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Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

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Nitrogen content reduction on scenedesmus obliquus biomass used to

produce biocrude by hydrothermal liquefaction
Alejandra M. Miranda a, David Ocampo b, Gabriel J. Vargas c, Luis A. Ríos b, Alex A. Sáez a, *
Biological Sciences and Bioprocesses Group, School of Biological Sciences, Universidad de EAFIT Carrera 49, # 7 sur 50, Medellín, Colombia
Industrial and Chemical Processes Group, School of Engineering, Universidad de Antioquia, Calle 70 # 52 - 21, Medellin, Colombia
I&D Cementos Argos S.A, Centro de Argos para la Innovación, Carrera 49, número 7 sur 50, Medellín, Colombia


Keywords: The use of Microalgae biomass for biofuel production by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) has been proposed as
Microalgae an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. When comparing fossil fuels, Microalgae biocrude has a high nitrogen
Bio-oil content, which is one of the challenges that affect this technology. This factor causes operational issues because it
Hydrothermal liquefaction
lowers the carbon fraction in the chemical composition, which reduces the calorific value and, as a result, raises
NOx emissions during combustion.
Scenedesmus obliquus
In this work, conditions were established for obtaining Microalgae biomass to allow the production of bio­
crude with low nitrogen content by HTL. The effect of the variation in nitrogen levels on the culture medium, on
cell growth and nitrogen content, was evaluated in the final biomass for the Scenedesmus obliquus strain; at a
laboratory scale, the best results (around 0.25 g/L NaNO3) were used at a bench scale with 20 L tubular pho­
tobioreactors (PBRs). The remaining biomass was processed through HTL then the resulting biocrude was
characterized. The results show that as the nitrogen source in the culture medium increases, the percentage of
nitrogen in the remaining biomass and the biocrude produced also increases. It was possible to establish a
concentration of nitrogen source in the culture medium that promotes the accumulation of lipids, decreases the
protein content in the final biomass and consequently, in the biocrude, without affecting production and yield, a
critical factor to take into consideration when assessing the viability of the proposed process.

1. Introduction proteins into biocrude, with a higher energy density compared to the
first- or second-generation materials [9–11].
The current global energy crisis is driving the search for alternative When comparing technologies such as lipid extraction, using sol­
energy sources, with biomass showing promise as a substitute for fossil vents and subsequent transesterification to produce fatty acid methyl
fuels [1]. Microalgae biomass has generated significant interest among esters (FAMEs), against LHT it has been shown that the latter is much
various types of raw materials due to its multiple advantages (fast more efficient in the use of reagents, energy requirements can be
growth rate, high productivity levels, does not compete for land, among reduced by 50%, freshwater consumption by 33% and nitrogen and
others) [2], in addition to its ability to capture greenhouse gases (GHGs), phosphorus demand were reduced by 44% [12].
mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for 68% of these emissions LHT compared to fast pyrolysis can achieve higher biocrude yields,
and is considered one of the main causes of global climate change [3,4]. lower coke production and energy consumption. Furthermore, LHT
To produce biofuels from Microalgae biomass, various conversion biocrude has a higher energy density and superior quality in terms of its
techniques have been developed (fermentation, pyrolysis, gasification thermal and storage stability [13]. In addition to this, the biocrude from
and HTL) [5]. HTL is considered a promising technology for biocrude pyrolysis have a higher oxygen content, which reduces the quality of the
production because it converts wet biomass (80%–95% by weight) into biocrude and results in inconveniences for the improvement process
energy-dense biocrude, meaning that the significant amounts of energy [13].
required by other processes to dry the biomass are no longer required One of the main technical issues affecting the biocrude produced by
[6–8]. It has been reported that LHT can convert both carbohydrates and HTL from Microalgae biomass is the presence of heteroatoms (nitrogen,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.A. Sáez).
Received 26 January 2021; Received in revised form 21 July 2021; Accepted 28 July 2021
Available online 6 August 2021
0016-2361/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

oxygen, sulphur up to 7%, 9% and 1.5%, respectively) originating from Beam Spectrophotometer. The final cell concentration (in g/L) was
proteins and nucleotides [9–11]. These compounds generate sediments determined by dry weight correlation using cellulose ester filters
and rubbers, reduce fuel quality and have low thermal stability [6,9,10]. (Advantec MFS, Inc) with a pore size of 0.45 μm, a diameter of 47 mm
Additionally, the high nitrogen content hinders the refining of biocrude and Sartorius Mark 3 moisture analyzers [20].
for biofuel production, deactivating the catalysts used and causing the
formation of ammonia, which is difficult to manage at the plant. 2.2.3. Biomass separation, drying and bromatological analysis
Different strategies have been studied to solve the problem of nitrogen The final biomass produced from S. obliquus was separated in all tests
content in biocrude, such as the two-step approach to HTL and the using an Eppendorf centrifuge at 4200 rpm for five minutes. The pre­
evaluation of different catalysts, among others [6,10]. However, the cipitate obtained was washed three times with type I distilled water and
results have not been satisfactory, due to more research must conduct on dried in a forced convection furnace for 48 h at 40 ◦ C. Additionally, the
processes that make it possible to produce biocrude with a low nitrogen biomass produced at a bench scale was analysed for moisture, ash, total
content. One possible alternative to this problem is to reduce the ni­ fat, raw fibre and percentage of nitrogen using AOAC 945.15, 923.03,
trogen content in the Microalgae biomass used in HTL. Chew et al. [12] 920.39, 962.09 and 990.03, respectively.
report that limiting the supply of nitrogen during cultivation increases
up to 50% in lipid productivity and reduces the synthesis of proteins in 2.3. Biocrude production
the microalgae. Yeesang and Cheirsilp [13] claim that microalgae
respond to nitrogen limitation in the culture medium, degrading nitro­ The biomass liquefaction was conducted in a 250 mL PARR4576 B
gen macromolecules and accumulating carbon reserve compounds, such reactor, which was loaded with 25 g of biomass. Deionized water was
as polysaccharides and lipids, which decrease the percentage of nitrogen used as the solvent and the catalyst was K2CO3 in a proportion of about
present in the final biomass. In several species of microalgae, the vari­ 50% (w / dw biomass). The atmosphere was pressurized with 10 bars of
ation of the nitrogen content in the culture medium is an important argon and brought up to approximately 300◦ C. The reaction time was
factor in productivity levels and in the production of metabolites such as 60 min with constant stirring at 360 rpm. The reaction products were
proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, among others [1,14]. This work es­ separated at room temperature.
tablishes the effect of the variation of nitrogen levels in the culture For the recovery of the biocrude in the solid and aqueous products,
medium on cell growth; on the nitrogen content of the final biomass; and acetone and dichloromethane are used, respectively, at a ratio of 18.2%
on the biocrude produced by HTL for the Scenedesmus obliquus wt, In Fig. 1 is shown the flow process of this biocrude production and
(S. obliquus) strain at a laboratory scale and at a bench scale with 20 L the separation of the different products [15 –18]. Likewise, the biocrude
tubular photobioreactors (PBRs). yield was quantified in the different fractions using the following
2. Materials and methods
final dry weight biocrude
Biocrude yield(%) = *100 (1)
loaded dry weight biomass
2.1. Materials
solid fraction dry weight
The S. obliquus strain (ATCC® 11457) was provided by the American Solid yield(%) = *100 (2)
loaded dry weight biomass
Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and preserved at the biotechnology
laboratory of the Centro Argos para la Innovación (CApI) located at the Furthermore, the biocrude obtained after the reaction was charac­
Medellín campus of Universidad EAFIT. Bench scale tests were per­ terized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The calorific value was
formed using 20 L cylindrical PBRs made of transparent acrylic. Gases determined using a calorimeter (Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter Parr
dispersed using a membrane diffuser located at the bottom of the PBR. 6400) under ASTM D240 (Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon
The culture medium used at the laboratory and bench scale tests was the Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter) and API gravity was determined by corre­
Bristol’s Modified Medium (BMM) in which the nitrogen concentration lation based on density (15 ◦ C) (g/mL) ASTM D 4052. The percentage of
(NaNO3) was modified, and the other components remained constant nitrogen in the biocrude was quantified using the Kjeldahl method [19].
[20]. In Fig. 1 the flow process of the biocrude production in this study is
2.2. Methods
2.4. Product characterization
2.2.1. Cell propagation
The inoculum used in the laboratory scale tests was grown in 5 L of The elemental compositions of the biocrude were determined using a
sterile BBM - liquid, no modifications, at room temperature, with a lu­ Leco brand TruSepc CHNS-O micro-elemental analyzer. The higher
minous intensity of 52 μmol/m2s, a 12:12 photoperiod and CO2- calorific value of the biocrude was determined using the Dulong for­
enriched air bubbling. The inoculum used in the bench scale test was mula, as it is shown in equation (3) [15,20,21,22,23,24].
developed in 20 L cylindrical PBRs, with an airflow of 2.5 Lpm, 3% CO2- ( )
enriched air bubbling, natural photoperiods, an initial cell concentration HHV = 0.338*C + 1.428((H − ) (3)
kg 8
of 0.2 g/L and unsterilized liquid BBM.
The nitrogen concentrations evaluated at a laboratory scale were where C, H, O, correspond to the composition (%) of each element in the
0.80–0.65–0.40–0.25–0.10 g/L of NaNO3. Based on these tests, the final biocrude obtained for the different treatments.
concentrations to be evaluated at the bench scale were established at The chromatographic results of the biocrude were determined using
0.25 and 1.0 g/L NaNO3. Additionally, both tests evaluated the effect of Agilent Technology 7890A Chromatograph with a mass detector|5975C.
initial cell concentration (Xo) in 0.2–0.4 g/L values (laboratory scale) a column no polar DB-5HT (30 m, 0.25 mm y 0.10 mm) was used to
and 0.2–1.0 g/L values (bench scale) separate the components. Tetradecane was used as an internal standard
to quantify the main compounds of the biocrude. According for database
2.2.2. Cell growth kinetics (NIST 2005), for coincidences of signals >95%.
A 2-mL sample was taken every 48 h to establish cell growth kinetics
for each treatment at the laboratory scale. The cell concentration was
quantified through the optical density method, using a 680-nm wave­
length. The spectrophotometer used was a HALO RB-10 UV–VIS Ratio

A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

Fig. 1. Process flow for obtaining the different stages and products resulting from the HTL method using Microalgae biomass.

2.5. Experiment design and statistical analysis 3. Results

To establish the effect of the variations in the nitrogen concentration 3.1. Laboratory scale
in the culture medium on cell growth, nitrogen content in the final
biomass and in the biocrude for the S. obliquus strain cultivated at lab­ Fig. 2 shows the cell growth kinetics of the S. obliquus strain
oratory scale, a 5 × 2 factorial design was used with five levels of factor measured at laboratory scale by the spectrophotometric method at
I, NaNO3 nitrogen source (0.10–0.25–0.40–0.65–0.80 g/L), and two different treatments of the experimental design. The growth pattern of
levels of factor II, initial cell concentration (0.20–0.40 g/L), performing the different treatments exhibits an adaptation phase in the first six days,
three replicates for each treatment for 30 experimental units. At a bench followed by an exponential phase which ranged between seven and 28
scale a 2 × 2 factorial design was developed, comprised of two factors: days of cultivation, ending with a stationary phase. The treatments that
factor I, a nitrogen source of 0.25–1.00 g/L NaNO3; and factor II, an yielded the highest cell concentration of 1.29 and 1.27 g/L were 0.25 g/
initial cell concentration of 0.20–1.00 g/L. Treatments were performed L NaNO3–0.2 g/L X0 and 0.4 g/L NaNO3–0.2 g/L Xo, respectively.
in triplicate with 12 experimental units. Statistical analysis of the results Based on the analysis of variance, it was found that there is a sta­
was conducted using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a reliability of tistically significant difference with a p < 0.05 between the mean cell
95%. The ANOVA assumptions were verified through Shapiro - Wilk, growth for the treatments using 0.10, 0.65 and 0.80 g/L NaNO3
Kolmogorv, Levene and Durbin–Watson tests. The LSD (Least Square compared to 0.25 and 0.40 g/L NaNO3 (Fig. 3), where the initial cell
Difference) multi-range test was used to determine whether there are concentration was 0.2 g/L with a confidence level of 95%. Likewise, for
significant differences among treatments. The error bars in the graphs the main effect analysis no interaction between factors was found.
correspond to the statistical error in the replicate of each treatment [25]. This result indicates that the different concentrations of the nitrogen
STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI was used for the statistical analysis. source influence the final cell concentration. The results obtained with
an initial biomass concentration of 0.4 g/L under different nitrogen
concentrations exhibited significant differences in the final cell con­
centration (X) dependent variable (Fig. 3) (matching letters in Fig. 3
correspond to statistically homogeneous groups according to the LSD

Fig. 2. S. obliquus growth curves at different concentrations (NaNO3) with an initial cell concentration of (a) 0.2 g/L and (b) 0.4 g/L.

A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

significant difference between treatments (p < 0.05) based on the

analysis of variance. The highest percentage of nitrogen in the final
biomass found in treatments with 0.65, in the culture medium 0.80 g/L
NaNO3 while the lowest final percentage of nitrogen in the biomass was
achieved by treatments from 0.10 to 0.25 g/L NaNO3. The former sug­
gests that higher levels of NaNO3 in the culture medium favors the
assimilation of nitrogen by the microalgae for use in the synthesis of
proteins and other biomolecules [26].
In addition, as the different concentration of fed NaNO3 showed a
significant effect on microalgae growth, meanwhile for the initial cell
concentrations did not show differences between treatments. Then, the
second phase of experiments was conducted in FBRs using the concen­
trations that produced the highest cell growth.

Fig. 3. Final cell concentration of S. obliquus for treatments with an initial cell 3.2. Bench scale
concentration of 0.2 and 0.4 g/L at different NaNO3 concentrations.
Fig. 5 shows the S. obliquus cell growth curves of the different
multi-range test, with a confidence level of 95%). treatments through day 23 of cultivation in PBRs.
Based on the above, it is inferred that the variation in the concen­ The results obtained from the initial cell concentrations of 0.2 and
tration of nitrogen source affects the final cell concentration, also 1.0 g/L are shown in Fig. 6, where the treatments with 0.20 g/L NaNO3
justified in the fact that nitrogen is considered an essential factor in yielded higher final cell concentration values. The analysis of the dif­
microalgae growth and that its variation impacts the biosynthesis of ference in the final cell concentration, setting the initial concentration at
proteins, nucleic acids and pigments, such as chlorophylls, among others 0.2 g/L, shows that the nitrogen concentration has a positive effect. This
[26]. is confirmed through statistically significant differences (p < 0.05),
The treatments with 0.25 and 0.40 g/L NaNO3 exhibit the greatest which appear by applying the analysis of variance to final cell concen­
cell growth, compared to 0.10 g/L NaNO3. These results are likely due to trations. The results show that an increase in the concentration of ni­
the limitation of the nitrogen source in the culture medium, decreasing trogen source in the culture medium in turn increases cell growth, which
biomass productivity levels to the extent that the depletion of nitrogen indicates that nutrient availability is a crucial factor in regulating the
levels prevents cell division and maintenance in the microalgae [26]. growth and development of microalgae as reported by other authors
Jiang et al. [27] report that cell growth could be sensitive to high [31–32].
deficiency levels in the nitrogen source of the culture medium. Instead, From the results obtained, it is clear that the treatments carried out in
when nitrogen deficiency is less severe, the photosynthesis mechanism BRF presented a higher final cell concentration (>50%) compared to the
could be functioning, resulting in high cell growth and lipid production procedure at a laboratory scale. It is possibly due to conditions such as
rates [28]. light and natural light intensity, which favor cell growth [33].
The treatments with 0.65–0.80 g/L NaNO3 had higher cell growth The results of the quantification of the percentage of nitrogen in the
levels compared to the treatment with 0.10 g/L NaNO3, but less than final biomass (Fig. 7- Matching letters correspond to statistically ho­
treatments with 0.25–0.40 g/L NaNO3. It is possible because the growth mogeneous groups according to the LSD multi-range test, with a 95%
rate tends to increase only to a certain extent with the increase in ni­ confidence level) show that a greater amounts of nitrogen source in the
trogen concentration, which is probably an indication of cell growth culture medium results in a higher percentage of nitrogen in the final
inhibition [28–30]. biomass due to an increase in protein formation and assimilation by the
As for the variation in initial cell concentration, no statistically sig­ metabolism of microalgae, in contrast to what happens with nitrogen
nificant differences were found (p > 0.05), which means that the vari­ starvation in most species of microalgae, which promoted the accumu­
ation in the initial concentration of the range under evaluation had no lation of lipids or carbohydrates (Table 1), and decreases protein con­
impact on the final cell concentration of the microalgae with a confi­ tent, as indicated in other publications [26,9,31]. In terms of the
dence level of 95 %. variation in initial cell concentration, no statistically significant differ­
Nitrogen amounts observed in the final biomass in Fig. 4 (matching ences were found (p > 0.05) during the procedure, which means that the
letters correspond to statistically homogeneous groups according to the variation in the initial concentration had not impacted the nitrogen
LSD multi-range test, with a confidence level of 95 %) showed a content in the biomass upon completion of the tests.
The total fat content of the different treatments (Table 1) includes
triglycerides and terpenes, which are compounds essential to the HTL
process to the extent they lead to the hydrogenation of triglycerides to
generate fatty acids, as well as hydrocracking and hydrogenation of
terpenes when subjected to high temperature and pressure conditions in
a reducing atmosphere (H2). These products are the precursors of
typical diesel alkanes. Therefore, Table 1 shows that the lowest con­
centration of NaNO3 is favorable from this standpoint.
The percentage of fiber obtained from the different treatments
amounted to 15.4–16.4 %, which is similar to the percentages reported
by Andrade et al. [34] for the Scenedesmus sp. strain.
The ash content obtained in each test are very similar to one another,
due to which organic matter that can be similarly transformed is ex­
pected. Proteins in microalgae are transformed into pyridine compounds
and quinolines.
Fig. 4. Nitrogen content in the final biomass of S. obliquus in treatments with Table 2 shows a general composition of the main functional groups
an initial biomass concentration of 0.2 g/L and 0.4 g/L at different NaNO3 for the biocrudes obtained through HTL by GC–MS analyses, in which
concentrations. the different compounds obtained by families were grouped. These

A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

Fig. 5. These graphs show the growth curves of S. obliquus at different concentrations (NaNO3) with an initial cell concentration of (a) 0.25 g/L and (b) 1.0 g/L.

of signals>95%.
Authors like H. Durak et al. [35–36] obtained the highest HHV value
30.66 MJ/kg, at the highest carbon ratio H/C 0,11. In our case, part of
the oxygen is replaced by nitrogen (Table 3). Biocrudes obtained from
the biomass produced in the bench-scale treatments exhibited similar
calorific values around 30 MJ/kg.
However, there is a marked difference in biocrude yields (Table 4).
The biomass produced in treatment with 0.9 g/L NaNO3 − 1.0 g/L Xo
generates the highest biocrude yield, with a value of 41.1% and a solid
phase yield of 21%. The above means that about 79% was transformed
into liquefaction products such as biocrude and gas.
The biomass obtained in the treatment with 0.9 g/L NaNO3 − 1.0 g/L
Xo has one of the highest concentrations of protein and exhibited the
Fig. 6. This graph shows the final cell concentration of S. obliquus with an highest biocrude yield. However, it also had a higher content of quin­
initial cell concentration of 0.2 and 1.0 g/L at different NaNO3 concentrations. olines and pyridine compounds. The protein content of the biomass
Matching letters correspond to statistically homogeneous groups according to obtained in the treatment with 0.9 g/L NaNO3 and 0.2 g/L Xo is similar
the LSD multi-range test, with a 95% confidence level. to the protein content of the treatment with 0.9 g/L NaNO3 1.0 g/L Xo,
with a value close to 42%; however, the biocrude yield is much lower,
with a value of 18%, showing that fewer compounds of interest (bio­
crude in this case) are produced, and that much of the Microalgae
biomass did not react or was coked. The treatments with 0.2, 0.9 g/L
NaNO3 and 1.0 g/L Xo behave in a similar way. It should be noted that a
timely evaluation of the HTL process was performed and the conditions
in the HTL process, such as temperatures, S/L ratios and reaction times,
were not modified for every test.
The transformation of carbohydrates and lipids into biocrude re­
quires less drastic conditions than proteins, which may explain the low
biocrude yields in some tests, with an increase in solid-phase yields due
to the carbonization of the biomass.
The higher the protein content, the greater the amount of low-quality
biocrude produced from a chemical viewpoint, as indicated by Haverly
et al. [37]. A higher nitrogen content is obtained despite having similar
Fig. 7. This graph shows the percentage of nitrogen in the final biomass of
S. obliquus with an initial cell concentration of 0.2 and 1.0 g/L at different
physicochemical characteristics, such as API density and calorific value,
NaNO3 concentrations. Matching letters correspond to statistically homoge­ which means that in subsequent refinement processes, more drastic
neous groups according to the LSD multi-range test, with a 95% confi­ conditions will be required to remove it. Authors like Dabros et al. [38],
dence level. Sun, Yang and Shi [39] indicate that the use of fuels with high nitrogen
content would produce higher NOx emissions.
compositions could vary, in terms of the protein content in the micro­ Meanwhile, authors like H. Durak [35,36,40] group GC–MS analyses
algae. Higher contents of quinolines and pyridine compounds are ex­ by different families, which allows better identification of the charac­
pected with higher protein contents. These results according to the teristics of the biocrude obtained. A similar GC–MS analysis in Table 2,
database installed in the chromatograph (NIST 2005), for coincidences confirms the nitrogen content in the biocrude showing a higher number

Table 1
This table shows the results of the bromatological analysis conducted on the final biomass of S. obliquus. before its conversion to biocrude.
Treatment NaNO3 g/L Initial cell concentration (g/L) % Fiber % Protein – (% Nitrogen) % Total Fat % Ash % Carbohydrates

A 0.25 0.2 16.4 16.8 (2.7) 10.4 12.3 44.1

B 0.90 0.2 15.4 40.5 (6.5) 3.2 12.1 28.8
C 0.25 1.0 15.8 30.0 (4.8) 4.2 12.4 37.6
D 0.90 1.0 15.8 38.5 (6.2) 2.5 13.0 30.2

A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

Table 2 Table 2 (continued )

General composition of functional groups of the biocrudes produced. Compound % Area
Compound % Area
Tridecane, 5-propyl 1.21 1.13 2.28 –
Ketones 2-Acetonylcyclopentanone 3.47 – 1.68 – Tridecane, 7-methyl 1.68 1.05 – –
2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 2,3- – – 1.15 –
2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl – – 1.09 –
Butyrolactone 1.25 – – – Table 3
Ethanone, 1-(3-hydroxyphenyl) 2.87 – – – Comparison of the elemental composition and the higher heating value (HHV)
Aromatics 1,2-Benzenediol – – 2.61 – for biocrude obtained at each experiment.
1-Bromobenzene, 4-(4- – – – –
Biocrude %C %H %O %N H/C O/C HHV (MJ/
from kg)
Benzene, ethoxy 5.8 – – –
Chondrillasterol – – – 2.81 A 80.2 8.86 8.18 2.76 0.11 0.10 30.12
Cyclo-(l-leucyl-l-phenylalanyl) 1.08 1.1 2.12 – B 64.02 8.73 20.83 6.42 0.14 0.33 30.48
Morphinan-6-ol, 4,5-epoxy-N- – 1 – 1.52 C 67.43 8.92 19.04 4.61 0.13 0.28 31.02
methyl D 67.08 9.02 17.21 6.69 0.13 0.26 29.97
Oxirane, [4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)] – 2.01 – –
Oxirane, 2-decyl-3-(5-methy) – 2.43 – –
Phenol, 3,5-dimethoxy – – – 2.21
p-Hydroxybiphenyl – – – – Table 4
Stigmasta-7,16-dien-3-ol – 4.11 – – Biocrude production by HTL with different treatments.
Stigmasterol – – – 1.2
Pyridines 1,2,5-Oxadiazole – – – 2.08 Biomass Biocrude Solid HHV API Nitrogen in
2-Ethyl-1,3,4-trimethyl-3-pyrazo – 2.83 – – yield (% wt.) yield (% (MJ/ density Biocrude (%
2-Piperidinone – 1.66 – 1.26 wt.) Kg) wt.)
3,6-Diisopropylpiperazin-2,5- – – 1.41 – A 18.9 28.1 30.12 3.90 2.8
dione B 18.0 32.9 30.48 4.82 6.4
Azacyclohexane, 3-[1-pyrrolidyl] 2.38 – – – C 29.3 19.5 31.02 4.55 4.6
N,N’-Dibutyl-N,N’-dimethyl 1.88 – – – D 41.1 21.0 29.97 4.95 6.7
Pyridine, 2,4,6-trimethyl – 5.01 – 1.44
Pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine, 4- – 1.72 – 1.6
of compounds such as quinoline and pyridines when the biocrude has a
Pyrimidine, 4,6-dimethyl – – 1.45 –
Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine] 2.99 4.99 2.93 2.85 higher nitrogen content.
Tetradecanamide – 2.31 – 1.06 Therefore, it is necessary to establish appropriate operating condi­
Furans 1,3-Dioxolane, 2-(3,4-dihydroxy) 1.97 – – 1.26 tions for the HTL process (temperature, pressure, microalgae/solvent
Furan, 2-methyl-5-(methylthio) 9.73 – 5.6 – ratios and residence time) after modifying the culture medium of the
Quinolines 1H-Indole, 1-methyl-2-phenyl 1.36
microalgae to produce the highest amount of biocrude with the lowest
– – –
1H-Indole, 3-methyl – – – 1.17
1-Pentanamine, N,N-dipentyl – – 2.71 3.72 nitrogen content as indicated by Thilakaratne, Brown and Wright [41],
2,5-Piperazinedione, 3- – – 2.49 – stressing that it is necessary to combine the microalgae cultivation
(phenylme) processes and HTL to ensure industrial viability.
2,5-Piperazinedione, 3,6-bis(2- 2.53 1.81 1.83 –
2,5-Piperazinedione, 3-benzyl 2.86 2.59 5.19 6.21 4. Conclusions
Indole – 1.63 – 3.04
Alkanes 17-Pentatriacontene – – – 1.32 The stress generated by limiting the nitrogen source and an excessive
1-Heptadecanol – 2.83 – – increase in its availability harms cell growth. When seeking a balance
1-Hexadecanol 1.49 – 1.43 –
1-Hexadecyne – 1.52 – –
between higher cell growth and low nitrogen content in the biocrude
2-Decene, 3-methyl-, (Z) – – 7.26 1.74 produced, desirable for subsequent refining processes that lead to the
2-Hexadecene, 3,7,11,15- 2.58 1.15 1.38 1.72 production of biofuels, the NaNO3 concentration, which yielded the best
tetramethyl results was 0.25 g/L. At this nitrogen level, the final concentration of
2-Pentadecanone, 6,10,14- 4.62 4.41
– –
biomass during cultivation was not influenced by the initial cell con­
3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2- – – – 1.74 centration in the range under evaluation.
hexadecane As the nitrogen concentration in the culture medium decreases, the
4-Decene, 8-methyl-, (E)- 5.27 – – – percentage of nitrogen in the final biomass and the biocrude produced
5-Fluoro-m-xylene 3.29 – – – from this biomass decreases, decreasing the costs of refining processes to
5-Octadecene, (E)- 1.16
produce Diesel-type fuel, requiring lower catalyst ratios and less severe
– – –
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z) 5.64 – 8.26 –
9-Hexadecenoic acid 1.81 – 3.73 – conditions. The importance of establishing joint cultivation and HTL
Cyclohexene, 3-(2-methylpropyl) – – – 1.11 conditions was demonstrated to balance the lower nitrogen content in
Dodecane 3.12 – 1.64 – microalgae and the higher biocrude production yields.
Heptadecane 3.18 1.86 2.21 1.65
Hexadecanamide 1.44 – 2.9 1.36
Hexadecane 3.11 2.08 2.79 – Declaration of Competing Interest
Isophytol – 5.94 – 5.35
Nonadecanoic acid, methyl ester 1.66 – 3.59 – The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Octadecane, 1-(ethenyloxy) 1.62
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
– – –
Octadecane, 2,6-dimethyl 3.12 – –
Pentadecane 1.29 10.02 4.81 12.51 the work reported in this paper.
Phytol – 12.77 4.21 12.23
Tetratetracontane 1.1 – – – Acknowledgments
Trichloroacetic acid, pentadecyl – – – 2.76

We would like to thank the Ministry of Science and the Mining and

A.M. Miranda et al. Fuel 305 (2021) 121592

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