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Call Center case study

ABC company has implemented a Call Centre application in order to provide a
24*7 Support for their Customers & Partners via multiple channels like Web,
Email or Phone.
Customer call/mail/visit service center & customer service agent generate the
Case should be assigned /attended within 24hrs, otherwise the case should we
escalated to the Manager of Customer Service Agent.
Each Account has linked with Product & Contact

ER Diagram

Standard Object – Account, Contact, Case

Custom Object—DemoProduct, Account_Product
Fields in DemoProduct_
Field Name API Name Data Type
Product Id Name Auto Number
Product Image Product_Ima__c Rich Text Area(32768)
Product Name Product_Name__c Text(15)
Product Price Product_Price__c Currency(8, 2)
Product Type Product_Type__c Picklist

Customer Service Agent – Minimum 2 users of this type
Inventory Agent
Zonal Manager
Vice President

System Administrator

Use Case
1. Add below mentioned standard Case fields along with their Field Level
Security on the page; users belonging to different profiles should see these
fields in different page layouts:
a. Case Number – Read Only
b. Account Name – Read Only
c. Contact Name – Editable
d. Subject – Editable
e. Case Reason – Editable
f. Case Status – Editable
g. Case Origin – Editable
2. Customer Service Agent will only create Cases for Active account, only
Active account should be available when creating a Case.
3. Account Number should be 8 digits only
4. If the Industry is Banking or Electronics, then case reason will be
Performance or Breakdown or Feedback
5. Inventory Agent can add products. Product Type should be Electronics,
Electrical, Grocery & Stationary
6. Grocery & Stationary will not available online, & when Inventory Manager
going to add product there will be no field of Product Image in type
grocery & Stationary
7. Only Zonal Manager can see cases created by Customer service agent,
one agent will not able to see other cases
8. Vice President will be notified on Escalated cases with Status field
highlighted in brown in color & an email for the same.
9. If case is not assigned or started it will be escalated (i.e. assigned to +
email notified) to Zonal Manager after 24hrs.
10.If Annual Revenue of the Account for which we are generating case is
greater than 10,000 so it requires approval from Zonal Manager & if
Annual Revenue is greater than 20,000 it requires approval from Zonal
Manager & Vice President.
11.Implement a custom validation on Case to stop users from updating any
fieldwhen the Case Status is set to ‘Closed’.
12.If the Case status is new it will be in mark row in Yellow, if its working
then green & if escalated then red for Customer Agent & Zonal Manager
13. Inventory Agent can only see Product & Account. Customer Service agent
can see Cases (for which they are owner), Account, Product. Zonal
Manager & VP can a see all.

14.Ensure that a for Single Account, only one case.

15.Whenever customer came he must need to tell Account Name to generate
case, without account name case should not be generated
16.Update Contact’s Information (Name, Phone, Email) on Case fields (Web
Name,Web Phone, Web Email) when a Case is inserted or updated with
17.Create a Report on Case object to see all the records updated recently.
18.Display a Dashboard with name ‘Active Cases’ based on the previous
Report to show recently updated Cases.
19.If for an Account case is already generated, then the system should not allow
to customer service agent to raise same case request for that account again.
20.Report to show how many cases are open & which are escalated
21.Dashboard that has the above-mentioned reports.
22.Case will be closed only when there is a valid Attachment.
23.Implement Screen Flow for above case
24.Create a Test class providing more than 85% code coverage. Implement
best Practice for Trigger & Apex
25.Create a LWC Page for Product where customer service agent can add
Product, Edit, Delete, Show Product. Implement concept of Modal, Data
table, Pagination, Tabs, Navigation, Apex & LDS
26.Create LWC pages for Case to, where Customer Service Agent can view,
add, edit & delete cases. Implement concept of Modal, Datatable,
Pagination, Tabs, Navigation, Apex & LDS
27.Display all the error messages on custom page for records that gets failed
due to any custom or standard validation.
28.Any Apex Class created should have minimum 85% code coverage.
29.There will be one more org that is secondary org, so connect the
secondary Salesforce org to the primary Salesforce org. Write a Batch
Apex class that executes a callout to the external system to get the
required data and update the primary org. Schedule the Batch Apex class
to run every night. [NOT TO BE DONE BY YP TRAINEES]

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