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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The field of Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) is critical in modern

society, as electrical systems are pervasive and essential for various applications. From
residential buildings to commercial establishments, electrical installations power their
lives and provide the foundation for technological advancements. Therefore, it is crucial
to ensure that individuals involved in electrical installation process a strong foundation of
knowledge and skills to maintain safety, efficiency, and reliability in these systems.
(citation/reference) This study centers on assessing the level of knowledge and
proficiency in electrical installation among students at San Juan Senior High School. In
an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the competence of individuals in
this field is of paramount importance, and senior high schools like San Juan Senior High
School serve as crucial institutions where the foundations of this knowledge are
established. San Juan Senior High School, much like other educational institutions,
plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of its students and, by extension, the electrical
industry. The institution's curriculum and teaching methodologies are expected to equip
students with a strong foundation in electrical installation, ensuring their preparedness
for real-world applications and challenges. Furthermore, this study aims to delve and
underscore the critical need to assess the effectiveness of the educational system in
imparting essential skills and knowledge in electrical installation and maintenance.
Recognizing the broader societal implications of electrical knowledge, the study
acknowledges that electrical systems permeate daily lives, from powering homes to
driving industries. Ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems are of paramount
importance. A well-informed and skilled workforce in electrical installation and
maintenance not only safeguards individuals but also contributes to the efficient
functioning of society as a whole. By conducting a comprehensive examination of the
level of knowledge and skills among students at San Juan Senior High School in the
field of electrical installation, this study aspires to shed light on the educational system's
effectiveness. This research lies in the pressing demand to bridge the gap between the
educational system and the electrical industry's requirements. The findings of this study
can serve as a basis for educational improvements and policy recommendations,
ensuring that the next generation of electricians is well-prepared and capable of
addressing the evolving challenges within the electrical field.

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Statement of the Problem

Major Problem
This study aims to determine the level of knowledge on Electrical Installation of
Electrical Installation and Maintenance students in the San Juan Senior High School.

Minor Problem

1. What is the level of knowledge on electrical installation of EIM students in the San
Juan Senior High School as to:

a. Theoretical Knowledge

b. Practical Skills

c. Safety Awareness

d. Code Compliance

e. Problem Solving

f. Communication Skills

g. Adaptability

h. Continuing Education

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. The study’s findings can help teachers identify specific areas where
student’s may be struggling or excelling in electrical installation knowledge. Teachers
can use the research data to provide targeted support to students who require
additional assistance, fostering a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.
Students. Awareness of their own knowledge level can motivate students to excel and
invest more in their studies, ultimately leading to improved academic performance in
electrical installation and maintenance. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses
in the subject can help students make informed decisions about their career paths,
particularly if they aspire to work in the electrical industry.

Parents and Guardian. Parents and guardians can use the research findings to guide
their children’s education choices. This knowledge empowers them to support their
children’s academic pursuits more effectively. A better understanding of their child’s
knowledge in electrical installation can lead to heightened awareness of electrical
safety, both at home and in the broader community.

Future Researcher’s. This study can serve as a valuable baseline for future
researchers interested in assessing knowledge levels in electrical installation. It
provides a reference point for comparative studies in other educational institutions.
Future researchers can build upon this study’s findings to explore more advanced or
specific aspects of electrical installation education, contributing to a growing body of
knowledge in this field.
Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted at San Juan City Technical Vocational and
Livelihood Senior High School and limited only to Grade 11 and Grade 12 Electrical
Installation and Maintenance students. The data and information provided will examined
through survey questionnaire. This study was limited only to determine the level of
knowledge on Electrical Installation of Electrical Installation and Maintenance students.
The range of this study will be from August 2023 to January 2024.

Definition of Terms

Level of knowledge towards Electrical Installation

This phrase refers to the extent or depth of understanding, expertise, or familiarity

that an individual or a group possesses in the field of electrical installation. It indicates

how much knowledge and skill someone has in planning, designing, installing, and

maintaining electrical systems and components, such as wiring, circuits, and electrical


Electrical Installation and Maintenance Students

This term describes individuals who are enrolled in an educational program or

course focused on electrical installation and maintenance. These students are typically

studying topics related to electrical systems, wiring, safety procedures, troubleshooting,

and the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and infrastructure. They are

preparing for careers in electrical engineering, electrical contracting, or related fields.

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