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NEW EDITION Us John Rogers ‘ ERlET=b) iy eae ve SSINISNG JLVIGAWYALNI-3ud FT FINANCIAL, TIMES Peerage Peco Betas Survival business ci or sg Words for talking Ability Past abilities Individual sounds: Telephoning. fee aboutjobs Requests Curriculum The difference between /1/ Pastablities vitae aie a Connected speech: page 4 / page s4 : Con/Can’t Stress and intonati Questions eg Words for Modals Placing an order Individual sounds: Negotiating ESTE CaM talking about Repiyingtoan Same or different selling order Connected speech: have to ea Stress and intonation: page 8 / page s6 ing Rising and falling intonation ue) Words for Presenttenses An informal ss endings Company Cece talking about e-mail Connected speech: presentation companies Linkers are page 2 / page s8 cre Words for Pasttenses Giving -ed endings Meetings er CC talking about information Connected speech: new ideas editing was and were page 16/ page 60 Words for Thepresent Punctuation Groups of consonants Making and talking about perfect tense report Connected speech: responding to stress in the Editing hhas/have; hasn't/haven't Suggestions workplace Stress and intonation: page 20/ page 62 enue Unit 6 Words for Multi-word Areport Individual sounds: ‘Making small talk Entertaining (RUC ‘Ahotel booking Thellettera food and drink Connected speech: inking sounds page 24/ page 64 age 53 Shadowing: aera Vocabulary [ff Language erirkcad ern review Gree ug Words for Asking Answering an Individual sounds: Using stress to Cus talking about questions enquiry Jo] and [2:1 correct information marketing Reports Conmaetad spas Getting the message 0 you, did you, would you ane 28 / pase 66 Ealing Stress andintonation: Stressed syllables ue Words for Talking about Linkers Individual sound: ‘Checking information Pry talking about the future Time Thelettero making plans Tnamagement Connected speech: f0 ting Stress and intonation: age 32/ page 68 Stressed syllables Words for Reported Preparing for Individual sounds: Socialising talking about speech reportwriting Matching sounds Taking a message management Requesting Connected speech: Verbs and information Linked sounds page 36/ P8827 Srepesttions Stress and intonation: Different stresses Words for Conditionals Business letters Individual sounds: Dealing with confit talking about Editing ‘The schwa sound negotiating Connected speech: Contractions page 4o [age 72 ‘Stress and intonation: Rising and falling intonation Words for Time clauses Linkers Individual sounds: Numbers talking about Report writing Vowel sounds economics eats Connected speech Linking sounds age a4 / page 74 Stress and inton Dates Se Words for Passives: Linkers: Groups of consonants Asking questions raed talking about Enquiring about Connected speed about a product oducts a produc Its, thas, itis senting a produc . ae Stress and intonation: eae age a8 / age 76 iting Main stresses oe Careers COTE TEI complete the text with the best words. Career advice for junior managers Junior managers who .....8. ‘a promotion often face many problems when they have more authority and responsibility. This is partly because everyone expects them to perform to extremely high .2, Inaddition, many of their. and colleagues are always ready to criticise any serious mistake they may... What advice can we give to young managers, then? First of al they should ls and abilities. If they are not sure that Language work their progress regularly. Secondly, they should 7 themselves ambitious goals so that through hard work and commitment to the company they can in fact 8 them sooner than is expected of them. That is how they can 9 both personal and professional success. 4 a) take b) get earn 2 a) level b) standards, ©) quality 3 a) superiors b) secretaries ©) chefs 4 a)do b) make show 5 a) confidence b) belief strength 6 a)test b) improve evaluate 7 a)find b) make Oset 8 a) reach b) move work 9 a)achieve b) grow demand © complete the sentences with the appropriate form of an item from the box. “involve bein charge deal look make sure be responsible 4. Marcel Lacour works for Research & Development. His job ./nolves developing new products and new ideas. 2 Tatiana Vasilieva is the receptionist. She ............s++» after visitors and takes messages. 3 Kate Hughes works for Administration and Personnel. She with staff problems, as well as with recruitment and training. 4 Linda Eriksen is our Quality Control Inspector. She for monitoring our products and trying to improve their quality. 5 Sergio Carboni is our new Maintenance Engineer. He checks all our equipment regularly and ofall repairs 6 Zoltan ily is our Security Officer. He. that our staff and premises are protected against crime. © complete the interviewer's questions from a job interview with words from Requests 1 Careers | @ Match these phrases from exercise B with the words that come immediately after them. 1 tobe in charge a) after 2 todeal b) for 3 tolook ©) that 4 to make sure @) of 5 to be responsible e) with the box. werking contact let moving send sharing start | 4 Would you mind 2 Could you... wworking.... at weekends? _. us have your previous employer's details? our appointment to Monday? ry EI R < 5 c ° 4 it = 3 Would you mind ... 4 Could you .. in two weeks time? 5 Could you .. us as soon as possible? 6 Would you mind an office with three other people? 7 Could you .. us a copy of your certificates? © Match the interviewee’s answers to the interviewer's questions in exercise A. a) Not at all, as long as it’s in the morning. b) Certainly. I'm free to start as soon as you like. ©) Yes. I'l let you know my decision by Friday, if that’s allright. 4) Sure. I'l put copies in the post straightaway. €) That's fine, as long as it's a non-smoking area. f) How often would that be? sg) Well, in fact they're all included in my CV. oon00008 Past abilities @ study the examples. Then complete the dialogues below with could or was able to. Examples: © could (general ability) A: Can you use a PC? B: Yes, can. In fact, I could use a PC when | was 10! * was able to (one occasion) ‘A: So were you late for the interview? B: No. Sue gave me a lift, so | was able to get there in time. :: What foreign languages can you speak? ls .... speak Italian fluently at one time, but I've forgotten a lot. : What was your greatest achievement in your previous job? 2 Well, I... reorganise the Sales Department in a month. : What did you like best about your previous job? : My boss really trusted me, sol... Use my own initiative. : So you worked in Turkey three years ago. Could you give us some details? : Certainly, As a matter of fact, | : So how did the interview go? B: Fine, I think. |, . answer all the questions! PEPrereer 2 win a very big contract. 2 Language work | + Careers © complete Antonia's CV with the headings from the box. Cneian ~ Address Achievements E-mail Experience Interests Personal det Profile Qualifications Referees Special skills Telephone Curriculum Antonia Sophia Mehditash 1 Rua Humberto Madeira 23, P — 3004-520 Coimbra, Portugal 2 +351 239 856 207 3 asmehdi@netvisaopt ‘An Assistant Marketing Director in a medium-sized company, Orey Tours, seeking a more challenging position with more responsiblity, Able to work on own initiative to tight deadlines. 5 Se Contributed to the development of a successful sales strategy Coordinated the work of the sales, marketing, and advertising personne! Designed Excel spreadsheets for sales records Negotiating contracts with foreign and domestic airlines Working as part of team Proficient user of MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Quark XPress Z , 200!—date Assistant Marketing Director (Orey Tours, Coimbra) July-Sept 2000 ‘Work placement at Portugiia Airlines (London office) ims srettcol beac 1998-2000 MBA at Brentford College (UK / Distance course) 1994-1998, BA in Economics at the University of Coimbra 9 Date of birth: 6 June 1975 Driving licence: Full, clean 10 | sing in a choir and play basketball in an amateur team. ed Ana Luisa Santos Ms Celia Gutlerner Professor of Economics Director MBA Programmes ‘Avenida do Brasil 27 Brentford College P~ 1600 Lisboa 27 Burrard Stree! Tet +351 | 722.0893 Brentford TW9 OAK Email alsantos@netcabopt Email mbadir@BMBA 1 Careers | © Puteach item 1-5 under the appropriate heading in the CV in exercise A. Heading number 4 1997: IELTS Certificate (Academic) — Overall Band 8 8 2 Designed Orey's website 3. Excellent conversational Spanish and some French 4 lenjoy helping other people design their websites. 5 Anexcellent team worker Ea iy Ei @ This draft letter of application is not appropriate. Rewrite it using some of 8 the expressions from the Useful language box. Make any other necessary re changes. ® a A F s Hello al I saw your ad in our local paper last week, 80 | want to apply for the job of Communications Assistant. { know 1am the person you're looking for: {just got various A-levels from school, and all my friends say they love chatting with me, 0 write soon, and tell me if you want to know more about me. | Pegards a NN ee I Useful language Dear Sir or Madam, With reference to your advertisement in... would like to apply for the position of... | feel | am well qualified for the position becausé | would be happy to give you more details and can be contacted at any time, Please let me know if there are any other details you need. I enclose a copy of my CV. Afull CV is attached. ook forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Editing © Read the text about how to prepare for a job interview. ‘In each line 4-6 there is one wrong word. + For each line, underline the wrong word in the text and write the correct word in the space provided. Before you go for a job interview, make sure that you do your homework. Find out as much as you could about the company, a ean.. about its history, about what it does, how many people it employ, and so on. During the interview, try to keeping to the point. Give complete answers, but do not talk for longer then necessary. Finally, remember that you can ask the interviewer question. This will show that you are really interested for the opportunity. Lenses ia has Scaledben Selling online DTET IIE © Read the definitions. Then supply the missing vowels for each word. & S 1. something you buy cheaply or for less than the usual price |a b_rg__n A 2 a large building used for storing goods jaworh E 3 to send goods to a place to d_sp_teh FA 4 a formal word meaning to buy to p_rch_s_ £ 5 to give someone their money back (e.., because they 3 are not satisfied with what they have bought) to r_f_nd © Match each word to its definition. 4 asupplier a) a request by a customer for goods or services 2 aretailer b) a document sent by a seller to a customer that lists the goods sold and says how much they cost 3 awholesaler \— ©) a person or company that sells a particular type of product to a customer 4 an invoice d) the value of the goods or services sold during a certain period of time 5 anorder e) a person or company that sells goods in large quantities to businesses 6 turnover f) a company or a person that sells goods to members of the public. © Complete each sentence with a word from exercise A or B. 1 The machines were faulty, so we returned them to our ... Supplier 2. AlphaTex will place an .. .. on condition that we give them an extra discount for cash. 3. They guarantee that they will satisfied. ‘4 Our shop has a. 5, They promised to ........ but they haven't arrived yet. our money if we are not fully of 3,000 euros a week. the goods within two days of our order, © complete the text with the best words from page 9. Selling online successfully To be a successful online business, first of all you need to have a good website. A good website looks as your site. The site may be what .....3 customers | in the frst place, but itis certainly the quality of the professional and is quick and easy to use. For instance, many people do not like to have to register to visit a site tis aso important for the company to have its ..6...1 on each page. This brands the ste and can be used by the visitor as a link back tothe Of course, your products need to be at least as good products and of the service that makes them come back... your prices down, and make a point of offering excellent after sales ....... Inform your vistors that you ofr... online ordering. Finally, when you receive an order, e-mail the customer t0 ....J receipt and to inform them when the goods will be 2 Selling ontine | 1 a)flag b) symbol logo 2 a) homepage b) modem search engine 3 a) shows b) appeals attracts 4 a) Take b) Give 9 Bring 5 a) service b) guarantee method 6 a) saved b) proof secure 7 a) thank b) acknowledge send 8 a) exchanged b) despatched ©) purchased iy = @ Match each sentence to the meaning expressed by the modal in italics. ig ‘Modals| + Online retailers should offer co secure online ordering. a) It is not necessary. be 2 You have to work very hard to A attract visitors to your site. b) It would be 2 good idea. ES 3 Ifyou need a password, you mustn't let anyone else use it. Otis necessary. 4 People like itwhen they don’t have to registertovisita site. {] ) Don't do that! © Rewrite these sentences using an appropriate modal to replace the words in italics. 4 Ifyou want your website to be effective, it's necessary to work on it all the time. Ifyou want your website to be effective, ou 2 It is @ good idea for online retailers to despatch orders quickly. Online retailers .. + One ofthe good things about thelr website is that it snot necessary to register. One of the good things about their website is that you .. 4 Itis a good idea to put your logo on every page of your site. Coe eee : . 5 If you order before 15 March, it's not necessary for you to pay until July Ifyou order before 15 March, you 6 This deals very important forall of us, 0 no mistakes please! This deal is very important, so we @ Match the sentence halves. 4 We were all in agreement, ———— a) so we had to order some more. 2 You'll need your user 1D and password exchtine b) so we'll have to exchange them. ©) sowe didn’t need to discuss the deal any 3 We didn’t have any more paper in stock, 4 We always order online, further. 5 Ifthey have an online catalogue, 4) which means we don’t have to queue. 6 They say some of the goods are damaged, €) so you mustn’t forget them. ) we won't have to ask them to send us one. © Look at the sentence halves a) ~f) in exercise C and complete the table. = Past Present Future donthaveto.. |. | [2 Selling ontine PTS © complete the ontine order form withthe ten missing items. Placing an order as ) 155 i) Edinburgh b) 10 f) 1581.3 D) Unit price ©) 50 g) T-shirts d) 83.20 h) Tim Atkinson: Quay i Ball machine BMiT08 ‘Champ’ rackets | RCH4S Tournament balls [TB [4310 €. ‘Regular balls RB [e249 €124.50 Gearbags —*(B2T-H | €10 €50) : Tz €3.50 | €35 [[Grosstotal | €1,664.50 | [ Discount @ 5% ven Netamount due | €... 5 ES rf bo i 5 cy = Name: - 2 Company: Atkinson's Ultimate Sports Centre ‘Address: 45 Dalston Gardens Post code: EHS SEY Phone: 0131 548 8937, E-mail THANK YOU! Replying to @ Complete this formal e-mail with the appropriate form of an item from the an order box. We look forward to doing / We would ike to do things /goods | Thanks /Thank you Allthe best / Yours sincerely [____ Dear / Hello Just to say / We confirm - e0e & " Te: ( ce: (© } Subject: Your order 21/GT06 * Mr Atkinson > that you have ordered the following items trom our online catalogue ] | ? for your order of 21 June. | | 1 Ball machine BM/709 30 ‘Champ’ rackets RCHg3 50 “Tournament” balls B 50 ‘Regular’ balls RB | 5 Gearbags Ba7-H | 10 This The | We are now dealing with your order. The sum of €1,581.30 has been charged to your credit card, and the. . A will be shipped on 24 June, Ifyou have any queries, please contact us at . 5 business with you again. Neelum Singh @ The phrases betow are often used when replying to an order. Complete them with words from the box. SOMES cues) | deliver doing hesitate receipt placing © Thank you for .. an order with (name of the company). ‘© Thank you for your order of (date). .? of your order dated . * We confirm * Shipping normally takes two to three days/a week/etc. © We can _2 within a week/a month/ete. * Donot sees to contact us if you need further information/further details. * IFyou have any queries, please contact us. ‘© We look forward to further orders from you. * Looking forward to... 5 business with you again, Read the text about writing business e-m « In most of the lines 1~9 there is one extra word which does not fit. Some lines, however, are correct. « Ifa line is correct, put a tick (7) in the space provided. ‘= IF there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space. Basically, the rules for writing business e-mails and letters are the same: { 1 be clear, be so polite, and do not write more than you have to. Over the past ten years, business correspondence has generally become a simpler, more informal - and this tendency is even more visible in e-mails. But some things they have not changed. Clarity of layout is still important, so you should to use paragraphs and space them out. Grammar and spelling too need to be accurate and if you want tomake a good impressionon = ¢ your business partners. Even the best spellchecker cannot find all the weer anewn mistakes you make, so always to check your e-mails carefully. \ SD Companies DOETIE Ia Match the companies to the industry sector they belong to. o 1 Apple, Dell, IBM, Microsoft a) Healthcare 5 2 Nokia,Samsung, Siemens‘) Financia bo 3 Ikea, Tesco, Wal-Mart, Zara \ Transport z 4 AP Maller-Maersk, Qatar Airways, 4) Retailing A Ryanair, Virgin €) IT (information Technology) a 5 BMW, General Motors, Nissan, Toyota) Electrical / Electronics 6 Deutsche Bank, HSBC, g) Engineering PricewaterhouseCoopers 7 Johnson & Johnson, Novartis © complete the extract from a company report with the best words. ] ANNUAL REPORT Atel is committed to creating and delivering value — value to its customers, value to its employees and value tothe region. Our success in moving towards this goal is most evident in the financial ....¢.....' for this year. Our 2 at the dose of the year was 140 million euros; that is an , 2 of 12% over the previous year, This strong .. 4 in a rather dificult year for the economy shows the value of the service the company provides to its 5 I also shows the commitment ofits staff to this goal. The pre-tax profit was 15.6 milion euros, while the profit after tax was 8.8 milion, which is 11% above that for the previous year | would like to congratulate our staff on their oustanding. ‘ Finally, we all thank you, the ...........1, for your continuing support of the company. 4 a) results ») conclusions statistics 2 a) revenue b) cash flow share 3 adasset ») increase advantage 4 a)trend b) benefit ©) growth 5 a) customers ‘b) buyers ©) workforce 6 a) turnover b) subsidiary ©) performance 7 a) producers b) shareholders ©) stockbrokers @ complete the names of the company departments in the definitions. 4 __s____h and __v_L_p__n_is concerned with studying new ideas and planning new products. _cc____$ keeps a record of the money coming in and going out. involved with managing and organising the work ofa ¢_s deals with employees, keeps their records and helps lems they might have. _g deals with selling and promoting its products. © Match each sentence withthe meaning expressed by the ver Present tenses 3 Companies | in italics. 4 TransChem employs 2,560 people. > a) temporary situation 2. Ms Dubois is replacing Phil as Sales Manager til October. b) future arrangement 3 We are improving our services to meet the | ¢ ongoing situation needs of a much wider range of customers. 4 We are opening our sixth subsidiary next 4) routine activity month c 5 We need a different set of skills to address )_ factual information F cour company's challenges. eee cee ) verbusually used only ily 6 We observe our customers’ reactions imeem iS carefully e B © correct the three sentences that use the wrong present tense. =! 4 Our company looks for a new Marketing Manager. 2 We rarely raise our prices by more than 3%. 3 Weare bringing marketing and sales resources closer to customers. 4 Our largest subsidiary, based in Ottawa, is going through a difficult period. 5 This year, all our sales staff lear French. 6 Atthe moment, we are not knowing the profit figures. @ complete the text with the correct form of verbs from the box. Use either the present simple or the present continuous tense. | coordinate. attend go have know prepare speak think travel Sofia Grammatopoulos is Marketing Manager at Kayavis Food & Wine S.A., an expanding medium-sized business in Thessaloniki. She work of a team of three people. Kayavis ................7 distributors in eleven countries in Europe and America, so Sofia often .. 3 abroad. Next week, she to Canada to visit their new retail outlet. She es > Greek, English and Danish. At the moment she . an intensive German course because the owner of Kayavis ................7 of opening a shop and a large restaurant in Munich. Sofia 8 that she will have to work in Germany for six months, so she herself for her new assignment as best as she can. © Make questions for these answers. All the information is in the text in exercise C. 1 What does Sofia 2. She co-ordinates the work of a team of three people. 3 ees Next week. 4 To visit their new retail outlet. 5 Greek, English and Danish. Ce 7 Because she will have to work in Germany. 7 In Munich, 3 companies @ Read the tip. Then put the lines of the informal e-mail in the correct order. Aare | —Te Remember that in business correspondence, information is often presented inthe following order: * appropriate greeting ‘thanks and / or reference to previous contact ‘* main point * other point(s) « reference to future contact, * appropriate ending eteecn ca To: [@ Rik Barneveld@ntiworld.n; ‘Subject: Ournext meeting a) Im attaching the draft agenda here for your information, b) Best wishes, €) If there's any point you'd tke to add, pl €) Many thanks for your latest mall and your useful ideas about our investment options €) Dear Rik and Sandra, f) Looking forward to seeing you both on 14 June. se let me know. 8) Our invest ment plan will certainly be the main focus of our next meeting, which is scheduled for 14 June. fh) Lian se) E/E) ey lee) exercise A. © Write Rik’s reply (50-70 words) to Liu's e-mail i ‘* Include the points in the tip. * In addition, suggest that setting up online sales should be on the agenda, and say why. 200 = Rik Bameveld@nilworld.l Te: [ @ From: Subject: "34 June meeting 3 Companies | @ Read Sandra's reply to Liu's e-mail. « Infive of the lines 4 ~40 there is one wrong word. Five lines, however, are correct. « Ifa line is correct, put a tick (V) in the space provided. * If there is a wrong word in the line, underline the wrong word in the text ‘and write the correct word in the space provided. From: (__sandraverdonek@planet.n » To: | @ subject." ialune Meeting — ae ae Hello Liu, Thank, Thanks you for informing me about the meeting, and for the agenda attached Tam very sorry to tell you that, unfortunately | won't be able to make 14th June because of previous engagements, We have been looking for a new Office & = a a 5 cy rc) = = = Manager for our Utrecht subsidiary for almost a month, and we have now shortlisted seven candidates. 'l be away 12th ~ 15th June to interview they as well as to sort out a couple of other matters related to the lease of our offices. ‘As | can't be there in person, Im attach some ideas for the investment plan. | hope they are of some use. | have also made some suggestion for the agenda. Good luck with the meeting | hope it goes as well as the April one! ‘Once again, please accept my apologise for not being there with you all warausune Best wishes, Sandra Linkers @ Complete the sentences with the correct linker from the box. because but so 4. Itisa difficult time for the industry ....but. growing, 2. The motivation of the sales staff is now increasing .. some new company cars. 3 Sales are falling... about it. 4 Sales were not as good as they had hoped marketing campaign. 5. The best option is to buy new machinery .. are always breaking down. 6 There isa steady growth in sales . ‘our company is stil we bought management does not seem very worried . they launched a the old machines .. profits are not rising. we are planning to buy 7. Local competition is extremely strong ... ut two local competitors. 8 Weare planning to open a new store in New York next year. we want a foothold in the US market. 9 We increased our market share considerably, rose to an all-time high 40 We were unable to finance the new project flow problems. ‘our share price of severe cash Great ideas COTETTTEI © Match the verbs and nouns. = $ Verbs : Nouns -| 8 4 tohold ——_ a) a business idea cs 2 tomake b) the environment Ey 3 toreduce ©) ameeting 5 4 toaddress 4) money 5 toprotect ©) aneed 6 todevelop f) waste © Use the correct form of a verb-noun combination from exercise A to complete the sentences. 4 The marketing department he! strategy. 2. Eco-consumers choose companies which do not produce a lot of toxic waste and have a clear policy of 3 Agood business idea is one that generates profits and at thes same time tiNg.. last week to discuss their new 4 Brainstorming isan effective way of 5 Industrialised countries should try to ...... instead of exporting it, as they often do. 6 With his Million Dollar Homepage, Alex Tew _ very quickly © complete the text with the best words from page 17. The way of the wiki In the Hawaiian language, wiki means ‘quick’. Wikipedia was ....... "by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger as a free online encyclopedia written by anybody who wants to contribute. Wales and Sanger were already working on an encyclopedia when in January 2001 they ......... 7 the Wikipedia website. The greatest 3 was that any ofits users could add or edit articles. At the beginning some academics criticised Wikipedia, They said it had a number of inaccuracies and therefore refused to recognise itas a reference work. But its extraordinary success showed that it was certainly good enough to ......... “the needs of millions of users. It may not be a true business idea because it probably does not make a lot of......... 5 butit is certainly an idea that fills a......... °in the market. Wikipedia's extraordinary 7 shows that lots of basic information can be exchanged by people who know things because of where they live, their hobbies or their education. Today, Wikipedia is active in about 100 languages, and its English-language edition has more than halfa million .....,... Sabout an enormous .........? of subjects. EISEN o Past tenses 4 Greatideas | 4 a) worked ») achieved ©) developed 2 a) launched b) extended solved 3 a) creation b) innovation trend 4 a) meet ») respond omit 5 a) benefit ») turnover money 6 a)hole b) gap demand 7 a) raise b) growth supply 8 a)articles b) notices texts 9 a) sort b) award range AB 5 Match the sentence halves. a 1. They were still working on a) when a Korean entrepreneur 5 their new designs expressed interest in her new a 2 Asthey had an a product. 3 idea to promote, \ but also tested them in his daily Fi life oa H rf eS ©) when they saw an opening in the market 4 In 1985, Nicholas Albery founded ——_) they decided to exhibit at the 5 Albery learned not only how to Inventors’ Fair. produce new ideas @) and asked to talk about 6 She was exhibiting at the Inventors’ _innovation and change. Fair f) the Institute for Social Inventions. Rewrite the sentences which use the wrong past tense. 4 Hiltex was immediately fling patents for its new machines as it was worried that its competitors would copy them. Hiltex immediately filed patents {for its new machines as it was worried that its competitors would copy them. 2 Z40, the new drug developed by Pharmatek, marked a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 3 Their competitors failed to see the gap in the market and so missed a great opportunity. 4 Atfirst, the agency was not believing that the machine would save so much time. 55 Zirkon already made good profits when it introduced its new digital camera in 2000. 6 The story goes that he was having the idea for the electric shoebrush while he was washing up. 7 Iwas planning to visi the International Inventors’ Fai, but | did not have time. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, past simple or past continuous. 4 Our company .¥48.l08ing .* (lose) money at an alarming rate, but then in 2004 we.. » (launch) our Hermes ee player. Sales (rocket), and ‘our financial situation . 4 (improve) rapidly, 2 She.. © (decide) to take a few months off in 1999, when she "vork) for Clairval Cosmetics. While she (fou) New Zealand, she (develop) an interest in Maot culture. She . (take) ‘samples of some of the plants used in their rituals because she. . +++! (believe) they could be used in some of her company’s products. 3 plan) to patent our new drug, (wait) far too long. A month after our discovery, our main competitor . =" (Sell) basically the same product. Language work | 4 Great ideas ure 4G) Put the lines of the message in the correct order. Ecos eM ESSAGES | ail a) / wart to tobe our 15 Spanish visitors oO b) as they ore having cry Mendy morning. | (“| ©) ofthe Spanish version of the cofoogue. Oo 4) opening hours, entrance tee and price Oo ) Pease find out the flowing for me: fel f) fo the Extubtion of Imentions on Sundey, | [| _— rer © Write a reply, based on the following information. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF INVENTIONS, NEW TECHNIQUES AND PRODUCTS [PA\ILIES (increase) by 3%, to reach 17% in 1999. ©) Inconclusion, back trouble is still a problem today, but we . “i 4 (make) excellent progress in bringing down the percentage of the workforce absent from work because of stress. d) To begin with, we can see that absences caused by back trouble 5 (rise) gradually since 1989. Gel ee 5 Stress | e) Since 1999, however, they .. .§ (fall) dramatically and now . "7 (stand) at 7%. Oo 1) Their percentage . ‘8 Go up) from 6% in 1989 0 11% ten years later, and itrnow (stand) at about 3%. OI Useful language The graph / table / slide shows... ‘As you can see on this graph / table / slide Firstly, To begin with, .. Secondly, Next, i Ey ta 2 5 ta 3 FA I ES Finally, .. To conclude, In conclusion, @ Your boss, Daniel Duval, wanted you to take part in an important seminar ‘tomorrow morning. You cannot go because you have a terrible headache. In fact, you have not slept very well for a week. Write a message (60-80 words) to your boss. © Apologise and say why you cannot attend. '® Tell him what you plan to do about your health. MESSAGE To: Daniel Duval From: be Editing @ Read the text about stress at work. * In each line 1-6 there is one wrong word. * For each line, underline the wrong word in the text and write the correct word in the space provided. means. First of all, less stress mean more productivity because, as everybody knows, the results of stress are often illness and absent from work. Every year, millions of days of work is lost because of stress and stress-related illness. ‘As regards employees, on the other hand, a lower level of stress leading not only to increased job satisfaction, but also to best relationships at work and at home. Of course, it also contributes a great deal to a generally feeling of happiness. aurune Reducing stress is in the interest of both employers and employees. ¢ ——————— Language work _24) Entertainin RYErIieis® €) complete the story with the words from the box. [‘beok aperitif bill course delicious dessert dishes abroad | eae I had chosen ‘The Three Swans’ because everybody said it was one of the best restaurants in town, but | had never been there myself. It was quite busy when we arrived. Fortunately, | had asked my secretary to ...000K..,... "a table in advance. From where we were seated, we had a stunning view across the lake. My 2, Mr Doulos, seemed quite pleased. Entertaining an important visitor from .... 3 was always a bit ,. 4, but now | began to relax. | suggested having an... 5, but Mr Doulos said he hardly ever drank alcohol, and certainly never on working days. | hoped | hadn't made a gaffe! We looked at the lunch ,.. ®, which was quite varied. There was a .. 7 variety of typical ® from our region, and each one was described in a few words. When the waiter came to take our. .. 9, Mr Doulos surprised me once more. He had chosen stuffed peppers asa. », but he wanted to have them served after the main ‘This is not a funny custom from my country,’ he said with a smile. ‘Just a personal preference.’ The food was absolutely 2, We talked only briefly about the contract we had to +3 that afternoon. | guest manager menu negotiate order starter stressful As it was getting late, we didn't have a... 4, just coffee, and then | asked for the .. ‘5, But when | reached for my wallet, | realised to my horror that | didn’t have it with me. Of course ~ it was at home, in my other jacket. No cash or credit card - how embarrassing! The only solution | could think of was to ask the manager to call MCI, my company. ‘MCI? Is that Micro Computers International?" the manager asked. Indeed it was. ‘No need to phone, sir; we'll put this on your account,’ the manager continued. ‘MCI has had an account with us for three years. And my wife is MCI's marketing . 5! Mr Doulos and | looked at each other, and we both burst out laughing. The day was saved. ‘Complete each sentence with the best word. 4 Many people have only two , aus day: breakfast and dinner. a) meals) dishes © courses: 2 Jane invited me round for dinner last night. Her husband is a wonderful a) cooker —_b) dish ©) cook 3. Tom worked in Bangkok for a year, so hi a) kitchen —b) cooking ——¢) cuisine very keen on Thai... Emtec © ‘word verbs 6 Entertaining | 4 They are vegetarians, so we should not buy any a) meal —_b) meat 9) food 5 This chocolate mousse is delicious. Could | have the a) recipe _b) cookbook —_¢) receipt Match the sentence halves. 4 Last week, | had to look a) come over and see them in 2 Fist, showed them around») Coimbra. 3 I certainly look forward : 'b) the Old Town. ‘4 Thope | can take ©) after five clients from Portugal. 5 One of them did not turn ) on really well. 6 The food was delicious, and we all got €) Out toa very good restaurant. 7. Then, | took them 8 They said | should 8) up their invitation next summer. h) up, unfortunately. f) to seeing them all again. Put the sentences from exercise A in the right order to make a story. Oy Oy Fer Ole 0) D) a he Correct the wrong particle in two of the sentences. 4. Our manager is always looking out for new ways to entertain our clients. 2 They had to put off the meeting because too many employees were off sick. 3 Our visitors will be disappointed if nobody turns in at the airport to meet them. 4 The party we held for our Australian guests set us back €8,000. 5 I hope our colleagues will come around with some suggestions for the reception. Replace the phrases in italics with the correct form of a multi-word verb from the box. “workout. setup shopabout slow down setaside stand upfor look for 4 We have developed an action plan to reduce stress in our department. ‘have. worked out 2 The doctor said | was overworked and advised me to become less active. 3 You have to respect your superiors, of course, but you also have to defend your opinions. 4 We tried to find a new Sales Manager with at least three years’ experience. 5 IFyou want to buy a new computer, itis a good idea to go to different places to compare prices. 6 Atthe time, the government was trying to encourage people to start new businesses. 7, The company's owners have kept €500,000 $0 that this money is available later to invest in their business. iy FI co = 5 (c ° . = ES 6 Entertaining © two thousand executives from different countries named their three favourite ‘Areport forms of entertainment when they are abroad on business. © Look at the bar chart showing the results of the survey. ‘+ Then complete the report with the phrases from the box. 3 ¥ 50 5 oo FS é % 8 ° 2 Goingio Sighsesing Mealat Cinema, Museums, Nightclub Other = restaurants ‘colleague's concert, art galleries activities 5 home theatre sai Se a “the berchartshows almost as many farlessfequently finally | | secondly the most popular activity with a very small number | 1act. shows .' how popular certain forms of entertainment are with executives while they are abroad on busines... is early going to restaurants: 8% ofthe executives interviewed mentioned it in their top three... by 15% of the respondents, and. being invited round toa coleagu’s home for @ mea. > seeing the sights was mentioned * said they enjoyed Other forms of entertainment were mentioned... About 25% ofthe reipondens exo ging to 2 nightdb, and 20% to the cinema, the teame or a concert Museums ad art galls are poplar * of executives: ony about SY, 1 ther activites such as playing tennis, guided tours, wine or beer tasting, ec. were mentioned by 15% of the respondents. Ahotel booking @ Your company is organising a one-day conference on Friday 6th June. You are expecting delegates from your overseas branches. Match the sentence halves in this e-mail from the Canadian branch. e000 = se 1 Could you book one singlerom — a) and leaving onthe hn the 2 If possible, he would prefer \ eee 4 Dor't book him into the Royal this time, oan eo | 5 Could you find him somewhere po) me name of Eee oe comfortable, ¢) asit’s too far from the centre. | Thanks. sim : 26) 6 Entertaining | @ Look at the advertisement. Then reply to the e-mail in exercise B in 30-40 words, confirming the booking and giving some details about the hotel. Aslouia Hotel peas Big Single rooms from £100.00 Prices inci English or Continental Breakfast || Non-smoking sth and Sth oor © Justa S-minute walk from the city centre Tonannnmceemmamees! The best value for money! SREASSRTESESASS subjece Dear Jim, Looking forward to Robert’ visit. Best wishes, Brian | © Rewrite Robert’s e-mail, using paragraphs, punctuation and capital letters where necessary. ‘rom ( B To: (© Suet — dear brian this is to thank you for your hospitality during and after the conference you gave me a lot of your time and made my visit very memorable walking round the old town in the evening was really fascinating besides i thought the food in that mediterranean restaurant where we had supper was just perfect it was a great pleasure to meet you if you come to canada i ‘would like to return your kindness and generosity once again | thank you regards robert By FI a < ry a ° = 4 eee _28J Marketing DEPET Tg © use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle. ‘Across 4. The percentage of sales a company or a product has is its market ...... - (5) 5 Companies sometimes promote their products by giving...... gifts to customers. (4) 6 Companies carry out market research to get information about what buyers and want. (4) 7 The life... of product is the length of ime people continue to buy it. (5) 9 An advertising campaign takes place over a period of time and usually has a specifc.......) 40 Good marketing should increase the volume of . 44 Acompany's sales target is how much it wants to time. () Down 2 An advertising ...... advises companies on advertising. (6) 3 Acompany's product... {sa set of products made by that particular company. (5) 4 Acompany's advertising ...... isthe amount of money available for advertising during a particular period. (6) 5 Sales time. (7) 8 Production 9 Besides giving advice to companies, an advertising agency can also make for them. (3) -6) ina certain period of show how much a company has sold over a certain period of . ate what a company must spend on production. (5) 7 z 7 g rr T 7 Marketing | © complete the text with the best words. THE NAME GAME A brand can be defined as a name given to a product by a company so that the product can easily be recognised by its name or its design In our very “business world, a good brand is one of the keys to the suocess of any company. itis often a powerful * tool. However, the name is not everything. For a brand to be successful, marketers have to know what the consumer * and wants, so a lot of market ‘is necessary. This gives them a ‘consumer that is to say a kind of picture of the of the customer's needs and wants, but also of their beliefs and values. If the brand then clearly reflects those values, it is more likely to be successful The customer has so much .. nowadays that a good brand is a necessity, so that one product is clearly different from another in his or her mind, ‘A good brand of course has long-term benefits, as it will to many different market and to people from different cultures. typical customer. It is a picture not only conservative 1 a) informative b) competitive 2. a)sales b) sell sold 3 a) wishes b) needs O orders 4 a)study b) research science 5 a)summary b) report © profile 6 a) choice ) option ©) suggestion 7 adattract b) persuade appeal 8 a)shares b) portions ©) segments ° Asking questions Complete the questions with words from the box. When........ did you launch this advertising campaign? . didn’t you contact an advertising agency? money did you spend on the campaign? . new products did you launch? Was it two or three? id you target your new product at? do you expect people to continue to buy this product? is your sales forecast? evausune © Match the Marketing Manager's responses (a — h) to the interviewer's questions in exercise A. a) Almost 20,000 euros. b) As | said, it’s been doing extremely well, and we expect a considerable increase in winter. ©) Inlate spring. d) So far it's been doing very well with middle-class males in their thirties to mid-fifties. e) We had health-conscious people in mind, as well as the elderly. f) We think it will have a life cycle of about three years. g) Well, we like to rely on our own people. h) This time only one, in fact. But it is a very special product indeed. market segments has your product been most successful in? OoO00 OOO & Hy = ® 1 ey Cc o = a = Language work 7 Marketing @ Put the words in the questions in the correct order. 4 mean/does/What/‘launch’/? What does launch’ mean? 2 like/Manager/our/talk/ you/to/to/Would/Marketing/? 3 a/advertising/Do/lot/on/spend/they/? 4 advertise/did/range/their/they/Where/new/? 5 targets/meet/Did/your/you/sales/? 6 expecting/figures/sales/Were/better/you/? 7, my/Have/sales/read/report/you/quarterly/? 8 a/How/do/often/report/write/you/? © Match the answers a)-h) to the questions in exercise C. a) Not yet, I'm afraid. I'l go through it first thing this afternoon. b) Well, they do have a large budget, yes. Every quarter. n the past we had to write one every month, though. 4) To make a new product available to the public. @) Yes, that would be very useful. Thank you. ) Inall national papers, and also on TV. g) No, we are very satisfied. In fact, we've sold a lot more than we thought. a) h) We certainly dia. OOO0008) oO @ You work for the Marketing Department of Hamilton Food and Drink . Products. You receive the following enquiry. Write a reply based on the notes Answering an below. enquiry Dear Sir, | am interested in your range of diet products, which | saw advertised in Healthy Home. ‘Could you please send me a copy of your catalogue? Further details of your new brand of mineral water would aso be very welcome. Many thanks. Wim Rijsbergen Notes thanks for enquiry / enclose catalogue / also enclose leaflet about Fontaine, your latest brand of spring water + say a few words about this product (offers real benefits; recommended by medical authorities) / offer to send representative with sample / end suitably

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