Hunt Notes

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Type: Heretical
Hunt Notes:
Engage only if it threatens innocents. Despite its
lack of reason, it stands as an ally against the
If combat’s a must, disable its eye to protect your
arcane powers.
High-ground sharpshooters advised.
Dangerously lethal up close, yet vulnerable
from afar.
e ye s o f a p os t l e s
t h e
For her ranks only
and hig
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Wield moongold; common weapons falter.
Tempt with corpses; its hunger is unyielding.
Evade darkness! Illuminate your surroundings or
face its stealthy onslaught.
Divert from untrained citizens; they are easy
fodder, and absorbing their shadows empowers and
fortifies it immensely.
Type: Heretical Undead
Hunt Notes:
Inform your chain of command at once; elites will
be en route.
Should combat be inevitable, arm thyself with
silver; naught else shall pierce her.
Beware her bone’s curse! Sever any limb tainted,
or becomes ossified. Better a maimed hunter than
no hunter at all.
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Ordinary weapons barely scratch its hide.
Confront only in sizable groups; remember the
hunter’s motto.
Keep distance; one strike may sever limbs.
Avoid rooftop provocations; height won’t deter its
Do not turn your back on it.
Wield moongold to halt its healing.
Type: Heretical
Hunt Notes:
Weak to the Radiant One’s light; engage within
hallowed grounds to erode its being.
Arm yourself with moongold blades.
Fortify your psyche against its madness.
Swift and fixated on a sole prey; bolting your
entrance won’t deter it.
Should its arcane bind you, seek swift nullification
or it’ll relentlessly track you.

Cl ass i f i e d If hexed, avoid returning to base; if necessary,

martyr yourself for the collective good.
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Frequent foe of the Scourge.
Potent in packs; do not get surrounded.
When stalking it, mask your essence with dung
or mire.
Target the bloated ones last; their deathly miasma
strengthens their kin.
Though these horrors must die, keep your fury in
check; act with deliberate intent.
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Heresy of the Scions, do not use lightning against it
Shun open skies; it wields storms.
Capable of explosive rebirths.
Favour an elite few hunters; large squads risk
grave losses.
Speed unmatched; stay vigilant against its
surprise assaults.

Class i f i e d
Type: Undead
Hunt Notes:
Beware, it mirrors dear ones; a dark ruse to waver
your resolve. Stay true, for you face the already
Arm allies with mundane weapons. It shifts from
ghostly to solid; only simple arms touch its phantom
Vital: Silver and moongold pierce it, no matter
the form.
Immune to chilling death’s touch; cold won’t
sway it.
STATUE (Temporary)
Type: Heretical
Hunt Notes:
Employs blasphemous rites; avoid confrontation.
Report newfound intel regarding its origins and
intentions directly to Grand Cathedral’s apostles.
One entity spotted in the Moryanne; monitor closely,
engage only if provoked.

Cl ass i f i e d
Type: Classified
Hunt Notes:
Weapon against the Scourge.
Boasts multiple organ replicas; termination is
a challenge.
Imperative: Indoctrination before instruction.
Swift and lethal; use measures to hinder their
mental faculties, then eliminate.

e ye s o f a p os t l e s
t h e
For her ranks only
and hig
Type: Heretical
Hunt Notes:
Volatile nature; erupts upon demise.
Operative of the Church.
Seek shelter from its blasts.
Strike with haste; delay lets it outpace and
bombard your team.
Disperse your ranks.
Arm yourself with silver and arcane trick weapons.

Cl ass i f i e d
Type: Heretical
Hunt Notes:
If in their vicinity, shun sleep.
Numb your emotions.
Do not look at its face.
Do Not Look.
Do Not

Class i f i e d
Type: Monstrous
Hunt Notes:
Lethal, yet lacks wit.
Loathes radiance; it’s drawn to light-bearers.
Makes it predictable. Your vanguard should lure
it with hallowed spells or blessed waters.
Guard your allies from its clutches. If ensnared, free
them promptly; its maw knows every frailty of flesh.
Type: Heretical Humanoid
Hunt Notes:
Maintain distance between allies.
Target its limbs and prevent reattachment, especially
from its crucible.
Guard your limbs fiercely!
Blinding it is futile; it feels heartbeats.
Keep your distance; its grasp spells doom.
Shatter its crucible to weaken its might.
Type: Machine
Hunt Notes:
It comsumes remains entirely; employed to clear hunt
traces and soothe the masses.
Aggrivate not their masters, lest they retaliate.
Its chest-blade can rend flesh instantly;
avoid its grip.
Charm, if possible, to our side; a potential ally
in its might.
Type: Beast (extinct)
Hunt Notes:
Secure high ground; they can tunnel below.
Avoid mental manipulation spells.
Fearful of, and harmed by, thunderous sounds.
Heavy artillery recommended.
After the kill, convey remains to the
Grand Cathedral.
Type: Manlike? Warps reality with eldritch
Hunt Notes:
Avoid mending near it. Holy ones, flee!
It relishes hunting the devout.
Fire hazard!
Its glow can weaken a hunter’s spirit.
Stay resolute!
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Lacks wit; overpower with numbers.
Muzzle its maw to deter deadliest blows.
Feeds to mend; prevent it from consuming!
Only silver harms; other weapons, even arcane,
are futile.
Forbear confrontation during an Eldritch Moon.
Douse yourself in beast repellent; its scent deters
them. Remain out of sight as scent alone won’t
shield you.
Type: Beast
Hunt Notes:
Ground them to cripple their mobility.
Timid by nature; eliminate the alpha, and the
rest scatter.
Their piercing cry can bewilder, pre-seal ears
with wax.
Skilled blade-wielders; disarm swiftly, or better,
Type: Heretical Beast
Hunt Notes:
No reports of hunters surviving this breed of aranea.
Capture or kill for autopsy. Bounty: 10,000gp

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