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Healthy Lifestyle Tips and Guidelines %& Do not skip meals: Eat every 2 4 to 3 hours Breakfast, snack, Lunch, snack, Dinner »& Use high fiber foods daily: whole-wheat or oats mixed with flour to make bread/bake/sada roti »& Use dried/fresh or frozen peas and beans at least 5 times a week. so Aim for 3 fruits and 2 vegetables daily. x Choose lean meats, without skin and fat, use low fat dairy products. & Limit smoked, salted meats (pigtail, oxtail, smoked bones, smoke herring) ++ Avoid seasoning cubes, vetsin, all-purpose. Use fresh green seasonings (shadon beni, Spanish thyme, onion, garlic, pimento, pepper, chive, celery, cinnamon, basil) ot Use healthy fats: olive oil (not for cooking), vegetable oils, avocado, nuts + Drink 6-8 glasses water daily Exercise at least 3 times a week: walking for at least 30 minutes TIPS FOR PLANNING A HEALTHY DIET: L variety of the six food grow Staples (cereals, grains, provision), Legumes and Nuts, Vegetables, Fruits, Food from Animals, Fats. 2. Use the multi-mix principle is ing me which is a way to plan meals by combining foods from each food group. It helps people who prepare meals to give their families good nutrition. GOOD MENU IDEAS: 2 - MIX » Rice and lentils or dhal > Yam and stewed chicken > Bread and tuna paste BETTER MENU IDEAS: 3 ~ MIX » Rice, lentils and baked chicken > Coo coo, callaloo and steamed fish » Bread, cheese and fresh salad BEST MENU IDEAS: 4 - MIX > Rice, red beans, baked chicken and cole slaw > Breadfruit, pigeon peas, chunky vegetables and baked fish > Soup - meat or fish of choice, provision of choice, vegetables of choice, dried peas and beans of choice ron and Type 2 bial WHAT IS DIABETES? Diabetes Mellitus is a condition in which blood sugar levels are above “normal” levels. When we eat food some of it is broken down as sugar and enters our bloodstream. Some of this sugar is used for energy and the rest is removed from the blood by a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts as a transport worker taking the sugar from your blood and into the cells of the ‘body where it is stored. In diabetes sugar remains in your blood because: & Your body is not producing enough insulin oR ‘Your body is not responding to the insulin that is available M ANAGING DIABETES ‘The goal in managing Diabetes is to control blood glucose or blood sugar at normal levels to help prevent the development of complications. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to many complications such as: + Cataracts, impaired vision and even blindness 4 Kidney diseases and kidney failure 4 Gangrene and even amputations 4+ Heart problems and other complications CONTROLLING DIABETES ‘There are many ways to control diabetes. The doctors, nurses, dietician and pharmacist will work together to choose the best combination of treatment for you. 1. Diet, exercise and self-monitoring blood glucose 2. Diet, exercise, medication and self-monitoring blood glucose Persons who maintain a healthy diet, exercise at least 3 times weekly and who are on medication are often able to eventually reduce their dosage of medication. to nage dial st : Persons living with diabetes do not need to buy special foods. Making better choices about the foods you eat can help control your blood sugar levels. The foods we eat are classified into six food groups; staples, legumes and nuts, food from animals, fruits, vegetables and fats and oils. | & Staples- use high fibre foods (choose whole grain products like whole wheat bread, whole | grain sada roti and crackers, ground provisions) ¥ Legumes and nuts- use peas and beans at least 5 times weekly. (Avoid adding salted butter and coconut milk). Y Foods from animals- choose lean meat, poultry and fish (remove the skin and all visible fat from meat and poultry). Choose low fat or skimmed dairy products. Limit salted and smoked meats or fish Vegetables. cat a wide variety of vegetables EVERY DAY. Choose different colours often as they provide different nutrients, Y Fruits- eat a wide variety of fruits daily. Fruits should be eaten as snacks between meals {at least 2 fruits daily). Mangoes and bananas are very high in sugar. Talk to your i Dietitian for help in controlling portions. ¥ Fats and oils -choose vegetable oils, olive oil, avocado, nuts. It is very important to control portions of these food items. DDITIONAL TIP! | Y Eat atleast every 2 -g hours at the same time daily, ¥ Donot skip meals - this can cause low blood sugar. tis better to eat small meals more often instead of one or two large meals, Avoid sugar and sugary foods such as condensed milk, honey, soft drinks and sweets as this enters into your bloodstream very quickly, Drink 6-8 glasses water daily. Exercise at least 3 times per week. Bake, roast, sauté or stir fry foods instead of frying. Limit salt intake. Avoid using salted seasonings that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). SAN 8 | Y Use fresh herbs and spices to season foods rather than packaged seasonings. NRHA - Community Nutrition Team 2015 Hyperglycemia (High Blood Glucose) Causes: Too much food, too little insulin or diabetes pills, illness, or stress Onset: Often starts slowly Some Symptoms: % BLURRY VISION SLOW HEALING WOUNDS MEDICAL EMERGENCY IF NOT TREATED.) HIGH BLOOD GLUCOSE MAY LEAD TO A What Can You Do? if your blood glucose levels are higher than your goal for three days and you don’t know why, CALL YOUR CHECK BLOOD GLUCOSE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER For more information, call the Novo Nordisk Tip Line at 4-800-260-3730 or visit us online at ovo nen ne, rents parmon to reproduce is pice fr nonprofit eductongl purposes ely on coon Tas es Nowe Nowlin rns Beret ond tat he copy rake apy, Noo Nore ese the SHE ove is pamsson ery time Concept seceloped by Rronds Rogers, RN, BSN, COE ° Pint in USA novo nofdisk Novo Nordsk inc, 126379R — 6/2006 Hypoglycemia CHANGINGIifes WITHDiaBeres“" — ({(Hoyi7 bilerefe| (€|[Uieesse) Causes: Too little food or skipping 2 meal; too much insulin Some or diabetes pills; more active than usual. Symptoms: Onset: Often sudden, te HEADACHE IRRITABLE WEAKNESS OR FATIGUE (UF LOW BLOOD GLUCOSE IS LEFT UNTREATED, YOU MAY PASS OUT AND NEES MEDICALTELP) What Can You 7 CHECK your blood TREAT by eating 3 to 4 glucose tablets or 3. CHECK your blood glucose again glucose, right away. If you to 5 hard candies you can chew quickly (such after 15 minutes. If it is still low, can't check, reat anyway. a5 pepperminis), or by drinking 4-ounces of | treat again. If symptoms don't fruit juice, or 1/2 can of regular sods pop. _stop, call your healthcare provider, For more information, call the Novo Nordisk Tip Line at 1-800-260-3730 or visit us online at, (org Nats inc. rants Bermision to repxoduce thi pce for nonprft eduatonal curses oly on condo that he pce is mansined ints orignal format and hatte copyght robes Gaplayed. Nowe Nandoe es monroe tee oe te re permssion at ary time Concept developed by Rhonda Roser, AN, BSN, COE © © Novo Noni I. 126379R —ChangingDiabetesuscom 612008 ovo Nordisk” 1a S$ ~9015p0 10 uopouofun Lamporp 40f Uomo posses WIPED asoayd pays posoua8 40f popup JOU 5} OH SPL ~ ostemtocenn ds) 1 sraqumon9 pur soovet01 ‘sjouvo poyei8 ppe aysed uaxyoryo sdsq) Bajos op Ho ds 1 OGD, upjdtang dno 5 axuany potas “20 Z Gano. qwanAy 2OUN) sags 109 oft ds} 1 sap|s 101100 pue oBeqqe) dno | sds tayorq pogmies "20 Z yeypod Buryooo 304 110 451 T (auaydossisy, sp ston, ‘2809qV0 yt ULI MOID ayqeiasia, suoodsiodz uoxfory paras 20% Fupjo09 105 110 di L ‘10300 ‘pu sjov901g dno | ‘esooyo pares -dsqn fy veyed autrad dno 1 aouura |_o|ddeourd pogno dno | sutstes dno y, Ea sin Jo sumes8 pf swag wnIpaut | ayddry winrpout | Xus0 wWeYss 9fOH ZT now eupes % | vita way arouan 1 | _sooveiod poyseyy dno ae TWoouTey Pueueg wanypout | pqouess dno y4 | snr rey soy dno ajdde wrupow {| sed med pogna dno “PI af Ba {o09 Buryo09 Bupjooo Bupjo09 Buryooo | soy podsr tas} — 39) wo dsy 1 9871 3oy pro dsy 287) 205 110 ds) | a8) epes tsain | pereg Joqumong | poresd ‘edeqquo ajdimd sajqere8oA op owuto “eommia[) Peres USL pogms dno | survaq par dno % saoaid waxy syo.utory tp ‘upjduind dno % pjdund pia uso ‘sisdded yooms poyeg zo z | pagines aory dno | yseaiq | paxoos sptiuay dno + ‘suorto ‘sooreror yaya syouso9 pun | siaaq paxo0o dno p19 Z0Z sooquwo} ysty poyeazZoz | unydund ya need ponies yodsjod | [pur suorgo tptat 7p uydund oo | — seeq woo8tg pue | oyeuoy, wi WOH stoodsiod | paureays ysty 30118 "20% -003 jeauntoy od Z| sory suoodsjod z 1B) 207 zjoou weg dno 1 | _worstsoud punosd 70 woyouLTayBA “20 ZL Bupjooo ouuie8seus ds) | soy 10 ds | asp) sojquydan, pe oyewioy o peyes dno | eyes ysaxy dno 1 yegp suoodsiod | 80 poyioa | somes | ay suorto yseaiq spoasxeys “dsqi { eau woods y0d | s00I{9 “sq y | /aseosg WaxDIES "720 7 souroqanyg dno % 99M ‘SOTO moySeds payoos peaigy 1eaq)A4 soll yep moj dno 4 pooip ‘eury dsqiz dno | 10 suoodsjad 7 afOUM SAS Z| _ 1Seyq suoodsiod 7 ‘sye0 sdsqn sdoy yeoyan 2poKa-] asepyeosd RUNNE Z ‘oar $m eannane ane “Taig Pant] ANGI ATANIVS AVG-S CALSADOAS poo} uoseas 0} saords pu sqray ysoxy asp) ep ypea zayeas Jo sassv[S g ysvay qe UG sya aup jo sXep g sea] ye JaIp OUT suvaq pue sead apnpouT -(8urares § 38v9] 3¥) Apep soqquieBea pue symy ysaxy iq “Jeaut oA Jo JUyVOD arqyy ay) asvaxuT 0} SUID}L asoUp) | Sumedard ways amog 03 uerq pur qeaym ‘sto ppy “Hor epes pur arfeg ‘s1aype10 ‘peor ured aoym yes -saoqujod yaams pur ssoppa “waaysep veavsses ‘surek se yons suoistaord pumo:8 yeq saaInssaid poolg 1[0.243U09 03 sdz3 AzvR2Ig -Aypep spooy mo 0} yes ds {A moqe ppe 0} peoti Ajuo am Ba aM SpOo} ALA UWIOAY umnppos yo am asnvoag guvant say) saop wy “Atgep umypos Sta gogz - 8u1 goTT Sursey Aq suswesnbar wngpos stay yout Ajayes ue> vosad ype uumrpos Buugggz = 1128 dss 1 -yjeus Kaa st pau sarpoq sno wmEpos Jo JUNOUIE ay QASMOHT "YHA, poo8 uejureur 0} Jopio UF umEpos past TE OM, pour ue asaayp sv Ypns spooy ‘saqno UoT|Mog ‘sBuUOSeAS poBeyoed aarp ayy Up wIMApos Jo seosnos THC -youp atp UT umEpos Jo voInos LOUTLHOD ysour 2up 1 siYy, “opHORP waTpos Aqjear st (TES a1q~) eS “yes pajleo Ajuouuos sr umrpog juimtpos jnogyv sjavJ WNIdOS Why do we need to lower sodium? + In healthy individuals excess sodium usually leaves the body through sweat and urine When we consume a lot of sodium it gives the heart, liver, kidneys and blood vessels extra work to Temove excess sodium from our body. In other words it puts strain on these organs. Too much sodium increases the chance of getting high blood pressure. Diets low in sodium helps to prevent this, How do I lower sodium in my diet? * Use fresh herbs, spices and seasonings to flavor foods instead of bottled seasonings, bouillon cubes and seasoning salts. Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts on the walls of your blood vessels, When this pressure is above normal values this is called high blood pressure or hypertension. foods. Choose foods with less than 140 mg sodium Normal blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg Maintaining blood pressure as close to normal range as possible is our goal. If this is done it will reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Look for low salt, low sodium or sodium reduced Do not add extra salt to food after cooking. Read food labels to see sodium content of different per serving. Try using less salt in cooking. Foods can be cooked with less salt and still be tasty. products when at the supermarket. sea 10} saAojo ainsag poo) Ur pruzey Supjoys ¥ 04 uLo & od ayy 114009 JO pula a inoawy au Jo wow Kea sopmog a01dg at sowwowtg Cooking with less salt does not mean that your food will have a poor taste. Season your food with more herbs and spices. Be creative and experiment for a new and exciting flavor Hints to keep your sodium intake down + Cook with fresh herbs and spices instead of salt. + Use % tsp salt to season meats, fish, chicken ge >" = + Read food labels and choose those foods iow Mes in sodium. + Boil rice, pasta and provision in water without salt. + Avoid seasonings like vetsin, celery salt, onion salt, garlic salt and other salty seasonings. + Eat fresh fish, meats and peas. Avoid processed, cured and canned foods such as ham, sausage, bacon, saltfish/pork/beef, smoked herring, cheese. + Include more high fibre foods in your meals such as vegetables, peas and beans. + Avoid cooking with prepared sauces such as ketchup, soy sauce, Woreestershire sauce, Oyster sauce and others HIGH SODIUM CONTENT FOODS - USE SPARINGLY, + Table salt + Ham, Hot Dogs , Sausages, + Seasoning salt + Corned beef, Cold cuts, deli meats + Garlic salt + Salted fish * Onion salt + Salt pork /Pigtail + Celery salt + Salted Beef + Lemon pepper + Smoked Bones + Meat tenderizer + Bacon + Bouillon cubes + Olives Flavour enhancers “Buyppoioro jueseid djey uoo siyy “uojg vossst realy si ‘sieaun iexeia “ssouy Jo lerrrriter Biotqujpafourntun/ /sdiyotalo of0H sBuyjoay Suyjoutord pun Bukydwe | —jo1p Aujjoe4 © Jo} oiquessg egy Aiojaig :9201N0S yoousoys Buoys dq 4yBiem Apoq, i, es Ayjoo4 o uppjuu orsdqoy aig WE He Bez _wowona Boe See wow UE Tepjo10jg eBy —_-teBunoA 10 os o8y ‘SNOILVGNAWWOD3U auald AMWL3IG FHL “YIGWIWaa 7) -kpoq nek jo sno pup seurjseyul ‘yoowioys oy, yBnosy, poo} BuysoBip onou sdjay exqid ‘worsks oauseBip Ayyjpay b upyurur o} sdjoy eq ‘AllG Wald 4O SWVEO TWLOL sivo 85 O 2LNVLYOdWI 8s ([]_ suivao s10Hm audld St AHM 6s oO sass “4094 otevo sno 40} juDpodu bee Oo sunN s1 yBnous Buyyos 4s0BIp 4,409 Apoq sno spooy jubjd jo upd oy 506 (Os snvaae svad Fr 5] @BoyBno1 so UNOUY OS|p "EIA Bos ()__ smevazoaa é34ald SI LVHM Boy oO ‘sLiNdd ONIAUIS Yad TUBS ©=—-« SCOOd FAG HOH *PlaaM Yad SIWIL RIOW 4O £) ‘s150q 19)nBou B uo oe AppadyD noA yous spooy 404 Xoq O4s UI 42.949 P ANd -mojoq spo} Jo #84] YF 40 1007 SUOHIOAG é7dald HDNONG DNILLAD | WV ois Jo 2008 pood m pesepysio> way pony snp s1-Gunsoe sod o1qy 30 98 21 904 eto29| ‘nok vo Buruadp 10M 30 3468 24 ‘eu Seen Ap 0) TO SYOR 90 Guo poseg aie samen Alea usaIed «9 von + %g UNO Ke +98 YaWEHN Boe urs 6. ou oz wmpos 69 o1=1991049 Sooies sue Berle pareanes BoL Wea OL 2 185 wary SeuDeD 00 SAHOED '¢ auieWop Jog Suniog sok 526 OUNAISS | s}oD4 UOHLIAN -soypsphyouso9 [PIO 14 ib 401G, SPIO" ey 405 YOO} sepun , 91 ‘eypapAyoqune jo edt p 8] e1qy SUIS 194av1 GoOd 3HJ 3 34al4 THERE ARE TWO TYPES Our diet requires both types of fibro. TIPS FOR GETTING MORE lost foods have the two types of fibre. il aiecihiaal ial Rm NNecacchatnst remmiiat FIBRE wide variety of high-fibre foods. . HOW MUCH FIBRE DO WE NEED? Age 50 oryounger Age Stor older Replace refined grains In your diet with whole grains. Choose: dil 35 ta * brown rice instead of white rice + whole wheat bread instead of white ‘ or wheat bread Soluble fibre is found in foods like TIPS FOR GETTING MORE + ground provision cats, peas, beans, apples (with skin), |" FIBRE Remember to look at the Ingredients citrus fruits, carrots and barley. : List for a WHOLE grain listed First. Women 25g 2g ‘Make half your grains whole grains + Aim to eat legumes at least 3 days per Include veggies in: week * Soups (pumpkin, carrots) + Make half your plate vegetables + Stews (tomato, bell peppers) * Make fruits, nuts seeds and whole grain * Baked goods {pumpkin bread) snacks like popcom your main snack + Side dishes/salad (chokas, callaloo) choices . * Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead of Juices oF juice drinks ‘Smoothies (pumpkin, beet root) Insoluble fibre is found in foods such as whole grain products nuts, ea beans and vegetables. es Se CK Dietary Management of Cholesterol: x Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that occurs naturally in all parts of i the body. Your body needs cholesterol to build cell walls and to make 3 hormones. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can block arteries and increase the risk of heart disease (heart attack and stroke). You only get cholesterol from ANIMAL SOURCES. Choosing foods that are low in bad fats (saturated fats and trans fats) and increasing your good fats (unsaturated fats) and fiber can help improve your cholesterol levels. FOODS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO INCREASED CHOLESTEROL LEVELS eee SIA ISPD eb INCLUDE: Animal fat (corned beef, pig tail, - Hard butter bacon) - Fried foods Meat (covered with skin and fat) - Pies and pastries - Full cream dairy products OHH eR cha pea ee AN FOODS THAT WE WANT TO CHOOSE TO REDUCE J CHOLESTEROL LEVELS INCLUDE: Fruits Vegetables = Unsaturated oils (olive ofl, Cats vegetable oil, soya bean oil, corn Peas/beans oil) Peanut butter STEPS YOU CAN TAKE: Exercise at least three to four times a week for 30 minutes each time to increase the beneficial HDL Cholesterol e.g, brisk walking, swimming, dancing. Use lean meat and poultry instead of fatty and processed meats. Use g - 4 ozs daily. Remove all skin and excess fats from meats and poultry. Choose fish such as sardines, these are rich in omega 3 fatty acids; purchase sardines in water, not in oil. Use lemon juice on salads instead of mayonnaise. Fat peas and beans at least four to five times weekly. Use low fat or skimmed dairy products instead of full cream. Eat at least 2 fruits and one serving of vegetables daily. Use whole grain products such as whole wheat bread, crackers and bake. Bake, roast, sauté, steam, stir fry foods instead of frying. Stew meats without oil. Use monounsaturated fats daily- olive/vegetable oils, avocado, nuts. Eating Lowering Cholesterol Food Group Foods to Choose Foods to Avoid Staple Group * Whole wheat or whole grain dreads; hops, pita bread, sada roti = Biscuits (whole wheat) * Macaroni, Spaghetti * Rice = Cereal, oats, bran * All ground provisions * Green figs, plantain, breadfruit = Doughnuts, pancakes, pastries, pies, doubles, fried foods, cinnabon, sweet bread, creamfilled biscuits, “Egg noodles * Any staple that is ftied or deep fried Legumes and Nuts | All dried peas and beans, example red beans, lentils, hal, pigeon peas and black- eyed peas * Pork and beans Legumes cooked with | pigtail, oxtail or saturated fat Foods from Animals |* Fish * Chicken, turkey (no skin) * Trimmed cuts of beef, pork and lamb * Lean minced meat = Shrimp occasionally * Skimmed milk = Evaporated low fat or non- fat milk * Low fat cheese * Luncheon meats, hotdogs and sausages * Salami, frankfurters * Corned beef * Hem * Fatty cuts of meat * Duck, goose mutton * Liver, kidney * Full cream milk * Skin and fat of various meats Dark Green Leafy and Starchy Vegetables * Fresh salad for example: Tomato, lettuce, cucumber, sweet peppers, ‘watercress * Cooked vegetables for example carrots, pumpkin, bodi, stringbeans, chunky vegetables = Vegetables cooked with animal fat * Vegetables with added cream sauces, salad dressings or mayonnaise Fruits and Juices * All fruits and juices * Dried Fruit e.g. raisins, prunes = Fruits packed in heavy syrup NOTE: The whole egg can be eaten even when you have high cholesterol, Recent research proves that eating eggs including the yellow can be beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels. | cc Q 3 ., % Lowering Cholesterol z 2 Food Group Foods to Choose Foods to Avoid 5 | Fats * Oils: com, olive, vegetable, | * Butter 2 sunflower, soyabean, peanut | "Hard margarines e | © Soft tub margarine * Yellow and salted cooking : butter 2 * Shortening, lard y *Suet =Bacon drippings | *Coconut milk z Beverages = Decaffeinated Coffee, tea_| Eggnog , ] * Carbonated drinks Chocolate milk : | = Vegetable juices * Regular milkshakes : | = Fruit flavoured drinks x Sweeis. * In moderation honey, jam, | * Chocolate candy e syrup, sugar, peanut butter | "Corn syrup 3 * Molasses : * Sweets made with coconut z : é Guideline to Reading your Cholesterol Test Result z | LDL [HDL Triglycerides = Risk 8 ey i _ | TotalCholesterol | Crotesterol | Cholesterol z c 1 ‘Above 160 ‘Less than 35 | Above 200 ve 2: t High | Above 240 meld ra eal oa 3 Borderline-High | 200-239 mgldl [130-159 mgidl [Na 150-199 mg/dl iz L a 7 3 2 | Below 100 Less than 150 2 Desirable Below 200 mg/dl | Above 40 mg/dl ing/dl S TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! YOUR HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDSt NCRHA ‘Community Nutrition Team, CETT for DIABETES A Guide to Changing Habits North Centeal Regional Health Authority | ‘Nutrition and Dietetio Services i | County St, George East Take Charge of Diabetes... [At first coping with diabetes can be an overwhelming end frustrating process. There is a lot more 10 think about, meals to plan and different changes to make and adjust to. Making these changes can be very trying, especially if you have a hectic work schedule but giving things a try one step at a time will make the world of difference and help you to feel better. Change is about ‘working toward your goals and to achieve your goals, you need a plan, Here are some things to think about to help you develop your plan: ae * * e Tips on Changing Habit What changes do I need to make to control diabetes What changes do { think are going to be hard? What changes are o going to be easy? ee Why do I want to make these changes? (oa Why have I not made this change before? How can { work around these problems? What do I need to get ready to make these changes? Discuss your ideas and goals with your family members and your KZ healthcare team. ‘Make one change at a time Choose one thing you want to change and focus on that for a week, Once you get use to the change, move onto another change. Write it down You have decided that you want to change but you need to commit to it, Write down the habits you want to change. Make this a part of your plan. Make a plan Having a plan will ensure that you are ready to take control of your health. Your plan should include what you want to change, the reasons you want to change, any challenges that you may experience and how you plan to overcome these challenges, include a list of supportive friends and family members and the date you will start your plan, Evaluate, Motivate and Congratulate Be sure to monitor your progress. For every goal you have achieved or every habit you have changed, be proud and reward yourself e.g, If I exercise at least 3 times a week for ‘two weeks straight. | will watch my favourite movie. It is also important to keep yourself motivated. Review your plan. remind yourself why you are making changes and track your progress. Controlling your blood sugar level requires you to adjust your thinking and really take charge of your health. Your healthcare team is here to support you, feel free to ask questions. Ask for the Support you need from your family members. You may not be able to make all the changes first and that is ok. Life is about trying and leaming. If at first you try to make a change and it does not work, then try another way. You do not have to make all the changes at once. You will eventually lea what works for you. Be patient and be honest with yourself. Remember your health is in your hands! SECRETS TO CONTROLLING DIABETES ‘Timing of your meals and medications ‘T - Testing C~Combinations EB ~ Exercise = Combinations! Bach meal is made up of a combination of foods from the various food groups. Your Dietitian will cover the six food groups and the multi-mix principle with you, Your meal combinations for cach meal are very important in helping you to regulate your blood sugar levels, It is also very important that you control your portions, Your Dietitian may give you your individualised meal plan that is calculated based on your height, weight, age and physical activity levels, She will also advise you and give you tips based on your likes, dislikes and other personal preferences. Ideally, your main meals should include a food from animals such as chicken, a staple food such as ground provision and vegetables such as chunky vegetables, Breakfast Combination Mid-Morning Snack staple Food from ‘Animals mVogetables Dinner Combination Mid-Afternoon Snack staple Food from Animals Vegetables NB: frults can be used as snacks between meals and fats and oil used in food preparation. ‘There are various lunch combinations, ‘This is done by choosing from the various food ‘groups, This is called the multimix prineiple. ‘Two mix (Good Choice) Staple + Legumes and Nuts ag. Rice and lentils Staple + Food From Animals eg. Sadha rotl and eggs Better Choice) Staple + Legume and Nuts + Vegetable e.g. Rice, split peas and bhagi Staple + Legume and Nuts + Food from animal e.g, Yam, red beans and baked fish Staple + Food from animal + Vegetable e.g. Sacha rot, and tuna (made with tomatoes, onions and graen peppers). Lunch Combinations - 3 Mix Food from staples (OFood from Animals Vegetables Lunch Combinations - 3 Mix Staples {Food from Animals Vegetables (ea Four mix (Best Choice) Staple + Legumes + Dark Green Leafy! +Food From &enuts Yellow Vegetables Animals Cassava___Dhal Bhaji Curtied Goat Lunch Combination - 4 Mix Cistaples Food from Animals Vegetables mLegumes Exercise is sure to talk to your doctor before starting any form of physical activity. How much you exercise will also help to determine how much you eat. Focus on being physically active in general There are many benefits of exercise for persons living with diabetes. ‘These include: 4% Control of blood sugar levels, ¢ Improved circulation 4 Increased sense of wellbeing and a positive attitude 4 Helps with weight control Getting an exercise routine going does not have to be strenuous neither does it require expensive equipment or gym membership. Exercise should be at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. Exercise also includes: + Walking ~ Walking at a moderate pace (walk as if you are late for work) will raise your heart beat and get your body in motion. Encourage a friend or family member to join you. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes. * Dancing -Turn on your Favourite soca or chutney tunes at home and dance with your spouse for 30 mins. ° Writing — Keep an activity record so that you will be able to track your progress and monitor the little things that you have done for yourself ‘Timing of your meals and medicati ‘There is a lot to do in your day, That is umderstandable! However you need to pause a while to take care of yoursell'so you ean continue doing and feeling your best! It will take some getting use to but you need to eat an time to help your body to regulate your blood sugar levels, Eating small meals every 2-3 hours prevents your sugar levels ftom going too high or too low, Example, if you wake up af 5 am, breakfast should be at Gam. ‘The rest of the day’s meals are shown below. Your dictitian will help you to figure out a routine that is suitable to you and your lifestyle. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you on how and when to take your medication, © Brackiast Morning snack Loneh Aaron enol oO Diet Evetung src - Testing Talk to your doctor about getting your own fiee blood glucose monitoring kit. Once received, visit your local health centre with your blood glucose monitoring kit and the healthcare team will show you how to use it,

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