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Industrial Sector

The industrial sector is a key component of any economy. It involves the

production of physical goods through mechanical and chemical
processes. These goods can range from consumer goods to capital

Benefits in the economy

One of the most significant benefits of the industrial sector is its ability
to create jobs and support local communities. Industrial companies are
often major employers. Another advantage of the industrial sector is its
capacity to drive innovation and technological advancements. Through
research and development investments, industrial companies can
introduce new products and processes that increase efficiency, reduce
costs, and enhance quality.

Importance in Mexico

According to INEGI, the industrial sector employed approximately 13

million people in 2020, representing over 24% of the country's total

The largest industrial complex in Mexico is located in the northern city

of Monterrey, in the state of Nuevo León. This area is home to a diverse
range of industries, including steel, automotive, and electronics
manufacturing. Monterrey is often referred to as the "industrial capital"
of Mexico due to its concentration of factories and industrial parks.

Commercial Sector

1. Profit-driven: Commercial businesses are typically driven by the

goal of making a profit. They generate revenue by selling goods or
services to customers, and aim to increase their profits over time.
2. Market-oriented: Commercial businesses operate in a market-
oriented environment, meaning that they must respond to
customer demand and competition from other businesses in the
same industry.
3. Productivity-focused: Commercial businesses focus on increasing
productivity and efficiency in order to reduce costs and increase
profits. This often involves investing in technology and automation
to streamline operations.
4. Risk-taking: Commercial businesses often take risks in order to
grow and expand their operations. This may involve investing in
new products, expanding into new markets, or acquiring other
5. Customer-focused: Commercial businesses aim to meet the needs
and preferences of their customers in order to retain their loyalty
and gain new customers. This often involves investing in
marketing and advertising to promote their products and services.
6. Competitive: Commercial businesses operate in a competitive
environment, where they must compete with other businesses in
the same industry for customers and market share.

Service Sector

There exist public and private services which objective is the facilitate
and improve living and working conditions

In Mexico during 2019, the service sector employed approximately 61%

of the nation's workers and contributed significantly at 63% of the GDP.

1. Intangibility: Services are often intangible, meaning that they

cannot be physically touched or stored like goods in the
commercial sector. This can make it more difficult to evaluate and
measure the quality of services.
2. Customer interaction: The service sector often involves direct
interaction between the service provider and the customer,
whereas the commercial sector may rely more on intermediaries
such as wholesalers and retailers.
3. Customization: Services are often highly customizable to meet the
specific needs and preferences of individual customers. In
contrast, commercial goods are often produced on a large scale
and may not be customizable to the same extent.
4. Perishability: Services are often perishable and cannot be stored
for future use. For example, a hair salon cannot store haircuts for
future use, whereas a commercial retailer can store goods in a
warehouse until they are sold.
5. Time-based: Services are often time-based and require the
customer to be present during the service delivery process. This is
different from commercial goods, which can be purchased and
used at any time.
6. Labor-intensive: The service sector is often more labor-intensive
than the commercial sector, as services are typically delivered by
people rather than machines. This can make it more difficult to
scale up service businesses.


The economical sectors are deeply interconnected, The advancement in

one pressures towards the improvement of the others. Yet there is a
balance to be maintained in the struggle of allocating economical and
human resources in each one, without upsetting the correct functioning
of the others


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