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注:共 4 篇,我主推第一篇(因为我改过了),其他的几篇你可以看看,或许有一些可以


篇一(我稍微改了一点,它写得太好了舍不得改,为了控制在 3 分钟内已经删了好几句了,
翻译软件读的比较慢 2 分 45 秒就能读完,你讲的时候控制下节奏就好):
Ladies and gentlemen:

Today, I want to talk to you about a timeless expression of human creativity and cultural heritage
—painting in colors, or as the ancient Chinese saying, " 丹 青 ". This phrase embodies the rich
history, culture, and the indomitable spirit of the human imagination.

In traditional Chinese painting, "丹" and "青" were not just colors; they were the very essence of
artistic creation. The vivid red of " 丹 " and the deep blue or green of " 青 " were derived from
mineral pigments like cinnabar and azurite, skillfully used by artists not only to delight the eyes
but also to convey profound meanings.

"丹青" goes beyond artistic technique. It is a powerful tool for recording history and preserving
culture. Each stroke on the canvas narrates tales of bygone eras, capturing the ebb and flow of
time. As we gaze upon the masterpieces of ancient painters, we witness the enduring moments
that shaped our world. "Do not overlook the paintings, for within the silent poetry, a millennium
is sung."

The phrase resonates with a deeper truth: craftsmanship in artistry parallels the intricate strokes
of a master painter. It is through the meticulous skill of the artist's hand that a grand scene
unfolds. "With a unique skill, the artisan's hand wields the brush, and vast mountains and rivers
emerge, setting the stage for a grand vision."

In ancient times, the Chinese used " 丹 册 " to record feats of valor and " 青 史 " to chronicle
significant events. The historian often likened a person with outstanding achievements to the
enduring qualities of "丹青," immortalizing their contributions in the annals of time.

As we reflect on the significance of "丹青," let us be inspired to embrace the vibrant colors of life,
to paint our stories with resilience and creativity. In our own pursuits, may we embody the spirit
of the master painters, creating narratives that echo through time.

In conclusion, " 丹 青 " is more than a canvas filled with colors. It is a testament to the human
capacity for creation, a bridge that connects us to the past, and a legacy that we, as inheritors of
culture, carry forward into the future. " 丹 青 " is an eternal masterpiece, and each of us is a
brushstroke contributing to the ever-evolving canvas of life.

Thank you.


说的“丹青”。 这句话体现了丰富的历史、文化和人类想象力的不屈不挠的精神。

在中国画中,“丹”、“青”不仅仅是色彩,更是色彩。 它们是艺术创作的精髓。

“丹青”超越了艺术技巧。 它是记录历史、保存文化的有力工具。 画布上的每一笔都讲述

着过去时代的故事,捕捉着时间的潮起潮落。 当我们凝视古代画家的杰作时,我们见证了
塑造我们世界的永恒时刻。 “不要忽视画作,无声的诗里,唱响着千年。”

正是通过艺术家细致入微的技艺,一幅幅宏大的景象展现出来。 “匠人一手,一挥笔,

在古代,中国人用“丹册”来记录英雄事迹,用“青史”来记录重大事件。 历史学家常将

力来描绘我们的故事。 在我们自己的追求中,愿我们体现大师级画家的精神,创造出穿越

总而言之,“丹青”不仅仅是一幅充满色彩的画布。 它是人类创造能力的证明,是连接我
们与过去的桥梁,也是我们作为文化继承者发扬光大的遗产。 《丹青》是永恒的杰作,我


篇二(完全没改过的高水准,有的多,3 分 20 秒能读完):
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and honored guests, today I stand before you to
celebrate the vibrant and profound world of painting, particularly focusing on the ancient
Chinese art form known as "Danqing," where colors, notably dan and blue, converge to create
masterpieces that transcend time and culture.

Painting, in its essence, is a symphony of colors that dance on the canvas, telling stories that
words cannot articulate. The Chinese tradition of using mineral pigments such as cinnabar and
huo in "Danqing" is a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and dedication that goes into
creating these timeless works of art. The term "danqing" itself signifies the brightness and
endurance of these colors, resisting the passage of time, much like a silent poet praising the
In the vast landscape of ancient Chinese paintings, hands would sketch thousands of miles of
mountains and rivers, unveiling a grand plan that transcends the physical boundaries of the
canvas. This tradition reminds us not to take painting for granted—it is not just an aesthetic
pursuit but a powerful tool that records history and preserves cultural heritage.

Paintings, passed down from generation to generation, act as visual chronicles, reflecting the
changes in history and the evolution of a society. They are not merely strokes on a canvas; they
are a living testament to the triumphs, tribulations, and cultural richness of a people. As the
saying goes, "Don't take painting for granted; it is a silent poem praising the future."

In the annals of history, "Danqing" was more than a form of artistic expression; it was a medium
to commemorate honors and chronicle historical records. Historians utilized the vivid hues to
describe individuals' outstanding achievements, ensuring that their legacies would be etched into
the tapestry of time, never to be erased.

Today, we find ourselves in an era where painting continues to be a powerful means of

expression. From the walls of ancient caves to the digital canvases of the 21st century, the
essence remains the same—a celebration of human creativity and the enduring spirit of our
shared humanity.

As we delve into the world of "Danqing," let us remember that it is not just about the strokes of a
brush; it is about the stories they tell, the cultures they preserve, and the futures they envision.
In a world that sometimes feels chaotic and uncertain, painting stands as a testament to the
enduring power of human expression and our capacity to create beauty that transcends time and

In conclusion, let us embrace the rich legacy of "Danqing" and all forms of painting, recognizing
them as silent poets weaving together the threads of our past, present, and future. For in the
hands of artists, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers create a grand plan—a testament to
the boundless potential of the human spirit. Thank you.

汇聚成 创造出超越时间和文化的杰作。

绘画的本质是色彩在画布上舞动的交响曲,讲述着言语无法表达的故事。 中国在《丹青》


绘画作为视觉编年史,代代相传,反映着历史的变迁和社会的演变。 它们不仅仅是画布上
的笔触; 它们是一个民族的胜利、苦难和文化丰富性的活生生的证明。 俗话说:“不要

在史册上,“丹青”不仅仅是一种艺术表现形式,更是一种艺术表现形式。 它是纪念荣誉
和编年史记录的媒介。 历史学家用生动的色彩来描述个人的杰出成就,确保他们的遗产铭

今天,我们发现自己处于一个绘画仍然是一种强大的表达手段的时代。 从古代洞穴的墙壁
到 21 世纪的数字画布,其本质始终如一——庆祝人类创造力和我们共同的人性的持久精

当我们深入“丹青”的世界时,我们要记住,丹青不仅仅是笔触,更是笔触。 这是关于他
们讲述的故事、他们保留的文化以及他们设想的未来。 在一个有时让人感到混乱和不确定

们的过去、现在和未来编织在一起。 因为在艺术家的手中,万里山河创造了一幅宏伟的图
画,证明了人类精神的无限潜力。 谢谢。

Hey everyone, teachers, and my awesome classmates! Today, let's talk about painting, especially
this cool ancient Chinese painting style called "Danqing," where they use bright colors like dan
and blue.
Painting is like a symphony of colors on a canvas, telling stories in a way that's sometimes even
more fun than words. In "Danqing," this traditional Chinese painting, artists use minerals like
cinnabar and huo for colors. It's not just about making things look pretty; these colors last a long
time, like a silent poet praising the future.
In ancient Chinese paintings, artists would use their hands to draw landscapes with mountains
and rivers, creating this huge, amazing scene. It's a reminder not to take painting for granted – it's
not just about looking good; it's a way to remember history and keep our culture alive.
Those paintings that get passed down from generation to generation are like history photos,
showing how society changes and cultures keep going. They're not just random pictures; they tell
the stories of countries and people. Like they say, "Don't take painting for granted; it's a silent
poem praising the future."
Back in history, "Danqing" wasn't just a way to make pretty pictures; it was a tool to remember
important stuff and write down history. Historians would use these bright colors to talk about
someone's amazing achievements, making sure those stories would be remembered forever.
Today, we're still living in a time where painting is a big deal. Whether it's ancient cave paintings
or modern digital art, it's our way of showing off our creativity and sharing what it means to be
So, let's appreciate "Danqing" and all kinds of painting. Remember, they're like silent storytellers,
sharing our past, present, and future. In the hands of artists, those landscapes with mountains
and rivers are creating this super cool plan. Thanks, everyone!


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed educators, and my fellow students, today, I'd like to delve into
the fascinating realm of painting, with a special focus on the ancient Chinese art form known as
"Danqing." This particular style employs vibrant colors, such as dan and blue, creating visual
masterpieces that captivate the senses.
Painting is akin to a symphony of hues on a canvas, narrating stories that transcend mere words.
In the realm of "Danqing," a traditional Chinese painting, artists employ mineral pigments like
cinnabar and huo. It goes beyond mere aesthetics; these colors boast longevity, akin to a silent
poet extolling the virtues of the future.
Within the vast landscape of ancient Chinese paintings, artists would skillfully wield their brushes
to craft landscapes replete with mountains and rivers, painting grand scenes that extended
beyond the physical limits of the canvas. This serves as a poignant reminder not to take painting
lightly; it's not merely about visual appeal but a profound means of recording history and
preserving cultural legacies.
The paintings handed down through generations act as visual narratives, offering insights into the
ebb and flow of history and the resilience of cultures. They are not random strokes on a canvas;
they are stories encapsulating the triumphs and tribulations of societies. As the adage goes,
"Don't take painting for granted; it's a silent poem praising the future."
In historical contexts, "Danqing" served not merely as an artistic expression but as a tool for
commemorating honors and chronicling historical events. Historians employed the vivid palette
to articulate outstanding achievements, ensuring they were etched into the annals of time, never
to be forgotten.
In our contemporary era, painting continues to be a potent medium of expression. From ancient
cave walls to the digital canvases of the 21st century, it remains a testament to human creativity
and our collective spirit.
In conclusion, let us cherish the rich legacy of "Danqing" and all forms of painting. They are not
just silent poets but profound storytellers weaving together the threads of our past, present, and
future. In the hands of artists, the landscapes with mountains and rivers unfold as a grand plan,
showcasing the boundless potential of the human spirit. Thank you.

在当代,绘画仍然是一种强大的表达媒介。从古老的洞穴壁画到 21 世纪的数字画布,它仍

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