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The Elements and Principles

of Art and Design

Line is an open segment within art.
Some characteristics of line are:
width, length, and direction. Line can
be used to create different types of
art such as: gestures, contour, outline
and implied.

H e r e is a n e x a m ple o f
a c on t in u o u s c o nto u r
l i n e dr a w i n g of the
T o r on t o D o m inio n
B a n k . T h e b e ginning o f
t h e d r a w i n g i s s ho wn
w i t h a n S , a n d the end
with an E.
Space within art can either refer to the
three dimensional aspect of the piece or
how the artist uses space in their art.
When imagining the work as three
dimensional the artist must utilize
height, width and depth to their
advantage. When visualizing space, the
artist must use negative and positive
space to create a dynamic flow to their
piece. H e r e is a n a r t piec e
w i t h n eg a t i v e s pa c e
o n t h e l e f t a nd
p o s it ive s p a ce o n the
r i g ht .
Value is how dark or light a colour can
be. A lighter value is referred to as a tint
while a darker value is referred to as a
shade. Within value, there can be
contrast which are lights and darks
grouped together. There can also be a
"value shade" which is a gradual change
in value.

Here, value i s being

shown through the
value shading done
on the window and
its shadow.
Form is an enclosed space within art
created through lines and shapes. The
three-dimensional feel within an art
piece is often referred to as form.

Using circles,
cylinders and
adequate shading,
I have attempted
to create form in a
Emphasis is when there is one or more
focus within the artwork. Emphasis draws
the eye to one focal point. The reason to
have emphasis within art is for the point
stand out and grab the attention of the

With this piece, i

have used the
negative space in
the upper right of
the paper to
create emphasis.
Contrast is the use of two opposite
elements to create excitement and
interest within an art piece. Two ways to
create contrast are using a dark next to a
light value or using complimentary

With opposite
colours and imagery
(hard edges versus
organic shapes) , I
have attempted to
The movement in a piece of art is the
path the viewers eye takes. The viewer' s
eye can follow lines, perspective through
the foreground, middle ground and
background, shapes, and texture, such as
brush strokes.
In this watercolour
painting, I have a
foreground, middle
ground and
background which
takes the viewer' s
eye through the
Balance refers to the composition of an art piece.
There are several different types of balances when
creating art: symmetrical (when the art is the same
on both sides), radial (when the image is similar to a
spiral, beginning at the center and fanning
outwards), and asymmetrical (when the two sides of
the work are not symmetrical, but there is enough
information on each side).
In this oil pastel
drawing, there is no
obvious symmetry.
However, the weight
on both sides of the
image, are equal,
resulting in balance.

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