2 B.tech PH3101 Engineering Physics Unit2

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(1) The Coherent sources of light should have same, Time period, frequency,
wavelength and …………………….
(2) Two independent sources of light of same wavelength cannot show interference.
( True / False )
(3) Condition for constrictive interference of light is that path difference b/w two
coherent light should be ……………………..
(4) For destructive interference, path difference is

a) odd number of half wavelengths

b) even number of half wavelengths
c) whole number of wavelengths
d) even whole number of wavelengths

(5) Constructive interference happens when two waves are

a) out of phase
b) zero amplitude
c) in phase
d) in front

(6) Two waves with phase difference 180° have resultant of amplitude

a) one
b) zero
c) same as the single wave
d) doubles the single wave

(7) If two waves are in phase and have same amplitude then resultant wave has

a) half of amplitude of single wave

b) same amplitude as single wave
c) twice of amplitude of single wave
d) thrice of amplitude of single wave

(8) Fringe width in wedge shaped film is ……………………….

(9) Path difference for destructive interference is …………………..

(10) Path difference for constructive interference is……………………….

Long Answer
(11) Define coherent sources. Explain Young’s double slit experiment and find the
expression for fringe width.

(12) Discuss the formation of interference fringes due to a wedge shaped thin film seen
by normally reflected sodium light and obtain an expression for fringe width.

(13) Describe and explain the formation of Newton’s rings in reflected monochromatic
light. Find the condition of maxima and minima in terms of thickness t.

(14) Show that in Newton’s rings the diameters of bright rings are proportional to the
square roots of odd natural numbers.

(15) Show that in Newton’s rings the diameters of dark rings are proportional to the
square roots of natural numbers.

(16) Explain how Newton’s rings be used to determine refractive index of a liquid?
Derive the formula used.

(17) Newton’s rings are formed in reflected light wavelength 6000 Å with a liquid
between the plane and curved surfaces. If the diameter of the sixth bright ring be 3.1
mm and radius of curvature of the curved surface is 100 cm. Calculate refractive
index of liquid.

(18) Discuss the formation of interference fringes due to thin parallel film seen by
normally reflected light and obtain an expression for maxima and minima condition.

(19) A plane transmission grating has 1500 lines per inch. Find the resolving power of
the grating and the smallest wavelength difference that can be resolved a light of
wavelength 6000 A in the second order.

(20) In Newton’s rings experiment, the diameter of 15th ring was found to be 5900 m
and that of the 5th ring was 3360 m. If the radius of Plano-convex lens is 1 m.
calculate the wave length of lighter used.

(21) Find the expression for the maxima and minima at any point on a screen from
central point in Young’ double slit experiment.

(22) Explain condition of maxima and minima condition produces due to single slit
diffraction. Draw and explain the intensity distribution graph.

(23) Find the range for zero order principle (central) maxima in diffraction grating.
Derive an expression for the minimum number of orders with diffraction grating.

(24) Explain dispersive power of a diffraction grating. Find its expression.

(25) Define resolving power. Derive an expression for the resolving power of grating.

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