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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60

Surface characteristics in the ultrasonic ductile honing

of ZrO2 ceramics using coarse grits
Zhao Boa,b,*, Liu Chuanshaoa, Gao Guofua, Jiao Fenga
Mechanical Department, Jiaozuo Institute of Technology, Henan 454159, China
Mechanical Department, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Received 13 February 2001


Experimental research into the surface characteristics in the ultrasonic ductile-regime honing of ZrO2 engineering ceramics with a new-
type ultrasonic honing machine was carried out. When the results are compared with those for common honing ®ve characteristics are clear:
(1) with the same cutting depth, the grooves scored in ultrasonic grinding are shallower; (2) the width at the bottom of the grooves is greater
than that of common honing and close to the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave; (3) fracture and pits on the ultrasonically honed surface are
shallower and peel off as layers, while those on the common honed surface exhibit chap abscission; (4) on the ultrasonically honed surface
fracture mostly occurs on the boundary of the grooves and in even wide grooves fracture is much less extensive, whilst on the other hand, in
common honing, at the bottom of the grooves a greater number of fractures were observed as well as on the boundary; (5) on the ground
surface of ZrO2, for both methods, little chap cracking is visible, not as for a Si3N4 workpiece. Cracking under common honing is more than
that of ultrasonic honing. At the fringe of the damage area for ultrasonic honing an extensive crack due to exceptional trans-crystalline rupture
was found occasionally. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Engineering ceramics; Course grits; Ultrasonic honing; Longitudinal vibration; Ductile cutting

1. Introduction honing head, making use of the theory of local resonance

[8,9]. The dressing process undertaken on a M1432W cylind-
Research on the common ductile honing of engineering rical grinding machine with a self-made dressing tool. The
ceramic has been reported in some papers [1±5], where ®ne dressing conditions and the experimental material are shown in
grits were employed. Japanese scholars have carried out Table 1. Ultrasonic generator runs with automatic frequency
studies of highly ef®cient ductile cutting using a coarse-grit tracking and amplitude displaying. The power is 300 W.
diamond wheel and a minute feed, the surface characteristics
being improved [6,7]. For other machining methods it has 2.2. Theory of testing
not been reported whether the ef®ciency of ductile-regime
honing is high or not, especially in respect of adding ultrasonic A block diagram of the testing system is shown in Fig. 1.
waves. In this paper, tests involving the force characteristics, The tests involve the measurement of: (i) the ultrasonic
temperature characteristics, grinding characteristics, surface amplitude and frequency; (ii) honing force; (iii) the tem-
characteristics and characteristics from frangibility to ducti- perature of the honing area and ultrasonic system.
lity, were carried out with #80 and #140 coarse grits. In the measurement of the ultrasonic amplitude and fre-
quency, an ultrasonic generator inputs high-frequency elec-
2. Test condition and methods trical signals to a frequency meter for display, as well as to a
piezoelectric crystal transducer to transform into mechanical
2.1. Test conditions vibration signals, which then drive a rod-like amplitude
transformer to attain the designed amplitude. The ampli®ed
The tests were carried out using a self-designed CSW-1 signals are then transmitted via a vibrated disc and ¯exible
honing machine with f70±75 mm ultrasonic coarse-grit levers to make the oilstones vibrate. The amplitude of the
front end of the oilstones, is measured using a B&K 8309
Corresponding author. Present address: Mechanical Department, high-frequency acceleration sensor, amplitude signals are
Jiaozuo Institute of Technology, Henan 454159, China. being transmitted to B&K charge ampli®er, where they are
E-mail address: (Z. Bo). submitted to a data collector, where they are ®ltered and

0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 4 1 - 9
Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60 55

Table 1
Test conditions

Dressing wheel Resin-bonded SiC wheel #80, dimension Do  Di  B†: f203 mm  f120 mm  40 mm
Dressing condition Dressing wheel's speed: V s ˆ 28 m/s; spindle speed: n ˆ 37 rpm; worktable's reciprocating speed: V T ˆ 600 mm/min
Workpiece ZrO2 (hot isostatic pressing): Do  Di  B: f89 mm  f74 mm  24 90 mm
Al2O3 (hot pressing): Do  Di  B: f94 mm  f70 mm  41:5 mm
Diamond oilstone Size: #80, #140; bronze-bonded oilstone; concentration: 100%; dimension L  B  H†: 100 mm  12 mm  12 mm;
100 mm  12 mm  10 mm
Honing parameter Spindle speed: n ˆ 75 290 rpm; honing head's travel speed: V ˆ 1:26, 8 m/min; cutting depth: ap ˆ 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 mm/
Cooling style Dry grinding

integrated. Finally, at the end the signals are sent to a computer employed to display the temperature values. A standard Pt
to analyze the actual amplitude and frequency of the oilstone. and Rh±Pt arti®cial thermocouple was placed on the work-
In the measurement of the honing force, dynamic strain piece and oilstone to measure the temperature of the grind-
gauges save the force signals on a SQ16A oscillograph and a ing area. The signals, ®ltered and ampli®ed, were recorded
multi-channel function recorder. One resistance strain sen- using a B&K type two-channel function gauge and inspected
sor is set on the bottom of the oilstones' seat, another on the by use of an XWD strip chart auto-balancing recorder.
side surface of the supporting pin, the side of which is cut
¯at, whilst another is on the side face of the oilstones. In 2.3. Test methods
order to measure accurately the honing force in three
directions, cut-in grinding (zero reciprocating speed) and The comparative experiment was used to determine the
honing were carried out with each parameter. Using two different characteristics of ductile-regime ultrasonic honing
ways to measure, respectively, the tangential loads on as compared with using coarse-grit diamond oilstones. The
diamond oilstones and the normal loads on the pins (the roughness of the honed surface was measured by a JJ1-B
average of two ends), the forces of different parameters were stylus surfagauge along the direction of vertical cutting, the
calculated in the three directions. average value is attained from six points located on the circle
For the temperature measurement of the ultrasonic honing of each surface. The surface roundness is the maximum of
system and the grinding area, a temperature ®eld measure- ®ve cross-sections obtained using Taylor roundness measur-
ment was made of the honing head, of the joint between ing equipment and a micrometer. With a strain gauge the
oilstones' seat and the ¯exible poles, of the node of the maximum is adopted in the cutting force measuring because
amplitude transformer, of re¯ex housing of the transducer the honing head's movement in¯uences the ¯uctuating force
and of the bottom of the ultrasonic generator where the signals. SEM photographs are employed to determine the
reactor is placed. A 10-channel digital thermoscope was ductile mode cutting characteristics of the surfaces, ground

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the testing system for ultrasonic honing.

56 Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60

with different parameters, to ensure their reality. Each sur- smaller (while the radial vibration made the cut-in
face was tested for 1 mm cutting depth and cutting-feed depth deeper than that of common grinding). A smaller
honing, 14 reciprocal times in succession for 5 min. cut-in depth involves a smaller honing force. Further-
more, the action whereby ultrasonic grains cut into
the workpiece is dynamic. It was reported that the
3. Analyses of the test results dynamic crack plasticity of hard brittle material is just
20% of the static crack plasticity under impact loads.
Typical SEM photographs of common-ground surfaces Therefore with the same cut-in depth, the dynamic
under different speeds are shown in Fig. 2. For the same force is just one-fifth of the static force [10]. Thus, with
conditions, the results for oil-free ultrasonically honed sur- the same honing force as for common honing, the wipe-
faces are shown in Fig. 3. The power of ultrasonic generator is off efficiency is higher. On the other hand, a smaller
P ˆ 100 W and the amplitude is between 12 and 15 mm. honing force and cut-in depth require a better rigidity of
Comparing Fig. 2 with Fig. 3, it is clear that with the same the ultrasonic machining system, but result in better
cutting depth the common ground surfaces were very dif- surface quality.
ferent from those from ultrasonic honing, in ®ve respects: 2. The width at the bottom of the grooves is greater than
that for common honing and is close to the amplitude of
1. With the same cutting depth, the grooves cut by ultrasonic the ultrasonic wave.
grains are shallower than those for common grinding. Typical SEM photographs of the width of bottom of
The shallower grooves explain that the oilstones' the grooves are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 under two kinds
axial vibration makes the grains' actual cut-in depth of methods.

Fig. 2. SEM photographs of common honing with #140 oilstones under a set cutting depth and different honing speeds: (a) n ˆ 60 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm;
(b) n ˆ 75 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm; (c) n ˆ 118 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm; (d) n ˆ 150 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm.
Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60 57

Fig. 3. SEM photographs of ultrasonic honing with #140 oilstones under a set cutting depth and different honing speeds: (a) n ˆ 60 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm;
(b) n ˆ 75 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm; (c) n ˆ 118 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm; (d) n ˆ 150 rpm, ap ˆ 6 mm.

Fig. 4. SEM photographs of the bottom of an ultrasonic honing furrow: (a) n ˆ 75 rpm, ap ˆ 3 mm, V f ˆ 1:26 m/min, F ˆ 19:667 kHz, P ˆ 100 W,
A ˆ 12 mm; (b) n ˆ 118 rpm, ap ˆ 9 mm, V f ˆ 1:26 m/min, F ˆ 19:667 kHz, P ˆ 100 W, A ˆ 12 mm.
58 Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60

Fig. 5. SEM photographs of the bottom of a common honing furrow: (a) n ˆ 75 rpm, ap ˆ 9 mm, V f ˆ 1:26 m/min; (b) n ˆ 75 rpm, ap ˆ 9 mm,
V f ˆ 1:26 m/min.

It is observed clearly that there are many minute grits and material's higher wipe-off ratio benefit from
grooves at the bottom of each groove in Figs. 4 and 5. the temperature drop of the grinding area. Especially,
The width of the minute grooves was close to the with the same cutting depth as in common honing, a
average width of the grits' cut-in part. smaller honing force and a lower temperature cause the
The difference of the two kinds of bottom explains the workpiece's internal micro-fracturing and break-up on
instantaneous contacting state of the grains' action on the ground surface to decrease greatly. Therefore the
the workpiece. It is clear that the common honing grits quality of the ground surface and the strength of the
cut the workpiece within three surfaces according to the workpiece are improved greatly.
deep narrow furrow. Therefore a greater friction force is 3. The fracture performance of ultrasonic honing and
involved in the greater cutting force and the higher common honing is different: break-ups and pits on the
temperature of the cutting area. While machining hard ultrasonically honed surface are shallower and separated
brittle materials, with the same cutting depth the greater as layers (Fig. 4), whilst those on the common ground
honing force causes more micro-fractures and bigger surface are rimous wipe-off (Fig. 5), and there are
cracks on the ground surface, and make the strength of irregular micro-steps around the pits. From the view-
the ground surface decrease. At the same time, the point of cutting force, the axial ultrasonic function on
higher temperature involved from the greater friction the oilstones changes the resultant direction of the
force make the internal micro-phase-change when it cutting forces (to the grinding surface). The local
reaches the workpiece's phase-change value. Different plasticity under ultrasonic of the material condition
expansion occurs on the crystal boundary because the reduces normal cutting force at the same cutting depth,
specific volume of different crystal phases is different, as compared with common honing. The different
which involves a greater stress on the crystal boundary. machining style causes different material cleavage
When the stress exceeds the rupture strength, trans- fracture. To view this clearly, SEM photographs of
crystalline rupture and inter-crystalline cracking cause surface fracture are shown in Fig. 6 under the two kinds
the surface of the workpiece to become very poor [10]. of machining methods, and demonstrates that cleavage
Fig. 2 also shows that the cracking area of the common fracture occurs because common grinding produces
ground surface is greater. Furthermore, when the greater cutting force. When cleavage fracture, i.e. the
temperature of the grinding area becomes greater, the most brittle fracture style, comes into being, it expands
severe wear and tear of the softened diamond grits cause mostly along the crystal boundary. When it crosses the
a higher friction force as well as a lower cutting crystal boundary, the fracture is obstructed by the
efficiency. It is one of the important reasons why the elasticized particles, and then it proceeds in a new
material wipe-off ratio of common honing is so much direction. Therefore many cleavage steps form. The
lower. The ultrasonic grains cut into the workpiece with steps are usually parallel to the fracture-expanding
almost a single surface (the front cutting face). A direction and vertical to the fracture surface, because it
marked fall of the friction force makes the cutting forces forms the least free surface, which needs the least
decrease greatly, and improves the heat radiation of the energy. From the point of pits and fracture for the
working grits. The long-time sharpness of the cutting commonly ground workpiece in Fig. 6(b), fracture
Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60 59

Fig. 6. Typical chip shape of layered-tablets breaking-off and turtle fractures in ultrasonic and common honing: (a) the spalling of layered tablets; (b) turtle
pits in common honing; (c) the layered-tablets chip shape of ultrasonic honing; (d) the turtle-fracture chip shape of common honing.

occurs on the top of the pits, extends to the internal hand, in the common grinding of the boundary and the
parts, and then proceeds upwards to the surface after bottom of the grooves, large numbers of break-ups are
reaching a certain depth. Then it forms chips, and turtle- found. The former results from the higher frequent
like pits, with an irregular crack and a fracture-brim impacts on the brim of the ploughed grooves; while the
appearing on the surface of the workpiece. latter results from the greater honing force.
Of the ultrasonic cracks and chips in Fig. 6(a), 5. On the ground surface for both ultrasonic and common
layered-tablet chips are dominant, which may involved honing, a great deal of rimous fracture is barely visible,
trans-crystalline cleavage. Because of the smaller cutting not as in the case of the grinding of an Si3N4 workpiece.
force, some crystal layers on the ultrasonically honed The cracking of common grinding is greater than that of
surface developed to form layered-tablet chips. At the ultrasonic honing. At the fringe of the damage area
same time, the grits, also vibrating vertically to the caused by ultrasonic honing, extension cracks due to
cutting direction, impact the brim of the grooves and individual trans-crystalline fracture are found occasion-
accelerate the trans-crystalline fracture. On the other ally. The ZrO2 workpiece is toughened by MgO
hand, the occurrence of the cleavage fracture style could particles, which absorb the stress due to surface fracture,
not be defined absolutely by the machining methods. and the dislocation is impeded on the crystal boundary.
Deeper cleavage fracture was observed on a ultrasoni- Thus trans-crystalline fracture and inter-crystalline
cally honed surface when the cutting depth became fracture decrease. All of these benefit the stronger-
greater. ground workpiece. On the other hand, because of the
4. On the ultrasonically honed surface, fracture mostly smaller cutting force than in common grinding, ductile-
appears at the bulge of conjointed grooves, whilst in the regime honing involves fewer surface fractures. There-
wide even grooves break-ups are very few. On the other fore with ultrasonic honing, lower surface roughness can
60 Z. Bo et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 54±60

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