MYP2 Film Review

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Criterion A: Analysing

Criterion C: Producing Text

Criterion D: Using Language

Book to Film - Hunt for the Wilderpeople - ABC Radio National

Visit the link above and carefully listen to the review on the ‘Book to film’ podcast from ABC
Australia. Then complete the following tasks.
1. Identify the differences between the film and the book.

2. What has the director changed? What has he retained?

3. What does the term Pakeha mean?

4. What do you learn about the point of view the story is told from in the book?

5. Summarize what you learn about the author of the novel, Barry Crump.

6. What do you learn about the animals used in the film? Interpret what this reveals
about New Zealanders’ attitudes to their environment.
7. How does the filmmaker appeal to both local and global audiences?

8. Based on what you have heard, what themes do you think are explored in this film?

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