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First Impressions.

In the English countryside of the 19th century, lived Elizabeth Bennet. Known for her

intelligence, she felt the right to judge every acquaintance of her.

On day she encountered herself with Mr. Darcy known for being reserved and proud. Assessing

his manners and aloofness, Elizabeth formed an unfavorable impression of him, while Darcy,

accustomed to the upper classes and society of London found the manners of the Bennet family

beneath himself and dismissed Elizabeth.

Having made a judgement about each other, Darcy and Elizabeth tried to avoid any encounter.

nonetheless, they paths kept crossing. Drawn to Elizabeth's spirit, Darcy began to fell for her. But

having heard some rumours that fed the initial perception of Mar Darcy, Elizabeth kept the same

thoughts about him.

One day, acting against his struggles and rational objections, Darcy begged Elizabeth to marry

him. But our Elizabeth not having changed her mind about Darcy's nature, rejected him.

Darcy, decided to change her mind, wrote her a letter explaining the reason for his actions.

Having read the letter, Elizabeth realized that she has misjudged Mr. Darcy, and intrigued by his

words, she began to see beyond his apparent arrogance.

At the end, humbled by their experiences, Elizabeth and Darcy overcame their first

misunderstandings got married and lived happily ever after.

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