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Ast modeller rs ‘ ad d | | Franck Oudin brings archive images to life 9!771747"177003' il CONTENTS 2 | Polikarpov 1-16 12 | Flying Legends, Duxtord 2007 20 | Bf 109E 28 | Double Jeopardy 37 | White 40 using arc! | A Canadian CF 104D modlled by Albert Tureczek 43 | Modelling White 40 50 | Air Born New releases Franck Oudin recreates the aircraft in 1:32nd scale 58 | N1K-2 ‘George’ [AIR Modeller is published Sienonthly by [ARV Modeller td 176 Neworidge Street Noweastio upon Tyne NEI 2TE ‘Tei:0191 2091107 Fax: 0191 209 2002 ‘emai: Info@atvmedeliorcom Eaitor anc Designer: David Parker Deputy Esitor: Donald Campbet Eoitoral Consultant: Nel Robinson ‘Sales Director: Keith Smith SSN 1747-177 ‘Tomas Juriga builds the 1:48th Hasegawa kit Seasons Greetings and a Happy New ‘Year to our readers from everyone at AFV Modeller Tomas de la Fuente Maganto builds the Eduard kit in the markings of the Spanish Republican Air Force Albert Tureczek’s photo report from this summer's event | Zdenek Sebesta builds Tamiya’s small scale Tropical Messerschmitt Bf 09E Eric Larger examines the background a colours of a distinctive FW 190 images terested parle, but cannot accept ary espera for unsoled materi. crawegs anc protograph angst by AFV Modo td become he publishers capgnt under copyroht nw: Reproduction nary form eure the taken to avoid mataes AV Modeller tc. cannot be MIA RIT A E Tomasdetla Puente Maganic builds the Eduard kit in the markings of the Spanish Republican Air Force ‘Amongst the fighter planes trom the 1930's, one of the most elegant isthe Polikarpov I-16 in my opinion. Famous in at the time for being the World's fst monoplane with retractable landing ‘eer, which was retracted by the pilot who had to hand crank the grear turning the lever ‘approximately 40 times! Small anc ‘mancuverable, It was skinned almost entry with plywood, with the exception of the contro! surfaces and some wing areas, which wero {fabric covered. There were innumerable variants that running from the inital types 6 and 6, types through to 10, 17, 18 and 24. The mode inthis ‘article Is a type 10 belonging to 4 * Escuadrila registered as CM-274. The model ' bought Eduard’s magnificent kt in their Royal ‘Class Editon which allows you to make three ‘iflerent models and | also bought an individual it of the type 10, withthe intention of making 4 different 16's. The model has a lt of positive pointe, although it eulers from one or two shortcomings. Among the positive points is the reproduction ofthe surface texture on the fabric Wing and control surfaces areas are represented, a al oll as the quantity of painting schemes to.choose from and the fineness of the Wheels and the engine cowing details. On the negative side, it's necessary to add come missing detal inthe whoeis well ‘areas and the tront fuselage tends to spring open when we glue the rudder, ‘making It necessary to force it together to fit the engine cowing, Assembly | began with the cockpit for which | Consulted numerous Books and photographs. in the model, the place that represents the cockpit floor (piece F-15) Covers the complete wicth of the cockpit when in realty this structure was fastened by a tow metal struts tront and rear ‘meaning that you could see the lower part of the fuselage. To represent ths, | cut away the floor piece at the sides and reproduces something ofthe tubular front structure with Evergreen plastic rod. Once this was complete | proceeded to paint the Interior with all ploces glued in place, ‘according to Eduard’s painting Instructions. Once dy I lightened the ‘panels withthe base colour mixed with white and later after and sealed it with a couple of coats of Future. | walted ‘approximately 2 hours betore applying washes with oll using a mixture of black ‘and burnt umber, diluted with turpentine | added scratches here and there with @ 2B pencil, and to the feet tetion areas of the floor | applied a cry brush with gun four. The seatbetts, athough they come prepainted, received a wash with Vallejo acrylics to ave them a more used ‘appearance. Also | adced the wires that run along both fuselage sides and allot them were agaln painted with Vallejo ‘acrvlic. The head rest it was painted in leather colour with Vatejo. As for the Inetruments panel, the only thing that | has to-do was glue it, since It comes pertecty represented in prepainted photoetched, With the painting completed | glued both halves of the fuselage, along with all the Now | moved on to the wings, gluing the Upper parts to the lower ones. The landing ‘ear wells need a extra attention, since they are not eutfclently detailed. itis necessary to cut an oval area in the whee! wel, this oval hole was to enable the whee! to fit in the well, This hollow could be open or closed with a concave sheet cover: | decided to add the covered option. Te do this | opened the hole and then | placed a piece of a very thin metalic sheet to which | gave concave form ite by ite by embossing it with the hancle of a paintbrush, Once completed itis necessary to open the hole in the wall of the right hand well that was to inspect the pully system for the landing gear. With this opened | fitted the frame of photoetched that surrounds the window, together with is glazing represented by acetate. Finally, open a small hole in each whee! wel to Inger the steo! cable that pulls the wneels Into the well. Around these small holes | put a frame that was supplied in Eduard's ‘ald photoetched set for Hobbycratts model. Afterall that, Iwas able to glue the ‘wings to the fusslage For the M-25 engine, Eduard represents it in very simply as its mostly hidden but | added the valve push-ods, trom Evergreen rod, and | added the spark plugs wires, | painted the engine with ‘Tamiya matt black XF-1, and worked over it with dry brushed metallic tones, to give dofinton to the eyinders. | decided to model the frontal cooling fins of the engine ‘open, so it would be possible to see all the work on the engine and I fished by ticking the engine cowing to the rest of the fuselage. “The machine guns on the wings are excessively thick, so I replaced thern wth 0.5mm hypodermic needles. | decide to adjust and drop the tall contro surfaces since in the majority of the photos | consulted showed them in this position 50 | cut them away so | could glue thom in position once painted Painting “The FARE’s I-16's were painted at frst as, they were delivered from the USSR, with the top surtaces in Russian green and the Lndersides in light bive. In adaiton there were red bands added to the fuselage and In the wing tips and on the rudder the republican flag was added in red, yellow and purple. | obtained The colours mixes trom the the magazine Euramodelmodelisme number ‘96 in which there Is an article dedicated to this plane, the mixes are as folows: 1 Green: 40 % XF-62 + 40% XF - 61+ 10% KF-I1 +35 XF-SB + 4% KF 4 $96 xF-60. Light blue: 80 % XF-23 + 20 % xF-2 | obtained the colour highlights by mixing the base colour with XF-4 and the shadows ‘mixing the base colour with Black XF-1 painted the interior of the wheel wells, as well as the cover interiors with FLM 65 ‘rom Xtracryix, which Is @ more intonéo blue than that of the underside surfaces ‘As soon as | had finished the frst coats With the base colours | began to paint the fuselage red bands and the wing tps, by frst | appiying a coat of matt white ‘Tamiya’ XF-2, and once dry | oversprayed with @ coat of matt red XF- 7. Once the paint had cried, | began a selective surtace lightening of the whole plane, withthe top ‘ioe and contro! surface areas, the most exposed to the wear produced by the a | id thie masking with small Tamiya tape Strips. | vamished the model applying a ‘couple of Future coats, that once dey, alowed me to place the decals, before another coat of vamish with Future. Then | added some oll washes with black and Final details | ti had to ft the undercarriage and | once again took advantage of some pieces of Eduards photoatched detail set for the Hobbycraft kit. The wheels painting and assembly follows the Eduard instructions, with the landing gear struts finished in the walls. | added some dirt to the Lnderearige with a mix of Tamiya brown coeur. “The propeller i fished in black withthe spinner in white, with seratches in metalic colours. The gunsight its added without any modifications but! dled out the exhaust pines and painted them with Tamiya acrfics in a brown reddish tone to Imitate the rusted finish | sprayed the ‘exhaust stains with very dtd black, | masked the canopy with the masks supplied with the kt and sprayed fist with the interior colour followed by the exterior colour. | painted the metallic ring around the engine cowing with Alclad it ‘Aluminium. | applied scratches tothe metalic panels of the plane using a 28 pencil Lastly | varnished the whole model In a matt firish using Titan Mate Opal and applied some traces of dirt in some areas Using pastel pigments and earthy colours paints. ‘The Duxtord Museum is a very Interesting place for everyone ete ae eee eae ed oer ras Ce er eed eg ee ae erred ete rs yearn flan day css tea ere ee ene een ee ete ent ge eta er are en eet een eas ee eee ed aoe tet etna ee a nerd peer ener Lear ae eens eee ate eres Cea eee en eens Se eee eee ten’ ee ee err en eet ae neater fying machines. Luckily the not 80 fantastic British summer of ee ere uly Zdenek Sebesta builds Tamiya’s small scale Tropical Messerschmitt Bf1 09E DOUBLE BY ALBERT TURECZEK SO eee een i tea en See Ce Lae Denne eet a ery the Fighter Bomber role, wth nuclear capability In Canadian Ce eee et te ead Ce eee Single 104 was lost. Lockheed also bult a trainer Version of the Se Rane Ce cet ee ee eee) Ce eee eed See ee end Ce ee eee Cee eed CE ee tet ee earns (iel_Ie ae 7 ee ETS Ca cia Dies = =)9 Ea oe esl ae | 2 ee ene a Ge ea eee pee ee ‘actually enables you to produce any given Canadian ete ee ee a ee ead eee oe nd ee ae eae MLU Ce ee ee ee ed Ce ee ees Se ee a eee aaa od Se ee ry Ce eee eed Se ree Soe een See eee et Cea ee eee etd CS ee ee ed ‘modellers, Ce ees Pee ee Ce eee eres ee eet Ne eee Seed Cee eee eee eng Cee ee ee ced pee eon ee een rr See ee een te ee Ce eee etd ee cman ee eae aerator eens ehaneonent eae may Cire ene Coreen Ce ee ere eee ea een Se ee ee ee eer rete eed Ce ed eee eee eee es Se a te last weeks of the operational ife ofthe Luftwaffe, also brings an ene ee ee de eee Ses Se eens De eet aad See eee aeons Coe eer ae Cerone Dee eee aed ee era Ces eee ees Serene Sees Ce ere Sere eee ea erg Caan cy Cee ae Se eee aes See en heel oT Ce ered Se eee See ee eas Cee ee ee en eee! ener Oe ee ee et eas Ce ee See eee) Cee ee Td Cee eh md Saeed ne Cte eee eens See ead anes ae en eT ocetd eee ee eer Se ea eas Cae et Re area] hhave been training alrraft used during the Cee ees et eon Dee ee ees ee not Cees eS oed Re eee ey ee ee eee trea eet ‘Above’ par view of the machine shows clay the rupture aera et renee ne near Tay pe ee ni tee Oe Cen Ce eet ees Ce eee aoe Sees It could be possible that in this en eee eet) ee es Se eee ce ener ee ee Se cee nets Cee net ae Cee En enc Cue a ic] See Cte Ted Cee ee Cee LIT) Caen ee eee ae Cee eee Reenter eres Ce ee eens Ce ene ee et eee ee eee {imtes3" dscovered at Leonid. The usual Sec arta tr yn eer Ey nearer rane ced Poche eee ord pape eae thema Nese ad ponerse ce eet ed Pecimoeoniriel sere erik ae aneetsa Seni eee iad Poheocceras cn teeta taeioryc a hte eee ree etn porrae ee ete taci pesceveeraeiccettited ee eee) poet eae eer te ern peer A Rome cena Pee eent eked rere rey econo ni nee) peer reser ney tnd peste te ieee raed eee eee erry tent cg erence peste ay ‘rom the wing. He nearly rammed the ee Lay ey eed Pee en ern) ee eer as SE ed CR ad Cet Rod Re ee nn Cee Se ee es compere Set tetera erat ise beeen al CL] eee ey See eens eee eee ny Sete end ee eee eee eae Ce Re eed Se eee eee eet eee eee eae ene other part of the wings. The allerons were Cees eee eed Ci |] Ee 0 dd ee) Ce ne Pee ot Unpainted, producing a rather unusual Cee De eens Ce ered See ey De en ee eee Ce emer ees See ee eat eee) Cee and eee eet Peet ‘observe that the starboard under surfaces Cer ee tar Ce ee eee Cee eee De etd Dee ee eee re Seer eee DC ee ee ey ee eee ee Oe nee eed Cee eer Ed Cee eer een eee ene ei Ce ee eed eee es oo eee eet eee es ‘model captures the shape well and the cost is reasonable for Cees ee need eee ad previous FW190 D-9 series such as the wings with landing laps Se ee eee ee es Pee te ee eee Dee ee ns Ce ae ry See et ey Coe eee Feeney Ce ey ered creed De Ree Ce ean Oto eet Cee a eee et at ent ee ee Lene nT Sey eee ee es Cee een OC eet Oe ee ere Ce eerie eed ee eed ee eee eee ee ee’ Cee nee) Cette ant ee rl a eee eas Cees ee eee! See ee nes Ce nee Ce ed Cee ee en eee eee) ei tes Se ae Cea See ee ree) Ce nea eee ee) Cee ened Cee ee Cee Cree eee iy Ce etd CO ees Senn ee ee eens ee er eee ties cid Seiad Cee en eee ee Cena ee ed ee ere erry nen Lear) Cee eee eet tte ee aio Deere eid See cetera eae eee’ eed CO ea ee ed Seer) eee Ce eer Ce eer ee eae ets perso eras ee Ce ee Cee See et sanding required atterwards. Once dried | Ce ee ee Ce ented one Ce ea Eee a Ce ety ee ery Cee end Dee Ce et eed Seid a a ier ee rer tees ‘Above Filets of plastic aro used tt he res co Ree nT et ee ene ny os Cech ate eae Say Se etd Cee tty Ce te eee eet ty ee eee et rer) ee eee) wear surgical gloves. | decided to paint Senate Cocalo | used pre-cut masks trom Ce ee teeta) erent ety eee es Seen eee ene ern Send eee roe Se eet Cee eet eet eteene eed i pened Ce tna te ees CO need Ce eee en Ce ey CO eee ees eee eee eta Cee eet Ce eee eee ny Ce ee ary ee ety Pree ee ete See en ee ee Cee een na See ee CE eee Ses See) nd Cd See Tone See ee ery Ce Ee ated So ee art tee Ce ans Nees ee Eos eee eer Cee eas Se ee ee Se ee eee ey ee ees eee ee ert eae en cn) erent Cee See ees Ce eer ed CSR tnd ‘Above Natonal markings are masked off pror eesti on ore eee oe aan ay ee ees light grey just along the outer edges of the ne ens Coed CE ceo rs Ce od See NR Premed reer Te re ‘Above The motved overspray Most covers ees eee) ems See eee arr) eens Coen See a] eae eel Cee eat) es ‘Above The big nase numbers are apples percep beng reer per ed Ce eo worth the effort, and with so many diferent Cera ee eee en ec) Cee ees eee eet! es eae ee tered eee ees Air Borm- new releases AIRES 7173 1:72 AV-8B Hartier Il Cockpit set 7176 1:72 F-16N Aggressor Cockpit 4352 1:48 Focke Wulf Ta 183A Wheel Bay 2052 1:32 M.B. Mk H7 AIRES ‘More high quality resin updates trom AIRES to delight and inspire and those bogin with a couple of small scale subjects ‘Aggressor 7175 and one for theie AV-88, Harter I kit 7173. When looking at the photos of these you almost have to remind yourself that they are so tiny because the ualty and level of detall makes it hard to itferentiate them from the larger scales, ‘As usual there is @ printed flim and salt fetched fret provided for things Ike rudéer pedals and seat harnessos. Moving to 1:48th ecale we begin with a comparatively simple but exquisite cockpit set 4301 designed for the Trumpeter P- 408. By comparison the cockpit set for the Italeri 1:48th A-10A Jaws! ‘Trumpeter RA-SC Vigilante Is wondertuly ‘complex with mutt-part ejector seats with photo etched detals. The photo etched fret is bigger than norral and contains parts forthe Internal canopy traming as ‘well as the instrument panels anct hhamesses. Next is one of AIRES’ super replacement exhaust nozzles this one 4328, being designed for the Hasegawa F- 1048 Starfighter. There are two sets ‘containing superbly detailed electronics ‘bays for the A-7 Corsair both D and & versions and both designed for the Hasegawa Wits. Finally in this seale there is ‘a wheelbay insert 4352 for the Focke Wu ‘Ta 1834 designed for the Tamiya or ‘Amtech kits oo °2 \We begin the larger scale section vith two ‘08 of quite remarkable and impossibly etaled ejector seats, one for the USN F-4 land one for the F-14. For the Tamiya F-16 (C1C3 Aires nave produced a superb ‘cockpit set with a replacement tub, Internal canopy frame and clear rosin part. Photo etched parts combine with printed flim to make up the instrument panels and the whole set has you itching to break open the paint. Even more Impressive Is the the big box of bits that is ‘the cockpit set for the Tamiya F-14A, This ‘sot is highty detalod with all the usual [AIRES finesse and surely an essertial ‘addition to the Tamiya kt. Stunning! > ‘This is Italer's second version ofthe A-10 and | have been unable 10 se any groat itference aside trom the choice of markings. As ‘withthe previous version the general level of detail is very good [altnough It does tend towards the soft here and there. Its a kt that has all the features that you would want with nicely detalled ‘separate spit allerons, fattened tires, open avionics panels, a very presentable cockpit and a comprehensive payload. There is even 2 s2t of whee! chacks compiete with ropes. Even though the ‘cockpit uses a decal for the instrument panels the ejector seat Is ‘quite wall detailed with some nicely moulded harnesses, obviously ot AIRES ‘quite well detailed’ but certainly better than the Usual Italo offerings. Five alferent sets of markings are included on ‘woll printed decal sheet covering earlar schemes from the 1970's lke the spotted scheme seen on the box art and the more farniiar ‘wo tone grey schemes. A very presentable kit then, room for & Ite improvernent in places but a strong basis for a cracking build. Recommended eet Coan Focke-Wulf Fw 190D Camouflage & Marking Part 2 By Marc Deboeck, Eric Larger and Tomaé Poruba Published by JaPo www, 480 pages Hardbound portalt format ‘Anyone familar with part one ofthis comprehensive study of the Fw 190D will be wall ofthe detaled and methodical approach of the authors as they decipher the complicated details of the ‘markings and painting processes applied to this icon late war fighter. Working rom often poor quality black and white Images they continue to examine, identity and document the entire production series and to support thelr findings with reasoned theories and some quite super® colour profes. Alongside these there are also colour diagrams used throughout to tkstrate aitterent points or camouflage schemes and there are as you might expect endless archive images. The production values of the whole book are very high, printed on a high quality paper and, beauty designed Its a Book to be cherished and itis ‘extremely readable. It quick’y becomes apparent that the authors realy do know their subject and the depth of detal they provide for the reader has to be admired. For anyone witha real interest in the Dora or late World War Il camouflage this is without doubt {an essential reference work, a Book to return to again and again land one to inspire any number of modeling projects, Au-dela d By Régis Hautiére & Romain Hugault Published by Editions Paquet http:/cockpit paquet. li ISBN 978-2-88890-244-7 48 pages Hardbound portait format, French text Pemape not srievy the typical reference book but th release, iustrated by tallonted artst and AIR Modeler contributor Romain Hugaut, 16 euch a veual weet that we felt bound to Bring I to your attention. I ke me you appreciate the ski ofthe graphic artst thon you are infor areal treat here wth dramatic angles and Viewpoints used to ful effect to tal the story giving I fen-the quality and making lt much more than lst a come book Fomain’s knowledge of and passion for aviation is reflected in his Uta accurate representation ofthe iiterentaircrat types and hie recreation of the aerial combat sequences is quite breathtaking. Do not be put off by the French text as iti fairy minimal and it i possible to follow the story without it and to enjoy the skis of an extremely accomplishes artist. Fujimi 1:72nd Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane E11A1 Fine surtace detail is a feature of tis delightful tle kt with subtie recessed panel lines and a subtio citforence in eurtace finish effning the canvas sections of the wings. Inside the fuselage there I a simple cockpit with floor, bulkheads, crew seats and ‘control column. To assist the assembly of the twin wing the kit includes pans to make a simple ig which holds the fuselage and lower wing while providing a shelf to accept the upper wing and, hold iin the correct postion Ilsa simple but ettective aid which should really ease the assembly of these parts. The kit also Includes a sma race to Nod the finished model If It's dleplayed fut of the water. The Inclusion of quite @ big photo etched fret comes as a surprise although aside form @ useful replacement, plots seat complete with perforations, the remainder of the tret is filed by raging wires. Despite the finesse of the photo otch I ti think that these wires will appear overscale on the finished model land that most models wil prefer to replace them with more traditional rigging materials, but Ifyou are happy with these then it will certainly save you quite abit of idly work. Two decal sheets ‘are supplied with one set of white backing markings and there are tour aitferent sats markings supplied although these diferences ‘only relate to the tail code numbers. Uitra tine surface detail ie the standout feature of this kit with the ‘pane! ines very much in seale something which really adds to the ‘overall appearance. The cockpit is passable with reasonable detail butt relies on decals for much ofthe Instrumentation and tho ‘ejector seat is quite simpitied. A small photo etched fret suppties 2 frame for the HUD and framing forthe front edge of the canopy which certainty adds to the detall here. A radome is included for the nose which Is not perhaps something that you would expect In this scale and the inclusion ofthe jet Intake system inside the fuselage fe ancther welcome feature, Realistically weighted Wheels are inckided although the whee! wells are simpiid with one of the complex wiring ofthe real things. The kt comes with a generous selection of underwing stores although the fins on the sidewinders and Sparrows are a bit heavy and would benefit rom being replaced. Two sets of markings are included on the well printed decal sheet, one for VFA-97 "Warnawis’ and VFA-27 ‘Chargers’ both in two tone grey finishes. AS with most Kts this wil ‘benefit from a litle extra attention in key areas but It offers an ‘excellent basis with some crisp surface deta Douglas SBD Dauntle: By Robert Peczkowski Published by Mushroom Publications “This latest reference in the MMP Yellow Series follows their lestablshed format by tracing the development of the Dauntless tnd the diferent types supported by archive photos and some ‘excellent 1:72nd scale plans which usefully include detal of the ‘vet patterns. The operating principles of the US Navy units Is. ‘examined and there is a section dealing with foreign users of the, sircrat. The second hal ofthe book moves onto a comprehensive ‘walk around section which combines datalls from preserved Blackburn Skua & Roc By Matthew Willis Published by Mushroom Mode! Publications | really do like the way that MMP are keen to cover the more. ‘obscure aviation subjects and this latest publication on the ‘Blackburn Skua and Roc is an excellent example of this. LUnperturbed by the lack of any complete surviving examples the ‘author has stil managed to produce a remarkably comprehensive reference. The approach Is identical to that of te Dauntiess but the walk around section relies heavily on archive material to ‘demonstrate the dotals and there Is an excellent collection of, OLOEBOLS s 7 Model ISBN 978-83-89450-39-5 136 pages Softbound portait format airraft and archive material to provide an excellent reference for fal but the most fanatic superdetailers. The last section of the ‘book contains a generous selection of colour profiles covering all the countries who used the Dauntless with some interesting ‘alternatives to the usual two fone blue over white schemes of the US Navy. Once again these thorough and cost-ettective books Provide an excellent single source reference, ideal for most modeling projects. fa ISBN 978-83-89450-44-9 160 pages Softbound portait format wartime colour images showing a recovered Skua. The archive ‘material throughout the book is especially strong with same ‘superb shots of the aircraft in service and once again some very {900d sail scale plans are used to lustrate the aitterent variations. The colour profile section contalns thity three ctferent schemes and the book also makes mention of the 1:48th scale kets trom Special Hobby. This book would be the Ideal reference. for anyone planning to build one of these - superb! Freightdog Models 1:48 Decals Brits Abroad Pt.2 ‘A pleasantly mixed bag of subjects is covered by this generously Sized and well printed sheet. Covering Minor RAF Post-War conflicts the sheet has markings for two Harvard, one Beautighter TF MKX, 12 Mosquito MKS, a Meteor M10, a couple of Spitres and a Tempest MK.6. The set comes with a well presented full colour booklet showing each scheme with colouripaint range references land recommendations for suggested kits a8 well The decals, themselves are printed by Fantasy Printshop so the qual Is good ‘with exact registration across the sheet. Recommended, ‘wun 13.(slow.) JG 52 By Jiri Rajlich Publications. Described as the frst fll account of the Slovak Ale Aern's 13th, ‘Squadron from Its formation in 1999 and its combat on the Eastorn Front as part of JG 52 and then in combat against its former alles at the end of WWI. Much ofthis history had been Clistorted or covered up under the post war Czechoslovak: (Communist regime so this uncistorted history makos intoresting reading. The book is wel ilustrated beginning with shots ofthe ‘via 8-534 which the unit was initally equipped with betore later transferring to the German Bt 109E and later the 1096. These Italeri 4:48th Chinook HC.1 htaler's second version of the Chinook is released ina tar more ploasing pate grey plastic which realy shows of the qualty of the ‘moulding with the two main fuselage sections nicely engraved with ‘some deeper engraving around the access panels on the tall rotor housings. However it does not have the ralsed rivet detall except fon one or two panels, Just lke on their previous release Italeri have designed @ fuselage within @ fuselage withthe cockpit and oad area assembling into a complete model ofthe interior which Is then sancwiched between the exterior fuselage halves. The level Cf detall across the cockpit and interior is better than you might hope for with the quited fini of the fuselage lining well replicated ‘along wth the internal faming and cabling. That's not to say that it cannot be Improved upon but for most modellers it should be ‘more than adequate especialy i the rear ramp Is closed. Only the ‘moulded on seat harnesses of the passenger seats are a real issapointment although they can easlly be replaced. Externally Published by Mushroom Model ISBN 978-83-89450-50-0 112 pages Softbound portait format ‘www.mmpbooks. biz ‘provide plenty of good reference of both the assorted aircraft and ‘the uniforms of the personnel. The aircraft often feature interesting ‘markings with everpainted German markings showing through on ‘occasion. There Is a section of colour profiles covering all the ‘alrcrat types which will be useful for the modeller and the book. ‘leo includes a list of the contiemed klls ofthe unit and another lst fof the top scoring pilots. ts an interesting study with plenty to Inspire the modeller wno Is looking for something a litle citterent the kt allows you to build a cholce of aiferent versions with small ferences, requiring you to open diferent location holes so you ‘need to make a choice and watch your step through the assembly ‘Sequence. The kit Includes a flexible mesh and templates for the ‘engine intakes which i a nice touch as lathe inclusion of a useful ‘and comprehensive walkaround booklet with ine drawings and detailed pictures of an italian Army machine. This contains plenty ‘of useful materia for the modeller with some great shots to the Interior and the cockpit. Markings are included for a choice of six aitferentalrcrat for Canadian, Italian, Australian, American and two RAF schemes. Its an impressive kit with a good level of detail although some may be unhappy with the lack of rivet detall on the lairframe It should build into an impressive model and the “bul In" roference is more than enough to make some Improvements it thats what you want to do. uickBoost 72112 1:72 8.258 Mitchell Engines & Comings 72113 1:72 1-16 Undercarriage skis 17 Flying Fortress Cowlings 1:72 Hawker Hunter Al Brake 1:72 FAU-1 Corsair Undercarriage 72114 1:72. 7218 72116 ye17 tailtin 49.115 1:48 F-60 Mustang Reconnaissance Conversion ocommendB talon Recommended ki Revell Recommends 1:72 Boautightor MAX Radar & 40123 48124 40125 49126 49127 49128 49190 49131 40192 82033 1:32 F-14A Ejector Ll Recommended kit: Any bets ee see Recommended kit: Academy & Recommended kit Academy 48 122 Recommend Recommended kit: Tamiya 1:48 MIG-29A Fulcrum correct ‘We wil retrain from commenting on every ‘single release but we have captioned each with the recommended donor kits. Sutice to say though that Ifyou are feria with the quality of Quiekboost producte then these latest releases maintain this and it they are new to you then you wil nt be 1:48 ANAPS-4 Radar Pod FW1904-5/6 Trop Cowiings '8u-27 Flanker 8 Pitt tubes 'Su-28K Air Scoops 1:48 Spitfire HF Mk Vil Conversion 1148 Me 262 Undercarriage Covers 1:48 FW Te183A Jumo 004 nozzle 1:48 FW Ta182H Update Set 140 FW Ta152H Exhausts Recommended kit: Academy |r Recommended kit: Hasegawa Recommended kit: Any lL Recommended kit: Kopro Recommended kit: Tamiya/Amtech oye 48131 48 132 | y Recommended kit: Dragonitaler Recommended kit; Oragonttaler 72 Convair XF-924 Late Convair XF-924 Early We have a group of dalighttul new resin kits {rom Pro Resin who lke to specialise in the slighty more obscure subjects. Al the kits are produced in a cream resin and in ‘general the quality ofthe casting is good although this can be variable and | did spot the ode alr Bubble but nothing outside the sual expectation for resin kits. Some of the kts are supplied with good quality Photo etched frets and printed fim for windscreens and instrument panels. The Instructions that are supplied merit a ‘special mention as they are very well produced with good drawings, parts lst painting guide and inthe case of the bi- planes, a usetul rigging diagram and a ‘small decal sheet is also included. Beginning with the two Convair XF-024 kits, these feature some very nice subte rivet © ‘detail on the wings and the kit has @ nicely detailed cockpit tub. Some slight warping (of the fuselage halves was detected but ‘this would be easy to fix. The kit is usefully seas} fed kit: Any 1:72 Curtiss P-2 ‘Hawk’ 1:72 Boeing P-12B/D 4:72 Boeing FaB-2 ‘supplied with two vactormed canopies in ‘case of mishap. Moving to the tiny Curtiss P-2 Hawk thie features some realy delicate etal on the fuselage and | kod the ‘miniature frame detail moulded into the ‘side walls of the cockpit. The inclusion of ‘photo etched spoked wheels Is good to see and wil really add to the irished ‘appearance of the kt. The two Boeing kits have a lot of similarities and they follow a ‘similar approach to the Curtiss Haw with ‘900d surtace detail, fine recessed pane! lines and crisp louvers on the engine cowlings. Both have nicely detailed racial lengines and remarkably detailed cockpits complete with seat harnesses. The P- 4128)0 allows you to build ene of two versions and theretore comes with a choice of two sets of markings and the F4B-2 also features two sets of markings. Great ite kits, probably a ite more demanding to build but well worth the ett. NOmaswunoe oulos tne mi4eth Hasegawa kit Personally | find Japanese planes from WW2 to be very attractive because of both their design and various camoutiage patterns. This model of the Japanese fightor N1K-2 ‘George’ Is one the best models produced by Japenese model producer Hasegawa. The fine sharp detail throughout, detallad cockpit, ‘separated flaps, and detailed landing gear are an excellent basis for @ bulling a high quality mode! kt ofthis fighter. FM Details provide a new interior, here the cockpit sidewalls In. _The rivet pattem was applied across the arame. place ‘The Improved look of the photo etched seat is apparent in thie The interior of the fuselage seen here after painting ‘comparison with the kt par. The completed cockpit tub ready for Installation - the quality ofthe resin detal set can be clearly soon Ey ‘The completed cockpit and instrument panel | started by separating the tuselage, wings and stabilisers trom the plastic sprues and | began riveting the surface working from ‘Some drawings that | tracked down on the web. The recessed panel tines are very faccurate and there ls no need for ‘ditional scribing or any modifications, To improve upon the level of detail | tuned to the photo etched pars produced by Eduard which are excellent. | used nearly all of them withthe best elements being the parts used to mosity the gun bares, And the soat and seat belts in cockpit The Interior for the aireratt was replaced with @ set from Hungarian producer FM Dota sts. It contains resin and photo ‘etched parts with extra fine detalt tate fim. The cockpit parts ted perfectly requiring no sanding at al and oy with distiled water. | especialy Ike to use these colours, as | find that they easy 100th surface. ‘ith te green applied | applied a layer of ‘9088 clear Gunze Mr. Super Clear Ito Create a good surface for applying the | used the decals form the kit. | applied ‘decal softener Gunze Mr. Mark Softer to ‘get the decals to mould tothe surface, just few drops to oi land accurate copying the surtace inctuaing the rivets ‘decals are thicker, then | algo use Mr. Mark the antenna, clear cockpit parts an setae, ASR Gory: (it-le Wart e Ca ma eet ae meg Subscribe to AIR Modeller Your details a.ock capra.s PLEASE subscription 6 tssuee) [) Tie ou £36.00 ret Name F] Europe, USA & Rest of Workd 48:90 $00.00 | enclose a cheque for € Us Dollar or Bren Pound Only ven] santos] evcew[] van onte[] oom] ower] are no. 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