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Consuming meat has become one of the most important worldwide concerns due to its

environmental impacts. Excessive use of natural resources makes it impossible to guarantee similar
life conditions for future generations. Aleph Farm was one of the major companies that developed
a new technology capable of producing meat products from cultivated cells. The process consists in
collecting a small sample of starter cells that manage to replicate and grow inside a cultivator that
reproduces the same environment as the inside of the animal body. This technology enables an
alternative to meat that reveals itself to be a sustainable and large scale production advantage.
To produce one kilogram of beef there is a need of 1500L of fresh water, 300 square
meters of land and 25 kg of feed. This new technology, allows to reduce about 78% of the water
needs, 95% of the land use and around 92% of greenhouse gas emission (11th PGC). Currently, the
land used to feed the animals is full of hazardous substances such as fertilizers and pesticides. Also,
these animals are given antibiotics to guarantee quality and safety. With this new technology we
can design safer products highly reducing the toxicity involved in the process (4th PGC). Cultured
meat only requires few animal cells to be produced indefinitely therefore this method uses a
degradable and renewable
(An Inclusive Transition to a Sustainable and Resilient Meat Sector, n.d.-a)
feedstock (7th and 10th PGCs). The Future of Meat is Here, whether it’s helping
the environment,
(Beyond Meat’s Beyond Burger Life Cycle Assessment: A Detailed Comparison between
supporting animal welfare or both: cultured meat is the solution.
(Soice & Johnston, 2021)

(Aleph Farms Makes Cultured Meat From Four Different Cell Types, n.d.)

(An Inclusive Transition to a Sustainable and Resilient Meat Sector, n.d.-b)

Não existem fontes no documento atual.

Aleph Farms Makes Cultured Meat From Four Different Cell Types. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28,
2022, from

An Inclusive Transition to a Sustainable and Resilient Meat Sector. (n.d.-a).

An Inclusive Transition to a Sustainable and Resilient Meat Sector. (n.d.-b).

Beyond Meat’s Beyond Burger Life Cycle Assessment: A detailed comparison between a plant-based
and an animal-based protein source | Center for Sustainable Systems. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 30, 2022, from

Soice, E., & Johnston, J. (2021). Immortalizing Cells for Human Consumption. International Journal of
Molecular Sciences 2021, Vol. 22, Page 11660, 22(21), 11660.

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