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Growing Semi-Living Sculptures: The Tissue Culture & Art Project

Article in Leonardo · August 2002

DOI: 10.1162/002409402760181123


96 1,640

2 authors:

Oron Catts Ionat Zurr

University of Western Australia University of Western Australia


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A R T I S T S ’ A R T I C L E

Growing Semi-Living Sculptures:

The Tissue Culture & Art Project

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr


Tissue engineering promises
to replace and repair body
organs but has largely been
he core of the Tissue Culture & Art (TC&A) The use of embryonic and pro- overlooked for artistic purposes.
Project is the artistic manipulation of living materials using genitor (adult) stem cells increases In the last 6 years, the authors
the tools of modern biological research in order to sharpen the potential for tissue engineering have grown tissue sculptures,
questions arising from the utilization of these new sets of tools. to fabricate complex organs outside ªsemi-living objects,º by cultur-
ing cells on arti® cial scaffolds.
Prevailing Western views of a nature-culture dualism can be of the body. In principle, stem cells The goal of this work is to
challenged by putting into practice newly acquired knowledge can differentiate into any kind of culture and sustain for long
in biology. Synthesizing biological processes and materials can specialized cells by entering discrete periods tissue constructs of
help us understand that humans and their extended pheno- lineage pathways (which involves varying geometrical complexity
and size, and by that process to
type (the external manifestation of our genes expressed the action of speciŽ c growth factors
create a new artistic palette to
through our culture and technologies) are an integral part of and/or cytokines and other inter- focus attention on and challenge
what we call nature, and we therefore have to develop a new nal and external factors). This perceptions regarding the
set of references in order to understand the implications of means that stem cells can be seeded utilization of new biological
our deeds. on a 3D scaffold laced with differ- knowledge.

Many artists are directing their attention to the conse- ent growth factors. Growth factors
quences of deciphering the genetic code. Our work deals with are proteins that bind to receptors
another level of the biological system—that of the cell and on the cell surface, with the primary result of activating cellu-
communities of cells: tissue. The interaction with nature that lar proliferation and/or differentiation. Many growth factors
we offer is the manipulation and direction of the growth and are quite versatile, stimulating cellular division in numerous
three-dimensional formation of tissue on scaffoldings that we different cell types, while others are speciŽ c to a particular cell
provide. Our work is conceptually closer to cybernetics, ma- type [2] and can be used in speciŽ c areas in order to grow com-
chine/nature hybrids and the effect of technologies on com- plex organs that consist of many cell types [3].
plex biological systems, than to molecular biology–based
art—although we often use genetically modiŽ ed cells and uti-
lize other aspects of molecular biology. We are exploring the THE TC&A HYPOTHESIS
formation of a new class of objects/beings, which we refer to It is now feasible to use tissue-engineering techniques to cre-
as “semi-living” objects. ate custom-made replacement organs. They can also be used
The Tissue Culture & Art Project (initiated by Oron Catts for the design and construction of 3D living-tissue assemblies
in 1996) was set up to explore questions arising from the use that can be sustained alive for long periods of time in vitro. If
of living tissues to create/grow semi-living objects/sculptures
and to research the technologies involved in such a task.
Fig. 1. A layer of bone tissue differentiated from pig’s mesenchymal
cells (bone marrow stem cells) after 4 months of culture. (© Oron
Catts and Ionat Zurr. Photo © Ionat Zurr.)
Tissue engineering deals with constructing artiŽ cial support
systems (with the use of bio-materials) to direct and control
the growth of tissue in a desired shape in order to replace or
support the function of defective or injured body parts. It is a
multi-disciplinary Ž eld that involves biologists, chemists, en-
gineers, medical practitioners and now, artists. “In essence,
new and functional living tissue is fabricated using living cells,
which are usually associated in one way or another with a ma-
trix or scaffolding to guide tissue development” [1].

Oron Catts (artist, writer), SymbioticA, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, University
of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia. E-mail: <oron@>.

Ionat Zurr (artist, writer), SymbioticA, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, University
of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia .

Web site: <>.

© 2002 ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 365–370, 2002 365
practicalities of the procedure itself, while body (tissue) that are sustained alive out-
the acquisition and use of living cells for side of the body and form autonomous
artistic purposes has focused attention on entities.
the ethical and social implications of cre- Shortly thereafter, as part of a photo-
ating semi-living objects. These entities media degree, Ionat Zurr wrote a thesis
(sculptures) blur the boundaries between discussing tissue technologies as an art
what is born and what is manufactured, form. TC&A explores the dichotomy of
what is animate and what is inanimate nature/culture by using cells (nature)
and further challenge our perceptions over constructed materials (culture) to
and our relationships with our bodies and create a version of a “constructed nature.”
our constructed environment. Zurr was also examining the gap between
The ethical questions that have been the fast pace of development in science
raised by the project mainly concern our and technology and the slower pace of
relationships with these semi-living ob- cultural understanding and adaptation.
jects: Are we going to care for them? Do She saw TC&A as a form of art expres-
these entities contribute to the objectiŽ - sion that deals with that gap by placing
cation of living organisms? Their exis- living and growing cells in a new context
tence calls into question long-held belief (out of the organism body and into arti-
systems and our perceptions of life and Ž cial constructs).
death. The realization that parts of the Many people Ž nd this new context
body (cells/tissues) can be sustained threatening to their cultural beliefs be-
alive outside of the body and be made to cause of what seems to be an inability to
grow into artiŽ cially designed shapes can categorize it. TC&A crosses borders be-
lead either to a (false) sense of complete tween socially constructed dichotomies
control over living materials (which that are yet to be comprehended, let
seems to be the ideology governing the alone become part of our language. For
biotech industry) or to the understand- that reason, we coined the term “semi-
ing of the importance of communities living objects/products/sculptures” to
and collaborative effort in the construc- describe things that are both animate
tion of complex systems (from the single and inanimate, both part of an organism
Fig. 2. B(W)omb, digital montage, 175 3
86 cm, 1998. (© Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. cell to global society). Thus our goal is to and outside of it.
Photo © Ionat Zurr.) The montage depicts create a vision of a future where some ob-
epidermal and connective tissue grown over a jects are partly artiŽ cially constructed
glass Ž gurine designed in a shape of a bomb. and partly grown/born in order to gen- THE PROCESS
erate a debate about the directions in The process of creating a tissue-
we are able to grow something as com- which biotech can take us. engineered sculpture starts with obtain-
plex as a fully functioning organ, why not The initial idea for the TC&A Project ing the desired cells or tissue. There are
change this design to suit other tasks? came from Oron Catts’s product-design two sources for tissue and cells: cell lines
And if we can keep a complex organ in studies research. Catts was looking at fu- and primary tissue. Cell lines are cells
vitro, why not design semi-living objects ture interactions between biology and de- that have been transformed by using
that can be sustained alive outside of the sign. To illustrate this idea he imagined viruses that ultimately cause the cells to
body for the duration of their use? The a theoretical product he called Custom grow indeŽ nitely in culture. Cell lines
TC&A Project also asks: If this is possible, Grown Organic Surface Coating can be ordered from cell and tissue banks
should we go down this path? (CGOSC). Ivy growing over a wall illus- around the world. Primary cells are ex-
Tissue engineering promises to re- trates the basic principle behind CGOSC. planted directly from a donor organism.
place and repair body organs, as well as Technology is needed to maintain it (a They have a Ž nite number of divisions in
change our relationship with the body. wall to support it, secateurs to prune it); culture and given the right conditions
However, tissue engineering for artistic ivy not only serves an aesthetic function, can survive for some time. Obtaining pri-
purposes, or any purpose other than it acts as an insulator from the environ- mary tissue is usually referred to in the
medical, has largely been overlooked. In ment, produces oxygen and removes pol- laboratory as harvesting. Cells and tissues
the last 6 years, our group has been ap- lutants (such as heavy metals). However, are harvested from the animal either by
plying tissue-engineering principles to Catts was looking at a more “sophisti- means of biopsy from a living animal or
artistic expression. We have grown tissue cated” living surface, using living tissues by dissection of a freshly killed animal.
sculptures, semi-living objects, by cultur- from complex organisms. The use of liv- Cells are then isolated by mechanical and
ing cells on artiŽ cial scaffolds in biore- ing tissue outside and independent of the chemical means. Once we obtain the
actors. Ultimately, the goal of this work organism raises many issues that go be- cells or tissue, we either seed them di-
is to culture and sustain, for long peri- yond strictly design principles. Catts’s rectly onto 3D scaffolds or propagate
ods, tissue constructs of varying geomet- thesis also explored the way in which them in tissue  asks until we have
rical complexity and size, and by that CGOSC would be perceived by a society enough to use. All the primary tissues we
process to create a new artistic palette. drawing on the work of Stelarc [4] and obtain are left over from either meat pro-
A unique set of issues and problems has Orlan [5], who deal (each in their own duction or scientiŽ c research. We con-
arisen, because these living-cell tissue con- way) with the relationship between tissue sider ourselves scavengers.
structs will not be transplanted into the (the  esh) and technology. Unlike these We use different methods of seeding
body. Some of the problems concern the artists, TC&A is looking at parts of the the cells over and/or into the scaffolds

366 Catts and Zurr, Growing Semi-Living Sculptures

depending on the kind of cells and the Fig. 3. Spear 1,
makeup of the scaffold. The seeding digital montage,
70 3 130 cm,
techniques can be either dynamic or 1999. (© Oron
static. Dynamic seeding usually involves Catts, Ionat Zurr
 ow or movement that assists the cells to and Guy Ben-Ary.
get deep into the scaffold and attach to Photo © Ionat
it. We are currently exploring (in collab- Zurr.) Muscle
tissue from mice
oration with Adam Zaretsky) the use of was grown over a
vibrations produced by music and audi- hydrogel replica
ble sound waves as a method for dynamic of a neolithic
seeding. Static seeding entails combining stone tool c.
10,000 years BP.
the cells/tissue with the constructs in sta- The image was
tionary conditions: we either drip the acquired using an
cell-media solution over the scaffold or inverted micro-
inject the solution directly into it. When scope and an X/Y
we deal with large bits of tissue we usu- motorized stage.
Each square
ally Ž x them to the scaffold in a me- represents a frame
chanical way and let the cells migrate to from a micro-
the rest of the scaffold. All this work is scope.
done in sterile conditions inside a bio-
logical safety hood.
To date we have grown epithelial
(skin) tissue from rabbits, rats and mice,
connective tissue from mice, rats and
pigs, muscle tissue from rats, sheep and
goldŽ sh, bone and cartilage tissues from
pigs, rats and sheep, mesenchymal cells
(bone-marrow stem cells) from pigs (see
Fig. 1) and neurons from goldŽ sh.
The biocompatible substrates that we
have used to produce 3D scaffolds/con-
structs are: glass (see Fig. 2), hydrogels
(P(HEMA) [see Fig. 3], collagen),
biodegradable/bio-absorbable polymers
(poly-glycolic acid [PGA], PLGA, P4HB)
and surgical sutures. We are attempting
to grow tissue over corals and cuttleŽ sh
endoskeletons. We have used both cell
lines and primary tissue. We have ex-
perimented with different techniques to
isolate the primary tissue and cells; we
have used an array of nutrient media
(according to the cell type) and exper-
imented with different concentrations
of serum, growth factors and antibiotics. bioreactors—devices used for growing agents (such as growth factors and in-
The 3D constructs have been hand- and sustaining living cells and tissues hibitors), to apply controllable stress on
crafted, blown, cast and output from outside of their natural environment. speciŽ c tissue types (e.g. pulsatile  ow
CAD Ž les using different methods of 3D This task is achieved by emulating the for the formation of blood vessels [6],
printing (CAD/CAM rapid prototyping, conditions in the bodies from which directional stress for the alignment of
computer-operated milling machines, a the cells and tissue have been derived. muscle Ž bers) and to enable the opera-
3D printer and stereo-lithography). The The most basic requirements for a bio- tor to change settings [7].
forms we have worked with range from reactor are the supply of nutrients and It is of great importance for us to com-
representations of technological arti- other biological agents, the removal of municate our ideas to as broad an audi-
facts such as cogwheels, surgical instru- waste and the constant maintenance of ence as possible. Due to the nature of the
ments and pre-historic stone tools (see homeostasis (including temperature, pH project, we are not always able to present
Fig. 3) to cultural artifacts (Guatemalan levels, dissolved gas levels), while keep- semi-living sculptures. Therefore we use
worry dolls [see Color Plate A No. 1 and ing the content of the bioreactor sterile and develop biological-imaging tech-
Fig. 4] and found glass objects) and (free of microbial contamination). In niques involving different types of mi-
mythological animal body parts (e.g. their application to tissue engineering, croscopes, scientiŽ c imaging softwares,
pigs’ wings). bioreactors should also be designed to computer graphics and our interactive
The semi-living sculptures that have enhance the attachment of cells to the web site. We are also developing biore-
resulted from combining cells and tis- scaffolds/substrate, to support 3D for- actors for long-term installations that will
sue with 3D scaffolds/constructs have mation of tissue (e.g. in micro-gravity), enable us to present our semi-living
been grown and sustained alive in to control the release of biological sculptures in varied situations and places.

Catts and Zurr, Growing Semi-Living Sculptures 367

and post them on our web site so that we
can whisper your worries to these dolls
and hope they will take those worries
Doll A: stands for the worry about Ab-
solute Truths and people who think they
hold them.
Doll B: represents the worry of Bio-
technology and the forces that drive it
(see Doll C).
Doll C: stands for Capitalism, Corpo-
Doll D: stands for Demagogy and pos-
sible Destruction.
Doll E: stands for Eugenics and the
people who think that they are superior
enough to practice it.
Doll F: the fear of Fear itself.
G: not a discrete doll, as Genes are
present in all semi-living dolls.
Doll H: symbolizes our fear of Hope
(see Color Plate A No. 1).
The process in which the natural (tis-
sue) takes over the constructed (poly-
mers) is not a precise one. New shapes
and forms are created in each instance,
depending on many variants such as the
type of cells, the rhythm of polymer
degradation and the environment inside
the artiŽ cial womb (the bioreactor). This
means that each doll transformation can-
not be fully predicted and is unique to it-
self. Our practice is in the realm of a
dialogue with nature rather than control
over it.

Methods and Materials

Our worry dolls were handcrafted from
biodegradable polymers, PGA mesh,
P4HB, PLGA and various surgical sutures
(see Fig. 4). The dolls are approximately
10 mm tall by 7 mm wide by 5 mm deep.
The polymer constructs were sterilized
Fig. 4. The Process of Giving Birth to a Semi- Living Worry Doll. Digital print, 58 3 84 cm, 2000.
using ethylene oxide (ETO) at 55°C for
(© Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr and Guy Ben-Ary. Photo © Ionat Zurr.) A diagram illustrating the
methods and materials used in the creation, growth and imaging of a semi-living worry doll. two hours; we seeded the dolls with
McCoy Cell Line (derived from human,
now classiŽ ed as mouse endothelial cells,
A CASE STUDY ries you tell them to your dolls. At bed-
and used in virology studies). We stati-
time children are told to take one doll
Tissue Culture and Art(iŽcial) Womb 2000, from the box for each worry & share cally cultured the dolls for 14 and 21 days
also known as The Process of Giving Birth their worry with that doll. Overnight, the in a 37°C/5%CO2 incubator. We then
to Semi-Living Worry Dolls, featured the doll will solve their worries. Remember,
since there are only six dolls per box, you
moved them to the Synthecon RCCS ID4
Ž rst living-tissue engineered structures to are only allowed six worries per day. (a rotating bioreactor that provides con-
be presented as art in a gallery context. ditions of micro gravity) for the duration
The dolls were Ž rst shown at the Ars Elec- We decided to give birth to seven dolls, of the exhibition. The tissues were cul-
tronica Festival 2000 in Linz, Austria. as we are not kids anymore; they might tured until proliferated cells largely cov-
not be allowed to have more than six ered the polymer surface, growing into
Conceptual Background worries, but we surely do. The genderless the porosity of the polymer scaffold.
We chose to grow modern versions of the doll Ž gures represent the current stage The living worry dolls were pho-
legendary Guatemalan worry dolls in the of cultural limbo, characterized by child- tographed throughout the stages of
artiŽ cial womb. A note attached to a like innocence and a mixture of wonder growth using inverted and dissecting mi-
package of worry dolls purchased from a and fear of technology. We gave the dolls croscopes. In addition, tissue growth was
comic shop in Boston, U.S.A., said: alphabetical names that represented our documented using time-lapsed movies.
The Guatemalan Indians teach their chil- worries and anxieties. Readers are wel- During a gallery presentation, the semi-
dren an old story. When you have wor- come to Ž nd new worries and new names living worry dolls were displayed and

368 Catts and Zurr, Growing Semi-Living Sculptures

viewed via microscope and as they were the boundary between the living and the tool. Conceptually a bioreactor (in con-
in the Synthecon RCCS. inanimate. We have been able to engage junction with the semi-living sculptures
the public with our art by providing in- growing inside it) represents an artiŽ cial
The Imaging System formative and contextual explanations “life-giving” and maintaining force. The
One of the worry dolls was seeded with and by the use of humor. development and production of a biore-
cells and put into a Focht Chamber Sys- actor for artistic purposes represents a
tem 2 (FCS2), which is a closed system, different set of problems and solutions
live-cell micro-observation chamber that FUTURE PROJECTIONS than those offered by science and indus-
combines constant  ow of nutrient The main barrier to achieving a large- try. These considerations are mainly (but
media with precise temperature control. scale tissue-engineered sculpture is the not entirely) to do with the nature and
The surface of the upper slide of the lack of an internal plumbing system objectives of the constructs we are plan-
chamber (or microaqueduct) is heated, (large blood vessels and capillaries) to ning to grow in the bioreactor and the
and thus the content of the chamber is deliver nutrients and other agents and to settings in which the bioreactor will op-
kept at 37°C. The surface of the cham- remove harmful waste. Diffusion alone erate.
ber contains “T” shaped grooves, which cannot sustain thick formations of tissue. Our constructs are designed to con-
allow for laminar  ow perfusion. We share this problem with tissue engi- front the viewer with a unique class of ob-
Through these grooves and chamber neers who are trying to produce complex ject/being that is partly grown and partly
ports we let nutrient media solution  ow organs for eventual transplantation. The artiŽ cially constructed. The design of the
to the culture at a slow and steady rate Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrica- bioreactor should aim to enhance this
using a peristaltic pump [8]. tion Laboratory at Massachusetts General point. We envisage a bioreactor that
The chamber was kept closed (and Hospital, Harvard Medical School, in would provide constant, undisturbed vi-
thus sterile) and was mounted on an in- Boston, U.S.A. (where we were research sual contact with the sculptures, both
verted microscope and a video camera fellows in 2000–2001) is exploring ways aided (via a monitoring system) and to
for 5 days. The video camera was con- to overcome this problem using tech- the naked eye. We would also like to offer
nected to a frame-grabber imaging board niques borrowed from silicon-chip man- some degree of interactivity in which the
controlled by a time-lapse application de- ufacturers and exploring the use of viewer (either physically present or on-
veloped in Image Pro Plus scripting lan- high-resolution 3D printing to create a line) can change some of the bioreactor’s
guage [9]. An image of the doll was scaffold or a mold as a template for a bio- settings and experience the results of
grabbed every Ž ve minutes and stored in artiŽ cial capillary system. An artiŽ cial her/his actions.
different formats (TIFF and JPEG) and capillary system would enable us to grow The aim of the installations of which
sizes on a networked computer’s hard sculptures of a size that would allow the the bioreactor is part is to explore artis-
drive. This computer functioned as a web viewer more direct interaction. The de- tic outcomes, not scientiŽ c or commer-
server. An Active Server Pages (ASP) velopment of a capillary system would cial ones. Therefore, some aspects of
script scanned the web server’s hard also facilitate the creation of a living current bioreactors (such as biocompat-
drive for new images every 20 minutes barrier—a skin—to protect the sculp- ibility with patients, the need for accurate
and uploaded the new images to a Web tures from harmful agents in the envi- biological sampling, etc.) are irrelevant,
page. The images were then added to a ronment. This would enable us to take while others (such as robustness, au-
column of images monitoring the devel- our sculptures out of containment and tomation, ease of use, transportability
opment of the semi-living sculpture (the provide an element of tactile interaction. and imaging/monitoring features) are
doll) for 5 days. The viewer could scroll Another area that we are researching essential.
the column of images, enlarge them for is the use of muscle tissue to provide
higher resolution and follow the growth movement to the sculptures. Satellite
of the semi-living sculpture. skeletal muscle cells (myoblasts), some- CONCLUSION
times referred to as progenitor muscle The concept of semi-living objects is at
Results cells, are isolated, cultured and prolifer- the heart of the TC&A Project. We are in-
A preliminary form of tissue-engineered ated until a sufŽ cient amount of cells can terested in exposing gaps between our
art has been successfully produced. be attached to the scaffold. Then, modi- cultural perceptions of life and scientiŽ c
Under laboratory conditions, a close-to- Ž cations in the growth media will trans- knowledge and its implementation. A
con uent layer of McCoy cells was form the cells into multi-nuclei myotubes growing number of entities challenge
achieved on the worry dolls in approxi- (muscle Ž bers), which will start to twitch our long-held notions of life. Objects that
mately 3 weeks. After the tissue was randomly. We have reached this stage consist of parts of animals, sustained alive
placed in the RCCS chamber, its 3D and are now looking at using electrical outside the body by artiŽ cial support, are
growth exceeded our expectations, to the pulses to harmonize these twitching mus- just one example. According to Sherry
degree that clumps of tissue can seen cle Ž bers. Again, in order to achieve vis- Turkle [10], children are starting to per-
with the naked eye. All but one of the ible movement, a capillary system would ceive e-toys as alive (not in the same sense
worry dolls maintained their structural have to be in place to meet the high de- as dogs, but still alive). The creation of
integrity during exhibition. mand for energy through nutrients and semi-living sculptures that lack intelli-
Our semi-living sculptures have met oxygen. gence but are perceived as living is on the
with varied reactions. The general reac- Until we can use a capillary system, other side of this continuum. Following
tion has been one of immense curiosity which still seems to be years away, we are Wilson’s conception of “biophilia,” i.e.
surrounding the objects themselves, the interested in developing a bioreactor for our need of natural things and natural
production process and its implications long-term installations. In the context of processes for our well-being [11], we are
for the future. Our art challenges many our project, the bioreactor should be looking at a high-tech version of the nat-
people to examine their perception of treated as an art object and not a mere ural environment.

Catts and Zurr, Growing Semi-Living Sculptures 369

Interaction with semi-living entities will Acknowledgments 5. D.E. McCorquodale, Orlan, This Is My Body . . . This
further blur the concept of the body as Is My Software (London: Black Dog Publishing, 1996).
The authors would like to thank Guy
one entity that stands separate from its 6. L.E. Nickolson, J. Gao, W.M. Abbott, K.K. Hirschi,
Ben-Ary, the third member of TC&A S. Houser, R. Marini and R. Langar, “Functional
environment. As deŽ ned by Lynn Mar-
Project; Miranda D. Grounds, School of Arteries Grown in Vitro,” Science 284 (1999)
gulis [12], a body is a community of cells pp. 489–493.
Anatomy and Human Biology, University
and, furthermore, the biosphere is one
of Western Australia; Joseph P. Vacanti, 7. L.E. Freed and G. Vunjak-Novakovic, “Tissue
interdependent entity. Semi-living ob- Engineering Bioreactors,” in Lanza et al. [1]
Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrica-
jects are a tangible example of such a pp. 143–154.
tion Laborator y, Massachusetts General
concept; we are able to view parts of our 8. We used an Instech P720 Peristaltic Pump.
Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Stu-
body growing as part of our environ-
art Bunt, Department of Anatomy and 9. The microscope was a Nikon Eclipse TS100; the
ment. video camera was a Nikon Coolpix 950; the imaging
Human Biology, University of Western
We believe that the work we have done board, a PIXCI SV4. The scripting language was de-
Australia; Traian Chiriila, the Lions Eye veloped by Media Cybernetics.
in the last 5 years demonstrates that tis-
Institute, Perth, Western Australia; and
sue technologies can produce valid artis- 10. S. Turkle, The Second Self: Computers and the Human
researchers in the School of Anatomy Spirit (London: Granada, 1984).
tic expression, by enabling us to create
and Human Biology, University of West-
living art—and by presenting contentious 11. Edward O. Wilson, Biophilia (Cambridge, MA:
ern Australia, with a special thanks to Stu- Harvard Univ. Press, 1984).
objects that represent the  ux in our un-
art Hodgetts; and all the researchers in
derstanding exposed by the introduc- 12. Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan, What Is Life?
the Tissue Engineering and Organ Fab- (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1995).
tion of new biological technologies.
rication Laboratory, Massachusetts Gen-
When presenting our work we do not at-
eral Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
tempt to give a utopian vision, nor are
we overly pessimistic. This ambiguity is Manuscript received 6 March 2001.
designed to make the viewer aware of References and Notes
our lack of cultural understanding in
1. Robert P. Lanza, Robert Langar and Joseph Va- Oron Catts is the founder of the Tissue Cul-
dealing with new knowledge and control canti, Principles of Tissue Engineering, 2nd Ed. (San
over nature. Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1997) p. 4.
ture & Art Project. He is the co-founder and
the Artistic Director of SymbioticA, the Art and
Our project is about life, a dialogue 2. Michael W. King, < / Science Collaborative Research Laboratory,
with life’s different levels, and the notion thcme/mwking/growth-factors.html>.
School of Anatomy and Human Biology, Uni-
that we are all made out of communities 3. Lanza et al. [1]. versity of Western Australia.
of cells. It is an important part of our
4. G. Stocker and C. Schopf, eds., Flesh Factor: Ars Elec-
practice that we need to care for our tronica Festival (Vienna: Springer; New York: Ars Elec- Ionat Zurr is an artist in residence/Ph.D. can-
semi-living sculptures. tronica Centre, 1997) pp. 148–157. didate in SymbioticA.

370 Catts and Zurr, Growing Semi-Living Sculptures

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