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Fuel System [Covec-F 2.5] GENERAL DIAGNOSIS ....scceccsstesnstesenesenseesennstssanesnsessetesees FLATS Bu GENERAL DESCRIPTION “This Supploment shop manual conse ot wo pats, sr vce marual for consucton& opraten and sat-dlagne- ' sjslom. Tho et part service manuel or constu ton & operation, desctoes constacton and epeation ot the mero-compulorcontaes tel mjcton quay ad Inecton mg cortlsystam COVEG (Computed VE lr Centro eytom Ful). A tho socond par orice ‘manta! sel aagraas aystom, desea the Saag. ‘Foals ystom of tha mozerpuioe contd ue noo ‘tn guar and nection tng conte systom COVEC-F [SPECIFICATIONS FUEL SYSTEM [COVE (Computes VE pump Control system Ful), Th supple ‘ments intended or use by vehice maintenance techn ans or prsona wih an adequate inowiedge of recon amps ‘CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION OUTLINE “The COVEC-F ut action systam (Computed VE pump Convo eyeen Fa) 2 aibuer ype uelimecton ay tom tat ueas a nice-eompitor fo contol us ipaton {quantity andinecton tng. COVEC-F was developed a |nproe th powerpaforrance of sral sal ongros, Impeove ding comfor, as walla ocereasepolson. em ‘Speciistion| No of eyingars a6 ‘iota eaten ‘locks and counter doawise — Maxim sp668 ‘pra 8000 rin _ Plunger danetors 8.9, 10, 11, tam Trecton timing edu "TEV day rato cont Injcion quantity conto lactone contl of conte se postin Weight Aopior 65a | Preventon of reer raton ‘Consructd 6 at el rjocton i ol promod at rvero relation ‘Aadioal eves Not necessary GENERAL Flas FEATURES. ou IMPROVED POWER PERFORMANCE ‘The ethan gue shows the rlaoneip babe aca: ater postion ard ouput torque. Compares to conven ‘onal njetn pups, COVES provides tha moet 28 jection quay corespondng io acosiertr pos. tion. Ths erate increased torque ta ower scolar poston which mproves power portrmance INCREASED COMFORT ‘On contesna!injecton pumps, minut arations acon talsleee poston arora partormed, COVEC-F howove, ‘otc variations i speod teach engi combustion a ling, nln expanse to const cota leave poston t neeaes or cocease the fl hpton quan Sy In bie way, one cyinrs injectonquanty Vs oan: troled for eacn con fo decroste engi varaton ard Improve orn poe ‘ DECREASED SMOKE AT ACCELERATION Irocton quant is incoased at acceleration to crease engine ouput. Wit consentonal nyc pump, ths fxcess Tul voauts tho gonoaton of smoke, Win COVEC-, homer, fuel nection quanti f prosioly onto, event sociation, fo prevent he geneaion ‘of smoke witout adverse atlecting enghe response (covert econ Te ADDITIONAL DEVICES UNNECESSARY Adaltonal davies exh a boost compensator, anes compensator hjacon tning copaneation dovcos fre unnecessary as componsaton is perormed eles cay i rospose to sghals tom the vatioos sensor Bacauso of ths, tho exterr of the njecton pump (rat spite, erabing beter vilzston ot space round tho nocion pare. FLAS FUEL SYSTEM [COVEC-F 2.5] SYSTEM OUTLINE. enece “Tha tgue blow shows anoutine of the COVEC iy v ceanune OORT Np sensor: Pump spd caror {©.C8P ene: Cort ser ponion sso @ Tov. Teingconol abe @TPS: Tein postion conser Ne Part name Function + | Geir ant ‘Runng condion comparson, processing 2_[ No sensor Detar pump speed 2 | OS? senscr Detects conto ave postion “| Fue temperature sensor Dotocts fl lorperat, '5_| Compensation resistor Compensation | [tov ‘dss injection ing 7_ [TPs Detects ter piston postin 7 GENERAL FLA SYSTEM CONTROL cus COVEC detects physeal signals a8 electra! sina’ from each sensor and seh The conta unt processes ths inbrmation fo etcronaly contol yscton tning ‘adinjeston quay. (Car conta cor ein soe || Forwreeanmewe]| | I j > [neninns] (Convention or —— Controt unit + CoR canal + Sotonone (6SP Conia se postion snsor TPS Ting poitnsasar FLAS FUEL SYSTEM [COVEC-F 2.5 CONSTRUCTION even [EXTERIOR AND CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEWS Nosenor oe setae GENERAL FLAS FUEL SYSTEM [COVEC-F 25 ‘CONSTRUCTION covecr B00v Fete 10 tho VE type injcten pup service manual fr eonetana ijcton pump constucton and ars wth ‘Snmon constuston Fatintane and presse daliory by COVEC-F dente! to hat of he conventanalijcten pump. The inside of the pup separated ima governor Chamser where ‘tet injston quanty conta pron, and @ pump ‘haber, wher us rsh andl eivey ave prone ‘Th comwonionalsjecion pump iscontotoa by acerti- gal governor COVEC-F, however, izes 4 GE stutor (fo, an electronic govern. Fyeights are not zed. ‘hattore, tere 90 cot lover athe upper cover, Insoed he conte! unt eat connected to te upper part fine njecton pur. Alo, tho conventional nec- thon pup uizes aye largo (ah 23a) ‘otet pup speed, COVEG however, utizes a sons ing goa plats provided an eee sat odes! pump ‘sp0od. The numberof projections on th goa ple car. ‘eoponc tothe number engie Syncs, ‘ATTY (ing conte vako)' provided athe lower pat {fhe puro body betwoon th mors high prose and lew prossure chambers fo aajust pressure that nocee aryl adiance trang. The comentena njecton pam is sometimes eqvoped wat a chock vale site he over low vave. Win COVEC-E rawever the verton vahe is aways equipss wit a chock vot provort ovorfow tnt a aed presi s reached. COVEC-F i provisos ‘ina TPS (iming poston sorsr) atthe lonerpart ot Pe ‘acton punp tle ter pon poston, GENERAL FLAS (GE ACTUATOR (ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR) “To GE actuator is tached tothe governor chamber at the upper part of th nation pure. The gover chamber andthe puro chamber are on: ‘ected trough a magne! iter, andthe ut vn a {he govrna’ carbar coos he co ‘The magna er aso prevents or ngs tem entring {he ade of he GE acustr The tof the eat prose ‘odo the oor equip wih a all pnwnen ecco "Wet the sha. Th bal int Reered ino a hol nthe DECREASED SMOKE AT ACCELERATION “The TOV has aonctloctedin he cantar of he sis of to TCV booy Tho fol ints equpped wih a iter. Ths Inlet cannects ough the ini othe TOV Yo a hole in tho ond ofthe T2V body. A nese vale ise e TOV seats ince isond hos, Wan curentsspoted othe ‘TC, he naodevave pulled ote it e08 rghit hand ‘igure by a raznet © epon the end seat. oc ngs varia by mor pion moverant tance ote role hldr, a win conventional Wecton piers Pro: ‘ously, heup,hoprssue inside the tne righ pres Sure chamber croting the ter pon varied mn aor ‘ance wth puro speed. With COVEC-r, however, Ne "TGV conto reese ce the high pressure cxamoer, FLA-10 FUEL SYSTEM [COVEC-F 2. NP SENSOR (PUMP SPEED SENSOR) The Np sensor detects pump speed necessary fr th ar lous certs, and oupus sgl oho contel uit. Tho [Np seraors constueted a @ permanon! magna and an Ironpola and acl, Tha magneto feds vated by sons Ing nar movement, and he volage generated Stalag bee gna. (OVERFLOW VALVE (WITH CHECK VALVE) ‘The overfow vals nso onthe ent tae ofthe GE ctustor over eonthe trator hed ce. Tha neck Valve conducted ith bas and speigto proven over fw rie pan hander prenaze reste spec pat ow ‘TPS SENSOR (TIMING POSITION SENSOR) ‘The TPSis instal onto time's lw pressure so. The ‘TPSisconsvuciad cow rodand dob, andes ‘mer peton potion slectaly ey on, aR NS ‘CONTROL UNIT ‘The contol units instal onthe while. The contol untroeatesiniematon signa detected 2acn sent Basod on tis insrmatio, tho conto anit thon perorms fomparave cautions usng powammad aot values, andihon insantanously outputs optimum conl signals faut dagress system GENERAL OPERATION (GE ACTUATOR (ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR) Unie ne conventional ison pump, COVEC-F adjusts ‘uoliecten quay alactomagratealy Conta! sare postion fs dotected by ho conte sleeve postion sensor fan fad Be ote snl unt, {When te col is energize. he core generates magnetic funtareatotaroto win aspect rang Te tansy ‘ofthe magnate ux generated bythe el is delved byheinputcuron. The rors ted unt he nay of the cores magnetic x equals he fore of tho rear ‘eum senna. etm seg ‘To contol sere postion sensr dott rotational a eis stad at na tp of he GE ett to dtart, tethor he conal soo poston (e, te ot" angle Uf oaten) specie byte curentnfet ho coract, Posten. The contol save poston sonsor consis ofa

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