05 - Estimating Sums

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Objective: Estimate the sum of 6- or more digit addends.


Do you still remember your basic addition facts. Do as fast as you can.

1) 9 + 7 = 2) 9 + 4 = 3) 4 + 7 = 4) 9 + 6 =
5) 8 + 3 = 6) 8 + 6 = 7) 6 + 5 = 8) 8 + 8 =
9) 7 + 5 = 10) 7 + 9 = 11) 8 + 5 = 12) 7 + 9 =

Try to do these. Round off the numbers to the nearest 10 000 or 100 000.


1) 62 126 ____________
2) 549 114 ____________
3) 549 343 ____________
4) 976 249 ____________
5) 73 837 ____________

Check your answer using the answer key. If your score is 15 - 17 you may
now proceed to this module. If you get 14 correct answers or below, review addition
and rounding of whole numbers.

Study and Learn

- Have you been to a coconut plantation?

- What can you see in a coconut plantation?
- What do you think a farmer does to have a good quality harvest?

- Do you think it is necessary to take care of our coconut plants in order to get
a good harvest?
- If you have some coconut plants, what are you going to do to make them
more productive?

Read the problem so you will be able to answer the questions:

Mang Dionisio has a coconut plantation. He usually works in the

farm the whole day. He harvested 11 389 coconuts on the first month and
14 481 coconuts on the second month. About how many coconuts did he
harvest in two months?

What kind of a farmer is Mang Dionisio? What benefits could we get if we

work hard?

Let’s analyze and solve the problem.

1) What are the given facts? 11 389 and 14 481

2) What is asked in the problem? estimated total number of coconuts
3) What is the operation needed? addition
4) What is the number sentence? 11 389 + 14 481
5) What do you think is the estimated sum?

Now, let’s find out how to estimate the sum.

1. Using the front-end technique

211 389 → 200 000 Round the addends using only the left most digit of
+ 314 481 → + 300 000 the numbers then find the sum.
500 000

2. Estimate the sum to the highest possible place value

211 389 → 200 000 →Round the addends to the nearest ten thousands
+ 314 481 → +300 000 (since this is the highest place value) then add the
500 000 rounded numbers to get the estimated sum

3. Estimate the sum to the nearest given place value

Ex. Nearest thousands

211 389 → 211 000 Round the addends to the nearest thousands then
+ 314 481 → + 314 000 find the sum.
525 000

Let us find the actual sum and compare it with the three estimates.

211 389 First Estimate Second Estimate Third Estimate

+314 481 500 000 500 000 525 000
526 870

Which estimate is closer to the actual sum? Why?

Try These

A. Estimate the sum of each to the highest place value.

1) 325 635 2) 136 403 3) 418 476 4) 611 175

+646 780 + 253 296 +120 581 +225 803

B. Using the front-end technique, find the estimated sum of the following.

1) 762 304 2) 631 918 3) 154 128 4) 178 675

+134 503 + 167 214 +318 125 +369 512

Wrap Up

What are the steps involved in estimating sums of 6- or more addends?

How do you estimate? How would you come up with a good estimate?
There are different ways of estimating the sum. One way is to round off
the addends to the nearest highest place value then add.
A good estimate is a little less or more than the exact answer.

On Your Own

A. Estimate the sum to the nearest hundreds then find the exact sum.

1) 256 436 2) 456 412 3) 874 825 4) 463 729 5) 379 405
+ 190 845 +141 708 +119 567 +123 878 + 845 563

B. Estimate the sum to the nearest ten thousand and find the exact sum. Use
your paper.

1) 135 753 2) 824 435

275 931 633 663
+ 377 452 + 355 228

Actual Sum Estimated Sum Actual Sum Estimated Sum

3) 232 241 4) 563 283

343 254 434 142
+ 636 203 + 158 215

Actual Sum Estimated Sum Actual Sum Estimated Sum

Check your answer with the answer key. If you get….

8-9 - Excellent! You may now proceed to the next lesson.

5-7 - You need to review the processes you missed.

0-4 - You need to repeat the whole process.

Ask your teacher or elder to help you.

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