Art Essay

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Name : IVY W.

LOPEZ Course & Year : BSED-1 (ENGLISH)


Art for me is an escape from our reality for a brief

point in time that helps us heal and take a break. Art
gives us hopes of new life during those self-harming
thoughts and the inevitable tragedy that we will
experience. Art is an escape, without art, life would
be a dreary misery of yearly goals that come true
occasionally. Creating art seems daunting but it is
believed that everyone is capable of being creative,
many just need to find the medium they find
enjoyable. Most of life is spent not getting what we
want, and art helps remind us that we can have what
we want, just not all the time.

Viewing and creating art whether it be alone or with

others is fun and allows new and exciting
experiences into your life. It is a chance to step out
of your comfort zone and create quality time to
reconnect with yourself and your emotions.
Whether it be through singing, dancing, or simply
taking photos to appreciate everyday life, art comes
in many forms and can be enjoyed by all no matter
their skill level.

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