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I attended a seminar on career guidance and widening options for criminologists

organized by the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) on October 13, 2023. The
seminar aimed to provide students and practitioners of criminology with an overview of the
various career opportunities available in the field, as well as the skills, competencies, and values
needed to succeed in them. The seminar also aimed to help participants in setting realistic and
attainable career goals based on their personal interests, abilities, and values. The seminar
consisted of two sessions: (1) an introduction to criminology and its subfields; and (2) a panel
discussion with experts from different sectors of criminology.
The discussion was incredibly interesting and exciting for me since I learnt a lot about the
many career paths and alternatives accessible for criminologists. I learned that criminology is a
diversified and multidisciplinary area that may provide several prospects for personal and
professional development. I also learnt that criminology is about more than just researching
crime and offenders; it is also about understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention of
crime, as well as the influence of crime on individuals, communities, and society. I enjoyed the
speakers' honesty and transparency regarding the reality and problems of criminology job, such
as coping with stress, trauma, moral dilemmas, and public scrutiny. I also respected their
commitment to making a difference in criminology and criminal justice.
In addition, one of the most interesting parts of the seminar was the panel discussion with
expert guest speaker Mr. Reynaldo C. Laboy, Jr. The panelist shared his experiences, insights,
challenges, and achievements in his respective careers. He also gave advice on how to prepare
for and pursue a career in criminology. The panel discussion inspired me to explore more about
the different aspects of criminology and to widen my options for my future career. I realized that
I have many interests and passions that I can pursue in criminology.
To sum up, the seminar on career guidance and widening options for criminologists was a
valuable experience for me, as it broadened my perspective and inspired me to pursue my
passion. I am grateful to the organizers, speakers, and participants of the seminar for sharing
their insights and experiences with me. I hope that more seminars like this will be held in the
future, as they can benefit many students who are interested in criminology or related fields.


College of Criminal Justice Education
CRI 187 On-the-Job Training (OJT)

“Reflection Paper on Career

Guidance and Widening
Options for Criminologists”

Mark Angelo M. Yerro

Special 2

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