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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ

A-Level, TGAT 1

Listening and Speaking

Choose the best answer.

1. A : You look unhappy. __________ ?

B : I failed my math exam. I don’t know what my parents will say.
1. What’s the matter 2. What are you doing
3. What can’t you do 4. What will you do

2. A : My nephew was arrested for possessing marijuana.

B : _______________________
1. How amazing! 2. Do you regret it?
3. That’s terrible. 4. He’s addicted to drugs.

3. A : Excuse me, I’m going to the city hall. __________?
B : Three stops from here, in front of the zoo.
1. How do I get out 2. Where do I get off
3. How do I take off 4. Where do I take out

4. A : Gosh, I didn’t expect the traffic to be this bad.

B : Well, at this time of day _________ .
1. they shouldn’t be running 2. many cars break down
3. the road’s too dark 4. it’s really not surprising

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Nudee : You look so pale. _____5______ ?
Pong : I have a very bad headache and a high fever.
Nudee : It sounds really serious. You should ____6____ . You may have the H1N1 flu.
Pong : ____7____. I’ve been coughing a lot, too.
Nudee : Here. Put on this hygienic mask. I’m going to take you to the hospital right now.

1. How do you feel 2. How do you do
3. What are you doing 4. What’s wrong

1. keep moving 2. not go out
3. see a doctor 4. exercise more

1. I don’t mind 2. It’s possible
3. Please be quiet 4. It’s up to you

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Bill : Oh God ! I’ve got to get out of here for a while.
Mary : ____8____
Bill : No, no. I just feel like I need a break. I’m so sleepy.
Mary : Why don’t you have a cup of coffee? ____9____.
Bill : No, thanks. I’ve had enough coffee today. But I can get you another cup.
Mary : Strong, black, and no sugar, please. And just bring it when you come back.
Bill : No, ____11____. Then I’ll take a long walk.

1. Me, too.It’s humid here. 2. I think you’d better stop.
3. Haven’t we done enough? 4. Am I making too much noise?

1. I had one and it woke me up 2. Get me one if you do
3. But there’s no shop here 4. That will do me good

1. Are you strong enough 2. How many would you like
3. Don’t you agree with me 4. How do you like it

1. I can see two shops 2. I’ll get your coffee first
3. I’m sure I can find it 4. I’m not sure about it

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Tina : So, what do you think about the book?
Nick : It’s ____12____. Linda wouldn’t like it as a gift. Let’s find something better.
Tina : How about a season ticket to the basketball games instead?
Nick : ____13____. You know what an avid basketball fan she is.
Tina : ____14____ a season ticket, then.
Nick : ____15____ . How come we didn’t think of it earlier?
Tina : Well, she’s an enthusiastic reader, too.
Nick : Yeah, but it’s hard to find something she hasn’t already read.

1. not bad at all 2. nothing special
3. just what she expected 4. everything you’d look for

1. She’d love that 2. That’ll never do
3. That’s ridiculous 4. Basketball isn’t her cup of tea

1. Don’t go for 2. Not a chance for
3. We can do away with 4. Let’s go with

1. I really doubt it 2. No comment
3. I don’t think so 4. I couldn’t agree more

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

At a library
Librarian : Good morning. May I help you?
New Student : Good morning. _____16_____ .
Librarian : We have plenty of material on that subject in the middle section of this floor.
New Student : Thank you. I’d like to become a member too. _____17_____?
Librarian : Yes. You’ll need to fill in this application form and have a valid student ID card.
New Student : _____18_____. I will come back tomorrow then.

1. My major subject is English.
2. I would like to return some books.
3. My teacher wants us to read a lot in English.
4. I’m looking for some books on English literature.
5. I’m interested in finding out what you have on this floor.

1. Is it expensive
2. Could you tell me how to enroll.
3. Is it easy to find the books I want.
4. Can I check out as many books as I want.
5. Is it OK for me to use the library as a non-member.

1. I have to money on me unfortunately.
2. The enrollment should be less complicated
3. I don’t have my ID with me at the moment.
4. My student ID card has a picture of me on it.
5. I don’t know how to complete the application form.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

On the phone
Secretary : Is that Ms. Tyler?
Applicant : Yes, it is.
Secretary : Ms. Tyler, this is the Sunshine Company. We were very pleased with your
interview and would like to _____19_____.
Application : Wonderful ! I’m really happy to be able to join your company.
Secretary : We’d like to _____20_____ , perhaps in two weeks.
Applicant : Yes, that would be perfect.
Secretary : Great ! We’ll see you then.

1. offer you the position
2. give you time to think about it
3. ask you to apply for another position

4. know more about your expected salary

5. make sure if you are available for the second interview

1. Give you some holiday
2. receive a phone call from you
3. pay you some salary for the first month
4. promise that you won’t be disappointed
5. have you start as soon as possible

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

At a police station
Officer : Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?
Man : _____21_____ .
Officer : What happened ?
Man : I was robbed.
Officer : What _____22_____?
Man : My wallet and my smart phone.
Officer : Were you able to look at the robber’s face ?
Man : Yes, I was.

1. We should be more careful with our belongings
2. Talking on smart phones should be forbidden

3. You should send more people to prison
4. I would like to report a crime
5. I had a bad day at work

1. did you buy 2. was taken from you
3. were the items in your bag 4. were you doing at the time
5. did you have in your hand

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1


Directions : Choose the BEST words to complete the passage below.

There’s an old saying: “If the shoe fits, wear it.” But in the early days of __23__,
there were several reasons why a person __24__ a certain kind of shoe, and how well the shoe
fit wasn’t always one of them.
Most ancient Egyptians walked around in sandals, with the kind of sandals each wore
__25__ by his rank. Aristocrats wore sandals with pointed toes. __26__ citizens sported sandals
made of woven papyrus reeds. And slaves’ sandals were made of the cheapest __27__.

1. footprints 2. footwear
3. footsteps 4. footpaths
5. footwork

1. wore 2. held
3. made 4. fixed
5. tied

1. developed 2. supported
3. promoted 4. invented
5. determined

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. standard 2. ordinary
3. former 4. special
5. local

1. compound 2. piece
3. part 4. material
5. stem

Choose the best answer.

Passage 1
Darwin, the monkey that escaped in an Ikea car park in Toronto last December, will not
return to its owner, Ontario Judge Mary Vallee has ruled that, under Canadian law, Darwin is a wild
animal, and a sanctuary should keep the Japanese macaque. His owner, Yasmin Nakhuda,
had sued, arguing that animal services tricked her into giving up the pet.
Images of the animal, who was wearing a little wool coat and diaper, became an internet
sensation. Monkeys like Darwin are illegal to own in Canada and, in Friday’s ruling , Judge Vallee
said concerns about disease were a reason for detaining the animal.
The judge found Ms. Nakhuda had been “upset, but was not unduly influenced” when she
signed the form allowing Darwin to be transferred to the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary
in Ontario. Ms. Nakhuda said the animal, which escaped from her car, had been part of her
family and was always by her side, even when she slept and showered.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

28. The word “macaque” can best be replaced by _________________.

1. owner 2. service
3. zoo 4. Monkey

29. Why was Ms. Nakhuda upset ?

1. Darwin escaped from her family and refused to live with her.
2. She did not want to be separated from her beloved Darwin.
3. She was sure that she would have to appear in a court.
4. Darwin was forced to dress in a ridiculous outfit.

30. The phrase “became an internet sensation’ mean _________________.

1. attracted a large number of internet users
2. received a lot of criticism from internet users
3. created a sense of understanding among internet users
4. lend to legal action from internet users

31. Which statement is TRUE about Darwin?

1. It suffered from a highly contagious disease.
2. It belonged to a species that had been declared extinct.
3. It escaped from its owner’s car and was detained.
4. It is illegal to own this species of monkey in Japan.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 2
Soothing acoustic music drifted through the clinical, high-tech ward. As the professional
musician brought the gentle sounds of her African harp to patients bedsides, I witnessed
the warming responses of relatives, staff and patients themselves. This was the most privileged
and rewarding day I had experienced in more than 25 years of voluntary work.
This was the first time live music had been played in the intensive care unit (ICU)of
Manchester Royal Infirmary. I had volunteered with the charity “Musical in Hospitals” for seven
years. After my own experience of ICU, I was sure that the therapeutic benefits of live
performance could be brought not only to patients one general wards, but to those who were
critically ill.
The musicians are trained to enter a ward or care home with empathy and flexibility and
adjust their music to the setting. Care staff are able to continue with their duties as the
musicians play, often reporting that they, too, have benefited from the relaxing and calming mood
the music offers.
I spoke to relatives afterwards. Their feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Far from
feeling it inappropriate to have had a music performance in an environment where their relatives
were gravely ill, they thought it had been a welcome and heartening respite.
More hospitals are now interested in the ICU-Hear Project. I’ve been able to contribute

to making a difference to people’s lives. Through trying to help others, I’ve also helped myself.

32. The word “empathy” means ________.

1. patience 2. understanding
3. pity 4. temper
5. Knowledge

33. The pronoun “they” refers to ________.

1. patients 2. relatives
3. musicians 4. volunteers
5. ICU care staff

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

34. In the author’s opinion, live music performance ________.

1. should not be limited to patients in general wards.
2. sometimes interferes with the work of doctors and nurses
3. should be banned in intensive care units
4. should only be performed by trained musicians
5. is unfairly opposed of by relatives of seriously ill patients.

35. According to the passage, the ICU-Hear Project ________.

1. brings live musical performance to patients in intensive care units
2. was created by a group of volunteers at Manchester Royal Infirmary
3. is internationally accepted and supported
4. consists of both professional musicians and medical staff

5. aims to introduce a new hospital management system

36 Which statement best expresses the overall idea of the passage ?

1. Hospital should allow patients in ICU to play musical instruments.
2. Live music performance is beneficial to both patients and others in ICU
3. Music can improve the environment of every hospital
4. Volunteer musicians should be employed in all hospital departments.
5. Being a volunteer musician can change people’s lives.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 3
The “best before” date is often mistaken by consumers to be the same as the expiry date.
That’s why most of the time, foods that may have passed their “best before” date go straight
in the trash.
Expiry dates tell consumers the last day a product is safe to consume. The “best before”
dates marked on most foods are more about quality than safety. When this date passes, it doesn’t
mean that the food will be harmful, but its flavor, color or texture might begin to deteriorate.
To decide whether food is still safe, people should rely on their senses (sight, smell and taste).
Food should not be consumed if the taste, odor, or appearance is odd.
An exception to this is eggs, which have a “best before” date of no more than 28 days
after they are laid. After this date the quality of the eggs will deteriorate and if any salmonella
bacteria are present, they could make you ill. If you want to use an egg after its “best before”
date, make sure that you only use it in dishes where it will be fully cooked, so that both yolk and
white are solid, such as in a cake or as a hard-boiled egg.

37. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
1. The words “best before” and “expiry” have the same meaning
2. Consumers should not throw away good food
3. Many people mistake “best before” dates as expiry dates
4. Thrown away foods are, in fact, safe to eat
5. It is important to get rid of expired food regularly.

38. According to the passage, once the “best before” date has passed, consumers can tell if
the food is safe by _____.
1. asking the food seller 2. reading the food label
3. using it in a dish 4. taking a small bite
5. examining a hard-boiled egg

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

39. The pronoun “this” refers to the fact that ______.

1. food tastes and smells bad after its “best before” date
2. food tastes best if it is consumed within the “best before” date
3. it is safe to taste food that has passed its “best before” date
4. “best before” dates on certain food are unreliable
5. food should not be consumed if its odor is strange

40. The writer advises readers to _______ .

1. eat fresh eggs within 28 days after they are laid
2. save eggs for a month before cooking them
3. grow salmonella bacteria in expired eggs
4. stop consuming uncooked eggs
5. use eggs in dishes as soon as they are bought

41. Which statement can be inferred from the passage?

1. Most food which has just passed its “best before” date does not need to be thrown away.
2. The “best before” date indicates the best day to eat the food.
3. Both “best before” and expiry dates are highlighted on all food labels.
4. Salmonella bacteria are present in all expired food products.
5. It is up to consumers to choose when they want to consume food.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 4
NEW DELHI (APP) – Exams were postponed at a school in the southern Indian state of
Tamil Nadu when snakes suddenly began slithering out of a cupboard.
According to the Press Trust of India, students at the middle school in Madurai were taking
an exam when the snakes invaded the classroom.
Most of the students fled, but several stayed to try to drive the snakes away.
They managed to kill four but were forced to retreat as more and more kept coming out of the
Police rushed to the scene, but there was not much they could to do. They promised
to send snake charmers to the school.

42. The best headline for this news article is ____ .

1. Snakes hide in cupboard 2. Snakes put a stop to exam
3. Middle school students scare snakes 4. School classrooms invaded
5. Four students killed by snakes

43. The word slithering (line 3) means ____ .

1. appearing suddenly 2. moving up and down
3. trying to bite 4. sliding along
5. jumping

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

44. When someone retreats (line 8), he ____ .

1. moves back 2. tries other techniques
3. gives something as a treat 4. does something
5. starts to attack

45. The word scene (line 10) refers to ____ .

1. the police trying to drive the snakes away
2. some students driving snakes from the room
3. the school exam room invaded by snakes
4. the snakes being killed by students
5. any place with dangerous animals

46. According to the news article, all of the following are possible EXCEPT “____”
1. the school is situated in the countryside
2. the exam room was not in good condition
3. the cupboard had long been a habitat of snakes
4. the cupboard had an abundance of food for snakes
5. snake charmers came with the police and killed the snakes

47. All of the following are true EXCEPT “____”

1. The police arrived quickly when they heard about the snakes
2. There were too many snakes for the police to handle
3. The teacher had to reschedule the exam
4. When the police came, they killed four snakes
5. Not all students in the exam room immediately ran from the snakes

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 1
A lot of animals spend ___48___ of their lives alone. But some live with ___49___ of
their kind, usually sharing jobs such as cleaning and finding food, ___50___ of danger and even
protecting each other. These groups are called ___51___. It is mainly insects, birds and mammals
that form these societies. Usually ___52___ is just one leader.

1. few 2. much
3. more 4. some
5. several

1. others 2. each
3. other one 4. each other
5. one another

1. warns 2. to warn
3. are warning 4. warning
5. having warned

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. society’s animal 2. societies for animals
3. society for animals 4. animals for societies
5. animal societies

1. it 2. that
3. there 4. this
5. here

Choose the best answer.


In Chinese medicine, food ___53___ as cooling (yin) or heaty (yang). Also, a human body
can be said to be cold or hot. Most westerners find this concept difficult to understand because
when their bodies feel hot, they cool down ___54___a cold drink. When the body is cold,
one becomes inactive and tired. Just think about ___55___to the cold winter. All you want to do
is ___56___ indoors and sit by the heater. Similarly, when the body is hot, you feel thirsty.
The Chinese believe in balancing yin and yang energy in the body to avoid sicknesses. So when
the body is cold, one should have hot foods like ginger, coffee, and mangoes. ___57___, when the
body is hot, eat some cooling foods such as watermelons, bananas, and yoghurt.

1. can categorize 2. categorizes
3. can be categorizing 4. categorized
5. can be categorized

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. have 2. having
3. to have 4. by having
5. with having

1. how your body reacts 2. how does your body react
3. how to react to your body 4. your body reacts
5. your body is reacting

1. staying 2. stayed
3. stay 4. to stay
5. stays

1. Then 2. Therefore
3. Furthermore 4. Otherwise
5. On the other hand

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Sentence Completion

Directions : Read each sentence and choose the alternative that BEST completes it.

58. ___ are able to buy whatever they want rarely have sympathy for the poor.
1. Rich people are those who 2. Rich people those who
3. Those people are rich who 4. Those rich people who
5. Those who are rich people

59. According to the news reporter, the firefighters ___ the forest fire by this afternoon.
1. extinguished 2. are extinguishing
3. have extinguished 4. will have extinguished
5. would be extinguishing

60. Mr. Munby’s students all agreed to ___ by a professional photographer.

1. have taken the class pictures. 2. having taken the class pictures.
3. have the class pictures taken 4. having had the class pictures taken
5. have the class take pictures

61. The chairs that our school ordered two months ago have not arrived yet, ___.
1. but the stationery hasn’t as well 2. but the stationery has either
3. and so hasn’t the stationery 4. and neither has the stationery
5. and neither the stationery has, too

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

62. The manager wanted to know ___ a hotel room in the city center.
1. could the secretary reserve 2. whether the secretary could reserve
3. unless the secretary could reserve 4. whether could the secretary reserve
5. that if the secretary could reserve

63. ___ to change goods bought, he must show the receipt.

1. If a customer will want 2. Should a customer want
3. Only if a customer will want 4. If only a customer wanted
5. Had a customer wanted

64. The receptionist of the hotel admitted ___ to give the message to the guest in Room 29.
1. forgot 2. to forget
3. forgetting 4. had forgotten
5. to have forgotten

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

65. Stella looks ___ in the blue gown than the green one.
1. charming much more 2. more much charming
3. very much charming 4. much more charming
5. charming very much

66. The old lady, ___ by the noise, asked her next-door neighbor to turn down the television
1. disturbing 2. disturbed
3. was disturbed 4. has been disturbed
5. had been disturbed

67. Having finished her homework, Lucy put away her books, telephoned her friend, and ___
her mother prepare dinner.
1. helped 2. will help
3. to help 4. having helped
5. would help

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Directions : Study the table about Medicaid Health Insurance (coverage for children) and
answer the questions that follow.

Medicaid Health Insurance (coverage for children)

Family Monthly Income Level
This chart is only a guide Individuals should see an enrollment counselor for eligibility screening.
Age Categories Monthly Income for Family Size Each Additional
for Children 3 4 5 Person Add:
Children under $3,255 $3,925 $4,595 $670
1 Year Old
1-18 Years Old $2,165 $2,611 $3,056 $446
19-20 Years Old $1,352 $1,528 $1,704 $177
- Please see an enrollment counselor for additional program information and requirement

- The benefits you can get for your Children are : Well-child care, Physical exams, Vision care,
Speech and hearing, Emergency ambulance transportation to a hospital, Immunizations,
Diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury, X-ray and lab tests, Outpatient surgery,
Emergency care.

68. What can be inferred about “Medicaid”?
1. It’s a charity organization.
2. It’s a child care medical institute.
3. It’s a medical center for the young.
4. It’s an insurance service mainly for children.
5. It’s an agency caring for families.

69. Which group of people can be enrolled into Medicaid ?

1. Any adults who are interested in the program
2. Approved children under nineteen years of age
3. Any persons with counselors approval.
4. Children from any wealthy families
5. Approved twenty-year-old children and under.

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A-Level, TGAT 1

70. How much is the difference between the payment for each additional person for the size 5
family of a 1-18 years old and that of a 19-20 years old child for the size 4 family?
1. $ 269 2. $ 261
3. $ 429 4. $ 168
5. $ 502

71. The Mathews earn $2,611 a month, how much do they pay for the insurance for their three
children aged 9 , 12, and 17 ?
1. $ 1,338 2. $ 1,340
3. $ 1,293 4. $ 885
5. $ 708

72. Who is NOT entitled to have Medicaid benefit ?

1. Mary who requires a new pair of corrective lens glasses.
2. Ken who requested reimbursement for has dental root canal.
3. Bob who needs to remove his brain tumor
4. Annie who has passed the entrance examination and needs a doctor’s certificate.
5. Sarah who is going too dengue fever infected area in Africa.

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A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 1
Nowadays, lots of people look for the words “organically grown” when they want to eat healthy.
But what if it turns out those little labels don’t actually mean what people think, and that
the foods they feel so good about eating aren’t that different from the store brand – except for
the price tag at checkout ?
That’s the question raised by researchers at Standford University in a study published this week,
which found that the health benefits of organically grown produce, meats, eggs and cheeses are
negligible when compared to their non-organic counterparts. Not only were foods labeled
organic no more nutritious than other foods, which tend to be substantially less expensive, they
were just as likely as the store brand to be contaminated by bacteria like E.coli and other
dangerous germs.
Moreover, the researchers found that the nutritional content of most fruits and vegetables
depended more on ripeness, soil and climate than on how they were farmed. Organic produce
generally had higher levels of phosphorus and compounds known as phenols, which may help
prevent some cancers. But the differences were so tiny researchers couldn’t say for sure they
conferred any overall health benefit. Meanwhile, some non-organic strains of fruits and vegetables
actually had more vitamins and anti-oxidants than their pricier organic cousins.
Will any of this discourage people from pursuing healthier lifestyles by seeking out organically

grown foods? Not likely. The organic produce market was a $12.4 billion business last year,
compared to 9.8 billion the year before and many people undoubtedly will see even minuscule
differences in pesticide levels and bacteria resistance as worth the extra cost. Eating foods that
don’t contain synthetic pesticides, hormones or additives is a lifestyle choice as much as a strat-
egy for dietary health.
That’s because even for those skeptical of the health advantages of organic foods and farming
methods, they have a generally positive impact on the environment. Organic farmers not only
avoid the intensive use of pesticides to protect their plants, they also employ techniques like crop
rotation and natural fertilizers that don’t produce harmful agricultural runoff to contaminate rivers
and streams.
Organic farming has the potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emission that contribute to
climate change. For many people, a healthier planer is as good a reason as any for eating,
organic, regardless of the health advantages such foods confer.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

73. What can be inferred from the question raised by researchers at Stanford University?
1. Organic foods are not worth eating.
2. Labels on organic foods are untruthful.
3. The price of organic foods is too high.
4. Organic foods are quite different from non-organic counterparts.
5. Lots of people are misled by the words “organically grown”

74. What does the writer expect the reader to feel after reading paragraph 1?
1. Disappointed 2. Horrified.
3. Helpless 4. Amazed.
5. Angry.

75. Which is NOT the true statement about organic and non-organic foods ?
1. Non-organic foods are as nutritious as organic ones.
2. Non-organic foods are generally cheaper than organic ones.
3. Health benefits of organic and non-organic foods are very slightly different.
4. Both organic and non-organic foods can be contaminated by bacteria and other
dangerous germs.
5. Organically grown produce, meats, eggs and cheese are more delicious than
their non-organic counterparts.

76. How are the ideas of the passage mainly developed?

1. Through general analysis. 2. Through specific details.
3. Through chronological order. 4. Through comparison and contrast.
5. Through cause and effect.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

77. How did the writer largely support his points?

1. By logical reasoning. 2. By referring to organic farmers.
3. By specific facts based on research. 4. By quoting nutritionists.
5. By direct observation.

78. How do organic fruits and vegetables differ from non-organic ones ?
1. They could gradually resist cancers.
2. They had more pesticide residue.
3. They had more nutritional content.
4. They had more vitamin and anti-oxidants.
5. They had higher levels of phosphorus and phenols.

79. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage ?
1. Pursuing healthier lifestyle is unreasonable.
2. Many people are unwilling to pay the extra cost for organic foods for the sake of
a healthier environment.
3. The research findings undoubtedly encourage people to eat organic foods.
4. In spite of the research findings, the growth of organic food business is evident.
5. The use of the crop rotation technique and natural fertilizers in organic farms
reduces the greenhouse gas emission.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

80. What is the chief purpose of this passage?

1. To inform. 2. To inspire.
3. To disapprove. 4. To confirm.
5. To judge.

81. What is the tone at the end of the passage ?

1. Expectant. 2. Satisfied.
3. Objective. 4. Sarcastic.
5. Disappointed.

82. Which is the best title for the passage ?

1. Healthy Foods. 2. Food Choices.
3. Pricier Foods for Healthier Planet. 4. Is Organic Food Worth It ?
5. Impact of Organic Food on Environment.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 2
The Indian River Lagoon has been suffering recently because of microscopic algae blooms, which
have caused mass die-offs of seagrass, which shelters aquatic species and is the primary food
for manatees. The Orlando Sentinets Kevin Spear reports manatees began dying in the areas that
had the worst sea grass loss last year, but no cause of death has officially been determined.
His report said 80 manatees have been found dead thus far Brown pelicans also have died in the
area, but scientists have not been able to come up with an explanation for their deaths. So far
more than 200 pelican carcasses have been found. Spear reported.
“Manatees eat plants, and pelicans eat fish. The only thing they share is water.” Dan Wolf, a state
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologist, told Spear. Investigators believe that
manatees are eating gracilaria, a red-colored algae, because of the seagrass shortage and
because the dead manatees’ stomachs are full of it Gracilaria isn’t known to be toxic, but
scientists are trying to find whether some type of toxin is at work.
Wolf said that when the manatees die, it appears to happen quickly, but the pelicans are plagued
with parasites for weeks before they perish. The question now is whether the lagoon is
transforming from a system where seagrasses and large algae absorb nutrient pollution to
a system in which microscopic algae are in control.

83. What is the best heading for this news lecture ?
1. Kevin Spear’s Report
2. Causes of Death of Manatees and Pelicans.
3. Effects of Microscopic Algae Blooming on Seagrasses
4. Manatees and Pelicans Dying in Indian River Lagoon
5. Ending of a Devastating Ecosystem

84. What can be interred about sea grass from the first paragraph ?
1. It is grass that grows in the sea.
2. It will soon be completely destroyed.
3. It is an endangered aquatic creature.
4. It prevents sea creatures from microscopic algae
5. It used to be plentiful in the Indian River Lagoon.

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A-Level, TGAT 1

85. What does the writer infer about the manatees ?

1. Their primary food is gracilaria
2. The blooming of seagrasses caused their reproduction
3. They try to stay away from the Indian River Lagoon.
4. Microscopic algae are their predators
5. There is still no conclusive evidence for their deaths.

86. Which is the question of which the answer CANNOT be found in paragraph 3 ?
1. Who is Dan Wolf ?
2. What did Spear learn from Wolf ?
3. What do manatees and pelicans eat ?
4. How do scientists find out about some types of toxins ?
5. Why is it inferred that manatees eat red-colored algae?

87. Which of the following conclusions is NOT supported by the news feature?
1. Keven Spear’s report is based on research data.
2. The number of pelicans deaths is greater than that of manatees.
3. Compared with the manatees, the pelicans take much longer to die.
4. Not enough clues have been found to determine the cause of manatees
and pelicans’ deaths.
5. The red – colored algae found in the dead manatees’ stomach definitely
caused their deaths

88. How does the writer end this new feature about manatees habitat
1. Mistrust 2. Expectation
3. Enthusiasm 4. Confirmation
5. Uncertainty

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 4
This passage comprises 2 Letters to the editor of the New York Times the first letter is from Alex
Busko commenting on an issue published by the newspaper and the second one from Tim Wycoff,
another New York Times reader, reacting to Busko’s letter.
To the Editor :
With the expansion of coverage under the Affordable Care Act set to take effect next year,
the United States is facing an alarming physician shortage. We don’t have enough physicians to
treat insured patients right now. What happens when there are an estimated 30 million more
insured patients in 2014?
The American Association of Medical Colleges estimates that by 2015, the shortage of doctors
across all specialties will quadruple, to more than 60,000 By 2025 , that number will reach
a staggering 130,000. Last year there were 45,266 medical school applicants competing for
19,517 seats. Thousands of qualified people every year can’t get into medical school. This will be
partly addressed by plans to open new medical schools and expand existing ones.
But there’s a bigger problem. After graduating from medical school, a newly minted doctor must
complete a three-to-seven-year residency before practicing independently. These residency
positions are largely federally funded, and while medical school enrollment has been slowly
increasing, the number of residencies has been capped since the 1997 Balanced Budget Act.

A bill recently introduced in Congress would increase the number of residency training programs
by 15,000 over five years. And while I applaud this proposal, it’s estimated that it will supply
not even half of the physicians necessary to address our shortage. We need to do more.
Here’s one idea. Foreign-trained physicians usually must complete a residency here before
they are licensed to practice independently. We ought to allow them to quickly prove their
competence, sit for the boards and start taking care of patients.
I am pleased that 30 million Americans will soon have health insurance for the first time.
But health insurance is pretty useless if you can’t find a doctor to treat you and your family.
Miami, June 17, 2013
Readers React

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A-Level, TGAT 1

As a practicing family physician for the past 25-plus years, I would say that we do not have a
shortage of doctors so much as we, as a nation, have a shortage of healthy habits. My days
are filled with taking care of patients with problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and
high cholesterol levels that are largely the result of bad eating and little exercise. My “toolbox”
consists of a lot of expensive tests and medicines, plus my often frustrating attempts at
changing individual behaviors within a culture of toxic, addictive food and an endless variety of
labor-saving devices and toys.
Rather than producing (or importing) more doctors for the burgeoning population of the
overnourished and underfit, I would suggest that we focus on reining in the food and agriculture
industry that dominates our food supply. At the same time we should be promoting more
physical activity.
In short, if everyone in this country would eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, 50 percent
of the problems that I see daily would not even exist, and I could focus on the diseases and
injuries of bad genes and bad luck and just getting older. Doctor shortage solved.
Appleton, Wis, June 19, 2013

89. What is the main topic of discussion of Alex Busko and Tim Wycoff?
1. The benefits of the Affordable Care Act
2. The fate of uninsured patients.
3. Health of the majority of American people
4. The solution to the doctor shortage problem
5. Pro and con of the doctor shortage problem

90. What does Busko largely use to illustrate his points ?

1. Authoritative sources 2. Experts’ opinions
3. His own observation 4. Medical doctors
5. Influential politicians

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

91. What does Busko expect the readers to feel after reading his letter ?
1. Worried 2. Thrilled
3. Annoyed 4. Terrified
5. Awesome

92. What is the biggest problems the graduates from medical schools now face?
1. They cannot practice until they complete residency
2. It takes them about 3 to 7 years to practice independently
3. They have to apply for federal fund to get a residency position.
4. Residency completion is required but the number of residencies has been limited.
5. Not all graduates can get residency positions which are federally funded.

93. What solution does Busko suggest ?
1. Import foreign doctors to work in the hospitals
2. Give foreign-trained physicians a license to take care of patients
3. Allow foreign residencies to practice independently
4. Allow competent foreign doctors to sit for the boards and to treat patients
5. Let foreign doctors sit for the boards.

94. What is the tone at the end of Busko’s letter?

1. Amused and expectant 2. Hopeful but critical
3. Fearless and optimistic 4. Dreamy but focused
5. Sarcastic but disgusted

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A-Level, TGAT 1

95. What is the chief purpose of Wycoff’s letter ?

1. To criticize Busko’s reaction 2. To confirm Busko’s points
3. To oppose Busko’s idea 4. To inform about healthy habits
5. To promote physical activities

96. What can be inferred about Wycoff ?

1. He is one of the renowned doctors.
2. He feels encouraged because of his patients’ behaviors.
3. He wants to give up his present job.
4. He gets tired of treating patients with problems resulting from bad eating and little exercise.
5. He is unwilling to administer expensive tests and medicines to underserved patients.

97. According to Wycoff, how can the problem raised by Busko be solved ?
1. By banning toxic and additive food
2. By encouraging people to eat healthy food and exercise regularly
3. By supporting the population of the over nourished and unfit
4. By dominating the country food supply
5. By importing or producing more doctors for the increasing population.

98. What does Wycoff mean by “…the problems that I see daily …” (line 45) in his letter?
1. His patients’ obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
2. His patients’ eating habits.
3. His patients’ expensive medicines in his “toolbox.”
4. His now and then patients.
5. His patients’ with toxic, additive food and a variety of labor-saving devices and toys.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Directions : Read the passages below and select the best word choices to complete
the passages.

Cloze Passage 1
The increase in obesity began nearly half a century ago with a rise in calories consumed daily
and a decline in meals ___99___ at home.
According to the Department of Agriculture, in 1970 the food supply provided 2,086 calories per
person per day. On average. By 2010, this amount ___100___ to 2,534 calories, an increase of
more than 20 percent. ___101___ each day could add nearly 50 pounds to the average adult in
a year.
Sugar, it turns out, is a minor player ___102___ the rise. More than half of the added calories
-242 a day – have come from fats and oils, and another 167 calories from flour and cereal. Sugar
accounts for only 35 of ___103___

1. Preparing and eating 2. to prepare and eat
3. which prepare and eat 4. Prepared and eaten
5. to prepare for eating

1. was rising 2. was risen
3. had risen 4. has risen
5. has been rising

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A-Level, TGAT 1

1. 448 calories extra consumption 2. Consuming an extra 448 calories
3. An extra consuming of 448 calories 4. A consumption extra of 448 calories
5. Extra calories of 448 to consuming

1. on 2. at
3. for 4. to
5. of

1. the calories daily added 2. the added daily calories
3. the added calories daily 4. daily added the calories
5. added the calories daily

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Cloze Passage 2
Below is a letter from Dana, an advice columnist, to “Break-up woes”, a girl who wrote a letter
asking for her advice.
Dear Break-up woes,
…. Relationships that are solid ___104___ can stand the test of time. A good relationship is about
___105___ and a mutual spirit to root for the others. So do just that, for him and for your own
future. The perfect match is someone who makes you happy, someone who makes you smile,
makes everything seem better, comfortable and blissful. And while in your case it may seem
___106___ you’ve found it (and you may have), don’t be hasty in ___107___ as a consequence,
if the two of you are best for ___108___ then you’ll know it in the long run. Time apart won’t
hinder much In fact, time apart would bring you to better realization.

1. ones that 2. to be the ones that
3. is the one’s that 4. are the ones that
5. being ones that

1. friends, honest, compatibility 2. friendly, honestly , compatibly
3. friendship, honesty, compatibility 4. friendly, honest, compatible
5. friendliness, honest, compatibly

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A-Level, TGAT 1

1. as if 2. When
3. what 4. as
5. if

1. what you do 2. that you do
3. how should do 4. where to do
5. which to do

1. both 2. others
3. each other 4. one another
5. one and the other

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A-Level, TGAT 1

SECTION 1 : Listening & Speaking

Direction : Fill in the blanks with appropriate questions, comments or responses.

Part 1 Dialogues

Dialogue 1
Student : What do I have to do if I want to withdraw from the course?
Teacher : If you want to _____109_____ the course, you have to go to the College Office.
1. do 2. drop
3. take 4. attend
5. complete

Dialogue 2
Tom : Are you going to phone Patricia again?

Peter : _____110_____ I’ve left five messages for her, and she’s never replied.
1. I haven’t 2. I’d bothered.
3. She doesn’t want to 4. It’s really no bother.
5. I can’t be bothered.

Dialogue 3
William : Can you come round for a meal tonight?
Pat : Thanks very much. _____111_____ I haven’t met you for a long time.
1. I doubt it. 2. I’d love to
3. I wish I were 4. That looks good.
5. I’m really apologetic.

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A-Level, TGAT 1

Dialogue 4
James : What did you think of your brother’s new girlfriend?
Jane : _____112_____ I got on with her very well.
1. She’s fantastic. 2. She looks awful.
3. She’s lost weight. 4. She’s in her thirties.
5. She has beautiful red hair.

Dialogue 5
Kevin : Hi, Manee. _____113_____
Manee : Hi, I’m great. I’m going to visit my uncle in Songkhla.
Announcement : “Ladies & Gentlemen. Attention please ! Train 2637,
Hualumpong Express, bound for Hadyai will leave at 21.30 hours from
platform 3.”
Manee : I’m sorry, Kevin. _____114_____ I’ll see you later. There is an announcement
About your train also. Bye!

1. How’s it like ? 2. How about you?
3. How do you do ? 4. How have you been?
5. How long have you been here ?

1. Keep you time. 2. Someone is calling me.
3. You can wait for me here. 4. My train is always delayed.
5. My train is about to leave.

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A-Level, TGAT 1

Dialogue 6
Travel agent : Hello. Worldwide Travel. Can I help you?
Harris : Hello. Good morning. I want to book a ticket to Chiang Mai.
Travel agent : _____115_____
Harris : Next Monday.
Travel agent : Economy or business ?
Harris : _____116_____
Travel agent : OK. Please wait. Let me check….. Yes, Tickets are available. _____117_____
Harris : Please do. How much is for the round trip ?
Travel agent : Just a minute … That will be Baht 5,600.
Harris : OK. _____118_____ . Thank you.
Travel agent : You’re welcome.

1. When will you start from here? 2. When will you buy the ticket?
3. When do you want to travel ? 4. When will you collect the ticket ?

5. When do you want to come back ?

1. It’s my business. 2. Economy, please.
3. Mind your business. 4. I am a business person.
5. Here’s my business card.

1. May I have you ticket? 2. Shall I buy you a ticket ?
3. Shall I reserve your ticket? 4. Do you want to sell the ticket?
5. Do you want to give me your ticket?

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A-Level, TGAT 1

1. I’ll drop you here. 2. I will fly tomorrow.
3. You should confirm it. 4. I’ll drop by in an hour.
5. You should drop me a line.

Directions : Choose the appropriate expressions for the missing parts in the conversations
and also answer the questions in conversations 2 and 3.

Part II Conversations

Conversation 1
Bill : Mika, you look tired.
Mika : Yeah, I feel like _____119_____ So tired from _____120_____ .
Supachai : You mean you went to the fitness?
Mika : _____121_____ correct your English, but ‘go to the fitness’s is Thailish. Fitness is
a noun that should normally be combined with other nouns, so you say “Go to

the fitness Center” or “follow a fitness routine.”

Supachai : Sorry, my English needs work. Anyway _____122_____ . How often are you
working out?
Mika : 6 or 7days a week. I want to get back into shape.
Bill : But you already look as fit as a fiddle. You need _____123_____
Supachai : Yeah, try to be like me. I don’t need the gym. I’m already thin. _____124_____
Mika : Actually you are far from it. Just because you are thin, it doesn’t mean you are fit.
Many people who are thin are also _____125_____ .
Supachai : So why are you working out so much Mika?
Mika : I plan on entering the Phuket triathlon in the next three months.
Bill : Wow, _____126_____ . That is a major competition, isn’t it?
Mika : Yeah, I need to be able to complete a 1.8 km swim, followed by a 55 km bike ride
and 12 km run.
Bill : Wow, _____127_____ . I did know you were such a fitness nut. It makes me want
to do something about _____128______ .

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. I am a bit off color. 2. I’m on my last legs.
3. I am back on my feel. 4. I add more fuel to the fire.
5. I put my foot in the mouth.

1. hitting the gym 2. going to touch base
3. zigzagging my way 4. fighting a lose battle
5. dashing up to cloud no. 9

1. I hate to 2. I’d love to
3. I’d rather to 4. I’d better not to
5. I’m afraid not to

1. you are boring 2. you are so mean
3. you do look tired 4. you look larger than life
5. you look on a bright side

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. to take it easy 2. to take it for fun
3. to take it seriously 4. to take it for granted
5. to take it as a grain of salt

1. I am an old flame. 2. I am an early bird.
3. I am a blaze o f publicity 4. I am a ripper of laughter.
5. I am the picture of health.

1. out and out 2. down at heel
3. down and out 4. strong and firm
5. weak and out of shape

1. point taken 2. it’s a big “if”
3. you’re kidding 4. over my dead body.
5. it’s out of the question

44 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. that is rather awful 2. that is really impressive
3. that is quite indispensable 4. that is slightly exaggerated
5. that is more or less substantial

1. a twist in my arm 2. the heart of hearts
3. my own spare tyre 4. the apple of my eye
5. the back of my hand

Conversation 2
Peter : So Phil, we need to come to an agreement on the final grades for this dentistry course.
Phil : What do I do about Siriporn? She missed the last quiz and didn’t hand in the final report.
Peter : _____129______ Does she cut class all the time?

Phil : No, from what I understand, _____130______ and that has affected her health in the
last month.
Peter : _____131______
Phil : She passed with flying colors. She can be an eager beaver in class with assignments.
We need to get grades handed in, so I can only let her do the quiz tomorrow.
She’ll have to cram for it tonight.
Peter : OK, inform her about that today then. Great. Let’s move on. We’re really getting through
this quickly. Now what do we do about your student.

1. She is find. 2. It doesn’t matter.
3. That’s fine with me. 4. Where is her report?
5. What is the problem?

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. she seems fine 2. she looks upbeat
3. she likes to travel 4. she is irresponsible
5. she is under a lot of stress

1. I saw her pass by.
2. How is she doing now ?
3. Tell her to drop by my office.
4. How did she do on the final exam?
5. Did she show up her classmates in the exam?

132. Who are talking?

1. a student and a teacher 2. a student and a student
3. an advisor and a student 4. a teacher and a teacher
5. an examine and an examinee

133. What is the topic of this conversation?

1. What Siriporn likes 2. Why Siriporn cuts classes
3. How to grade Siriporn’s paper 4. When Siriporn should take the quiz
5. How to solve the problem of Siriporn

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

134. How can you describe Phil from what he said?

1. proud 2. arrogant
3. energetic 4. pessimistic
5. sympathetic

Conversation 3
Lee : Hey Sirin, what grade did you get on the writing assignment?
Sirin : I don’t know. I didn’t check.
Lee : Really? Why not ? _____135______ by standing all the time. I would think that You are
serious about the grades too.
Sirin : Professor Smith told me last week that I did a great job with the assignment. That’s all
I need to know.
Lee : You are weirdo, you know.
Sirin : Ha Ha, no I am just not as focused on grades as everyone in class.
Lee : But you always have your nose in your books. So, why don’t you care about
your grades?

Sirin : _____136______ I do care. But my old teacher always said that the purpose
of university is about learning skills and that is what I try to focus on.
Learn the correct skills from each course and the grades will take care of themselves.

1. You’re keen to be a teacher 2. You shouldn’t be so serious
3. You must be crazy about books 4. You seem like such a bookworm
5. You’re just like a common student

1. I couldn’t agree more. 2. Actually I’m very careful.
3. I agree with what you said. 4. Because I really care about grades
5. I didn’t say that I don’t care about grades.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

137. What is Sirin’s attitude towards learning ?

1. She doesn’t like university life.
2. Learning skills are the heart of learning.
3. She doesn’t like university grading system.
4. Teachers play an important role in learning.
5. Grade is the most important learning objective.

138. Which of the following best describes Sirin?

1. curious 2. humble
3. ambitions 4. innovative
5. conscientious


Part I Graph and Ads.


Directions : Study the pie charts and choose the best answers to the questions using
information form the charts.

Deaths by broad Cause Group

Developed Regions Developing Regions

139. What do these pie charts show?

Com 14% Com 55%

Noncom 77% Noncom 37%

Injuries 9% Injuries 8%

1. Contrast of regional deaths

2. Broad group of causes of death
3. Illustrations of victims of various diseases
4. Comparative study of communicable disease cases
5. Percentages of deaths from noncommunicable diseases

48 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

140. Which type of diseases has the second highest mortality rate for some countries in Asia
and Africa?
1. HIV 2. Cancer
3. Malaria 4. Cholera
5. Dengue fever

141. What is the proportion of deaths from noncontagious diseases in developed regions and
developing regions?
1. About 40% 2. About 50%
3. three to eight 4. Almost one quarter
5. Approximately three to four

142. Which statement can be inferred from the pie charts?
1. An African is more prone to die from Malaria than a Japanese.
2. Communicable disease is illustrated as the major cause of death in the first world.
3. An almost equal number of people in both regions die from major and minor wounds.
4. Accidents and injuries are not causes of concern in both developed and developing
regions of the world.
5. A small number of people die from communicable diseases in both industrialized and
Non industrialized worlds.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Directions : Study the ads and choose the best answers to the questions using
the information given.

great health care

starts with great
research and education
Case Western Reserve University School of Medincine is ranked as one of the top medical
schools for research in the nation by U.S. News & World Report .We congratulate our affiliated
hospitals for being recognized as some of the nations’s best :
Cleveland clinic :
University Hospital Case Medical Center
Metro Health Medical Center
We are honored to partner with them to bring research and education to life.

143. What is implied in this advertisement?


1. The organization is unprofessional.

2. The school of medicine is well-known.
3. The institute is a free-of-charge hospital.
4. The target reader is junior medical students.
5. The organization underestimates its partners.

144. What makes this organization famous?

1. It praises its affiliation.
2. It is the best medical school.
3. It is renowned for its medical research
4. It is well-known for its treatment of patients.
5. It is the nation’s best medical research organization.

145. What is the institute’s intention in affiliating with other hospitals?

1. To honor its partner
2. To bring life to university education
3. To accelerate medical goals and bring them to life
4. To increase interest and involvement in good health care
5. To make education and research vital in their partnership

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Part II Reading

Directions : Read the following passages and choose the best answers to the questions.

Passage 1
In 1845, Captain Franklin, a British Royal Navy officer, took two ships and 129 men
towards the Northwest Territories in an attempt to map the Northwest Passage, a route
that would allow sailors to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the icy Arctic circle.
Stocked with provisions that could last for seven years, and outfitted with the
latest technology and experienced men, the two ships-the HMS Erebus and the HMS
Terror – were some of the biggest, strongest vessels ever to make the journey.
But the men vanished into the frozen Arctic, leaving a few clues but no
explanation as to what went wrong.
The first search party set off 3 years later in 1848. In the latest hunt for the
remains of Captain Sir John Franklin and his men, 160 years after he took his crew deep
into the Arctic, representatives from Parks Canada announced the results from their
search during

146. What would be the best possible title of this article?
1. The Arctic Search 2. Captain Franklin’s Men
3. Franklin’s Fateful Expedition 4. Searches for the British Ships
5. A British Royal Navy Exploration

147. What event most likely took place in 1845?

1. An introduction of maps
2. An exploration of new routes
3. A discovery of the Arctic Circle
4. British new territories in the northwest
5. No travelling allowed in the Pacific Ocean

148. How long would Captain Franklin’s food supplies last?

1. one decade 2. three years
3. a few year 4. seven years
5. three score years

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

149. In the third paragraph, what does the phrase “what went wrong” (line 10) refer to?
1. the discoveries of a few clues
2. why the men left their captain
3. the disappearance of the ships
4. how Franklin took the wrong route
5. Franklin’s decision to go to the frozen Arctic

150. Which of the following is TRUE about the search for Captain Franklin and his men?
1. It was made only once since 1848.
2. Canada was responsible for the search.
3. There was no search done by the British.
4. The first search was in 1848 and the second one was in 2005.
5. The search for Captain Franklin and his men has been in vain.

Passage 2
Dr. Sue Stevens, a leading dietician and researcher in the field of food allergies and

intolerance comments that food allergies are indeed on the rise, as is the confusion between
the definitions of allergy and intolerance. While an allergy is a reaction in the immune system,
intolerance means that the body can’t process certain foods properly. As Stevens explains, there
are several theories behind the rise of food allergy and intolerance, including that the modern
society is “too clean” and does not allow the immune system to build up the required strength,
and the rise of genetic modifications in food crops.
However, Stevens suspects that food intolerance such as fructose malabsorption has
always been around, they just weren’t spoken about. “Many years ago people didn’t take about
bloating and wind, there were a taboo topic. I think that the problem has always been there,
it’s just that no one discussed it, she says.
Increased demand for information on food intolerances and Irritable Bow Syndrome (IBS)
compelled Stevens and Professor Peter Gibson, the Head of Medicine at Monash University,
to co-author The Food Intolerance Management Plan (Viking), which was released in May,
“There is a lot of misinformation out there. This book is the result not just of good ideas but also
of scientific and clinical investigation,” says Gibson.
“Conventional medicine now recognizes that food choice is a very important part of
helping people with IBS… This whole area has now been turned on its head with, as an American
colleague said, “an avalanche of interest” in food intolerance, “food hypersensitivity and diet,”
he says

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

151. What is the main idea of this text?

1. People are not longer shy about their problems.
2. Food hypersensitivity is part of food intolerance.
3. Conventional medicine has led to cure of food allergies.
4. IBS has become a better known subject for discussion.
5. Food allergy has become an interesting topic for food processing.

152. What is inferred in Paragraph 1 of the text?

1. People with food allergies lack immunity.
2. People with food allergies are usually too clean.
3. In general, human immune system has become weaker.
4. Dr. Stevens is confused between food allergies and intolerance
5. Genetically modified foods are the main cause of food allergies and intolerance.

153. What is fructose malabsorption?
1. An example of food intolerance
2. An illness caused by fruit intake
3. Confusion led by poor definition
4. A result of a food probiotics research
5. An incurable illness by a recently developed medicine

154. What is the implication of this text concerning IBS treatment?

1. Traditional methods can be very promising.
2. Conventional medicine will never cure food intolerance.
3. Self-awareness in terms of our during system is beneficial.
4. Selection of menu is significant to the treatment of patients.
5. Dieticians and doctors are researching the causes and symptoms of IBS.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

155. What used to be a “taboo” topic of conversation at dinner tables?

1. Food choice on the menu
2. Other guests’ food problems
3. Consequences of food contamination
4. Discussing one’s own bowel condition
5. Medicinal therapy to stop stomachache

156. What does the term “this whole area” (line 23) refer to ?
1. Monash campus 2. Treatment of IBS
3. Symptom reaction 4. System malfunction
5. Traditional medicine

157. What does the last paragraph imply?

1. Self-realization is a very important factor.
2. Treatment and cure are possible for all IBS patients.
3. Groups of doctors have become knowledgeable about diets and cures.
4. People should be more open about their bowel illness and its symptoms.
5. One’s realization of one’s own level and kind of food intake is significant to cure.

158. What is the main purpose of this article?

1. To provide a medical report service
2. To persuade the general public to diet
3. To inform about food reactions, symptoms and treatments
4. To enhance reactions to IBS and various methods of curing it
5. To request the readers to take conventional measures to cure

54 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

Passage 3
Cracks start to show in “vegetative state” diagnosis
By Kathleen Gilbert
July 11, 2011 ( – After years of opposition from disability advocates,
more experts and beginning to question the validity of the “persistent vegetative state” (PVS)
diagnostic label that paved the way for Terri Schiavo’s starvation death.
A Discover magazine article by Kat McGowan published online on July 6 explained that PVS
often fails to account for a broad swath of traumat brain injury patients who are deemed to be
“still in there” – a conclusion one science reporter called “haunting”
The article examined the outcome of years of experiments by Dr. Joseph Giancino,
Director of Rehabilitation Neuropsychology at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, and Nicholas
Schiff, a Weill Cirnell Medical Center neurologist, as they probed the distinction between reflexes
and “real cognition” in patients who appear to have little communion with the outside world.
Several studies, one as late as 2009, have found that as many as 41 percent of PVS
patients had some level of awareness, and the evidence keeps building. Schiff called his first
experience with an awakening – he discovered his very first. PVS patient was speaking three years
later – “truly surreal.” Spurred by that experience, he and Gianoino examined more “PVS” patients.
In one case, the team marveled as the neural activity of one man deemed minimally conscious

“flared up” just like a healthy brain at the sound of his mother’s voice.
Another patient woke up abruptly after 19 years of minimal consciousness and began
to speak fluently. Later, a scan found that his brain was sprouting new connections, something
“nobody would have believed” possible with a decades-old injury without picture proof, according
to one expert.
However, the bright prospects may be dimmed by prejudice against the disabled: Giancino
reflected on a grim reaction he received at a “well-regarded major medical center” after he had
given a presentation of his findings.
“The Head of Trauma Center thanks me and in a very jovial manner says, “In my day,
the term for these patients was jellyfish.” And he laughs and moves on,” he said, “What do you do
with that?”
“The implications of their work are haunting. It suggests that may of the estimated
250,000 to 300,000 or more people in this country languishing in bedrooms and nursing homes
with disorders of consciousness are probably still “in there” – still have some capacity to think
and to feel and might, in a limited way, be able to rejoin the world,” writes McGowan.
Several cases have been documented of supposedly “vegetative” patients returning to
consciousness after as many as twenty years, a fact frequently stressed by disability advocates
such as the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.
In the Discover article, McGowan claimed the autopsy of Schiavo “proved that she could
never have recovered” because her brain had shrunk dramatically. However, other experts have
contested that conclusion based on the known status of Terri’s brain, which besides its size had
remained “relatively preserved,” in the words of the doctor who performed the autopsy.

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

159. Which of the following is the appropriate definition of “cracks” in headline of “Cracks start
to show in “vegetative state” diagnosis”?

1 [C] a sign that an organization, relationship, or plan is weak or beginning to

fail: events which deepened the cracks in the monarchy; cracks start to appear (in 5th)
After only a year cracks started to appear in their marriage.
2 [C] a short sudden loud noise like a small explosion the sharp crack of a single gunshot
3 [C] informal a hard hit on a part of your body: He’s a nassy crack on the head.
4 [C] informal an attempt to do something ; have/take a crack at [doing] 5th We thought
we’d have a crack at running our own business.
5 [C] informal a rude or insulting joke about someone or something : Some of the students
were making cracks about her appearance.

1. 1 2. 2
3. 3 4. 4
5. 5

160. What is the main objective of this article?

1. to protect the disabled
2. to promote the two scientists
3. to question Terri Schiavo’s death
4. to call for the reconsideration of PVS diagnosis
5. to give information about vegetative state diagnosis

161. What does “starvation death” mean ? (line 4) It means to die from…
1. a heart attack 2. a lack of food
3. a jovial jelly fish 4. a shrinking brain
5. a vegetative state

162. What was the evidence that PVS patients had some level of awareness?
1. Terri Schiavo’s brain had shrunk dramatically.
2. A 19-year-old patient woke up and began to speak fluently.
3. A man in a vegetative state responded to his mother’s voice.
4. A patient’s brain with a decades-old injury began developing new connections.
5. About 250,000 to 300,000 or more patients with disorders of consciousness
still have some capacity to think and feel.

56 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

163. Which of the following words could replace the word “spurred” (line 19)?
1. serviced 2. imitated
3. indicated 4. informed
5. stimulated

164. How are the ideas primarily developed? Through …

1. reasoning 2. general analysis
3. specific examples 4. personal incidents
5. comparison and contrast

165. From where has the writer of this article mainly collected her information?
1. Nicholas Schiff’s paper
2. Kat McGowan’s article
3. Gilbert’s research report
4. Josep Giancino’s paper
5. The Perri Schiavo Life and Hope Network

166. What was the attitude of the Head of Trauma Center toward his patients?
1. Tolerant 2. Disdainful
3. Affectionate 4. Sympathetic
5. Disappointed

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

167. What is the overall tone of this article?

1. Sincere and factual 2. Angry and sarcastic
3. Resentful and hopeless 4. Indifferent and scornful
5. Critical and informative

168. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

1. To state that McGowan was biased.
2. To verify that Terri would never recover.
3. To confirm the known status of Terri’s brain.
4. To contrast McGowan’s conclusion and that of other experts.
5. To confirm the reliability of the doctor who performed the autopsy.



Part I Paragraph Organization

Directions : Choose the correct answers that show the logical sequences.

A. Collins had an aggressive cancer that responded well to a certain regimen of
prompt chemotherapy.
B. “That was really pretty devastating,” recalls Collins, 66,
C. But a severe shortage of one of the key drugs, he learned, would force a switch
to less effective drugs to avoid interrupting treatment.
D. His prognosis would worsen without the drug, cytarabine, from about a 70 percent
chance of staying in remission for 10 years to “a tossup”.
E. a retired Viterbo University chemistry professor.
1. A C B E D 2. A D B E C
3. A D C B E 4. B E A C D
5. D B E A C

58 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

A. The result can be unnecessary treatment in that age group.
B. Doctors test too many women for human papillomavirus, a recent study shows.
C. but 60 percent of doctors say they do it anyway.
D. Though some types of the virus can cause cervical cancer, routine screening
isn’t recommended for women under 30.
E. Yes, many of those women have the virus, but it often goes away on its own.
1. A B C D E 2. B C D A E
3. B D C A E 4. D B C A E
5. E A B D C

A. But, I ordered one anyway.
B. I have very little back pain and can sleep much better.
C. I have had such a lower back pain that I could hardly stand.
D. I have used it for about two months now.
E. I saw your ad two years ago and thought it wouldn’t help me.

1. A B C D E 2. B A E C D
3. C E A D B 4. D E B A C
5. E D C B A

A. A quarter of all deaths in 2007 occurred at home, according to a recent analysis by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – a jump of more than 50 percent in two decades.
B. Not surprisingly, the deciding factor is often a person’s desire, though research reveals
that the wishes of family members can make all the difference.
C. When the time finally comes, some 88 percent of Americans say they would prefer to Die
at home, though fully 63 percent of people aged 65 and older end their lives in a hospital
or a nursing home.
D. CDC data show, for example, than non-Hispanic whites in the US express a higher preference
than Hispanics and blacks for dying at home and indeed do so in greater numbers.
E. But it appears that paradigm is starting to shift.
1. A C D B E 2. A E D B C
3. C E A B D 4. C E B A D
5. D B E C A

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

A. The other problem is that once colleges get into big-time sports, corruption tends to Follow.
B. Only a handful of athletic departments actually pay for themselves.
C. The rest rely on student’s tuition and fees to help pay for coaches, trainers, equipment,
and travel and lodging expenses for the players.
D. High-powered athletic programs drain money from academics.
E. A university has more football coaches (seven) than it has professors in its history
department (four)
1. B E C A D 2. D A B C E
3. D B C E A 4. D E A B C
5. E D C B A

Part II Cloze Test

Directions : Read the passages below and select the best choices to complete the passages.

Passage 1
Everyone these days should know how to use a computer. Normally, basic computer
courses ____174____ most continuing education programs. They ____175____ and usually
reasonably priced. These courses can usually be found in your district schools or community
college, on evenings and weekends. Career retraining programs often offer computer courses for
free or at a low fee for ____176____ qualify. Check with your local Labor Department Office
____177____ on these programs.
There are both online tutorials ____178____ . Don’t worry if you don’t have a computer.
Many public libraries allow patrons ____179____ . Here are two websites that offer ____180____ .

1. offer 2. offered at
3. are offered 4. are offering
5. are offered by

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SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. convenient scheduled 2. conveniently schedule
3. scheduled conveniently 4. are convenient schedules
5. are conveniently scheduled

1. that who 2. those are
3. which are 4. those who
5. those who are

1. for more information 2. for many informations
3. with much information 4. about information more
5. with many more informations

1. or available courses 2. and course available
3. but courses available 4. and courses available
5. but an available course

กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด 61

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. used computers 2. using computers
3. use the computer 4. to use their computers
5. to be used the computers

1. course online free 2. course free online
3. online courses free 4. online-free courses
5. free online courses

Passage 2
Singapore’s average annual rainfall is more than ____181____ of notoriously soggy
Britain, ____182____ the casual observer might be surprised to learn that the place has
a shortage of drinking water. With around 7,000 people per square kilometer, Singapore is
____183____densely populated country in the world. Its land mass is ____184____ its 5 million
inhabitants with water.

One answer is to desalinate seawater. That, though, is expensive, so the Singaporean

government is keen to find cheaper ways of doing it. And, ____185____ a German company,
it may have done so, for the company says its demonstration desalination plant on the island can
turn seawater into drinking water using less than half the energy required by the most effective
previous method.
____186____ human consumption, its salt content of approximately 3.5 % must be cut to
0.5 % ____187____ desalination plants do this in one of two ways. Some employ distillation,
____188____ needs about 10 kilowatt-hour of energy per cubic meter of seawater processed.
Other plants employ reverse osmosis. This process needs about 4k Wh per cubic meter. The new
system, by contrast, consumes 1.8k Wh per cubic meter.

1. double 2. doubling
3. that double 4. double that
5 that to double

62 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1 or 2. so
3. for 4. but
5. and

1. third most 2. third mostly
3. the most third 4. the third most
5. the mostly third

1. to supply not large enough 2. large not enough to supply
3. not large enough to supply 4. large to supply not enough
5. not enough large to supply

1. to collaborate 2. collaborated to
3. collaborating of 4. in collaboration with
5. with collaboration of

กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด 63

SPARTA ภาษาอัังกฤษ
A-Level, TGAT 1

1. For seawater to fit to 2. Seawater to make it fit
3. Making seawater fit by 4. Making fit seawater to
5. To make seawater fit for

1. Exist 2. Existed
3. To exist 4. Existing
5. Existence

1. that 2. what
3. which 4. whose
5. whenever


64 กวดวิิชารููปแบบใหม่่ เพื่่� อให้้เด็็กไทยสอบติิดมากที่่�สุุด

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