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Name:_______________________________ Date: ________________ Section: ______

Chapter 2 :
(a) Concept of Worship and importance of praying(Ibadat in Islam)
(b) Importance of praying to Allah
Chapter 3 :The Battle of Hunain
The Battle of Tabouk
Chapter 4: Equality

Character Building
1. Du’a for when you wake up scared during night
2. Du’a before sleeping


Q1. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (Each correct answer is worth 1 mark) Marks: 10

a. The battle of Hunain was fought in ___________ AH.

● 8
● 10

b. The Muslim army was led by

● Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (R.A) from the left Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (R.A) from right and
HAzrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) led the battalion.
● Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) from right Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (R.A) from left
and the battalion was led by Hazrat Abu Ubaidah.

c. Name the Surah of the Holy Quran which sheds light on the scheming of the hypocrites
during the Battle of Tabuk.

● Surah Fatha
● Surah Taubah

d. ___________ on the orders of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬called back the Muslim army to fight.

● Hazrat Ali (R.A)

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● Hazrat Abbas (R.A)

e. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬recited

● Surah An-Nasr while entering Makkah

● Surah Al-Fath while entering Makkah

F. The people of Banu Khuza saved their lives by taking refuge in ____________

● Kaaba
● Masjid e Nabwi

g.It is better to supplicate in the condition of____________

● Ablution
● Without wuzu

H. Prophet (P.B.U.H) presented Quraish with _________ conditions before the conquest

of Makkah.

● Five
● Three

I. Muslim army reached Hunayn at ______________

● Daytime
● Night

J. Dua is also considered as a form of _______________

● Kinship
● worship

Q2. CORRECT THE STATEMENTS: (Each correct answer is worth 1 mark) Marks: 10

1. The siege of Taif lasted for two weeks.


2. Hawazin placed archers and soldiers in a narrow valley between Makkah and Madina.


3. Uhud is one of the two battles mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Tauba .


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4. Hazrat Bilal R.A was a slave, he was freed and adopted as a son by the Holy Prophet


5. The Hawazin were well trained in horse riding

6. The dua by parents for their relatives are answered soon.

7. A nabi is the messenger of Allah on whom a holy book was also revealed.


8. The Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prepared to meet Hawazins with an army of 14,000 soldiers.


9. There were more than 460 idols inside the Holy Kaaba that the Makkan used to worship


10. Abu Jahal house was declared a sanctuary on the day of the conquest of Makkah.


Q3: Fill in the blanks. (10 marks)

a. Allah is our creator and Master and we are His ………………...

b. Ibadat makes us humble,modest,and ………………….
c. Hazrat Adam AS was the ……………… Prophet.
d. ……………. is the essence and the most important part of worship
e. The best way to say du'a is to be clean and in ……………..
f. In Islam we are told not to........................................ or overspend our wealth.
g. Allah calls us........................................... ,the best of His creations.

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h. Foreigners who became Muslims like Hazrat Salman Farsi R.A and................... were
treated with great respect by the Arab chiefs.
i. ____________ is the one of the greatest acts of worship in Islam.
j. Hazrat Khadija’s R.A bought many ______________ from their cruel masters and set them
free .


Section A: The Holy Quran and Ahadith

1. Write the translation of the Du,a after waking up:

ُ ‫اَ ْل َحمْ ُد هَّلِل ِ الَّذي َأحْ َيا َنا َبعْ دَ َما َأ َما َت َنا َوِإ َل ْي ِه ال ُّن‬
.‫شو ُرﷺ‬

2. Write the translation of Surah Al Baqarah 2:286


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3.Du’a before sleeping




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Q1. Write short answers to the following questions. (Each correct answer is worth 02 Marks)
Marks: 20
1. Define Risalat



2. What impact did the Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬wisdom in forgiving have over the enemy?


3. What was the message of all prophets?



4. List the three conditions laid by the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬before Quraish upon breach of
the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.

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5. State four qualities of the prophets chosen by Allah.



6. List the categories of people given complete protection when Makkah was being



7. What were the contributions of companions of the Prophet Muhammad‫ ﷺ‬in The
Battle of Tabook.


8. What was the general plan of Hawazin for attacking the Muslims of Makkah?


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9. Give reasons which led to the Battle of Tabook.

10. State the conditions in Madinah faced by the Muslims prior to the battle.


Q2. Attempt the following questions. (Each correct answer is worth 5 Marks)

a. Explain the concept of worship in Islam with reference to the Holy Quran?

Marks: 5




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a. Give a short account of the battle of Hunain. Marks: 5







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