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Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

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Understanding the construction of ‘behavior’ in smartphone addiction: A

scoping review
Richard J.E. James *, Grace Dixon, Maria-Gabriela Dragomir, Edie Thirlwell, Lucy Hitcham
School of Psychology, University of Nottingham. University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom


It has been claimed that smartphone usage constitutes a behavioral addiction, characterised by compulsive, excessive use of one’s phone and psychological with­
drawal or distress when the phone is absent. However, there is uncertainty about key phenomenological and conceptual details of smartphone addiction. One of the
central problems has been understanding the processes that link smartphone usage, and addiction. The question this paper aims to answer is straightforward: based
on measures utilised in the literature, what does ‘behavior’ mean in the context of smartphone addiction? A scoping review of the smartphone addiction literature
was undertaken. This identified 1305 studies collecting smartphone addiction data. Just under half (49.89%) of all published smartphone addiction papers did not
report the collection of any smartphone specific behaviors. Those that did tended to focus on a small cluster of self-reported behaviors capturing volume of overall
use: hours spent using a smartphone per day, number of pickups, duration of smartphone ownership, and types of app used. Approximately 10% of papers used
logged behavioral data on phones. Although the theoretical literature places increasing focus on context and patterns of use, measurements of behavior tend to focus
on broad, volumetric measures. The number of studies reporting behavior has decreased over time, suggesting smartphone addiction is becoming increasingly trait-
like. Both major phone operating systems have proprietary apps that collected behavioral data by default, and research in the field should take advantage of these
capabilities when measuring smartphone usage.

1. Introduction which it is understood that specific behaviors become learned, habitu­

ated, and ultimately compulsive (Perales et al., 2020). Understanding
The advent of the smartphone has brought significant benefits to how behavior is measured is a crucial step towards achieving this aim,
society. However, there are many that claim that smartphones might be and help discriminate whether smartphone addiction is a genuine dis­
damaging as well, including the possibility that people might become so order, or an example of overpathologizing everyday behaviour (Billieux,
dependent on their devices that this amounts to a behavioral addiction Schimmenti, Khazaal, Maurage, & Heeren, 2015b).
(Kwon et al., 2013b; Montag, Wegmann, Sariyska, Demetrovics, & Smartphone addiction has been proposed as a potential disorder,
Brand, 2021). There has been intense debate about the phenomenology defined by excessive, compulsive, uncontrolled use of one’s phone
of smartphone addiction, particularly between the smartphone itself, leading to a psychological dependence upon the device (or the content
and the content displayed on smartphones. While some researchers have on it) (Kwon et al., 2013b). Further, the removal of, or the inability to
argued for a model in which people are addicted or dependent upon use the phone may lead to withdrawal states or intense feelings of
their smartphones, this has not stood up to critical scrutiny (Panova & distress. There is a specific literature looking at the latter phenomenon
Carbonell, 2018; Yu & Sussman, 2020). Increasingly, researchers have under the term ‘nomophobia’ (Yildirim & Correia, 2015). It is increas­
argued instead that the type, patterns and context of use are critical, and ingly acknowledged that problematic phone use is heterogeneous, with
thus distinguish smartphone addiction from other addictive disorders (i. different aetiologies characterised by excessive reassurance, impul­
e. specific behavioral addictions, internet addiction) (Elhai, Yang, & sivity, and extraversion (Billieux, 2012; Billieux, Maurage, Lopez-
Levine, 2021b; Griffiths, 2021; Montag et al., 2021; Starcevic et al., Fernandez, Kuss, & Griffiths, 2015a; Canale et al., 2021). These
2021; Wu, Lin, & Lin, 2021). However, whether the empirical literature involve distinct motivations, types of engagement, and outcomes.
is measuring such behaviors is an open question. The purpose of this Nomophobia, although conceptualised in terms of a phobia, has features
paper is to report the findings of a scoping review on how behavior is that could be associated with an excessive attachment pathway. It has
measured in smartphone addiction research. There is a need to move been debated whether nomophobia is distinct from dependence (King
from a symptom-based account of addiction to a process-based model in et al., 2013; León-Mejía, Gutiérrez-Ortega, Serrano-Pintado, &

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.J.E. James).
Received 29 June 2022; Received in revised form 28 August 2022; Accepted 20 September 2022
Available online 26 September 2022
0306-4603/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

González-Cabrera, 2021), whereas others have treated it as synonymous 2020; Deng, Lesch, & Clark, 2019), and this has begun in gaming
(Lee, Kim, Mendoza, & McDonough, 2018b). At present, neither (Johannes, Vuorre, & Przybylski, 2022), while there has been long­
smartphone addiction, nor other related terms are classified as disorders standing interest in the use of biomarkers to assess nicotine use (Beno­
in any diagnostic manual, despite proposals to do so (Bragazzi & Del witz, 1996; Shahab et al., 2017). Nonetheless, self-report is principally
Puente, 2014). Smartphone addiction has been associated with multiple used to measure engagement with addictive behavior. These opportu­
negative outcomes, including increased psychological distress (Demirci, nities are particularly salient in smartphones, which have considerable
Akgönül, & Akpinar, 2015), musculoskeletal injury (Alsalameh, Harisi, sensing capacity. There has been a growing literature that has used
Alduayji, Almutham, & Mahmood, 2019), dangerous driving and work logged data, occasionally at the event level (Andrews, Ellis, Shaw, &
behaviors (Kita & Luria, 2018), and fraying relationships with family Piwek, 2015; Noë et al., 2019), but principally summary data (e.g. daily)
members and close friends (Hawi & Samaha, 2017). Nonetheless, (Elhai et al., 2021a; Marengo et al., 2021; Ryding & Kuss, 2020). The
although addiction symptoms have been identified, there is limited ev­ growing literature using logged data has highlighted notable differences
idence these are sufficiently well defined, severe, or impair function in the relationship between usage measured using these different
enough to be considered clinically relevant (Panova & Carbonell, 2018). methods, and smartphone addiction (Parry et al., 2021). Associations
Understanding the behaviors being measured is of clear importance. between logged phone use and smartphone addiction are typically
The most prominent models of addiction take a behavioral neuroscience weaker than self-reported usage. It is worth noting that logged data can
perspective (Berridge & Robinson, 2016; Hogarth, Balleine, Corbit, & potentially capture behaviors that are (and are not) currently elicited
Killcross, 2013) grounded in learning, reinforcement and conditioning, using self-report. In light of growing concerns about the use of self-
and so an analysis of the behaviors reinforcing smartphone addiction is report, and the validity of technological addiction scales (Davidson,
long overdue. The mechanisms underpinning many behavioral addic­ Shaw, & Ellis, 2022), identifying instances where immediate translation
tions are poorly understood (James & Tunney, 2017), but are crucial to is possible has benefits for improving practice across the field.
prominent models of these candidate disorders (Brand et al., 2019). The The aims of this scoping review are fourfold: (1) to categorise what
mechanisms behind smartphone addiction are particularly unclear. kinds of behavior are measured in the smartphone addiction literature,
Smartphones are highly reinforcing and salient in general (Chen, Zhang, (2) identify how frequently behavior is measured, (3) how behavior is
Gong, & Lee, 2019; Moretta, Chen, & Potenza, 2020; O’Donnell & measured (self-report vs logged), and (4) whether these have changed
Epstein, 2019). Phone usage is comprised of frequent, intermittent pe­ over time.
riods of use (Oulasvirta, Rattenbury, Ma, & Raita, 2012), with app usage
proceeding in sequential fashion, one app triggering the next in a 2. Methods
cascade of behavior. Due to this type of habitual reinforcement, the
frequency of pickups might capture impaired control (Ellis, Davidson, 2.1. Searches
Shaw, & Geyer, 2019). This problem is further complicated as smart­
phones enable engagement with potentially addictive behaviors such as This study is part of a larger project looking at the relationship be­
gambling (James, O’Malley, & Tunney, 2017; James, O’Malley, & tween smartphone behaviors and smartphone addiction. The review was
Tunney, 2019), gaming (Liu, Lin, Pan, & Lin, 2016), shopping (Lopez- registered on PROSPERO at
Fernandez et al., 2017), and social media (Chen et al., 2020). Addi­ uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=301792. A systematic
tionally, changes to adapt content to smartphones may alter schedules of search of the literature was undertaken using two sources (Web of
reinforcement or create contexts of use that might make them more Knowledge and Scopus). Candidate papers were identified, downloaded,
addictive or harmful. For instance, the proliferation of mobile gambling and then searched for relevance, principally determined by the presence
has come with a focus on in-play betting, which has different rein­ of a smartphone addiction scale but also consideration of smartphone
forcement schedules to other forms of betting (Whiteford, Hoon, James, addiction (e.g. for qualitative studies).
Tunney, & Dymond, 2022). The following terms were entered into the databases:
Our operationalisation of behavior in this study focuses on the ac­
tions that people specifically do on their smartphones. This encompasses smartphone addiction, smartphone dependence, problematic
overall behavior (e.g. time spent on phone, pickups), and specific types smartphone use, excessive smartphone use, smartphone use disorder,
of use (e.g. on social media). These can potentially indicate whether nomophobia.
smartphone use is excessive, whether certain types of content are Initial searching was conducted in February 2022 with follow ups
salient, or if there is evidence of tolerance over time. As operationali­ until 29th May 2022.
sations of some addiction criteria (i.e. tolerance) have significant
weaknesses (Billieux et al., 2015b; Lin et al., 2015), developing behav­ Papers were included in the scoping review based on the following
ioral markers may be desirable. Additionally, we incorporate instru­ criteria:
mental behaviors that give insight into phone usage (e.g. expenditure),
phone use in contexts that might be seen as dangerous (e.g. driving) or - Was the paper focused on smartphone addiction? (i.e. did it include
inappropriate (e.g. during clinical practice), and self-reported addiction. an addiction measure, and if not was the paper substantially focused
Contextual factors such phone use after waking up may be related to on the topic e.g. for qualitative studies).
dependence measures in other addictive behaviors (Heatherton, - Did the paper report the use of primary data? i.e. not a literature
Kozlowski, Frecker, & Fagerstrom, 1991). Others may involve functional review, theoretical paper, systematic review or meta-analysis, and
impairment, or harmful behavior in the workplace. Identifying the level not reporting data previously reported in the literature (e.g. reuse of
of analysis that is currently being undertaken by the existing literature data, secondary analysis of an existing data set). Secondary data
informs consensus best practice in the field, but also provides horizon- were removed because reporting of data will be limited to key var­
scanning for identifying markers that will progress theory and practice. iables of interest and overlap. For longitudinal or intervention
As important as identifying which behaviors are being measured is studies that were included, measurements were taken at baseline or
how they are being measured. Therefore, we also make a distinction the first wave that smartphone addiction was included as a variable.
between studies that measure behavior using self-report, and studies - Was the paper written in English, and accessible to the research
that log data from participants’ phones. There are increasing opportu­ team?
nities to track people engaging in addictive behaviors. This is most
notable in the gambling literature, where logged data has been
increasingly used (Auer & Griffiths, 2022; Auer, Malischnig, & Griffiths,

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

2.2. Data extraction e. while driving, during clinical practice, whilst talking to someone).

The following features were extracted:

2.4. Data availability

- Bibliographic information: Title, authors, abstract, journal of publi­

The data and analysis code are available on the Open Science
cation, publication year, DOI
Framework at
- Number of citations
- Type of study
- Type of data: questionnaire, qualitative, mixed methods, observa­ 2.5. Statistical analysis
tional, intervention
- Countries of study Descriptive examination of the literature was initially conducted i.e.
- Type of sample recruited number of studies, weighted demographic means, number of studies
- Number of participants sampled measuring behavior and types of behavior. Logistic and quasi-Poisson
- Demographic information: Mean age, standard deviation of age, and regression models were estimated to examine whether there were
gender distribution of sample changes in the number of studies measuring behavior (0 = behavior, 1 =
- Smartphone addiction measurement employed, range, % identified no behavior), and the number of behaviors measured, and whether the
as exceeding addiction cutoff, mean and standard deviation measurement was logged or self-report (self-report = 0, logged = 1) as a
- Smartphone behaviors measured, and descriptive statistics function of publication year.
- Category of smartphone behavior
- Self-report or logged behavior 3. Results

3.1. Descriptive statistics of studies

2.3. Data synthesis
A total of 5434 were examined for relevance, and 1305 studies were
Smartphone behaviors were categorised by the researchers into identified as meeting the inclusion criteria (Fig. 1), comprising a total of
groupings based on the type of behavior being measured. For instance, 1,164,262 participants (M = 906.85, Median = 405, SD = 3781.29)
studies using measures such as number of hours spent per weekday, per (Fig. 2). The weighted mean age was 20.83 (Fig. 3) (unweighted M =
weekend day, and per week were all categorised into ‘screen time’. 21.59, SD = 6.75), the weighted average standard deviation was 3.75,
Similarly, the amount of time spent on certain kinds of app, the use of and the weighted percentage of women sampled was 55.68 %. The
certain kinds of app, and the frequency at which certain kinds of app number of smartphone addiction papers has increased rapidly over the
were used were categorised into ‘type of use’. Context of use behaviors last decade, from 2012 (2) to 2021 (350) (Fig. 4). The most common
were determined on the basis of measures asking when people used their countries where studies were conducted were China (2 6 2), South Korea
phones (i.e. time of day, immediately before sleep, after waking), the use (156), and Turkey (155); studies from these three countries make up
of phones in places and situations that are inappropriate or dangerous (i. nearly 40 % of the published literature (Table 1). Approximately 3 in 4

Fig. 1. Flow chart of data extraction procedure.

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

Fig. 2. Histogram of sample sizes utilised in smartphone addiction research (censored at 3500).

Fig. 3. Distribution of average ages of participants taking part in smartphone addiction research.

(74.68 %) studies principally or exclusively sample from school and behaviors were subsequently aggregated into eight categories. Four of
university students (Table 2). these (screen time, type of use, preferred type of use and pickups)
directly capture types of smartphone behavior. The remaining four are
3.2. Smartphone use behaviors either indirect measures of exposure (i.e. expenditure, length of
ownership), or contextual variables that tap into harmful use (context of
Half of the smartphone addiction studies (652 of 1305 (49.89 %)) use, self reported addiction). Of the studies that measured behavior,
studies reported no collection of behavioral measures (Table 3). The most had a measure of screen time, a type of use, and length of

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

Fig. 4. Chart of the frequency in which papers identified in the scoping review were published by year (2022 is up to 29th May 2022).

Table 1 Table 2
Countries of study in smartphone addiction research. Types of sample utilised in smartphone addiction research.
Country of Study Frequency Country of Study Frequency Type of sample Frequency

China 262 France 5 Child/adolescent (non-school) 10

South Korea 156 Peru 4 Clinical (smartphone addiction) 5
Turkey 155 Mexico 4 Clinical (other non-SA disorder) 29
United States 84 Jordan 4 General Population (including specific age ranges, profession types) 257
India 67 Austria 4 Quasi-clinical (screened using SA measure) 24
Spain 48 Sweden 3 School 309
Italy 47 Philippines 3 Student (university or college) 747
Republic of China 34 Oman 3 Unclear 33
Saudi Arabia 32 Netherlands 3
Germany 30 Kuwait 3 Note: Total frequency exceeds number of studies as some utilised multiple
Iran 28 Hungary 3 sampling sources.
Malaysia 27 Ecuador 3
United Kingdom 26 United Arab Emirates 3
version (395) (Kwon, Kim, Cho, & Yang, 2013a; Kwon et al., 2013b), the
Indonesia 21 Morocco 3
Brazil 19 Vietnam 2
Nomophobia Questionnaire (Yildirim & Correia, 2015) (134), the
Pakistan 16 Ukraine 2 Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale (Kim, Lee, Lee, Nam, & Chung,
Lebanon 12 Norway 2 2014) (101), and the Mobile Phone Addiction Inventory (Leung, 2008)
Canada 11 Northern Cyprus 2 (68). Approximately 15 % (14.93 %) of papers report some form of non-
Australia 11 Nepal 2
standardized, or bespoke scale to measure smartphone addiction.
Japan 9 Ghana 2
Switzerland 8 Colombia 2
Singapore 8 Belgium 2
3.4. Changes over time
Israel 7 Bahrain 2
Egypt 7 Sri Lanka 1
Bangladesh 7 Slovakia 1 A logistic regression was used to model changes in measurement over
Thailand 6 Russia 1 time (1 = no behavior measured). Across 1221 (93.56 % of sample) fully
Nigeria 6 Denmark 1
published papers, the number of studies reporting smartphone use
Estonia 6 Cameroon 1
Serbia 5 Brunei 1 behavior has significantly decreased over time (b = 0.103, se = 0.031, p
Romania 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 <.001, OR = 1.108) (Fig. 5). If the papers currently in press are included,
Portugal 5 Unclear 15 this effect becomes stronger (b = 0.108, se = 0.028, p <.001, OR =
Poland 5 Multinational Sample 49 1.114). This effect is further confirmed when modelling number of be­
haviors using a quasi-Poisson regression (b = -0.0597, se = 0.0164, p
ownership, or a mixture of these three. <.001).

3.3. Smartphone addiction 3.5. Logged versus self-reported behavior

Many different measures have been utilised in the literature. The Just over 1 in 10 papers (10.38 %, n = 68) that reported any
most popular measures are the Smartphone Addiction Scale and its short smartphone behavior used logged data from people’s phones. There is

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

Table 3 behavioral information regarding smartphone usage, and this propor­

Domains of smartphone use, example behaviors, and frequency of employment tion is increasing over time. The most common measures are overall
in the smartphone addiction literature. volume of phone use (i.e. screen time, type of use), elicited via self-
Domain Example Behaviors Frequency report. Despite increasing acknowledgement of the importance of pat­
Screen Time (preoccupation, Average daily smartphone use 418
terns or contexts of harmful use, the field has become increasingly
tolerance (over time)) (weekday and/or weekend), reliant on measuring trait smartphone use through addiction scales. On
average weekly smartphone use top of concerns about best measurement practice (Harris, Regan,
Type of Use (preoccupation) Kinds of app used, frequency of 331 Schueler, & Fields, 2020), criterion validity (Ellis et al., 2019; Parry
specific kinds of app use, time spent
et al., 2021), and construct vaidity (Davidson et al., 2022), they
on specific types of app use, number
of calls or texts made per day frequently measure an ambiguous or unitary addiction construct that is
Preferred Type of Use Main type of smartphone app used, 62 less empirically supported (Yu & Sussman, 2020). These findings suggest
(salience) most favoured types of app used, that the use of these instruments is becoming less critical as evidence
purpose of smartphone use challenging their validity mounts.
Context of Use (dependence, Phone use just before sleeping, 128
withdrawal, dangerous use, immediately after waking up,
There are some important methodological caveats to keep in mind.
conflict) phone use whilst driving, walking, There was a lack of consistency in measuring smartphone addiction,
during lectures, clinical practice, with the exception of the nomophobia literature, where the Nom­
‘phubbing’ other people, phone ophobia Questionnaire is well-established as the default instrument.
related accidents
Accompanying the plethora of different measures developed (Harris
Length of Ownership Number of years of smartphone 130
(dependence) ownership, number of smartphones et al., 2020), including at least 3 different ‘Smartphone Addiction
participant has ever owned, age Scales’, are degrees of freedom in their deployment. 15 % of papers used
first used a smartphone a non-standard adaptation of an existing scale, or a bespoke measure
Expenditure (tolerance) Number of phones owned, monthly 43
expenditure on smartphone bill,
amount spent on mobile data
Pickups (loss of control, Number of times phone used per 102 Table 4
withdrawal, compulsivity) day or week, number of smartphone Number of studies reporting logged versus self-report data over time.
sessions, frequency of phone checks
Year Logged studies Self-report studies % Logged
per day (either in number or per
hour) 2012 0 1 0
Self-reported addiction Does participant believe they are 39 2013 2 3 40
addicted to their smartphone 2014 3 6 33.33
No behavior 652 2015 4 14 22.22
2016 4 30 11.76
2017 5 40 11.11
indicative evidence again that the use of logged behavior has declined 2018 8 59 11.94
2019 9 84 9.68
over time (b = -0.130, se = 0.057, p =.022, OR = 0.878) (Table 4).
2020 6 124 4.62
2021 20 155 11.43
4. Discussion 2022 4 40 9.09
In press 3 31 8.82
Around half of smartphone addiction studies do not collect any Note: only studies reporting behavior included.

Fig. 5. Percentage of studies reporting smartphone usage behavior over time.

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R.J.E. James et al. Addictive Behaviors 137 (2023) 107503

often derived from existing scales. For instance, a study might use the identify large proportions of their samples (around 40 %) as being
Smartphone Addiction Scale (Kwon et al., 2013b) and utilise a 5 or 7 ‘addicted’. The sampling at present makes it difficult to determine
point Likert instead of the advised 6 point scale. These might substan­ whether this is measuring genuine problematic usage, or whether this is
tially affect how respondents interact with these instruments, but are biased due to poor measurement practice, or oversampling groups more
often implemented ad hoc. This highlights the need for consensus in the vulnerable to distress and addictive behavior in general.
use of smartphone addiction measurements. The lack of a gold standard Having said that, the samples collected are internationally diverse,
in the field frustrates this goal, but also highlights the need for further collecting data from countries across the world that are often underu­
validation work instead of developing new instruments, especially as the tilised in mainstream psychological research. The existence of this ca­
most popular measures are weakly validated. pacity does provide opportunities to improve the quality of smartphone
Similar degrees of freedom emerge with the behavioral measures. addiction research. Behavioral measures can, with few exceptions, be
While there is some consistency regarding the type of behaviors being readily extracted from smartphones. Proprietary apps such as Screen
collected, the way they are measured is subject to variance that might Time and Digital Wellbeing already log most behaviors organically
affect how behavior is elicited. Take self-reported measurements of daily measured in the literature. Measures of interest such as average daily
smartphone usage for instance: some studies use a free text entry, use, pickups, time spent specific apps are already collected by phones on
whereas others use a range of ordinal categories. These categories differ a daily and weekly basis, and engagement with these apps is prevalent
considerably in their coverage, with some having the lowest usage (Hitcham, Jackson, & James, 2022). Therefore, logged data already be
category being 30 mins, or an hour, two hours, three hours or in one collected with minimal inconvenience (e.g. screenshot), and without the
study, five hours. Others ask for weekly estimates using different frames. need for app development for behavioral tracking (Hodes & Thomas,
There has been no psychometric work on the influence of these and how 2021). It is concerning that the proportion of papers reporting logged
these might lead to anchoring effects that bias responding (Tversky & behavior appears to be falling. Although there are situations where self-
Kahneman, 1974). There is evidence of bias in estimations of social report might be needed to understand the interplay between subjective
media use across different methodologies (Ernala, Burke, Leavitt, & and objective measures of behavior, in most of the situations there is no
Ellison, 2020), demonstrating the need for such research. It would be clear reason why actual behavior is not being measured. It is strongly
beneficial to run an experimental study looking at these effects. This is recommended that where possible, logged data should be used, as has
also apparent with the choice of categories that are included for types of been advised elsewhere (Kaye, Orben, Ellis, Hunter, & Houghton, 2020).
app use, particularly when researchers are asking participants to select Nonetheless, there is utility to intensive behavioral tracking, e.g.
their preferred type of smartphone functionality. These are similarly logging phone events and inputs. Although there has been some interest
heterogeneous, and risk distorting results. This is particularly conten­ (Andrews et al., 2015; Lee, Ahn, Choi, & Choi, 2014; Lee, Han, & Pak,
tious, as often these are used to estimate associations with smartphone 2018a; Noë et al., 2019), the number of studies is small. There are two
addiction, claiming that some forms of app use are more harmful than benefits to doing so. The first is that the transition to a process-based
others. model of addictive smartphone use requires event level data, which
There are also instances where the measures blur between measuring can be used to model learning parameters and levels of conditioning and
behavior and other constructs. Studies and scales that ask about habit to different smartphone reinforcers. These can then be used to
smartphone attitudes, motivations or attachment often include ques­ operationalise clinically relevant markers cross-sectionally (loss of
tions that relate to behavior. Often these are then treated as part of the control), or longitudinally (e.g. tolerance, relapse). Only the collection
same construct, putting together multiple forms of activity (Rosen, of intensive behavioral data will be able to definitively discriminate
Whaling, Carrier, Cheever, & Rokkum, 2013). In a number of studies, between smartphone-general and content-specific accounts of smart­
general technological behavior (e.g. volume of total internet use) was phone addiction. The second is the opportunity to use the sensing ca­
used in lieu of smartphone use specifically. These were excluded as these pacities of smartphones to monitor smartphone addiction. The sensing
do not specifically capture smartphone use, and so although they will capabilities of smartphones have been used to monitor, identify and
encompass smartphone usage, they also measure extraneous behavior classify behavioral markers of conditions such as bipolar disorder
(e.g. PC). This reinforces that the boundaries between smartphone and (Faurholt-Jepsen et al., 2020; Faurholt-Jepsen et al., 2014), depression
internet addiction are fuzzy in practice as well as in theory (Montag (Canzian & Musolesi, 2015; Jacobson & Chung, 2020), and Parkinson’s
et al., 2021). It also stresses the need for further evidence that smart­ disease (Raknim & Lan, 2016; Zhan et al., 2018). While this may be due
phone and other ‘platform’ addictions (i.e. internet, social media) are to the lack of consensus regarding the clinical relevance of smartphone
behaviorally and clinically distinguishable. There is some evidence they addiction and identifying valid criteria, there is clear scope for further
are psychometrically separate (Baggio et al., 2018), but this is an area research complemented by the use of clinical samples.
where more granular data and additional analyses are needed. There are some limitations to be aware of with this analysis. The
Smartphone addiction studies are overly focused on a relatively study of smartphone addiction and related concepts is an international
narrow subset of the population. The average age of a respondent in effort, taking place in countries such as China, Turkey, South Korea,
these studies is approximately 20 years old. Three in four (74.68 %) of India and Saudi Arabia. This means there is likely to be systematic
these studies principally sample children and adolescents (e.g. from missingness, as papers will be published in non-English language jour­
schools), or university students. These have important implications for nals. Our definition of behavior is also contestable, as it has been
the constructs being measured. First, this is generally a risk group for the restricted to actions people specifically engage with on their phones and
emergence of mental health difficulties across many kinds of disorder, its immediate context (i.e. phubbing, when the phone is used). Similarly,
including addictive behaviors (Kessler et al., 2007). Individual differ­ the categorisations employed in this study are one way of representing
ences associated with addictive behaviors, such as different facets of the different types of behavior in the literature, but alternatives exist.
impulsiveness, similarly peak around the same time (Romer, 2010). For instance, the categorisation of ‘context of use’ covers multiple be­
These studies might therefore overestimate the relationship between haviors with different processes. There is additional scope for further
smartphone addiction, mental health and other individual differences. analysis with the data collected e.g. deriving norms of smartphone
Much of the justification for this approach comes from the high preva­ usage, text-mining.
lence of smartphone ownership among younger adults. However, in To conclude, this scoping review found that just under half of
many countries this is changing, as uptake of smartphones among adults smartphone addiction papers do not collect smartphone behavioral data,
exceeds 60 % (Ofcom, 2020), and smartphones are now the default. The and the proportion is falling over time. The most common measures
literature provides comparatively little information about smartphone focus on length and type of smartphone use. We make the following
addiction across the lifespan. Smartphone addiction instruments recommendations:

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- Behavioral data should be collected and should be logged by default. Canzian, L., & Musolesi, M. (2015). Trajectories of depression: Unobtrusive monitoring of
depressive states by means of smartphone mobility traces analysis. Proceedings of the
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