Titles, Learner, Employment Type,
or User Categories.
Finally, you can choose to Include Current Training Plans to include
all actively assigned training plans. You also have the option to add
a column for username onto your report.

Training Plan Completion History Report

Below is an example of a Training Plan Completion History report run

with a Close Date of 1/1/2016-12/31/2016 for the Annual Training for
All Staff Annual grouped by Departments. To see the details for each
Department, click the "+" to the left of the Department name.

To see the compliance for each Learner enrolled into a particular

training plan, click on the title of the training plan. This will bring up a
separate window with:
• Learner - Learner's name

Training Plan Completion History Report

• Complete - the Learner's progress (Not Started, In Progress,

• Compliant - "Yes" if the Learner is compliant, "No" if he or she
is not
• Close Date - the training plan close date

To see specific information for one Learner, click on the Learner's name. This will re-direct
you to that Learner's Current Training page.

Course Completion History Report

Course Completion History

Please supplement this article by viewing our Relias Platform Reports- Course Completion
History video from our Video Tutorials library.
This report allows you to view completion records (both complete and not complete) for
modules (courses, live events and requirement trackers). This report is best utilized to see
which Learners have or have not completed their required training.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.
Access this report under Reports >
Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on hierarchy levels. If you
wish to run the report for all Learners, leave this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report for an individual module or
group of modules. To add a module, click on the "Add Module(s)" button. In the new window
that appears, check the boxes next to the names of the modules that you wish to run the
report for and click the "Add" button. To run the report for all courses, leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners will be included on the
report. To run the report for all Learners, leave these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set additional parameters for how your report will
run. The first field, Course Status, gives you three options:
• Completed - select just the Learners who have completed a module
• Not Completed - Select just the Learners who have NOT completed a module; this
is useful when you are trying to get a quick look at which Learners are missing a
requirement, OR
• All - Select Learners who have and have not completed a module

Course Completion History Report

Below Course Status is the Indiv./Mult. field which gives you access to run the report for
all Learners or one individual Learner. You also have the option to show each Learner on
a separate page, show external training entered by a supervisor/administrator or by the
Learner, and whether or not to include credit hours on the report.
In this section, you will also specify the Date Type and Date Range for which you wish to run your report. You
can choose Date Type: "Completed" to show which modules have been completed within a certain time frame
or "Due Date Range" to show which modules have or have not been completed based on if its due date falls
within the range you choose.
Date Range allows you to choose the dates you wish to run the report for based upon the
Date Type chosen above. You can choose a preset date range from the drop-down or
choose "Specify Dates" to manually enter your date range. Note: If running the report for
Course Status: Not Completed or All, the report will default to run by Due Date Range and
you will want to be sure to expand the end date to include the due date for the module for
which the report is being run.

Summary Chart Graph:

The Course Completion History report results include an exportable graph that summarizes
your report data. The graph's data can be customized using the filters located below the
chart. It may be grouped by Job Title, Hierarchy, Location, Department or Module. The data
displayed can be customized as well to view Course Status, Assigned Completions Count,
Assigned Completions %, Completes Hours or Average Grade (on pass).

To export a .png picture file of the Summary Chart Graph, click the export button at the top
right of the chart.

Course Completion History Report

The Course Completion History report results can be viewed as a Summary or as Full Data.
Select the Summary tab to view a summary of the data displayed on the Summary Chart
Graph. This feature is dynamic and updates immediately after a change has been made to
the grouping or data selections on the Summary Chart Graph. For example, if Job Title data
is displayed in the graph above, Job Title data will be shown in the Summary tab below.
Select the Full tab to view the complete Course Completion History report results.
Below is an example of a Course Completion History report that was run to show only
completed modules, within a date range of 12/31/2016 to 12/31/2017.
*Please note: This report shows the Completion Type column as a default column. This column includes
information to determine if the course was completed by the learner ( Completion) or if the learner was marked
complete by a supervisor/instructor/administrator (Marked Complete by ______).

Course Completion History Report

The next example shows a Course Completion History that was run to only show Not
Completed modules that had a due date range of 12/31/2016-12/31/2017.


The filters selected to run the Course Completion History report can be found below the data
in the bottom most section of the page.

Course Completion History Report

Exam Scores Report

Exam Scores
This report allows you to view exam attempts and scores for individual modules. This report
is best utilized to see how many attempts Learners are taking to pass an exam and what the
range of scores is.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.
Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on
hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
section 1 blank.
Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report for
an individual module or group of modules. To add a module, click on
the "Add Module(s)" button. In the new window that appears, check
the boxes next to the names of the modules that you wish to run the
report for and click the "Add" button. To run the report for all courses,
leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners
will be included on the report. To run the report for all Learners, leave
these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set the final parameters for
how your report will run.
Exam Status. First, you will choose if you wish to run the report for only Passed, Not Passed
or All Exams (both passed and failed attempts).
Exam Type. Next, you will need to specify the exam type(s) desired for the report. You can
choose Pre Exam, Final Exam, Exam, Test Out or All to include all four options.
Date Type. Next, you will set the Date Type and Date Range desired. You
can choose
Date Type "Completed" to show exam scores for modules completed
within a certain time frame or "Due Date Range" to show exam
scores for modules with due dates that fall within the range you
choose. (Note: If running for Date Type "Due Date Range" be sure to

Exam Scores Report

expand your end date out to encompass the due due of the module
for which you wish to view results).
Optional Columns. Lastly, you can choose to add any desired
Optional Columns to your report.
Below is an example of an Exam Scores Report run for one module.

Functions Common to Most Reports

Functions Common to Most Reports

Once you choose the report that most accurately shows the information that you need to
view, you will have a few optional sections to filter down the results of the your report. These
sections can vary by report, so please refer to the article that corresponds to the report you
are running for the most accurate information.
Section 1: Filter by Hierarchy
This section allows you to filter your report based on hierarchy levels.
To select a hierarchy level, simply click in the empty box below
"Hierarchy." This will bring up a list of all of the hierarchy levels that
you are able to choose from. Click on one or hold down your Ctrl key
on your keyboard and click on multiple. If you wish to run the report
for Learners in all hierarchy levels, leave this field blank.
Please note that if you are in the Supervisor role, you will only have
access to your hierarchy level in this field.

Functions Common to Most Reports

Section 2: Filter By Modules or Training Plans

Depending upon the report that you are running, you may have the option to select specific
modules or training plans for which the report will run. First, you will want to click the "+ Add
Module(s)" button.

In the new "Add Module(s)" window, you can search for a specific module(s) in the search
box, or you can add a filter (such as the Training Plan filter shown below) by clicking on
the "+ Filters" button. Choosing the Training Plan filter will bring up an "All Training Plans"
drop-down where you can choose a specific training plan for the report to show only data
for Learners enrolled into the modules through that training plan. Then, you will check the
box(es) next to the modules(s) that you choose and click the "Add" button.

Functions Common to Most Reports

You can then close out of the "Add Module(s)" window and you will see your module(s)
under Section 2 of the report page.
If you wish to run the report for all modules, leave Section 2 "Filter by Courses" field blank.

Section 3: Filter by User Attributes

This section will allow you to set additional parameters on what

Learners will appear on the report. The specific parameters do vary
by report but in almost all cases you can select from the following
parameters: Departments, User Locations, Job Titles, Employment
Types, User Categories, any Custom Fields set by your organization,
Learner Status and Hire Date. Similar to selecting a Hierarchy level,

Functions Common to Most Reports

to select any parameters in Section 3, click in the box below the field
you wish to filter, and choose your parameters.

Note: All parameters are in an AND relationship; therefore if you

choose the Client Care Department AND the Cary User Location,
Learners must meet both of these requirements to appear on the
report. This greatly narrows your reporting results.
To run your report for all Learners, leave all fields in Section 3 blank.

Section 4: Report Output

This section will allow you to decide how your report will run. If applicable, this will be the
section where you choose your Date Range and choose how the report will be grouped and
what optional columns will appear (Department, Hire Date, Job Title, etc). This section varies
the most between reports, so please see specific instructions in the report's corresponding
article. Relias Reports and Report Automation

Functions Common to Most Reports

Section 5 : Printing Your Report

After completing Section 4, you will scroll back to the top of the page and click "Run Report"
to view your data
After clicking Run Report, the report that you have just built will appear. Its not too late
though, if you need to make some changes!
If you decide to edit the filters that you have chosen, you will want to click the "Edit Filters"
button to take you back to the previous page where all of your filters will still appear.

Once your report shows the information that you need and you wish to print a copy, you will
want to export the report to one of our available formats and print from there. To do so, you
will want to click on the Export icon shown below, and choose your desired format.

Functions Common to Most Reports

Once in the chosen format, you can then print your report.
Please note: If you have chosen to export in PDF or Word, and the data
is not aligned within the margins, please change the orientation of your
report ( Portrait vs Landscape)
To learn about saving your reports, please refer to this article Saving
a Report Relias can also automate your report to be emailed to you or
your Supervisors. Please refer to this link to learn about that Scheduling
Automated Reports
Relias provides many different types of reports for a variety of module categories. The list
below contains some of the more common types of reports.
Course Status Report
Course Completion History Report
Exception Report
Learner Status Report
Training Hours Report
Training Plan Completion History Report
Item Analysis Report
Bulk Certificate Printing Report
Warning Emails Report

Item Analysis Report

Item Analysis
This report allows you to view answers to specific module exam questions either in
aggregated format or for individual Learner exam instances. This report would be used if you
have received feedback that a specific exam question is misleading, and you want to see
how many Learners are answering it correctly.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.
Access this report under Reports >
Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on
hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
this field blank.
Section 2: Filter by Course is a required field for the Item Analysis
report. To choose a module, click the "+ Add Module" button. In the
"Add Module" window, search for the module that you wish to run the
report for and click the "Select" button to the left of the module title.
Once you have chosen your module, you will select the "Lesson" you
wish to run the report for. In most instances there will only be one
lesson to choose from in the drop down menu.

Item Analysis Report

Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners

will be included on the report. In this report, there is also a field for
"Group/Individual." You can choose:
• Summary - This view shows how many Learners have chosen

each answer choice for an exam.

• Detailed First Attempt - This view gives you an option to name

an individual Learner and display the answers on his/her first

attempt of an exam.
• Detailed Last Attempt - This view gives you an option to name an individual Learner and display the
answers on his/her first attempt of an exam.

Choosing Detailed First or Last Attempt will bring up another field titled "Learner" where you
can specify the individual Learner for whom you wish to run this report.
Section 4: Report Output allows you to choose the time frame for which you wish the report
to run. This date will pull all exam completions within the specified date range.
Below is an example of an Item Analysis Report run for Summary View which will display:
• Question - Exam question
• Choices - Exam question choices
• Correct Choice - Correct exam answer
• Times Taken - Displays the number of times the exam question has been taken
• % Correct - Percentage of Learners who answered exam question correctly
• Distribution - Percentage of Learners who answered each exam question choice

Item Analysis Report

Below is an example of an Item Analysis report run for Detailed Last Attempt which will

• Question - Exam question

• Choices - Exam question choices
• Correct Choice - Correct Exam answer
• Times Taken - Displays if this exam question was presented to the learner. A times
taken value of 0 means that the exam question was not presented to the Learner
• % Correct - Displays if this exam question was answered correctly by the Learner
• Response - The response choices selected by the Learner

Item Analysis Report

Learner Status Report

Learner Status
Please supplement this article by viewing our Reports - Learner Status tutorial from our
Video Tutorials library.
This report allows you to view the status of module enrollments for individual Learners due
within a given date range. It is best utilized when you want to review individual completion
status to ensure that Learners are on target with your training requirements.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.
Access this report under Reports >
Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on
hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report
for an individual module, a group of modules or for a Training Plan.
To add a module, click on the "Add Module(s)" button. In the new
window that appears, check the boxes next to the names of the
modules that you wish to run the report for and click the "Add" button.
To add a Training Plan, click on the Training Plan toggle. Then,
select the "Add Training Plan(s)" button. In the new window that
appears, check the boxes next to the names of the Training Plans
that you wish to run the report for and click the "Add" button. *Note:
When the Training Plan toggle is selected, the report will only contain
data for users that completed training assigned through the selected
Training Plan(s).
To run the report for all courses, leave Section 2 blank.

Learner Status Report

Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners

will be included on the report. To run the report for all Learners, leave
these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to specify your Due Date Range, add any optional
columns to your report and select the Simplified Learner Status Report View that provides
you with the option to group report details by Hierarchy.
Simplified Learner Status View Report Output Options:

Once you have entered all desired filters and set your date range, scroll to the top of the
page and click "Run Report." Below is an example of a Learner Status report run for all
Learners and all modules due between 1/1/2015 and 3/31/2018. Clicking on a Learner's
name will re-direct you to that individual Learner's transcript. Clicking the "+" beside a
Learner's name will display the list of courses assigned with the corresponding status for
each course checked.

Learner Status Report

Below is an example of a Simplified Learner Status report grouped by

Hierarchy for all Learners and all modules due between 1/1/2015 and
3/31/2018. Clicking on the "+" beside a Hierarchy title will display the
learners assigned to that Hierarchy. Clicking on a Learner's name will
re-direct you to that individual Learner's transcript. Clicking the "+"
beside a Learner's name will display the list of courses assigned with
the corresponding status for each course checked.

Learner Status Report

Saving a Report

Saving a Report
Please supplement this article by reviewing our Reports- Saving and Automating
Reports video from our Video Tutorials library.

The functionality to save a report creates an easier process to track compliance of your staff.
Commonly run reports can be saved and accessed with one click once you have logged in
to the RLMS.

If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports and the specific instructions to run the report that you wish to save, please do so
before continuing with this article.

Once your report is customized with the filters that you need, you will want to create a
dynamic date range (this month, this quarter, year-to-date, etc.) that will update every day
rather than a static date range. For example, instead of running a report for 1/1/2015 -
1/31/2015, you will choose a Date Range of "This Month." If you choose "Specify Dates,"
the report will always run for the dates that you input.
For this article, we will save a Not Completed report for This Month using the Course
Completion History Report.

Saving a Report

Saving a Report

Once your report is customized and your dynamic date range is set, scroll to the top of the
page and click "Save My Report"

It will then prompt you to enter a name for your saved report. Enter a name to help you
remember what the report shows and click "Save."

Clicking "Save" will run your report.

If you click back on your Reports page and click the Saved Reports tab, you will now see
your saved report beside the report type that you just accessed.

Saving a Report

• To run the report, click on the name of your saved report ("Not Completed for This
• To edit the filters of the report, click the "pencil" icon to the left of the saved report

The easiest way to access your saved reports is from the Dashboard page when you first log in to the site.
Under Announcements, you will now see a field titled, "My Saved Reports." To run the report, click on the title
of your saved report ("Not Completed for This Month"). This will provide you a one-click option to show you the
results of the report using the filters that you selected when you saved it.

It is also possible to have your saved reports automatically sent to you via email once
a week, or once a month. To learn more about this process, please view our article
on Scheduling Automated Reports.

Scheduling Automated Reports

Scheduling Automated Reports

Please supplement this article by viewing our Reports- Saving and Automating Reports
video from our Video Tutorials .
The functionality to schedule automated reports that are sent to your email address make
tracking and reporting compliance a simple process.
The first step to scheduling automated reports is to create a saved
report on your Reports page. To learn how to do this please visit our
Saving a Report article.
To schedule your saved report to automatically send to yourself,
other Administrators, Supervisors, or Instructors, go to your Reports
tab and click the "Envelope" icon to the left of your saved report.

Section 1: Schedule allows you to set the schedule for your report.
First, you will have the option to choose if you would like the report to be sent Monthly or
Weekly. If you choose Monthly, you can specify the day of the month it will be sent every
month. For example, if you chose 1, the report will be emailed to the recipients on the 1st of
every month.

Scheduling Automated Reports

If you choose Weekly, you will have the ability to choose which day of the week the report
is delivered. For example, if you choose Monday, the report will generate an email to the
specified recipients every Monday.

Scheduling Automated Reports

In this section, you will also have the ability to choose which file format your report will be
sent: PDF, Excel (XLS), or CSV.
Finally in the Schedule section, you will have the ability to add an optional Subject and
Message field for the email containing the report.

Scheduling Automated Reports

Section 2: Recipients allows you to choose which Administrators and/or Supervisors will receive this report.
First, you will click the "+ Add Users" button

In the new "Add Users" window that appears, check the box(es) next to the Administrator(s),
Supervisor(s), and/or Instructor(s) that you wish to receive the report. Then click the "Add
Users" button. If you would like to receive this report, be sure to check the box next to your
name as well.
This will send the chosen individuals to the Recipients section.

Scheduling Automated Reports

To remove recipients, check the box to the left of his or her name and click the "Remove"

Once you have set your preferences for Schedule and Recipients, scroll to the top of the
page and click the "Save" button. Now, the report will be automatically run on the schedule
you specified and emailed to the designated recipients.

3/5/2019 Shared Repor

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Shared Reports

Reports can be shared in the Relias site, from Administrators to Supervisors, and from Supervisor to Supervisor. Find out how in this article

Feb 14, 2019 • Knowledge

Reports - Shared Reports

Sharing a Saved Report

Administrators and Supervisors can now share their saved reports. This functionality saves time for Administrators and Supervisors, and it makes the

process of tracking your staff's compliance easier. Shared Reports can be set up to respect the level of access established by your organization's


If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Reports - Saving a Report
(, Hierarchy - Creating and
Editing (
hierarchy) and Hierarchy - Additional Hierarchy Access
please do so before continuing with this article.

3/5/2019 Shared Reports

3/5/2019 Shared Reports 43
3/5/2019 Shared Reports

Privacy Statement 44
Skills Checklist Analytics Report

Skills Checklist Analytics Report

This report will allow an Administrator or reporting Supervisor to see summary statistics
that show how all Learners are doing for each checklist and each checklist task. The Skills
Checklist Analytics Report breaks information down at the checklist level, and can be further
broken down by Observer. The Skills Checklist Analytics report can be exported to multiple
file formats (Excel, PDF, CSV), and can be saved and set on an automatic email frequency.

If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.

Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on hierarchy levels. If you
wish to run the report for all Learners, leave this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Skills Checklists allows you to filter and run the report for an individual
checklist or multiple checklists. To add a module, click on the Add Module(s) button. In the
new window that appears, check the boxes next to the names of the Skills Checklists that
you wish to run the report for and click the Add button. To run the report for all checklists,
leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners will be included on the
report. To run the report for all Learners, leave these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set additional parameters for how your report
will run. Choose an Observer to narrow down the checklists that are tied to an Approved
Observer. You can also view checklists by the date they were observed. You can choose a
preset date range from the drop-down or choose Specify Dates to manually enter your date
Below is an example of a Skills Checklist Analytics report. This report was run for all
Hierarchies, showing checklists observed between 9/30/2013 - 3/31/2015.

Skills Checklist Analytics Report

Please Note: You can click the little ( + ) sign next to each checklist's name to view the
tasks associated with that module, as well as how many Learners Met or did Not Meet the
requirements for each.

Skills Checklist Assignment Detail Report

Skills Checklist Assignment Detail

This report will allow an Administrator or reporting Supervisor to view individual Skills
Checklist observations for Learners, and also have the ability to see details at the individual
task level. The Skills Checklist Assignment Detail Report breaks information down at the
individual Learner level, and can be further broken down by checklist status (completed,
not completed, all) and Observer. The Skills Checklist Assignment Detail report can be
exported to multiple file formats (Excel, PDF, CSV), and can be saved and set on an
automatic email frequency.

If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.

Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on hierarchy levels. If you
wish to run the report for all Learners, leave this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Skills Checklists allows you to filter and run the report for an individual
checklist or multiple checklists. To add a module, click on the Add Module(s) button. In the
new window that appears, check the boxes next to the names of the Skills Checklists that
you wish to run the report for and click the Add button. To run the report for all checklists,
leave Section 2 blank.
Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners will be included on the
report. To run the report for all Learners, leave these fields blank.
Section 4: Report Output will allow you to set additional parameters for how your report will
run. The first field, Course Status, gives you three options:
• Completed - select just the Learners who have completed a module
• Not Completed - Select just the Learners who have NOT completed a module; this
is useful when you are trying to get a quick look at which Learners are missing a
requirement, OR

Skills Checklist Assignment Detail Report

• All - Select Learners who have and have not completed a module

Below Course Status is the Indiv./Mult. field which gives you access to run the report for all Learners or one
individual Learner. You also have the option to show each Learner on a separate page,narrow down the results
buy selecting an Observer, show only Met Skills Checklists (vs. all checklists), and whether or not you wish to
view Observer's Notes on the results.
In this section, you will also specify the Date Type and Date Range for which you wish to run
your report. You can choose Date Type: Observation Date to show which checklists have
been completed within a certain time frame, or Due Date Range to show which checklists
have or have not been completed based on whether the due date falls within the date range
you choose.
Date Range allows you to choose the dates you wish to run the report for based upon the
Date Type chosen above. You can choose a preset date range from the drop-down or
choose Specify Dates to manually enter your date range.
There is also an Optional Columns drop down which will enable you to add more columns to your results.
Below is an example of a Skills Checklist Assignment Detail report. This report was
run for all Hierarchies, to show only Skills Checklists observed within a date range of
Please Note: You can click the ( + ) sign to the left of a Learner's name to view the
individual tasks of a checklist, as well as see whether the learner Met or did Not Meet the

Training Hours Report

Training Hours
This report allows you to view a list of modules completed by Learners for a selected date
range. An example of when to use this report would be, if you need to retrieve transcripts in
bulk for all Learners from the previous year.
If you have not already reviewed the training materials on Functions Common to Most
Reports please do so before continuing with this report.

Access this report under Reports >

Section 1: Filter By Hierarchy allows you to filter your report based on

hierarchy levels. If you wish to run the report for all Learners, leave
this field blank.

Section 2: Filter By Courses allows you to filter and run the report for
certain modules. There are seven different drop-downs that you can
use to customize and filter down the results of your report.

All Course Topics - Allows you to choose to run the report for only
modules relating to a certain topic:

All Service Populations - Allows you to choose only modules relating

to a specific service population:

All Learner Types - Allows you to filter by modules pertaining to a

certain type of Learner:

All F Tags - Allows you to choose modules that correspond with a

particular F Tag:

Training Hours Report

- Allows you to choose modules that correspond with a

All G Tags
particular G Tag:

All L Tags - Allows you to choose modules that correspond with a

particular L Tag:

All RBT - Allows you to focus on modules associated with a certain

section of the RBT Task List:

Section 3: Filter by User Attributes allows you to filter which Learners

will be included on the report. To run the report for all Learners, leave
these fields blank.

Training Hours Report

Section 4: Report Output allows you to set additional parameters for your report.

First, you will need to decide if you wish to run your report for "All Learners" or
"Individual" (one Learner) which you can designate in the "Indiv./Mult." drop-down. If you
choose "Individual", an additional drop-down will appear below allowing you to choose that
individual Learner's name.

Additionally, you can choose to have each user display on a separate page of the report and
whether or not to include External Training.

Finally, you will set your Completion Date Range. This report pulls only completions thus
your report will pull any completions within the date range you choose.

Once your parameters are set, scroll to the top of the page and click "Run Report." Below
is an example of a Training Hours Report run for all Learners to pull data for all module
completions between 10/1/2014 and 12/31/2014.

Training Hours Report


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