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Awe Oluwayemisi (2236671)

Bliss Hub is an innovative facility designed to offer a safe refuge for students looking
for leisure and networking possibilities. Our main goal is to provide a welcoming
atmosphere where students may relax, socialize with classmates, and renew
themselves while enjoying delicious refreshments.
Acquisition/References for Market:
Our marketing approach is centered on using a variety of channels to efficiently
contact our target audience.Appropriate sales and promotion approaches—social
media campaigns, a creative content marketing strategy, a freemium model, direct
email(Havard Business Review 2018,pg18)
 Digital marketing:Use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
to interact with students, provide event updates, and advertise our services.
 Campus Ambassadors:To raise awareness and encourage student participation
on campuses, enlist passionate students from colleges as brand ambassadors.
 Local Advertisement:Use print media to promote our services and exclusive
offers, such as community bulletin boards and campus newspapers.
 Partnership:Work together to organize collaborative events, workshops, and
seminars with student organizations, clubs, and academic institutions in order to
increase our visibility among the student body.
Market Segmentation
Buyers’ Behaviour
This has to do with categorizing students based on age,nationality,or academic level.
psychographic segmentation examines engagement levels with campus activities or
social media usage. (Gitman etal,2023).Based on customers responses to different
questions, you divide customers into categories, each characterized by certain buying
behaviours. The market segmentation strategy is based on three different market
attributes which are Demographic, Psychographic and Geographic
 Demographic:Our main target audience consists of students between the ages of
24 and 40.
 Psychographic:We serve students who appreciate socializing, unwinding, and
creating a sense of community. These people look for ways to relax from the
pressures of school while building deep relationships with their friends.
 Geographic:Approximately 50% of the population of Metro Vancouver is
ethnically diverse with 20% Chinese population. 14% of South Asian Descent,
5.5% Filipino, 2.5% West Asian, 2.4% Korean, 2.4% Latin American, 1.6%
Black, 1.2% Japanese and 0.9% Arab.
We'll start by concentrating on urban and suburban regions with a high college and
university concentration.

The lifestyle relates to the economic level at which people live, how they spend their
money, and how they allocate their time (Anderson and Golden, 1984).In Bliss Hub
we will be relating it to some categories among the international students.
 Academic Enthusiasts:Students who value their education above all else but also
understand how essential it is to take breaks for themselves and socialize.
 Wellness and Advocates:Students who put self-care first and look for places that
encourage relaxation and mental health.
 Social Butterflies:Students who are outgoing enjoy connecting with students in a
relaxed environment.
Acquisition cost per customer and the cost of retaining customers?
It is necessary to analyze customer satisfaction and customer choice behavior, and to
study cost model and quantitative calculation for different logistics service modes for last
mile delivery(Li et al., 2020)

Sales and Marketing cost include:

 Employee Salaries
 Production costs(e.g cost of producing articles,videos,email campaigns,and
 Software costs(e.g marketing automation software,analytics tools,customer data
 Paid media and publishing costs (e.g google Ads,sponsored content in a
magazine,influencer promotion)

Bliss Hub will be targeting atleast 1000 students and will be having an average CAC of
$24per customer.


Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl McDaniel, Amit Shah, Monique Reece,Linda Koffel, Bethann
Talsma, James C. Hyatt, (2023).Introduction to Business.

Matthew Pauley, (2021). Business Startup and Entrepreneurship: Canada.

University of Prince Edward Island
Donaldson, K. (2022). Introduction to Business Management: Canadian Cambrian

Harvard Business Review. (2018). Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s

Everything You Need to Launch and Grow Your New Business

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