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In a span of two weeks, our objective is to secure a minimum of 10 sign-ups in Google forms
from incoming CBA freshmen students for the academic year 2024-2025, specifically those
expressing interest in pursuing the course BSBA Marketing Management during the 1st
semester in University of Nueva Caceres. This promotion will be facilitated through the
development and dissemination of a concise video advertisement focused on Marketing
Management course, slated for posting on our Facebook page.

● Goal: Secure a minimum of 10 sign-ups via Google Forms from incoming College of
Business & Accountancy (CBA) freshmen for the academic year 2024-2025, specifically
those interested in enrolling in the BSBA Marketing Management course during the 1st
semester in University of Nueva Caceres.


● Goal: Obtain a minimum of 10 sign-ups from incoming freshmen interested in enrolling in
the BSBA Marketing Management course for the 1st semester of the 2024-2025
academic year at the University of Nueva Caceres.
● Target Market: Incoming freshmen for the academic year 2024-2025.

● Quantifiable Outcome: Achieve a minimum of 10 confirmed sign-ups.
● Monitoring: Utilize Facebook analytics and enrollment data to track the number of sign-

● Feasibility: Given the two-week timeframe, focus on engaging and impactful strategies
within the available resources.
● Realistic Approach: Leverage the power of social media, specifically Facebook, to reach
and attract the target audience.

● Alignment: Ensure that the content of the video aligns with the interests and concerns of
incoming freshmen, highlighting the unique advantages of the BSBA Marketing
Management course at the University of Nueva Caceres.
● Adaptability: Remain open to adjustments based on feedback and response during the
● Timeline: The campaign will run for two weeks, with the aim to achieve the sign-up goal
within this period.
● Deadline: Completion of the campaign and attainment of the target within the specified
two-week timeframe.

Marketing Strategy
In the context of the campaign to promote the BSBA Marketing Management course at the
University of Nueva Caceres, the segmentation involves categorizing incoming freshmen based
on their characteristics, interests, and needs. Potential segmentation factors may include:
Academic Interests:
● Differentiating between students interested in various academic disciplines to
tailor messaging specifically to those attracted to business and marketing.
Career Aspirations:
● Distinguishing students with aspirations in marketing or related fields, as they are
likely to find the BSBA Marketing Management course appealing.
Extracurricular Involvement:
● Identifying students engaged in activities related to business, leadership, or
marketing clubs, indicating a potential interest in the marketing management

● Explanation: By segmenting the audience using these criteria, we can create more
targeted and personalized marketing messages. This approach allows us to address the
specific needs and interests of different groups within the CBA freshmen population,
increasing the relevance and effectiveness of our promotional efforts for the BSBA
Marketing Management course.

The target market is the specific group of Grade 12 students from different schools identified
through segmentation, and the promotional efforts are directed towards capturing their attention
and interest. In this case, the target market includes incoming CBA freshmen students during
the 1st semester for the academic year 2024-2025 who exhibit a keen interest in business,
marketing, or related fields in BSBA Marketing Management Course

● Explanation: By effectively targeting a specific subset of incoming CBA freshmen, we

can increase the likelihood of resonating with their needs and preferences, leading to a
higher conversion rate in terms of sign-ups for the BSBA Marketing Management
course. Targeting ensures that your resources are efficiently utilized, and your
messaging is most impactful for the individuals who are most likely to respond positively.

Positioning involves creating a distinct image for the BSBA Marketing Management course in
the minds of the target audience. The goal is to communicate the unique value proposition and
benefits of choosing this program at the University of Nueva Caceres. Possible positioning
strategies include:
Emphasizing Academic Excellence:
● Highlighting the university's reputation for academic excellence and the
comprehensive curriculum of the BSBA Marketing Management course.
Showcasing Industry Relevance:
● Positioning the program as highly relevant to current industry trends, with a focus
on practical skills and real-world applications.
Stressing Career Opportunities:
● Emphasizing the program's potential to open doors to diverse and rewarding
career opportunities in the field of marketing.

Explanation: By carefully segmenting the audience, targeting specific groups of incoming

freshmen, and strategically positioning the BSBA Marketing Management course, the
campaign aims to effectively communicate the program's unique benefits and drive sign-
ups within the given two-week timeframe.

Marketing Tactics

1. Video Promotion:
Create a compelling video that effectively communicates the unique selling points of the BSBA
Marketing Management course in UNC.
● Script Development:
● Craft a script that highlights the key benefits, career opportunities, and distinctive
features of the BSBA Marketing Management program in UNC.
● Visual Elements:
● Capture high-quality footage of classrooms, campus life, and interactions
between students and faculty.
● Incorporate engaging graphics or animations to emphasize important points.
● Editing:
● Edit the video to be visually appealing, ensuring a balance between information
and entertainment.
● Keep the duration between 2-3 minutes for optimal engagement.
● Branding:
● Integrate the University of Nueva Caceres branding seamlessly throughout the
● End the video with a clear call-to-action encouraging viewers to sign up for the
BSBA Marketing Management course.
2. Google Forms for Sign-Up:
Utilize Google Forms to streamline the sign-up process for interested students.
● Create a User-Friendly Form:
● Develop a Google Form that collects essential information, such as the student's
name, contact details, academic background, and any specific questions they
may have.
● Clear Call-to-Action in Video:
● Direct viewers to the Google Form through a clear call-to-action in the
promotional video.
● Ensure that the form is easily accessible and user-friendly.
● Automated Response:
● Set up an automated email response to thank students for signing up and
provide additional information about the BSBA Marketing Management course.

3. Social Media Campaign:

Create a Facebook page to share the promotional video and also the link for the Google form.
● Platform Selection:
● Focus on platforms popular among your target market which is Facebook.
● Strategic Posting:
● Schedule posts strategically to maximize visibility, considering peak engagement
times for your audience.
● Engagement Tactics:
● Encourage likes, comments, and shares.

4. Collaborate with CBA Office:

Strengthen your promotion by collaborating with the College of Business & Accountancy
Facebook page to share our promotional video.
● Email Newsletter:
● Request from the CBA department to to share our Facebook post to increase the
number views on our video promotion.

Explanation: By integrating these marketing tactics, we can create a comprehensive and

synergistic campaign that effectively promotes the BSBA Marketing Management course,
encouraging sign-ups, and engaging our target market through Facebook.

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