Terminator Venom

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“You are mine,” he whispers. “Only mine. Don’t

forget it.” His voice is intoxicating, his words
heady, seductive. I feel his growing erection
against my thigh.His long fingers reach round
to gently massage my clitoris, circling slowly.
His breath
is soft against my face as he slowly nips me
along my jaw.

Me: Ohh Lorenzo

Lorenzo: You smell divine.

he nuzzles behind my ear. His hand rubs
against me, round and round. Reflexively, my
hips start to circle, mirroring his hand, as
excruciating pleasure
spikes through my blood like adrenaline.

Lorenzo: Keep still.

he orders, his voice soft but urgent, and slowly

he inserts his thumb inside me, rotating it round
and round, stroking the front wall of my vagina.
The effect is mindblowing – all my energy
concentrating on this one small space inside
my body. I moan.

Lorenzo: You like this?

He asks softly, his teeth grazing my outer ear,

and he starts to flex his thumb slowly, in, out, in,
out… his fingers still circling. I close my eyes,
trying to keep my breathing under control, trying
to absorb the disordered, chaotic sensations
that his fingers are unleashing on me, fire
coursing through my
body. I moan again.

Lorenzo: You’re so wet, so quickly. So

responsive. Oh, Diana, I like that. I like that a lot.

he whispersI want to stiffen my legs, but I can’t.

move. He’s pinning me down, keeping up a
constant, slow, tortuous rhythm. It’s absolutely
exquisite. I moan again, and he moves suddenly.

Lorenzo: Open your mouth.

He commands and thrusts his thumb in my
mouth. My eyes fly open, blinking wildly.

Lorenzo: See how you taste.

he breathes against my ear.

Lorenzo: suck me, baby.

His thumb presses on my tongue, and my

mouth closes round him, sucking wildly. I taste
the saltiness on his thumb and the faint
metallic tang of blood. Holy fuck. This is wrong,
but holy hell is it erotic.

! I moan, and I bite down on him. He gasps, and

he pulls my weave tighter, painfully, so I release

He leans down, his weight on me again, and he

grabs my hair holding my head immobile. I
cannot move. I’m enticingly ensnared by him,
and he’s poised and
ready to take me once more.

Lorenzo: We’re going to go real, slow this time.

And slowly he eases into me, slowly, slowly,

until he’s buried in me. Stretching, filling,
relentless. I groan loudly. It feels deeper this
time, delectable. I groan again, and he
deliberately circles his hips and pulls back,
pauses a beat, and then eases his way back in.
He repeats this motion again and again. It’s
driving me insane – his teasing, deliberately
slow thrusts, and the intermittent feeling of
fullness is overwhelming.

Lorenzo: You feel so good.

he groans, and my insides start to quiver. He

pulls back and waits.

Lorenzo:Oh no, baby, not yet.

he murmurs, and as the quivering ceases, he

starts the whole delicious process again.

Me: Lore-Renzo, Oh, please.

I beg. I’m not sure I can take much more. My

body is wound so tight, craving release.

Lorenzo: I want you sore, baby.

he murmurs, and he continues his sweet,

leisurely torment, backward, forward.

Lorenzo: Every time you move tomorrow, I want

you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me.
You are mine

I groan.

Me: Please, Enzo.

Lorenzo: What do you want? Tell me.

I groan again. He pulls out and moves slowly
back into me, circling his hips once more.

Lorenzo: Tell me.

Me: You, please.

Lorenzo: Me?

Me: Yes, You a-and yours.

He increases the rhythm infinitesimally, and his

breathing becomes more erratic. My insides
start quickening, and He picks up the rhythm.
Lorenzo:You. Are. So. Sweet.

He murmurs between each thrust. I moan.

Lorenzo: You. Are. Mine. Come for me, baby.

He growls. His words are my undoing, tipping

me over the precipice. My body convulses
him, and I come, loudly calling out a garbled
version of his name into the mattress, and he
follows with two sharp thrusts, and he freezes,
pouring himself into me as he finds his release.
He collapses on top of me, his face in my hair.

Lorenzo: Fuck. Diana.

He breathes. He pulls out of me immediately
and rolls onto his side of the bed. I pull my
knees up to my chest, utterly spent, and
immediately drift off or pass out into an
exhausted sleep.

When I wake, it’s still dark. I have no idea how

long I’ve slept. I stretch out beneath the duvet,
and I feel sore, deliciously sore. Lorenzo is
nowhere to be seen. I sit up, staring out at the
cityscape in front of me. There are fewer lights
on amongst the skyscrapers, and there’s a
whisper of dawn in the east. I hear the music.
The lilting notes of the piano, a sad,
sweet lament. Bach, I think, but I’m not sure.

He walks out of the bedroom, his towel

wrapped on his waist. My eyes travel to his
Cock. He Chuckles.
Lorenzo: I love you so much and I love my cake
but I can't give it to you now, I'm sorry.

Me: Who Said I want it?

Lorenzo: The way you looking at me.

Me: Yes maybe I want a few strokes, a few


I get up From the bed to his. He is applying

lotion on his body.

Lorenzo: I forgot you never get enough

Me: Of you of course.

He looks up and laugh.

Lorenzo: Go and take a shower. We need to be

at the club in the next your. We have a meeting.

I roll my Eyes and walk away. He pulls me back.

Lorenzo : I saw that.

Me: I'm sorry.

He kiss my forehead and I walk to the bathroom.



After taking a bath I walked out of the shower

and did my hygiene process . I wear my black
dress and my long coat. I wear my Red
Buttons and finish the look with my Louis
Vuitton sling bag
and walked out . I walked down stairs to the
lounge . I find him with our kids but he is on his

"Mhhhhm Ma you look beautiful," my daughter

Ria says.

I smile and look at her , Lorenzo looks at me .

He puts his cell phone inside his pockets and
walks towards me.

Me : thanks baby

She smiles at me ,Lorenzo holds my waist and

smiles at me.

Lorenzo : you sure beautiful Mrs Ndlovu.

He whispers in my ear and I exhale.

Lorenzo :Baby , I and your mother should get


Ria nods.
Lorenzo : daddy and mommy love you so much

She nods and focuses on her cell phone

Lorenzo: Ria…?

She puts away her cellphone and looks at


Ria: I love you both daddy.

Lorenzo walks to her and kiss her forehead .

Lorenzo : no leaving the premises ok?

Ria : yes dad.

He kiss her on her forehead and walks back to

me. He holds my waist and perk my lips.

Lorenzo : Let's go Mrs Ndlovu.

I bid Ria good bye and we walked out. Lorenzo

opened the door for me and I got in , he closed
it and walked to the driver's side . He drove
away. We were going to His club. The is an
event happening. It’s the first of September so
you know how people are . They throwing
events left right and center , Besides it’s festive
season so …

Me : Renzo do you realise what this means for

Lorenzo : Yes my LOVE , This means business
for us.

I smiled , he held my hand and kissed it. He

took out a box and gave it to me.

Me : what's this?

Lorenzo : open it.

I didn't hesitate, I opened the box and I gasped.

It was diamond earing. I smiled at him

I didn't hesitate, I opened the box and I gasped.

It was diamond earing. I smiled at him
Me: thank you baby.

Lorenzo : you are my wife and I would do

anything to please you. In my whole life I have
never meant someone like you, besides my own
mother, The support you give me…

He kissed my hand and stopped driving I realise

we have arrived at the club.

Lorenzo : I LOVE YOU.

Me : I love you too.

He got out off the car and came to my side. He

opened the door for me and I got out. He kissed
me and we walked to the club.
Lorenzo : look after the guests, there's some
business I need to take care off.

I nodded and he walked away.

Diana Dee Nomalanga is my name , I'm 33

years of age . Married to Lorenzo. We have two
kids ,Cane and Ameria

Whom are both 16 years of age . Don't judge ,

yes I became a mother at the age of 17.
Lorenzo of course.

Long story cut shot.

orenzo and I started dating when I was 16 years.
I was doing y grade 11 . Got introduced to the
pandemic known as mjolo. Ok it was nice and
still nice . I passed to matric . So what
happened was that on my last paper . We did it,
basically we went out to celebrate how I wrote
my exams . Late that night I gave hi my treasure
and he treasured it, he still does, I got pleasure
Until the dude started going fast , I still
remember it was our second round, the dude
went faster to a point where the condom

I was scared to a point where I stopped him but

he didn’t stop, he just continued until he came, I
stopped him but I realised it was already too
late. Right there knew I was pregnant, nigga
pretended like everything is fine, the pregnancy
test did prove I was pregnant,

What was the option? abortion was the option.

I don’t know how he found out that I was going
to have an abortion but he was there at the
hospital, Abducted me, I couldn’t have an
abortion. I knew right there that my life was
over, my dream was over, but not with lorenzo
our parents didn’t think we could do this but we
did. He sent letter to my family, we are here
now, married and happy.

"Mrs Ndovu, have you seen Mr Ndlovu?' one of

the waitress asks

Me : he is currently busy at the moment, is there

anything wrong?

Waitress: No I wanted him to sign this for me.

Me : give me that.
She handed me the papers, I read them and
Waitress : thank you.

I smiled and walked away. On my way upstairs I

bumped to a man running, seconds later
lorenzo came out.

Lorenzo : dee didn't you see a man running this


Me : yes he ran dowstairs , whats wrong ?

Lorenzo : I need to find him'

Me: wait baby, theres no way yiou going to find

him in this crowd, he is gone. You have blood
on your shirt.

I rolled my eyes and he held my hand.

Lorenzo : babe.

Me : did you kill someone?

He cursed.



Me : what were you doing at the back?

He didn’t answer me.

Me : ok.

I walked away from him, I walked out of the club

to the parking lot . I heard him calling out for me.
I he pulled me to him .

Lorenzo : baby…

Me : did you kill someone Lorenzo ?

He just looked at me .

Me : take me home .
Lorenzo : babe, the party just got started …

Me : take me home Renzo!

Lorenzo : babe listen…

Me : Lorenzo, please take me home

He sighed and unlocked the car, I got in and he

also got inside . H looked at me and drove away.
The drive home was silent. He knows honesty is
important to me but he chooses not to be, I
know he did something back there , I just want
him to tell me what he did nothing much.
Where's the pain in being honest ? After what
felt like forever he parked the car on the garage .
Immediatley I got out of the door without saying
anything. I walked to the house, there were
books in the dining table and glasses of juice. I
exhaled and walked upstairs. I took off my
clothes and wiped my make- up and changed
into my pyjamas . The door opened , I just
looked at him and got under covers. After a few
minutes he also got under covers he tried
getting close to me but I moved …

In the morning I woke up very early before him ,

I always wake up early before him. I got out of
the bed and walked to the bathroom. I did my
hygiene process . When I was done I wore my
denim jeans and blouse , I then wore my flip
flops . I walked out of the room. I walked
downstairs to the kitchen . It was a mess.

I called out to them but there was no answer.

Me :! ALMERIA CANE! Y'all get your A$$es here!

Now !

I heard footsteps from the stairs to the kitchen .

They both walked in yawning.

Cane : ma , whats wrong ? So much noise in the


Me : whats wrong ? So much noise in the

morning ? What the hell is this ?

Cane cursed .

Me : askies ? What was that ?

Cane : nothing ma .

Me : nothing right ?

Cane : I meant to say im sorry I can explain .

Me : damn right you can explain . What is this ?

Huh ? We leave our shoes and socks on the
dining table now ? Is this what they teach you at
that expensive school we pay ? To leave your
things lying around on the dining table ?

Cane : im sorry ma . I got home tired last night .

Me : home tired? What the F**K were you doing ?

He looked away .

Me : are you gonna answer me or what ? You

drinking now ? You F**king girls ?

he gasped

Cane : ma …

Me : and you ? You leave the kitchen a mess ?

Who's supposed to clean after you? Me ? Or do
you have a helper.

She shook her head no

Me : Im talking to you Almeria

Almeria : No

Me : no who ? Inja ?

Almeria: No ma

Me : get your A$$es to clean up this kitchen and

this dining area before I F**K y'all A$$es and
you (pointing at Cane ) made you grow some
balls to talk to me somehow ten you not getting
good pu$...


I looked at him , it was lorenzo

Me : what?

Lorenzo :( kissing Almeria's )forehead good

morning princess. Good morning champ .

He brushed Cane's head

Lorenzo : babe , can I have a word with you for a


I frowned looking at him.

Me : And You Two when I get back here . I

better find this place clean and smooth like I
left it like Last night.

With that being said , I walked upstairs to the

stud opposite our bedroom. I folded my hands ,
Lorenzo walked in. . He walked towards me ,
not saying anything instead he had his hands
deep inside his pockets looking at me.

Me : im here you said you wanted to talk.

He didn’t say anything , I just looked at him and


Lorenzo: first of all you going to drop that

attitude you have towards me .

I didn’t say anything.

Lorenzo : we now use vulgar when speaking to

our kids ?
Me : what are you trying to say renzo?

Lorenzo : I mean shouting at my kids just

because you have your issues .

Me : your kids ? My issues ? You talking about

the fact that you don’t want to be honest with
me about last night ? That’s what you mean by "
your issues "? And oh , the Last time I checked
those are my kids , you didn’t give birth to them .
You left them on my vagina.

Lorenzo : diana mind your tone !

I rolled my eyes. He came closer to me .

Lorenzo : what the hell is wrong with you ?

Me : nothing is wrong with me ? Honesty is

what is wrong with you !

He chuckled and removed his hands from his

pockets. He raised his hand and I moved.

Lorenzo : you think I would hit you Dee ?

He held my chin , and looked deep in my eyes.

He perked my lips.

Lorenzo : Dee, im talking to you answer me .

I didn’t say anything , I tried moving away from

him =but he had me between his legs.
Lorenzo : what were you saying again , I left
something where ? Here on your vagina ?

I looked away. He stroked my chin with his

finger .

Lorenzo : look at me . Who does this belong to ?

His hand went under my blouse . He reached for

my breasts.he kept brushing them. He
unbuttoned my blouse and undo my jeans and
in circles, causing me to want more .

Lorenzo : I asked you a question Diana ? Who

does this belong to ?
I didn’t answer . He moved his fingers inside my
coochie , fingering me so good. He would stop
by the time I start to moan . He continued
fingering me hard and fast. He took his Pants
off as he was fingering me . He was left with his
briefs .

He stopped fingering me and positioned his

cock on my coochie's entrance. He slowly went
inside of me slowly, causing me to gasp.

Lorenzo : its just a tip baby .

He went out of me and went in again, I want

more I know, I do .

Lorenzo : to whom does thus belong to?

I know he wont answer me until I answer him.

Me : it belong to you.

I say between my moans , I don’t want to beg

him for sex , he knows I suck at that.

Lorenzo : I didn’t catch that …

Me : its yours … it -it belong to y-o-u renzo.

Lorenzo : and you never speak to me in that

attitude alright ?

I nodded .
Lorenzo : ALRIGHT ?

Me : yes. Yes .

Lorenzo : good , now give me some sugar.

he entered me slowly….a moan escaped my

mouth while he groaned. He stopped and
looked at me .

me : please .

he smirked and started moving slowly while we

kissed….. he was gentle and slow and that was
making me lose my mind cause he was also
going deeper and deeper, we kept on kissing
passionately while he was moving in and out of
me slowly…. He then left my lips and he went to
my neck and started sucking and biting on it
gently while he was still moving in and out of
me, gosh I was losing my mind jeez I never
knew sex could be this sweet. He went deep
inside me . I tried maintaining my moans but I
was failing. he pulled out and he grabbed both
my thighs and he spread them wide and he
pinned them on the sides of my stomach and
he slid into me slowly and he groaned loud
while I gasped for air gosh I could feel his
anaconda poking my womb…. And when he
started to move I lost all sense of reality, he
started moving slowly but then increased his
pace with each stroke. I was holding on to the
bed covers for dear life as he fucked me hard, I
was busy screaming and calling out his name
he fucked my nuna like his life depended on it….
He went on and on and right then an orgasm hit
me hard and my body trembled from head to
toes and guess what the N***a didn‟t stop
people, he fucked me through it all and soon I
felt his grip getting tighter on my thighs and he
was also growing and twitching inside of me
and soon he slammed into me hard pushing in
deeper and deeper then he let out a loud groan
from deep down his throat and he cursed then
he collapsed on top of me…

He pulled out, he took my blouse and wiped me

clean . He tried kissing me I moved.

Lorenzo ; we not there anymore or are we?

I didn’t respond instead I walked out of the

study to our bedroom. He thinks sex will make
me forget. I wiped my self clean and wore a
clean t-shirt . He followed through minutes later
as I was about to walk out of the bedroom. He
blocked my way. I moved to the side and he
also blocked my way.

Lorenzo : ok fine . Lets talk , what do you wanna

know ?

Me : you know .

He sighed and got inside our room, pulling me

with him. We sit at the edge of the bed.

lorenzo : I am all yours.

Me : who was that guy? The one that I bumped

Lorenzo : he was one of my boys .

Me : and why where you exactly chasing after

him ?

Lorenzo : he stole from me .

Me : and the blood that was on your shirt?

Lorenzo : that was a peace offering.

me : offering ? Offering for what ?

Lorenzo : for betraying me and stealing from

me .
Me : did you kill someone ?

Lorenzo : yes , for good reasons.

Me : ok that’s all I wanted to know.

I stood up and he also did. He held my hand.

Lorenzo : okay ? That’s all you going to say ?

Me : what do you want me to say or do renzo ?

Lorenzo : anything dee .

He held my hands.
Me : when will the killing stop ? I thought now
its clean business.

Lorenzo : it is but I had to teach that son of a

B***h a lesson . This town must know never to
mess with me .

I kept quiet.

Lorenzo : I did this for us.

Me : I know , but you, we need to slow down on

this killing.

Lorenzo : yes mam.

He perked my lips.

Lorenzo : did I ever tell you how much I love you

this morning ?

I shook my head no.

Lorenzo : well I LOVE YOU MRS NDLOVU.

I smiled and stood on my toes and kissed him, I

pulled out of the kiss as he was about to
deepen it.

Me : I love you too Mr Ndlovu.

Lorenzo : well let me get ready.

He perked my forehead and walked to the
bathroom. I walked out of the room and went
downstairs to the kitchen. It was better than I
left it like this morning.
They were having cereal for breakfast.

Me : this looks better than I left it like before.

They kept quiet , they were both on their phones.

Me : I guess I deserve that.

I walked out to the cupboard and took out mugs.

Cane : at the end of the day you are our mother

and you had every right to be angry,
I smiled , cane is very matured. He blew me a
kiss .

Me : you guys push me to that point.

Lorenzo walked into the kitchen. He grabbed

some apple and kissed my cheeks.

Lorenzo : I'll see y'all guys later.

Me : where to , today ?

Lorenzo : hotel




It was a Saturday noon, I was with my sister we

were at spa. The weather , it was very sunny

Nairobi : how funny it is to think that you invited

me to a spa.

Me : you are my sister, this shouldn’t be funny.

Nairobi : to me it is, you hardly call for us to go

out on dates.
Me : you should just appreciate that today I did

Nairobi : I can my afford this , so I see no

reason on why I should appreciate this.

I rolled my eyes.

Nairobi :you havent changed.

Me : hello , im still staying in south Africa not

Nairobi .

She chuckles slightly.

Nairobi : im still older than you.remember that.

Me ; will you ever stop being older than me ?

She chuckles again.

Nairobi : how is Lorenzo ?

Me : he's good I can say, he's still the old

Lorenzo .

Nairobi : he seems to be taking care of you ,

look how you have gained wait .

I smiled .
Nairobi : or unless you carrying a junior Renzo in

Me : what? No !

Nairobi : what ? You cant be gaining so much

wait and say no .

Me : yes I can.

Nairobi : you carrying junior there.

Me: no I aint, I only have two twins , Cane And


Nairobi : you telling me that since 17 years ago

,you don’t have more kids with Lorenzo ?
Me : no we don’t.

Nairobi : he's not giving you sugar on the right

places right?

I gasped…

Me: Nairobi … no Lorenzo is giving me sugar on

the right places.

Nairobi : unless there's a pill cause you and I

damn right know that lorenzo would never hit it
with gloves on.

I drank my wine …
Nairobi : aha there's a pill,you preventing and he
doesn’t know about it right.

I kept quiet.

Nairobi : wow. Diana, wow. Look at me .

I didn’t.

Nairobi : I said look at me Diana.

I looked at her .

Me : I thought it was the best thing to do after

going through the pain I went through with the
twins, I wasn’t planning on having kids anytime
soon back there.
Nairobi : then why hide it ? Hide it from him .

Me : Lorenzo will never understand, hes a man ,

he doesn’t go through labor pains.

Nairobi : and what do you do for a living, the last

time you told me you wanted to pursue your

Me : nothing , as you said im gaining wait,

meaning that lorenzo is taking good care of me
,then I don’t need to work.

Nairobi : hello ,this is South Africa Mrs Ndlovu .

That’s not what I meant, if you doing nothing
that means you are depending on him, you just
sit at home and eat his money, doing nothing,
basically you not contributing anything besides
your vagina . Which is not enough cause you
aint bringing anything out of that vagina of
yours and guy Is handsome meaning he can get
it anywhere he wants while you seating at home
, don’t you know that thing does get tired .

She sipped her wine.

Nairobi : im sure it is already tired since from

high scOhol. Hai seyivulekile phela leyo. ( its
already open )

I gasp and she looks serious.

Nairobi ; mtase uma seyivulekile, indoda iya

hamba, he will go get it somewhere, whilst You
waiting for him in your fancy lounge. Give the
poor guy another baby.

Me: no Nairobi I aint gonna trap Lorenzo with a


Nairobi : you not trapping him , dumb sis, you

already married to this nigga.

Me : well I'm not ready for another baby.

Nairobi : mhmm, so you don’t have any

business of your own ?

I shook my head no

Nairobi : girl I see you aint afraid of going poor .

me: we will never go poor, there are hotels and

She laughed.

Nairobi : whoa, whom do those hotels belong

to ? You ?

I kept quiet

Nairobi : stop playing with me wena . And no

you wrong, Lorenzo would never go poor, but
you will go poor, you don’t even have a back
bone, what if he leaves you ?

Me : he would never do that, me and Lorenzo

have been together since high school

Nairobi : and how sure are you that he hasn’t

cheated on you ,not even once.

I kept quiet.

Nairobi ; you would never know a man little sis.

Have a back bone for your life , a business or
something. These men's a'int here to stay
forever, maybe they might but they do cheat,
what happens if he falls in love with the woman
he is cheating with? Or bewitch him ? I guess
Lorenzo would never do that. Right ?

She chuckled .
Nairobi : all im saying is that, have a back bone
mtasekhaya. I would go crazy to see you exit
your fancy life style, because some dumb
A$$ nigga cheated on you. Ok fine, im sorry he
won't cheat on you, but have a back bone ,don’t
get too comfortable, these 2k's a'int here to
play. You have always wanted to pursue your
dream ,this is your chance.

She held my hand.

Nairobi :im sorry if I went too deep, but I have

been meaning to say this to you face to face.
But I woudnt want to see you cry, I hate that you
know that too, I would kill for you. I won't even
hesitate to put a bullet on anyone who hurts you.
Im back baby …
She screamed the last part. I smiled, I have
myself a crazy suster. See it's just the two of us,
me and my sister, me being the last born,
Nairobi being the second one, James being the
first one, may his soul rest in peace, he got
caught up with the wrong guys , sentenced to
prison and died there, he was stabbed. Father is
also 12feet under , ma is the only one left
including me and my sister. We chilled.
Catching up on her life style. After a few hours
of a da in spa , we called the day off, we both
went our separate ways. I drove home to cook.
I took out kitchen from the kitchen and
defrosted it, I was going apple on it . The side
dish was a green salad. When I was done
cooking I walked upstairs to check on my
babies, when I got here , they were both busy,
Cane has a busy life and Ria shes on to social
media too much . Ria was not in her room, I
walked to Cane's room , they were together, I
Me : my beloved kids .

Cane : you do know that we are now old right ?

Me : to me you will always be babies.

I brushed his head and he moved .

Cane : ma . You are messing up my hair .

Me : im sorry.

Ria : ma, you look beautiful today.

I got a new hair style.

Me : thanks baby .

She smiled.

Me ; you kids , carry on with what you doing

,dinner is ready .

Them : will be down in a few.

I walked out , I walked downstairs to set up the

dinner table. Lorenzo walks in

Lorenzo : you look new.

I smiled an d he kissed me '

"eww. We still in the kitchen , "

It was Cane , his father chuckled. We sat down

and ate dinner, conversing and staff. After we
finished eating dinner, ria cleared the table and
also washed the dishes, my daughter aint lazy.
she does the house hold chores done by a
daughter. I walked upstairs to take a shower. I
did my hygiene process, thinking about what
Nairobi said earlier on, yes we might have been
together from high school, I was not always
with Lorenzo , he could have cheated one or
anything, I don’t know. When I was done I
walked out of the shower and dried myself, then
applied lotion , when I walked back to my
bedroom, Lorenzo was on his laptop, he knows
we never bring work in our bedroom, theres a
reason for a study being there .
Lorenzo : I was looking into todays budget. You
spent more than you do.

Me : ohw I was at a day spa with Nairobi.

Lorenzo : and you spent this much I less than

10 hours.

Me : the last time I checked, the statement was

" there's no limit "

Lorenzo : I know, but you lay low.

Me : oh…
Lorenzo : yes dee, you need to lay low, this
money doesn’t grow on trees.

Me : ouch, I will lay low.

He sighed .

Lorenzo ; how was your day ?

Me : better today, I guess, getting some day out

was nice than sitting here in this house all day

Lorenzo : whats that supposed to mean ?

Me : I have needs Lorenzo Ndlovu

Lorenzo : I here to provide for your needs and

Me : no Lorenzo , I cant be sitting here all day

doing nothing, cook , wait for you to return from
where ever you coming from, sometimes you
come back with bloodied clothes and I have to
wash them.

He exhaled.

Me : I miss challenges. I want to be me, I want

to be independent . I cant be cooped in this
mansion like a prisoner, my whole life, it feels
like I'm a prisoner.

Lorenzo ; I'm trying to protect you Dee.

Me : this is more than protection, you tell me
what to do and not what to do, you control me, I
want to be free Lorenzo Qhawe Ndlovu.

I wore my under garments and got under covers.




In the morning I woke up very hard, I looked at

Dee, she was sleeping peacefully, skyward. I get
on top of her and start massaging her clitoris ,I
kiss her neck, that her weakest spot. a light
moan escapes from her mouth.
Diana : Renzo…

I ignore her, I continue kissing her neck, while

playing with her clit. She starts moaning. Good,
I'm winning. I kiss her sweet lips, passionately,
at first she doesn't respond. As I touch her in all
the right places, she finally gives in. She wraps
her arms around
my neck, I use my left hand to take off her
underwear. Her small hand travels to my cock,
she strokes it up and down causing me to
groan. She wraps her legs around my waist, I
look at her, straight in the eye.

Me: Look at me.

She opens her eyes, lazily.

Me: Don't take your eyes off me.

I slowly enter her, she moans softly and closes

her eyes. I stop halfway.

Me: Babe, I said look at me and don't take your

eyes off me. Or I will stop . She tries her best to
stay focused on me as my shaft
enter her warm wet honey pot. I am moving
slowly. She closes her eyes , I stop again .

Me : Dee look at me.

She opens her eyes.

Me ; do you want me to stop ?

She shakes her head no .

Me ; mhmm?

I start moving slowly.

Diana : no… no don’t stop.

Me: I love you so much Mrs Ndlovu , I don't ever

want you doubting that. Yes, you act crazy at
times and treat you like a small baby but that
just makes me want you even more, I never
want to imagine life without you in it…

Diana : Yes! Yes!

Me ; I know I treat you like a baby and too
protective , but that is just because you are my
baby . Okay …

Diana : I get it! You love me but should we be

really having this conversation right now?

I chuckle and she bites her lower lip seductively

so and rolls her eyes.

Me: Don't hate me for what I'm about to do to


Before she could respond, I move faster and

roughly. Her moans, turned into screams. She
tightly wraps her legs around me, she deepens
her nails on my back . I held her thighs tightly
and thrust harder. I pound her, like I never did
before. When I saw that she couldn't take it
anymore. I turn her around, she put her arms on
the headboard for balance. I turn her and
makes her face the mirror . She holds the sheet
tight for balance, I raise her head so that she
looks herself on the mirror , I thrust her from
behind, she tries looking down, but I hold her
head so she won't move . She punches the bed,
doing all the funny things but I had no mercy, I
was pounding her from behind, she had no way
to run. I turn her around, I carefully place her on
the floor, I don't waste any time. I get In
between her legs, and look at her straight in the

Me: Are you okay?

She shakes her head. I penetrate her, she

screams before I can do anything. I pound her
and starts cursing.
Pushing and pulling me towards her. She
orgasms and I pound harder and harder , feeling
my build up , I feel an electric wave hit me and
my toes twirl , causing me to cum inside her
and lay besides her. We both breathing very

Me: That was fun.

Diana : What is wrong with you? Were you trying

to kill me?

me ; that’s what we call morning glory baby.

She giggles..
Diana : this doesn’t make me forget okay ?

I sigh and get off the bed.

Diana : I'm serious Lorenzo.

Me : can we not fight , not now at least, not

after we had so much fun .

She folds her arms.

Me : do you want to join me for a bath or what ?

She rolls her eyes and covers herself with the

sheets . I'll get her for rolling her eyes at me . I
walk to the bathroom and take a bathe. After
doing my hygiene process I walk out of the
bathroom, she's not here. The bed is nicely
made , changed the sheets , I dry myself and
lotion my self then wore my clothes. When I
was done, I walked out of the room , I walked
downstairs to the dining room . They were all
about to eat breakfast . I sat down.

My phone rang, I answered it, I excused myself

from the dining table. I walked to the study

Me : Manando .

Manando : Lorenzo

Me : what do you have for me ?

Manando ; the nigga that you were looking for
who stole from you.

Me : yeah ?

Manando : I got him, at the club .

Me : nice job Manando . Make it count .

Manando ; sure .

Me : I will text you when im on my way to the

club , for now just roughen him up.

Manando : sure .
Me : thaa.

I hung up and walked out to the dining table.

Me : im sorry about that .

I sat down.

Me : how are the prelims ?

Ria : not bad I can say, not knowing about


Cane : who are you refering to by 'others'?

She shook her head .

Ria : you .

Cane : im others now ? And whats that

supposed to mean. You are starting to be too
forward. Continue being forward and I'll smack

Diana : stop it you two .

Ria : he started it .

Cane looked at her and looked at me, I shook

my head no. we finished eating breakfast and
dee cleared the table and washed the dishes. I
got up and took my car keys and my staff. I
walked to Diana.
Me : im going to run a few errands, I will be
back soon , okay /

She nodded and I kissed her forehead.

Me : I'll drop the kids at school.

She nodded. Shes still angry.

Me : lets go princess , lets go champ.

Cane : dad, im old for that name.

I brushed his head. We walked out. I drove out

of the yard and drove to the kids school, I
dropped them off and drove to prison. After an
hour or so I arrived.

Me : Ndlovu Knox-Greg.

He opened for me , I walked in. I took out a few

notes and gave them to him.

Me : more than an hour . This would do.

He nodded and closed the door, I took out my

phone and called my PA.

Me : I will send you an email on what I want you

to get and nothing should be messed up.

PA : Ok .
I hung up and texted her . I walked in his cell .

Me : some one is living a nice life.

he chuckled and walked up to me and hugged

me .

Knox : you call this nice life ?

Me : I mean look at this, your own cell, with a tv,

cell phone, bedroom. I mean bro.

Knox : this is all your works bro.

We sat down .
Me : guess what ? There are chances that you
get out of this place soon.

Knox : you make it happen.

Me : sure I will , this one im sure it will work, its

not risky or anything but clean.

Knox : you going to fuck the judge incharge of

my case ?

Me : that also sounds like a good idea, maybe I


Knox : fuck it, get out of here, don’t even think

about it, hurting precious Diana.
Me : I wouldn’t do that .

Knox : I bet you wouldn’t , otherwise I will do

everything in my power and get out of here to
smack that face of yours.

I chuckled.

me: your father will have to get me first before

you do.

knox: still his favourite.

Me : you don’t know, everytime I get a call from

him, I think Dee.
He chuckled .

Knox ; you shouldn’t blame him , you introduced

the poor girl at an early age, made her a wife at
a young age and a mother . You were busy
fucking around whilst she is playing housewife .

Me ; DON’T BRING THAT UP, I'm now a good

boy .

Knox : I bet you are one , but still you fucked

around. Don’t lose that girl, she has the power
to build you and destroy you.

I nodded.

Me : look at who Is giving me the talk.

He laughed , we chatted some more ,after a few
hours we called it a day and I drove to the


I was in the lounge when I heard the car driving

back in , I was with my kids watching
ridiculousness . He walked in holding some
documents and a paper bag .

Lorenzo : good evening family .

Us : good evening.
He kissed my cheeks and handed me the paper
bag .

Me : what is this?

Lorenzo : open it.

I opened it and there was a box . I took out the

box and I opened it. It was a diamond chain . I
gasped .

Ria : damn , this is beautiful.

Cane ; I aint surprised dad does more for you

more than this .
Me : it's beautiful .

Lorenzo : you love it ?

Me : yeah, I guess.

Ria : you guess, ma this is flames.

Me : if you want it, you can have them.

Lorenzo : can we have a moment together ?

I walked to the kitchen and he followed me.

Lorenzo : I love you DIANA , I really do .

Me : I know .

Lorenzo : and I would do anything to see you

happy, I don’t like seeing you sad.

I smiled .

Lorenzo : this is for you .

He handed me some documents .

Me : and this ? My birth certificate ?

Lorenzo ; open .

I opened the envelope and took out the

documents, I gasped.

Lorenzo : you have always known how to draw

and loved to be a graphic designer and fashion
designer , this is for you .

Me : you did this for me ?

Lorenzo : yes, this is all yours,its in your name .

Please put a signature on it.

I hugged him and kissed him.

Me : you didn’t have to do this.

Lorenzo : you deserve this

I smiled and his phone rang.

Lorenzo : I gotta go.

I nodded , he kissed my lips and walked away . I

sighed , all these glitters and gold.


I drove to the club, It's Sunday so its hardly

packed. I walked to one of the waitress.

Me : liana, tell the DJ that I want the music loud.

Liana : yes sir .

I walked downstairs to the basement. I walked

in and manando was still fucking hi.

Me : hold.

He looked at me .

Me : you seriously didn’t give the nigga a break?

Manando : he didn’t break when he betrayed us

and stole from you.

I chuckled …
Me : I will take it from there.

I took out my jacket and walked to the guy.

Me : you think you can fuckin steal from me and

just walk away .

Guy : I didn’t do anything boss.

Me ; damn right you didn’t do anything , but your

mother and sister will pay for my shit.

Guy : no, no wait , they didn’t do anything . Ok I

stole from you, not them.
Me :they didn’t do anything, you still have the
opportunity to tell me who is your boss and who
sent you to steal from me . That all.

Guy : I cant .

Me : wrong answer , lets try again, just you and

me .

I took out my gun .

Me : you just need to tell me who you gave my

diamonds to ?

guy : I aint telling you shit .

Me : just tell me who set this up and I will let

you go .

Guy : I cant… I cant do that

Me : fine, if you don’t talk , you know what

happens , between us here, no one comes out
of this happy , either you or me. The man you
protecting sent you to the wrong motherfucker.

I kicked him …

Me ; talk to me , I can protect you, I always did.

Guy ; you see if I talk my family wont be safe, im

not afraid to die.

Me ;, well im not afrid to kill you. do you know

who I am ? Im Lorenzo Qhawe Ndlovu , im the
mighty drug lord distributor and gold smuggler.
Im the might killer, I see an apportunity I fire a
shot, I take a shot , no one messes with me . I
mean no one messes with me . Im a maze. Who

I took a shot .

Me : clean that up, I want this place spotless,

like shit never happened.


It was almost 00:00, I was waiting for Lorenzo

to return from where ever he went . Living this
life always got you worried about your loved
ones. Anyone not in the house at house when
an incoming call comes through you always
think of the negative. ' who died ?' its the first
thing that comes across your mind . I lay on my
back and closed my eyes, eventually sleep took
over .

In the morning I woke up to an empty bed . I

heard the shower running , I then heard the
bathroom door being shut . He walked to the
bedroom, toiwel wrapped around his waist .

Lorenzo : good morning .

He kisses my cheek.

Me : you didn’t come home last night. Where

were you ?

Lorenzo : I had went to run a few errands not

knowing I was going to take long to return .i
found you sleeping .

Me : you could have called .

Lorenzo : I had thought about that . But again I

assumed that you had already gone into bed, I
didn’t want to wake you up.

Me : what errand ?
Lorenzo : to take out the betrayer and to find
out who the hell is messing my territory .

Me : take out the betrayer ?

Lorenzo : yes , the guy you bumped into at the

club the last time ? That one, I took a shot at
him .

Me : I see …

Lorenzo : you seriously cant judge me for doing

what I did last night okay ? Im protecting this
family's legacy , you and the kids cant go to
hunger . In cant afford that to happen.
Me: I aint judging you.

Lorenzo : better. What are your plans for the

day .

Me : going to see my work space. And check

into my bold designs and edit them.

Lorenzo : mhmm I like that .

Me ; yeah , again thanks for doing everything for

me and the kids, it means a lot, I never thought
we would make it, from high school.

Lorenzo : we made it because of the love we

have for each other.
I smiled and he perked my lips .

Me : renzo .

Lorenzo : yes ?

Me : please promise me not to leave me and the

kids .

Lorenzo : I will have to fuck SATAN before

doing that . You are my everything dee.

I nodded and he perked my lips . He dressed up,

I got up from the bed and straightened the bed
and took a bathe then wore my umbrella skirt
and wore my peep toe heels, I did my facial
make over ,when I was done I took my staff and
walked downstairs. The kids were having
breakfast, along with lorenzo .

Me : good morning.

Ria : morning mom .

Lorenzo : cane ? Your mother is greeting and I

think you should greet back .

Cane : morning ma… im sorry its just this online

learning thing.

Me : its fine I understand baby . Who prepared

breakfast cause I know that Ria you cant
prepare this when going to school.
Ria : you right, I didn’t but aunt Mary did.

Me : Auntie is back ?

She nods and our helper walks in …

Me : auntie .

Mary : Good morning madam.

Me : morning , how were the holidays ?

Mary : they were good .

Me: werent you supposed to return next week ?

Mary : yes, but cane called me requesting for
my presence .

Me : oh Cane ?

I looked at him .

Mary : yes , besides I was tired of seating home

doing nothing and my daughter is going to be
flying here today , and my son is getting better.

Me : that’s good. Where is your daughter flying

from ?

Mary : America .

Ria : wow, im sure she's some sort of a celebrity.

Mary : she is not , her life is a bit busy she's a
lawyer .

Me : that's nice .

Lorenzo : alright that’s it, I gotta go.

He kissed my lips and kissed Ria's cheeks and

fist bumped cane . He then walked out .

Mary : I missed you and the kids .

Me : we also missed you auntie, I also gotta

head out . Kids your driver will be here soon
okay ?
They nodded .

Me : auntie see you later .

I said and kissed the kids and walked out. My

phone rang as I was about to drive out of the
yard . It was Nairobi .

Me : don’t call to shout, Im on my way .

Nairobi : what do you mean you on your way ?

The last time you said the same.

Me : I know okay, few minutes I will be there.

Nairobi : you better not messing up with me

Diana, you know never to mess with me .
Me : I know , im sorry.

Nairobi : you have to make up for this .

Me : I got you , what is it ?

Nairobi : dinner at your house tonight .

I sighed …

Me : fine, can I hang up now?

Nairobi : whatever.

She hung up.



Today , I was meeting with one of the major

distributors, he's the leader, I'm the supplier in
my territory , he produces the product .

Manando : lets hope its nothing major.

Me : I doubt it is , he was calm . Do you have the

money with you ?

Manando ; we shall find out about it .

I nodded and we walked to the stairs.

Manando : its not like you to take the stairs.

Me ; things change .

He nodded.

Manando : I guess things change for real .

I exhaled before I knocked . We walked in after

knocking .

Him : Terminator. Nando, nice to see you.

Me : like wise Greek.

Greek : we here to discuss business as usual . I
want more than what you give me .

Me ; more ?

Greek : yes , more, the product it shall be

increased to 25 %

Me : that is too much .

Greek : with more product of course.

Me : makes no difference .

Greek : you just need to sell my product and I

also sell yours, I bring you money , you bring me
money. Easy .

Me : nice deal but we agreed for 20% never

discussed 25% .

Greek : theres change for everything , this is

change .

I sighed .

Greek : already I didn’t receive my money from

the last payment. I received clean money . I
thought maybe its because the product is very
less. words on the street, that you lost more
than millions for the last product, not to
mention the diamond . But its good that you
didn’t let anything affect our pay schedule.
Remember you came to me asking me to hire
you and be your distributor , you guaranteed me
a certain challenge that no one messes with
you hence you good for this . I hired you .

Manando : but greek you know in this business

there,s no guarantee .

Greek : then Terminator shouldnt have

guaranteed me . Pause it did you even find the
person who is messing with your territory ?

Me ; we did.

Greek : did you? Cause I guarantee you if my

territory also gets affected by this then you are
going to pay for every cent. Meeting adjourned .
We stood up…

Greek : terminator

I looked at him and manando walked away .

Greek : you know I checked you out ? Nice

reputation. Very well built from a low class
family, hustled .you are feared on these streets .
What im trying to say here if you get this
situation under control , you could be your own
man with men taking all the risks . You control
this shit , just like your brother did. But if you
keep on getting this messed up them what use
will I have for you ? I will have to take my
business somewhere else .

Me : I will get this under control.

Greek : I made it alone but without her I
wouldn’t make it thus far . We all need them by
our side. Women .

Me : good bye greek

Greek : good bye Terminator .

We shook hands and I walked out.

Me : find your way back, I need you on the

streets , get a few boys who want to Make

Manando : copy that .

I drove to the hotel. My phone rang . It was Dee.

Me : babe .

Diana : lorenzo , Cane didn’t go to school .

Worstly he back chatted at me .

I sighed .

Diana : lorenzo , it's your son we talking about

here, I cant be handling a buoy his age , No .

Me : I'll talk to him Dee.

Diana : you better .

She hung up …

Me : Cilia any messages ?

Cilia : No, there's someone in your office sir.

Me : who is it ?

Cilia : he claims to be your son .

I sighed

Me ok, tell Betty to get me a neck lace with the

letter A . Diamond I mean.

Cilia : yes sir .

I walked to the elevator and, I got out of the
elevator to my office . I walked in and he was
lying on the couch.

Me : remove your legs from my couch .

He removed them and sat up straight .

Me : what are you doing here ? Shouldn’t you be

at school?

Cane : school was out early today .

Me : is it ?
Cane : yes.

Me : and why aint Almeria at home ?

Cane : she chose to stay behind .

Me : I see . And what is it that I hear you back

chatting my wife , not your mother my wife.

Cane : I didn’t .

Me : so my wife is lying ?

Cane : that’s not what went down dad . Ma

scolded me and said what she usually says .
Me : what is that ?

Cane : you know . Getting good p*$$y .

I chuckled .

Me : aint you getting good p*$$y ?

He kept quiet .

Me ; cane ?

Cane : its not fair that every time she brings it

up . Its disrespectful, what if im not getting
good p*$$y and im getting good d!ck , aint that
an insult .
Me : damn cane , take that back . What do you
mean good d!ck ?

Cane : fucking boys instead of hoes.

Me:you out of your mind now .

Cane : im not saying im fucking them, no im not.

I sighed .

Me : you push your mother to that limit cane .

Cane : don’t I always do that ? Push her to that

limit ?
Me : she's just a worried parent , let her be .

He shook his head no …

Me : next time you disrespect her I will have to

teach you how a man behaves .

He kept quiet.

Me : now , are you getting good p*$$y ?

Cane : a guy doesn’t kiss and tell.

Me : im your father .
He sighed and rubbed his hands .

Cane : yes , im getting it.

Me : are you serious about the girl ?

Cane : no , she's just some b***h giving me

sugar .

I smiled.

Cane : what ? You asked and I answered you.

Me : nothing , lets bounce .

Cane : we aint going home now are we ?

Me :lets go man .

He stood up and took his bag and we walked

out of the office ,we went to the elevator and it
took us to the reception.

Cane : dad, that lady , whats her name ?

Me : which lady?

Cane : that one ( pointing at cilia )

Me : no , no cane , she's way older than you.

Cane : so? Those are the one's we fyck dad,

these young hoes don’t want to give it to us so
we go after these ones.

Me : no ! Besides that lady aint in your league ,

she does more than you.

Cane : I don’t see rejection from her , I mean

who is my father .

Me : you using my name to fvck hags boy ?

Cane : who am I ?

I shook my head and we walked out of the hotel,

we drove away.

Cane : im sure you were also like this when you

grew up dad.

I looked at him and shook my head .


I was in the kitchen with Nairobi, after setting

the area and decorating it we drove back here.
Well it’s the favour that I'm returning .

Nairobi : what time does lorenzo retun ?

Me : soon.
She nodded .

Nairobi : so ? Are you still on pill ?

I kept quiet .

Nairobi :shh im sorry for asking .

Me : no its fine , when are we meeting your man

again ?

Nairobi : im my own man aint that clear enough.

Me : it aint .

She chuckled .
Nairobi : you know that sooner or later he will
find out right ?

Me : and ? Lorenzo and I are meant for each

other , and to he even ought me a business
under my name , because I asked him to.

Nairobi : and you don’t think there's a catch

there ?

I looked at her and we heard voices from the


Me: we not having this conversation here , not

now .
She sipped her wine , lorenzo and cane walked
in .

Lorenzo : good evening, Nigeria.

I chuckled …

Nairobi : Nairobi, Lorenzo .

Lorenzo : what ever.

Nairobi rolled her eyes.

Cane : good evening ma , aunty .

We greeted back .
Cane : imma go shower so long .

He walked upstairs.

Nairobi : Lorenzo, a word with you please .

She looked at me and Lorenzo walked to the

study , she followed him.



She closed the door after she walked in .

Me : let's hope this ain't about us being exe's .

Nairobi : oh cut that shit, I have long moved on

from there, you with my little sister , she's happy,
then that makes me happy .

I scoffed .

Nairobi : when we broke up we both made it

clear that its strictly business.

I poured her a glass of whiskey .

Nairobi : I'm here to talk business.

Me : I'm listening . What business ?

Nairobi : you know what I'm talking about, I got

a hit last night . What's going on Terminator ?

Me : I also got it , I fired a shot at one of the

boys who are involved, he refused to talk, so if
we ain't getting this together it's either we lay
low until we catch this MotheFvcker .

Nairobi : Fvck that Terminator .

Me : yeah . Fvck that . This motherFvcker

closed everything for me , he's pushing his
product in my territory and Greek upped the
product to 25%

Nairobi : the Fuck!

Me : yeah .

Nairobi : let's get the product moved in schools

and hospitals. I know it's insane .

Me : damn right it is insane , the product is

dangerous . It has risks .

Nairobi : so what we sit and do nothing, and

stop moving the product . Then our customers
find a new place too .

Me : ok, let's say we find the MotherFvcker , we

kill him and it turns out that he has his people
after hi, then what ?

Nairobi : it's on , its game on baby . Then we

take down the whole fuckin crew, no mercy, we
paint this city red . Then we show them , we
show every body that they can't fvck with us .
Just like old times together in high school
before K went inside .

Me : this is now Nairobi , I got too much shit

going on now, I got a family that needs my
protection . My businesses Nairobi .

Nairobi : you fucking with me now , your

businesses are just a front . You won't lose
them .
Me :what if I want more ? Clean all way

Nairobi : you kidding right,? We started this

when we were still in high school, fvcking , it
was nice, we are here now and you want us to
drop everything just like that ? Live happily ever
after ? No !

Me : think about it Nairobi ,this is what we both

wanted , remember when we were still fucking ?

Nairobi : no ! Things change , smuggling gold

and hustling has always been in my blood, now
how about you drop that idea and we focus on
how we find the mother fucker messing our
territory, you lose I also lose . I will go and get
the boys on the street to push the product and
we focus on getting this motherfucker . I will
set it up tonight , ok ?
I nodded.

Me : bring whoever you suspect at the usual

spot .

Nairobi : now that's the Terminator I know . Not

the Terminator that was fucking with Paxton in
high school under my nose .

She hit my chest …she gulped my whiskey

Nairobi : Be Lorenzo to your wife , my sister not

me , and I repeat don’t play with her .

She winked at me and walked out, I sighed and

walk out …
Diana : supper is ready .

We sat down and ate dinner . When we were

done , I asked myself to be excused , I walked
to my room, I dialed some numbers .

Me : speed up the process , tomorrow I will be

there . I want no excuses .

I hung up , the door opened and Diana walked in


Diana : that tough ?

I sighed …she came to me and sat on my lap ,

she kissed me , I got up .
Diana : what's wrong ?

Me : nothing ?

Diana : that tough ?

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised.

Diana : why didn’t you say something?

I frowned .

Diana : don’t give me that .

Me : why did you stick around with me ?

Diana : because I love you .

Me : you love me that much to stick around

knowing the kind of life I live ?

Diana : I don’t follow … yes, I love you so much .

Me : I see .

Diana : you see ? I heard you talking to Nairobi ,

you can't move the product because someone
is in your territory . That’s not you Venom , you
are slippery , you are the best in what you do . I
know you okay .

Me : you eavesdropping ?
Diana : I was passing by.

Me : what more did you hear ?

Diana : you questioning me now ?

Me : you know what its fine , I gotta lotta of shit

to handle .

I walked out of the room to my private study . I

did my shit and midnight I went back to my
room, Diana was sleeping , I cursed , I hate
doing this to her, yes , she was always that
sweet Diana who would cry if someone upset
her, I get this life style made her strong . I took
off my clothes and went to take a shower ,
when I was done , I got under covers and pulled
her to me .

In the morning I woke up early before her , I

went to the bathroom and took a bathe, when I
was done I walked out to my room , she was
fixing the bed .

Diana : you up early .

Me : there's somewhere I need to be .

She nodded and continued fixing the bed.

Me : I'm sorry about last night .

Diana : its fine , I wasn’t meant to eavesdrop on

you .
Me : come here .

She walked up to me…

Me : I love you .

Diana : I love you too .

I said and looked into her eyes . She moves

away and I pull her back to me .

Me : where are you going ?

Diana : I'm going to take a bathe.

I kiss her and she pulls away from the kiss . She
perks my cheeks and walks away to the
bathroom, I walk downstairs and Auntie Mary
was preparing breakfast …


I took a shower and as I was about to get out of

the shower the door opened and Lorenzo
walked in Naked .

Lorenzo : you done already ?

I nod
Lorenzo : I don’t think so .

He says coming closer to me he grabs me by

my waist and perks my lips , he kisses me and I
respond to the kiss . He pulls out of the kiss
and comes behind me , he touches my
shoulders as we looking at ourselves into the
mirror , he pulls me to him and kiss my
shoulders , leaving wet kisses . He turns me to
look at him and kiss me again , he then pulls out
of the kiss and walk out of the shower , I stand
there waiting for him , minutes later he walks in
with his handcuffs , we aint going to play now
or are we ?

He turns me to look at the mirror as he cuffs my

hands .

Me : I thought you were supposed to go

somewhere .

He doesn't respond instead he turn me to face

him again. His finger tugs inside my towel,
deeply to the towel's path , he slides it down
and his hand cups my breasts , hewinks at me
causing me to blush, he lets go of me and
moves away from me and looks at me , biting
his lower lip. He comes back to me and goes
down on his knees and parts me butt cheeks , I
feel his tongue on my coochie.

Lorenzo : we didn’t rinse properly down there .

He says his voice deep. I don’t reply but he

picks me up and we get into the shower. He
opens the tap and let the water hit our bare
skins , he takes the soap and gently rub his
hands on my breasts , from my breasts his
hands travel to my coochie , he rubs it with his
soapy hands , I want to touch him but I
remember I am cuffed . He rubs my clitoris with
his index finger , causing me to moan softly , I
move my legs to wrap them on his waist but he
stops and looks at me .

Lorenzo : we don’t have to tie those ankles too

right ?

I don’t answer but dude washes my body. He

comes up to me again .He starts washing my
back . I can tell that he , Enjoys it-but that's
nothing new. I'm sure my . Skin feels soft and
silky in his hands with the Soap making it wet
and slippery. He goes down To wash my bum,
working his soapy fingers
Down on each of my butt-cheeks, the soap
,Making everything slippery. With an effort ,he
Works his way down to my feet before standing
Up and starting on the front while still standing
Behind me. Getting everything nice and soapy .
Again ,he starts washing my breasts spending a
Little more time than necessary working around
. My hard nipples .Finally, he works his way
down My stomach to my private part and starts
Rubbing it gently with his fingers pulling me
Close to him as he does .And I can feel his
Erection pressing against my butt as he's
Standing behind me.

The moans I let out when he was washing my

back end are nothing to the ones I'm letting out
now ,they are loud and more frequent, I don’t
care how loud I a cause the room is sound
proof. . He gently works his fingers up and
down over my vagina and then slips one of
them up to rub my clit .Working his fingers
deeper into me and massaging my clit ,it is not
long before I climax. He rinses me , he parts my
legs for him , I keep them close , he goes down
on his knees and parts my legs open , he rinse
me slowly with his finger doing Lawd Knows
what , when he is done , he picks me up out of
the shower to the basin , he makes me bend for
him , he goes down on me and kiss my inner
thighs , he parts my leg for access .

His gets up from his knees and turns me to

face him , he sucks on my breasts, He starts
kneading as his mouth lowers to the other, first
to suckle ,then nibble the nipple. His tongue
circles, flicking the nipple to hardness. When he
seems to feel he has a Satisfactory result ,his
mouth and that tantalising tongue move to the
other nipple, While a hand slides over my
stomach, descending .I feel him outlining the
curve of my waist ,over my hip and belly . His
fingers brushoOver my vagina before slipping in
between my thighs. I can hardly contain myself
at this point, I moan loudly. Then I hear his
chuckle of approval as he feels how wet I am.
His tongue circles the nipple, one finger
mirroring the movement over my clit. Torn
between the desire to stay still and Just let it
happen, or to grind my hips around his hand, I
find myself simply trembling helplessly and my
thighs growing wetter and wetter , and Warmer
and warmer, my juices beginning to flow .He
pauses and looks into my face, running His
hands up and over and down my trembling
torso ,breasts and shoulders, gauging my
reactions. Very slowly and gently he runs his
Hands back around my shoulders and behind
my head, pulling my face to his .He kisses me,
Very softly on the lips then starts nibbling at my
He touches my clit And delicately rubs. I moan
loudly and uncontrollably, and I gush down
there .He

Lorenzo : what do you want ?

I don’t answer …

He Continues at it, rubbing my clit a little harder

Now .I gasp and cry out as my knees buckle.
But I manage pull myself upright. He pulls
quickly at My clit and massages it for a moment
longer. This time he holds me by the waist as
my legs Give way.

Me : fine , I want to cum , please make me cum.

Lorenzo : I didn’t catch that .

Me : please Venom , make me cum. Please .

He kisses me full on the mouth then pushes

two fingers up inside me hard , I feel them .
Almost scrape against me inside ,against my G-
spot .I cry out but he has already withdrawn
and Is down on his knees ,his face to my thighs.
He Pushes my ankles, that were already closing,
Apart again .I look down to see him looking
Back up at me, at my face . As he looks, his
Hands are working the lips of my private. He
Leans forward ,and for one delicious moment ,I
Feel his tongue curl around m clit . I scream,
Just in time to feel him pull my thighs fully
apart And his tongue lick up from the back of
my Vagina through and over the lips. And he
stops. I hang, my weight on my wrists, making
Incoherent gasps and wishing he could
continue. He gets up and Then he kisses Me
fiercely .There is nothing tender or gentle here.
His mouth is hard on my lips ,forcing my Mouth

He pins me down on the basin , I feel his cock

on my entrance he slowly pushes him -self in -
side me. He is huge, and at almost any other
time ,I would struggle to accommodate him, but
in my state of screaming arousal, he sheaths
himself, full length, straight into my dripping
passage ,and starts pounding into me. I
scream again, and orgasm wells up once more,
my walls grasping and gripping as they throb
around him. His hand leaves my back and I feel
him grasping me by the waist ,forcing me back
and forth against his rhythm ,deepening the
drive of his shaft, Intensifying his already deep
thrusting as he rams into me, plunging into my
depths. Through my own cries ,I hear him moan
and gasp and feel the pulsing of his cock as he
cums. For a few moments, he holds ,shuddering
against me, then relaxes down onto me with a
gasp. for a few seconds, he simply lies on top
of me, spent ,then he takes a couple of deep
breaths and pulls out of me. I feel him kiss the
back of my neck ,then he turns me around to
face him. He passionately kisses my lips…

Lorenzo : that was sweet thanks .

I smile and he kiss me again .

Lorenzo : don’t you want to go again.

Me : no , I'm tired , I can't .

Lorenzo : please last one .

I shake my head no …

Me : aren't you supposed to be somewhere .

He exhales .

Lorenzo : thanks .

He gets off the bed and wipes us then start

dressing up, when he is done , he grabs his staff
and walks out of the room , I also do my
hygiene process and walk out , I walk
downstairs to the kitchen , the kids have already
left , Lorenzo kisses my cheek and also walks
out , I also have to be at my work place ,just to
check if they doing what I asked for .

I dial Nairobi's number but the white woman

speaks , I sigh and sit on the lounge. My phone
rings , it's my mother.

Me :ma

Ma :Nomalanga how are you ?

Me : I'm good , how are you ma ?

Ma : I'm also good , you don’t visit.

I brush my head .
Ma : don’t even thing of doing that .

Me : what ?

Ma : lie to me , you and your sister hardly visit

nowadays .

Me : we are held up with something ma, but I

promise to visit along with the kids and
Lorenzo .

Ma : mhmm , if you say so .

Me : ok ma , I will tell you when I will be there to

visit , I will also come with Nairobi .
Ma : convincwen her to come .

Me : ok ma . I love you.

Ma : I love you too.

She hung up , I placed my phone down. Auntie

Mary walked in . She sat down .

Mary : you should visit her.

Me : I know I will visit her .

Mary : does she know ?

Me : about ?
Mary : I have worked for you for a long time now
and I know how Lorenzo gets his money. I know
about your illegal businesses . I worked for
Lorenzo before I worked for you .

Me : oh .

Mary : so ?

Me : what ? No she doesn’t know .

Mary : mhmm , I see.

Me : uhm , when is your daughter coming to

MARY : OH , she told me she will land today .

Me: oh , what is her name again ?

Mary : Paxton is her name , she used to go to

Princess high school.

Me : I also went to Princess high.

Mary : really ?

Me : yes .

Mary : I guess you know each other .

Me : no I don’t ,in my years there , I have never

had someone with the name Paxton.

Mary : well she used to go there , I'm sure

Lorenzo knows her , she went to USA to pursue
her law degree .

Me: maybe .

Mary : you will meet her one day , I will

introduce her to you .

Me : I would really love and appreciate that .

I smile at her .

Mary : let me get my pot.

She stands up and walks to the kitchen …


I was at the station signing some documents

for Knox , Knox is my brother , The first bone of
the family , he got arrested cause he was found
in possession of drugs and diamond and got
charged for homicide , the drugs And
everything belonged to me beside the homicide ,
he took the fall for me .

Me : you will be out of here soon bro .

Me : I trust and believe in your bro .

I smiled and we bro hugged , I walked away to

the detective's office to hand him the
documents , I spotted a friend from high school .
I handed the detective the papers and walked
out …

Me : Pax …

I called out to her , she looked at me and walked

out of the police station, I followed her …

Me : Pax…

She didn’t answer instead she got inside some

range rover and drove away . I cursed .
Manando walked up to me .

Manando : you good T

ME : I'm good .

I got inside the car and Manando also walked in

, he drove away ,we stopped as a car stood in
front of us . I sighed .

Me : fuck .

I cursed and she walked to the car . She

knocked on Manando's window .

Nairobi : I'm clean I just want your boss.

She looked at me , Manando also looked at me .

Me : it's fine I got this .

I said and walked out of the car .

Nairobi : this way .

We walk to her car ,I signal Manando to drive

away , we get into her car and she drives away .

Nairobi : why didn’t you tell me about the

amount of the product that we have .

I sighed …
Nairobi : that's not how we do things

Me : I know ,hence I asked for your help to push

this thing ,since there's someone who is trying
to get into my territory .

Nairobi : well you didn’t ask for my help , so I

ain't gonna help.

Me : come on Niger .

Nairobi :no

Me : ok fine , Nairobi please help me move this

product .
Nairobi: what ? I didn’t catch that .

Me : please help me move the product on the

streets .

Nairobi : ok , fair , but I hope there's nothing you

hiding from me .

Me : nothing .

I sighed…

Nairobi : that bad ?

Me : you don’t know . I saw Paxton at the

station today .

Nairobi : your b***h ?

Me : not really , but yes .

Nairobi : wow , what's that ?

Me : that’s 16 years .

Nairobi : how did she look ?

I kept quiet .

Nairobi : that good mhm?... Well is she married ,

got kids ?
Me : well I didn’t see her throughly I saw her
from a distance and when she saw me she ran
out .

Nairobi : mhmm I see .

Our phones beeped , Nairobi sighed when she

read her message . I took out mine and read it .

Me: Diana invited me to a family dinner at

Mother's place .

Nairobi : me too . She told us early enough , she

knew I would come with excuses , I guess my
little sister knows me .
She sighed and parked her car on my club

Me : how did you know about this place .

Nairobi : I investigate people just like I

investigate cities I move to .

I chuckled and kissed her cheeks then got out

of the car .




Me : Jane please move the new designs to the

front and please out a sale on the designs on
the Mannequin .

Jane : yes mam.

Jane is my P.A , She is doing very good . Her

work is beautiful , she has always wanted to be
a Fashion and graphic designer , so far in my
business I am the only one who designs and
Jane is behind the machine , Asanda and
Banele are behind the till . It's just the four of us
excluding the body guards hired by Lorenzo ,
speaking of him , I should text him . I take my
phone and send him a text stating that ' DON’T
PLACE ' Sent . I go back to what I was doing ,
Jane walked in …

Jane : mam, there's someone here to see you .

Me : who is it ?

Jane : claim to be your sister .

I sighed .

Me : let her in …

She walked out and Nairobi walked in .

Me: it aint like you , to not bypass because they
told you to wait . The Nairobi I know …

Nairobi : well I do have some respect you know .

Me : what are you doing here ?

Nairobi : brought a sister lunch is that bad ?

Me : no it aint .

She sat down and gave me a paper bag with

food .

Me : my favorite , you still remember .

Nairobi : hello , I went to another country not to
another medulla .

I smiled and blew her a kiss .

Me : what do you want , I know you .

Nairobi : I miss my lil sister , is that a crime ? It's

been a week since I last saw you.

Me : mhmm , I didn’t know someone does miss

me .

Nairobi : im talking about the short Dee, with

that pretty face and screaming money , who
wouldn’t miss you .
Me : haa .a , now I'm convinced you want
something , I know you , what do you want ?

Nairobi : fine , I want something .

She sighed …

Nairobi : do I really have to go ? I mean …

I interrupted her …

Me : you mean what ? You don’t want to come

along with us ?

Nairobi : yeah , you guys can go .

Me : ma wants to see you , she misses you .

Nairobi : I don’t think so …

she stood up and stood by the window …

Me : yes you do , aint we pass that ?

Nairobi : that woman blamed me for my

brother's death.

Me : she was not the one who blamed you but

her husband .

Nairobi : still, she supported him. she didn’t

want to hear my side of story and when I told
her that he raped me, she still took his side .
She made me vulnerable , and when I told my
brother he stood by my side , confronted him
not knowing that he would end up stabbed , that
day she listened to her side of the story , not
mine because her husband told her otherwise ,
she didn’t want to hear my side . That night I
wished that I followed my father , I wished that I
was the one that died instead of Nhlonipho .
She apologized but it was too late , I was
already into the risk of my life . It was too late .

Me : Nairobi , why didn’t you tell me about this .

Nairobi : call me crazy or what ( chuckled ) I

thought you wouldn’t believe me just like you
mother didn’t .

Me : Nairobi , really?
NAIROBI : you were still young that time , you
didn’t understand shit .

Me : but you forgave her right ?

Nairobi : yes I did . That sexual abuse ruined my

life , I had to opt for alcohol , cut my skin , hide
myself , end my relationship with Lo…

She cleared her throat …

Nairobi : but still at the end of the day , I forgave

her , she's my mother .

Me : then if you forgave her then lets go , it's

just dinner . What if this is our last chance of
her speaking to us ?

She exhaled …

Nairobi : I guess you are right . I will join you

guys …

She turned to look at me …

Me : that night at my place , dinner at my place ,

I overheard you and Lorenzo , what were you
exactly speaking about ? Is there something I
don’t know about?

Nairobi ; nothing much , just business , telling

him never to mess with my blood .
Me : mhmm I see , I guess we should start
having lunch , I mean my lunch.

Nairobi : your lunch obvious .

I smiled …

I was in the basement with Manando and the

boys who move my products, he removed the
cloth from the product . I cursed .

Me : this means we havent moved anything so

far .

Manando : yeah , it's just a few bricks that we

have moved so far .
Me : it's been a week already and we havent
made half of the money of the product … move
the product , I will gather a few hands , son of a
b***h gotta make peace with people .

He signaled for the boys to move .

Me : and what do you have for me ?

Manando : I found one of the people working

with the boy that stole from you .

Me : and ?

Manando : so far I suspect it's a girl . I sent

them a picture of the boy you shot .
Me :make sure you look into all the hotels in
the area that the person is looking for the boy ,
there might be some other resources and
connections he was working with which link us
to the leader of this mess.

He nodded

Me : trace this girl for me .

I handed him the picture …

Manando : sure .

He walked out, I also walked out , I got into the

car and drove away . I arrived at the
undisclosed location . I got out and walked to
him .

Him : I don’t do street meet ups.

Me : you didn’t trust me enough to meet in a

disclosed location .

Him : your message said you signed off.

Me : yes , I just wanted to see that the air is

clear between us .

Him : we good , after the night that you

convinced me that you run this sh!t .

Me : I guess you also havent found out who is

trying to get into this shit .

He kept quiet ..

Him : nothing makes sense here . This

motherfvcker is dangerous to a point where
people want to die for protecting his name .

Me : so you say .

Him : you still in business with those young kids

from your high school ?

Me : not exactly.

He nodded .
Him : when you signed off Nairobi offered me a
good cut .

Me : and I will fulfill that promise

Him : that Is what I would like to hear .

Me : good , I will be in touch about the drop off .

Him : but , I want to make decisions too and

rules , you know so that I cannot get hit again
out of this . You promise to also distribute for
me .

Me : I will think about it .

He smirked ,I walked away to the car . I got in
and drove away , this is the worst moment in
my life right now , how did we get here ? It was
fine and now this , this was not part of the plan.
I got out of the car when I arrived where I was
going . I walked to them , one of them took out
their gun …

Him : chill, I know this man . Uncle Lo

The guy moved away …

Me : GT

GT : I know nothing I swear , im just clueless

just like the rest of these peoples, unless if you
know something I don’t know.
Me : don’t forget that this was my neighborhood
. Im trying to move product. I will give you a
bigger deal and a bigger cut .

GT : I see ,the neighborhood boy made it good

and now you want to get back to the
community .

Me :It's about the money kid , it's always about

the money .

GT : That it is , until a family member get hit,my

brother ot hit and shit aint happening … let me
talk to the boys and see if whether we want t do
business with a man who fucked up the hound
dogs .

I stood up…
Me : kid . If I get the shooter ,I will shoot them

GT : I will hit you up .

Me : you do that .

I walked away … my phone beeped I checked it ,

it was manando . I walked to my car , got in and
drove away . My phone beeped again , it was
Dee ' don’t run late '

I sighed and continued driving , till I parked at

this apartment , I got out of the car and walked
to the apartment floor , I stood at the door . She
opened the door and I smirked as she startled…
Her : you scared me .

Me : I can see that ? On your way out ?

Her : as you can see .

Me : you do remember me right ?

She exhaled .

Her : yes .

Me : I still don’t get the reason you ran away

from me.
Her : I wasn’t lorenzo

Me : paxton .

Paxton : what do you want , im in a hurry .

Me : you .

I say and moved in as she moved backwards .

Paxton: I don’t understand .

Me : you not going anywhere until you tell me

the reasons that you left .

Paxton : Lo , I cant do this right now , can we do

this some other time , right now I cant . I
promise to call , take my number .

I looked at her . I took her car and stood closer

to her .

Me : if you lying to me , I will know and I will find

you in just a minute .

I moved away …

Me : good bye Pax.

I walked out . I drove to the place where the

dinner was being held at …


Me : he will be here soon, they all will be .

I said to my mother , it was just me , the kids

and her , Lorenzo and Nairobi were not here yet
,the intercom rang , Almeria stood up and got it ,
she giggled and they walked to the kitchen .

Me : finally you guys made it !

Lorenzo : I nearly got lost

We laughed .
He hugged my mother ..

Lorenzo : this is for you .

My mother opened them and she smiled.

Ma : thank you , you are truly a blessing .

Nairobi went to her and hugged her …

Nairobi : I didn’t bring you anything , one day .

mA : its fine as long as you are all here .

Ma : I cooked , your favorites .

Me : there was no need for that ma .

Ma : I wanted to .

Lorenzo ; let the old woman spoil us .

I raised my hands in surrender .

Ma : you know I had though that you would be

carrying lorenzo JNR.

I CLEARED my throat …

Me : I and lorenzo havent spoke about that…

Nairobi you enjoying your food .
She smiled …

Nairobi : it's my favorite .

I smiled

Me : ma , do you remember how much she

wanted to be a producer , the way she is holding
her fork .

Ma ; I do , she would always bang the table and

the dishes.

Nairobi chuckled …

Ma : she has grown up now , im just happy to

see you guys at the age you are at , Dee , you
are married , Nairobi , travelling the world after
so much pain you …

Nairobi : im also happy that im with you today .

She interrupted her …

She smiled at her , we ate dinner , washed the

dishes , and drove back home .

Lorenzo : it was nice you know .

Me : yeah .

He kissed my cheek .
Cane : you guys get a room .

We both looked at him and the intercom rang

again , Almeria went to get it …they walked in…

Him : what's up family ?

I smiled …

Me: what the hell ?

I walked to him and hugged him …Lorenzo and

him also bro hugged ,, he hugged Cane .

CANE : what's up Uncle K .

Knox : nothing young champ .

Me : wait ,is this my house , did you break out ?

Knox : no I walked out legal

Me : I thought you had a year left .

Knox : yeah good behavior .

Me : good behavior ?

I looked at Lorenzo ….

Me : am I seeing things ?
He shook his head no .

Me : you had something to do with this ?

He smiled , I went to him and he perked my lips

Lorenzo : can I have a moment with my older

brother ?

Me : sure . I will prepare you a room and

something to eat ..



Lorenzo walked inside our room , it was a little

bit late .

Me : went to show him the whole city now ?

He chuckled …

Lorenzo : no , it was just two brothers spending

time with each other .

I smiled
Me : im proud of you , why didn’t you tell me
about hi coming out .

Lorenzo : it was a surprise , if I told you it was

no longer gonna be a surprise, besides I didn’t
know it was gonna be so soon .

Me : well still you arranged all this and it was a

nice surprise .

I walked up to him , I stood before him and

kisses his cheek .

Me : there,s always a token of appreciation for

everything you do .

I untied my robe and looked at him , I bite my

lower lip seductively . I stand up on my toes and
kiss him , he deepens the kiss leading . I pull out

Me : make love to me ,

It came out as a whisper … he immediately

smashes his lips on mine, picking me up as he
walks towards the nearest wall he can pin me
against, he won't go to the bed and my pussy
clenches to the feel of his hard crotch against it,
he runs his hands under my night dress while
nibbling on my neck, his hands caressing and
squeezing my butt cheeks, he slides my panty a
bit down and replaces it with his fingers doing
wonders to my vibrating clits, I'm dripping wet,
he puts me down, he was about to reach for his
pants but I beat him to it, I need him as in
yesterday, he pulls me from behind my neck to
kiss me lustfully, while I somehow manage to
pull down his pants and my favorite guy springs
out with full determination pointed right at me,
he pushes me against the wall and presses
himself on me

Me :(breathlessly)Im in desperate need my love

Lorenzo : I know .

He picks me up, my hand reaches for the

TERMINATOR , i rub him and i can feel all his
veins popped out and the pre cum on the tip..
he holds my hand and we both rub his buddy,
we rub him against his honey pot ...his kisses
on my lips are making me weak. His phone
beeps but he ignores it . His hands find their
way to my butt cheeks he massages them, his
one hand slides right under in between my butt
cheeks and starts playing with my nunu, my
mouth slightly opens distracting the kiss as I
struggle to keep up with my breathing, i don't
know whether Im breathing in or out, its out of
control as my heartbeat has lost its rythm. He
recognizes my reaction and immediately picks
me up to hug against his big bulge, he unzips
my dress at the back, then pulls it up throwing it
on the floor as we enter the bedroom, he throws
me on the bed roughly causing me to bounce, I
giggle , he removes his pants followed by his
briefs , he parts my legs open and rub his
fingers on it , he slips his index finger and start
moving slowly and increases his pace .

He stops fingering me and He gets ontop of my

naked body,he stares at my swelled hard
breasts He kisses my lips for a short while then
goes down to entertain his babies licking and
softly suckling and smooching on them. He
looks deeply into my eyes .

Lorenzo : I love you .

I smile and nod as he rubs his cock on my

coochie entrance .

Me : I love you too and so much …

He slowly pushes himself inside me I gasp and

he starts moving slowly , moving his waist in
circles , He holds my waist and pounds me
,increasing the pace by the second,things have
gotten real wild,we no longer ,Controlling the
volume of our moans and groans anymore,I
hope non of the flight attenders can hear us...oh
well..not that I care..at least not now, he is
groaning as I moan pout loud for him , the
pleasure Im feeling right now makes me wanna
cry , tears fall down my cheeks , im almost
there , he stop and moves slowly , he increases
him pace once again and goes hard and fast .
An electric wave hits us and my toes curl , He's
grabbing on my hair tight ,As he releases, I
follow As if this was not enough, after a few
minutes we were ontop of each other again
....damn I missed him,this is going to be one
long night…


In the morning I woke up and did my hygiene

process , this nigga is still sleeping , I walk
downstairs to make breakfast…speaking of
sleeping , I should be the one under those
sheets tired , last night he was never getting
enough , we would rest a few minutes , then he
would be on top of me , giving deeps strokes ,
Lorenzo turned me into a sex freak , the sex he
gives out is the best , don’t ask me why im
always blinded like this by him , when it comes
to him nothing is ever wrong , he is always right ,
it's because of the love I have for him and the
sex of cause , you can do 10 positions in day
with Lorenzo , he has that sex energy , I wonder
who was his ex back then , I once asked him
and he was like "what matters is that I love you
and only you , let's not speak about those
demons anymore, I found a new place to
worship at ," like what the fuck . I remember the
day he persuaded me , nigga was like :

Lorenzo : I think I found my place to worship

God .
I was surprised and confused .

Me : I think you are lost .

I didn’t want Lorenzo, nor did I have a crush on

him , he was just a popular trouble maker whom
was known for gambling and hitting up
teachers .

Lorenzo : no im lost . I am at the right place . I

have something for you .

This moment was the funniest , he took out a

bible and gave it to me .

Lorenzo : allow me to worship you for you are

the shining light in my life , allow me Nkosazana.
Girl just laughed and looked at him .

Me ; sorry, I don’t need a worshiper .

I walked away , nigga waited for me until my

afternoon classes, this time he had a candle
and a bible , it was a little bit windy .

Lorenzo : please hold this for me .

He was calm , Lorenzo has always been calm ,

he handed me the candle and the bible , he lit
the candle after a couple of second it blew off .
This happened for several times .

Lorenzo : you see this is to show that my life is

in the dark and whenever I try to lit it up there
and people who are always turning it off . Let
me take this .

He took the candle and handed me the match

sticks . He told me to lit up the candle , I did and
it lit up . He smiled .

Lorenzo : you see this is what I mean , you are

the light that lits up my life , please , letme
worship the ground you walk on .

Me : no I

I walked away , nigga didn’t back down …

" penny of your thoughts,"

I look around and it Knox .

Me : no .

He hugs me and sits on the high chair ..

Me : how is life in there ?

Knox : good when you know how to run that

place .

Me : it looks like you enjoyed your stay there .

Knox : who wouldn’t , I had a private cell , that

my brother paid for me .
I smiled .

Me: you bragging about your brother ? Well I

also have beautiful diamonds earings from my

He chuckled .

Knox : You so funny Diana.

Me : I try , how did you sleep ?

Knox : safe .

I smiled , cane walked downstairs with Almeria ,

cane kissed me on my cheeks and Almeria
hugged me .

Cane : uncle K , we never had time to bond last

night .

Me : your uncle was tired cane don’t you think ?

Cane : yeah . You aint busy today so maybe we

could hit the streets and get a few hit chicks on
the street …

Me : cane

Knox laughed .

Me : Knox reprimand him . You laughing ?

Knox : what can I do ? You have hot chicks kid ?

Me : I know them .

Knox : and you Almeria …

Cane : Almeria knows not to mess around with

boys .

Almeria : and wo are you to tell me that .

Cane : your older brother .

Almeria : the last time I checked I was the first

one to be born not you .
Cane : it makes no difference to me . You are
my sister and you know damn right to never
mess around with boys , focus on TikTok.

Almeria showed him a fist and Cane smirked .

This one is a pain in the A$$.

Me : aint you writing today Cane?

Cane : no I'm not .

Me : shouldn’t you be studying and this thing of

yours bunking school , hell no its not happening
in my house .

Cane : I don’t bunk school ma , we get released

early , Almeria be busy with her friends .

Me : is it , even classes get out early too ?

He rolled his eyes …

Me : Cane !

Cane :alright ma , some of us school is not

meant for us , we just want to hustle and live a
soft life .

Me : education is the key to success !

He chuckled …
Cane : Ma, Education is not actually the key to
success. Dad made it without education , look
at the life you guys have together . If I may ask
did dad ever show you a paper called a degree ?

" CANE !"

He turned to look at him , he walked away .

Lorenzo : Cane !

Cane : Almeria the transport his here, we should

get going , I will find you in the car .

He walked upstairs and walked downstairs

carrying the bags , he came to my side and
kissed my cheek .
Cane : at the end of the day you are my mother .

I sighed , wonders never cease .

Cane : good bye family .

He walked out …

Knox : he is Just like you Lorenzo .

Lorenzo : I wasn’t like this .

Know : you were disrespectful as ever .

Lorenzo chuckled , he came to my side and held

my waist .

Lorenzo ; you got out of bed early today.

Me : I had to prepare breakfast , I gave aunt a


He kissed my cheek and I served them

breakfast .we ate when we were done eating I
rinsed the dishes and Lorenzo and Knox went
out . Jane came by I asked her to come by.

Me : please follow me .

We walked to the room upstairs . I opened the

door and she walked in .
Jane : wow .

I smiled …

Jane : all this by you ?

I nodded .

Jane : you are incredible mam …

Me : Diana .

Jane : yeah , this is art .

She took one of the dresses I had hand out …

Jane : can I borrow this ?

Me : no way, that’s personal .

Jane : damn Diana , you husband keeps you

lace if you have all this .

She showed me a diamond necklace .

Jane : you hit the lottery girl .

Me : yeah I guess …

I sighed as she looked around the designs.

Me : you know Jane , clothes , diamond earrings

but these things come with challenges .

Jane : stop playing with me , your husband is

working hard for this .

Me: im not playing with you jane .

Jane : whatever , I would kill to have something

like this , please let me design this one please .

I sighed …

Me : you don’t know what it takes to kill a bed .


Sir : Mr Ndlovu , what quote do you mostly

believe in ?

Me : you work hard in secret and archive in


Sir : Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela quote.

Me : let there be freedom .

The class laughed …

Sir : another one .

Me : sir the only quote that I believe on Mandela
is ' Amandla awethu, let there be change , let
there be freedom ' infact I no longer believe in it .

Sir : havent you heard of the phrase ' education

is the key to success'

Me : I have a lot , today its like the upteenth

time im hearing of it . And I also don’t believe in
it .

Sir : why don’t you no longer believe in the


Me : it's all just a lie .

Sir : but education is the key to success don’t

you think ?

Me : No, Education is not actually the key to

success. You know why ? Because the real key
is YOU; who is a hardworking, who try its best,
who doesn't surrender, willing to accept the
trials and challenges in life. What is an
educated person if it is unmannered person?
Degree is just a piece of paper. Your education
is seen in you behavior.
The room was filled by a deafening silence.

"I also agree sir " Steve my friend said .

Steve : If education is the key to success then

kind of success do you mean will be achieved
by educated people sir when sometimes they
use their knowledge to bring other people down?
Education isn't the key, humanity is. A bachelor
is just a word, and a degree is just a black and
white paper , and a robe , it just a black thing
that is very cold instead of being hot , and the
hat , even a cap is better sir , when it,s hot does
the hot ease the hotness of the sun on my face ,
no but only hotness .

I fist bumped him .

Me : honestly sir , even the phrase ' amandla

awethu ' that’s just us black people convincing
ourselves , fine , here is a question , is amandla
really awethu ? Because Amandla!!!We usually
say Awethu! Forgive me asking Do you really
think awethu? We vote ,And we give them
power ,But when they are in power They abuse
us with their power When days are dark Eskom
is responsible…
They laughed …

Me : Do you really think , our precious voices

counts? Huh They don't care about our lives
They only care about our votes They talk about
change But I don't see any changes All I see is
the racist faces They campaign about peace
But their actions promote war Like
We are the victims , Of their own corruptions All
these years People were voting for tears ,We
have many graduates But still yet unemployed

I chuckled ….

Me :What a shame! And the same education ,

Education is no longer a key , To success.
Connections are the key , To success.
Connections speaks louder Than qualifications
How is that fair , huh? These politicians are
greedy They aren't feeding the needy ,Wake up
South Africans , Let's stop voting for crooks
,Amandla! We usually say Awethu! Do you
really think awethu?

Sir : mhmm….


I was driving with Knox showing him the city …

Me : where to first ? Chicks or ?

Knox : chicks like Dee ?

I chuckled …

knox: I know she burns like a motherfucker man

Me : yeah .

Knox ; you telling me you aint looking for other

chicks out here ?

Me : no , but guess what , I met Paxton .

Knox : your b***h?

Me : yeah , long time .

Knox : how did she look ?

Me : good .

I smiled .

Knox : that good right .

I nodded .

Knox : she got kids , is she married?

Me : I didn’t see any ring on her finger .i think no

kids .
Knox : have you told them about yours ?

I sighed …

Me : we havent spoken .

Knox : oh hell shit .

Me ; what do you mean by that ?

Knox : I mean what the fuck do you think on

doing ? when that b***h left she fucked you up
a bad time , worse she didn’t even say goodbye
, you woke up to an empty bed after an intense
sex making .
Me : come on ,that was long time ago .

Knox ; Dee is a good woman bro , you fucked

around back then but now you are old , father to
two beautiful twins , don’t think about fucking
around now . You cant be chasing a pussy from
high school

I chuckled …

Me : ok , that, s new , but thanks and I know me

and Dee have a good thing .im not trying to fu#k
that up , it's just that it got me thinking.

Knox : stop thinking unless you trying to open

up your wounds from childhood .
Me : you should get cleansed .

He looked at me and we laughed..

Knox : seriously bro , you made it here with Dee

, there aint no friends in the street man , people
are hungry and they looking for the next meat,
you know when a nigga want's something then
that means that nigga wants you dead …

I stopped the car when a car stopped infront of

us , she got out and got in the car …

Nairobi : look who is back , Fucking Knox.

Knox laughed …
Nairobi : how have you been babe ?

Knox : never been good without you of course .

She leaned over and they kissed.

Me : ewww,

They pulled out .

Me : I feel like im being stalked here .

Nairobi : I told you imma always be on your

case .

Knox : you still crazy ?

Nairobi : you little brother got me crazy the day
that he cheated on me .

Knox ; damn …. How is business .

Nairobi : not so good , lot of shit , bet your lil bro

told you about .

Me : we cant be talking business now Ngeria ,

nigga jjust got out , he deserves some fuin .

Nairobi : im the fun .




I dropped Knox at my club then drove away . I

parked y car on the side of the street and took
out my phone . I had almost 4 voice mail
messages . I listened to them one of the was
from Paxton . I dialed her number and she
answered on the second ring .

Paxton : hello .

Me : Pax .

Paxton : Lo
Me: you surprised I called ?

Paxton :well after your pone took me straight to

voicemail ;why wouldn’t I be ?

Me :I did tell you I wont let you get away , I

meant it , one call from you doesn’t mean I will
just let you go away .

I heard her exhaling …

Me : lunch with me?

Paxton : I can't , I have a presentation for my

case , im new at this place and I need to prove a
point .
Me : yeah but I know you , I sure you have been
on this presentation for what ? Weeks now ?

She chuckled ..

Pax : where ?

Me : I will send you the location .

I hung up and sent her the location .

Jane left an hour ago , I was left alone just
preparing supper . Cane walked downstairs .

Cane : my favorite woman in my life .

Me : you give me a headache .

He came to my side and kissed my cheek .

Cane : but yet it doesn’t change the fact that im

your son and you get birth to me .

I rolled my eyes .

Me : what do you want Cane ? Honestly I cant

deal with you .
Cane : im my own man mom.

Me :what must we do for you to drop this

attitude ?

He hugged my shoulders and took a carrot .

Cane : let me live my life the way I want , don’t

write my destiny , don't try to change my destiny
, let alone my fate . Let me walk my destiny
alone , not with anyone.

I sighed .

Me : you are young cane , very young .

Cane : no I ain't , I 17 years old , next year im
going to varsity .

Me : you want to go to varsity ?

Cane : yes , I heard there's good stuff of cheeks

there . I want you to know that whatever you do
or anything that I do I don’t mean to heart you
nor is it my intentions but I want you to always
know that I love you , you and Almeria come
first to me . Okay ?

I nodded and he kissed my cheeks.

Cane : my wife . Nkosazana .

I smiled …


I was sitting on the table , I looked at the time ,

she is late with 10 minutes , I looked at the door
as she approached me . I stood up and opened
a chair for her , she sat down , I also did .

Me : you are late ,that's unlike you .

Pax : im sorry , the traffic here is too bad .

Me : I see , aint you having anything ?

She called the waiter to our table and placed an
order .

Pax : I have heard a lot about you , you archived

your dream .

Me : you still remember ?

Pax : I do , having establishments .

Me :yeah .

Pax : we used to tell each other everything back

then …. The last time we had lunch it wasn’t
something like this .

Me : you enjoyed the food though .

She laughed …

Pax : yes I did , and you kept on making those

funny jokes of yours , led me to your bedroom ,
then the deed, I almost got late to go home .

She laughed again …

Me : that was the idea .


Pax : uhm … that was an opportunity I couldn’t

miss , but that doesn’t mean it was easy to go .
Look Lo , im sorry , I sorry I left the way I did .
Me : you didn’t leave even a note , let alone a
piece of your belonging , I tried your number
several times it kept on ringing . I thought and
hoped you would call me back , but you were…
gone . And later I found out you were pregnant ,
you didn’t tell me about it .

Pax : I also didn’t know , I wanted to tell you just

after I found out , I would have dropped
everything and came back but it was too late , I
had a miscarriage . I wanted to coe back here to
tell you that I miscarried our child , he didn’t
survive and that only on-… uhm I wanted to call
but I knew that hearing your voice … im sorry Lo .

Me : I didn’t care if you came back or not , you

should have called , told the same friend you
told about your pregnancy .
Pax : it took me months to heal … im here now ,
you are here , im working as a prosecutor , you
are a successful businessman . Just how we
planned .

She wiped her lone tear , I held her hand .

Me : not exactly how we planned .

She smiled and her phone beeped, she reached

for it and cursed …

Me : what ?

Pax : oh shit I gotta go .

Me : as in like now ?
She stood up …

Pax : yes , look Lo , im sorry .

I stood up and she hugged me …

Pax : thanks for lunch .

I held her by her waist …

Me : when can we do this again ?

Pax : I will call you , hope it wont take me to

voicemail .
I let go of her and she walked away …


Knox walked in , we were playing monopoly , it

was just me and the twins , I somehow
managed to convince Ria to put her phone
down for a few hours . Though it was a struggle
and came with excuses, excuses . Knox was
wet …

Me : you look drunk .

Knox : yeah thanks to you husband .

Me : speaking of him , where is he ?

Knox : he left at some club and told me he got

shit to handle .

Me : oh … I see , and how did you get home ?

Knox : took a taxi , I was sure never to return but

those chicks were going to blow all of my
money .

I laughed …

I arrived at my workplace a little bit late , with 10
minutes to be exact .


Chief : I was going to send a search party for

you . I heard that you are never late .

Me : I know and I sorry .

He looked at me …

Me : look I know you want this presentation tpo

be a shot , im not gonna blew it .
Chief : just know if you do it's both our reses .

I sat down …

Chief : I am Joey , the CHIEF OF CRIMINAL

am promoted here to be working on a case of
drugs and obviously homicide , I come a long
way with my assistance Paxton . From now on I
will be leading this task force , our goal is the
prosecution of one of the most notorious drug
traffickers and distributors and gold smugglers
in the country more especially in the city . We
already have a target on the case but was shot
dead , whom we assume it was done by the
distributor , now I urge you that no one ,not even
your families can know the name of our target .
Greek , he is high profiled drug distributor even
in the states , still the police still cant get him
behind bars . Word is out that the person who
he distributes for is our main target also they In
this shit together , he is a gold smuggler ,
distributor and the target . But knowing we cant
touch Greek because there was a deal that was
made that he cant go to jail anymore . He is
under the government's protection . Therefore
our aim is the gold smuggler and the distributor
for now he remains unknown … Ms Pax please

I stood up …

Me : the good news being that , we have been

granted permission from the government to
detain and prosecute Greek if we can build a
compiling case against him . Or we build a case
on his distributor ..
Chief: we cant touch him unless we know we
can put him in jail .

Me : hence my question is ; who can give us the

name and details we need to convict Greek's
distributor ? Unfortunatley we don’t know who
that is ? But we do have profiles of the type of
criminal we looking for . He is a highly
organized individua with an stylish network in
place , he owns establishments , hotels ,
apartments , you name them . Secondly this
means he already knows how to move money
for his system , he is violent and dangerous
enough to control his territory but still has
something to lose , something that his enemies
can threaten to keep him in line , so why are
many people looking to replace him ? What
could have gone wrong ? There must be some
element out of his control . But whatever the
reason this problem between his worst enemy
and this guy is exactly what we need to exploit .
Because the man we looking for is in great
danger from his unknown enemy and from US .




Things have been difficult lately , well maybe

not on the business but at home , Lorenzo , he
is distant , maybe not that distant cause the
love making is still there , but then there's an
inch that is taken out of our relationship , I don’t
know how to explain this but I hope it's nothing
bad , or maybe it's just my mind playing games
with me , at least I hope so , I hope it's just my
mind playing games with me. The business is
expanding day by day , we having more orders .
It's surprising how we growing this fast . And us
growing means that im always busy with
designs and all that . I had to bring back Aunt
Mary . Though I didn’t like that doing that cause
it feels more like I need her when things are bad
on my side .

"Mam , there's someone here to meet you" jane


Me : please let them in .

She walks away and after a few minutes a man

walks in .
Me : good day sir .

Him : good day .

Me : oh please take a sit … I'm Diana Ndlovu by

the way .

Him : pleasure to meet you Diana . I'm Melusi

Bhengu .

Me : nice to meet you too Mr Bhe-

Melusi : oh please call me Melusi , as I call you

Diana , or would you prefer your last name ?

Me : no, Diana is fine. How may I be of help

today ?
Melusi ; I want a design of sort of like a dinner
dress .

"What the hell ? You can buy that at the shop Mr

" I thought …

Melusi : Diana

I cleared my throat .

Me : you were saying a dinner dress design and


Melusi : it's clear you were not listening to me .

What were you saying with your mind ?
Me : nothing.

Melusi : mhmm , I see , as I was saying I want a

dress a woman can wear when she's is going
out on a dinner date . I want it designed by you.

Me : ok , that's not an issue , all im gonna

require from you is for you to bring the lady for
measurements .

Melusi : I want it to be a surprise .

Me : uhm … then you can bring the lady's

measurements I can give you the measurement
scale and what needs to be measured .

Melusi : still , I will fail to do so , I want it to be a

known but not expected surprise .

Me : I see .

Melusi : measure using your body , you and the

lady are the same size , measure using your
body .

Me : uh… okay … design ? What kind of design

would you love ?

Melusi : the design that you love and you would

want to wear on dinner date .

Me : uh… that's going to be uhm less but costly

too …
Melusi : I don’t care , I don’t mind spending on a
woman I like .

Me : well … she's very fortunate .

Melusi : she sure is .

Me : is that all ?

Melusi : yes , that’s all .

Me : good … uhm when do you need the dress ?

Melusi : ok , if you were to be getting married

,when would you need the dress ?
Me : I don’t follow … and im already married .

Melusi : scratch that , if you were to be married ,

when would you need the dress .

Me : it's my wedding so , soon ?

Melusi : exactly , soon . I will take your contact

details regarding the design .

Me : sure do .

Melusi : once again , it was nice meeting you

Diana .

He winked at me ,I smiled .
Me : likewise .

He walked out of the office . Now what was that

? My phone rang it was my mother ..

Me : ma , I already told you that I will send

someone to come collect you .

Ma : I know , I was just checking up on you baby

. Have you eaten ?

Me : ma , im busy right now .

Ma :I know but have you eaten something ? You

haven't ?
Me : ma , I will eat when I have time , it's not
even my lunch break yet .

Ma : hello , did you see the time ?

I sighed and looked at my wrist watch. I cursed

but not too loud . My door swung open and
Jane walked in holding what looks like
takeaways .

Me : ma , thanks for checking up and yes I will

eat , my food just arrived now .

Ma : ok baby . I love you .

Me : I love you back ma .

I hung up and sighed …

Me :please tell me that : that belongs to me .

Jane : yes . It belongs to you .

Me : why didn’t you tell me about lunch, now I

have missed it.

Jane: you were too busy for eating lunch .

I sighed …

Me : thanks .

Jane : I didn’t buy that .

Me : then who did ?

Jane : I don’t know maybe your husband , it has

a note .

I took the note and read it …

' hope this makes you remember about the

design of a dress for dinner , '

I smiled …

Jane : mhmm , he bought you lunch …

me : you right , it's from him .

Jane : I still repeat you have hit the mother
fuckin lottery .

I faintly smiled…


I walked to the basement , I found Manando ,

Nairobi and the boys , I walked over to them .
The was a body infact two bodies on top of the
table . The both looked like shit . He was dead .

Me : the fuck did this ?

Nairobi : this was done by our enemy . This is
our boy and the person who shot him .

Me : and you still don’t know who it is , even the

product it aint moving the way it should
because of this mother fucker .

Nairobi : we cant move the product , you know

that Term , we cant , and tonight it's the day ,
we cant be moving the product and smuggle
gold at the same time , that's insane .

He chuckled …

Nairobi : you forgot , we digging the mine

tonight .
Me : I didn’t forget , I got a lot of shit on my
mind , the establishments …

Nairobi : you opened that place to clean your

fuckin dirty money . The shit that you should be
handling right now Is o figure out that fucken
move .

Me : how did they find out that he is our boy ?

Nairobi : they followed him maybe , don’t you

think ?

Me : from where ? How ? They just know when

and where to hit. Fuck !

Nairobi : What?
Me : I think they got us , our phones , think
technology .

Manando : how ? They are burners . None of

them are traceable .

Me : spies, bugs but they gotta be tracking us

someway . Here is the word . Everybody here ,
we rotate phones tonight .

Nairobi : didn’t see that coming . But we need to

find out who hired this mother fucker . We need
to build up ,arm up , clean up the yard once and
for all .

Me : with who ? Cause the last time I checked

our operation was built for fair ness , but look
now , we have a mother fucker trying to blow
us , we don’t have enough street soldires .

Nairobi ; so we find or we buy some street

soldiers , that Is local business …

Me : no , cause if the mother fucker send it then

he owns this firm and he will take advantage of
our weakness and the he sell us out , either way
we are fucked . But you are right about one
thing , we cant let this go .

Nairobi : damn right you are .

Me : I gotta be somewhere right now .


Me : ma, you didn’t have to do this .

Ma : you are my daughter , I had to do this .

I smiled .

Ma : eat .

I smiled …

Me : you have been behaving like a teenager

lately , what's going on ?
Ma ; nothing .

ma: any relationships.

Me :no .

Ma : why ?

Me : all of the guys ,they wont make me feel like

I don’t know , they don’t give me goosebumps ,
butterflies , there are no tingles in my body .

Ma ; you still thinking of love like a teeanager ,

goosebumps and all that are all fairy tales . You
don’t have forever , God put's people in our lives
for reasons , you don’t want to turn around and
find out it's too late . You have a beautiful son .
Whom I consider my son ,you telling me that he
doesn’t deserve a chance to life .

Me : ma , Canon is old , I don’t think he needs a

father at his age , but someday I would wish for
him to meet his father …

She sighed …


My mother had arrived , we were preparing

dinner , just the two of us , the kids were in their
bedrooms and Knox went out . Lorenzo texted
that he won’t make it at tonight's dinner .
Ma : you telling me that Lorenzo texted instead
of calling you that he wont bother coming home
to have dinner with the kids , let alone his
mother in law ?

Me : like I said , he doesn’t have to call , I know

where he is . He is working for me , and the
kids . The hotel isn't managing fine by now

Ma ; that's what he told you ?

Me : yes , and if there was another business he

would tell me that too. We are partners . No
secrets , it's marriage . You wont know too
much of that , you never had a good one .

Ma : well if he tells you everything , now you tell

me . Why does he have to be always absent in
his kid's life ?

Me : Lorenzo is a present parent , he is working

for us . You know those white people like
everything their way .

Ma : come on Nomalanga , there's no hotel

anything here , girls in the hotel at this time ,
with him there …

Me : well Lorenzo wouldn’t leave for a hoe who

has nothing and leave all of this behind . I mean
look at me . Im my mommas daughter .

She laughed …
Ma : I used to have that line also all the time .
But listen to me , there's always another ass .

Me ; ma , W-E A-R-E F-I-N-E , me and LORENZO ,

we are fine . And I think you need to mind your
mouth right now . I am the one taking care of
you .

Ma : Lorenzo is the one taking care of me , don’t

get it twisted. Just know this , if he leaves you ,
he leaves all of us . That diamond ring on your
finger aint no insurance. I think you should just
start in saving more of those diamond earrings
cause , that ring aint no insurance , there's
always another ass .

I havent forgotten you on Tainted



It was past 12 midnight , I was still waiting for

Lorenzo , I heard footsteps but he didn’t come
into the room , okay , sleep took over me , I
woke up in the morning and he was not in bed ,
I sighed and got off the bed , I fixed the bed and
walked to the bathroom , I found him there . I
handed him the towel as he wanted one …

Lorenzo : thanks amor .

Me : I received your text and I have to say it's
new for you not to have dinner with us .

Lorenzo : it's always business Dee , you know

this things , the gold smuggling last night , we
found a huge diamond .

Me : mhmm I see . I never thought you also do

this shit . I thought you had boys to do the dirty
work for you .

Lorenzo : we don’t have enough boys Dee .

Me : you say so .

Lorenzo : is there something else that maybe I

did ?
Me : no , you tell me , is there something wrong ,
don’t tell me you cant feel the distance between
us Venom .

Lorenzo : what distance ? It's business as usual

Dee .

Me : and im not disputing that Venom , when

was the last time you and I went out for a dinner
date . You no longer make time for the kids , it's
always business this and that .

Lorenzo : now I think you aint being fair , how do

you expect to have all these fancy clothes and
hot water each and every morning if im here
with you guys ? You know what I think you have
lost your mind right now , you are not being
reasonable , you want me to make time for the
kids , sit at home whilst you go work , that's
insane , in fact you should be the one sitting at
home and being my wife … speaking of wife and
family , why aint you pregnant after all these
years we have been together , clearly Ria and
Cane cant be our last kids right ,and the last
time I checked there's nothing wrong with me .

I swallowed hard …

Me : it's fine Lorenzo , I will play house wife .

Lorenzo : that was not the question , I asked

you a question , why aint you pregnant after all
the whole 17 years of having the twins ? I don’t
remember myself pulling out of you when we
have sex .
Me : well I don’t know .

I sulked …he chuckled .

Lorenzo : if I were you I would drop that skinky

attitude , I repeat this for the last time , when im
away , im busy with something important .

Me : important more than your family ?

He sighed …

Me : that important , mhmm , I see

I said and walked away but he pulled me back.

Lorenzo : why do you love making life so
difficult ?

He asked his hands playing with my breasts .

Lorenzo : mhmm ?

I didn’t answer instead he pushed me to the

wall ,he pinned me on the wall and pulled my
night dress up and pulled my panties down, he
then took off his towel and pushed his cock in ,
I gasp as I wasn’t ready for it nor was I wet
enough to accommodate him . He pulled up and
picked , I wrapped my legs around. Pinned me
straight again the wall, Both my hands around
his neck. Balancing myself so I don't fall... He
went in and hard . I gasped again , he started
going in and out of me …

Lorenzo : im the man in this relationship and

you are the woman . Okay ?!

I didn’t answer instead he banged into me so

hard when my body was failing me he pulled
out . And went in again , more harder this time .

Lorenzo : right ?

He asked going in and out of me so very fast

that I felt an electric wave hit me and he pulled
out again …

Me : yes , yes you are the man .

He rubbed his fingers on my clitoris gentle , I
wanted more and I knew that I wasn’t going to
receive that any time toon .

Lorenzo n: I wear the trousers right ?

He said playing with my nuna , I bite my lower

lip and he pushed his finger deep inside me , I
gasped for air .

Me : right .

He inserted his cock inside me again and

moved fasted , he hit my g-spot and when I was
close to cumming he pulled out and bent my
head to him , so that I can give him a blow job,
he fucked my mouth , deep throat , he was
groaning in pleasure till he came inside my
mouth , he raised my head and looked at me , I
knew what that meant , I must swallow his
semen . I swallowed and he pulled out and
looked at me …

Lorenzo : hope this makes you realise who is

the man in this house … and im pretty sure im
not fertile ,not knowing about you , I will have to
find that out for myself .

He walked away after wiping himself . I just

took the towel and wiped my tears . That was
the first time lorenzo doing that to me . I finally
stood up and walked to the shower and took a
bath .

I walked downstairs and found everyone gone .
They had breakfast already , my mother is with
aunty Mary , my mother is a piece of work so
eish you can only imagine how she is , she is
like Nairobi , they talk too much , they like giving
people advices yet they fail to practice what
they preach .

Me : im going to work , I will see you all ladies

later .

Aunty : ok baby .

Ma : Noma my child let me walk you out .

She follows me as she walks me out of the

house to the car , I open the car and put my
things .
Ma : you didn’t have breakfast with us this
morning .

Me : I overslept ma .

Ma ; and he failed to wake you up ?

Me : ma , please not now , im drained already ,

please don’t drain the energy left out of me .

Ma: ok , if you say so .

Me : I will see you later . I love you .

She blows me a kiss and in get inside the car

and drive away. I first pop by the doctor , I need
to untie my fallopian tubes otherwise im good
as a dead woman walking . He has a few
patients , meaning I will have to wait since I
didn’t make an appointment . I wait there . After
an hour I walk to his office .

Doctor : Missus Ndlovu

Me : hey doctor .

Doctor : how may I be of help today ?

Me : im here to untie my fallopian tubes .

Doctor : oh ok , we can do that .

He tell me about what he is going to do , he
does what he is supposed to do and tell me the
manual on what I shoud do when at home ,
when he is done I gather my things ang stand
up …

Me : doc Im gonna need a favor

Doc : which is ?

Me : I would like for you to keep the patients

confidentiality law strict with my husband , he
must never know about this . Me here tying my
fallopian tubes , he must never know about it.
And why am I telling you this ? Im telling you
this because incase he pops by and ask why I
havent fallen pregnant by now tell him that it's
natural things , it happens all the time … you
know . If not you don’t want to know what he
will do to me and and you included .

Doc : sure …

Me : I will send your money .

He nodded and I walked out . Io walked to my

car , I got in and drove away to the workshop . It
was busy today . The first thing jane asked was ;
where have you been ?i didn’t even answer her- I
just went to my office and carried on with doing
my regulars , a message pops in and I view it …
' have you eaten lunch ?'

It's Melusi , I recognise his numb er cause he

also texted me yesterday , I don’t respond to his
text and he calls …
Me :hello .

Melusi : you didn’t respond to my text .

Me : I'm busy .

Melusi : but you viewed the message .

Me : what do you want ?

Melusi : forget about that , im on my way to

bringing you lunch .

Me : what ? No you cant come here .

Melusi : then you come were I am .

Me : I cant .

Melusi : then im coming there .

He hung up , I sighed . The thing is Lorenzo's

body guards , I keep myself busy with the new
designs , my door opens and Melusi walks in .
He coes to my sid e and kiss my cheek .

Me : how did you pass Jane .

Melusi : I have my own ways as a man to

women .

Me : I dont wish to know them .

He chuckles and sits down….

Melusi : I brougt you lunch .

Me : you didn’t have too , but thank you . And

don’t you have a wife in which you should be
taking this to ?

Melusi : you will meet her one day .

I smile and open the take away and start eating .

Melusi : you skipped breakfast .

Me : I was in a hurry .
Melusi : I will take that for now , I guess I will
also have to bring you breakfast .

Me : what ? No , you don’t have too… look Mel

this is enough , lunch is enough .

Melusi : mhmm I love the name Mel.

He winks at me and smiles . Funny me I trust

this man with huis food , I could die from
poison . my phone beeps and it's Lorenzo

' at the club tonight , I will get you a dress you

can wear ,'

I clear my throat and look at Melusi …

Melusi : something wrong ?

Me : no , thanks for the food . It's very kind of

you .

Melusi :I try my best .

I smile and he also smiles …


I was in the meeting with the taskforce …

Me : I got a few ideas of the Network distributi…

Nick interrupted me …

Nick : Paxton , I think we should look into this

Greek first .

Me : even if we find something on Greek we

cant do anything with hi .

chief : Paxton is right , please carry on .

Me : as I was saying , creating a strong profile

on Greeks distributor

Nick : we have an idea of one of the boys that

were on the shooting , we could use him to get
us the information .

Me : im the one asked for ideas and im the one

that mostly approve to whether it's a risk or not .

Nick : I was just suggesting that this boy is our

advantage , we get hi we have the distributor .
We can just locate this boy .

Me : great . I guess you can call your agent to …

Nick : actually yes , im busy locating this guy as

we speak .

Me : good , so we know who we looking for , so

in addition for our distributor , he should have
an extensive network and a reliable pathway
for his product, in which we talking about the
streets , the boys in the streets , that's what we
mean . So the most likely point of entrance is
This city and in the streets . I suggest we put
under covers on the streets .

Chief : good , meeting adjourned .

We all stood up and walked away , chief called

me her office …

Me : you requested for my presence .

Chief : im impressed . I love it so far .

Me : it's for the team not for me .

She smiled … I checked my phone Lo hasn’t
called .


Knox walked inside the basement . I was

looking at the product ..

Knox : we not doing quite good here .

Me : don’t say that again .

Knox : you didn’t come to me , why is that ? I

thought we were brothers.
me: I thought you want clean from this , you
just came out of prison and …

Knox : and what , I wouldn’t help a brother ?

Come on , im your brother who else will you run
to other than me ?

I sighed …

Knox ; exactly no one.

Me : my boy got shot last night .

Knox ; that is nothing , he is just a boy , he is

replaceable , did he die /
Me : no .

Knox ; exactly you let him go cause this aint it ,

one day he will wake upand say fuck life , im
going to report these motherfuckers to the
police then what ? We are screwed , you find
another boy .

I nodded …

Knox : and you should rotate phones cause it

looks like they are going to be a problem .

I nodded .

Knox : let's go home .

We walked out and drove home …


I drove back home and took a shower , the

dress that Lorenzo got for me was too revealing
, I settled for my own choice . I did my make up
and the door swung open and he walked in …

Lorenzo : you look beautiful .

I smiled …

Lorenzo ; you cant be angry even now , you

pushed me to that liit , you know I never do that
and I aint gonna apologize for shit . Icase you
must know I will be monitoring every move of
yours from now, don’t be surprised about the
guards . And be quick we don’t have much time
here , and wear the dress that I bought you .

Me : I love this one , that one is too revealing

venom .

Lorenzo ; im here aint I ? you need to wear like

you own the club not like you trying to get into
the club . You have 10 minutes , 10 .

He walked away , I sighed and changed into the

dress he bought for me . When I was done I
walked downstairs and kissed the kids good
bye , even my mother . We walked to the car , he
opened the door for me and I got in , he went to
his side , he then drove away .
After an hour and a few minutes we arrived at
the club , we went in …

Lorenzo : go to the VIP lounge there's

something I need to take care off .

I nodd and I he walks away, I do as I was old

and order some wine , Lorenzo allows me to
drink . I drink until I realise he is not coming
back yet. I stand up and walk to one of his
guards …

Me : havent you seen my husband ?

Him : he's is on that side .

I nod and walk away to where I was directed ,I
see him with a girl , smiling and talking , he
kisses her forehead and hugs her then he pulls
her away from the crowd … I walk to where my
guard is …

Me : please take me home .

Him : mam , is there something wrong ?

Me : no , I just have a bad headache , im not

feeling well please take me home .

He nods and we walk to the car , he opens the

door for me and he drove away… I look up to
prevent my tears
Me : it was just a client Dee , he hugs them , it's
normal …



I arrived at home and found the kids with my


Cane : ma , you came back early tonight , where

is dad ?

Me : I - I left him at the club .

Ria : is there anything wrong ?

Me : no , I have an headache , my mind is

focused on this dress and shit .

Cane : headache , I will get you some pills .

Me : thanks , but for now I just need to lie down

please , no disturbance .

They nodded and I walked upstairs . I got inside

my bedroom and changed into my pyjamas , I
rinsed my face and opened the covers , the door
swung open …

Me : I strictly said no disturbance …

It was Cane …

Me : Cane , what do you want ?

Cane : I brought you some pills for your

headache .

Me : thanks , you are sweet .

Cane : it's my job to do so .

I smiled and walked out , he opened the door

again and peeped in…

Cane : and Ma , I know you will nail that design

you working on .
Me : thanks .

He blew me a kiss and closed the door , I

sighed . We are a happy family what's there to
worry about other than Lorenzo and his
enemies ? Lorenzo made a vow that he would
never cheat on me , he would never break that
vow , he hasn’t broken any vows in our
marriage . I get undercovers and sleep took
over me ..


I woke up in the morning to an empty bed ,

nowadays Lorenzo always wakes up before me
and I hate that , it akes me look like I'm a lazy
wife. Anyways never mind that , I got out of the
bed and fixed the bed then walked to the
bathroom to brush my teeth , I then walk out of
the bathroom to the bedroom , I find him there ,
he is from the gym , he takes off his T-shirt .

Me : Morning .

Lorenzo : morning love .

Me : im sorry I left early last night , I didn’t want

to bother you , you were with somebody .
Looked like you really wanted to talk to her .

I say running my hands on his back , he turns to

look at me .
Lorenzo : I ran into a friend from school last
night .

Me : I see …

He held my hands and pulled me to him , he

grabbed my wasit .

Lorenzo : hey , babe , aint no reason to trip

Dee,mhmm ?

He perked my lips .

Lorenzo : I have all of this so …

He perked my lips again .

Me : sorry , mom and I were talking yesterday
and I just … you know what never mind .

Lorenzo : you and mom will always talk .

I smiled …

Lorenzo : want to join me ?

Me : I'm right after you .

He walked into the bathroom. " you see Dee ,

there's nothing wrong here , Lorenzo is yours ,
he is not going anywhere , you vowed , till death
do us apart " I thought …
I went to the bathroom and joined Lorenzo , we
had a naughty one obvious , Lorenzo is a sex
freak or am I allowed to say Sex Diva . When
we were done doing our hygiene process we
walked downstairs . Everyone was in the dining
table ..

Lorenzo : im not here yet and you guys have

already started ?

Knox : and who are you ?

Lorenzo : im the man of the house , incase you

have forgotten .

Knox : so we must wait for you when you lay it

down ?
Cane : yoh , damn !

Lorenzo : enough…

Cane and Knox just laughed …

Ma : enough you too . Lorenzo is correct .

Cane rolled his eyes , as for Ria she was just

laughing .

Lorenzo : exactly ma .

Knox laughed ..

Lorenzo : enough lets go , we got some shit that

we need to handle.

Knox took a bite from him food and stoop up …

Lorenzo : wait , did you rotate phones ?

Knox : yes , brand new .

Me : rotate the phones ? What happened ?

He looked around the kitchen …

Lorenzo : nothing , just business as usual .

He perked my lips .
Lorenzo : I will see you later on tonight . I love
you .

Me :I love you too.

He walked away , he walked out of the house , I

ran after him …

Me : Venom , wait , your new number !

He drove out of the yard …

I cursed …

Me : now how am I supposed to get ahold of

you ?
I walked back in side , I a gathered staff and
kissed everyone good bye , I then drove to work


Getting to know me , im Paxton Nontombi

Dlomo , ok scratch Nontombi cause I normally
and usually use Paxton , I was born in south
Africa and bred in South AFRICA , but I had to
move when I applied at the university of
Harvard and I was accepted , well I had to end
a lot of thins for all this , and I didn’t , Harvard
as always been a dream so I chose Harvard .
Now a prosecutor but helping the D.E. A …
I was on the phone call with Nick, he can be
such an ass sometimes ..

Me : and where are you now ? Oh well no , let

me guess you are watching The guy that is an
advantage to this case .

Nick : yes so ?

Me : why are you doing that ?

Nick : because that's what im supposed to do .

Me : nick you cant just …

Nick : don’t worry , I followed the protocol .

I sighed …

Nick : feels like theirs is more to this than I ever

think .

Me : no , there's nothing , I think you should

have called me .

Nick : and I didn’t , I followed protocol .

Me : you know what ? Fuck you !

Nick : what's that supposed to mean now , I

mean im doing exactly what you told me to do
right , call only if it's work relative ? That's what
you said when we ended things up . If the rules
have changed let me know .

Me : the rules havent changed . People find out

about this you and I both know who is in deep
shit , I don’t want to go public or anything , I just
don’t want you to send back me . Ye we ended
things , so what ?

Nick : I didn’t send back you . So please , it's

called following protocol .

Me : good lick finding your man Agent .

Nick : pax …

I hung up . I sighed . Yes , I and Nick were once

a thing , we ended it . I lay my head on the chair
and sit up straight . I go to google and google
Lorenzo , He appears as an business Tycoon ,
he archived so much . He has no criminal
record. I take my phone and look for his number
, I dial it , but it rings unanswered . What's going
on? The number no longer exists .

I stood and took my hand bag and walked to my

car , I drove to his club , when I arrived I went

Me : is Lorenzo in ?

Him : yes .

He went upstairs …
" Pax "

I looked up , it was him , he walked downstairs .

Me : Lo .

He hugged me …

Me : im sorry , I had to track you down to your

workplace , im lucky I found you here . Did you
change you cell ?

Lorenzo : no , I lost it last night , it was fun . Im

glad you called .

Me : mhmm , this place is different than

buzzing .
Lorenzo : it does , it's a night club .

Me : yeah , you still havent told me how you

made this happen ?

Lorenzo : dad made this happen , gave me his

space and we started off as a small thing and
ow we here . Knox …

Me : knox ? He is still out here ?

Lorenzo : yeah , he is , he is my brother after all .

Me : that guy is some crazy nut .

He laughed and I joined him … one of my
favorite song played , I started tapping my legs

Lorenzo : you still love this song ?

Me : this will forever be my favorite team .

I continued dancing , I turned around and he

started dancing , he held my hand and we
danced till the song was over

Me : that was quite an exercise .

He laughed and I joined him .

Me : look at that , you smiling with me . Im sorry

I repeat.

He held my hand …

Lorenzo : can we not ruin this moment ?

I smiled …

Me : you made this far . You only .

Lorenzo : yeah . Do you want to come through

tonight , there is a huge event hosted for
models .

Me : I would love too , but tonight I cant im busy

Lorenzo : really ?

Me : yes , besides even if I come you will be too

busy to notice me .

Lorenzo : I will make time , please come .

Me : hmmm tempting but …

Lorenzo : please ….

Me : fine I will come but I will leave early .

Lorenzo : sure no stress.

I smiled and he looked at me …

Lorenzo : text me on this number of mine .

Hope I don’t lose it tonight .
I giggled


I was in the workshop when the door swung

open and Melusi walked in . He had takeaways

Me : you wont stop ?

Melusi : good day to you too Diana .

Me : good day Melusi .

Melusi : I brought you lunch .

Me : thanks , but I have already eaten . You bad .

Melusi : my bad . But I know you havent eaten…

look around you .

I chuckled

Me : im not hungry .

He chuckled and he handed me the takeaways ,

I took out my food and we ate , conversing,
getting to know each other

Me : you told me you have a wife but I don’t see

any ring on your finger .

Melusi : well that's normal .

Me : I havent even met the lucky woman .

Melusi : well you will meet her one day .

My phone beeped , I reached for it , it was a

Message from an unknown number .


I smiled …

me : " sure, send the details "

Lorenzo : I will pick you up at home .

I smiled and locked my phone …

Me : im sorry about that , it was my husband .

Melusi : I see , he even got you smiling .

Me : yeah ….thanks for lunch …


Ria : ma , you looking good in that outfit .

Me : what is good in this outfit ?

Ria : oh maybe dad is the one making you look

good ?

Me : Ria .

Cane : where are you taking the queen dad ?

Lorenzo : I and my wife are going to get some

fresh air from the house .
Cane : well enjoy .

I smiled at him , Lorenzo looked at Knox .

Knox : I will take care of everything.

They fist bumped amongst each other and we

walked out to the car , we drove to the car and
drove away . After what felt like forever we
arrived at the place . He pulled a chair for me , I
sat down . He also did .

Me : this place is beautiful.

Lorenzo ; sure it is .

Me : I thought maybe we were going to one of

your establishments .

Lorenzo : no , this is the perfect place for us to

get some fresh air .

I smiled …

Lorenzo : you should be on my toes . The way

you beautiful im sure these motherfuckers
could really be wanting to take you home .

Me : wish I had that effect on you .

The waiter brought me my wine , I poured

myself a glass

Lorenzo : what is that supposed to me ? You do

have an effect on me .

Me : no , im just saying if im more of that , you

could be at home at all times .

Lorenzo : im not home because im working ,

trying to provide for you and the kids . I mean
that weave , dress and those shoes . All I need
is for you to trust me . I don’t need you to stress
me out .

Me : im not trying to stress you . I don’t even

have your new digits and im your wife .

He took my phone and tapped it for a few

minutes . He handed it to me .
Lorenzo : now you get me and the drama . You
right love , my bad I forgot .

Me : it seems like you forget about me a lot

lately .

He looked at me …

Me : im just saying , somehow I think all of this

was forced .

Lorenzo : can we enjoy this moment ?

Me : sure .

Lorenzo : aint you eating ?

Me : no , I already had eaten before we came
here .

Lorenzo : I see . We are hosting a beauty

contest tonight , don’t you wanna coe .

Me : no I don’t think I can , I have a design that I

need to finish up , besides , I don’t want to be
seeing you hugging and kissing clients on their
forehead with me there .

He looked at me , I guess he didn’t expect that .

Me : infact when are you exactly going to tell

me what is going on Venom ?
He sighed and drank his whiskey.

Me :im no kid , you phones and shit . Let me

guess you lost it at the club as usual .

He looked at me …

Lorenzo : we got run off through the road .

Me : your car still running ?

he nodded …

Lorenzo : yes.

Me : and the other guys car ?

Lorenzo : gonna cost to repair it . Now all I
gotta figure out is the next move .

I drank my wine . I smiled

Me : you take it to the chop shop. I mean still

got the parts .

I smiled looking at him . He leaned over .

Lorenzo : what you thinking ?

I placed my leg in between his legs .

Me : back in the days , remember how you

managed to have this territory ?
He shook his head ..

Me : you stopped that bullshit . You use the

same methods , let them cause accidents .

I sipped my wine and he raised his eyebrows .

Me : one thing about venom is that HE NEVER





I was in my office , there's a design that I

needed to finish it up this week . This is very
tiring but not tiring like sitting in that sewing
machine , measuring and everything . There's
so much pressure here at work than at home . I
knock off late and come in early . I do try to
make time for my family but honestly it's hard ,
more especially managing cane . He is such a
pain that one . I repeat .

The door in my office opens and I look at the

man standing infront of me .
Me : I was about to open a missing person case

Melusi : wow and my face would be everywhere .

Me : wouldn’t that be nice ? You just

disappeared from the face of earth . And I was
always expecting you with my lunch .

Melusi : does that mean you enjoy seeing my

face or you …

Me : I what ? Don’t fool yourself , I just enjoy

free lunch since you volunteered to be my Mr D .

He chuckles …
Melusi : wow , I feel used

I giggle and he sits down .

Me : now where were you ?

Melusi : I had some business to discuss .

Me : mhmm , I see .

Melusi : I was missed .

Me : on hell no you were not .

He chuckles again .
Melusi : let me make it up to you .

Me : how so mister ?

Melusi : lunch with me .

Me : I cant , as you can see im working on this

fucking thing .

Melusi : come on ,im sure you can have some

few hours to yourself .

I rolled my eyes .

Melusi : please.
He make puppy eyes .

Me : fine , no need to be that , just know if I fail

to finish up this design by this week you will pay
back the deposit .

Melusi : deal .

I look at him and shake my head . I grab my bag

and we walk out of the office . We drove to this
beautiful establishment .

Me : why don’t I know this place ?

Melusi : I don’t know , you cant know everything .

Ouch !
Melusi : im sorry .

I roll my eyes and we walk to the table and he

pulls a chair for me . I sit and he also do the
same . We look at the menus and place our
orders . I steal a glance on him and he is just
looking at me with a serious face .

Me : what ?

I finally ask . We have been conversing and all

he has been doing is to just stare at me .

Melusi : about what ?

Me : why are you staring at me ? You making

me feel uncomfortable .

Melusi : oh im sorry .

Me : no , you didn’t answer my question .

Melusi : lets say I just love admiring your

beautiful self .

I blush …

Melusi : and she is blushing .

Me : oh please , im not .

Melusi : but I saw you .

Me : whatever .

I roll my eyes .

Melusi : why do you love doing that ?

Me : what ?

Melusi : rolling your eyes .

Me : that is my response of not wanting to

debate or ending a matter .

Melusi : mhmm.
Me : you don’t love it ?

Why does it matter if he does or doesn’t ?

Melusi : I do , infact it turn-

The waiter brought our food …


Steve : bro look at the chick .

I looked at the girl .

Me : damn .

Steve : im going for her .

Me : no , not you but me .

Steve: what the fuck do you mean 'but you '?

Me : you remember the last time you went for

that hot chick , I let you be , now it's my turn bro .

Steve : whatever .

Me : wish me luck .

He fist bumped with me . I walked over to the

girl .

Me : hey .

She looked at me …

Me : I think I forgot my digits , would you please

plug in yours so I could call and know what
they are .

She blushed …

Me : please , I mean no harm . You just plugging

your digits and I will do the rest .

She looked at me unsure . She took my phone

and dialed her digits .
Me; thanks . I didn’t get your number plate .

Her : Candra .

Me : Cane .

I took her hand and kissed it . She blushed

again …

" im sorry I took time, I was failing to get the

right color for my mom "

she retracted her hand from me and I looked at

the guy .
Him : and who the hell are you ?

Me : im Cane and who the hell are you

supposed to be ?

Him : im Canon . And what the hell are you

doing with her ?

Me : what a guy does with a pretty lady . Not

knowing about you .

He chuckled .

Canon : pretty lady like her .

He threw a punch on myface . I stumbled back

and threw mine . We exchanged punches , until
he took out a knife . I took out mine and made a
move before he did . I pulled out the knife . He
fell to ground .

Cane : next time know never to mess with me .

Steve came to me . He pulled me to the car . We

got in and he drove away .

Steve : bro , what the fuck ?

Me : he started the shit.

Steve : that doesn’t matter . Im talking about the

red liquid .

Me : if I didn’t make the move first that would

have been me .

He cursed .

Steve : fuck ! The girl . She saw everything and

there are witnesses there .

Me : fuck !

Steve : yeah fuck you .

Me : I didn’t know you fuck boys .

He looked at e and he chuckled . I joined him .

Steve : you sure are one crazy ass . Making

jokes at times like this .


Lorenzo : close your eyes Pax …

Me : they are closed .

Lorenzo : you may open them now .

I opened them …

Me : wow . This is beautiful .

Lorenzo : happy Birthday .

Me : you remembered ?

Lorenzo : what would have made me forget .

Me : thanks this is beautiful .

I hugged him …

Lorenzo : please take a sit .

I sat down and he also did .

I looked around …
Me : you didn’t have to do this .

Lorenzo ; well I wanted to do this .

I smiled and he perked my hand .

Lorenzo : is this still your favorite ?

He gave me a candy sponge .

Me : yes.

I took it from him …

He fed me some strawberry . I smiled as he fed

me …
Me : we sued to do this using grapes .

Lorenzo : we didn’t afford strawberries that

time . And now we do .

Me : and we were just trying new things that

time .

I took a strawberry and dipped it inside the

yoghurt .

Lorenzo : you still spoil your self ?

He leaned over and wiped the yoghurt .

Me : no this is a first .

He looked into me and we shared and eye

contact as our eyes locked . He kissed me . I
didn’t respond . He bite my lower lip and I
responded to the kiss. He made me lay down
and got on top of me . He ran his hands on my
thighs . Kissing me deeply but slow . Emotions
exchanged , feelings exchanged . My phone
rang and pulled out .

Lorenzo : do they pay you extra for ruining this ?

I shook my head no and let the phone ring . He

kissed me again . His hand started rubbing my
V-jay on top on the panty . My phone rang again.
I pulled out …
Me : it could be important .

He got off me and I reached for my phone . It

was my mother . I answered the call.

Me : ma .

Ma : where the hell are you ?

Me : im having lunch with a friend . What is the

matter ?

Ma : I see you having lunch with a friend whilst

your son is fighting for his life at hospital .

Me : what ? what happened to him ?

Ma : he was stabbed .

Me : oh my … which hospital … I will be there

soon send me the coordinates .

I hung up my hands shaking . Lorenzo looked at

me . I got up and gathered my staff .

Me : im sorry and thanks fro all of this , but I

have to leave .

Lorenzo : what is wrong ?

Me : I will explain everything top you later , now

I don’t have time . But-but I have to go to the
hospital .
Lorenzo : ok , I understand . I will come with you

Me : no need for that . I will drive myself .

He nodded , he pulled me to him and kissed my

lips .

Lorenzo : be strong okay ?

I nodded and walked away …

I settled the bill and walked to my car . I drove
away . I arrived at the hotel . I got out of the car
and walked to my office . I took the elevator . I
sat on my chair and drank some whiskey. The
door slide open , Knox walked in …

Knox : where the hell have you been ? I have

been trying to get ahold of you many time .

Me : I was busy …

Knox : fucking businesses . Check you fucking

pone .

I took it out , I had more than 20 missed calls

from him
Me : fuck !

Knox : yeah fuck !

Me : what happened ?

Knox : we got a tale . They got a way to us .

Me : must have kept his phone

Knox : no , he kept his rock . These fuckers

know our fuckin system , they know our routine .
What you wanna do ? No time for thinking man .
What the fuck you wanna do ?
Me : take Dee's advice . How I got into this
territory .

Knox : that's is …

Me : how about we show everyone that we ain't

afraid to do dirt . We do it and we stop this
whole bullshit .

Knox : and what if they bring more ?

Me : we go to war . It's time we show them who

they are messing with .

He gulped my whiskey .

Knox : I will get the boys.

He walked away and stopped halfway …

Knox : and Terminator , Dee is a good woman ,

don’t let her go .

I nodded and he walked away .




It was in the evening , I was serving dinner .

Lorenzo and Knox walked in.

Them : evening family .

Lorenzo kissed my cheek and sat down . We all

did .

Lorenzo : where is Cane ?

I looked at Ria .

Ria : I don’t know . The last time I saw him was

when we had breakfast this morning .

Me : and school ?
Ria : oh we didn’t attend today .

I gave her a deadly look .

Ria : we were not writing , so going to school is

off no use … im sorry .

Lorenzo : it's fine . He could have gone to his

friend Steve .

Ria : yes , he did mention that he is going to

Steve , they are working on a project .

Me : project ?

Ria : yeah … to help learners with lower grades .

Me : mhmm that's unlike Cane .

Ria : Cane is different at school ma . He is also

on the school choir .

I smiled .

Me: and what about you ?

Ria : me ? Well -well uh -uh -uhm Im on the

school magazine .

Me : nice .

Ria : yeah .
The door to the dining area slide . Cane walked
in …

Ria : and he is here .

He sat down …

Cane : evening family .

Lorenzo : is this the time to return home ?

Cane : no dad .

Lorenzo : so you ? Why this time ?

Cane : uh , I went …

Me : come on Lorenzo , Ria already told us what

the boy was out doing , he was with his friend
helping learners with lower grade marks . So let
this slide .

Lorenzo smiled looking at me .

Lorenzo : sure , I mean the boy is doing

something good about his life . Helping the
needy .

I smiled at him . He kissed my hand . We ate

Supper conversing about random things , when
we were done , Ria offered to wash the dishes .
Lorenzo and Knox went to have their secret
meetings . I walked upstairs to my bedroom . I t
refreshed and wore my night dress . As I was
about to get undercovers Lorenzo walked in …

Lorenzo : you look happy today .

Me : let's say when you find a new design to

make and plan it and finally when you design it ,
it's wow .

Lorenzo : mhmm , im happy for you Mrs Ndlovu .

Me : thanks . And you how was your day ?

Lorenzo : good .

Me : looks like both our days went well .

He came closer to me and wrapped his hands
around my waist . I wrapped my hands around
his neck . He perked my lips .

Lorenzo : are we wearing any Panties down

there ?

Me : I don’t quite remember please check for

me .

I bite my lower lip seductively . He kiss me and I

respond to the kiss . I pull out of the kiss and I
reach for his pants and unbuckle his belt ,pull
down his zip then pull out his cock . He gasps…I
rub him up and down ....he groans and moans. I
go down on my knees .
Lorenzo :Fuck Lisa.

he groans I move my head towards Ndlovu and

circle his tip with my tongue...I keep doing that
and just teasing with my teeth and tongue
without putting him inside my mouth

Lorenzo : damn...Dee...please put it in your


I look up at him

Me:you want it in my mouth?

He doesn’t reply , I lick the tip and he holds my

weave. I continue licking the tip of his cock as it
erects more further .
Lorenzo : Dee…

Me : what ?

Lorenzo : will you stand up for this ?

I shrug my shoulders and continue doing what I

just started .

Lorenzo : DI-diana

Me : what do you want ?

Lorenzo : I want your mouth .

I put him inside my mouth and start moving
slowly . He tightens the grip on my weave and
start moving fast , fucking my mouth , giving
me a deep stroke . His body shook and he
pulled out of me before he could cum . He pulls
me up and picks me up , he pushes me on top
of the bed gets on top of me . He kiss my lips ,
he leaves my lips and trails kisses on my neck .
He then pulls my night dress up . Im dripping
wet . He smirks when he sees the damage and
realise I have nothing under me . He rubs my
clitoris , I softly moan and he I feel his hard
shaft on my Pu$$y entrance . He pushes
himself more harder and I moan as he starts
moving slowly . He looks deep into my eyes.I
look away .

Lorenzo : No-no-no Love look at me . Look at

me Dee .
I look at him and he slams into me hard .
Pounding me very fast as I moan loudly . Both
our moans and groans loud as ever . My body
shook and trembles as I orgasm . He is still
going in and out of me . My nails dug at him
back . I feel his body shake and he reaches his
climax as he shoots his semen inside of me .
He falls ontop of me .


In the morning I woke up and prepared for work .

I walked downstairs and everyone was having
breakfast . It looks like im late . I wonder who
made breakfast cause Aunt Mary is not here ,
she told that There's an emergency at home .
But do you blame me for waking up late ? I have
a big son that I have to feed every night . So …
Me : good morning

Them : good morning .

I sat down and we had breakfast …

Knox : We should bounce .

Lorenzo nodded . They both stood up . Knox

walked out .

Me : where to ?

Lorenzo : collecting money from the streets .

I nodded .

Me : just be careful .

He nodded and kissed my cheek .

Lorenzo : I love you and take care .

Me : I love you too .

He kissed Ria's forehead and fist bumped with

Cane and walked out.

Me : well I will also love and leave you .

Them : ok ma .
Me : oh and . As you can see that you two are
wearing a Uniform I hope you go to school
today .

Cane : yes ma , but today it's the last paper , so I

will bounce back later . Im going out with the
boys .

Me : whatever just don’t 'bounce back later '

He nodded and blew me a kiss . I walked out …

I was at the hospital. It was during visiting
hours . Canon wasn’t badly hurt . He wasn’t
stabbed deeply. I walked into his room.
Yesterday I couldnt talk to him since he was still
drugged with their injections . He needed rest . I
had brought him a bucket of yummy things .

I placed the bucket next to his drawer .

Canon : thank God you brought something for

me to eat .

Me : you don’t deserve this … tell me something .

What were you thinking ?

Canon : what ? I have been stabbed and you

going to ask me what was I thinking ?
Me : yes . What were you thinking . Or what
were you doing for you to get yourself stabbed .

Canon : I didn’t do anything and im the one

stabbed not you . Now how do you expect me
to answer that question ? Instead of asking me
these questions you should be out there finding
the boy that stabbed me .

Me : oh because im what ? You dog ? You

should just answer me and tell me what you did
for you to have yourself stabbed .

Canon : who are you ? For me to listen to .

Where the hell is my mother . She is the one
that is supposed to be asking me these
questions , not you .
Me : Im your mother canon .

Canon : just because now you feel like it . You

didn’t raise me . The woman that raised me
should be the one that is asking me these
questions not you . You claim to be my mother
, you were never there . You were never there . I
needed to be breastfed that time I think not a
formula . But you were never there . And now
you just rock out of nowhere and claim to be my
mother . No It doesn’t work like that . You were
never there Paxton .

Me : I'm your mother Canon , I gave birth to you.

I was there for you , I always called but it would
be bad times for me to call you .

Canon : you were there ? You mean by sending

cents you were there ? No you were not your
mother was there not you , you were never there
. I would ask you to come back for Christmas
but all you cared about was your degree , your
black robe .

Me : I did this for you , for you to have a secured

future . Where do you think these clothes you
wear come from ? Is it mana , you think ? Now if
you don’t know what you talking about just shut
up …

The door opened and two men walked in …

Men 1 : good day . Im detective Dlamu . Im here

to question Canon here about the incident that
happened yesterday .

Me : good day . Im Pax his mother .

Dlamu : nice to know you mam . So Canon
before we go any further . I would like to ask
you whether if you would like to open a case
against the boy who stabbed you ,?

Me : yes detective , my son here is laying

charges . I want the boy in a cell tonight . This
is an attempted murder case .

Dlamu : good. His name ?

I looked at canon and he sighed .

Canon : Cane .


Nairobi : I have a way .

Knox : what is it ?

Nairobi : there's a man that goes by the name of

Tyro , he was a drug dealer but now out of the
game since some motherfucker took all his shit
down . He is in need of the staff to start his shit
again but he cant since he no longer his
distributor , the Territory , he wants to sell it .

I nodded .

Me : I see , now this man Tyro He just doesn’t

know which option to choose . Sell the Territory
or get a new distributor .

Nairobi : yes .

Me : mhmm I think I might have an idea of what

you talking about .

Nairobi : we buy his territory .

Me : no , that a huge risk . The motherfuckers

that took his shit down might come after us too
just because they want the territory to
themselves , I say we strike a deal with Tyro ,
we distribute our staff to him , in that way , less
drama .
Nairobi : could work .

Me : give me his details and I will take things

from there .

She nodded …

Me : Manando how are things on your side ,

have you found the boy ?

Manando : it looks like he just disappeared from

earth .

Me : you need to make sure you find the boy

before he ruins everything for us .

He nodded .
Manando : on it boss .

He walked out and I nodded .


We had just walked out class after a paper that

was the night mare . Not totally a nightmare
but there and there . Sara walked to me and the
boys …

Sara : Cane .
Me : hey beautiful .

I held her waist ..

Sara : im not here for that . Cops are looking for

you .

Me : what ?

I looked at Steve and he shook his head . Three

officers walked to me .

Officer 1 : Cane Ndlovu .

Me : yes officer .
I looked at the dean .

Dean : Cane , this is officer Dlamu , Ntali and

Biko .

I and my friends chuckled , who still has a

surname of Biko in this century ?

Dean : anything funny ?

Me : no mam , officer how may I help you ?

Dlamu : Cane , you are under arrest for stabbing

Canon .

Me : whoa , officer , I don’t know that person ,

and I don’t remember myself getting into a fight
with anyone by te name Canon . Are you sure
it's me ?

Dlamu : pretty sure. Officer cuff him …

Ria came to me running …

Ria : whoa …officer may I have a word with my

brother ?

Dlamu : 2 minutes , not more than that .

She nodded and pulled me aside .

Ria : tell me you didn’t do it .

I looked down .

Ria : cane !

Me : I did it , it was self- defense .

Ria : Cane Ndlovu .

Me : what could I have done , would you have

preferred it to bury a twin ?

She shook her head no .

Me : exactly I wouldn’t either .

Ria : so what now ?

Me : I don’t know …

Ria : run away .

Me : not a bad idea .

She chuckled …

Ria ; im kidding .

Me : right . Call ma . Tell her not to call dad . He

will kill me .

She nodded…
Dlamu : time is up .

I hugged her and walked away …


I was in my office with Melusi , he has been

telling me about his child hood life , it's very
funny and sad at the same time . My phone
rang . It was Ria .

Me : baby

Ria : ma , don’t scold me .

Me : what did you do ?

Ria : cane got arrested today at school ,

stabbed someone .

Me : what ?

Ria : yes . He is take to the station next to our

school .

Me : I will be there .

I hung up and gathered my staff .

Melusi : what is wrong ?

Me : it's my son , he has been arrested . He
stabbed someone yesterday .

Melusi : im coming with you .

Me : no don’t . I will call you .

He nodded .

Melusi : atleast let me follow you .

Me : thanks but no .

He pulled me to him as I was about to walk out .

He perked my lips . I walked out after that , I got
into my car and drove away . After what felt like
a long drive I parked my car at the station and
got out . I noticed Melusi's car . I sighed . I
walked inside the station , I found Ria .

Me : where is he ?

Ria : in that room .

I walked over to the room and barged in …

Me : Cane Ndlovu .

The detective looked at me .

Him : who are you ?

Me : his mother . Are you charging him?

Him : yes , attempted murder case .

I chuckled …

" if I were I wouldn’t be laughing like that "

I turned to look at who it is .

Me: and who the hell are you ?

Her : im Pax , the mother of the son stabbed .

Me : my son is not spending the night at jail .

I dialed Lorenzo's number …

Him : dee im busy

Me : cane got arrested , stabbed someone .

Lorenzo : what ? How ?

Me :what I know is that my son aint spening the

night in jail .

Lorenzo : I will sort this out

I hung up.
Pax : well he is cause I aint backing down .

Me : we shall see .

One man walked in and Pax walked out …

Man : officer , there's a call for you .

Officer : who is it ?

Man : commissioner .

Officer walked out . He came back after a few

minutes .

Officer : I will bring the release papers to you .

Cane : ma what does he mean ?

Me : no one can touch a Venom , it's slippery

and Poisonous




We drove back home . I was scolding Cane .

Me : I have always tolerated your behavior but

now you went far.

I clicked my tongue .

Cane : did you tell dad ?

Me : is that all you care about ? Me telling 'dad '.

Like really cane .

He kept quiet . I looked at him through the rear

view mirror . Usually he sits on the front
passenger seat .

Cane : im sorry ma . It was self- defense .

I chuckled …
Cane : imagine if I was the one , who knows
maybe I did better , who knows what that boy
would have done?

Me : oh cut the bullshit Cane .

I parked the car in the basement and I got out

followed by Ria . Cane called Ria .

Cane : is dad's car here ?

Ria shook her head no .

Cane : please go and have a look for me to see

if he is inside the house. I will wait here .
I chuckled and shook my head. I walked away.
Lorenzo was not home yet . Ria walked out to
go and call Cane.


In the morning I woke up to an empty bed .

Lorenzo was not next to me . But atleast there's
a sign that he came home last night . I
straightened the bed and took a bathe . As I
was about to lotion he walked in .

Lorenzo : where is Cane ?

Me : good morning to you too .

He gave me a deadly stare .

Me : in his room , okay ?

Lorenzo : he is not there .

Me : well I don’t know .

I continued applying lotion . He came closer to

me .

Lorenzo : I went to his room last night and he

wasn’t there even now in the morning , he is not
there . Where the hell is Cane ?

Me : what are you trying to say venom ?

Lorenzo : that you hid him .

Me : what the F- . Why I would I hide my son

from you ? His father . Why would I do that ?
Wow I really cant believe that you accusing me
of that Venom .

Lorenzo : because you know what I will do to

him ?

Me : what will you do to him ? Kill him like the

motherfuckers that do shit and you kill them .

Lorenzo : I will just teach him a lesson that he

will never forget . You know what I should have
just let him spend one night in jail , one night
only , maybe then he would know that we wont
always be there to save him . You fuckin son
stabbed someone Dee .

Me : it's not like he did it purposefully , it was

self-defense .

Lorenzo : self-defense .

Me : you don’t even know half of what

happened and yet you are here putting the
blame on our son . Would you have preferred it ,
if it was him lying on the hospital bed ?

He kept quiet .

Me : exactly . You are barely home , it's clubs

this . Establishments this . You swore to me
that your street life wont come in between us ,
your Family .

I rolled my eyes and walked to the closet . I

stopped and turned to look at him …

Me : and you are right , he is my son , not yours .

You left him in my vagina …

Lorenzo : Dee , we not done talking here .

I walked away . I dressed up and when I was

done , I walked downstairs . Lorenzo was not
here .

Me : Ria where is your brother ?

Ria : he is in his room .

Me : any idea where he went last night ?

Ria : he was in my room . He slept there .

Me : I see , when you see him , tell him that he

should stop running .

She nodded .

Me : I will see you all later . Don’t cook , I will

bring something to eat .

Ria : ok .
I walked out , I walked to the basement , I got
inside the Mercedes Benz AMG 63 G-Wagon
and drove away …


Manando walked in . He sat down .

Me : you said it's important .

Manando : it is .

Me : talk . I don’t have all day .

Manando : Seth , the boy we let go off , he is
nowhere to be seen .

Me : the one that was shot ?

Manando : yes .

I sighed …

Me : did you try looking for him ?

Manando : yes . His phone was found in his

apartment . Clothes were still there .

Me : maybe he went for a smoke . To the store .

Manando : he was last seen day before
yesterday .

Me : letting him go was a mistake .

Manando : what do you have in mind ?

Me : find him , bring him to the establishment

tonight , we are in short of meat . His will be
enough .

He opened his eyes .

Me : don’t give me that look , you know you are

ugly , now you scaring me .

He chuckled .
Manando : not funny Term .

I chuckled..

Me : see you later , collect my money to the

boys .

Manando : thaa .

He walked out , I took out my phone and dialed

Pax's number . She answered on the second
ring .

Me : hey .
Pax : hello .

Me : how are you ?

Pax : I will live , I guess .

Me : want to have lunch with me ?

Pax : uh…Lo , I have work , piled up work .

Me : I asked you if they pay you a bonus for

spending your lunch .

Pax : no but…

Me : exactly , just lunch .

Pax : fine . Im on my way .

Me : I will be waiting for you , on our usual spot .

She hung up . I walked out of my office to the

parking lot . I got inside my car and drove away.
I texted Dee.
' dinner day , tonight , just you and me '

She replied " I would love too but I cant . I

promised Ria to be on her live tonight , some
other time "

I sighed , Yeah , Diana Nomalanga Ndlovu , A

wife I married . A pretty one at that point . And a
stubborn one .i parked my car and got out . I
met Pax halfway . We both walked inside the
restaurant . I opened a chair for her so she
could sit . I then sat down , we looked at the
menus .

Me : ready to place an order .

Pax : the usual .

I smiled and summoned the waiter . He came to

our table and we placed an order .

Me : how is the person admitted ?

Pax : admitted ?

Me : yes , day before yesterday , on your

birthday , you received a call from your mother

Pax: oh , that , he is fine . It was not something

bad .

Me : that's good news right?

Pax :yeah .

I looked at her and she blushed. I held her


Pax : what are you doing Lo ?

I exhaled …
Me : look Pax , I cant stop , thinking about the
day that we crossed paths again . After all
these years ,to be round you and maybe with
you . It just feels right , you know

Pax : I know , me too.

Her phone vibrated , she looked at it …

Pax : oh fuck , missed calls from the Chief ,

hospital … I gotta go , as in like now . Lo im
sorry .

I stood up, she also did and took her staff . She
came to me and kissed my cheek and hugged
me .
Pax : im sorry .

She walked away …


I walked out of the office to the reception , I

took a glass of water and drank from it …

Jane : slow down . That will only result to a

diarrhea .

I looked at her …
Jane : rough day ?

Me : you … don’t you have a bottle of wine here ?

Jane : no drinking nor smoking in the building .

Me : argh

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away , I

bumped into someone …

Me : customer service sucks when it comes

here , cant you see where you walking ?

" whoa "

I looked at who it is .

Me : Melusi .

I rolled my eye and walked away to my office .

He walked in and closed the door .

Melusi : I thought you didn’t come to work . I

didn’t see your car outside .

Me : well I wont cram all my assets , I have

many … where is the fuckin pencil .

Melusi : whoa , relax .

I ignored him …

Melusi : Diana , what are you looking for ?

Me : pencil … infact no something strong , to

quench down my thirst .

Melusi : could you just calm down !

I exhaled …

Melusi : what is wrong ?

Me : you wont understand .

Melusi : try me , I can try fit in your shoes even

though your size looks smaller .

I faintly smiled …

Melusi : Im listening .

Me : it's the design , it's the design its not

coming up , I tried and im still trying , im failing
to make it look perfect . Im failing .

I wiped my now falling tears .

Melusi : This is more than failing to put up a

nice design .

Me : no , it's only the design , I never thought it

would be this hard …
He held my hand …

Melusi : I can help .

Me : how ?

The door opened , it was Nairobi , I retracted my

hand from Melusi's hand .

Nairobi : hope I didn’t disturb something .

Wow , Nairobi , disturb something .

Me : no , this is my sister Nairobi .

Nairobi : damn I am , and I don’t know you , who
are you ?

Me : Melusi is his name .

Nairobi : pastor's name , I don’t quite like it . And

im sure even my brother in law . I mean her
husband wont quite like it .

Melusi : he wont .

Nairobi : im kidding . You may leae im here now .

Melusi ; I will see you .

He walked out .
Nairobi : Melusi ?

I looked down …


Me : really Canon , you want to discharge

yourself , you are not fine yet .

Canon . Im fine , and you cant decide for me

what to do or not do , that stage passed you .

I sighed .
My phone beeped , it was the chief .

Me : I have to go …

Canon ; you always do . It's important for you to

go .

Me : we not done here .

I walked out , I got inside my car and drove

away to the station . After what felt like forever I
arrived and went straight to the interrogation
room .

Chief : you are late .

Me : im sorry , I had something to take care of .

She nodded

Me ; has he said anything ?

Chief : no.

Me ; how many are they ?

Chief : two of them . The one in is Seth ,the

next one is Dave .

I nodded

Seth : im not a snitch , im not gonna start now .

Nick : well that would mean you spend the next
20 years in prison .

Seth : as long as im not gonna be a snitch .

Nick signaled for them to open the door . Seth

walked out .he winked at me . Another one
walked in , I assume it's Dave .

Me : is that the next one ?

Chief : yes , he is also here for questioning .

Nick : Dave , you were found in a place with a

stash .
Dave : you cant prove that it's mine . 5 people
were there .

Nick ; we know it's yours . Your boss or

distributor gave it to you for you to sell . Yes ,we
don’t want you , we want your local distributor
that's all .

Dave : you want me to rat that heartless mother

fucker , I wont and I know I will be out of here in
a couple of hours

Nick :hours ? How about years .

Dave : I have been inside once . Gotten used to

being fucked , it makes you appreciate a
woman .
Chief ; this is going to take longer .

Me : I can give it try .

I knocked on the door . Nick opened

Me : I will handle this one .

Nick looked at me unsure .

Nick : are you sure ?

Me : yes . Alone . I will call you if I need anything


He nodded and walked out . I sat down

opposite Dave .

Dave : look at you pretty thing , I wish to go

down on you .

He bite his lower lip

Me : not if I go down on you first . It proves that

here you have been caught with a stash of
cocaine . Know what it could mean ?

Dave : no

Me : it would mean that you sell the product

secretly , your boss doesn’t know about it .

Dave : that's just an extra stash .

Me : maybe , but what will your boss believe ?
You or his money missing ? Because when he
finds out he wont think twice or you can tell me
about your boss . Everything about him . And
your hustle will remain a secret.

Dave : fuck you , sell out Bitch .

Me : fuck you too … no time to waste , just sign

the damn papers agreement , here and here ,
and tell me the name of your boss , everything
about him .

He took the pen and papers . He looked at me …

Me : we want your boss not you .

He signed the papers ..

Me : his name .

Dave : Terminator AKA .Venom





My mind is tired honestly , tired of thinking ,

though Melusi did give me ideas of the design
that im working on but im still confused . I have
never been so lost in my life like I am right now .
I feel like the world could just open up and
swallow me cause I cant deal honestly . I never
thought it would be this hard (figurative :simile )
Lorenzo and I are very distant nowadays . We
do communicate and make love but constantly
we are always fighting . We fight for small
things .

Today it's Saturday , im not planning on going to

work but I will be working from home . Now
someone tell me is that being off ? No it's not .
Knox walks inside the kitchen and grabs a
sausage . I frown at him …

Knox : sawubona Makoti .

I don’t reply him , Lorenzo walks downstairs and

kiss my cheeks . They both go to the dining
area and wait for me to serve breakfast . I set
the table ad when im done , the twins walk
downstairs , they all dressed the same , ok
maybe not the same but their outfits
correspond with one another .

Them : good morning .

Us : morning .

They both sit down . Aunty Mary is to return to

work on Monday , she only works Monday .
Tuesday and Friday .

Me : knox how is home ?

He no longer stays with us , he went back to his
penthouse .

Knox : good but lonely .

Me : then get someone to loosen it up .

He chuckled .

Knox : I know what you saying Makoti kodwa im

not planning on getting married anytime soon .

Me : And why is that ?

Knox : women are troublesome .

Me : is that what Lorenzo tell you ?

Lorenzo : I would never say that . Why would I ?

I mean my woman aint troublesome ,she is just
as sweet as honey .

I smile and he perks my lips .

Cane and Lorenzo rarely talk nowadays . It's

only regards between them no convo , I mean
one minute convo .

Me : twins what are your plans today ?

Ria : im going out with friends , not knowing

about Cane .
Lorenzo : and you Cane ?

Cane : hanging out with Steve .

Lorenzo : where ?

Cane : his house .

Lorenzo : bro , let's bounce . Babe fix an outfit

for me later on , we hosting the grand festival
party and I also need to find those
motherfuckers messing up my territory , I want
them tonight .

Me : sure .

He kissed me , I pulled out a. he stood up and

they walked out .

Ria : let me help you with the dishes .

Cane : I will also help .

We both looked at him …

Cane : what ?

Ria : excuse you , what did you just say ?

Cane: I will also help you with the dishes .

Ria : wow , ma …
Me : I heard right .

Ria : this needs to be taken live .

Cane :no , I aint all that .

Ria : why ? Please .

Cane : no , if you going to be taking this on your

social media , Im no longer helping you .

Ria: ok , I promise I wont take this live .

Cane : ok .

She smiled. They rinsed the dishes while I was

busy with a portrait . It was already midday .
I poured my self more wine . My phone rang, it
was Melusi.

Me : hello

Melusi : hello . How are you ?

Me : im good . How are you ?

Melusi : im good thanks . You not at work today .

Me : yeah . Im working from home .

Melusi : ok , I see .
Me : you upset ?

Melusi : no im not .

Me : ok .

Melusi : I was just checking up on you , call you

later .

Me : ok .

He hung up. Melusi ! I havent described him ,

but he is a handsome man .intimidating though .
He is handsome man , mascular and all that .


Me : what do you mean you let him go ?

Detective : the was no concrete evidence .

Me :my son was stabbed aint that concrete

evidence ?

Detective : any witnesses brought upfront ? No.

Me : fuck your law.

I hung up . I sighed . My phone beeped it was a

message from Lo ,


Me : catching the most wanted Criminal in the

city .

Lorenzo : wanna tag along with me to the club ?

Me : I cant .im held up . How about tomorrow

lunch with you ?

Lorenzo : tomorrow it is .

I smiled ,The door opened , Chief walked in …

Me : chief .

Chief : when I chose you ,I saw potential . I trust

in you and believe in you. I knew what I was
taking with me . I didn’t get the time to
congratulate you for what you did in the past
few days .that was nice work in there .

Me : thanks .

Chief :but do you really believe that the belongs

to his boss ?

Me : uh…I only thought of it but never thought I

would work on him to give us the name .

She smiled .
Chief :good girl. If you keep telling yourself that
you know what you here for then trust me all
will work perfectly .

I smiled and she winked at me , she then

walked out ….


I was out with Steve on the streets …

Steve : we are doomed ,those niggas need

something to sell
Me : I know okay . But cant try talking to them ?

Steve : talk to them ?they don’t want to hear shit

about talking , they only want the fuckin white
sugar .

Me : fine , I will try getting it , I don’t know where

but eventually I will try .

Steve : do so.

We stopped as a car stood infront of us.

Steve : bro what is going on ?

Me : I don’t know .
Two buffed up men got out of the car . They
grabbed both of us and pulled us to the car's
trunk and closed the trunk then drove away .


The study door opened …

Me : Candra , how many times have I told you to

knock before you enter .

Candra : im sorry dad.

Me : im sorry , what do you want ?

Candra : I wanted to ask a few bucks . Im going

to see my friend . He has been stabbed .

Me : so it's a he ?

Candra : he is just a friend , nothing more dad.

Me : you think im a fool ?

Candra : im telling you the truth dad , he is just a

friend, we went to school together, besides he
is gay .

Me : mhmm ., if you say so .

I took out my wallet and took out my bankcard .

Me : don’t return late .

Candra: sure . Thanks dad .

She hugged me. I perked her forehead . She

walked out .

WHO AM I ? Melusi Cele is my name . I was

born and bred in S. A . I have a daughter ,
Candra , her mother passed away after giving
birth to her . I made it my first priority and
responsibility to take care and look after her .
Scratch that her mother passed away . I have a
reason to believe that she is not dead , well
that's when I met a beautiful woman named
Nomalanga Diana . I have every reason to
believe that she is Candra's mother , just
everything about her , her natural beauty and
smile . Her eyes . Everything about her , it is
what Candra's mother had. They have the same
personalities . Hence I believe that the woman I
buried is not Candra's other , but the woman I
met is Candra's mother .

What a beautiful woman I met . The was a

knock at the door .

Me : enter .

KG walked in.

Me: what do you have for me ?

Kg : good news.

I nodded .

KG : we are on a mission . We are in . She

bought it .

I smiled.

Me : mission 1 accomplished


We got out of the car . It was me and Nick . We

walked up to him . He ran away . Nick ran faster
and catch up with him . He pulled him back .

Dave : what ?

Me : good to see you too K.C .

DAVE : what do you want ? You trying to blow

my cover ?

Me : we are here to see you .

Dave :not with him here . I only going to talk to

you . Nice to see you again baby .

Nick : mhmm I see , you called us , you said you

have more info on the VENOM . Is it a
photograph of him , his full details, how he sells
his drugs when and when ?

Dave : im still working on getting his full details

but I have leant he terminates whatever that
comes in his way .

Me: remember you are our reporter not the

other way around . If you ever call us at this
time of the night , for something like this ever
again .i will turn you in for drugs . Got it ?

Dave : got it baby .

We walked away …


Manando came to me . I was at the club .

Manando : everything is ready .

Me : I will be there . Give me five .

He nodded and walked away . A text from Pax

came through .



Me : it's fine .

My phone rang it was Dee .

Me : babe .

Diana : hey . I miss you .

Me : I know , but there's a lot of shit going on

here . Girls here are on sugar .

Diana : is it our product ?

Me : I don’t know honestly .

Diana : well it's not our product .

Me : dee we don’t do that here .

Diana : then what is the problem , come home .

Me : ok , as soon as im done here , I will come

back .

Diana : ok baby .

She hung up …

Manando : Boss .
Me :im coming .

I put my cellphone away and walked to the

basement .

Me : did you do what I ask you to do ?

Manado : yes , I got them .

Me : good , ow it's time to teach these

motherfuckers a lesson .

We walked in the basement . He was tired

badly with chains , being shocked on that steal
chair , he must be dead by now .

Me : Seth .
He looked at me .

Me : show me how you move . Move like Seth


I chuckled , I walked up to him .

Me : let's start here . What were you doing at

the station .

Seth : the cops had me. Took me for

questioning .

Me : mhmm , I see , and what did you tell them .

Seth : nothing . Nothing boss , I swear , im not a
snitch .

Me : so you say but you stole from me .

Seth : I would never do that boss , I swear to

you . I would never do that .

Me : so you say again . What do I do with you ?

Seth : please boss , I will runaway and never

look back I swear , please let me go . Im not a
snitch .

I stretched my hand . Manando handed me the

gun .
Me : you we not supposed to be set free from
the beginning .

I stood behind him .

Seth : please… please…

I shot him execution style .( back of the head to

the forehead )

Me : cut him like chicken . His intestines

cooked , boil them . I will send the message .

Happy heritage day , we are eating boiled

intestines .



Lorenzo did return back home but he returned

very late . It's a Sunday morning ,I woke and
prepared breakfast . I and Ria, we were waiting
for Lorenzo to come along with Cane but they
were taking they damn time .i walked upstairs
to Cane's room . I knock and there was no
answer . I opened the door and walked in . He
was not here . I called out for him but no one
answered . I started panicking , I walked to his
bathroom and he was not there . There is no
sign or whatsoever that he was here by any
chance left early . My heart beat raced . I
breathed in and out not to Panic . I walked out
of the room and walked downstairs .

Me : Almeria have you seen your brother ?

Ria : no , I havent seen him . I last saw him

yesterday after washing the dishes .

Me : ok . Maybe he went to Steve's house.

Ria ; maybe .but so early ?

Me : I don’t know .

I sat down Lorenzo walked downstairs .

Me : that's nice that you finally woke up .

Lorenzo : good morning princess .

Ria : morning .

Me : Cane is nowhere to be seen .

Lorenzo : did you look for him in his room ?

Me : yes . He is not there , worse there's no sign

of him being there .

Lorenzo : he might be at his friends place . You

know Cane Dee.

Me : you could be right .

Lorenzo : let's have breakfast .

Ria : I will have mine at the lounge .

Lorenzo : since when ?

Ria : since My other me is not here , I cant be

looking at you kissing and all that .

Lorenzo chuckled …

Lorenzo : wow .

Ria : im my other's daughter after all .

She walked away .

Lorenzo : she is your daughter.

I smiled .

Lorenzo : lets have breakfast .

Me : well we better hurry cause we must go to

the bank today .

Lorenzo : yeah , I cant go with you today . I have

somewhere that I need to be in the next hour .

Me : I know you aint serious we need to look at

our money Venom .
Lorenzo : I know .

Me : we dress nice , we go in all on the books ,

we meet with the bankers . This whole thing
was all your idea .

Lorenzo : yeah but I think you can handle that .

You are your mothers daughter after all .

I playfully pushed him .

Me: come on Venom , we always go together . I

don’t wanna go alone.

Lorenzo : I gotta attend something baby . I

know you can handle this shit .
He took an apple , kissed me and spanked my
ass then walked away. I sighed .


We were I a meeting regarding Venom .

Me : last night me and Agent Nick went to meet

up with our cover. He sees to be a good asset .

Chief : mhmm that is ….

Me : well he seems to be a good assset , he is

just going to need encouragement .

Craig : we need to find more people involved in

this whole shit .

Me : well the only person we should be

targeting is Venom .

Craig : I know but if we catch more that would

mean we hit the jackpot right ? We also catch
the distributor .

Me : well it's not your call .

Chief : you are right , it's my call . Agent Nick

follow up with Dave .
Nick : it's what we have been looking into .

Me : we are on it .


I walked inside the warehouse .

Me : show me where you put the boys .

He showed me . We walked inside the room .

Me : it must be nice in here .

They both looked at me .

Cane : dad , I knew you would come to our

rescue , these men kidnapped us .

Me : doesn’t look like it . I mean you watch

action movies Cane and yet you cant
differentiate between a real kidnap and a fake
one .

Cane : what do you mean dad ?

Me : I mean im the one the brought you here .

Cane :I don’t understand , why would you do

that ?
Me : I don’t know you tell me ?

He swallowed hard .

Me : im here to teach you boys a lesson .

Cane : dad , I already apologised for what

happened , I repeat , I sorry .

Me : what you did costed someone their life .

Cane : ok fine , punish me , Steve was never

involved .

Me : no , you are both birds from the same tree

so you both get to be taught a lesson .
My phone beeped , it was Pax " meet for lunch
at the Corner Square ?"

Me : meet you soon .

I looked at the boys ….

Me : you are lucky . But my boys will take care

of you .

I walked out with Cane calling out to me . I love

my son's attitude but it will get him in great
danger . Both Him and Steve.


I parked my car at the parking lot and got out of

the car . I took an elevator to the bank . I got out
of the elevator and walked inside the bank . I
went to the back . I found our banker . Norman

Me : im here to put up some money and check

into the books .

Norman : sure . Ad oh Mrs Ndlovu , those

watches and earrings seem to pay off for you .

Me : that’s why it's a great business that we run

Norman . People always have dirty laundry .

I scanned my hand and put my signature ,the

huge safe opened .i walked in and took out my
cash . I opened the small safe .


I closed the safe and walked out …norman : is

everything fine ?

Me : hold open that damn log.

He handed it to me . I looked at it . Lorenzo

Ndlovu fuck you ! I walked away ….

Norman : Mrs Ndlovu is everything alright?

I ignored him and took the elevator downstairs .



I was out on lunch with Paxton . She dipped her

fries to the red sauce .

Pax : you still eating Vegies to maintain your

body .

Me : hmm, yeah .

Pax : well im sorry but im a foodie .

Me : you have always been .

She laughs …

Pax : you telling me that this is what you have

been eating and you still this fine ?

me : yes . My lifestyle makes it easier .

Pax : life style ?

Me: yes , the choices I made to get here .

She held my hand ….

Pax : listen I don’t know what choices you made

but all I can tell you is that , the smallest
choices change our lives . Today you are good ,
tomorrow you are in deep shit .

I chuckled .

Me : you are damn right there .

Pax : but it doesn’t mean I give up or anything.

Some people get everything handed to them on
a platter . All they have to do is count the money
, I have been those . No one has ever bought
me diamond earrings or LOUIS VUITTON .

She giigled .

Pax : but it's part of life . It's like a willy.

Me : and im here with you giving words of
encouragement .

Pax : and now I think it's time for me to leave .

She stood up . I settled the bill and we walked

out . My hand on her waist . She stood infront of
me .

Pax : what happens now?

Me : I don’t know ? But one thing I know is that

im never letting you go ever again .

She smiled …

I leaned over and kissed her , she responded to

the kiss . I pulled out ….

Me : I will call you .

She smiled and walked away ….


I drove to the hotel . I got out and went to the


" Mrs Ndlovu " it was his P.A

Me :is my husband un his office .

She walked over to me .

P.A. : he went out . You want me to let him

know you stopped by ?

Me : don’t worry yourself about it , I will wait in

his office .

P.A : It is locked .

Me : then I will need the key .

She gave me the keys …I walked to the elevator

and took the elevator upstairs , I got off the
elevator and walked straight to his office . I got
in and closed the door . I sat on his chair and lit
the Laptop . I went straight to the logs and
transactions made . This didn’t make sense
almost R1OOK+ Is being spent every two hours .
I scrolled down ad stopped when I saw where
he has been spending money , at some

I shook my head no in disbelief .




Cane walked inside the kitchen as I was setting

the table .


Cane : I was a Steve's house Ma.

Me : and you didn’t bother to call ?

Cane : my phone is dead . Im sorry . Can I go lie

down a bit ?

I exhaled and he walked upstairs . Infact he was

limping .

Me : for your own good , I hope you didn’t get

yourself in any trouble .
He waved his hand to me .

We ate supper without the dishes , I rinsed the

dishes and decided to go and wait for him in the


In the morning I woke up next to no one .

Lorenzo walked out of the closet looking all
kinds .

Me : Venom , we need to talk.

Lorenzo : I gotta get going , there's some crazy

shit im dealing with right now .
Me : well big surprise . You are rarely home .

Lorenzo : you don’t know what us going on , im

trying to find a better way for us to be free from
all this shit .

Me a; so now you are a snitch ?

Lorenzo : that’s what you take from all that ?

I kept quiet …

Lorenzo don’t look at me like that , I have

businesses to run , we keep our shit clean and
real then less trouble . Thats it .
Me : as long as I have known you , you aint
never worry about less trouble .

Lorenzo : do you really wanna do this right now ?

He walked out . I straightened thebed and did

my hygiene process , when I was doe I walked
down stairs and was met by a sweet aroma . I
knew Aunty Mary is back.

Me : morning aunt .

I perked her cheeks and took out a mug to

make myself some coffee. Manando walked in
with Lorenzo,

Lorenzo :manando will be your extra body guard


Me : what >I dot need a body guard or a

chauffer .

Lorezo ; he is not your Chauffer ., he is your

body guard . He will be monitorig all you moves .

Me : you not serious right now , im not a baby I

don’t need to be monitored I can handle myself .

Lorenzo : even around guys like me ?

I kept quiet .

Lorenzo : thought so. Now drop that attitude ,

Manando will be your monitor from now
onwards . See you later ,

They both walked out ,

Aunty Mary : he cares for you ,

I didn’t answer her , instead I had breakfast

with her telling me about her grandson that she
refers to as her son . When I was done having
breakfast I drove to Lorenzo's workplaces .i
drove to the establishments and he was not
there. I drove to the club and he was still not
there , I then drove to the hotel , that's where I
found him . He came to me …

Me : we need to talk now .

Lorenzo : again ?

I walked to his office . I got In ad he followed

after me .

Lorenzo : don’t you ever get bored of talking ?

Whatever that has gotten into you we will talk
about it at home , this is my place of work .

Me : well your place of work is the only place I

can get your attention .

Lorenzo : what do you want Dee ?

I chuckled …

Me : I went to the bank , I saw the volt , did you

perhaps think I wouldn’t notice ? Did you think I
wouldn’t notice what you took ? How much you
took in a matter of few days ?

Lorenzo : I had to use that money to run these

fucken damn places . Fuck this , the truth is that
Dee , it's my money .

Me : don’t you dare start that shit VENOM , I

helped you earn every god damn penny . You
could have told me , and I don’t recall the
money being spent at your establishments but
another private establishment . Besides that
you could have told me ,you could have said
something , but no you set me up ,you sent me
to that bank like a fool you own that don’t know
shit about what you doing .

Lorenzo : you saw the amount of money we got

in there , it’s too much . We aint in no danger of
going broke .

Me : it aint about the money , since when do

you lie to me ? Since when do you hide shit
from me ?

Lorenzo : I didn’t think you would understand .

Me : why don’t you try me ? I have been with you

pushing , understanding now why the hell
wouldn’t I understand now ? Im a smart girl
remember ?

Lorenzo : im doing this for us , our family, this

could be our way out .
Me : way out from what ?

Lorenzo : most of the drug dealers are either

dead or Inside Dee. That doesn’t scare you ?

Me : no . Because they are not you , they cant

terminate , they are not slippery but you are .
They are not as good as you are . Don’t think
too much , we have all , you me the kids , we
have it all . This is the dream .

He perked my lips and put his forehead on mine,

his phone beeped, he took it out and looked at it

Lorenzo :I gotta go Dee .

He walked out…


Nick : last week we had a special delivery .

He showed us a photo …

Craig : this guy here goes by the name of GT ,

he is selling the drugs I assume for Venom.

Me : he seems young . I think that's pure

speculation .
Craig : it isnt cause my contacts from the
streets believe that this Venom owns the town
and city ,he got some independence too ad
dependence . We know this GT guy to connect
us to Venom.

Me : this is ridiculous , I didn’t authorize this .

CHIEF : I did .

I looked at her.

Chief : it's speculation but it's worth following

up on , nice work .

Me : can I and Chief have the room ?

They all looked at me . Stood up and walked out.

Me : I really wish you told me that you

authorized this . I need to be on the loop of this

Chief : You are here. You are officially in all

loops . Let me ask you this : what is your goal
here ?

Me : I don’t know what you mean .

Chief : you see , I gave you an opportunity to

handle the prosecution if Venom . You are not
here to fuck with someone or have sex with
madena . We are here together all of us to put a
fuckin drug dealer in jail. Any move that gets
closer to that result is the best move , right ?
Me : right .

Chief : and with Dave ,do you have anything

new ?

I kept quiet.

Chief ;that's what I thought . Don’t get

distracted by a Penis Pax .

She stood up and walked out. I texted Nick :'

meet up with Dave, wanna tag along ?'
He sent a thumb I gathered all my stuff and
walked to my office. I met nick and we walked
out to his car and he drove away …


Me : I got the guy. He wanted to hijack the

product .

Lorenzo :ok , we need a name ,how did he know

where to find us .

Me : im on it bro .

Lorenzo : good , no criers , I know you like

popping astray but now I need you to lay off for
a while .

Me : and I want you to let me have your P.A .

She is good .

Lorenzo : good at what ? I told you…

He hung up ….i walked over the guy , he was tied

up on the chair . I looked at Nairobi .

Me : you know everytime we keep on asking

who the hell sent you I feel like im in an old
movie .

Nairobi ; it's life you fucking a porno .

We laughed… she slapped the guy …

Nairobi : hey , hey wake up .

He blantly opened his eyes

Nairobi z; who is you favorite gangster of all

time ?

Me : Terminator ? Venom , Dwayne ?

He split saliva on my face .

Me :ok then. I handed nairobi the Fire

extenguisher .

I walked over to him .

Me : tell me who you are working for ?

He kept quiet , I lit up some fire .

Me : or we going to have a lil fun .

He kept quiet , Nairobi handed me the Paraffin .

I poured it on his leg.

Me : roasted meat ,
it’s healty to have a roasted mean .
Lorenzo prefers boiled intestines ,
I prefer Roasted meat .roasted meat .

I sang …



I ignored her and took out the gun lighter I

waved it on his face and trailed it down to his
leg , I moved it closer and it contracted fire .

He screamed …. Nairobi came closer , I stopped

her before she could extinguish the fire

Me : you prefer boiled intestines that Roasted

meat .

She killed my hand and extinguished the fire .

Me : what were you supposed to do with the

van when you had taken it from us /
he wailed

Me :im talking to you , and you answer .

Him : I was supposed to take it to the garage

and leave it there .

Me ; who sent you ?

Him : I cant ….

Me : who the hell sent you ?

Him : I cant tell you ….

Me :ok …
I took the paraffin and went to his chest and
back and poured it on him . I lit the gun lighter
again .

Me : better we will be having roasted intestines .

The fire contracted with his chest burnt until his


Him : whoa ,… whoa haaa, ok, ok …. I will tell you


Nairobi extinguished the fire .

Him : she said ….

Me ; she ? It was a woman ?

Him : she mentioned that a guy named Lame

will contact me .

Me : Lame ?

I looked at Nairobi . She cursed …

Nairobi : why would Lame betray us like that ?

The door opened . Walked in Lorenzo . He

walked over to us , he looked at the guy and
looked at me .

Me : he wouldn’t tell me anything .

Lorenzo : so you burnt him ?

Me :roasted him . I had to , but now we know

who he is working for , it's Lame and a girl he
sent , we don’t know who she is yet .


We walked over to him, he was sitting on the

stairs eating ice cream …

Dave ; aint this a nice surprise ?

Me : we have been looking for you .

Dave : im a busy man. But I like the effort on

your side .

Me :I need you to tell me everything you know

about GT .

DAVE : never heard of him .

I showed him a picture …

Me : you telling me that you don’t know him ?

Do not bullshit on me . Is he connected to
Venom ?

Dave ; you should run before you get terminated

baby .

Me : you need to tell me everything Dave , I need

to know who and what im dealing with , you and
I have an agreement .


Liam walked in with two of his Men …

Liam : venom , you interrupted my fun , what is

it ?

Me : this motherfuker tell me you were planning

on stealing my product .
Liam : fuck him , I havent seen him before .

Knox : you told me that you knew nothing about

us getting a hit but we heard a different story
from this crispy beef here.

Me : turns out that you are the one that hired

hire all this fuckin time .

Lame : why the fuck would I do that ? Venom

you know me man .

I pulled my gun unto him .

Me : I thought I did .
Lame : you gonna do me like this on the word of
this mother fucker ?

Me ; go down .

He knelt …

Me : you better start telling me the truth .

Lame : Venom , you know if im gonna have to

fuck you up I would send my top guys not this
guys over here . Look im being set up . I swear
on my kids man .

Knox : we wasting time , do it .

Me ; knox .
Knox : this crispy beef gave us the name …

Me : we aint sure , baby wake him the fuck up

and ask him .

Nairobi ; hey , hey , wake the fuck up …hey ….

She looked at us …

Nairobi ; he is gone . He is dead .

I looked at knox .

Knox ; I thought I kept the stove on 180 .

Lame : I didn’t do shit venom , we just started
business together m why would I send a hit on
you and ket you run this territory .

Knox : shut the fuck up . Lorenxo pull the fuckin

trigger ,

Me : I aint going to shoot Lame unti I have full

proof that he is behind all this .

Knox : here is the proof .

He pointed at the crispy beef .

Me : think KNOX , I have a plan , we shut

everything down .
Nairobi ; you got to be kidding , now you want
me to make you my crispy beef.

Me : yes, we shut the whole system down , I

already said these motherfuckers cant win .
Spread the word !

I walked away ….

Knox : venom , we cant shut the whole shit

down .

Me : we need proof Knox


Happy Sunday ,



Lorenzo walked to the kitchen.

He placed a gift box ontop of the table, it was

junk food and diamond chain .

Me : you lied to me Venom , this aint gonna

make up for shit .

Lorenzo : then give them back .

I took them , I took out the goodies and walked
around the kitchen .

Me : you cant keep on doing this to me Venom ,

you do some shit then you think these gifts will
make up for shit .

Lorenzo : im sorry Dee , im sorry .

I kept quiet .

Me: whatever .

He sighed .

Lorenzo : I will be in my study .


Nick had come to drop me off at my apartment

Me : we are close to catching the motherfucker

only if Dave also cooperate .

Nick : yeah soon .

He leaned over and I moved back …

Me : what are you doing Nick ?

Nick : im sorry .
Me : we ended things , it's only work related , I
would prefer it if we keep it that way .

Nick : sure , I sorry .

Me : I gotta go , you will come fetch me

tomorrow since I left my car at work .

Nick : sure , goodnight .

I nodded and got out of the car . I walked to my

apartment . I got in and threw myself on the
couch , a knock interrupted me from my
peaceful relaxation . I got up and walked to the
door and opened. It was a man .
Me : may I help you ?

Him : is this Paxton Dlomo ?

Me : yes .

Him : sign here for me .

I signed and he gave me a bag . i took it and he

walked away .i closed the door and walked to
the lounge to have a look at what it is . It was a
box , I opened it and there was jewellery .
Original diamond and gold . It had a not

" this is real for you "

I gasped and looked at the jewellery .


Nairobi walked in my study .

Me :you cant just come in here whenever you

want . What will my wife say ?

Nairobi : oh I don’t give a damn about that ,

what will she say when she finds out that we
were once an item ?

Me : what do you want ?

Nairobi: I want you to use your heard instead of

your heart this is business we talking about
Terminator .
Me : what did you expect me to do, kill Lame
with no proof that he is behind all this ? You
heard what he said .

Nairobi : I don’t give a fuck about what he said ,

he is behind these hits , right now the club is the
only thing we got running ,we need to move and
turn this whole thing back on .

Me : Lame has always been a person who like

going hard on something ,I don’t see him
making a move like that . He is too fucken laze .
Its possible that someone set him up .

Nairobi : you overthink everything . We got proof

from that crispy beef , if only we didn’t call you
we would have done this by ourselves.
Me : yeah an I'm grateful you actually called .
We lay low for a few days , the motherfucker
will reveal themselves.

Nairobi : I think you need to know or remember

the people you hurt back in the days , could be
one of them .

Me : no I don’t think so .

Nairobi : you telling me that you had no enemies?

Me: most of my enemies we made peace , but

the one that remains is a guy named Calvin Cele
. But I doubt it is him , he doesn’t have the guts
to do that , he was too lazy to think , so it’s not
him .
Nairobi : mhmm.

Me : but we gonna find the person messing we

us and we gonna kill them .

She nodded and the door opened , Diana walked

in …

Diana : Dinner is almost ready .

Me: we will be there in a few .

She nodded and walked away .

Nairobi : the way you upset her don’t you think

one day she might poison you .

Me : I guess I trust her that much not to do

something like that .

My phone beeped , it was a message from

Paxton …

" I received the gift , it's beautiful . Thanks "

Me : can I see you ?

Pax : sure , I will send the details.

She sent the details and I walked out to the

dining area .
Me : cane , you back ?

He looked at me …

Cane : as you can see .

Me : where did you disappear to

Cane : why don’t you ask your guards since they

the ones who tell you everything .

Diana : Cane !

I chuckled …
Me : look babe , I gotta go , the is a guest at the
hotel who is requesting for my presence .

Diana : but you have supervisors for that .

Me : I know but I gotta handle this one .

Diana : Cane go and call out your sister .

He stood up and limped upstairs . We heard his

shouting from her bedroom . We rushed
upstairs. We walked in and found Ria lying
ontop of the bed , failing to almost breath .
Thick white saliva coming out of her mouth.
Diana ran to her and hugged her. Nairobi took
out her cellphone and called the ambulance.
Diana : Ria , Ria …come on baby.

Me : Cane, get the M4 ready .

I handed him the car keys and he rushed out .

I took her from Diana and picked her up and we

walked out of her room , we walked outside of
the car . Cane opened the door or us and I put
Ria at the back . Diana got infront and Cane got
at the back with his sister .

Nairobi : I will be behind you guys .

I got in side the car and drove away , in high

speed .
Diana : Lorenzo Drive faster .

I drove in high speed . After what felt like

forever we arrived at the hospital . The nurses
approached us with a stretcher and I placed her
there . They wheeled her .

Diana : I cant lose my baby .

I pulled her to me . I looked at Cane , we walked

up to him . He was sitting down . Diana sat next
to him …

Cane : I cant lose myself ma , I cant .

Diana : you wont , im sure she ate something .

We waited for hours . We saw the doctor
approaching us . We stood up …

Me : doctor . How is she ?

Doctor : she is fine but still unconscious .

Nairobi : what was the matter doctor .

Doctor : we ran the tests and they prove to

result that your daughter is suffering from
Lupus .

Me : lupus ? What's that , is it a social media

Phenomena ?

Doctor : no , Lupus is an inflammatory disease

caused when the immune system attacks its
own tissues.Lupus can affect the joints, skin,
kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.
Symptoms vary but can include fatigue, joint
pain, rash and fever. These can periodically get
worse (flare up) and then improve.

Diana : aint no cure for this thing ?

Doctor : there's no cure for lupus, current

treatments focus on improving quality of life
through controlling symptoms and minimising
flare-ups. This begins with lifestyle
modifications, including sun protection and diet.
Further disease management includes
medication such as anti-inflammatories and

Me : chronic ?
Doctor : last for years or lifelong .

Diana : how can a person get this lupus ?

Doctor : well It's likely that lupus results from a

combination of your genetics and your
environment. It appears that people with an
inherited predisposition for lupus may develop
the disease when they come into contact with
something in the environment that can trigger
lupus. The cause of lupus in most cases,
however, is unknown.

Me : then doctor what triggered it now ?

Doctor : lupus could be triggered by many

things but most of the time lupus is triggered by
when that person gets a heart attack or panic
attack or being insulted that could trigger the

Diana : but she is always happy .

Doctor : it could be that maybe she saw a

negative thing and felt bad about it or at some
point as her twin here maybe something bad
happened to him as twins they interbreed with
each other .

Cane : doc can we see her ?

Doctor : now I can only allow one person to see

her because we as doctors don’t know what
triggered it .
Cane : im her twin so I will see her . Can I spend
the night here ?

Doctor : unfortunately …

Me : doc , please .

Doctor : ok . Fine . The nurse will show you to

her ward . I will call the nurse .

We nodded and he walked away . Cane hugged

Dee and we fist bumped. He limped to the ward .
Sure my boys did a number on him . I hold Dee
by her waist and we walk out of the hospital . I
walked to Nairobi …

Me : there is somewhere I need to be , please

take her home .

Nairobi : sure . Hope it's not you cheating .

I smirked …

Me : you overthink too much .

I went to Diana and cupped her face .

Me : I will find you at home , im still going to fix

that hotel issue okay ?

She nodded . She didn’t have the strength to

fight . I perked her lips and hugged her .she
pulled out and walked to Nairobi , they both got
inside the car and drove away . I got inside the
car and also drove away . After a few hours
later I arrived at my destination . I got out and
we met halfway . She hugged me and perked
my lips . She was wearing one of the earrings
that I bought for her .

Me : it looks good on you .

Pax : it would look good on anyone .

Me : but not like this .

I perked her lips as she giggled .

Pax : thank you .but you didn’t …

Me : I wanted to .
Pax : why ?

Me : I just wanted to give you something special


Pax : special ? I already feel special when you

looking at me . You don’t need to buy me
anything .

She kissed me then pulled out

Pax : so ? What now ?

I looked at her …
Me : I almost lost my daughter today .

She looked at me …

Pax : you have a daughter ?

Me :I have two kids . Twins , and I have a wife .i

almost lost my last born Almeria .

Pax : Almeria ?

Me : and it all made me think about you ,us . I

got no excuse I should have told you .

She nodded and looked up…

Me : I have never stopped thinking about you .
All these years . I cant …

Pax : I guess we were just fooling ourselves .

You are married with kids . You should take
this …

Me :no , its yours . It's a gift .

She wiped her tears .

Pax : right . I should go home and you should go

back to your family, I don’t want you losing your
daughter . Good night Lo .

Me : good night Pax .

She wiped her tears and walked away …




When I saw my daughter almost dying my body

just froze , I didn’t want to talk or feel like
talking to anyone . Right now I can only imagine
the thought of losing a child . I wonder how
people deal with the pain after losing their loved
ones more especially their daughter. No parent
deserves to bury their children. Cane , what
could he have become without his twin . When
one of the man is sick , the other one will also
be sick . So I could just only imagine …

Me : what else will you need ?

Ria : im fine for the one hundredth time .

I sigh …

Ria : honestly im fine , I ate enough and you

gave me enough , thanks and I appreciate
everything that you doing for me , but honestly
im fine .

Me: you need to live healthy baby .

Ria : I know and I am living healthy . Im fine ma ,

it's not like im dead or anything . Im still alive
and still kicking . Im fine really .

I smile at her …

Ria : it's just some chronic disease nothing else .

I when was the last time you went out shopping
for yourself . I could go with you but I need to
greet my babies .

Me : we agreed that no social media till full

recovery .

Ria : I have fully recovered ma .

Me : you havent Ria . I somehow think you need

more time.
Cane walked downstairs …

Ria : Dad, cane , please tell her that she needs

time to herself . When was the last time you
held a pencil. The last time I checked you had a
design stressing you . Now please im fine. Dad
talk to her …

Cane : honestly Ria is being honest hear . You

need sometime to yourself . You also need to
go back to work . Look at your hair , it's so
messed up . The woman I married changes
hairstyle each and every weak not this Diana .

I smiled .

Cane : you look like a hobo . And besides if you

are worried about my other half , don’t worry im
here for her .

They all laughed …

Cane : im sorry ma . Im just kidding . But you

need time to yourself .

Me :maybe you are right , I need time . Let me

call someone .

I said walking away dialing Jane's number . I

waved my hand and jane answered on the third
ring .

Jane : this better be an explanation for you to

miss work .
Me ; im sorry it was family crisis . Anyways I
called to ask if you are free now ?

Jane : well I could use some break .

Me: good cause , im taking you out be ready in a

30 .



I feel like a fool , all along I thought Lorenzo is

not married and he got no kids . Maybe it is
because he doesn’t look like a guy who would
rather have his own family . In high school he
was very troublesome . Teachers , learners
knew him for many bad things . He was just
trouble hence him having his own family never
crossed my mind . I don’t know what tis means
but it simply means that he chose his family
over me , silly me which man would choose his
high school girl friend over his family , worse his
high school girlfriend left him in bed with a note
….i should have just thought of it . The dream
was for me and him to move away with our kids
but I don’t see that happening anytime soon . I
wanted him to know about his son Canon , but
that will no longer happen it was a dream
impossible …

Nick : are you fine ?

Me : yes , please give me some water .

I have a terrible hangover for the past few days I
have been drinking . Trying to put out if only I
didn’t leave , I would be the one in his wife's
position , I would be his wife . Who knows . The
fact that our relationship didn’t even last a week
frustrates me .

Nick handed me a glass of water .

Chief : Pax anything new ?

Me : uh…well Greek is meeting with his network .

Chief : oh so Greek is meeting with his network ,

we just don’t know when and where .
Me : my CI is trying to get me all the details but
as for right now I don’t have anything to note on
it already .

Craig : your CI needs to be pushed so that she

gets us the details of Greek's distributor .

Me : maybe you are shagging around trees .

Craig : or maybe this meeting is just bullshit .

Nick : it's not bullshit , it's legit . You just don’t

know how this investigation is conducted .

Craig : I don’t need you to tell how this

investigation is conducted .
Chief : right , we are still working .

Craig : well my opinion hasn’t changed , if infact

Venom is meeting with greek and his private
connect then Venom is the lucky candidate to
catch here . He got the infrastructure , the
relationships ,

Chief : right , I want you to get Louis on this ,

you two will be working together , I want you
two on him . I want you Craig to handle
survilance personally , whilst Louis will work out
the warrant .

Craig: right .

Chief : Paxton , you stay on this distributor

meeting . If it's happening , you need to be there
along with Nick .


Jane : what are you saying ?

We were walking to one of the restaurants to

have lunch .

Me : I don’t know what im saying . Things get

bad everyday between us , I feel like he is still
keeping shit from me . He has never done that
before .

Jane : what do you have in mind ?

I looked at Manado …

Me : is there a reason you pressing up on us

infact me ?

Manado : im afraid , it's my job to protect you .

Me : who told you I need protection ? Venom ?

Manado : no… I mean ….

Me : no , you need to back down Manado .

He walked away ….
Jane : there was no need for that .

Me : I felt like there was . I don’t need protection



Knox : any idea with regards to the meeting with

Greek ?

Me : no , we just cashing in his money I think.

Knox : Yo. Term we need to get everything in

place .
Me : I know , everything is in place .

Knox : what about food ?

Me : can you just relax ? Sometimes you act like

you are the one young and im the old one .

Knox : I just want everything to be alright .

Me : can you continue driving .

He got inside the yard and parked the car . I got

out of the car and walked inside the house .

Knox : just don’t take long in there .



I walked inside his apartment …

Dave : you like seeing my face ?

I chuckled .

Me : im here about business , important thing

only .

Dave : it's gonna cost you .

Me : you seem to forget that im the one holding
your life right?

Dave :you got me .

Me : just tell me what I need to know . .



Me : and Venom is gonna be there ?

Dave : yes .

Me : we need you to wear a wire .

Dave : im on the outside .

Me : then you can make a plan .

Dave : im not …

Me : I WILL BRING IT , just be careful you don’t

get busted .

I walked away …


Lorenzo walked in the room from the bathroom


Me : I didn’t know you were there .

Lorenzo : yeah . I didn’t see you this morning .

Me : yeah
Lorenzo : I missed you .

Me : it's nice to be missed . I went for a walk

with Ria and went shopping with Jane . Manado
was breathing down my neck . I asked him and
he said he was there to protect me . Something
I need to know about Venom ? Me and the kids
needs to get out of town for a while ?

Lorenzo : no , not like that . Manado is just

being protective . He taking his job seriously .

He perked my forhead .

Me : where ?


Me : I don’t remember you and us going out for

a while with the kids .

Lorenzo : well …

Me : and I trying to figure out why you having

late meetings .
Lorenzo : I told you why .

I looked at him .

Me :well it seems like you could spend the day

at home with me and the kids . Like you used
to .

Lorenzo : everything that im doing im doing it

for you and the kids Dee .

Me : what the fuck is that supposed to mean ?

Lorenzo : it means everything . Everything Dee.

He walked away …

Good morning .



After Lorenzo left with Knox , I walked

downstairs to prepare dinner . Cane walked in .
If there is someone who also knows how to
annoy someone is this one . Cane is not spoilt ,
he just knows how to annoy and piss someone
by just a few words . He is just an honest
speaker . At school it's always him and his
friend Steve debating with the teacher . Im all
fed up with him …

Cane : where is dad ?

Me : he is busy .

Cane : thought so . After all he is doing

everything for us right ?

Me : he is your father Cane and yes , he is doing

everything for us .

Cane : right . What are we eating . Half . How

are you ?

Me : you left me alone here .

Cane : you were to focused on your phone .
What was I supposed to do ?

She rolled her eyes .


We were driving to where the meeting was

going to be held .

Knox : they all on their way .

Me :it's about time . Do it now .

My phone rang, it was greek , I answered .

Me : yeah ?

Greek : you on ?

Me : yeah .

Greek : change of plans . We have a hit .

Me : hit ? Again ?

Greek : yeah , setting .

Me : setting us down tonight?

Greek : yeah , I will send you the location .

Me : im on my way .

He hung up . Knox looked at me .

Me : drop me off at Braam .

Knox : what ?

Me : we got a hit . Someone is on us , could be

the cops or our enemy . I got shit to attend , you
gonna handle the meeting at BREE.

Knox : you fucking with me , we getting hit and

you want me to let you attend shit alone ?

Me : yes , if one of us don’t attend this fucken

meeting they going to come for us thinking we
are behind all this Knox . You can handle this
shit alone and I'm gonna handle the shit alone .

Knox :fine .

He stopped the car and I got out .

Me : I know you got this . Until we know is

hitting us we not moving anywhere . You can
get Manado .

Knox : I will get Nairobi .

Me : right .

We fist bumped . He drove away .


NICK : we not letting anyone go . I want

photographs , id number of the car . We not
letting any dog disappear tonight . We clear ?

Them : yes sir .

Me : are all cameras up ?

Nick : they are up .

Me : and any entrance .

Nick : we know one entrance .

Me :what about the entrance at the north ?

Nick: nothing .

I sighed …

Me : is there another way in ?

He shook his head no .

Me : get me a blue print of the floor plan .

He laid it on the table .

Nick : this is the entrance to the building .

Me : look there's only one entrance to the

building but they not getting in with that one
entrance but that simply means there's a
connecting entrance to floor they going . It
could be underground .

Nick : you could be right .

Me : I should have known . They are too smart

to go through the front door .
Nick : it's a guess .

Me :no ,it's not .

Nick : you are locked .

Me ; are you absolutely sure ?

Nick : yes .

Me : because it's your call , it's on you ? and

what id im right ? They are in there then we
gotta go in right now .

Nick : Paxton . We don’t have shit one them , we

cant just burst in there and arrest them just for
having lunch .
Me : I know , we just wanna go in there and see
his face only . Nothing more . Know who the
fuckin Venom is ?

He exhaled .

Me : I wanna see him and know who it is . Once

we know who it is we get evidence we turn him
in and we get Greek . beating two birds with one

I walked away …

Nick : we going in .

He took his bullet proof and wore it . He also

took his gun .


Me : and ?

He is dead . I slit his throat .

I chuckled . She came to me and I kissed her .

Me : good . He knew too much . He wasn’t

supposed to have escaped that time . If only
Venom made this job easier for me .
Her : people dying because of him .

Me : he deserves everything coming his way. He

deserves everything . The pain he caused you .

She smiled …

Her : what is next ? Kill her mother ? Pin it on

him ?

Me : you are smart , but there's no fire yet in the

relationship , I just need to add paraffin .

She giggled


Nairobi : I guess Lame cant tell time .

I looked at her and she smiled .

Me : so how is everybody doing .

Roose : We could be better if we had products ,

im losing corners .

GT : Me too .

Roose : is that why you have been stepping over

mine kid ?
GT : those aint my people , just because they
look young and black doesn’t make them mine .

Roose : they are flying your flag .

GT : bullshit and if they said they are they are

lying .

Me : right , shut up .

Roose : you lying Kid .

GT : well then kiss my black ass .


Roose :you should fuck the shut up …

We heard gunshot . It was Nairobi .

Nairobi : now shut up , all of you . We may

before on the streets but he we are business
partners .

Roose : speaking of Partners , where is your lil

brother K ? We getting hit and Venom doesn’t
even bother showing up to this meeting ?

Me : what are you saying Roose ?

Roose : wait , not only he doesn’t get us product

but he is not even here . I gotta connect out of
the country

GT : out of where ?

Roose : the country , Venom has been

overcharging us . We could do better .

Me : I turning shit back on . We will start moving

to all of you again . GT , you wanna go with
Roose and get a new distributor ? Leaving your
uncle then go right ahead .

GT : We happy with you and uncle V , Uncle K ,

We don’t do business with chicken skins .

Roose : what do you mean chicken ?do I look

like I from chickens motherfucker ?
Me : when you come back on your knees we
gonna charge you triple Roose .

They served us food .

Nairobi : we gotta know who has been hitting on

us .


After meeting up with , I drove back hoe and

found Dee busy with the dishes . Cane and Ria
were watching movies I assume in the lounge .
I took out my phone and called Knox. It went to
voice mail .

Me : call me back when you get this , you

should have been back already the sit down
was supposed to be over already .

I hung up and kissed Dee's cheek .

Dee : what sit down? Knox went to a sit down

alone .

Me : no with Nairobi .

Dee : Nairobi ? What is Nairobi doing at sit

downs ? Scratch that since when do Knox and
Nairobi do sit's downs without you ? What
about Manado ?
Me : There was no one else that would go with
him besides Nairobi ? Manado is your guard .

Dee : why Nairobi? Were you some where ?or

are you going somewhere ?

I took out some beer out of the fridge and

opened it . I looked at her .
Me : no im not going anywhere Dee , im stuck
here with you , right where you want me .

Dee : what was the sit down about ?

Me : dinner tomorrow with my friend ?

Dee : you didn’t answer my question …

My phone rang I took it out and answered it

walking away .

Me : Medusa .

Medusa : Venom , have you heard ?

Me : about what ?

Medusa : Lame ? That fuckin shit is no more .

Me : what ?

Medusa : I caught you by surprise ?

Me : where did you get this ?

Medusa : information from your law

enforcement is so cheap .



Me : what about you ?

Medusa : I m still waiting for them to please me .

Me : did that person reach out to you directly ?

Medusa : of course . I said no to their proposal .
You see I aint like Greek I refuse to tolerate
this disloyalty . In the man that im partners with .

Me :im handling the situation Medusa .

Medusa : so you keep saying .

He hung up …



My alarm rings and I kick the blankets kicking
the annoyance of it , today im going to the
workshop , it's been a while since I went there . I
need to see how thing are . I trust Jane with
everything but now I need to go back to work . I
got out of bed and fixed the bed then walked to
the bathroom and took a bathe . Don’t bother
me asking " where the hell is my husband '? .
After taking a bathe a lotion and wear my denim
jeans and high stiletto heels . I gather my staff
and walk downstairs to prepare breakfast . I
find Knox in the kitchen …

Me : morning , you early today .

Knox : yeah . I just came by to have breakfast ,

it's good that you woke up .

Me : where is Venom ?
Knox : he is still making a call in the study .

I took out a bowl and dished up some fruit

salad .

Me : your favorite with your brother .

He took the bowl and ate .

Me : speaking of your brother , he has been

acting very weird lately . Even hired Manado
took be my guard. Is there something I need to
know K ? I mean I got kids to worry about .

Knox : it's nothing , and Manado we got

everything under control. Don’t worry .
Me : Venom aint telling me shit . It's always shit
to handle this and shit to handle that .
worse the club and hotel . Im so sick and tired
hearing about that .

Knox : me too , that shit is annoying .

Me : did Venom tell you almost half a million

from our personal account ?

Knox : he did ?

Me : yes . He didn’t even tell me about it , I had

to find out by myself .

Knox : you shouldn’t be crying . Look at where

you live . Look at your life , the clothes you
wearing . From where Im seating it looks like
things are playing pretty good for you . He just
has a lot on his hands .

Me : no K , He is changing , your brother is

changing and that's not good for either one of
us .

He looked at me …

Knox : do you have more yoghurt ?

Lorenzo walked inside the kitchen . He kissed

me …

Knox : get a room . The both of you .

I pulled out …

Lorenzo : get your own wife .

Knox chuckled …

Lorenzo : we still on that dinner right ?

Me : yes .

Lorenzo : I will get you new earrings and

something new for you to wear underneath .

I giggled and he perked my lips.

Lorenzo : let's go .

Knox : I will come later to have more of this .

I giggled and they both walked out . I went to

check upon the kids . They were still sleeping , I
left some note for them then walked downstairs
. I took my staff and walked out . I went to my
car and got in then drove away .


I looked at the gift box, I have to take this back .

The was a knock on the door . I stood up and
wiped my tears . I went to get the door. I
opened it was Canon .

Me : canon , what are you doing here ? I mean

aint you supposed to be at school ?

Canon : no , I have no classes today . Have you

been crying ?

Me : no . I was wiping off some dust and

something got inside my eyes . I was busy
trying to wash it off .

He walked in …

Canon : doesn’t look like you have been

cleaning .
Me : yeah , it was hours earlier on .

He took the gift box …

Canon : this is ….

I took it away from him …

Canon : what is that ?

Me : it's work staff . Something you aint allowed

to see .

Canon : what are you ?

Me : excuse me ..
Canon : what are you ? A cop ? You working
with the feds ?

Me : Canon , No . Im a prosecutor but helping

the feds .

Canon : I see . Im here because I want to know

about my father b.

Me : canon this aint the right time .

Canon : when will the right time ever be ? Are

we still at the wrong time . Have you ever came
across a clock saying 76:89 hours ?

Me : Canon . Can we do this some other time .

Canon : yeah sure , you have work to do right ?

Me : canon .

Canon : it's fine , you claim to want to make for

the lost time but you fail to do so . It was nice
seeing you Pax .

He walked out . I sighed. Why is this boy hot

headed .

A text came through it was Lo. " im sorry for

how things were the last time ."

I sighed and felt a lone tear escape my eyes .



Lorenzo did send the earring and something to

wear underneath . I walked out of my office
heading out I bumped into Melusi .

Me : im sorry .

Melusi : long time .

Me : you no longer my uber eats so ?

He chuckled .
Melusi :is that your way of saying you missed
me ?

Me : imagine . Me missing your ugly face .

He chuckled …

Melusi : you known I could kiss you for saying

my face is ugly .

Me : you wouldn’t dare to .

Melusi : are you daring me ?

I shook my head no …
Melusi : I thought so …

Manado came to us …

Manado : boss is waiting for you .

I looked at Melusi …

Me : I need to go . It was nice seeing you once

again .

He nodded and hugged me . I pulled out and

walked away from him . Manado opened the
door for me . I got in and drove away . I changed
my outfit at work . After what felt like forever , I
saw Lorenzo's car , I got out and went to it . I
got inside , he perked my lips .
Lorenzo : you look good .

I smiled .

Me ; thanks , you not bad yourself .

Lorenzo : busy day .

Me : you don’t know . I just need some rest

after this . You going to the club tonight ?

Lorenzo: how do you know ?

Me : it's Friday remember ?

He smirked and drove away . He drove to some
mansion . We got out of the car . We walked
inside ,with Lorenzo's hand on my waist . We
were welcomed by a beautiful dark skinned lady
. She hugged me …

Her : Ndoniyamanzi .

Me : Diana .

Ndoni : nice to meet you Diana . Come let me

show you around the house . Before we sit and
dine .

She showed me around the house . When we

were done we went to the table . Lorenzo
opened the chair for me , I sat down and he also
did the same . I dished up for him and Ndoni
also did the same .

Me : your home is beautiful .

Ndoni : just like the owner .

I nodded .

Ndoni : you are also beautiful .

Me : thanks .

We ate dinner conversing about life style .

Lorenzo and Travis stood up and walked to his
study . Good . I was left with this lady with the
worst attitude .
Ndoni : so Diana , what do you do in life ?

Me : im a designer and what about you ?

Ndoni : im a dermatologist .

Me : nice .

She poured me some wine .

Ndoni : you two look good hey .

Me : thanks , you also do look good together .

Ndoni : we try . And how many years ?

Me : 17 years together .

Ndoni : that is something .

Me : yeah I guess .

Ndoni : why do you guess , I mean he gives you

everything you need , Louis Vuitton you wearing .
Real diamond you have .

Me : all this glitters and gold mean nothing .

You wont know a man .

Ndoni : I know what you are trying to say . You

think that he might be cheating on you .
I sighed . I don’t know if the alcohol has went
down on my nervous system or what ?

Ndoni : baby , man will always cheat . He might

not be cheating on you now but he may have
cheated on you in the pass then rectified his
mistakes or he may have not cheated on you in
the past and be cheating now or he may have
cheated on you in the past and still cheating on
you now . These people you can ever tell about
them .

Me : yeah you right .

Ndoni : a man will always cheat . You like it or

not even the pastor cheats his Congregation
about tithes and holy oils . Them cheating it
doesn’t mean that there is something wrong
that you did , it's not you but them . Something
is wrong with them . Not you .

I sipped my wine .

Me : you talk like someone with experience .

Ndoni : I do , you know he cheats and you ask

him if he is cheating and he lies into your face
but when you find the truth you know what ?

Me : what ?

Ndoni : shoot the mother fucker . Shoot the

bitch . There is nothing good like being in a
public and open relationship with someone than
being hidden . Being hidden it's like a light in the
dark , they only need you when it’s dark but
when there is light , they open the door and as a
light they switch you off .

Me : mhmm . I aint gonna shoot someone for a

man .

Ndoni ; I know . It's useless , you don’t make

him love you . He must love you willingly . Don’t
be those who fight for a man . Theirs is plenty
meat out there . Whether a dick is long or short
as long as you are satisfied .

I chuckled . Lorenzo came and we said our

good byes . We exchanged digits with Ndoni .
Walking to the car was going to take us forever .
He rather picked me up and we went to car .
Made me lay on the back seat and he got in the
drivers seat and he drove away .
I felt like the drive home was very shot . I realize
that we are at some club . Lorenzo perks my
lips and gets out of the car . Manado gets in
and drives me away leaving Lorenzo alone .
Still the drive home was shot . Manado picks
me up to my bedroom . He lays me down on my
back , eventually I just dozed off .


I walked to Knox …

Me :I specifically told you not tell them that we

turning shit back on .
Knox : well Roose said he had anew connect
with a better price . The whole point was to
figure who is robbing us .

you said the motherfuckers who is thirsty is the

one hitting us . Lame didn’t even show up to the
meeting is that not thirsty enough for you ?

Me : Lame is dead .

Knox : get the fuck out of here .

Me : Medusa called and told me .

Knox : how the fuck does he know ?

Me : the feds are on his payroll .

Knox : Jesus son of Christ .

Me : did you do it ?

Knox : do what ?

Me : Lame . You and Nairobi .

He chuckled …

Knox : come here .

Me : im here .
Knox : get out of my face . Are you fuckin
kidding me . You think I killed him .

He held me by my collar .

Knox : you kidding me ?

He let go of me .

Knox : I didn’t fuckin kill him .

I looked at him .

Me : medusa said there's someone behind this

shit .
Knox : his name .

Me : don’t have it , he wants to replace me .

Knox : fuck this person .

Me : that person needs to go Bro .

Knox : I can handle that .

We fist bumped and he walked away . I walked

inside my office and found Pax sitting there .
She stood up and approached me .

Pax : I brought this back , I cant keep this .

I looked at her …

Pax : I tried ,but when I look at it I think about

you and us and everything that didn’t happen
and can happen and wont happen . I cant live
my life like this Lo , thinking about you .

I opened the box and took out a necklace.

Pax : we cant be friends . It will never be enough

. I gotta go .

I around her neck and made her wear it .

Pax ; don’t do this …

Me : I cant be friends with you either .

I perked her cheek . She wiped her tears . I
perked her lips . She looked at me and kissed
me . I deepened the kiss. I took off her coat and
she wrapped her hands around me as we
kissed . I picked her up and put her on top of
the table . I look deep into her eyes .

Me : Can you tell me what it is that You do ,

that’s driving me so crazy.

She shook her head as I brushed her nipples . I

took of her top and took off her skirt. I pulled
her legs up
and burried my face on her pussy taking off her
wet thong, then I kissed her orgasm and went
up and
kissed her again and she let out a soft moan
due to the pleasure and my finger rubbing her
clit and her
entrance , I got off and took my pants followed
by my trousers boxers off. I opened my legs,
split both legs like dividends, I pushed myself in
and she moaned softly . I increased my pace
smashing in and out of her ….

Pax : ahhh….yeah…

I felt her body tremble and I pulled out , I turned

her around , taking it from behind . I entered her
slowly , she moaned softly again . I slid inside
her from the back and I groaned out loud while
she moaned and I started moving slowly while I
kept groaning and moaning, it felt good . After
a minute or so my grip got tight on her waist
and I increased my pace ,I kept on increasing
my pace to a point that she got hit by another
intense orgasm and again I didn’t stop I kept on
fucking her hard with my grip on my waist
getting tighter the sound of our bodies slapping
and my groans and her moans filled the office ,
I went on and on until I felt my body tense up as
I orgasmed . Going harder she followed after
me .




After the steamy session , I walked to the

restroom to clean up my self and fix my self .
Thinking about what just happened . I apply
gloss and smile . I then put my shit together
and walk out of the restroom. I find Lorenzo
waiting for me at the back door . He opens it for
me and I walk out …

Lorenzo : One of my guards will take you home .

Me : of course . There was no need for that .

Could have taken a cab .

Lorenzo : what kind of guy do you think I am ?

I giggled .

Lorenzo : are you okay ?

Me : im better than okay .

He chuckles . I walk to the car . He pulls me and
kiss me then I get inside the car .

Lorenzo : good night Pax .

Me : good Night Lo .

He closes the door and the driver drives away . I

smiled again .


I woke up in the morning with a mother of

hangovers , what did I drink ? I close my eyes
again and get out of the bed and fix it . I go to
the bathroom and wash my face first . I then run
the water for me to bathe add take a bathe
when I was done doing my morning hygiene
process I walked downstairs and found
Lorenzo with the kids .

Me : smells divine in here .

Lorenzo : good morning sleepy head .

Me : morning babe .

He walks to me and perks my lips .

Cane : where you that busy last night ?

I give him a death stare .

Cane : im sorry .

Me :I want a hot strong coffee .

Lorenzo and Cane both chuckled. I sit on the

dining table and pour myself some coffee .

Ria : are you going to the workshop today ?

Me : yeah .

Ria : you don’t look fine to be going there .

Me : I will be fine after drinking this .

Lorenzo : this is a sign that you should never

drink alcohol .

I rolled my eyes .

Lorenzo : I saw that.

He stood up …

Me : please drop me off at work .

Lorenzo : sure .

Me : I will get my staff .

I stood up and walked upstirs to get my staff .
After taking my bag I walked downstairs and
kiss my kids goodbye , I then walked to the car
and got in . Lorenzo then drove away .

Me : im sorry .

He looked at me …

Lorenzo : for what ?

Me : embarrassing you last night .

Lorenzo : you never embarrass me . So no last

night you didn’t .
Me : you aint angry ?

Lorenzo : no Im not angry Dee . Infact im happy

that you got time to yourself to enjoy alcohol
and laugh .

I smiled .

Me : you enjoy it when im drunk ? That's what

you trying to say ?

Lorenzo : not quite but babe you could barely

walk .

Me : and you let me walk ?

Lorenzo : I would never do that . I became a

gentle man and picked you up to the car .

Me : I didn’t hear you come in last night .

Lorenzo : you were fast asleep and didn’t want

to wake you up . Not to mention the fact that
your sleeping positions made me sleep on the
couch .

I smiled and he parked the car .

Me : I don’t have bad sleeping positions

Lorenzo .

Lorenzo : you do , now I have to teach you how

to sleep when you with someone .
I laughed and opened the door .

I kissed him and I got out .

Lorenzo : I love you .

Me : I love you too.

I walked away …


My phone beeped it was Lorenzo" dinner

tonight 6pm?"
I smiled and texted him back " sure "

Nick : you seem to be in a good mood today .

Me : yes I am .

Nick : I see .

I sat down …

Chief : im not happy , nor sad . We got fucked

up . Pax , Nick , you bursted into a restaurant
scared people having lunch .

Nick : Chief we …
Me : it was my fault and I take full responsibility
for that Chief

Chief : yes you do , but it's not worse than the

potential of the whole investigation getting
messed up , whilst you two idiots Craig and
Louis were just bonding outside . Your job was
to draft the warrant not go out on a field trip .

Craig : we humbly apologize…

Chief : yes you should , what will apology help

me with ? Forget that , the question is where to
from here .

Me : if the person we were looking into , Lame is

the distributor that was planning on Taking
Venom's position on Greek . Then Venom is the
one that called a hit or Greek did . If we find
Lame's killer then we could connect Venom
directly .

Chief : we gonna need a Cooperation with the

person handling Lame's murder case.

Me : (whispering ) Nick please try to get ahold

of Dave he is not answering my calls .

Nick : sure .

Chief : get your Asses on deck .

She walked out …



The door opened . Jane walked in …

Jane : this was dropped off by someone known

as Knox .

Me : yeah . Thanks . I asked him to bring me

some bottle .

Jane : hangover ?

Me : don’t ask.
She giggled and walked out . After a few
minutes she came back …

Jane : someone is here to see you .

Me : who ?

Jane : they refused to say their name .

Me : ok let them in .

She walked out and the door opened again .

"Drinking ?"

I chuckled and she walked in . I stood up and

hugged her .

Me : Ndoni don’t judge please .

Ndoni : im not judging you .

She sat down …

Ndoni : what are we having here .

She took a glass and poured herself some wine .

Ndoni: you know I had to look for you in every

design workshop .

Me : you are exagerating .

Ndoni : maybe a little bit but I had to spend a lot
of money in order to get you .

Me : im sorry .

Ndoni : so I was thinking maybe we could…

Me : No , im not drinking tonight…

Ndoni : im not even done yet . I want to see your

work of art . Who drew that ?(pointing at a
drawing on the wall )

Me : I did .
Ndoni : you also draw portraits ?

Me : I do but I don’t sell them .

Ndoni : why ?

Me : I think people wont buy .

Ndoni ; you are so stupid .

I chuckled …

Ndoni : let's take a walk .

Me : if I fall will you pick me up ?

Ndoni : you have guards so .


Me : Roose .

Roose : yesterday you didn’t show up in the

meeting .

Me : I had things to do .

Roose : you heard about Lame being no more .

Me : I did that's why he didn’t show up to the

meeting I guess.

Roose : yeah

Knox : tell him about you getting a new connect .

Roose : I know a guy who knows a guy .

Me : a guy ?

Roose : yes . Cut the bullshit , you here to

accuse me of something or not ? Because not
too long ago you came to me for help and I
gave you help .

Me : I guess we have history , I came to you

with respect .
Roose : yeah with respect then you will open
that pipeline that you opened for that kid GT .
Your brother told me you are turning shit back
on but I aint seeing shit .

Me : give a couple of days to fix some shit .

They walked away .


Me : Baby girl . How is your boy friend ?

Candra : he is doing better now .

Me : mhmm .

Her : you have a boyfriend now Candra ?

Candra : he is my friend .

Her : you hang around with boys now ?

Me : let the kid be Tasha .

Tasha chuckled .

Me : give me a few minutes with your aunty

baby .

I hugged her and she walked out of the room …

Tasha : I overheard you last night trying to get
into a network .

Me : yeah , I didn’t blow our cover , those

moterfuckers turned down my proposal .

Tasha : what were you expecting ? I feel like you

going soft on this game plan. Change of plans ,
you get the bitch and I also get the bitch long
with the son of a bitch .

Me : how you gonna do that ? The nigga knows

you .

Tasha : he knew e back then when we were

once a thing and the bitch she didn’t even know
that I exist before she took her away from me .
Watch this space .

Me: how many bitches ?

Tasha : I have lost count of them. That nigga

knew that I always wanted him well until my
best friend Nairobi betrayed me and got him all
to herself .

I sighed .

Tasha : and now her sister has him. There's

also another bitch Paxton .

Me : the prosecutor .

Tasha : yes . She also took him from me and

Nairobi . That one will never know what hit her .

Me : right .


I was sitting at a restaurant waiting for Lorenzo .

The waiter brought a drink for me .

Me : I didn’t…

Him : was told you to give you this when you

here .
I smiled and he walked away .

Me : you never cease to amaze me .

I looked behind me and there he was standing .

Lorenzo : hey . Im looking for a friend .

Me : well , I guess you can look for a friend with

me .

I giggled and he gave me his hand . I took his

hand and he led us to the elevator . The
elevator stopped and opened . We got inside
some room . His phone rang he asked to be
excused . I stood there looking myself in the
mirror after a few minutes I felt hands on my
back . It was him . He kissed my neck. I moved
away from him .

Lorenzo : come on Pax , what's wrong? Talk to

me .

I turned to look at her .

Me : I wanna know what we doing . Are we just

fucking ?

Lorenzo : is that what you think it is ?

Me : I don’t know what to think .

Lorenzo : then don’t think .

Me : im being real here Lo. Look last night was
last night .but then if this happens again then
im making a choice …

He placed his index finger on my lips .

Lorenzo : I am making a choice right here , right

now . With you .

He kissed me . He unzipped my dress and took

it off . I unbuttoned his T-Shirt . I pulled out of
the kiss and looked at his chest . His tattoos .

Me : what is this ?

It was a snake tattoo and the other one I didn’t

understand it . On the mouth of the snake it was

Lorenzo : it is a snake . I got it back in high

school when people called me a snake . Called
me poisonous . A snake is poisonous it
spreads Venom and Venom is slippery .

I looked at the capital letter T for Destroying .

Me : snakes spread Venom . Are you a snake ?

He chuckled . I kissed his back .

Apologies for the late insert I know I said early

morning but eskom guys .




The deadline for me to finish the worst design

is here . Im only left with two days . Im done
with the drawing but we still on the design . I
finished the drawing two days ago and we
started designing it yesterday . I feel sorry for
Jane but she said she will handle this whole
thing . She knows I hate overworking them .

I walk to the kitchen and find Knox , I came here

to fetch one of my portraits that Ndoni asked
me to give to her .

Me : why is our kitchen the first place you go to

every time you come over here ?

Knox : where else will I go ?

Me : you don’t greet anyone before coming

here .

Knox : who will I greet ? I see no one here . Ok ,

hello stove . Hello refrigerator , hello spoon .
Hello barstool .

I giggle …
Me : ok , ok enough now . You should greet first
before coming here . Respect Venom as the
head of the house.

Knox : fuck him , he was supposed to meet me

here at 12 o'clock . He is late .

Me ; have you noticed that Venom has been

M.I.A Lately ?

Knox : well …. Are all your workers at work today


Me : yeah .

Knox : well good …

Me : what is it ?

Knox : I got a crush on your receptionist , the

one that I ….

Me ; Jane?

Knox : yeah , do you mind inviting her for dinner

tonight , I might propose .

ME : YOU ? Knox Ndlovu propose ?

Knox : yeah , you cant predict the future .

Me : you are crazy .

I walk upstairs and take the portrait then walk
downstairs .

Me : don’t finish our fridge .

Knox : what do you say about the diner proposal


I walked to Nick …

Me : did you get him ?

Nick : yeah , he is inside .

Me : thanks .

I walked to the interrogation room .

Me : can I do this alone ?

Nick : you sure ?

Me : yeah , thanks .

He nodded and walked away . I got inside the

interrogation room .

Dave : I should have known you are behind this

Me : you didn’t return to my calls and you just

went M.I.A .

Dave : this was not necessary .

Me : well thanks to you about telling me about

that fake meeting with Venom .

Dave :there was a meeting . You just didn’t look

in to the right places . You were supposed to
know that building in and out . You got the
wrong entrance

Me: of course I did . You were supposed to tell

me everything . You were supposed to have a
wire on .

Dave : I told you im on the outside not the inside


Me : you did . Im out of here .

I walked to the door .

Dave : Venom doesn’t only deal drugs . He also

smuggles diamonds. He owns a club , hotel ,
establishments. He uses them as a front to
clean his dirty money . They had turned off the
pipeline but now it's turned back on , he is still
moving on the streets .

Me ; get me more info on this Venom guy . Any

friends you know of?

Dave : he is working with a lady by the name

Nigeria that's what he calls her and a guy who
looks like him but older than him he calls him K .
But I know one of the boys he distributes his
drugs to , its GT.

Me : I can see cuffs make you talk . I will get

someone to set you free .

I walked out .


My office door opened and walked in a lady in

high heels with sun glasses on, Ndoni almost
laughed …
Her: im looking for Mrs Ndlovu , am I at the right
place ?

Me : yeah , this is me .

She took off her sun glasses and sat down.

Her : im Tasha . I heard a lot about your

business . Your work is very beautiful .

me: Thanks . Miss Tasha this is my fr…

Ndoni : partner , Ndoni .

Her ; mhmm , nice to meet you ladies . By the

way . As I was saying your work is very beautiful
. I saw you designs on these social medias
platforms and I got hooked directly . Finding
you was never easy .

Me : thanks for the effort .



My phone beeped it was a message from

Paxton stating she will be a little bit late
tonight . I sighed and put my phone away .
What the hell am I doing ? I have a wife and im
cheating on her . I love Diana and her fighting
spirit . She holds the power to destroy and bury
me .
My phone rang . It was GT , I answered the call

Me : GT , WHAT UP ?

GT : We moving shit , the corners are moving

slowly .

Me : we still havent got who is hitting us .

GT : negative .

Me : right then that means we gotta find the

motherfucker and kill the motherfucker behind
this shit .

GT : on it .
Me : right . Later .

He hung up

My office door opened and Greek walked in ….

Me : Greek .

He walked towards me and sat down .

Me : we don’t have a meeting today unless if

things have changed .

Greek : no things havent changed . My staff is

not moving .
Me ; yeah , I know and Im still fixing all that .

He looked at me …

Greek : im not here for that . I want a crystal

cocaine , methyl

Me : what?

Greek : you heard good . There's a war that im

going to fight . I was called by my commander
apparently there's someone who has my name
in their mouths , looking up to catch me .

Me : the feds are into you ?

Greek : I don’t have anything detailed as yet but
there's someone in there that has my name on
their mouth .

Me : what do you want to do about it ?

Greek : Imma need to find that person , in order

for me to protect my family and my self it's
either you get me the Methyl or you kill the
person .

Me : I will look into it .

Greek : remember you have two options

Terminator . I know you are capable of
terminating everything that comes to your way .
Me : sure . A glass ?

Greek : sure .


Knox came to pick me up later on …

Me : this aint like you .

He opened the door for me and I got inside the

car .

Knox : I just love my sister in law .

Me : I know you here to see Jane K, I know you .

He chuckled and drove away …

Me : well and stop rolling infront of my

workplace . They gonna say I smoke too .

Knox : fuck that ! You don’t ? Cause Lorenzo

does .

I looked at his hands he was rolling a joint …

Knox : relax , im a pro with this .

Me : well I still got kids to live for .

He smirked and lit the joint up …

Me :look I know im starting to sound like a

broken record but your brother is heading out of
the game .

Knox : no , Venom is always busy handling

some shit .

I shook my head no . He gave a joint …

Knox ; come on, we no longer in your building

,beside Venom wont know that you were
smoking .

I chuckled and took the joint . Took a blunt .

Me : fine , but im just saying , if you look into
this , Venom depends on us , but nowadays he
talks to me sideways , disrespect you and shit .

Knox : it's not like…

Me ; don’t lie to me to my face .

Knox : you are constantly fighting with each

other because of Venom always running shit
that aint important .

Me : do you think he is using his staff ?

Knox : No Dee…
Me : or do you think Venom is cheating on me ?

Knox : No Dee , that is the case . Im sure

Venom is going through midlife crisis .

Me ; Venom is young . It's too early for him to

go through all that . Venom is changing K , And
im starting to think that it aint a temporary thing
but a permanent thing .

He parked the car in the yard and I got out .

Knox : don’t drink when you get there .

I chuckled and closed the door . I walked inside

the house .


My phone rang . It was after a round with Pax .

Her phone also rag . She walked to the
bathroom to answer the call .

Me : Nairobi…

Nairobi : Roose got stabbed ,right in the chest .

Me : excellent , if he got stabbed then he is not

the one trying to take me out of the business.

Nairobi : yeah .we will talk .

She hung up . Paxton walked back to the room .

Pax: I gotta go , work is blowing up .

Me : sure .


The kids were in the cinema room . Manado

walked to the kitchen …

Manado : mam , I brought your car . Here are

your keys .
I walked up to him and touched his chest .

Me ; you are such a gentle man .

I winked at him , moving my hand up and down

on his chest brushing it .

Me : mhmm , your body is nice . Modeling would

suit you .

I touched his legs and moved my hand down

the button of his pants …

Me : and you have a 12 pack , im sure . I see

Venom is teaching you well .
I brushed his V-line on the waist .

Me ; and I think he is hiding something from me

and I wanna know what it is and how long it has
been going on .

Manado :I-I-I--I wish i-I knew what you are

talking about .

Me: you are a terrible liar. What is going on with

my husband lately ?

Manado : he is having meetings lately at the

establishment …uh…of fuck …

Me ; what meetings?
"Ma , you back home ?"

I moved away from him and smiled . I looked at

Cane, Ria and Steve .

Me : hey kids .

Cane : ma , Steve is spending the night here .

Hope you got no problem with it .

Me : not at all baby .

Manado : I gotta go .

Me : sure Manado .



Knox walked to me .

Me : where the hell have you been ?

Knox : I was out .

Me : doing what ?

Knox : I went to fetch Dee at work you know .

Me : she has a body guard . She doesn’t need
you to fetch her at work .

Knox : yeah I know , I just wanted to see some

girl that works for her and I also wanted to
know what she would like for her birthday .

Me : birthday ?

Knox : it's her birthday , in the next upcoming

weeks . Fuck Venom don’t tell me you forgot
about your wife's birthday .

Me :It's not like that . I just have a lot of shit on

my mind .
Knox : ok , what do you want ?

Me : I want you to check up on Roose . How he

is holding up and all that shit .

Knox : I can do that .

Me : yeah also get to know who did that shit on

him . Just to be on the safe side .

Knox : ok , I can do that .

We fist bump and he walked away …

I texted Paxton.


My phone beeped , it was a message from Lo.

It read " im thinking about you " I smiled .

Nick : Pax , you still here ?

I looked at him and nodded .

Me : yeah , where were we ?

Nick : im done putting a wire on him .

Me : we could have done this during the day .

Dave : this is the only time that they wont find
out that im here with you .

Nick : from now on try to be close to Venom ,

when he talks Business .

Me : especially if they talking about any plans .

We will be able to hear everything .

Dave : if Venom's guards or Brother or girlfriend

find this on me im dead .

Me : we will be monitoring you every 24 hours .if

anything happens we will be on you within a
second .
Dave : it's lesson than a second for someone to
pull a trigger .

Me : nothing will happen to you , you have my

word .

Dave : your word ? I will remember that wen im

bleeding out .


Lorenzo walked in the kitchen . I was preparing

dinner .

Me : you are home early . Thought you would be

at one of your businesses all night .

Lorenzo : I wasn’t at the club I was with Knox .

Me : funny how Knox dropped me off here . I

could ask what is going on between the two of
you but you wont tell me .

Lorenzo :and I don’t want your pretty mind to

worry about that ok? I want you to concentrate
onn throwing the biggest birthday party in the
world .

Me : I though you forgot .

He hugged me from behind .

Lorenzo : now you see that is so wrong .

Me : mhmm .

I smiled .

Me : it would have been nice to know a couple

of weeks ago .

Lorenzo : but it wasn’t gonna be a surprise

anymore would it be ?

He kissed my cheeks.

Me : don’t bring that bullshit to me .

He chuckled …

Lorenzo : look baby , I had this whole thing

planned , I did , and now I thought why don’t
you plan your own party , do whatever you want
at the club .

Me : hmm , you got me there .

Lorenzo :I will talk to Max then you and your

girls go shopping for the party and do whatever .
I will pay .

I smiled .

Lorenzo : you husband got you .

He kissed my cheeks . I turned to look at him
and hugged him . He kissed me .

Me : thanks babe . And I promise I wont break

the bank okay .

Lorenzo : don’t make no promises that you cant


Me : I promise .

He kissed me again , I giggled as he picked me

up and put me on top of the kitchen cardboard .
He played with my coochie. Rubbing it till it was
dripping wet he then took of his trousers and
pushed himself inside of me slowly . I moaned
softly as he started moving in and out .
Lorenzo : fuck you are so warm .

He said going in and out of me . He increased

his pace , pounding me so hard , he placed my
left leg on his shoulder still moving inside me ,
shaking and grinding his waist . He slapped my
bum not hard .

Lorenzo : Let go Dee, let go baby .

He said his strokes deeper . Thrusting in my pot

tiill an orgasm hit me after few second he came
looked me deep insde my eyes …

Loren zo : I love you .

Me : I love you too .

He placed his forehead on mine and closed his
eyes for a minute then pulled out of me . He
wore his trousers and I fixed my dress . He got
me off the cardboard and smiled at me . I
smiled back at him.


In the morning I woke and did my morning

hygiene process. After doing my morning house
hold chores , I texted Ndoni to meet me at
Centurion . She agreed . I drove there after an
hour I arrived . I called her and told her where I
am . She came to my car .

Ndoni : I always keep time .

Me : im sorry . I have two older kids who behave
like they are 4 years old and I have a guard
whom I had to convince that there's no need for
him to drive me here but he insisted on
following me .

She waved her hand .

Ndoni : no need to explain . I got you .

I opened the door for her and she got in and I

drove away

Ndoni : where too ?

Me: so my birthday is coming up in a few day

and I need to plan it ,well Venom said so .
Ndoni : Venom ? He told you to plan your
birthday ?

Me : yes . Matter of fact I thought he forgot but

no .

Ndoni : that's nice right?

Me :yeah, it could be an indication that he is not

cheating .

Ndoni : you can never tell with those baby girl .

Me : you say ?
Ndoni : trust me , dogs are very unpredictable .

I laughed and we drove to the club . I parked my

car on the driveway and we got out . We walked
in the club .

Ndoni : why don’t you put one of your portraits

here ?

I smiled at her , who wouldn’t love this crazy


" Mrs Ndlocu , I thought we could plan a shout

out Birthday with balloons."

I looked at who it is , it was Max.

Ndoni : first of all she is turning 32 , not 22 so
enough with the balloon staff alright ? And
make sure you have more coke because im
addicted to Coke . Thank you .

Max nodded and walked away.

Ndoni : typical

I chuckled .


I closed the door of my car and walked upstairs ,

found his guys on the door . They searched me
and took all my weapons .

Me : another one on ankle .

He knelt down and took it out.

Me : Roose is expecting me .

Him : hold on .

He knelt down and searched me on my ankle ,

he took out my knife .

Me : I must have forgotten about that one .

Him : who the hell are you motherfucker ?

Me : can I go see your boss right now ? Unless
you don’t want to find your body to be a roasted

Him : get in .

I walked in . He was lying on the bed watching

Tv .

Me : you look like shit .

Roose : what do you want ?

Me : can we talk alone ?

He looked at his guards and signaled them to
leave and they left .

Roose : where's Venom?

Me : he is handling shit .

Roose : you here to finish me off?

Me : we do thing in a different way , you

wouldn’t be breathing right now . It wasn’t us
Roose .

Roose : you beefing with me .

Me : we got no beef for you .

Roose ; drug dealers beef on anybody .

Me : that’s what you believe . Look if Venom

was behind this shit I wouldn’t be here right
now .

Roose : if only someone didn’t love pussy , then

this puta(bitch) wouldn’t have stabbed me .

Me : wait , it was a girl ? What did she look like ?

Roose ; she looked like a caramel ice cream

until she stabbed me . We find this girl and we
find who has been hitting on us .

Me : you are right . We are in this together .



Tasha walked in and poured herself some drink

Me : take it easy there . How did your meeting g ?

Tasha : argh , she was with some bitch .

Me : you look intimidated by the bitch .

Tasha : because she is . You could tell by just

looking at her face tat this one doesn’t take
bullshit. One mistake she takes you out . The
way she spoke . Her confidence .

Me : maybe that's just her friend .

Tasha : they claimed to be business partners .

Me : is it ?

Tasha : I don’t care right now . But one thing I

know is that she is going to be a huge problem .

Me : then we take her out first before she

messes up everything .

Tasha : handle the bitch on your side , I will

handle this one .
I nodded …


I had picked up Pax from her workplace to have

lunch with her . I opened the door for her . She
smiled and got out . I perked her lips .

Pax: we here for a milk shake ?

Me : why else would we be here ?

She smiled . My phone rang , I asked to be

excused .

Me : yeah . Max .

Max : your wife's birthday . Im trying to make it

work but im gonna have to call more staff and
pay over time .

Me : that's fine .

Max : they already spent R1OOK on drinks .

Me : give her whatever she needs …

Max : boss you …

Me : that's my wife we talking about here okay?
give her whatever she needs . I gotta go .

I hung up . I walked to Pax .

Pax : your wife huh ?

Me : can we not ruin this ?

She smiled ….

Pax : sure .

I held her waist and we walked inside the ice

cream store . She placed an order .
Me : chocolate still your favorite ?

Pax : yeah . Thanks for this . I needed this .

Looking back people always judged you about
your life style . You being called a snake and a
drug dealer . Selling weed in the school
premises . I would search for you and find you
here .

Me : yeah things change for the better hey .

Pax : you always taking me to places to eat .

Am I that skinny ?

I chuckled …

Me : no you are not skinny. You look different

when you eat . Your smile and body.

Pax : look Lo .

Me : what ?

Pax : do you wanna come over tonight?

Me : is that an invite …?

" what a surprise ."

I sighed . It was Knox . Pax stood up …

Pax : oh my god Knox .

She hugged him. I rolled my eyes .

Knox : how you doing Pax ?

Pax : not bad , what about yourself ?

Knox : good . I thought od grabbing some ice

cream . Lorenzo I thought you could be at the
club or hotel . What are you two doing here ?

Me : oh we also here to grab a milkshake

catching up .

He looked at me .

Knox : it seems like forever . You know Pax . In

the next upcoming week its his wife's birthday
Diana . We are having a big birthday party for
her at the club . You should come . You should
see her pretty face . What a cute human being
she is . You should come .

Pax : I work late .

Knox : uh…. Too bad , another time maybe . Or

you could come over for dinner . She is a great
cooker also . I mean yes she is , they have been
together for seventeen years now . Imagine a
whole seventeen years .

Pax : uh..uh…

Knox : that's nice right ?i should go .

He stood up .

Knkix : lorenzo later . It was nice seeing you Pax


He walked out .

Me : I sorry about that.

Pax : don’t be . What are you sorry about ? That

you are married? That your brother loves your
wife and worships her ? Cause he doesn’t know
me and you are fucking ?

Me : im sorry about Knox . Forget what he said .

I wanna be here with you .
Pax : I will call you Lo .

She walked away .

I tried . Don’t judge . Though I don’t feel it .





I open my eyes and look at the ontop of me .

Moving his waist on top of me . He takes my
left leg and puts it on his shoulder and continue
moving slowly . There's a different feeling here .
He is not moving fast . His pace is normal .the
way he is moving his waist grinding ontop of
me . . He pulls out a little bit and push himself
harder and deeper . I feel it on my G-Spot . I
gasp for air as he continues thrusting in and out
of me . I feel my self build up and he spanks me
that I let go and orgasm . He follows after me
and still moves inside me . He lets go of my leg
and collapse ontop of me and perk my lips .

Lorenzo : happy birthday

I smile and eventually sleeps takes over me

again .

I open my eyes and get blinded by the direct
sunlight in the room . I look next to my drawer
and there's a bag of Louis Vuitton and a box of
Red buttons shoes . There's also a note that is
written " happy birthday Dee , I love you " I smile
. I open the bag and find a box of jewellery . I
chuckle and got out of bed . I fix the bed and
walk to the bathroom . I take a bathe . When im
done taking a bathe I lotion and wear my dress.
I walk downstairs…

" Happy Birthday!" I smile and look at them .

Me : thanks . Nairobi . I thought you could have

forgotten by now .

Nairobi : wow . I guess im a bad sister .

I hugged her and hugged my kids.

Cane: this is the least we could do. I mean yes

we cant afford to buy you what Lorenzo bought
you but we tried .

Me : I love this .

It was a key of design .

Me : who bought this?

Ria : I did .

Cane : yeah well I only got this for you . I know

it's not much but this is to prove that I will
always be by your side no matter what happens .
To prove that im married to you .

I laughed as I wiped my tears .

Me : you are married to me ?

Cane : yes . In that womb . We sealed a vow

that I will always be with you .

I smiled and hugged them .

Nairobi : well I and ma bought you this . You will

open it when you are alone .

Me : why when im alone ? Is there maybe a

bomb ?

She chuckled .

Nairobi : I wish to bomb your hair .

I chuckled and she hugged me .

Nairobi : I will see you later okay .

I nodded and she fist bumped with cane and

hugged Ria . She then walked away .

Craig walked in and sat down .

Craig : you asked to see me .

Me : I did . Dave called me .

Craig : doesn’t he always do ?

Me : he called me to tell me about the meeting

but no , you know what he told me instead ? He
told me that you were in the same building as
him, making him fail to get us Venom on the
wire .

Craig : we had a shot and I took it .

Me :no you jeopardized the entire operation on
your own .

Craig : who knows when and where we would

had an opportunity like that ?

Me : and what if someone saw you ?

Craig : nobody saw me .

Me : you sure about that ?

Craig: positive , because I know how to handle

myself on and off the field unlike you .

Me : fuck you Craig . I will get the chief to send

you back to where you come from .
Craig : oh really ? You are the one who must go
back to wherever hole you came from . This is
South Africa not America .

The door opened and Nick walked in …

Craig : take it to Chief , this way we will reveal

lover's secrets .

He winked at me and walked out .

Nick : I will send the team to guard Dave .

Nick : please do .
He nodded and walked out . My phone rang it
was Lo , I sighed and ignored it .


Knox walked in ,I was busy trying to get ahold of

Pax . He sat down on my chair .

Knox : xo wasn’t it nice yesterday ? How was

the rest of the day .

Me :none of your fucken business.

Knox : how funny ? You are always on my

Me : I was not on your business im just worried
about you fucking our businesses .

He stood up.

Knox : you worried about me fucking the

businesses? If Diana was to ever find out that
you were busy taking another bitch , she could
blow up our family and the whole fuckin game ,
she could take everything to the cops just to
see you your cheating ass to rot in prison.

Me : first of all lower you fucking voice man ,

secondly Dee would never do that , she aint
gonna know shit cause you wont be telling her
any shit .
Knox : oh damn right I aint gonna tell her but
that doesn’t mean she wont find out , I bet your
phone is full of texts from Pax and little voice
messages ,so good to see you after all this time
after I broke your heart leaving you in bed . No
forget about all that huh? That's what she said ?

Me : it's different now.

Knox : yeah you are married that's what's

different now .

Me : look , I got the whole situation under

control .

He chuckled …
Knox ; yeah you always think you got everything
under control . Roose says a girl stabbed him .

Me : fuck well that only have one solution ,

Knox : yeah .

Me : we gotta find this girls bro , know who the

hell she's working for . Not this other things .

He nodded and walked to the door and stopped

then looked at me .

Knox : T, Paxton was trouble before and she is

trouble again . I just don’t want to see you
fucked up . That's all .
He walked out …


Tasha walked in . She took off her shoes .

Me : even today ?

Tasha : bitch was not there . Told that today it's

her birthday .

Me ; it's her birthday ?

Tasha : yes . Jane her employee invited no but I

turned it down .

Me : why ?

Tasha : I don’t have time to go to parties .

I exhaled loudly .

Tasha : or maybe I should attend . In that way I

will even get her a present .

Me ; what can you get for her ? She has almost

everything .

Tasha : anything .
Me : no , let me handle this one . I will get a
present delivered to her house .

Tasha : ok .

Me ; wanna tell me something ?

Tasha : I have nothing to tell you .

Me : week back . There was a day that you

came home late . Infact you were sneaking in
the room . Saw you burning some clothes . Do
you have something to tell me about that?

Tasha : no .

Me : Tasha ?
Tasha ; fine I went out to do some job .

Me :what job ?

Tasha : stabbed one of Venom's distributes ,


Me : what ?

Tasha ; I just wanted to send the message

that's all .

Me : you ruined everything by doing that . Roose

will describe you .
Tasha : he wont . I had a different facial
expression .

Me : how …? You know what from now on focus

on The other bitch only I will handle the wife
and the husband .

Tasha : but I …

Me ; I hope I made myself clear.

She nodded and ni walked upstairs . I made a

call …

Me: get me everything a lady likes that's in store

. I will send you the address for the delivery to
be made to
I hung up …


Lorenzo came home to fetch me . We Manado

was the one driving us to the club . He parked
the car in the VIP parking lot . Lorenzo got out
and opened the door for me . He then perked
my lips . We walked to the club .

" lets make some noise for the lady of the day
Mrs Diana Ndlovu "

I smiled . I didn’t think Ndoni would pull this off ,

infact not her but her sisters .

Ndoni : happy birthday Dee.

She hugged me .

Max came to us …

Max : lets go to the VIP .

I nodded and we walked there … I found knox .

He handed me envelopes . I opened them . It
was vouchers and one of them was a spa
Voucher to the most expensive spa .

M : you went to the spa just for this ?

Knox : hell no . I know a guy who knows a guy .

I smiled and hug him . Being shot sucks , I

walked to Ndoni.

Ndoni : it's time to show us your portrait .

Me : no , I cant show everyone that . It's my

private portrait for me to Venom .

Ndoni : exactly , thank him .

I sighed and looked at the portrait .

The shut down began . Lorenzo's phone rang ?

He excused himself .

The curtain was then pulled down . People

gasped . It's my first portrait for Lorenzo , our
love . Me Pregant with the twins .


Me :thank god you called .i was starting to think

your phone is dead .

She chuckled …

Pax ; no ,not broken . I told you I will call you

wen im ready to.
Me : well it's been a week already and I couldn’t
wait that long .

Pax : you are at the party now ?

Me : yeah but I would rather be with you .

Pax : I think you mean that . You are there with

all those people and im here alone .

Me :but im alone to Pax . Can I come see you?

Pax : you need to give me some time Lo .

She hung up …


Lorenzo walked back as people were cheering .

I wipe my tears looking at him . Ndoni handed
me the mic .

Me : I did this for him to show him how much I

love him . I wish he could see how much I love
him . This is for you My love . Lorenzo .

He smiled . People clapped their hand . I wiped

my tears and handed the mic to Ndoni and
walked away .


His hand interlocked with mine on the wall . I

smiled . He kissed my neck trailing wet kisses
on it . I turned and he kissed lips he pinned me
on the wall . He ten knelt down on his knees and
spread my legs apart and I felt his tongue on
my clit . He circled his tongue on my clit . I
smiled as I brushed his hair . He took my leg
and put it on his shoulder, he continued eating
my Nuna . He stood up after he was has been
satisfied and sucked un my tits his finger on my
nuna rubbing it . He the lifted my leg and I felt
him inside me . He pushed himself in again
unexpected , I gasped for air and he started
moving slowly then increased the pace . I
moaned softly …

Me : please go harder …

He spanked my ass ,causing me to screaming ,

he started moving harder and faster .

Me : faster please .

He did as I requested . Moving in and out of me .

My moans getting louder by each moment
passing . I felt another slap on my thigh and I let
go of what I have been holding , an orgasm . He
pounds at me harder than before , his grip on
my leg and waist getting more tighter . He
released his cum and moved slowly then pulled
out after heaving a sigh . He picked me up and
we lay on the bed …
Me : how did you know I was here?

Lorenzo : I just guessed .

Me :you left the party ?

Lorenzo : Yeah , it was boring , you know that

these things are not my things .

Me : back then they were .

He chuckled …

Lorenzo : I wish I could stay here all night long .

Me : forget about the real world .

He looked at me .

Lorenzo : this , us , is real .

I giggled and he kissed me . His phone rang .

Me : it's okay you can get it .

I got out of bed ,He took it and swiped it …

Lorenzo : I will call her back .

Me ; what is she like ?

He pulled me back. And hugged me from
behind .

Lorenzo : well Diana is Beautiful, but she is not

you .

Me : she is not me . She will never be me and Im

not her , beautiful right ? I will never be her .

Lorenzo : I care for you . I just want to be with

you . Mhmm?

He kissed my neck

I tried once again but this time it was off , Ria
walked in …

Ria : is it yet time ?

Me : for what ?

Ria : open the gifts ?

Me : my gifts not yours .

Ria : still we have a relationship , im your

daughter .

Me :blackmail .
She giggled and handed me the gifts .

Ria : let's start with this one . It has no name .

She gave it to me and I unwrapped it . I gasped .

It was a dress, a dress that I was designing .
The one ordered by Melusi . He managed to get
it done . I smiled .

Ria : wow , this is beautiful .

It had a note . " wish to see you wearing it " I

smiled more .

Me : can you please excuse me .

Ria : but …

Me : please .

She nodded and walked out . I made a call and

he didn’t answer . I called him again and he
answered .

Melusi: home this is Business related .

Me : wow , it's my birthday . I called to thank you


Melusi : thank me ? For what ?

Me : don’t act dumb , for the dress .

Melusi : only the best for a beautiful lady .

Me : how did you manage to get it done ?

Melusi : I know a guy who knows a man.

Me : you stole my design .

Melusi : not really but for good reason .

Me : thanks again .

Melusi : I will pop by any time this week .

Me : ok .
Melusi : good night Diana .

Me : good night Melusi .

He hung up . I smiled .

Ria : can I get in now ?

Me : don’t tell me you were eavesdropping .

Ria : no I wasn’t .

I drove back to my apartment . It was in the
morning . The door was unlocked . Only Canon
and Lisa have the keys to my apartment . I
walked in and sat down on the couch…

" im over here ,"

I sighed and stood up and walked to the kitchen

, where the sweet aroma was coming from .

Me : Elisa .

Lisa : hey Paxy Pax .

I smiled .
Lisa : I thought I could find you in bed and make
you a breakfast in bed .

Me : you bad.

Lisa : my bad . Where have you been ?

She saw the card on top of my phone and took

it .

Lisa : never mind , I already know . You got a

new hunk and you didn’t tell me about it ?

Me : I didn’t know what it was that's why I didn’t

say anything .

Lisa : is it one of your American Boys ?

Me : no .

Lisa : what's his name?

Me : it's Lorenzo Ndlovu .

Lisa : the colored ?

Me : yes . I never really let him go .

Lisa : I guess not , no matter how many times

people told you he is a bad guy , he was a punk
on the corner , doing illegal businesses hook
ups with those gangsters .
Me : he has changed . He aint like that anymore .

Lisa : you got it bad don’t you ?

Me :he is a good guy , You will see cuz .

Lisa : I sure will. How about you invite him over

for dinner .

Me : that's too soon don’t you think ?

Lisa : if he loves you , it aint too soon . I promise

I wont bother him with boring questions .

Me : no childhood questions .
Lisa: uh..i promise . You will ask him right ?

Me : yes I will ask him .

She sipped her tea .


Nairobi : you asked to see me .

The door opened and Knox walked in .

me : yeah , it's about moving the product and

finding out who stabbed Roose. Nairobi .
Nairobi : yeah I asked my guys and they told me
that they stool looking for the girl .

Me : and the guy that wants coke ?

Nairobi : I will talk to him and have you expected


Me : ok , that's all .

My phone rang …

Me : please excuse me .

Knox chuckled and they both walked out . I

answered the call.

Me : miss me already .

Pax : maybe a little bit .

Me : mhmm .

Pax : I would like to ask a favor from you .

Me : what is it ?

Pax : my cousin , Elisa , you remember her ?

Me : yeah not quite .

Pax : well she would love to meet you over diner

Me : oh …

Pax : yeah , I know it's all too soon , I told her

but she just wants the best for me .

Me : where is this dinner Lisa and where ?

Pax : at my apartment , day after tomorrow .

Me : mhmm , I will be there .

Pax : really ?
Me : yeah , anything for you .

Pax : thanks .

She hung up .


I walked to the car . Manado opened the door

and I closed it .

Manado : Mrs Ndlovu where do you want ….?

Me : when we are alone call me Diana . I love

you deep voice .
I walked to the passenger sit and got in .

Manado : so where do you need me to take you

Diana .

Me : that's up to you.

Manado : what ?

Me : look , I have been thinking about what you

said . The other night you wanted to say
something .

Manado : no , I didn’t want to say …

I brushed my hand on his thigh, going up to his
manhood .

Me : sure you did , and the way you said it ,

seems like my husband is seeing another
woman and the way I see it , he is stepping on
all our marriage . Maybe I should too .

I rubbed his manhood .

Me : look I know you said what you said

because you care about me , I saw you birthday
gift to me , the note . I care about you . I mean
don you think I deserve better than to be kept in
the dark ?

He started the car and drove away …



Me : where the hell is your boss ? GT ?

Him : he went out .

Me : he went out ?

Him : yes , did you have something to say ? I

can pass the message .

Me : I just came for a visit , im his uncle . And

who the hell are you ?
Him : im Dave .

Me : Dave or Dive tell your boy that I was here to

meet him .

I walked away .


It was already dark. He drove to some

apartments . He stopped his car .

Me : is this the place ?

He nodded.

Manado : are you sure you wanna do this ?

Me : I deserve to know the truth . I deserve to

know what im up against .

I took off my earrings .

Manado : what you gonna do ?

Me : what you think im gonna do ?

I saw a lady coming out of the building . I

opened the door .
Manado : no that's not her .

He closed the door .

Me : mhmm , you know her name ?

He looked at me. I gave him puppy eyes .

Manado : Paxton .

A lady got out of a car ..

Me : I have seen her before . At the club , night

of models. He said it was just a friend from high
school . He said I was tripping . I saw her , I saw
… I saw her and…
I wiped my tears . Manado pulled me to him . A
sob escaped my mouth . I pulled out of him and
wiped my tears .

Me : take me home .

Manado : grab some water .

I took a bottle of water .

Me : please take me home .

He nodded and drove away .




The intercom rang , I looked at the Screen . I

switched off my joint

Me : let her in .

The door opened and she walked in …

Ndoni : hey , I received your voice message . Im

sorry I couldn’t answer your calls , I was still
held up .
Me : I appreciate it , I hope I wont get you in
trouble with Travis .

Ndoni ; he is out of the country . You smoke ?

Me : when im only stressed .

Ndoni : even Travis says the same shit

I nodded …

Me : want a drink ?

Ndoni : how much did you drink ?

Me : this is the first bottle so far . I can say .

Ndoni : it's a Gin not wine . A bottle is too much .

Me : I guess .

Ndoni ; where is Lorenzo ?

Me : I don’t know and I don’t care .

Ndoni : okayyy. The kids ?

Me : I sent them to their friends . To spend the

night over there .

Ndoni : what is wrong Dee ?

Me : everything is wrong .

Ndoni : what do you mean ?

Me : This night at the club , I saw Lorenzo with a

girl , I left early and when I asked him who the
bitch was he said it's his high school friend . He
has been acting weird for the past few weeks , I
had to investigate and find out for my self what
is going on . The nigga is cheating on me .

I looked up to prevent my tears . She pulled me

to her .

Me : I saw the bitch .

I pulled out from her and looked at her .

Me : He is cheating on me . When I think of how

he persuaded me .

I wiped my tears and she poured herself some

glass on Gin .

Ndoni : I guess he is not Prince charming at all .

I chuckled …

Me : I don’t want to cry over him .

Ndoni : have you confronted his cheating

worthless ass ?
Me :Ndoni you …

Ndoni: he is the one who married you ,put your

name on every bill and every paper . You have
his kids , his bank accounts , take it all Dee ,
divorce his ass and take everything he owns .
You have the power to destroy tis man . You
have the power to build this man . What did he
say when he persuaded you ?" will you please
light my life ?"

I smiled as she imitated his voice.

Ndoni : how is the bitch ?

Me : she is light coffee skinned I can say ,

nothing like me at all .
Ndoni : sorry you going through this Dee . I was
once there . You know what I did ? I shot the
bitch along with his cheating ass . I shot them
despite the bitch being my sister . All I can tell
you is that , you gotta take care of yourself .
Venom took back his loyalty , he broke his vows
so now it's time for you to do the same .

I looked at her …

Ndoni : let's drink this pain away . Ceers to

being cheated on , I can shout ?

I giggled .

Ndoni : men will always cheat . Ngesizulu sithi '

indoda iyafana ne mbuzi , , uma ungayi nakekeli
idla amasimu abantu , bese kuthi umfazi yena
uyafana ne ntsimu uma ungam'nakekeli udliwa
zimbuzi zabantu .

Me : esakuphi ke leso ?

Ndoni : my mother in law was told this when

she married my father in law . May her soul rest
in peace . Anyways let's drink .

I chuckled and we drank alcohol .

In the morning I was woken up by the sun

shining directly into the room . I realized im in
the guestroom . I looked for Ndoni but she was
nowhere to be seen . She walked inside the

Ndoni : you aint good in the drinking

department .

Me : that is because I smoked . Im not that bad.

Good morning .

Ndoni : good morning .

Me : where you heading to looking so beautiful

and where did you get that dress ?

Ndoni : I saw it in the closet . It fits me.

I rolled my eyes .
Me : how did we get here ?

Ndoni : I don’t know . Im also asking myself .

I got out of bed …

Me : shit , my head .

Ndoni : headache?

I nodded and she just chuckled .

Ndoni : you better get used to it cause we

gonna be doing this for almost every day of our
lives from now on .
I laughed .

Ndoni : good . I will love and leave you for the

day . Good bye . And be strong . I love you .

She kissed my cheek and walked out of the

room . I stood up and fixed the bed after fixing
the bed , I walked to my bedroom . I found
Lorenzo there .

Me : good morning .

Lorenzo : good morning .

His cologne was too much for my head . I

walked to the closet to look for my tablets .
Lorenzo : looking for something ?

Me : yeah , where are the head tablets ?

Lorenzo : I don’t know .

Me : gosh , headache is killing me right now .

Lorenzo : that should warn you that next time

you must not drink and smoke .

I rolled my eyes .

Lorenzo : really Dee , you went back to smoking ?

I thought we passed that stage .
Me : you mean I ? Cause you still smoking too .

Lorenzo : yes I am , I am the man of the house

after all . I do smoke but I don’t smoke and
drink hot spirits at the same time . Worst you
sent the kids way so that you could do the
rubbish . I hope this is the last time you are
doing what you did last night .

Me : well you are the last person to tell me that .

Lorenzo : am I ? What must the kids say when

you are doing this? Now get the fuck ready .
Make sure you sober up because this is not
who I got married to . You fucken look like a
straatmate right now . We having a photoshoot
later on .
Me : fuck you Lorenzo !

I hit his shoulders and walked away to the

bathroom . The hell does he think he is , telling
me shit !


We were having a brief meeting …

Me : we need to look up and start at the

beginning . Starting from Lame ,who had a lot
of territories that he was running before he was
murdered .
Nick : he was murdered the question is who is
next ?

Me : take a look at this .

I handed them a paper .

Nick : GT .

Me : so far so good he is the only person that

we can bring in and he will lead us to Venom .
He is the link to Venom . Currently , this GT is
controlling a huge amount of territory . Who
ever Venom is . We need to find him . Makes
perfect sense .
Nick : then we need to find this Gt guy .

Me ; either way we need to speak to him, we

might save his life . Get me the address of this
GT guy , I will also have a word with my CI


I was in Almery Restaurant , Knox walked in …

Me : how did you find me ?

Knox : I know a lot about these things way than

you do .
Me : what do you want ?

He went poured himself a glass of scotch .

Me : you fucking with me right ? Why you

tempting me ?

Knox : you will also drink if you fall into

temptation .

I chuckled .

Knox : I know who has been hitting on us . The

people who operate in Los Angeles is the GTR
crew . Hired a hit for us . Not far from GT .
Me : that's not good K.

Knox : well Roose thinks it is , he is planning on

going to war with these boys unless we fix this .

Me : first of all We cant trust that motherfucker .

And secondly ,why would GTR crew do it ? GT ?
We have known this boy for years , come on

Knox : Same way that he might be reporting us

to the feds ? When you want to get to the top
you do what ever it takes to be at the top .
Everything we been through ,this is the only
thing that makes sense now .im telling you that
the GTI are involved in this and GT is also a part
of them . You trust me right ?
Me : we were sure it was Lame , and we were
sure it was Roose , we cant be wrong again .

Knox : im not wrong . I went to see him

yesterday and found a guy named Dave .

He closed the laptop.

Knox : im right . This is the priority now .not tis

fucken restaurant or any other bullshit that has
been a distraction from what we were doing .
This is gonna happen , one way or another .

He took out his gun and handed it to me .

Knox : if you don’t want war , there's only one

way to stop it .
Me : im not pulling that trigger without proof K.

Knox : you don’t believe me ?

I kept quiet .

Knox : fine , get all the fucken proof you need

by tonight .

He gulped his drink .

Me : kill GT , or else I will .

He walked out …
My phone beeped it was a message from
paxton " don’t forget dinner tonight ,"

I sighed


I opened the door and he was shirtless .

Dave : im beginning to think you get lonely

without me .

Me : GT . Who he is a?
Dave : he is the boss of the GTR gangster crew
in Los Angeles .

Me ; is he involved with Venom?

Dave : I don’t know ?

Me : where can I find this guy ?

Dave : I can find where he is ?he likes keeping

tabs with everyone who has pissed him . I will
call him .

Me : don’t ask too much .

Dave : I wont .
Me: thank you Dave .

Dave : you know how you can thank me …

I stood up and grabbed my shit .

Me : get me the address.


Lorenzo came to pick me up . We drove to the

photoshoot .
Lorenzo : if only you knew how beautiful you
look tonight .

I rolled my eyes .

Me : I hoped you will like it since you pick out

almost everything for me to wear .

Lorenzo : it's an important night Dee , we gotta

be on pour A-game alright ? You the one who
brought us here . Just make sure you go easy
on alcohol . These people mustnt see you tipsy .

I looked at him …

Me : I wont embarrass you Venom .

I walk got out 0f the car and walked away . He
ran up to me …

Lorenzo : not in a bad way .

Me : whatever .

I walked fast as he made a call .


Lorenzo : how you doing ?

Me ; im covered in flour .
I giggled .

Lorenzo : im sorry about that , but tonight I cant

make it . I was invited to a photoshoot , last
minute things . I need to pass by the house
after this . I can only come there later .

Me : it's okay , I understand .

Lorenzo : you do ?

Me : yeah .

Lorenzo : I will see you later .

Me ; ok .

He hung up .

Lisa: he cant make it ? He has a meeting to

attend .? That's why he cancelled ?

Me : a business meeting .

Lisa : last minute ?

Me :he has changed okay .

Lisa : I don’t know but business don’t happen

last minute. If he wants to make you happy , he
has to get off the streets . I know you said he
has changed but this sounds like shit to me.
Me ; lisa , it's not that . He is married .

Lisa : huh?

Me ; he is a businessman , legit . He is different

now it's just that he is married .

Lisa :hotel meet ups I get it . And now you are

supposed to be the smart one ? Side dish .

I sighed .

Lisa : what do you think is going to happen ?

Me : I love him .
Lisa : I know . I can tell , but it's not enough , it
never is . This isnt gonna be a happily ever after

Me ; I gotta go to work .


We were driving back home . I had to stop , I

called Manado to come take Dee home . I
changed my clothes and wore my black
trousers and hoodie . I knocked at his door and
he opened .
GT : Uncle V.

Me : I know it's you who has been hitting on us

man . You have been lying to my face this whole
fuckin time man .

GT : you say that shit like you believe it .

Me ; I do .

GT : no you don’t, cause if you did , my black

ass , wouldn’t have got a chance to sit down .

Me ; im offering you a chance to come clean .

GT ; no you want to give me a chance to

convince you . Okay , I will play along . You say
im the one who killed Lame , stabbed Roose .

Me ; you even hired a female to stab Roose .

GT : oh shit , I have been busy. A bitch ? Me ?

He chuckled .

Me : don’t fuxck with me boy . Yesterday you

were not here , a guy named Dave .

GT : dave ? I would never go for that kind of

name in my crew .

I pulled out my gun . Put a silencer on it .

Me : just tell me the truth

GT : Roose wanted to leave you and find

another connect . You killed people thinking
they are hitting on you . You were wrong , now
you want to kill the boy that you raised from the
streets ? You came to me asking for help , I
gave you help , now im hitting on you ?

I stood up and pointed the gun at him and shot

him . 4 times on his chest . I then walked out
after a few minutes .



Lorenzo kept tossing and turning , whenever I

close my eyes , he would turn disturbing me .

Me : cant sleep babe ?

Lorenzo ; sorry I didn’t wanna wake you .

Me : something on your mind ?

Lorenzo : always .

Me : you wanna talk about it ?

Lorenzo : I got a bad decision to make Dee.

Me : what does Knox think ?

Lorenzo : you know Knox , he doesn’t think .

He wants me to trust him .

Me : you gotta trust the people who have

always been loyal to you . Knox has always
been loyal , he is your brother .

Lorenzo : always has up until now .

I turned to look at his side.

Me : is there any one whose judgement you
trust so much ?

I held his hand ,

Me : anyone who has been on your side all this

time .

He turned to look at me . He held my hand and

let go of it then got out of bed . He walked away
. I covered my mouth as tears failed me .

I woke up in the morning and did my hygiene

process . I then walked downstairs when I was
done . Lorenzo was not downstairs either .

Me : where is you father ?

Cane : he left early for work .

I nodded and sat down . My mother walked to

the dining area.

Me : what are you doing here so early ?

Ma : I came to see my daughter and my grand

children .

She also sat down opposite me .

Me : thanks , I would have came to you , I don’t

want you to waste your energy .
Ma : this is called exercising , im still young to
waste my energy besides Nairobi brought me
here .

I smiled

Me: you are getting older . Cane , you should

look for that Monopoly , im not going to work
today .

Cane : ok , I will beat you at your own game .

Me : bring it on .

He chuckled and walked away , I smiled .

Ma : I never did something like this for you . I

see you trying to do better by these kids .

Me : I am. Im just trying to be a good mot-

She looked at me and held my chin then made

me look at him .she stood up and pulled me to
the room downstairs . She closed the door and
locked it .

Ma : where is Lorenzo ?

I sat down on the carpet and tears failed me .

Ma : he is with another woman ?

I nodded .
She sat next to me .

Ma : I knew those businesses are trouble . Is it

some model or something ?

I shook my head no .

Me : I wish it was like that . Manado talk me her

name is Paxton . You were right , you happy
now? I couldn’t keep him.

Ma : it's never easy to keep a many happy.

Me : I spoke to Ndoni about it , im just gonna

get a lawyer and fight for full custody of the
kids .
Ma : you are married to a man with influence

Me : Venom would never hurt me .

Ma : there are all different kinds of hurt baby .

What would you do if you had to leave tonight ?
Do you have any money of your own ?

Me : the legit accounts are both in our names , I

can get half of that .

Ma : you have legit accounts ?

Me : uh…
Ma : I know about Lorenzo being a gangster and
a drug dealer Diana . Baby you are married to a
drug dealer and you have no claim to his illegal
money . That's what you need to survive .
Besides the business of design , it's his . Baby ,
you gotta have a plan . You gotta look before
you leave .

She pulled me to her embrace …


Me : the coroner found whiskey in his stomach .

Nick : so whoever killed him gave him the last

drink .

I smiled .

Nick : classy . GT's death is not our case .

Me : he had a drink , he was shot right in his

eyes . No defense of wounds .

Nick : you think it was someone he knew ?

Me : he didn’t see it coming , he trusted the

person .

Nick : you think it was venom ?

Me : who else ?

Nick : you could be right .


They took off their balaclava …

Me : Greek , I thought you were out of town .

Greek : hell yeah I was but your government is

keeping tabs on me .

Me : I think we can talk about this without us

being tied up .

Greek : you are right . Untie them .

They untied us .

Greek : I don’t want to do anything to you . I

don’t wanna harm you but if you keep on
messing up things for me trust me you wont
have me to deal with , you will have those
heartless creatures who claim to have a heart
who are the Medusa's to deal with. It seems like
your plan to solve your problem would be killing
everybody in your organisation .

Me : it take some time to find a man

responsible .
Knox ; and he handled that person .

Me :yeah I did .

Knox : and we also found a lead to take over the

territory of GT .

Greek :is that true Terminator ?

Me : yes .

Greek : that's good because now I want you to

distribute double the amount of product . I am
locked . I don’t know how they managed to do
so but we are locked and the Medusa's cant do
anything about it . I cant move my product and
im gonna need you to transport my product in
Kenya. Until this situation is resolved I have
product in the pipeline that needs to be
distributed .

Me : we got that . We will move the product .

Knox : what ,oh hell no ,we got more stack to

double our product. We will move the product
for you even transport it to Kenya .

Greek :im offering you a great opportunity to

grow , not only to expand your business but to
put more distance to you and the streets.

Me : we need time to set a plan to move your

Greek : fine , I will give you time . I hope you
killed the right person this time .

Me : we did .

Greek : good . Take them out.

We stood up and walked out …

Knox : that was a blow .

I nodded .

Knox : double the product means more money .

Me : I know but we have never moved such

weight K.

MY PHONE RANG IT WAS PAX . Knox looked at

me . I rejected the call .

Knox : you are playing with fire Venom . She

calls you Venom , you are you are slippery but
when you play with fire you will melt you wont
be slippery . I will drop you off on the way .

He walked to the car …


He walked in …
Me : Dave .

Dave : sir .

Me : I have to say im impressed with your work

so far . You are doing great . And if you do great
you get a reward.

I handed him the envelope .

Me : if you continue doing the good work we

will be best friends for ever .

He smiled .
Me : now I want you to give them a sign of
Venom . His color , describe him .

Dave : I can do that .

Me : I will call you when I want to talk to you .

He nodded and walked out .


I was in my apartment with Lorenzo …

Lorenzo : I have something for you .

Me : Lo please , no more gifts , no ore jewels
please, just you .

Lorenzo : ok , no gifts just me .

He pulled me down to sit on his lap .

Lorenzo : I want us to go to Kenya for a couple

of days , could be a week .

Me : I have always loved to go to Kenya .

Lorenzo : is that a yes ?

Me : yes , but what will you tell Diana where you

going ?

Lorenzo : a business trip . But right now I don’t

want you to think about all that . Just come with
me .

Me : when are we leaving ?

Lorenzo : tomorrow .

Me : I would love to.

I kisses him .


Knox came by .

Knox : ow do they look ?

He handed me some earrings .

Me : who are these for ? For me ?

Knox : no , for Jane .

Me : you love that girl , these aint cheap.

Knox : I actually want her to be part of the

family .
Me : you two a thing ?

Knox : we getting there .

Me : by buying her gifts ?

Knox : come on Dee , I just want to have

someone by myside . Venom back to normal .

Me : oh , he is back to normal ?

Knox : totally back on track . He had issues to

deal with .

Me : you think that's what happened ? Think he

forgot what matters ?

Knox : I think maybe for a minute but he back to

his senses now . Everything is gonna be okay .
It's going to be how it has always been Dee .

I smiled and he handed me a joint .

Knox : the three of us against the world .

I smiled and took a puff .



I was packing my staff . Elisa walked inside my
bedroom .

Lisa : you going somewhere ?

Me : I forgot to tell you . Kenya , im going there

to carry out my investigation there . I already
told ma , also Canon but you know how he is ,
he doesn’t understand .

Lisa : he is your son , he wont adjust just like

that because you telling him to do so . You
disappeared on him for like years .

She looked at my travel bag looked at me .

Lisa : investigation right ? Wearing Bikinis ?

Me : ok , im going with Lorenzo . He is going

there for business related . We going for a
couple of days there . Who knows we might
make it permanent , maybe Kenya is not bad .
Have our own space .

Lisa : maybe that's what he is telling you

because he wants to keep fucking you .

Me : Lorenzo loves me , he told me he is gonna

make things work . I believe him . I knew you
wouldn’t understand hence I didn’t tell you .

Lisa : this is changing you Paxy , you just lied to

my face .
Me : I lied because I knew you wouldn’t support
me . Because deep down I think you want me to
become like you walk naked and dance naked
infront of old men for money .

Lisa : wow .

Me :Im…

Lisa : no , I might dance naked and walk naked

infront of old men for money at least im not a
cheater more especially a mistress . Cant you
see that this man is making you change .

Me :I told you and im still telling you this

Lorenzo and I are inlove . I just need you to be
happy for me , not you to judge me .
Lisa : im not gonna stand by and watch you ruin
your life .

Me :then that would only mean you are not by

myside . That means you and i will have to limit
ourselves from each other's lives , im gonna
need you to give me back the keys to my
apartment . In that way I can have some privacy
with my man . Lorenzo needs one now and you
don’t .

She nodded and took out the keys from her bag
and gave them to me . She then walked out of
my bedroom . I sighed .

I heard the kids laughing downstairs . I walked
out of my bedroom , it was Lorenzo causing
them to laugh . I walked back to the bedroom ,
after a few minutes he walked inside the room .

Lorenzo : good evening .

Me : evening .

He walked to the closet , I followed him he was

packing …

Me : going somewhere ?

Lorenzo : yeah a business trip . There's this

business man in Kenya that is highly influenced .
Im going there to find a spot to open a
jewellery shop and another hotel.

Me : hotel in Kenya ? Im sure one of your

supervisors can handle that right ?

Lorenzo : I will run things that side first then

yeah .

Me : that would mean you moving to Kenya

once it's finalized, because they got two kid to
look after ?

Lorenzo : Dee I will see the kids if it happens . If

it's a success I will fly back here to see the kids
and you .
Me : how long have you been planning to go ?

Lorenzo :well it came up today .

Me :I could go with you . I will call aunty Mary

back to help with the chores and ma will watch
the kids .

Lorenzo : it's my front businesses Dee , you

don’t want to hear about them remember ?

Me : since you started paying attention to that

club you have been different Venom . I no
longer know who you are .

Lorenzo : I have been telling you Dee , it's

business . When I get back to Kenya we should
talk . It's a serious matter .

He perked my lips and walked out . I walked out

of the room and stood by the stairs . Watched
him as he gave his regards to the kids .

I took my phone and dialed Manado's number ,

he answered on the third ring .

Manado : Diana …

Me : I want you to follow my husband and tell

me who he is with.

Manado : okay mam.

I hung up .


I had taken Jane out for dinner . I took out the

earrings and gave them to her .

Jane : what is this ?

She smiled .

Me : open it.

She opened the box , slowly and gasped .

Jane : are these for me ?

Me : you love them ?

Jane : I love them ? They are pretty thanks .

I smiled .

Jane : if you are happy , im happy too .

I took her hand and kissed her. Someone

passed our table , I looked at him and he looked
familiar .

Me : I will be back soon.

I stood up and followed him . He turned to look
at me and started running away . Dave , that's
your name . I chuckled and walked back inside .

Me : im sorry about that .

Jane : it's fine .

Me : you enjoying your meal?

Jane : I am .

Me : glad , you can also grab a takeaway for

your son .

Jane ; how do you know I have a son .

Me : I have my ways .

She frowned .

Me : eat your food before your eyes get blinded

by the spice in it .


I drove to Paxton's apartment . She was

drinking wine .

I kissed her …
Pax : you don’t look okay ?

Me :I think Diana knows about us .

Pax : what ?how did she find out ?

Me : I don’t know Pax .

Pax : what did she say ?

Me :she didn’t say much but I think she knows .

I took her hand and interlocked it with mine .

Me : this is us … im all yours now .

Pax : im all yours.

I looked at her as our eyes locked . She leaned

over and I kissed her . Carried her to the
bedroom. Untied her robe , the rest is history .


I woke up in the morning and felt the other side

of the bed . I then realize I spent the night alone
my husband left . The door opened . It was

Cane : Ma , can you tell Ria to stop messing up

my PS?

Me : not now please . And what did I say about

barging in people's room without knocking?

Cane : and where the fuck is dad ?

Me : you were not here last night , well he left

for Business in Kenya .

Cane : he left ?

He lay next to me on the empty space .

Me :yeah last night , you were not here .

Cane : why did he have to go to Kenya ?

Me : I don’t know Cane , you are lucky ,other

kids daddies travel each and every week to
international countries .

Cane : well at least they do make time or their

kids .

Me : look at me .

He looked at me .

Me : your dad is doing this for us okay ? He will

bounce back , it will be like old times . Okay ?

He nodded .
Cane :I guess you are right .


I was in the bank . It was already midday .

Norman : Mrs Ndlovu , how may I help you

today ?

Me : I need to open a new account .

Him : great . Will we be pulling it from yours and

Mr Ndlovu's joint account

I took out an envelope .

Me ; we wont be pulling from anywhere .

He took the money .

Norman : I see .

Me : I will need a checking account with a debit

account card, one debit card . My name and
Cane's name only .

Norman : well…

Me : may I borrow your pen please ?

I stood up .
Norman : sure .

I walked up to him and took the pen .

Me : I need all the bank statements sent to this


He nodded .

Norman : is there anything else Mrs. Ndlovu ?

I looked at him .

Me : yes , just one thing .

Norman : what is it ?

Me :my husband Mr Ndlovu cannot know about

this account , okay ?

He kept quiet

Me : promise not to say anything .

Norman : I cant , by law im not supposed to , so

your secret is safe with me .

Me : good , can you let me into the Vault now , I

need half a million in both accounts .

Norman : sure .
Me : you are such a good guy Norman , I said
and walked away . I walked to my car and drove
to the workshop , Jane was not here , I walked
to my office and sat down on top of the table in
my office , the door opened and Melusi walked

Me : finally he decided to pass by .

He chuckled and I joined him .

Melusi : you look like you having it good here .

Where is everyone ?

Me : I don’t know and I don’t care.

Melusi : ok , I just came to see you .

Me : actually nice how you remembered.

Melusi : im not the bad person here .

Me : you are . You even stole my design .

He chuckled …

Melusi : is it ?

Me : yes .

Melusi : but you like it didn’t you ?

Me : I didn’t .

He came closer .

Melusi : you liked it ?

Me : no .

Melusi : you didn’t .

Me : yes . I didn’t , you stole it .

He looked deep inside my eyes , our eyes

locked .

Melusi : you telling me that you didn’t like your

own design ?

I didn’t say anything . I leaned over and he

perked my lips . I looked at his tshirt and looked
at his eyes again . He perked my lips again . I
kissed him and pulled out. I moved a little bit .
He pulled me back to him and kissed my lips ,
he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my legs
around his waist pulling him closer . He picked
me up …

Me : the door .

He walked to the door , my legs wrapped

around his waist and locked the door . He
continued kissing me and started unbuttoning
my t-shirt . I also unbuckled his t-shirt . He
sucked my tits and his hand travelled to my
vagina . He pulled my skirt and he slide my
thong aside and his fingers fiddled with my
clitoris . He rubbed it gently …

Me : mhmh…oh….

He kissed me and I unbuckled his belt and

unbuttoned his pants and slide them down . I
pulled down his briefs and I looked at his D***
as it strung up . I held it with my small hand
and I stated rubbing my hand up and down on it
as he continued using his finger inside of me .
When he has been satisfied he rubbed his hand
on his D*** and pulled me closer to him .





He moves down on me, he parts my legs he

stretches out my pussy , I feel his tongue licking
me , his tongue starts to slowly circle my clitoris
as his hands hold down my thighs.

Me :Aargh!

I moan as my body bows and convulses at the

touch of his tongue. He swirls his tongue round
and round, again and again, keeping up the
torture. I’m losing all sense of self, every atom
of my being concentrating hard on that small,
potent powerhouse at the apex of my thighs.
My legs go rigid, and he slips his finger inside
me, and I hear his growling groan.

He moves his finger in a wide circle, stretching

me, pulling at me, his tongue mirroring his
actions, round and round, I groan. It is too
much… My body begs for relief, and I can no
longer deny it. I let go, losing all cogent thought
as my orgasm seizes me, wringing my insides
again and again. Holy fuck. I cry out, and the
world dips and disappears from view as the
force of my climax renders everything null and
void. I am panting . Very slowly he eases into
me and starts to move. Oh… my. The feeling is
sore and sweet, and bold and gentle all at once.
I breathe. And he really starts to move, fast,
hard, and large, thrusting into me over and over,
implacable, pushing me and pushing me until I
am close to the edge again. I whimper.

Lorenzo : Come for me, baby.

His voice is harsh, hard, raw at my ear, and I

explode around him as he pounds rapidly into

Lorenzo : fuck !

It came out as a whisper. He thrusts hard once

more and groans as he reaches his climax,
pressing himself into me. Then he stills, his
body rigid. Collapsing on top of me, I feel his full
weight forcing me into the mattress. I pull my
tied hands over his neck and hold him the best I

Lorenzo : that was the best sex ever .

Me : you telling me that Diana doesn’t make you

feel the way I do.

Lorenzo : Diana is Diana and you are you … can

we not ruin what we just had and stop talking
about her ?

Me : im sorry .

Lorenzo : it's fine .

Me : what are we doing today ?

Lorenzo : what do you have in mind ?

Me : uh…

His phone rang.

Lorenzo : I gotta take this , it's important .

Me : go ahead .

He got up from the bed and walked to the

bathroom . After a few minutes he returned
from the bathroom .

Lorenzo : I have got an idea . How about a day

at spa ?

Me : not bad and I could use a good massage .

Lorenzo : there's this Spa that a friend just

recommended . I think we should try it .

Me : ok , let me shower . Are you joining me ?

Lorenzo : I will join you in a few .

I nodded and walked to the bathroom

I look at my phone and Lorenzo hasn’t called
yet , it's unlike him , The Lorenzo I know always
calls just to know if im okay but he hasn’t called
. Im with Ndoni , she came over to the
penthouse .

Me : want a refill ?

Ndoni : please .

I poured her some wine .

Ndoni : and you still on the first glass , that's

unlike you .

Me : well im trying to keep sober baby , I don’t

want to get drunk with my kids in the house ,
besides I don’t feel like drinking today .

Ndoni : danki wena Mother Theresa .

I giggled .

Ndoni : you know even now im tryna wrap my

head around , how you let Venom go down to
Kenya by himself .

Me : we trying to move forward in our marriage ,

I cant keep on dwelling on the past .

Ndoni : if Travis was to do shit like this to me ,

he wont every have to worry about eating ,
sleeping or not brushing his teeth because I
would be right there watching his ass do it all ,
he is lucky he travels because of business and
well that place is dangerous .

Me : I know you are crazy to do that . But love ,

Venom and I are good .

Ndoni : ok , so you going to stop sending bank

statements to my house .

I looked down and pulled down my shorts .

Ndoni : mhmm , I didn’t think so .

Me : Ndoni seriously I think we gonna be fine .

The intercom rang and Manado walked in. He

was wearing a black vest and black pants .

Manado : good day .

Ndoni : yebo Sawubona .

I chuckled .

Manado : you requested my presence .

Me : yes .

I stood up and walked to the kitchen took

paper bag . I could feel his eyes on me.

Me : please give this to Ria . She forgot it . This

is the address of where she is , only if you don’t
mind .

Manado : I don’t mind .

Me : I know you are a busy man .

Manado : it's fine , it's something that I cant

handle .

Me : thanks .

Manado : you are welcome . Good bye .

He walked away after that . I walked back to the

lounge .
Me : what ?

Ndoni : now bitch that's flames.

I chuckled.

Ndoni : is he just your driver ?

Me : no , he owns a jewellery shop and owns

half of the club .

Ndoni : and you telling me that you don’t get

tempted by just sitting in the same car with him
Me : no .

Ndoni : I know you lying . You do get tempted , I

mean did you see this guy ? What he was
wearing , his tattoo ? Girl you got to be kidding
me . He looks like my Travis .

She giggled and I chuckled .

My phone rang , it was Melusi . I ignored it . I

have not been going to work because im
avoiding him and now he is calling me , why
doesn’t he get the message that I don’t want to
talk to him ?!

Ndoni : aint you gonna answer that ?

Me : no , it's these clients . They don’t get the
message that when you not at your workplace
you want some time for yourself .

Ndoni : I know how they are .

Me : can I ask you something ?

Ndoni : sure .

Me : if Travis was to cheat on you …

Ndoni : he already did . Rephrase that please .

Me : fine , did you cheat on him too just

because he cheated on you ?
Ndoni : yes , I did , out of anger .

Me : and yet he still doesn’t know ?

Ndoni : that nigga is from the Vet , so

technology is his thing , nigga had me put a
watch on , that had a camera and a bug . I went
to the guy and we did what cheaters do , not
knowing everything was being captured and

Me : he found out .

Ndoni : yes .

Me : and you still alive ?

Ndoni : well yes , I am . He did beat the cheating
out of me . He beat me up like he was fighting
with his mate . Mind you , I was pregnant but
didn’t know . He kicked my stomach .

Me : I'm sorry to hear that . Who child was it ?

Ndoni : I was pregnant when I slept with the guy

, by the way his name is Tumi , a handsome
creature he is with dreadlocks . So yeah I was
pregnant and I got pregnant by his baby along
with Travis .

Me : what is that possible ?

Ndoni : yes , it is . It is something called super…

what what . Well I miscarried one baby , Tumi's
baby . He was still a fetus , he killed my child
and look where we are today . Im still with him .

Me : you stayed ?

Ndoni : I stayed because I love him . But if he

was to ever hurt me in other way I will leave him

Me : wow . That's wow.

Ndoni : it is . Why are you asking ? Are you

planning on doing it ?

Me : Lorenzo would kill me girl , he doesn’t think

twice before he does something . He doesn’t
think about anyone when he has a weapon in
his hands and nothing can stop him .

Ndoni : people we got married to .

I chuckled …


We were at the spa . Nairobi called , I answered

the call .

Nairobi : did you find a bitch to take to a day spa

Me : yeah .

Nairobi: you there yet ?

Me : yes .

Nairobi : he is in the casino room . I will send

you a photo of him .

Me : ok .

Nairobi : just make sure you bet as much as you

can .

Me : yeah yeah .
Nairobi : and don’t fuck the bitch Lorenzo .

Me : I know Nairobi .

She hung up. I walked to Paxton who was

laying on her stomach peacefully .

Me : babe .

She moaned.

Me : Im going somewhere , I will be back okay ?

Paxton : ok .

I perked her cheek and walked away . I opened

the room written Enter only when you have
money . It was the casino room . I walked
further in and found scanned the room looking
for him , I spotted him on the table he had just
won .

Him : who wants to go another round ?

No one was raising their hands or volunteering

to go for another round . I took out a roll of
money and placed it on top of the table . They
all looked at me .

He chuckled .

Him : you sure about this ?

I nodded and his boys I assume , they set up the
table . He made a bet of 6 rolls .

Him : your turn .

I took out a stash of cocaine . He looked at me .

Me : im not here to play games .

Him : please leave the room .

The people that were in the room walked out .

Him : who are you ?

Me : Venom , call me Terminator if you want .

Him : what do you want ?

Me : I have a huge amount of staff and I need it

moved . I cant move all of it in my territory
because im getting a hit . I want you and I to
talk business . Look I know there are people
trying to get in your territory but guess what ? I
can handle that shit , sort it out for you but only
on one condition . You sell my product and you
get to own all the territories running this shit by
your self . I will be your supply but only if you
become my distributor .

He didn’t say anything .

I took out a burner phone and placed it ontop of

the table .
Me : stored here is my Contact number . You
will get in touch with me when you are ready to
take my offer . You only call when you want to
take the offer .

I stood up .

Me: I only have two days left here .

I walked out. I walked back to the Spa and I

found Pax eating .

Me :you are always eating .

Pax : I was just craving for something to eat in

here .
Me : mhmm.

Pax : relax im not pregnant , my tubes are tied .

I smiled . Thinking of it , Dee .



Ndoni left . I took out my phone and Dialed

Manado's contact . He answered .

Manado : Mrs Ndlovu .

I rolled my eyes , how I hate being called like

that .

Me : hey .

Manado : do you need anything ?

Me : no … yes , please fetch Ria, it's now

becoming late .

Manado : ok no problem .


I was at UJ Campus square with Steve …

Me : bro you telling me that your brother doesn’t
have hot female friends here?

Steve : I don’t know bro , I don’t really ask nor

talk to him about this stuff , you are my rubbish
bean remember .

I hit his chest playfully .

Steve : im sorry . There he is .

We walked to his brother Stuyvesant , he was

with a few friends .

Vesant : Homies .

We fist bumped …
Vesant : Cane , who's machine is that ?

Me : my father's.

Vesant : ayo guys , this are my boys . They

going to be joining us next year .

Them : Yo dawgs .

Vesant : this is Den , Drew and Rio .

Den : He looks like Can .

Vesant : he does .
We laughed .


My phone beeped , it was a message from Cane

," I wont be coming home tonight , don’t wait
for me . I love you ." I sighed . Cane is a
headache . The intercom rang . I was feeling a
bit tipsy to be going downstairs . I heard a
voice calling me .

"Mrs Ndlovu , Mrs. Ndlovu you present? " I

walked out of the room .

Me : im over here .
I walked to the stairs . I stopped a I almost fell .

Manado : she asked me if she could spend the

night there , and I said yes , hopping you don’t
mind ?

Me : no I don’t .

Manado : this is what I brought , she told me to

give you this .

He handed me a paper bag .

Me : thanks .
I turned to walk away , but almost fell , he held
me .

Manado : did you have to much to drink ?

Me : not really .

He picked me up and we walked to the

bedroom . He placed me on the bed gently .

Me : thanks I don’t know what I could have done

without you here .

He nodded . As he got up . I stood up .

Me : aint you feeling cold ?

I ran my finger on his abs .

Manado : no .

Me : you sure ?

Manado : im sure .

I saw his tattoo on his arm .

Me: wow .

He chuckled …

Me : what is this ?
He didn’t say anything . I looked at him . He
looked at me . I bite my lower lip seductively
and walked away . He pulled me back and
turned to look at me . I look at down and he lifts
my chin up and perks my lips , then kiss them . I
respond to the kiss . He picks me up and turn
then moves backward to the bed , he makes me
sit down on the edge of the bed and in one fluid
movement he’s on his knees in front of me. He
picks up my left foot and raising it, plants a soft
kiss on my leg . He stands up and types
something on his phone. I also stand up and I
ease the zipper of my shorts down and hook my
thumb aside and slide the shot down my legs.

Manado : are you sure ?

I nod and a soft smile plays on his lips, but his

eyes remain dark.

I am wearing some of my new underwear—a

white lacy thong and matching bra—a designer
brand with a price tag to match. I step out of my
shots and stand there for him in the lingerie , I
feel his hand Reaching behind I unhook my bra,
sliding the straps down my arms, and drop it on
top of my t-shirt . Slowly, I slip my panties off,
letting them fall to my ankles, and step out of
them, surprised by my grace. Standing before
him, I am naked.

He says nothing, just gazes at me. All I see is

his desire, his adoration even, and something
else, the depth of his need—the depth of his
love for me. He reaches down, lifts the hem
vest , and pulls it over his head, revealing his
chest, never taking his bold eyes off mine. His
shoes and socks follow before he grasps his
pants . I lean over to him and whisper .

Me :Let me.

His lips purse briefly into an ooh shape, and he


Manado : Be my guest.

I step toward him, slip my fearless fingers

inside the waistband of his jeans, and tug so
he’s forced to take a step closer to me. He
gasps involuntarily at my unexpected audacity,
then smiles down at me. I let my fingers wander,
tracing his erection through the soft sweat
pants . He closes his eyes .
He clasps my face with both hands, bending to
kiss me deeply. I put my hands on his hips—half
on his cool skin and half on the low-slung
waistband of his pants .

I move my hands to the front of his pants . My

fingers move through his erection, and I grasp
him tightly. He makes a low sound in his throat,
his sweet breath washing over me, and he
kisses me again, lovingly. As my hand moves
over him, around him, stroking him, squeezing
him tightly, he puts his arms around me, his
right hand flat against the middle of my back
and his fingers spread. His left hand is in my
hair, holding me to his mouth.

He steps back suddenly to remove his pants

and boxers in one swift, agile move. He is a fine,
fine sight in or out of clothes, every single inch
of him. He is perfect. His veins they run so
much deeper than his skin.

Him : what are you thinking about ?

Me : Nothing. Love me, now.

He pulls me into his arms, kissing me, twisting

his hands into my hair. Our tongues entwined,
he walks me backward to the bed and gently
lowers me onto it, following me down so that
he’s lying by my side. He runs his nose along
my jawline as my hands move to his hair.

Manado : Do you have any idea how exquisite

your scent is, Diana ? You are irresistible.
His words flame my blood, quicken my
pulse—and he trails his nose down my throat,
across my breasts, kissing me reverentially as
he does.

Manado : You are so beautiful.

he murmurs, as he takes one of my nipples in

his mouth and softly suckles. I moan as my
body bows off the bed.

His hand trails down to my waist, and I glory in

the feel of his touch, skin to skin—his hungry
mouth at my breasts and his skilled long fingers
caressing and stroking me, cherishing me.
Moving over my hips, over my behind, and down
my leg to my knee, and all this time he’s kissing
and sucking my breasts. Grasping my knee, he
suddenly hitches my leg up, curling it over his
hips, making me gasp, and I feel rather than see
his responding grin against my skin.

Me : I wanna feel you in my mouth .

he gets off me and lay down . I shift back,

taking him in my hands, and I just can’t resist
him in all his glory. I bend and kiss him, taking
him in my mouth, swirling my tongue around
him, then sucking hard. He groans and flexes
his hips so that he’s deeper in my mouth. Mmm
… he tastes good. I want him inside me. I sit up
and gaze at him; he’s breathless, mouth open,
watching me intently.

He holds out his hands for me. I take one and

with my other hand, position myself over him ,
then slowly go down on him . He groans low in
his throat, closing his eyes. The feel of him in
me …stretching … filling me—I moan softly—it’s
divine. He places his hands on my hips and
moves me up, down, and pushes into me. Oh …
it’s so good.

Manado : Fuck !

He curses , and suddenly he sits up so we’re

nose to nose, and the sensation is
extraordinary—so full. I gasp, grabbing his upper
arms as he clasps my head in his hands and
gazes into my eyes burning with desire.

Manado : Damn !

he murmurs and kisses me passionately . I kiss

him back, dizzy with the delicious feeling of him
buried deep inside me. I think I just sobered up .
Manado : Look at me !

He commands—He groans as if pained to hear

my whispered words and flips us over taking
me with him without breaking our precious
contact, so that I’m lying beneath him. I wrap
my legs around his waist. He stares down at me
with adoring wonder, and I am sure I mirror his
expression as I reach up to caress his beautiful
face. Very slowly, he starts to move, closing his
eyes as he does and moaning softly , he moves
slowly in and out of me, so controlled and so
good—it’s heavenly. He puts his arm over my
head, his hand on my hair, and he caresses my
face with the other as he bends to kiss me.

Me : ahhh…yes …yes .
He is slowly moving in and out, savoring me. I
touch him—sticking to the boundaries—his
arms, his hair, his lower back, his beautiful
behind—and my breathing accelerates as his
steady rhythm pushes me higher and higher,
increasing his pace . He’s kissing my mouth, my
chin, my jaw, then nibbling my ear. I can hear his
breaths with each gentle thrust of his body. My
body starts to quiver, shakes uncontrollably . Oh
… This feeling that I now know so well … I am
close … Oh …

Manado : That’s right, baby … give it up for me …

Please … Dee.

he murmurs and his words are my undoing.

Me : Manado…


I turned to change my side , the room was

bright , I opened my eyes and the lights were on ,
It was Manado , he was dressing up , I looked at
the clock and it was 00:46 .

Manado :hey .

Me : hey , you leaving ?

Manado : yes .
Me : so late ? Why don’t you sleep over , you
will leave in the morning .

Manado : I cant stay .

Me : but it's late for you to drive .

Manado : I know but I cant stay , Kune span

okumele ukuthi ngisi phushe this time ( there's
some work that I need to do )

Me : oh , I see .

Manado : yeah .
His phone rang , he answered it .

Manado : sho .

He kept quiet .

Manado : yah , Ngiyazwakala nou . ( im coming


He hung up. He perked my lips .

Manado : fede Zokbona jampas

I closed my eyes , but not to shut them .

Me : what ?
I slightly opened them

Manado : forget that I sat something . Good bye


Me : good bye .

It came out as a whisper and sleepy . He

chuckled and walked out . Sleep took over me .

I was woken up a ringing phone , I looked at the

screen , it was Lorenzo . I placed the phone on
my ear .

Me : hello.
Lorenzo : good morning .

Morning ?

I checked the clock and it was indeed past 7 in

the morning .

Me : morning .

Lorenzo : how are you ?

Me : im good .

Lorenzo : you sound like you were sleeping .

Me : yeah I was .
Lorenzo : you were drinking .

I rolled my eyes

Me : not really , I overslept Venom . I should be

the one asking you if you were sleeping cause
you didn’t even bother calling me yesterday . I
see Kenya Bitches got your eyes huh ?

He sighed .

Lorenzo : I couldn’t call because I was held up

by something . Im sorry Dee.

Me : it's fine Venom .

Manado , Knox and Lorenzo have been friends
since from high school . They all didn’t further
their studies but one could say they did .
Manado and Lorenzo have been the naughty
ones , bunked classes , came to school late .
Smoke weed at school , come to school tipsy
but they have always been neat . Their parents
were always called to the Deans office , they
were known as the Three musketeers. Very
troublesome . They would come to school
Monday to Friday but be visible or marked at
the class register present for two or three days
but during lunch they are there . They were the
type of guys who people would run to if
something happened to them to ask for help .

It's surprising how everybody thought they

would all go to jail because of their behavior ,
well Knox was the one to take the fall since he
was the one who knew people in and out of
prison . Lorenzo and Manado made sure that
Knox and his people inside are well taken care

There was no girl who didn’t love the

musketeers , girls would throw themselves on
them , that was such a red flag for me cause
they entertained them we know for what
reason . But the fuck boy was Manado and
Knox . Lorenzo was not that a fuckboy , he was
very strict when it came to selling weed in
school and the rest of the stuff , one of the
reasons why I fell in love with him was that he
was not a fuck boy like his friends.

I feel the edge to pee , I get out of the bed and

walk - limp to the bathroom . I did my business
and ran myself a bathe , I put everything that
helps the soreness of the pussy . Bathing salt ,
everything I put , everything salad and sprinkles .
I then get in the bathtub and sit down . Thinking
of last night , don’t judge me . It's hard to resist
someone like Manado . It's hard. Ok maybe not
hard but there's just that something that makes
you want to feel him . Man is a beast in the
bedroom . I giggle and add more hot water as
the water is cooling down . I decide to finally
bathe , when I was done I wore my gown and
decided to take a nap .

Im woken up by someone shaking me , it's Ria .

Me : what ?

Ria : are you okay ?

Me : im okay ,I just need to rest okay ?

Ria : ok . Well Black cherry is here .

Me : what ? So early .

Ria : well it's not that early , it's already midday .

I gasp and cover my face with my pillow .

Ria : should I tell her that you are not feeling

okay ?

Me : no , I'm coming , I just need to dress up .

Ria ; ok .
Me ; and I haven't forgotten about what you did
last night , since when do you spend nights out
of the house , if you father was to hear about
this then I'm good as dead ,

Ria : im sorry and it wont happen again and well

dad wont find out .

Me : better .

Ria : I should thank Uncle Leonardo[Manado,

you aint that angry . He smooth talked you .

She smiled and walked out . I sighed and

dresses up . I didn’t apply make up nor wore
any weave , I just applied spray on my afro . I
then walked downstairs , she was drinking
water .
Me: good morning .

Ndoni : good morning Diana , this is so unlike

you , to sleep at this time of the day .

Me : please let me be .

Ndoni : you are tired ?

Me: yes I am .

Ndoni : what were you doing last night ?

Me : nothing .
Ndoni : Diana , what were you doing last night ?

Me : nothing really , I don’t practice witchcraft

and I wasn’t doing what you have in mind , my
man is Lorenzo and he is not here so , I wasn’t
doing anything .

Ndoni : if you say so , my man .

I chuckled

Me : let's go to the workshop , I want to collect a

few things, I will draw my designs here.

Ndoni : ok . Who's car we taking ?

Me : yours .
She nodded and stood up .

Ndoni : why doesn't your body guard take you ?

Me : as you can see , he is not here , I don’t want

to disturb him . He is also a very busy man .

Ndoni : what does he do for a living vele ? He

doesn’t only own a jewellery store and a club
right ?

Me: he owns a few a building and apartments .

Ndoni : mhmm , that's nice .

Me: Ria , im going out .

I called out to her and we walked away

Ndoni : you sure you were not doing anything

last night ?

Me : fine Ndoni , I bought a dildo and did it

myself .

She gasped .

Ndoni : what ?!

Me : yeah , angithi my husband is not here to

fuck me .
Ndoni : mhm girl , I respect you . Why not call a
man from the club , any man .

Me : only one dick has the access to enter my

pussy .

Ndoni : you go girl . You are s fuckin loyal to this

man babe .

Me : one needs to be loyal Imani .

She parked the car at the drive way and we got

out , she locked the door , I saw Melusi. He
walked to us .

Me: I will find you inside .

She nodded and walked away .I walked up to
him .

Melusi : Diana

Me : Melusi

Melusi : you have been ignoring my calls .

Me : that should be a clear indication that I don’t

want to talk to you .

Melusi : oh , it's like that now .

I kept quiet .
Melusi : Diana , I asked you a question .

Me : yes , look Melusi , what happened shouldn’t

have happened , it was a mistake that will never
happen . I was being tempted and yes I fell into
temptation . Yes we fucked it was good but it
doesn’t mean anything . Don’t get high hopes.
There's nothing going on between us .

Melusi : I understand , but that doesn’t mean

you have to ignore my calls .

Me : im sorry for ignoring your calls Melusi .

Can we be formal from now on . You and I from
now on discuss business related issues only ,
not other than that .
He nodded .

Melusi : business related.

Me : yes.

Melusi : ok .

Me : and please my husband musnt know about

this .

Melusi : relax Dee, im not a wife , I don’t kiss

and tell.

Me : thanks .
He nodded , his phone rang.

Melusi : right, I gotta go.

Me : sure .

He perked my cheek and walked to his car . I

sighed and walked inside the building . I greeted
the staff, Jane was not there . I walked to my
office . Ndoni looked at me .

Me : what ?

Ndoni : you got tempted?

I rolled my eyes.
Ndoni :what did you do exactly ?

I started packing my shit.

Me: we fucked .

Ndoni : OMG. Where ?

Me : here .

Ndoni : oh, did you clean this place after you


Me : I did . Please don’t remind me of that . I

trying to forget about it.
Ndoni :why ? Wasn’t the sex good ?

Me : it was good . It's just that …eish I don’t

know .

Ndoni : not so long ago I was praising you for

your loyalty towards your husband .

Me : Ndoni please.

She raised her hands in surrender .

We were having Lunch , my one hand
interlocked with Paxton's. she looked at me and

Me : what?

Paxton : how will I eat if you have my hand

locked .

Me : it's not like I locked your right hand . You

can eat using only your one hand .

Paxton : I'm left handed .

Me : I know you are right handed .

She chuckled , I kissed her hand .

My phone rang. I chuckled.

Me : yah .

Him : im ready to talk business, come to the

ROOM 0414, in the hotel you are at.

Me : sure.

Paxton: business?

Me : yeah .

Paxton : you can go , I will also go to a shopping


Me : here is my card .

Pax : I have my own money Mister Ndlovu .

I chuckled .

Me : I know you do but I wanna spoil you as

your man .

Pax : I know but…

Me : no buts take the card and do whatever you

wanna do Paxton . It's not a request but an
order . Spend the money in that card .
She smiled and took the card . I stood up and
bend over and kissed her . I then walked to the
room 0414. I found two men in the door .

Me : your boss is expecting me .

They nodded and opened the door . I walked in

and sat down opposite him .

Me : you called .

Him : yes .

Me : I asssue you have come to an conclusion.

Him : yes .

Me : I don’t have all time .

Him : I will take a deal only if you give me two

million of my own .

I chuckled .

Me : you don’t make decisions here .

Him : this is my country .

Me : and trust me I have connections in your

country .
Him : Two million and I will do business like that

Me : you ass is not worth 2 bricks of cocaine .

Him : well take it or leave it .

Me : fine . I will give you two million , in total I

will give you a product worth 8 million .

He nodded .

Him : im Sam by the way .

Me : I know .
I stood up

Me : I will be in touch .

He nodded and I walked out .


I pushes both her knees up the bed so that her

behind is in the air, and I slap her hard. Before
she can react, I push my self inside her . She
cry out – from the slap and from his sudden
assault, and I come instantly again and again,
falling apart beneath me as I continues to slam
deliciously into her . I keep pounding on and on
and on... Making her build up again… surely
not… no…

Me : Come on , again.

I growls through clenched teeth, and

unbelievably, her body responds, convulsing
around me as she climax anew, calling out my
name. she shatter again into tiny fragments . I
finally let go, silently finding my release. I
collapses on top of her , breathing hard.

Jane : is this why you asked me to take a day

off . To do this to me .

Me : I just wanted to spend more time with you .

Jane : ravishing my Pussy ?

I chuckle .

Jane : and it's not funny . You know you going t

explain to Diana on why I didn’t come to work .

Me : I will handle Diana .

I kiss her and she pulls out .

Jane : Im not going again Knox .

She says and gets off the bed . She walks to the
bathroom. I grab my phone and there's a
missed call from Manado . I call him back.
Me : you didn’t leave a voice message maybe .

Manado : that shit is useless. Where the hell are

you ?

Me : im at my house …

" Knox "

I look at her ,she is holding a gun and a stash of

coke and Money . I got out of the bed .

Jane : what is this ?

Me : Cash and a gun .

Jane : and this ?

Me : sugar .

Jane : so much money in your house , from

where ?

Me: business investment .

Jane : bullshit it is .

She threw everything on the bed . She took her

T-shirt and wore it .

Jane : there are two brief case Full of those

things . A bag full of money . Bullets .

I tried to touch her , she yanked her hand off

me .

Jane : don’t touch me .

Me : you shouldn’t be fuckin snooping .

Jane : yeah right .

She walked away .

Jane : I told you not to fuckin lie to me .

I cursed as she rushed out of the house .



I texted Nick . Lorenzo walked in .

Lorenzo : hello .

He perked my lips .

Me : hii .

Lorenzo : how was your day ?

Me : fantastic thanks and yours ?

Lorenzo : as long as your day was fantastic
then mine as well will be fantastic .

I smiled .

Lorenzo : we leaving tonight for South Africa .

Me : so soon ?

Lorenzo : yeah .

I nodded , hen held my chin and made me look

at him .

Lorenzo : what were you thinking ?

Me : I was just thinking what it would be like to
move from South Africa . I mean that was the
dream right ?

He nodded .

Lorenzo : it was and still is a plan . As soon as I

tell Dee about us then work a few things yeah .
What about your job ?

Me : I could ask for a transfer . You could bring

the kids over to visit .

Lorenzo : yeah I would.

Me : what about Dee ?

Lorenzo : I will make Dee understand . She will
be okay . What about you , you really ready for
all of this ? For all my self ?

Me : yes , im ready .

I perked his lips , my phone rang , it was Nick .

Me : I should probably get this .

He nodded , I walked to the Bathroom .

Me : hey . Did you receive my text .

Nick : requesting for Witness protection for

Dave ?

Me : yes .

Nick : chief said no . We should let this go .

Me : no …no Nick , we not letting this go , we are

close . Please, I know you got connections , use
them please .

He exhaled …

Me : please Nick .

Nick : I will see what I can do .

Me : thanks .

He hung up . I walked back to the room .

Me : we should start packing .

Lorenzo : come here…


Cane walked in …

Me : yeah I guess we are roommates .

He looked at me .

Cane : I can explain .

Me : you drinking alcohol , you look like you

didn’t sleep a wink .

I chuckled .

Cane : I was with Vesant , you know him Steve's

older brother . We were with him at his
apartment . I swear we didn’t do anything silly
Ma . I promise .

Me : you promise . Everyone in this house is

always giving me empty promises , yet you guys
don’t respect me . I think you should stop
making promises that you cant keep .

Cane : Ma…

Me : go to your room Cane , and tell your sister

to Order something to eat .

He walked upstairs


Tasha and Kg walked in ..

Kg : you asked to see me boss .

Me : I did.

Kg : im here .

Me : I think it's time .

Tasha : time for what ?

Me : for me to do something that I should have

done a long time . I want you to follow someone
up ,and when the clock ticks . I will be the one
to tell you whether you should pull the trigger on
that person or not .

Tasha : who are killing ?




He perks my lips and sucks on my nipples he

trails wet kisses on my stomach to my Honey
pot .

Me : Ohhh…yes.

I moan as my body bows and convulses at the

touch of his tongue in my clitoris . He swirls his
tongue round, keeping up the torture. I’m losing
all sense of self, every atom of my being
concentrating hard on that small, potent
powerhouse at the apex of my thighs. My legs
go weak . He plays with his tongue on my
opening …

Me : yes…Mana..ahhh…

Him : damn you are dripping wet .

I open my eyes and it's Lorenzo , I curse in my

mind and heart. He continues licking me . He
comes up and kiss me .

Lorenzo : good Morning.

He perks my lips and I smile at him .

Me : good morning .

He gets off me and sits up .

Me : when did you land ?

Lorenzo : this morning . I didn’t wanna wake you

up , you were fast asleep .

Me : you should have woken me up .

He smirked .

Lorenzo : and have you smack my head .

I giggled and got out of the bed .

Lorenzo : I will take a nap . The night was very
long .

I nodded and walked to the bathroom , I took a

I walked downstairs .

Me : good morning .

Them : good morning .

Cane : ma , please don’t tell dad about what

happened ?

Me : including you taking the car that he burned

you from driving ?
Cane : yes . I didn’t cause an accident or
something ma .

I looked at him .

Cane : im sorry . Please don’t tell him .

Me : make me a cup of coffee Cane .

Cane : you wont tell him right , when he returns ?

Me : I will think about it .

He nodded and walked around the kitchen . I

prepared breakfast , we ate breakfast and Cane
opted we watch Movies when we were done .
Trying his luck with me . I looked at the clock .

Me : I will be back .

I walked upstairs to my room .

Me : you finally up ?we already breakfast

without you . And we can't miss watching
movies with you . Come on .

He sat up straight .

Me : So did you take care of the business ?

Lorenzo : yeah , sealed .

Me : same old Venom . I like it when you handle
shit .

He smiled and perked my lips . He stood up .

Lorenzo : I will join you soon . I need to take a

shower .

Me : ok .

He walked to the bathroom . I walked

downstairs . After an hour Lorenzo walked to
the lounge .

Me: you going somewhere

Lorenzo : yeah , im going out to see Manardo
and Knox . Grab a few drinks .

Me : mhmm .

Lorenzo : yeah, from now on Manardo will no

longer be you driver .

Me : oh .

Lorenzo : yeah, Lux will be .

Me : but I was getting used to Manardo .

Lorenzo : yeah well you will also get used to

Manardo .
Me : wow . Why did you even get me a driver at
the first place .

Lorenzo : I wanted you to be around someone I

trust . Things were bad that time . Manardo was
the right guy to protect you , things aint bad
now , so yeah .

Me : lore…

Lorenzo : it's not up for discussion Dee. Bye

guys .

Them : bye .

He perked my cheek and walked away .



Knox walked to me .

Me : where the hell have you been ?

Knox : I was still handling shit .

Me : the whole day ?

Knox : yeah .

Me : let me guess you were fucking .

Knox : and yes I was .

Me : I see , people are busy fucking whilst im

busy running in the streets .

Knox : after all you are the old one .

Me : wow . Do you fucken know the length that I

had to dig day before in order to fuckin diamond

Knox : ok fine , im sorry Manardo . Im here now

aint I ?

Me : yeah well fuck your ass .

Knox : what is the matter ?

Me : one bag of diamonds is missing .

Knox : what ?

Me : yeah . It was stolen .

Knox : how and when ?

Me : I don’t care about that shit now , right now

we need to kill the motherfuckers responsible
or all this shit .

Knox : do you have any idea ?

Me : I had a tracker on the staff . So far I know
where the fucken bag is .

Knox : where .

Me : on that shop .

Knox : then what are we waiting for .

Me : I was never planning sinning anytime soon ,

but I guess I will be forgiven .

He chuckles and takes out his gun . We walk to

the shop and we find people communicating ,
Knox shoots at the cameras and people scream
he shoots at the jeweler . Then shoots at the
two men that were also here . He searches
them .

Knox : I found them .

Me : right , lets go.

I nod. A man comes from the living room .

Him : I didn’t see anything , please don’t shoot .

Please …

Me : well witnesses are bitches . I don’t want to

see my self behind bars . I am about to get
married .

Knox chuckles as I pull the trigger . We then

walk out . I get inside the car and drove away .
Me : fuck .


I was on my way to the parking lot when I saw

Lo's car . I smiled at him .

Me : what is it ?

Lorenzo : I brought you something to have for

lunch at work .

Me : mhmm feels like waking next to you every

morning .

He perks my lips . And looks at me .

Lorenzo : you are so pretty .

I giggle .

Me : thanks .

My phone rang …

Me : it's work , I gotta go .

Lorenzo : ok .
Me : later tonight ?

Lorenzo : later baby ..

He kissed my lips and pulled out .

Me : bye .

I walk to my car and got in then drove away .

His car drove away after mine . I called back
Nick .

Me : yeah , did get ahold of the GTR ?

Nick : yes I can say , one guy that was part of

the GTR crew that was with GT has been shot ,
im actually calling from the crime scene .
Me : what ? How do you know he is part of the

Nick : he has a tattoo , the same one that GT

had . It doesn’t look like a planned crime , it
looks like a fuckin mess .

Me :doesn’t sound like one of Venom's move .

Nick : it could be and could not be .

Me :What about Dave , witness protection .

Nick : I failed , no one seems to be budging .

Me : fuck , I need to get him witness protection
because we are almost close to catching
Venom .

Nick : im sorry paxton , we should let this go

really , venom is slippery we cant touch him .

Me : im not backing down from this Nick .

I hung up …


She was walking a client out , I parked my car

on the drive way and got out .
Me : Jane .

She looked at me and rolled my eyes .

I ran to her and held her by her waist .

Jane : let me go .

Me : come on don’t do this . I also don’t want to

do this more especially at your workplace . Let's
go talk in the car .

She looked at me and we walked to the car , I

opened the door for her and she got in , I also
got in .
Jane : Im sure you here because you brought
my things .

Me : I want us to talk .

Jane : there's nothing that we need to talk about

unless if you going to be telling me about the
shit in your house.

I sighed .

Jane : I see , you not ready .

I held her hand stopping her from opening the

door .

Me: please .
Jane : the money that I found at your house it's
not from the club , hotel or anything .

Me : yeah it's not.

I looked at her .

Me : look , if you gonna be my girl I got be able

to trust you . What I tell you , you cant tell
nobody . Even your diary .

She kept quiet .

Me : jane .
Jane : im with you .

Me : im a drug dealer . Not me only but all along

with my brothers . We are drug dealers . I got a
crew running this shit for us . You wanted the
truth , that's the truth .

She wiped her tears .

Me : you are mine now , there's no turning back

the hands of time .

Jane : I think I should go back to work .

She opened the door .

Me : I will come by your house later .

She got out . I drove away .


We were at Knox's house . We were actually

waiting for him .

Me : where the hell is Knox !

He just looked at me .

Me : Leo .
Manardo : I was with him earlier on handling
some diamond shit .

Me : what happened to the diamonds ?

Manardo : they were stolen , but we handled the

shit .

My phone beeped … I chuckled .

Me : you guys didn’t do this ?

I showed him the picture . He stood up and

poured himself some whisky .

Manardo : we did . That's a lot of money we

killed for . By the way .
Me : how sure are you that no body saw you .

Manardo : whether they saw us or didn’t , we

don’t care . As long as thina sthole istaff sethu
si moja .

Knox walked in …

Me : wow .

Manardo : this is my rank , you also have you

own ranks . Im allowed to react the way I did ,
imagine if it was someone who stole the drugs .
Now we getting hit , we don’t know who it is .
You guys aee going crazy , the same way that I
did when I found a missing bag of diamonds .
Knox : and we handled that shit like pro's .

They fist bumped and sat down.

Manardo : kahle kahle nina anicavi ukuthi how

hard it is to dig this thing neh . You are never
there . That's why , fede askiho lapho .
( basically you guys don’t know) ( we are not
here for that .")

Knox : you brother even said he is going to get

married .

I chuckled .

Me : Who , this one ?

Manardo : yeh neh , niringa ngami ngi hii vele ?
( you talking about me in my presence ?

Me : out with everything bro .

Knox : he said he is getting married soon , not

knowing to who . Yabo le, safisa ukuyibona .

Me : the world will be green I tell you . What

about Smash and Pass ?

knox chuckled

Me : Manardo.
Manardo : what ? Keep your voice down . Kanti ?
Im here angithi .

We laughed .

Knox : how did it go with Sam ?

Me : good , he was at the same hotel as I was .

He agreed to the offer but wanted two million
aside .

Knox : nigga think he is smart .

Me : he does .

Knox : and I hope you didn’t fuck the bitch that

you took along to the spa .
Manardo chuckled .

Manardo : what would stop him from doing that

. He was alone over there.

Me : well I was alone , so you know how it

works . I mean girls that side are irresistible .

Manardo : you mean Paxton is irresistible ?

Knox looked at me .

Knox ; you went with her . You left Diana and

went with her . Do …do you have any idea what
you could have costed us if she was to know
about this ?
Me : well she didn’t .

Knox : what are you doing with this girl V?

Me : we are inlove with each other .

Knox ; and Diana .

Me : I will tell her . She will understand . She will

have to understand . She will find someone and
move on .

Manardo : bet she doesn’t find out before you

tell her anything .
Me : I will tell her when the time is right .

Manardo : the time has never been wrong ,

unless if you have ever come across a clock
saying 100:43 . Im just saying .

Me : I will tell her . She will be fine , her and the

kids will be well taken care of . As long as she
doesn’t find someone that is not like me .

Manardo : like you ? A cheater .

I looked at him .

Manardo : im the last person you should be

giving that look to .
Knox : what are you thinking Lorenzo . Diana is
a good woman .

Manardo : and a beautiful woman at that point .

Me : Diana is beautiful and a good woman but I

love Paxton . Diana is Diana , Paxton is Paxton .
You guys are the last ones to be judging me .
Wena Knox you also cheat and fuck girls . And
you Manardo Smash and pass ,that's what you
are best at . You deserve an award for that . I
even doubt if the world you gonn be getting
married with is even gonna last with you .

Manardo : you should lower your voice Lorenzo .

All I heard were just flies in my eyes .

I chuckled .
Me : if you guys think and believe that Diana is a
good woman then it's fine but I love Paxton , if
anybody want to take Diana it's fine . Take her .

Marnardo : it's fine . Then I will take her .

Knox : this is so messed up . Lorenzo think

about this .

He stood up .

Knox : im going to handle some shit .

I fist bumped with them and walked out .

Manardo looked at me and chuckled .

Lorenzo : you never judge my choices why now ?

Manardo : im your brother , not biologically but I

am your brother , it's my job to correct you if
you making wrong choices . Paxton was bad
knew back then even now .

He poured himself some whisky again .

Manardo : anyways asibushaye . (let's drink )

I chuckled .

Manardo : inkomo yi nkomo .



I was in my room , emptying Venom's bag . A

piece of paper fell . I picked it up and read it .
It's from the hotel . I sat down on the edge and
dialed the numbers on the paper. A woman

Me : hii . My husband stayed with you a few

night at the hotel . I think he left something on
his room .

Her : Name and surname ?

Me : Mr Lorenzo Ndlovu.

Her : alright let me go have a look . Please hold .

It became silence for a few minutes .

Her : Mrs Ndlovu , there's nothing here .

Me : oh , nothing ? Im so silly , I will have a look

at his bag again .

Her : did you enjoy our service mam , along with

the massage ?

I rolled my eyes .
Me : oh , thanks for asking . I did love and enjoy
my massage .

Her : please do recommend people …

Me : I will good bye .

I hung up .


I saw him walking to his house . I followed him ,

as he was about to close the door , I blocked
the door and shot him on his stomach and
knee , giving him a chance to breath , when they
get to him he will be long dead .

Me : that's for being a snitch !

I heard siren cars . I hid behind the window . A

lady walked in .

Her : fuck , call the ambulance .

Dave : V-V-V-Ve-Ve-Venom .

It came out as a whisper .

Her : good evening , this is Paxton D, prosecutor

and leading the case of Venom . My CI has
been shot . Im reporting from the crime scene .
I opened the window and jumped off .



Me : no… no stay with me Dave , stay with me .

He closed his eyes .

Me : the suspect could still be in the area Nick .

I looked at Dave . Nick came to me and tapped

me on my shoulders .i stood up .
Nick: the ambulance is here .

I nodded and we walked out . He walked over to

the officers and had a brief talk with them . He
then came to me ,we walked to the car and got
in then he drove away .

Me : please drop me o at my place .

He nodded and drove to my place .

I woke up in the morning and got out of bed . I
did my hygiene process and when I was done I
walked downstairs to have breakfast prepared
by Ria .

Cane: ma , you okay ?

Me : yes im good .

Cane:you sure ? You look like you have been

crying .

Me : no I wasn’t , I eventually got my eyes get

into contact with the wrong make up product .

Cane : ok , where is dad ?

Me : he left early or work .

Cane : oh , I want us to talk .

Me : about what ?

Cane : I got an email regarding my ID being

added to some account .

Me : don’t be too loud .

Cane : ohk , why though ?

Me : it's nothing major , I also did the same for

Ria, relax .
He looked at e unsure .

Me : and don’t breath a word about this to

anyone .

He nodded .


I walked to the stash room . They were about to

move it .

Me : Fire .
He looked at me .

Fire : yes .

Me : how is it going over here .

Fire : good , havent you seen Knox ?

Me : no , I think he is handling another shit .

Fire : yeah , and Boss , I heard something about

shipping on the way . And we still got more
products .

Me : yeah ,Greek is doubling the usual amount .

Fire : how are we gonna move that ? We already
have a product .

Me : we expand .

Fire : boss K is the one who got the connections

to the crews in these business .

Me : then we need to find K first .

He nodded and walked away .

I called Dee . She answered .

Me : you sleeping ?
Diana : no . I was drawing .

Me :well havent you contacted Knox today ?

Diana : no , I havent , what's wrong?

Me : I have been trying to call him he aint

answering .

Diana : did you ask Manardo , they could be

together .

Me : ok I will ask him .


We were waiting for the task force handling the

investigation of Venom . Nick walked up to me .

Nick : how are you ?

Me : im fine .

Nick ; im sorry ,don’t blame yourself for this

Paxton .

I shrug my shoulders as everybody walked in

the boardroom . We all sat down apart from

Chief : good day .

Us : good day .

Chief : we here to change the investigation on

Venom task force . I am forced to go back to
my country . But I wont be living you all by your
selves . We going to be having Mr Volk , he is
going to be leading the criminal division here .
He is the chief from now on . I urge you all to
respect him . He will be supervising the Venom
task force from now on . I will gie him the stand .

He stood up and Chief sat down .

Volk : thanks Chief , as we all know , law

enforcement always doesn’t count . Our main
witness who was helping us with the
investigation of Venom was murdered in the
safe house . Meaning we need to change things
here . Mr Craig is the new leader of this case .
Everyone here reports to him .


Lorenzo walked to the closet . I was rearranging

it .

Me : you back ?

Lorenzo : yeah . He sat on the bed across the

room .

Me : when were you going to tell me that you

have been getting hit Venom , I had to find out
for myself , everything I have to do it myself .

Lorenzo : I handled that shit Dee . You and the

kinds are safe now.

I sighed .

Me : did you get ahold of Knox ? He promised

Ria a date with her new girlfriend . You know
how Knox is , he trust Ria's opinion .

Lorenzo : not more than yours .

I chuckled .

Me : and Leo , he promised to take Cane and his

friend for a spin .

Lorenzo : he also got no idea of where Knox is ,

no one has seen or saying something . No sign
of him no trace of him .

Me : did you check where he usually hang out ?

Lorenzo : every stop , I even went to his house ,

everything of him is there . I trapped Dee ,
without him here that means im running shit
alone ,I gotta move the product , clean the
money …

Me : aint you running shit along With Leo ?

Lorenzo : Leo is on the smuggling god and

diamonds Dee , this is my rank with Knox . I
need to open nanother business to clean all this
money .

Me : why ? We got the vault cleaning money for

us . Why are you so hell bent on these
businesses ?

Lorenzo : Dee , how many times have we talked

about this ?

I kept quiet , I walked to him .

Lorenzo : We clean five times the amount of

cash in the font businesses in one fucking night
. And the vault we clean the money in a week .
Me : then you open another business not a club .

Lorenzo : we don’t have legit cash to open

another club , we need legit cash to open
another club so that we clean the whole fuckin
money .

Me: how many businesses we talking about

here ?

Lorenzo : everyone's business in the family the

three of us . And even if I was to do that , we
have more money coming Into the drug
business , not forgetting Greek sending the
more products infact double . I have no idea on
how to move the fuckin product since Knox just
disappeared on me . Not forgetting the
business not being able to clean the money .
Me : you have got me.

He looked at me .

Me : I have helped you before remember ? Show

me .

He walked to the bedroom , I followed him , he

took his Ipad , we sat on the bed .

Lorenzo : we could use this route but we still

have to handle shit this side first . Roose and
Knox had an agreement , not knowing Roose ,
he might back out . Knox had to keep in contact
with his crew and now he is nowhere to be
found , here there are small homies running this
shit .
Me :mhmm.

Lorenzo ; then here , this surb here he has a

connect already.

Me : look Venom , if you need to expand fuck

the connect . You need to focus on taking that
territory .

Lorenzo : kill the surb ? Come on Dee I cant

start a war now .

Me : well im sure Knox wouldn’t mind doing it .

Lorenzo : Dee ..
Me : no , listen , it will only start a war if they
know you did it .

Lorenzo :if I don’t do this then the network is

fucked , Knox is the glue.

Me : but you , you can do it without him . Look .

I took the ipad from her .

Me : you get Roose to agree first on this shit

right ? Then you go across the bridge to Lawd ,
if Rooses says no then the the Hookers are in
right ? You kill the surb . You gotta make it work
so you will . I know you will .

Lorenzo : thank you . Without my brothers I

need your help .

I looked at him and got up .

Me : I got you . You got me Venom , always by

you . Always have been by you .

I walked away but stopped on my tracks .

Me : but there's one thing I need you to do for

me .

I looked at him and he also did .

Me : stop seeing Paxton

He looked away .

Me ; no look at me and I enjoyed my massage

at the hotel . You could have taken me to Kenya
you know . Your phone , you should be more
careful with your phone.

Lorenzo : I will handle that .

I smirked and walked to the closet .

Lorenzo : I will see you later .

Me : I hope so .

He walked out .


Me : let's hope this shit is important .

Kg : it is .

Me : why you being sissy , out with it .

Kg : Dave is dead .

Me : what ?

Kg : yes , he got shot in the safe house .

Me : any idea who it is .

Kg : im still waiting for more info from the feds .

Me : you better make sure you bring that info .

H nodded and walked out .


I was in Mr Volk's office .

Mr volk : let's keep the formality here. I know

about your track work in this Venom case .
Corners cut , budged raid , the CI that you were
supposed to keep under witness protecting .
Dave would still be alive and we both know it .
You are no longer leading the Venom Task
force and you are not honored at all .

Me : sir I did what I thought was best , devoted

myself into this case . Im dedicated ,committed ,
before he died , Dave told me he was stabbed
by Greeks local distributor who we believe goes
by the name Venom .

Mr volk : let this go Paxton . You are brought

back to handle your prosecution cases .

Me : I just need a chance sir .

Mr Volk : you have wasted enough primary
resources. You are excused.

I stood up and waked out to my office .





Things are a little bit difficult , well obviously

with Knox not being here . No one or any body
has seen him , he just went AWOL there's no
sign of him being in the area . Things have been
good or rather awkward between I and
Lorenzo . But we getting there . Im with Ndoni
having lunch at my office . I had to come back
to work due to Jane not coming to work , at this
place I cant find a replacement for her, she is
good at what she does but at the same time
she is costing me a lot .

Ndoni : by the way you look beautiful today .

I smile .

Me : thanks , its now that you see that im

beautiful , how rude .

She laughs .
Ndoni :but you are beautiful , even your outfit .
You like revealing those thighs mhm ?

Me : oh please , did you see the weather outside

, it's hot , a short skirt would help .

Ndoni : I see , how are things ? Since you

confronted him ?

Me : things are good I can say . Even the twins

they are okay , they just want Venom all the
time , asking me about him . I wish he could
give them his attention and stay home

Ndoni : you are staying with the cheating ass

nigga I bet you do wish he is always hoe . Do
you really believe he is not home because he is
running business .

Me : yes , I am.

Ndoni : are you even sure he broke up with the

bitch ?

Me : yes , I don’t know but what i know is he

knows not to mess with me , he needs me .

Ndoni : that sure ?

Me : yes, I asked him to end it with her and he

said he will .

She chuckled .
Me : don’t look at me like that .

Ndoni : no how do you want me to look at you .

Diana , you telling me that you fall for a bullshit
like that .

Me : there are reasons why I know I can believe

him . And you wont understand .

Ndoni : well , I don’t understand ? If you trust

him so much tell me why you need this .

She took out an envelope . I took it out .

Me : you opened my mail?

Ndoni : you sent it to my house . Babe you
stealing from Venom ?

Me : im not .

Ndoni : you hiding money from Venom. That

doesn’t sound like an escape plan to me .

I looked down and wiped my tears .

Me : he is my husband Ndoni . I cant just walk

away just like that . But if there's a way we can
make it work . I gotta make it work .

She held my hand .

Ndoni : Look Dee , you know I will always be

here when you need me . You don’t need to hid
money from venom . I just hope you know what
you are doing .

Her phone rang , she ignored it …

Ndoni :look im the last person to advise you to

leave because also I didn’t leave my husband
instead I fought for him . Look this is not the
escape plan . Already you have taken a whole
fuckin two million from him Dee . Don’t you
think he will suspect ? Im not gonna sit here
and judge you . But just stay on the safe side .

She took out a gun and handed it to me .

Me : no , no I - I - I'm not going to use that or

own that . I don’t know how to shoot anyone
and I wont start now . Im not a killer

Ndoni : im not saying use it and im not saying

you are a killer , it doesn’t mean when you are
holding a gun you are a killer . No you are not .
This is for you to be safe . Don’t use it just point
it to someone to scare them don’t pull the
trigger , only pull the trigger when you are
forced to do so .

She put it on my hands .

Ndoni : for you own safety Dee … and oh , the

gun is loaded and in position so one pull it's a
sound . Okay.

I nodded .
Me : I need to rest . Im not feeling well .

Ndoni : sure . I also need to go .

I nodded . We both stood up and gathered our

staff then walked out . I hugged her before she
could get in her car then she drove away . I
walked to Lux , my driver . A car drove by
speeding . It stopped .

Me : Lux , please take me home .

Lux : sure .

He opened the door for me and I got in . Lux

stopped as he was about to get in .
" I will drive her ,"

Lux : Boss V said Im her new driver boss .

" I know and im not disputing that , I will drive

her ,"

Lux : but …

" no buts , im also your boss and you also listen

to what I say , I give you orders and I expect you
to follow them , I don’t want to sin , god already
has forgiven me ."

Lux : yes sir .

" you will take my car with you , I will find it at

Venom's house ,"

Lux : yes boss .

He let go of the door and walked away . The

door opened and Manardo got inside the car , I
rolled my eyes .

Manardo : Diana.

Me : hii .

It came out as a whisper .

Manardo : how are you ?

Me : im good

He smirked and wore his sun glasses. and put

on his seat belt and drove away . I took out my
phone and kept myself busy .


Jane : im tired of this hide and seek now Knox .

Me : I know baby .

Jane : I dont understand why im also hiding

with you because you are the one that is on the
run not me . I have been missing work like for a
week now .

Me : im sorry …

Jane : no you aint sorry because if you were you

would stop hiding and face the world , at the
end of the day you are not the one losing your
job but I am . Why are you even running away
from your brothers . Why do you even think that
Lorenzo has turned on you . He is your brother.

Me : you cant trust him no more babe . He

changed . He is cheating on Diana .

Jane : whoa …wait Lorenzo is cheating on his

wife ?
Me : yes , he is cheating with his ex -girl friend
from school that left him naked .

Jane : wow . He is not prince charming after all .

Me : reason why I cant trust him , it all fucked

up , I cant trust anybody . This is just a twist of
fate . You know what he said , he said if
anybody wants Dee then anyone can take him
and Leo said he will .

Jane : he could be joking .

Me : trust me that man never joke around .

Jane : but it's practically his brother's wife I

doubt he would do that .
Me : we don’t know about that . Lets just hope
for the first time in a while he was joking . You
know Venom is fuckin an ungrateful bastard ,
he has a wife who is good and kind , a wife that
is humble and he wants to ruin all that for a
bitch that cares more about her job . Fuckin
betrayer . I should have killed that bitch a long
time ago .


I walked to Nick's office he was alone .

Me : hey .
Nick : hey to you too .

Me : uh…so what do you guys have so far ?

Regarding the Venom case and Dave' murder.

Nick : Mr. Volk has specifically made it clear

that we must not share any information about
the cases with anyone who is not in the task
force .

Me : by anyone you mean me ?

He kept quiet .

Nick : did it occur to your mind that even for a

second because I also helped you with the
Dave issue my license was on the line too .

Me : he also called you ?

Nick : yes , but I explained to him about my

involvement on this case and he let me stay on
the task force .

Me : im sorry Nick … I … I gotta go .

I stood up .

Nick : Paxton you should let this go .

Me : I need to find justice for Dave, Nick .

I walked out.


I knocked at her apartment . I waited there for a

few minutes . I was hiding my face with a motor
bike helmet.

Her : who is it ?

me : the delivery guy . I have a parcel for you .

Her : hold on .

She opened the door , I removed my helmet , as

she was about to close the door , I blocked it by
my hand and got inside .

Me : where is he?

Her : who are you …?

"im right here Venom ."

I looked at him .

Knox : there was no need to be rough with her

you know ?

Me : K..
I looked at his hand , he was holding a gun .

Knox : go to your room baby .

She nodded and walked away shaking .how I

hate scaring Women .

Knox : and you come and sit down .

I walked to the couch and sat down .

Me : Knox … come on .

Knox : shut up . What did you have to come out

here man ?
Me : we have been looking for you , calling for
you . Why are you hiding ?

Knox : so that you and your girlfriend cant find

me . I mean Paxton .

Me : Paxton ?

Knox : it all makes sense now , how you have

trying to let me run this shit alone with Manardo
, so that you pin this on us send me to prison ,
then you and girlfriend will be running on the
fuckin sunset , divorced Dee , just the two of
you only . How could you do me like this ? Us ?

Me : knox , I got no idea what you talking about ,

you are my brothers . You and Manardo .
Knox : stop right there . You went with her to
Kenya . You were enjoying yourselves , fucking
her, her pussy must be that good huh ? Not
knowing that you are making a deal with that
bitch to sell me out .

Me : What .

Knox : Paxton , your girlfriend , a fucken

prosecutor , a God damn international D.E.A

Me : no .. It cant be .

He held me by my collar .

Knox : don’t you fucken lie to me Venom . I

heard the bitch say it .
I kept quiet and looked down , he let go of me .

Knox : you didn’t Know .

Me ; she told me she is Prosecutor , that's all.

Knox : yeah guess what that bitch played you

again , just like we were still kids . That bitch is
here for us , she knows everything about us .
We should take that bitch out right now . If you
don’t I will … Venom this aint no time for
thinking . You didn’t think about Dee when you
were chowing her pussy . Let's go

He parked the car ..

Me : what are we doing here ?

Manardo : we are at my Penthouse .

Me : I can see that but what are we doing here .

I asked you to take me home not you to bring
me to your house 1

Manardo : manje Umsindo owani keh . Im here ,

do you want my tenants to hear that you asked
me to take me home ?

I looked away and got out of the car . I walked

to the building and I was let in to the penthouse .
He was following behind me .

Manardo : Mama … Dee.

I ignored him the elevator opened and I got in ,

he also did .

Manardo : im sorry.

I kept quiet and he held my hand and made me

look at him . He held my waist .

Manardo : Unga khali mama , ijaivi ukhuthi I

don’t like it when a person raises their voice a
me .

I looked away . He held my chin and lifted it up

and made me look at him . He perked my lips .

Manardo : im sorry .

He perked my lips again and then kissed me .

The elevator opens up . We walk out of the
elevator to the Penthouse , we pass through a
passage kissing , I run my hands on his abs and
he takes off my T-shirt and I also take off his T-
shirt . I run my hands at his six pack , he picks
me up and puts me to the kitchen counter .
Very slowly, he pulls down my skirt . Oh, how
tempting is this? Tempting and scary and hot.
He’s making such a meal of this. My heart is in
my mouth. I can barely breathe. He takes off
my under wear.

He places his hand on my naked behind, softly

fondling me, stroking round and round with his
flat palm. And then his hand is no longer
there…and he hits me – hard. Ow! My eyes
spring open in response to the pain, and he
caresses me again where he’s hit me, and his
breathing’s changed – it’s louder, harsher. He
hits me again and again, quickly in succession.
Holy fuck it hurts. I make no sound, my face
screwed up against the pain. I try and wriggle
away from the blows – spurred on by
adrenaline spiking and coursing through my

Marnado : keep still.

I do as he says. He’s rubbing me now, and the

blow follows. A rhythmic pattern emerges,
caress, fondle. My mind empties as I endeavor
to absorb the grueling sensation From
somewhere deep inside, I want to beg him to
stop. But I don’t. I don’t want to give him the
satisfaction. He continues the unrelenting
rhythm. I cry out six more times

He caresses my behind gently, and it burns as

he strokes me round and round and down.
Suddenly, he inserts two fingers inside me,
taking me completely by surprise. I gasp, this
new assault breaking through the numbness
around my brain.

Manardo : Feel this. See how much your body

likes this, Dee. You’re soaking just for me.

There is awe in his voice. He moves his fingers,

in and out in quick succession. I groan, no
surely not, and then his fingers are gone… and
I’m left wanting. He pulls me closer to him and
spreads my legs . When did he take off his
Pants ? Before I know it he’s inside me, quickly
filling me, I moan loudly. He moves, pounding
into me, a fast, intense pace against my sore
behind. The feeling is beyond exquisite, raw and
debasing and mind blowing. My senses are
ravaged, disconnected, solely concentrating on
what he’s doing to me. How he’s making me
feel, that familiar pull deep in my belly,
tightening, quickening. NO… and my traitorous
body explodes in an intense, body shattering

Manrdo : Damn Dee .

he cries out loudly as he finds his release,

holding me in place as he pours himself into me.
He is not done yet , I know .

manardo : Lift your legs, mama, wrap them

round me.

I feel so weak, but I do as he asks as he wraps

my legs around his hips and positions himself
beneath me. With one thrust, he’s inside me,
and I cry out again, listening to his muffled
moan at my ear. My arms are resting on his
Shoulders as he thrusts into me. Jeez, it’s deep
this way. He thrusts again and again, his face at
my neck, his harsh breathing at my throat.

Me : oh.. Oh…h yesss . Ahhhh.

I feel the build up again. Jeez, no… not again… I

don’t think my body will withstand another earth
-shattering moment. But I have no choice… and
with an inevitability that’s becoming familiar, I
let go and come again, and it’s sweet and
agonizing and intense. I lose all sense of self.
He follows, shouting his release through
clenched teeth and holding me hard and close
as he does.

He pulls out of me swiftly and sets me down

against the cross, his body supporting mine. I
lean my head against his chest. If I had the
strength, I’d touch him, but I don’t.

Manardo : hey … don’t sleep .

I slightly open my eyes and look at him .

Manardo : are you okay ?

Me : Im fine , it's just a minor headache . I need

..i need to take a nap .
He picks me up from the counter and we walk
upstairs . He opened the door and closed it
again . He then placed me on the bed …


I got inside my apartment . I made a phone call

Me : hii , this Paxton , the Prosecutor involved

with the DEA . Im actually calling to ask for a
CCTV footage of day before yesterday , late at
night from 10:50 P.M at Bree street .
Him : which direction from Bree street .


Him : alright , let me have a look .

It went quiet for a few seconds .

Him : there is are only two cars that moved on

that street at that time , a BMW Z4 series and a
Ford Mustang .

Me : which car parked and left after a few

minutes .


Me : speed ?

Him : fast speed , police came .

Me : thanks please zoom in the driver and the

car register number and email them to me .

Him : sure . Give me a minute .

I opened my mails on my laptop and looked at

there was one , I opened the email and loaded
the file to view .

Me : thanks I got it .
He hung up . I looked at the file loading . It
finally opened . I gasped .

Me : Knox Ndlovu .

The was a knock on the door , I closed my

laptop and walked to get it .

Me : Lo.

Lorenzo : hii.

Me : what are you doing here ? I thought .

Lorenzo : forget about that . Im here to see you .

I smiled .

Me : come in .

He walked in I closed the door . I then hugged

him .

Me : I love you .

Lorenzo : you sure you do ?

Me : yes..

I felt something on my throat .

Lorenzo : are you okay ?

Me : I need to use the bathroom.

I rushed to the bathroom and vomited …

Lorenzo : you sure you okay ?

Me : yes , I am .



I toss and turn eventually I open my eyes . I
quickly rise when I realize in my bedroom , I got
out of bed and quickly dress up then make the
bed . I check the time and it is 4 O'clock in the
morning , was I that out of it . I walk downstairs
and I find him in the kitchen making himself a
cup of coffee . It looks like he just took a
shower - he is not wearing any T-shirts but has
a towel wrapped around his Waist .

Me : why didn’t you wake me up ?

Manardo : oh , you are awake . It's still early you


I roll my eyes, his response just annoyed me

more even .
Me : you didn’t answer my question Manardo ,
why didn’t you wake me up ?

Manardo : you were sleeping peacefully , I didn’t

wanna wake you up, you looked tired .

Me : but you should have woken me me up ,

look now !

Manardo : whoa …umsindo manje ? Kanti hini ?

Am I ontop of the roof ? I can hear you .

I roll my eyes and breath in and out .

Me : do you know what you have gotten me into

. I didn’t sleep in my house damnit . What will
Lorenzo say , oh my kids .
Manardo : are you sure that he also slept at
home ?

I kept quiet .

Manardo : I mean if he did he could have called

you to ask you where you are .

Me : I don’t care about all that . You know what

take me home now !

He closed his ears …

Me : Now !
Manardo : whoa … kanti how many times must
a person tell that they don’t like noise .

Me : Manardo take me home !

he chuckled and walked to the lounge with his

coffee . I followed him .

Me : Manardo take me home .

Manardo : it's still dark outside ?

Me : so ? Does it look like I care ?

Manardo : well I do care , I don’t want to be

hijacked .
Me : wow ! You don’t want to be attacked ? A
whole gangster doesn’t want to be attacked .
You know what Fuck you Manardo . Fuck you .
And oh never ever talk to me , call me, take me
anywhere . Never ever greet me , and oh never
ever touch me . Just so you thought, im not
your baby , and im not your sex machine tsk !

Manardo : DIANA !!

Me: who give me a break .

I walked upstairs and took my cell phone , there

was a voice message from Cane and a text
message from Lorenzo stating that he won't be
coming home home . I listened to the voice
message .
Cane : ma , where are you ? Please call me back
im worried about you , if you get this message I
love you …

I smiled and took my bag . Manardo walked in .

I rolled my eyes. He walked to what looks like a
closet . He walked out and took off his towel
and wore his sweat pants and wore his hoodie .
He went to the closet and came back with a
hoodie .

Manardo : you should wear this, it's cold outside


Me : well im not feeling cold .

He walked to me …
Manardo : I wont have to tie you up just for you
to wear this right .

I took the hoodie from him and wore it .

Manardo : I will be waiting for you .

He walked out . Oh shit I think he is angry . Did I

do something wrong . I never get used to
Lorenzo being angry so if any man is angry it
scares the hell out of me especially when the
man is a gangster . I walk out of the bedroom
and walk downstairs . I find him drinking
whiskey .

Me : we can go .
Manardo : ok .

He gulps his whiskey and take his car keys and

cell phone . We then walk to the elevator . We
get in the elevator . We get out when it arrives
at the reception . We walk out of the building
and we get into the car . He drives away .


I just came out of a shower all dressed up and

stuff , I walk to the bedroom and find Lorenzo
typing something on his phone , I feel the urge
to vomit and quickly rush to the bathroom to
vomit , I do my business and rinse my mouth , I
then walk to my bedroom .

Lorenzo : you good ?

Me : I guess I will be .

Lorenzo : why don’t you visit the doctor ?

Me : Im sure it's nothing major .

Lorenzo : it may not be , but just to see what's

wrong ?

Me : I will if it gets worse Lorenzo .

I lay on the bed .

Lorenzo : aint you going to work ?

Me : I am .

Lorenzo : you aint feeling good . Is there

something special happening at work ?

Me : NO , there's nothing interesting working

there .

Lorenzo : you look stressed you, what stressing

you ?

Me : nothing big , just work .

Lorenzo : wanna talk about what is going on at
work ?

Me : no not really . It wouldn’t help .

Lorenzo : then why not quit ?

Me : my job aint interesting but I love my job .

He pulled me to him and kissed me .

Me : so im not quitting and im not getting back

into bed with you .

I perked his lips ang gathered my staff .

Me : good bye .

Lorenzo : good bye .

I walk out..


Manardo dropped me off , well like risking our

lives cause he was drinking while driving .

Ria : Ma , where you been ?

Me : uh… Ndoni's place .

Ria : oh . Thank god you are safe , we were
worried about you .

Me : is your father still in his room .

Ria : he didn’t come home last night .

Me : oh , I see . Let me go freshen up .

They nod and I walk upstairs . I took a bath ,

when I was done I lotioned and got dressed .
Lorenzo walked in. he took his gun .

Me : heading somewhere ?
Lorenzo : yes .

Me : was the club buzzing yesterday ? You

didn’t come home .

Lorenzo : not really

Me : I see .

Lorenzo : im not seeing her Dee .

Me : mhmm I see . Just handle business

whatever you need im here to support you .

Lorenzo : mhmm .
He perked my lips .


I was at the warehouse waiting for Knox , he

said 5 minutes but he aint here as yet . The
roller door opens and he walks in .

Me : is this five minutes ?

Knox : you are the last person to ask me that .

I sighed and we walked in further . Fire removed

the cover .
Knox : shit ! Greek sent twice the product .

Me : more than that , we need more help in

moving that .

Fire : what about the surb ?

Knox : it's a no go , our truck connect is still

moving slowly .

Me : then we take the surb out .

Knox : mhm simple .

Me : did you guys check with Lawd ?

Knox : I will try him , but to move this shit fast . I
will use my resources in prison , I will ask a
friend to sell some for us . I could also ask the
doctors , they need this to heal their patients .

Me : right .

Fire : I will get the boys to start moving this shit


We nodded and we walked out .

Knox : did you do the shit I asked you to do .

Me : Knox…
Knox : you didn’t . Then guess what , I will do it
myself .

Me :we need to think fast before doing anything

, I will take her out when the time is right .

Knox : has the time ever been wrong ?

Me : now you sounding like Leo.

He chuckled .

Me : just give me days .

He chuckled again .
Knox : you love this chick don’t you ?

Me : I have always loved her Knox .

Knox : I guess you love her more than your

brother .

Me : knox …

Knox : I will see you later Lorenzo .

He got inside his car and drove away .

I saw Nick passing by , I stood up and dragged
him to my office .

Me : I called a friend and they got me a photo of

the person who killed Dave . And it's a friend I
went to high school with .

Nick : let me guess you want me to authorize

this and present this to the taskforce .

Me : yes .

Nick : No.. No I cant .

Me : ple…
Nick : No paxton .

He held the door handle , I blocked his way .

Me : you would present this if I was still fucking

you .

He smirked .

nicK : yes , you did say when we were still

fucking but we are no longer fucking .

he opened the door and walked out .


Knox came to my house .

Knox : you brought another bottle , you finished

that one ?

Me : you are in my house , so you don’t have the

right to question me in my house and with my
money .

He chuckled .

Knox : Don’t tell me that , you live alone here it's

not like you have a kids with you . You took
them to their mothers .
Me : yeah , I know …

Knox : so that you can have all the freedom to

yourself , bring girls around here .

Me : brika net dar , I don’t bring things here .

Knox : mxm , wena .

Me : I don’t mind spending money at the hotel

instead of bringing things here . Imagine .
Besides im no longer there .

Knox : what do you mean you are no longer

there ?

Me : I did say im about to get married soon .

Knox : imagine , you getting married . Judas
wont be the betrayer but Mathew.

I laughed .

Me : im serious njalo , buka nje wena .

He laughed and sipped his alcohol .

Me : you came here to complain now you are

finishing my drink . Out with it . Hini jaive ?

Knox : bring more hot spirits from the north .

Me : Ringa man , im serious now . Ang'sahleki .

Sphelile iskhathi sama hlaya .

Knox : mxm . Do you know that Paxton is a

fuckin prosecutor who is assisting the DEA in
south Africa .

Me : What ?!

Knox : yeah . She is working with the FEDS …

She chuckled .

Knox : to fucking get Venom in jail .

Me : and you let that bitch live ?

Knox : you know Venom , " let's wait , let's think
." tsk , like im a fuckin human .

Me : because he is fuckin her.

Knox : Tsk that annoys the hell out of me .

Me : I thought he left her .

Knox : he is playing games . He told me to my

face that he loves that girl , he would divorce a
good looking Diana for that girl .

Me : that good looking huh ?

Knox : you know what I mean.

I chuckled .

Knox : and why are you blushing while im

pissed ?

Me : im jut thinking .

Knox : talking about Diana , were you serious

when Lorenzo said anyone can take Diana .
And you said you will . Were you serious ?

Me : Yes .

Knox : you don’t really mean to do that right .

Me: He said we can take her and I said I will .
What will stop me from doing that ?

Knox : he is your brother and she is your

brother's wife .

Me : and I don’t dispute that . When I take her ,

she will no longer be her husband .

Knox : Leo , come on bro !

I closed my ears .

Me : manje umsindo owani ? Why are you crying

like a woman ? Speak to me nice , I can hear
you .
Knox : fuck that. Lorenzo is your friend and
brother .

Me : Lorenzo will be fine , if Dee doesn’t fight

him then he shouldn’t fight her . He should let
her be ,and if he cared about her he wouldn’t
have even cheated on her and continued
fucking around , worse take him to Kenya ,
leaving her behind . When he leaves her behind
then what would happen ? She will get a dick to
make her scream .

He Laughed .

knox : and you are that Dick ?

Me : I wouldn’t mind making her scream my

name all night . Her voice invites angels .
Knox : haibo Leo .

Me : what im just being honest with you .

Manardo is making his decision , he wants
Paxton we wont stop him . As long as he
doesn’t stop us when we take Diana from him
.Lorenzo needs to learn the hard way. Ni
yam'totobisa lomuntu ende yindoda egroot .

Knox : im defeated .

Me : even if I get Diana for one night and just fill

her up with my sperms , I would have done a
great job darh .

Knox : I don’t want to get involved on this one .

Me : yeah don’t and when it happens please
don’t , just fuck jane cause you could end up
taking a bullet not meant for you .

Knox : you want Dee kahle kahle wena .

Me : sengim'ncwasile lomtwana . I have already

gotten her .

Knox : what do you mean ?

Me wena bamba lokho . I could prove to you

that I already gotten her . Buke nje wena .
Dedele ubhuti omdala anikhombise ukuthi
imomoza idliwa kanjani nokuthi u'heya kanjani .
Inkomo siya yidla thina abakwa Ndlovu .
I gulped my drink .

Me : buka manje sengi dry . Mina ng'zothi

mang'ceda nje ukum'gaya nje ey1
uzongiphupha .

He laughed and I joined him …


Me : ahh…yes .

Lorenzo : come for me Pax.

He pulls me closer to him and spreads my legs
. He increases his ace , I moan loudly. He
moves, pounding into me, a fast, intense pace
against my sore behind. The feeling is beyond
exquisite, raw and debasing and mind blowing.
My senses are ravaged, disconnected, solely
concentrating on what he’s doing to me. How
he’s making me feel, that familiar pull deep in
my belly, tightening, quickening. Our bodies
explodes in an intense, body shattering orgasm.
He pulls out of me and perk my lips then
collapsed next to me .

Me : Lorenzo , I love you and I don’t wanna lose

you .

I lay on his chest .

Lorenzo : Why would you lose me ?

I sat up straight and he also did the same ,

wearing his boxers .

Me : I need to ask you a question .

Lorenzo : sure .

Me : what exactly is your relationship with Knox ?

Lorenzo : he is my brother Pax , you know that .

Me : im an assistant at the law enforcement in

the drug case , im with the DEA .
He looked at me .

Me : and I think Knox is involved . I know he is

your brother but Knox was arrested and came
back to the streets . Dot you question yourself
about how he managed to get all this money
and flashy cars he drives in a short space of
time ?

Lorenzo : enough .

He got up from the bed .

Lorenzo : hell no . I don’t know everything about

anyone , fuck I just found out you are in the law
enforcement .
Me : im sorry , I didnt tell you before .

Lorenzo : sorry you didn’t tell me before you are

a fucking cop ?

Me : I wasn’t allowed to tell you by law . In fact I

could lose my job , my job , I could lose. I could
go to jail for telling you all this right now .

Lorenzo : then why the hell are you telling me ?

Me : because im going to put Knox in jail and

you could lose too , everything you worked for .
I cant let that happen .

Lorenzo : so you and me , us ? It was all lies ?

Me : what , no !

Lorenzo ; ow I see why you are here in the first

place to arrest my brother right ?

Me : come on Lorenzo , of course not .

He shook his head no , I walked closer to him .

Me : you have to believe me .

Lorenzo : I don’t have to believe you .

Me : there's no more going back now . Look Lo ,

I don’t want you to lose your future because
mixed up with Knox . Yes he is you brother but I
don’t want to lose you . I love you .
Lorenzo : what does all this mean? You asking
me to testify against Knox ? My brother ? You
want me to testiy against him ?

Me : that is the only way to save you and your

kids .

He looked away …

Me : have you ever heard anyone on the streets

call Knox or anyone by the name Venom ?

Lorenzo : No … Never . Knox is not what you

think . He is not .

Me : and if I prove that ? Will you help me if I

help you ?

I held his hands .

Me : or would you leave me?

He wiped his tears …

Lorenzo : i… I cant leave you because I love you





Lorenzo : Dee , the safe is almost empty ?

Me : huh ?

Lorenzo : what do you mean huh ?

Me : but you know I have to use cash wherever I

can , thats what I was looking into last night ,
the legit accounts and you know the twins are
going to varsity , I had to pay for their fees.
These kids know money I tell you .

Lorenzo : ok , I just have another problem to

deal with .

Me : what problem ?

Lorenzo : the stuff is moved . We cant clean the

money . We have a warehouse full of cash but
we cant touch it .

Me : and you need to launcher it ?

Lorenzo : yes .

Me : I have an idea.

Lorenzo : im listening .
Me : you can invest the money on the workshop
, I mean it's making thousands . Instead of
opening a new business you could just fund it
to an organization .

Lorenzo : mhmm . But …

Me : no buts Venom , you just need to do this .

People wont notice shit . I get to the till and
change the money that's it .

Lorenzo : ok we will try it .

He perked my lips .

Me : you are hardly home this days .

Lorenzo : business as usual Dee .

Me : ok babe .

Lorenzo : let me go and take a bath , by the way

how are you feeling today?

Me : much better I guess .

He nodded and walked to the bathroom . His

phone beeped it was message from Pax. I took
it and read the message .


I exhaled loudly and put the phone in it's

position , I looked up to prevent my tears from
falling . I walked to the mirror and fixed my
make up , I then walked out . I walked to Cane's
room , he was on the cell phone …

Me : oh , I will come back when you are done .

Cane : no…no don’t leave . For you im done .

He hung up without saying goodbye and came

to me .

Cane : what's wrong ?

Me : I need your bank card .

Cane : oh ok , I will give it to you .

Me : please do bring it to me , I need it , it's
urgent .

Cane : I will bring it before I leave for Uncle's

house .

I nodded…

Cane : ma … are you okay ?

Me : im fine .

He nodded and I walked out . A month , a whole

month I have been fooling myself thinking that
we are okay , that we are fine and he does this
to me ? He does this to me ? So much of being
a husband . He said he ended I with her . I
guess I was and have always been a fool to
believe that he would do that . Betrayal , hurt .
There's nothing that I didn’t do for Lorenzo , I do
everything for him , im always by his side ,
through thick and thin and he does this to me ?


I searched for the car number plate and it's

name it was registered under Knox's name .

Me : I got you .

I stood up and walked to Mr Volks office . He is

so fucken rude I tell you . Right now I don’t need
anything stressing me out . I know and I let
myself in .

Volk : Paxton , any new developments on the

case you are assigned to handle ?

Me : yes . Actually sir that's not why im here .

Volk : oh , I see . What are you here for .

Me ; it's about Venoms case . Sir I know im no

longer on task force and on this case but I got
enough proof and evidence to prove who
venom is .

Volk : you are right , you are no longer on the

taskforce .

Me : I know but take a look at this , this is Knox

Ndlovu , this is car registration number . And
this was the night when Dave was murdered.
Before he could die he told me who killed him ,
he said it's Venom . This is a photo of him
driving his car in high speed just after hearing
the sirens . The date and time of the scene . Sir

Volk : so you trying to tell me that you carried

out this investigation when you are removed
from the taskforce ?

I kept quiet .

Volk : that's not how we do things Paxton .

Me : I know but sir please follow this . I mean I
could find anyone closer to him , his girlfriend to
testify against him . Sir please .

He looked at me .

Volk: fine , you will present this to the task force


Me : thank you sir .

Volk : but that doesn’t mean you are back .

Me : I know sir .
I walked out .


I drove to Manardo's house whilst on the phone

call with Ndoni …

Me : I had trusted him Ndoni .

Ndoni : I know but you are venting at the wrong

person . Are you driving ?

Me : yes .
Ndoni : drinking ?

Me : oh hell No. im so fuckin sober right now .

Ndoni : where are you going ?

Me : Someone's house . I bet that owes me an

explanation .

Ndoni : Dee …

Me : good bye Ndoni .

I hung up and parked my car in the parking lot . I

got out and walked to the building . The
reception let me in . I walked to the elevator and
it took me to the penthouse . I got out and
walked inside his house . He was no in the
kitchen .he was in the dinning area with
diamonds on top of the table .

Me : you knew right?

Manardo : I knew what ?

Me : you knew. You should have told me Leo .

He is still seeing Manardo . He took her to
Kenya , you also know about that . You knew he
was still seeing her yet you didn’t tell me , I
guess you just wanted smash and pass just like
the old times right ? YOU FUCKIN KNEW !

I went to the lounge and sat on the couch . I

wiped my tears .
Manardo : I didn’t tell you because , I wanted
you to see the man you married for he , he is . I
didn’t tell you because it wasn’t my place
anymore .

Me : but , it's your place to fuck me . You also

didn’t tell me because you are loyal to him since
he has been your friend and now he is your
brother . Well you even share the same
surname .

He knelt down before me .

Manardo : well I didn’t wanna be the one to

break your heart .

Me : you think im the only one with feelings ?

Well I cant take anyone lying to me . I don’t
anyone to complicate my life right now .

Manardo : Look , im sorry about …

Me : Damn right you are ! You really think you

could eat my pussy and act like saint . You
know what fuck you Lorenzo .

Manardo :Manje mini ngenzeni kerh ? Why are

you shouting at me .

Me : please get away from me , you make me

sick .

He touched his heard and walked to the dinning

area . I exhaled and scheduled and scheduled
an appointment with my Attorney . I changed
the TV channel and tuned into songs . I got bore
. I stood up and walked to the dinning area he
was not there . I walked to the kitchen he was
not there. I then walked upstairs to his room . I
found him changing into sweatpants .

Me : heading out ?

Manardo : yeah , there's some shitty delivery

that I need to make .

Me : oh , that important ?

Manardo : yes .

He was not looking at me , his back was facing

me . I took off my dress and my bra , only left
with my panties . I walked to him and hugged
him from behind . I couldn’t wrap all my hands
around him since he was bigger and tall.

Manardo : it's an important delivery that I

cannot miss .

I rolled my eyes and moved my hands towards

his trousers , I slide my hand inside them and
got ahold of the Big man .

Me : im sure this wont make you late or will it ?

He kept quiet .

Me : do you really want me to beg ?

Manardo : you said I make you sick .

Me ; your presence but not you yummy self .

He chuckled .

Me : Ngizo dineka if you continue on doing that .

I snapped and he shook his head no, Fuck you


Me : im sorry .

I took his hand and made it touch my breast

and I moved it down my waist to my dripping
honey pot .
Me ; it is waiting for you .

I felt him curse .

Manardo : you have a husband .

Me : I want you please…

I was getting impatient . I stood in front of him

and took of my panties , I walked closer to him ,
I lay my head on his chest and take his hand to
touch my honey pot . He touches it.

Me : feel that ?
He doesn’t say anything , I slowly remove his
sweat pants and remove his briefs and look at
him , I perk his lips , and slowly go down on my
knees . I look at him and lick the tip of his
already erected D***. His mouth drops open
slightly as his breathing increases. I lean
forward, while he has his eyes closed, and place
my lips around him and tentatively suck,
running my tongue over the tip.

Manardo : Diana…stop .

His eyes fly open, and I suck harder.Hmm…

he’s soft and hard at once, like steel encased in
velvet, and surprisingly tasty – salty and

Manardo : Jesus , holy shit .

He groans, and he closes his eyes again.
Moving down, I push him into my mouth. He
groans again. Ha! My inner goddess is thrilled. I
can do this. I can fuck him with my mouth. I
twirl my tongue around the tip again, and he
flexes his hips. His eyes are open now,
blistering with heat. His teeth are clenched as
he flexes again, and I push him deeper into my
mouth, supporting myself on his thighs. I feel
his legs tense beneath my hands. He reaches
up and grabs my pigtails and starts to really

Manardo : Fuck…

I suck harder, flicking my tongue across the

head of his impressive erection. Wrapping my
teeth behind my lips, I clamp my mouth around
him. His breath hisses between his teeth, and
he groans.

Manardo : How far can you go?

Hmm… I pull him deeper into my mouth so I can

feel him at the back of my throat and then to
the front again. My tongue swirls around the
end. . I suck harder and harder, pushing him
deeper and deeper, swirling my tongue round
and round.

Manardo : im going to come Dee , let go …

his breathy tone is warning. He flexes his hips

again, his eyes are wide, wary, and filled with
salacious need – need for me. Need for my
mouth... oh my. His hands are really gripping
my hair, his grip is getting tight and tighter every
second . I push even harder and, in a moment
of extraordinary confidence, I bare my teeth. It
tips him over the edge. He cries out and stills,
and I can feel warm, salty liquid, I pull out
quickly and he comes , when he is done , I lick
him . He pulls me up and kiss my lips . He picks
me up and places me on the edge of the bed .
He trails kisses up my belly, and his tongue dips
into my navel. Still he’s heading north, kissing
me across my torso.

I’m clawing at the sheet beneath me. He lies

down beside me and his hand trails up from my
hip, to my waist, and up to my breast. He gazes
down at me, his expression Unreadable, and
gently cups my breast. I flinch as he squeeze
them . He gently yanks my bra down, freeing
my breast, but the underwire and fabric of the
cup force it upward. His finger moves to my
other breast and repeats the process. My
breasts swell, and my nipples harden under his
steady gaze. I am trussed up by my own bra.

He bites my ear lobe and my nipples harden

even more. He blows very gently on one as his
hand moves to my other breast, and his thumb
slowly rolls the end of my nipple, elongating it. I
groan, feeling the sweet sensation all the way to
my groin. I am so wet. My fingers clasp the
sheet tighter. His lips close around my other
nipple and when he tugs, I nearly convulse . My
nipples bear the delicious brunt of his deft
fingers and lips, setting alight every single nerve
ending so that my whole body sings with the
sweet agony. He just doesn’t stop.

Me : please…oh…
I beg, and I pull my head back, my mouth open
as I Moan , my legs stiffening. Holy hell, what’s
happening to me?

Manardo : Let go baby .

. His teeth close round my nipple, the pain in it

and his thumb and finger pull hard, and I fall
apart in his hands, my body convulsing and
shattering into a thousand pieces. He kisses
me, deeply, his tongue in my mouth absorbing
my cries. i just came .

My breathing is still ragged as I come down

from my orgasm. His hand moves down my
waist, to my hips, and then cups me, intimately...
Jeez. His finger slips through the fine lace and
slowly circles around me – there. Briefly he
closes his eyes, and his breathing hitches.
Manardo : you are wet for me ?

I nod and he thrusts his finger inside me, and I

cry out as he does it again and again. He palms
my clitoris, and I cry out once more. He pushes
inside me harder and harder still. I moan . He
eases back with exquisite slowness. And he
closes his eyes and groans, and thrusts into me
again. I cry out a second time, and he stills.

Manardo : do you want more ?

Me : yes .

He comes ontop of me his finger still moving .

Manardo : again ?

Me : yes . Please .

He wipes my tears And he moves, but this time

he doesn’t stop. He shifts onto his elbows so I
can feel his weight on me, holding me down. He
moves slowly at first, easing himself in and out
of me. And as I grow accustomed to the alien
feeling, my hips move tentatively to meet his.
He speeds up. I moan, and he pounds on,
picking up speed, merciless, a relentless rhythm,
and I keep up, meeting his thrusts. He grasps
my head between his hands and kisses me hard,
his teeth pulling at my lower lip again. He shifts
slightly, and I can feel something building deep
inside me, like before. I start to stiffen as he
thrusts on and on. My tears are falling
uncontrollably My body quivers, bows; a sheen
of sweat gathers over me.

Manrdo : come for me Dee , come on …

he whispers breathlessly, and I unravel at his

words, exploding around him as I climax and
splinter into a million pieces underneath him.
And as he comes, he calls out my name,
thrusting hard, then stilling as he empties
himself into me. I am panting, trying to slow my
breathing, my thumping heart, and my thoughts
are in riotous disarray. Wow… that was
astounding. I open my eyes, and he has his
forehead pressed against mine, his eyes closed,
his breathing ragged. He’s still inside me.
Leaning down, he gently presses a kiss against
my forehead then slowly pulls out of me.

Manardo : I wanna take you from behind Dee . I

I roll my eyes and before I could know it , he
flips me over . And make me lie on my behind . I
eventually kneel down on my knees , ass up ,
face down . He begins to trail feather-light
kisses around my ear and down my neck. His
hand moves down, skimming my waist, over my
hip, and down my thigh to the back of my knee.
He pushes my knee up higher, and my breath

I feel his growing erection against my thigh. His

long fingers reach round to gently massage my
clitoris, circling slowly. His breath is soft
against my face as he slowly nips me along my
jaw. my hips start to circle, mirroring his hand,
as excruciating pleasure spikes through my
blood like adrenaline. His fingers still circling. I
close my eyes, trying to keep my breathing
under control, trying to absorb the disordered,
chaotic sensations that his fingers are
unleashing on me, fire coursing through my
body. I moan again. He grabs my hair, holding
my head immobile. I cannot move. I’m
enticingly ensnared by him, and he’s poised and
ready to take me once more.

And slowly he eases into me, slowly, slowly,

until he’s buried in me. Stretching, filling,
relentless. I groan loudly. It feels deeper this
time, delectable. I groan again, and he
deliberately circles his hips and pulls back,
pauses a beat, and then eases his way back in.
He repeats this motion again and again. It’s
driving me insane – his teasing, deliberately
slow thrusts, and the intermittent feeling of
fullness is overwhelming.

Manardo : what did you say you want again ?

Me : I want you .

Manardo : to do what ?

Me : I want you to make love to you .

Manardo : so I can pull out from this ?

I shook my head no .

Manardo : why ?

Me : because I want you in..fuck… in and out of

Manardo : I want it to be permanent , would you
mind ?

I shook my head no ..

Manardo : I didn’t quite catch that .

Me : I wouldnt mind making it permanent with

you .

Manardo : would you sign that off ?

I nod.

Me : yes .
Manardo : what ?

Me : be with you permanent .

He increases the rhythm infinitesimally, and his

breathing becomes more erratic. My insides
start quickening, and he picks up the rhythm.

Manardo : do you know you are so sweet ?

He says moving slowly but increases his pace .

His words are my undoing, tipping me over the
precipice. My body convulses around him, and I
come, loudly calling out a garbled version of his
name into the mattress. He follows with two
sharp thrusts, and he freezes, pouring himself
into me as he finds his release. He collapses on
top of me, his face in my hair.
Manardo : Fuck Dee .

He pulls out of me immediately and rolls onto

his side of the bed. I lie naked on my tummy
and drift to sleep .


Volk let me present the information that I got to

task force .

me : before Dave died he gave me the name of

his murderer , Venom known as KNOX
Craig : any proof other than this ?

Me : yes , we also have his car captured on the

CCTV footage , running away from the crime
scene of Dave in high speed after hearing sirens
of police .

Craig : and how do you know this guy ?

Me : I went to high school with him .

Craig : you…ok . I see.

Volk : with so much and not having anything or

any lead in the couple of weeks , good job
Paxton , thank you . Do you have any person
that can help us get this Knox ?
Me : I did a research and found that he also has
a girlfriend , by the name Jane . I looked into her
and she once got called in for drinking and
driving .

Volk : mhmm that's something . So we bring her

for questioning and she gives us the name on
tape ?

Me : yes .

He nodded . Craig rolled his eyes .

Volk : any friends of his that can testify .

Nick : well I got the party to get me his friends

name . He gets into contact mostly with a guy
named Roose , once got stabbed but still has
no idea who stabbed him , Roose was once
charged with theft but vharged got dropped . He
then has a brother I think , since they share the
same Surname . Leonardo Ndlovu , who
currently doesn’t have an criminal record and
his brother Lorenzo Ndlovu .

I look ed at him .

Volk stood up .

Volk : in order to get to this Knox we need to

touch his brothers first , first one being Lorenzo
Ndlovu .

He walked away . I sighed .



I was with Jane , she was preparing lunch for

me and Ria and her son .

Me : you know sometimes Venom lose me .

Jane : who the hell is Venom by the way ?

Me : Lorenzo , he is Venom , tsk stupid thinking

I have a brother who is stupid like him .

Jane : what did he do this time around .

Me : he is still fucking the bitch , he wont just let
me kill her .

Jane : we agreed that we wont be killing anyone

Knox , you promised me .

Me : well change of plans , it seems like I will

have to kill someone .

She shook her head …

I walked downstairs with a towel wrapped
around my waist , my kids were there along with
Cane and Steve . I have two children . A boy
and a girl , Muzi and Melissa , both from the
same mother well something known as trapped
me with a baby . Yeah siyayithanda yona
inkomo kodwa inkulumo .

Me : good day , when did you arrive ?

Muzi : it was enough for you to make her

scream .

I chuckled …

Cane : You know uncle you could have told us

that you had some service to handle , we would
have gone to my house .
I chuckled again .

Steve : You got it in you to make her shout your

name like that , big ups .

Me : where is my daughter ?

Muzi : preparing something for us to eat .

I walked to the kitchen and kissed her cheek .

Melissa : you could have postponed if you knew

would be busy , we didn’t have to hear you guys
from the bedroom . Didn’t you say it's sound
proofed .
Me : the door was open baby girl .

Melissa : still , so much disrespect .

Me : you not angry at me right ?

Melissa : Candra , my friend dropped me on last

minutes . And Ria wont come now since she
went to Uncle K's house . And I wanted to see
Aunty Dee . I want a design from her . And I
have something for her .

Me : im sorry about that . If this Candra friend

dropped you on the last minute then you should
also drop her all thye time she ask for a favor .

Melissa : come one dad , that's not like me .

Cant you drove me to Aunty Dee's house . I will
get bore with these boys here . Cane and his
friend Steve dad.

I chuckled .

Melissa : they area very bad influence on uMuzi .

I will never get used to Cane and Steve .

Me : I will ask the driver to take you uncle K's

house .

Melissa : that would be better . Is your chick

staying for the night ?

Me : mind you tongue , she is not a chick . And

yes she might spend the night .
Melissa : maybe I could hang out with her .

Me : she is still sleeping now .

Melissa : oh well my bad .

I chuckled .

Me : finish on cooking , I will send get the drive

to take you to Uncle K .

She smiled and I perked her lips and walked to

the lounge .

Me: No…
Them : umsindo !

I chuckled .

Steve : yeah we got that .

I walked to the stairs .

Cane : close the door next time cause sound

proof doesnt seem to work .

Me : fuck you all.


Tasha walked up to me, I was on a phone call ..

Me : I will surely try to find something for you

boss .

Him : Ok Melusi , we will talk .

He hung up .

Tasha : you know I told you to let go these

people , all they do is put your life in danger .

Me : im safe Tasha .
Tasha : you know working with the feds wont
do any anything for you but only get you killed .

Me : nothing will happened to me Tasha .

Tasha : well Candra maybe , have you thought

about her. Honestly speaking Melusi you should
be doing this alone not with the feds . You cant
always live your life on the run .

Me : I just need to find proof on who the hell

Venom is and present it to the boss , that's all .
That way this ass for a nigga will go to jail , now
they think Venom is Knox . Not the right guy .
Lorenzo must be the one going to jail but at the
same time I can take both of them down .
That's what you want right ? Lorenzo to go
down ?
Tasha : I don’t want Lorenzo to go down , you
want Lorenzo to go down , I want Lorenzo to be
mine , mine only .

Me : you will heal , you will visit him in jail , he

will fall in love with you, that easy .

I tapped my feet on the floor .

Me :we need Candra to start working too .

Tasha : no you not getting my sisters daughter

in this .

Me ; this is for her . Her mother …

Tasha : for hell's sake Dina is not Candra's
mother , just because they have the same
personalities doesn’t mean she is her mother .
It's time you accept that Chloe did , she is gone ,
she didn’t rise from the dead and …



Tasha : you have gone mad wena I see , it's best

you start to accept that Chloe is dead . Dee will
never be her .

She walked away …


Pax walked in her apartment , she kissed my

lips …

Me : drained ?

Paxton : yes … honestly im gonna do all I can to

keep this from you .

Me : it's getting close to me ?

Paxton : really close because you are in

business with him and you are close to him .
But you are clean it doesn’t matter right ?

Me : I am.
She perked my lips …


I woke up next to no one ,do I always have to

dose off just after doing the Deed ? I wore my
under wear's and wore Manardo's tshirt . I
attempted to walk out but he walked in .

Manardo : oh I was about to come and wake

you up before you bite my head off .

I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles .

Manardo : supper is ready.

Me : you cooked ? Thanks .

Manardo : not really , my daughter cooked .

Me : she is here ?

Manardo : yes along with my son ?

Me : are you out of your mind ?

Manardo : nakho kerh inkathazo .

I rolled my eyes at him again .

Manardo : I bet you are hungry . Let's go
downstairs .

Me : no thanks I will my food here .

Manardo : I don’t want maggots in my room .

Me : wow .

Manardo : let's go .

He took my hand and we walked to the stairs …

" ayo Steve you should check how Muzi get's

around girls,"
Me : wait , who's that ?

Manardo : who ?

Me : listen ….

" Come on Cane , don’t do that ,"

Cane : You are old but yet …

I rushed back to the room . Manardo walked in

Me : that's Cane , Cane is here ?

Manardo :yes .
Me : and you didn’t tell me ?

Manardo : ok , first of all let's get this straight .

Don’t raise you voice at me .

I exhaled .

Me : but what were you really thinking Manardo ?

You wanted me to walk downstairs looking like
this with my kids down there ?

Manardo : yeah , I don’t anything wrong with it .

Me : what will they say ?

Manardo : what will they say ? These people are
adults they will understand that it's two people
who are old , they were having sex . They will
understand that Leo was eating the Forbidden
fruit .

I feel like slapping him right now . Someone

stop me .

Manardo : I don’t see anything wrong , they will

learn nokuthi imomoza iya dliwa nje . Inkomo

I gasped , I sat down and looked down , I wiped

my tears .

Manardo : you are crying ? I was just kidding

Dee .: hawu mama knati ukephi masekunje ?
Mihlola nje leh … sweet darling , im sorry .

Me : im a cow?

Manardo ; hee..ena I wasn’t referring to you .

Inkomo …




It was already in the morning in the wee hours .

I shook Manardo to wake up .
Me : Manardo .

He groans …

Me : Manardo !

Manardo : mhmm .

Me : Manardo !!!!

He quickly rises and close his eyes .

Manardo : Dee , so much noise.

I roll my eyes and he sits up straight .

Manardo : what do you want ?

Me : take me home .

Manardo : what ?

He takes a look at the clock , it's 04:00 a.m.

Manardo : this time ?

Me : yes this time .

Manardo : it's late Dee , maybe after an hour .

Me : it's never late when you smuggle diamond .

He gives me a deadly look and I roll my eyes .
He never wants to discuss business with me .

Me : take me home !

I suddenly yell at him and he closes his ears

looking shocked about my reaction . I get up
from the bed and got dressed in my clothes .

Manardo : where are you going manje ?

Me : since you don’t want to take me home , I

will take myself home . I can drive myself by the
way .

He rolls his eyes and gets off the bed and get
dressed . He walks to the bathroom and
returns a few minutes later . I take my car keys .
He walks out off the room .

Manardo : wait I will drive you home .

Me : why were you being all sissy when I asked

you to? Tsk amadoda .

Manardo : I don’t quite appreciate that tone .

And im sure you wont stand up for that tone , I
can tie you to the bed and fuck that attitude out
of you.

I swallow hard .

Manardo : let's go .
I walk out first and walk downstairs . I wait for
him at the kitchen .

Manardo : Steve what are you doing down here

so early ?

I quickly hide myself in the passage .

Steve : I just came to drink water . There's no

water in my room .

Manardo : okay ntwana .

Steve : who was that ? Looked like …

Manardo : that was no one .

Steve : ok .

I feel footsteps approaching , it was Manardo .

He held me by my waist .

Manardo : you look beautiful .

I roll my eyes and he smirks then perks my lips .

Manardo : don’t forget we are permanent now .

Me and you ! I wont rush you to leave your
husband and I wont force you the decisions is
for you to make .

He perks my lips and we walk to the elevator . It

takes us downstairs , we get out of the elevator
and we walk out of the building to the parking
lot .

Manardo : your keys .

I give them to him and he gets inside the car , I

also do the same . Aint he a gentle man ? He
could have opened the door for me , that's part
of being a gentle man right ? He drives to my
place …

Manardo : do you know how dangerous it is for

me to drive at this hour .

Me : but not dangerous enough for you to

smuggle gold right ?
Manardo : why are you being so hush ?

Me : im being hush now ? First you said im a

cow , now im being hush .

I chuckled .

Me: this is your old self , act like you love or

interested in someone whilst you are not , you
just want to smash and pass like the old times .

Manardo : that is the past , now we on the

present .

Me : trust me it's hard to forget the past .

Manardo : what did you want me to do ? Date

you ? Besides it's not like we had sex , we just
had oral sex , we were …

Me : drunk ! That's what you always say.

Manardo : it's not like that Dee . That time I

didn’t wanna seem like I am taking advantage
of you . You know I would have come back to
you but Lorenzo told me about his intentions
towards you .

I rolled my eyes .

Manardo : and I had believed and hoped that

you two date . Back then I just didn’t care , but
now I care .
Me : you didn’t care because you failed to do
what you did to other girls .

Manardo : not really .

Me: yes , it's like that . You failed to break my

virginity and that's why you didn’t care at all .

He kept quiet .

Me : whole seventeen years pretending like

nothing happened . Acting like we never felt
each other on our mouths and look at us now ,
hiding . Old as we are .

Manardo : kahle kahle wena you have always

wanted me to be inside of you .
Me : sies , you wish .

He chuckled. His chuckle annoys me .

Manardo : I give it to you , you are the boss. You

never cease to amaze me, yet you claimed to be
a virgin but gave me oral sex .

Me : I was still a virgin .

Manardo :you know that and I don’t .

Me : mxm .

He whistled as he parked the car in the parking

lot . He then took out his phone and typed
something .

Manardo : right , I will see you when you need

me .

Me : im not your sex machine .

Manardo : and I never said you are one .

He chuckles and kiss me , I don’t respond but

he bites my lower lip and I eventually respond to
the kiss , his hand travels to my nuna and he
rubs it . He pulls out of the kiss .

Manardo : not here .

Me : then come with me upstairs.

Manardo : I cant , I have already disrespected

Lorenzo by having sex with his wife in his house.

I roll my eyes and he perks my lips .

Manardo ; I hardly say this to anyone but I love

you .

He perks my lips again and he sighs when I

show no reaction. He gets out of the car and
walks away . Sigh and go out of the car and
walk inside the building .

It's almost midday , I couldn’t go to work to
myself feeling nauseas this morning . Whenever
I stand for too long I feel dizzy . Im supposed to
go and see my lawyer but with the way things
are z; I doubt . Lorenzo walks inside the house .
Calling my name .

Lorenzo : Diana !

Me : im over here .

He walks to the lounge.

Me : you know you didn’t have to be so much

loud . Argh.
Lorenzo : what is it that im hearing , this is my
last time getting inside the building .

Me : you heard correct .

Lorenzo : you have gone mad , im not going

anywhere .

Me : oh yes maybe you are not ,I mean I my be

mad but I think a day at a spa in kenya would do
e good . I mean Mrs Ndlovu did really enjoy her
massage .

I stood up and walked to the kitchen , he didn’t

say anything . He followed me to the kitchen .

Lorenzo : Dee…
Me : no need to explain Lorenzo . Know
everything , you wont leave her .

Lorenzo : it's not like that …

Me z; it's like that , and I wont force you to stay

with me . No . You choose the one you love .

Lorenzo : Baby , let's sit down and fix things…

Me ; no , the time to fix and the chance was

long over when you cheated on me . I don’t
know how we going to do this but I can handle
Ria , I don’t know about Cane , I cant teach him
to be a man , and you also can teach him to be
one , just by your behavior .
Lorenzo : Dee .

I took out my food from the microwave .

Diana : tell me here . Why her ?

Lorenzo : I know…

Me :no seriously . Why her ?

Lorenzo : I have known Paxton since we were a

primary , when she left I never thought I could
see her again , I guess…

Me : you broke our entire relationship for a ex

bitch from high school …on no let me get this
straight she is the one that left you in bed . A
bitch from …

Lorenzo : I just never got over her .

Me : what the fuck was I ? I was good right ? I

was your matchstick and she is what ….?

Lorenzo : it's not like that .

Me : it's exactly like that … now I see why you

couldn’t leave her alone .

Lorenzo : it's not the only reason .

I chuckled and ate my food .

Lorenzo : Paxton is an prosecutor investigating
the drug business and want to catch Venom but
she thins Venom is Knox .

Me : what ?

I stood up and held my glass of wine . I I

slapped him and he held e as I was about to
kick him …

Me : leave me the fuck alone .

He let go of me …I moved backwards and took

my glass and threw it at him , it hit him on his
shoulders . He groaned in pain . I walked to him

Me : she is going to arrest Knox , your bitch !

Lorenzo : I didn’t know she was one , she told

me and she is really close to catching Venom .
She doesn’t care …

Me ; oh yes she does . I saw the way she

giggles when you holding her by her waist . The
way she looks at you . She loves you and you
also love her . She is going to arrest Knox , then
who ? Leo ? You then me . What about the kids ?

Lorenzo ; it wont get to that point .

I chuckled .
Me ; keep fucking her .

Lorenzo : what ?

Me ; whatever you two are doing , it' going to

work in our favor. But trust me you and I are
done . She loves you , so you keep her happy ,
you gonna fuck that bitch until I say stop . Or
until she throws you in jail ,when you also cheat
on her like you did with me . Mhmm , I know you
have been cheating on me for all these fucken
years . No one walks with Leo and doesn't fuck
around . At least I know you never loved me .

Lorenzo ; Dee .

Me : I will get into contact with my lawyer and

oh , you must not bother yourself about coming
to my bedroom anymore . Good bye … and the
food . This could be your last meal here . Cause
when I change the codes to the penthouse trust
me not even your brother Leo will give you one ,
after all he is he owner of the building but he
wont even tell you the code . Tsk thinking I don’t
know about you fuckin Nairobi ?

I walked away to the elevator



I was driving in high speed , Tony , my son , he

had called me , he is not feeling well . He is just
a small kid still doing grade 8n. I got him
because I was raped , that's when he came into
the picture , I had to do a lot of things in order
for us to survive . Things like stealing , you
name them . There were police on the road that
I was driving , they stopped me .

Me : fuck !

The officer came to me …

Officer ; do you know the rules of the road ?

Me ; yes I do .

Office : no you don’t , cause if you did , you

wouldn’t have passed the red traffic lights .

Me : officer , im sorry but im in a rush right now .

He looked inside my car .

Officer : you also have a bottle of wine .

Drinking and driving . Get out .

Me : I was not drinking .

Officer : I don’t want to do this the hard way

lady . Get out !

Me : okay . Whoa chill .

I unstrapped my belt and got off the car . I

locked it . We walked to the police car . I got in
and it drove away .


I parked my car on the driveway and got out

then walked to the building . I walked to the
receptionist .

Her : good day .

Me : good day . I scheduled an appointment

with Chae , is she in ?

Her : yes , let me check , your name ?

Me : Diana Ndlovu .
She typed something on her laptop .

Her : she is waiting for you .

Me : thanks .

I walk away , I take the elevator to her office . I

knock and she yells enter .

Me : hey .

Chae : hii . Please take a sit .

I sit down on the couch opposite her .

Chae : you are actually the only one that I
agreed to have an appointment with .

Me : well… thanks .

Chae : so what are we doing here .

Me : well…

Chae : listen Diana , you trust me with your

business I protect you .

Me :you make that speech a lot .

Chae : it's effective .

I rolled my eyes .

Chae :not on you huh ?

Me ; I just found out that I was a fool and have

been a fool .

Chae : I saw the documents you emailed to me .

Me : yes , the trustfund for the kids , the prenup .

She took the papers ontop of the table

Chae : right , it says here if you instigate the

divorce , you leave with nothing .
Me : I know , hence I hired you .i think I was very
stupid to sign it .

Chae ; when you signed this you were 20 years

old , gotten married . Honeymoon phase . You
had no idea what you were doing . But I have to
agree , this kind of agreement can be hard to
break .

I nodded .

Chae : you said he has not being yet coming

home nor giving the kids attention .

Me : yes .

Chae : there's something that would be

advisable that one of you fix the marriage .

Me : you mean stay married to him ?

Chae ; yes , but leave completely separate lives.

Which you keep the joint bank account and
other bank accounts . As long as he lets you
keep the family residence for the kids , it can all
work out .

She leaned over .

Chae : if you hired me Dee , I will try to break

this prenup but I cant make any guarantee, if
you pursue this divorce you could end up with
nothing .
I sighed .


I was in the interrogation room . A male walked

in holding a cup of coffee .

Him : im Agent Craig . Jane Michaels . Once

got arrested for theft .

I rolled my eyes .

Him : you are dating Knox Ndlovu right ?

Me : yes and damn nigga is good . You should
try having him behind you .

I chuckled .

Craig : have you seen him with a gun ?

Me: no .

Craig : are you sure ?

Me : I don’t know where all of this is coming

from but you got your facts wrong . Knox is not
what you think he is .

Craig : what if I told you that Knox is a major

drug dealer .
Me : you are crazy . Knox ? A drug dealer ?

Craig : are you sure , so if I were to ask you

where he is and who he is with , would you be
able to know that ?

Me : how would I know what he is doing right

now ?

Craig : if I were to ask you to call him would he

answer ?

Me :yes .

Craig : make a phone call to him .

He gave me my phone and I dialed his numbers ,
the phone rang unanswered .


I drove back to the house . Lorenzo was taking

a shower . Knox walked in the kitchen . He had
brought Ria over .

Me : good that you are back .

Knox : hey Dee .

Me : mhmm .
Knox : where is jane ?

Me : im not the one fucking her after all . You

are … go to your room Ria . Melissa will be here
soon .

Ria : bye uncle K.

Knox ; bye baby .

She walked away.

Knox : Dee , what's wrong ?

Me : nothing . Im the wrong and stupid one for

believing that you are my brother but I was just
fooling myself .

Knox ; what do you mean ?

Me : You knew that Lorenzo took Paxton to

Kenya and yet you didn’t tell me about it .

He opened the fridge . I closed it .

Me : too bad you cant stay .

Knox : what's up Dee , I didn’t want to get

involved . I was just trying to help out .

Me : you had our chance to help out . You could

have fuckin told me about Paxton !
Knox : it wasn’t my place to say a god damn
thing Dee . I didn’t wanna break our family .

Me : well it's broken . Lorenzo chose a bitch

over me and you did too . I thought you were
my brother , I never thought you could do me
like this . Good bye Knox and good luck on
finding jane . And just be careful around Venom .
He might turn you in to the cops since his
girlfriend is a fuckin cop .

Knox ; what !

Me : good bye .

He walked away . I walked upstairs .

Me : you have the nerve to come into this room
after I told you not to do so .

Lorenzo : this is my house Diana .

Me : you should have a talk with your brothers

Venom , running away from them wont help you
with shit .


Me : maybe I should try her. She might talk .

Volk looked at me .

Me :I wont blow this up .

Volk : let her in .

I nodded and walked inside the room .

Me : Jane … I prosecutor Paxton .

Jane : yes , I know you , you are a cheat .

I sighed .

Me : being raped and having to find out you are

pregnant couldn’t have been easy . I mean you
had to do a lot of things to take care of the baby
some things got you in here . Look we only
looking for Venom .

Jane : Knox Is not Venom .

Me : I understand I believe you know something

but Knox is a major drug dealer known as
Venom .

Jane : and what about you fucking Lorenzo ?

Me : what?

Jane : yes , now I see…

Me ; lorenzo has nothing to do with this .

Jane : mhmm , you convinced your friends that
Knox is drug dealer and he is Venom? You are
protecting Venom . Lorenzo .

Me ; no…no.

Jane : oh … you didn’t know . You are so fuckin

dumb . Lorenzo is Venom , not Knox . Knox just
came out from prison . Lorenzo , the one you
fuckin is Venom , not Knox .

Me ; what…

The door opened …

Craig ; Paxton , you may leave the room .

Me : uh..

Craig : Now !



Knox walked to the dining area .

Me : give me a few minutes , I will be with you .

he exhaled, I typed something on my laptop and

looked at the notebook next to me . I closed it
and looked at him .

Me : im with you now . What is itching ?

Knox :Lorenzo .

Me : what did he do this time ? He is fucking a

traditional healer ?

Knox : a traditional healer is better cause they

can use herbs to attract men .

Me : then what is the issue , look im busy here .

Knox : Diana knows about Lorenzo and Pax .

Me : oh .

Knox : oh ? You don’t seem surprised about this


Me : why would I be surprised ? I mean she was

going to find out any time soon .

He shook his head . I took my joint and took a

pull . Then puffed the smoke .

Me : let me guess , Ziyakhala manje . Ziku loud

speaker mhmm ? Ku shushu ?

I chuckled .

Knox : this is not funny Manardo .

Manardo : it is funny . Ok maybe not too much
but we both know that Lorenzo has been madly
in love with Paxton , he would do anything and
she would do anything. Funny how Diana is just
caught up in this situation , her thoughts and
mind betrayed .

Knox : this is funny for you neh ?

Manardo : not really bro . These people gon' be

fine . If Lorenzo chooses Pax over Diana then
it's not a crime , we have papers known as
Divorce papers . All that's needed is a signature .
They both move on , Diana finds a man for
herself , since Lorenzo doesn’t want her near
around any dumb dude , I could take her to be
mine . It must be nice hearing her beautiful
voice scream my name , her eyes seductively
filled with desire .

Knox : haibo .

Manardo : buka sengim'ncwasile loya mtwana .

We bot know what happened between me and
Diana .

Knox : that was in the past , you were both not

on your minds .

Manardo : and yet we still remember like it

happened yesterday . To be honest , I enjoyed
her mouth .

Knox : ok enough about that . Paxton is a

fuckin cop !..
I looked at him and placed my joint on the steel
plate .

Me : what ?

Knox : yes , she is a fuckin cop , helping the


I cursed ..

Knox : Diana is upset and I think she might also

turn her back on us , I tried talking to her but
she wouldn’t just listen to me .

Me : she wouldn’t that now would she ?

Knox : I don’t know , She is mad Angry . She has
never yelled at me but now she yells at me .

Me : I will handle Dee , you should handle

Paxton but first find Lorenzo .

Knox : ok .

Me : just aim the gun , if uncontrollably the

trigger goes off then it was meant to happen.

Knox : I knew you would be by myside .

Me : I got you , ngik'phethe ntwana .

We fist bumped
Knox : let me go handle some of my shit , I will
get back to you .

I nodded and he walked away to the elevator .


I was called to Volk's office , it didn’t seem good

at all , it was bad . Very bad .

Volk : I don’t care about you fucking around but

not if it's going to affect this place's reputation
Paxton !
I kept quiet .

Volk : now im going to ask you one question

and you better be honest with me .

I nodded.

Volk : are you fuckin this guy Lorenzo?

I nodded .

Volk : the hell , do you have any idea what you

could have costed us Pax ? You costed us the
entire investigation .

Me : I never talk business with him .

Volk : well I don’t know about that .

Me : sir ..

Volk ; no … no …I am totally dismissing you from

this case .you are not allowed to ask questions
about this case nor speak about it to anyone ,
you do that . You know the consequences , you
are still young to lose your license . Are we clear

I nodded .

I looked at the footage . I sighed .

Me : let him in .

He walked to the elevator . I walked to the

kitchen and added more snacks on the plate , I
then walked back to the lounge . I rested my
head on the couch and placed my legs on the
couch .

Me : what happened to disrespect .

Manardo : I just missed you that's all .

Me : like I would believe that .

Manardo : I really did .

He perked my cheeks .

Me : what are you doing here ? I know you didn’t

miss me … oh now I see , Knox told you about
Paxton .

Manardo : he did .

Me : hands up to him .

Manardo : look Dee , Knox didn’t want to get

involved in all of this . None of us wanted to get
involved in all this shit . What im trying to say is
that , venting at him wont help you with
anything , yes he didn’t tell you so what ? At
least he aint fucking you ! He is not the bad guy
here .

Me : when you are done , you can leave .

Manardo : Dee , im serious here .

Me : and what about me , do I look like im joking


Manardo : Hawu bandla Umsindo ongaka pho ?

Me : leave Manardo , if there's nothing more for

you to say .

Manardo : look Dee . Pax is a cop but you

wouldn’t do anything silly to ruin or destroy the ..
Me : get the fuck out of my house Manardo .

Manardo : Dee …

Me : GET OUT ! NOW !

I threw a slice of an apple at him and he ducked


Manardo : Ok…im leaving .

Me : NOW !

He raised his hands in surrender and walked

away . I clicked my tongue .
Me : I miss you , I miss you tsk .


I got in to the van and Knox was there too .

Me: Knox what are you doing ?

Knox : teaching you a lesson .

Me : Knox … you cant do anything without

letting Manardo .
Knox : well he is the one that gave me the right
to teach you a lesson .

Me : let's talk about this …

Knox : hell yeah , while you busy fucking a cop .

Diana told e , when were you going to tell us ?

Me : I was still…

Knox : wait , you were going to pin his on one of

us right ?

Me : No , I wouldn’t do that . Look I got

everything under control. Knox , Paxton doesn’t
know who we are or what we do . Trust me …
Knox : trust you ? I trust you , it's her I don’t trust
. She is the problem Venom . You have been
fuckin her this whole time and now look you left
Dee . And she is still coming after us . When
are you going to realise that you are no longer in
control of this situation no more . That bitch
won stop until she gets what she fuckin wants .
Trust me when I say this by the ned of this
week this bitch will be dead . Even tonight .


Me : got you !

I smiled .
Tasha : that must be great news .

Me : it is . Guess what ? I got almost 25 % proof

that Lorenzo is Venom .

She rolled her eyes .

Tasha : you never listen neh . I told you we only

looking for Lorenzo to end up alone but look
now, you have changed everything ! Lorenzo
going to jail . Do you fuckin know the danger
you putting us into ?

Me : im good at this Tee, no one will even notice

that I was the one involved in this shit .

Tasha : I guess you enjoy being a snitch .

Me : it's my job to protect you guys . I made a
vow that I will be their snitch . Come rain or
shine .

Tasha : just be careful with how you do things

Melusi , nothing stays in the dark forever .

She walked away . I took out my phone and

made a call to Volk .


Lorenzo walked to the bedroom , I was applying

lotion .
Me : you said it was an emergency .

Lorenzo : we have got a problem with Manardo

and Knox . They are working on killing Paxton,
Manardo approved of this .

I giggled .

Me : how nice .

Lorenzo : im serious Dee , come on talk some

sense in them , they will listen to you .

Me : they will listen to me ?

Lorenzo : Knox ,yes not knowing about
Manardo . I just need you to get them under
control . Please try .

Me : I was a good wife for you Lorenzo , I

helped you , I loved you , I trusted you .

He kept quiet .
Me : so I get to sign a piece of paper that said if
I leave you , I leave with nothing .

Lorenzo : were you looking at our prenup again ?

Me : hell yeah I was . What were you thinking

Venom ?

Lorenzo : I couldn’t risk a divorce . You knew

everything you know everything . As long as you
remain my wife you cant testify against me .

Me : testify against you ? Wow . I wouldn’t do

that to the kids .

Lorenzo : they wont give you a choice .

Me : so now you gut us all hooked into you and

your shit ? If you go down we all go down ! Fuck
you venom !

Lorenzo : I have a plan but you need to keep

Manardo and Knox on lane . If they kill pax the
police will be on us . You need to trust me
please . Or we all go down, we lose everything ,
the kids loose everything
I sighed .

Me : I will see what I can do ! Now leave .

Lorenzo : you aint kicking me out of my house

are you ?

Me : I am . Get out !


I walked back home and found her with Tony ,

her son .
Me : where the hell have you been ?

Jane : got arrested for speeding .

Me : what ? Are you fine ?

Jane : yes I am .those motherfuckers just

wanted something from me .

Me : what did they want ?

Jane : You but I didn’t say a word about you .

Me : that all ?

Jane : yes , that all .

I nodded …


A female voice called out to me , I looked at

who it was .she walked to me .

Her : Candra , you don’t remember me ?

Me : not quite .

Candra : you once got into a fight with Canon

,stabbed …
Me ; oh yeah , I remember you . What are you
doing here ?

Candra : I just came to grab some lunch and I

spotted you .

Me : well , that's nice I guess . As uch as I would

love to stay but I cant . I am with my cousins .

Candra : yeah I see . Another day ?

Me : another day .

She walked away . I watched her as she

Steve : dreaming and imagining wont help you
get it , you know ?

Me : fuck you !


We were at pax's house , she was crying …

Me : what happened ?

Paxton ; im a dismissed on the case .

Me :the one you have been investigating ?

Paxton : yes , someone put my reputation in line
, I was so close Lo .

Me : I know you were .

She wiped her tears and looked at me …

Me : what ?

Paxton : I want to ask you a question and I want

you to be honest with me .

Me : well …ok .

Paxton : are you Venom ?

Me : no … im not Venom .

Paxton ; then if I get Knox arrested you wouldn’t

mind testifying against him.

Me : Pax…I …I cant testify against my brother .

Paxton : a drug dealer ? You have one choice to

make .me or Knox ?





I wear my red dress , it has a slit on the side , it's

long but has a slit on the side . I apply my make
-up , when im done I wear my platform peep toe
stiletto heels , grab my hand bag and walked
out of the room . I walk downstairs .

Me : Uhm …

Melissa : mhmm , Aunty Dee , you look

marvelous in that dress .

Me : thanks baby .
I blow her a kiss .

Ria : that is one of your designs right ?

Me : old designs .

Ria : but designed now ?

Me : yeah .

Ria : I would love one like this too .

Me : well … money talks baby .

Ria : im your daughter .

Me : and this is my business .

Ria : wow !

Cane : don’t mind her ma , you look beautiful

and you are right it's your business . Where is
dad ? It's been long since I saw him .

Me : your father is held up I guess .

Cane : oh… what's really going on ? You are

going out at this hour and dad …

Me : when you see your father next time ask

him what's really going on , it's not my place to
tell you . He is the one to tell you . And where im
going at this hour is none of your business and
it will never be your business . Muzi , Steve .

Them : hey Dee.

Me : and then I smack all your faces .

They chuckled .

Me : right . Please do look after the house ,

Melissa , Muzi you are the old ones and I
believe you also have common sense . So no
bringing people up here . And oh , I will change
the code when I leave .

Melissa : understood .

Me : good . Good night and good bye .

Them : good bye .

I walked to the elevator , It took me to the last

floor , I walked to the parking lot and took out
my Mercedes Benz SLC Convertible . I then
drove away . Things between me and Lorenzo
havent changed yet , we are forcing things, I did
apply for the divorce papers, knowing Lorenzo
he wont sign them , the way he is so hard
headed sometimes annoy the hell out of me
though I like it well I like it , I don’t see myself
with him anymore , I know for sure Lorenzo is
going to choose this Paxton bitch over me and
the kids , well under the statement "I will take
care of you and the kids , Dee" how dumb , he
thinks that I will turn against him , which is
something I wouldn’t do , that would be like
risking my life , not my life but my children's
future . Bophelo ke fatuku , this is when I start
to believe it , nothing and no one stays forever .
Lesson of the day .

I park my car on the parking lot and got out of

the car , I walk inside the building and I walk to
the elevator it takes me to the penthouse . I
walk through the passage , I can hear him
talking to someone . I walk to where the voices
are coming from – Lounge. I stand there, he is
with a guy I don’t recognize , I assume one of
his workers .

Manardo : This would only mean that we lay low

until we find another place to smuggle . Besides
,the diamonds are enough for us to sell until we
smuggle another gold .

Guy : so Boss does this mean we can go visit

our families ?
Manardo : yes , you can go visit your families as
long as I will be able to get ahold of you again .
But before doing that I need you to get Veins to
ship some diamonds for me to Colombia , I
would go there myself I always do but things
this side aint looking good at all , I got shit to
handle for Venom .

Guy : your brother.

He sipped his drink . And took a puff from his

joint .

Manardo : yes my brother and again , I cant give

Genaro the money from the Diamonds , that
would mean that before you guys go visit home ,
im going to need 4 sport cars worth 5 meters
Guy : Boss…

Manardo : I know it's a lot but I need those cars .

Guy : I thought you said we were done with

Hijacking …

Manardo : you thought , I didn’t say it . Now you

get me those cars you guys take R200k+ per
capita .

He looked at the door and took a puff on his

joint again . I walked in further .

Me : I didn’t kn ow you were busy at this time .

Manardo : I need to know if you going to be able
to do what im telling you to do or not ?

The guy didn’t say anything , instead he brushed

his head , 5 million is a lot of money . I put my
hands on his shoulders . I whispered to him .

Me :give him the deadline at least .

The guy looked at me , I kissed Manardo's

cheek and he didn’t say anything .

Manardo : I want the cars in the next 10 days .

Me : try to be fair .

I perked his cheek again and kissed his neck .

Manardo : does that sound fair to you ?

Guy : yes boss , I will get the guys and start

doing the job.

Me : good Gupta . And loyalty …

Guy : yes sir .

Manardo : you may leave …

He stood up and walked out , I walked around

him and stood in front of him .

Manardo : I thought…
I placed my index finger of his mouth…

Me ; shhh … I not here for that , I mean since

you send people to hijack cars please hijack my
pussy or get me arrested Mr.

I waved the cuffs on him .

Me : I mean, im willing to go with you to the

station , and get 'em prisoners to teach me a
one or two things , on not to be a criminal . I
wouldn’t mind being your prisoner .

I placed my leg on his lap and pressed it down

on him .
Me : so… Mr . What do you say ?

He didn’t say anything , I leaned closer to him

and placed my hand on his D***. I rubbed my
hand on it up and down . I remove my hand and
move backwards , I sit on the couch and pulled
up my dress . I spread my legs , I was wearing a
red thong . I waved the cuffs again . He stood
up and picked me up .

Me : to the station already ?

He doesn’t respond but carried me to the

bedroom . He closes the door and puts me on
top of the bed . I spread my legs for him . I rub
my clit through my panties . He bites his lower
lip and comes to me . He kisses me so hungrily
.i push him away .
Me : set me on fire .

I bit my lower lip and he starts to take off my

dress , he takes off my bra , and pulls me to the
edge of the bed . He kisses me hungrily and
trails wet kisses, His nose glides along the line
between my belly and my pubic hair, biting me
gently, teasing me with his tongue. Sitting up
suddenly, he kneels at my feet, grasping both
my ankles and spreading my legs wide.Holy shit.
He grabs my left foot, bends my kanee, and
brings my foot up to his mouth. Watching and
assessing my every reaction, he tenderly kisses
each of my toes then bites each one of them
softly on the pads. When he reaches my little
toe, he bites harder, and I convulse, whimpering.
He glides his tongue up my instep – and I can
no longer watch him. It’s too erotic. I’m going to
combust. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to
absorb and manage all the sensations he’s
creating. He kisses my ankle and trails kisses
up my calf to my knee, stopping just above. He
then starts on my right foot, repeating the
whole, seductive, mind-blowing process.

Me : Fuck… OH…

I moan as he bites my little toe, the action

resonating deep in my belly. He moves down on
me and I feel him there ,
his tongue starts to slowly circle my clitoris as
his hands hold down my thighs. I moan as my
body bows and convulses at the touch of his
tongue.He swirls his tongue round and round,
again and again, keeping up the torture. I’m
losing all sense of self, every atom of my being
concentrating hard on that small, potent
powerhouse at the apex of my thighs. My legs
go rigid, and he slips his finger inside me, and I
hear his growling groan.

Manardo : I love that .

He moves his finger in a wide circle, stretching

me, pulling at me, his tongue mirroring his
actions, round and round, I groan. It is too
much… My body begs (#REMOVED)


I woke up with the edge to vomit , I quickly got

out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom , I
did my business and rinsed my mouth and
rushed back to the bedroom , It's now I realize
Manardo is not in bed . I guess I am cursed that
I must always wake up next to no one . If it's not
Lorenzo it's this one . I check the clock it's
quarter to eight , I fix the bed and take a quick
shower , I use Melissa's cosmetics and I wear
Manardo's T-shirt , though it looks like a dress
on me . I wear his slides and walk downstairs. I
find him in the kitchen . I hug him from behind
his waist .

Manardo : surprise gone wrong !

Me : what do you mean ?

Manardo : I was preparing breakfast for you and

I was going to take it to you upstairs .

Me : you should have told me .

Manardo : wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.
Either less you are here and I prepared
breakfast for you .

I smile and perk his abs . I walk around the

kitchen and sit on the high barstool .

Manardo : coffee or juice ?

Me : juice . Since when do you cook ?

Manardo : Since I was young .

Me : you never cooked anything when you were

young , let alone hold a pot . This is new .

Manardo : well there's a first time for everything


Me : indeed.

He serves me a plate full of English breakfast ,

not bad at all .

Me : who taught you to make this ?

Manardo : Seri .

I giggled and closed my mouth …

Manardo : are you fine ?

Me : i…I feel like …

Manardo : there is the bathroom .

He points at the door Next to the passage ,I

quickly got up from the barstool and rushed to
the bathroom , I do my business and then rinse
my mouth, why is this happening to me ? I didn’t
eat anything that im allergic to . I walk out of the

Manardo : everything okay ?

I jump up and look at him .

Manardo : I didn’t mean to startle you .

I nod and he holds me by my waist and we walk

to the kitchen , I sit on the barstool and move
the plate of food away from me .

Manardo : too much spice ?

Me : no , it's not the food , I just don’t feel like

eating , im not hungry .

Manardo : have this .

He hands me a cup of milk .

Manardo : it's just milk only nothing more .

Me : I don’t feel like having anything dairy in me

or in my mouth .
Manardo : are you sure you okay?

Me : yah , im okay Manardo , kanti how many

times must a person say that they are okay?!

I snapped and he frowned .

Manardo : I was…

Me : get out of my face !

Manardo : what did I do ?

Me : get out of my face Manardo !

Manardo : Manje …

Me : Get out of my face ! You making me sick !

He walked away …

Me : fuck !


I took my laptop bag and walked to the kitchen .

Tahsa : heading out ?

Me : yes , I got enough proof to send Venom to
jail .

Tasha : Melusi , do you realize what you getting

us into ?

Me : yes , I do .

Tasha : no you don’t , im sure you didn’t drink

your pills today. You are not putting your life in
danger but our lives , Candra .your daughter too .

Me : I know what im doing Tasha, now if you

will stop telling me about the dangers , can you
just shut up before you end up in the basement
alone .
Tasha : you wouldn’t do that !

Me : trust me , I will , if you keep on telling me

what to do like im your mate , I will end up
killing you Tasha .

Tasha : imagine you killing me ? I will kill you

first .

Me : what about Candra ? I will just write her a

letter that you are the one that killed me ,
imagine the hatred she will harbor for you , her
aunt killed her father .

She chuckled …

Me : I know what im doing Tasha . Lorenzo

goes to jail , we find his supply . We get into his
territory , obviously he is going to get a long
sentence , his clients will no longer want him to
distribute to them . It's a jackpot . I take Diana
and you visit him in jail , what you do with him is
all up to you , no I !

She didn’t say anything .

Me : you need to trust me .

She nodded.

Me : right now I gotta go hand this to Volk , it's

enough proof to send him to jail .

I nodded and walked out .



I walked to the study, I found him arranging the

diamonds ..

Me : you here ?

He didn’t ay anything .

Me: im leaving…

Manardo : okay .
Me : you aint coming with me today ?

Manardo : I cant im held up .

I nodded

Me : right

I walked away to the elevator . I got in and it

took me downstairs . I have a lunch date with
my friend , I missed her too much . I walk to the
parking lot and drove home . After what felt like
forever I arrived and found the watching movies

Me : where is Cane ?
Melissa : he left saying he got somewhere to be.

Me : without Steve .

Steve looked at me .

Steve :haa, Aunty Dee , he wont go everywhere

with me , he needs to fuck , he cant fuck with
me standing there .

Me : im joking , please call me when Ndoni is

here okay .

Melissa : who is that ?

Ria : a friends of ma , very beautiful and dark

skinned .
Melissa : mhmm , I cant wait to see her already .

Ria : and she got your vibe of energy . Crazy .

Me : my friend is not crazy Ria .

Ria : im sorry ma .

I nodded and walked upstairs . I got inside my

room and took a bathe , I then changed into my
Blaxk Umbrella skirt and some vest . I looked at
my phone and the was no missed call from
Manardo , nor Lorenzo , why am I even bothered
about Lorenzo . Ria knocks , atleast she has
respect , unlike Cane .
Ria: she is here .

Me : send her up here .

Ria ; okay .

She walks away and a minutes later she walks

in .

Me ; I hope and pray you came with what I

requested .

Ndoni : hello .

Me : hello .
I smile at her . I missed her .

Ndoni ; what are we having ?

Me : picnic ? The place is already set .

Ndoni : okay . Then lets go .

I took the paper bag from her and we walked

downstairs . We walked out through the patio .
We walked to were the place was set . We sat
down. I started taking out some what she
brought .

Me : you will never forget alcohol neh

Ndoni : this is one bottle , Travis doesn’t want

me drinking anymore .

Me : oops cheers to us who no longer have

dictators in life .

She laughed and I joined her.

Ndoni : so you are telling me you didn’t go back

to Moguy . Melusi .

Me : no .

Ndoni : so you are waking up alone each and

every fuckin day ?

I didn’t answer her .

Ndoni : haii , uyam'yeka uLorenzo phela , she is
with another woman and wena you are here
alone by yourself .

Me : im not alone , im with you .

Ndoni : im not your husband.

Me : ouch .

Ndoni : honest fact , I wont fuck you , im just

your friend , if you want a a girlfriend I can get
you one .

Me : who ?
Ndoni : my sister in law . Eve , a fine girl she is .

Me :thanks but I will pass .

She laughed .

Ndoni : I don’t know if it's because I have not

been seeing you but you have gained weight .

Me : wow . That's a hit .

She giggled .

Ndoni : seriously , you are more beautiful and

attractive .
Me : well then thanks .

I blew her a kiss .

Ndoni : you have drank your wine as yet and

that's totally unlike you .

Me : I don’t feel like drinking . I have not been

feeling well today ?

Ndoni : what's wrong ?

Me : I have puking .

Ndoni : aint is something you allergic to ?

Me : no , I have eaten today . I only had a fruit
salad , the sight of food disgusts me at some
point but eventually want food .

She smiled …

Ndoni : mhmm . Aint you pregnant ?

I looked at her …

Me : What ? No.

Ndoni : you cant be sure baby , did you take a

pregnancy test ?

I shook my head no .
Me : there's only one way to find out .

She stood up .

Me : where are we going ?

Ndoni : to the pharmacy , to get a pregnant test .

She helped me up . We wore our shoes and

walked to the parking lot .

Ndoni : I will drive .

Of course you will , if I drive I will get us into an

accident , my mind aint functioning properly .


Me : this is to prove that he has been meeting

with greek . And here it proves him inside a
warehouse where he keeps his shit . I also have
transaction of where he launders money .

Volk : im impressed Tiger .

I smiled and he called one of his men .

Volk : get an arrest warrant , we going to a

party .
The man nodded .

Volk : so This Knox guy was never Venom but

this is Venom for real .

I nodded .

Volk : that bitch was protecting her boyfriend !


Me : Fuck that was good.

She didn’t say anything .

Me : are you fine ?

Candra : yes im fine .

Me : I didn’t hurt you right ?

Candra : no , you didn’t hurt me Cane . It's just

that I have a boyfriend. Canon

I rolled my eyes .

Cane : what about him ?

Candra : can this stay between us . I don’t want

him to find out , if he ever does then…
Me : your relationship with him will be over ?

Candra : exactly .

me: relax , I don’t brag about chowing it . Im a

kid to my parents not to you .

Candra : but honestly I want to be with you .

Me : what about your boyfriend ?

She shook her head no .

Candra : and you , your girlfriend ?

I didn’t say anything .

Candra : you don’t do girlfriends ? I see . Never

mind .

She lay on her stomach .

Me : It's not that .

I kissed her back .

Candra : forget I said anything .

I sighed . She looks cute when angry .


we walked inside the apartment, Lorenzo

pinned me on the door .

Me : that was good thanks . I needed that .

I kissed him . Things are better between us , we

don’t talk about work anymore , im even
thinking of quitting .

Lorenzo : anything for you .

He kissed me again . Someone cleared their

throats . I pulled out of the kiss and it was
Canon .
Me ; Canon !

Lorenzo didn’t say anything.

Me : what are you doing here ?

Canon : oh , im here to see my mother .

Lorenzo frowned.

Canon : mhmm , I called you mother , atleast I

respect you when people are around .

Me : well as you can see , im busy … cant …

Canon : sure , you too busy to for your son . I
apologize, sir I am Canon , Paxton's son .
Whom he left at a young age .

Lorenzo : nice to meet you Canon .

Canon : let me excuse you guys since you are

busy .

He walked out . I looked at Lorenzo .

Lorenzo : son ?

He smirked .

Lorenzo : you have a son , you left him when he

still an infant ?
Me : Lorenzo …

Lorenzo : you were never going to tell me about

him ?

Me : I was going to tell you …I just …

He chuckled and took out his gun . He pointed

it to me .

Me : lorenzo ….

Lorenzo : you fuckin have a son and you didn’t

tell me .
I shook my head no tears falling down my
cheeks .

Lorenzo : You are one fuckin bitch do you know

that ?

Me : Lorenzo …

He shot next to the wall , I jumped a little bit .


We were sitting on top of the bed waiting for

the results .
Me : please … I cant be pregnant . Please God , I
swear , I will stop whoring around and leave
Lorenzo .

Ndoni : huh ? You were whoring around ?

I didn’t say anything , I closed my eyes again

and said a silent prayer .

Ndoni : stop being crazy . Here are the results .

I opened my eyes … she was holding the test .

Ndoni : you are pregnant .

I didn’t say anything .

Ndoni : congratulations .

She clapped her hands …

Ndoni : Dee , you are pregnant , you should be

happy .

Me : I cant be pregnant Ndoni , I cant .

I wiped my tears .

Me : I cant … I cant keep this baby …

Ndoni : why ? I don’t understand . Lorenzo will

take care of the baby , it's not like you are poor
or anything .

I shook my head no …

Me : it's not that , I just cant keep this baby … I

cant …

Ndoni : oh shit … it's not his ?

I looked at her and didn’t say anything.

Ndoni : Dee…

Me : I don’t know Ndoni.

Ndoni : it could be Melusi's ?

I swallowed hard …

Me : it could be Melusi's it could be Lorenzo's .

It could be neither of them , I don’t know Ndoni .

I wiped my tears again …

Ndoni : Neither of them … oh no Dee, now I get

why you said you will stop whoring around . You
are whoring around .

Me : no…no it's not like that , it's only one man . I

swear . It's only one .

She held my hands ….

Ndoni : ok …ok, calm down . Calm down Dee .

I did as she said .

Ndoni : ok …tell me who is the man ?

I shook my head no wiping my tears .

Ndoni : Im your friend. You can tell me anything ,

who is the man ?

Me : it's …it's Manardo… I swear , I …

Ndoni : whoa! Manardo is the man that used to

drive you right ? Lorenzo's older brother .

I nodded.

Ndoni : oh Diana …

Me : I swear …I don’t know what happened . I

just lost control of the situation Ndoni , I … I
don’t …oh , Lorenzo is going to kill me when he
finds out I slept with his brother …

A sob escaped my mouth . Ndoni tried to touch

me .

Me : no… no … I need to move . I need to leave

this place , if Lorenzo ever finds out then im
dead . Im dead Ndoni . He will kill me .
Ndoni : Lorenzo loves you , he wouldn’t kill you .

Me : that's the problem he loved me back then

now he loves someone else , he will kill me . He
loves Paxton , I saw it in his eyes . He will kill
me .

Ndoni : Relax Dee , relax .

I shook my head no and got up from the bed , I

walked to the closet and took out my traveling
bag , Ndoni came to the closet and hugged me
from behind . I felt a needle in my skin before I
could retaliate , she pulled the injection out .

Me : what did you …

I closed my eyes and opened them again , I then
closed them , it was lights out .


Me : you still don’t want to tell me the truth ?

She wiped her tears and I fired the gun again .

We head a knock on the door .

Me : I see you have friends .

Pax : I wasn’t expecting anyone .

" Police , you have A minute to open this door "

I cursed .

Me : you called them on me ?

She shook her head no…

Pax : I wouldn’t do that to you Lorenzo . Please

put the gun way …

The door opened and they walked in …

" drop your weapon "

I looked behind me , I chuckled .

Pax : lorenzo please …

I smirked and placed the gun down , one officer

cuffed me …

Officer : Lorenzo Ndlovu you are arrested for

the distribution of drugs and holding a woman
hostage at gunpoint . You have a right to remain
silence , whatever you say will be used against
you in court . You have a right to get yourself a
legal practitioner , if you cant afford one the
state will provide you with one .


My phone rang , I kicked the blankets annoyed ,

I looked at the time and it was morning already .
I reached for the phone and before I could say
anything I rushed to the bathroom , feeling the
edge to vomit , I did my business and rinsed my
mouth , I placed the phone on the , the caller
hung up . I sighed , as I was about to walk out of
the bathroom the phone rang again , it was the
same number , I answered the call .

Me : Diana speaking hello ?

Caller : dee.

Me : Lorenzo ?
Lorenzo : yeah , it's me .

Me : wait , why are you calling me with this cell

number and where is your phone and where the
hell are you ? Oh forget I asked , you are with
Paxton , fucking ! The nerve to call me while
you ….

Lorenzo : ok! Diana , can you just listen , please

come down to the station .

Me : Station ? For what now ? Who are we

laying charges for ?

Lorenzo : Diana , just come to the station and

stop asking me all these questions, I will
answer them when you arrive here .
I sighed and rolled my eyes .

Me : I will be there .

He hung up . I walked to the bathroom and took

a bathe . When I was done I lotion and wore my
black pants and walked downstairs . I found Ria
already having breakfast .

Me : where the hell is Cane ?

Ria : he…he …

Me : and don’t lie to me Ria , where the hell is

your brother ?
Ria : he didn’t return home last night .

Me : mhmm , I see , when you see him tell him

that he must not go anywhere until I spoke with
him .

Ria : yes mom .

I walked away . I took my phone and called

Knox , he answered on the Second ring .

Knox : Dee .

Me : Lorenzo has been arrested , he didn’t really

get into detail with everything .

Knox : what ?
Me : yeah , do tell Leo about this , im down to
the station .

Knox : sho .

I hung up and got inside my car and put on my

seatbelt and drove away ….


Tasha walked inside the kitchen …

Tasha : you daughter aint in her room .

Me : she could have left early for class .

Tasha : it doesn’t seem so cause her bed is just

like I left it yesterday . Her room is just like how
I saw it yesterday. She doesn’t have an early
class .

Me : Relax Tasha , the girl slept over at a

friend's place . She did say she is going to study
with friends .

Tasha : is that what she told you or what you

believe ?

Me : she told me so and I believe her . Now can

we not talk about this ?
Tasha : today you look happy ? Are the pills
starting to work now ?

I looked at her and chuckled .

Me : I will let that pass cause you are right I am

happy .

Tasha : out with it kerh .

Me : Venom got arrested last night .

Tasha : oh ?

Me : yeah , great news right ?

Tasha : for you .

Me : come on Tee , everything is going

smoothly here . Lorenzo behind bars , you being
his comfort . And you idea is considered .

Tasha : which is ?

Me : kill the mother .

Tasha : now you are talking my language .

When must I do it ?

Me : not you but I got someone to do it for us .

She shook her head .

Tasha : well lets see how this one turns out .

She smiled …


I was being interrogated by a man named

Nickolas . He didn’t faze me , not even a little bit

Nick : we going to do this again . Is Greek your

distributor ?
I kept quiet .

Nick : what is your story exactly ?

Me : I am not a snitch , that's my story .

Nick : you don’t want to snitch on Greek , I see ?

Why because that would mean you lose all the
power and influence that you have right ?
Taking about that , you have already lost that ,
you being cuffed already ruined that . Do you
know that greek doesn’t care about you being in
here as long as his business is moving and
what about you ?

I still didn’t say anything … the door opened and

I shook my head when I saw who it was …
Gustavo: We meet again .

Me : I didn’t know we sued to do hookups

together .

Gustavo; mhmm , I see. Let's see , drug

possession , drug distribution … mhmm looks
like you still have a long way to freedom .

Me : aint what you always wanted , seeing me

behind bars ? Along with my brothers ?

Gustavo : not really Lorenzo … im being

professional here so…

Me : oh please , we both know this aint work but

just personal .

I chuckled …..

Me : you still after Leo ? You call yourself a

man when you running after a man ? Oh I see ,
you think but catching me , you have him
dancing to your tune ? There's nothing that you
can do that will make you get him , I rather go to
jail just to break the law by killing you. Give up
already Gustavo . You wont get us , you think
you got me but soon, I will be out of here .

The door open , it was a ight skinned man .

Him : Mr Volk there's someone here to see him .

Gustavo : I will be there .

The door closed …

Me : Volk ? You eve changed your surname . I

love to see this play . Wait for my people to get
the camera's ready . Mr Volk .

The door opened and Diana walked in . I smiled

at her then smiled at Gustavo , he then walked
out. Diana hugged me .

Me : I don’t deserve that .

Diana : look , we may be going through shit but I

still care about you , you are the father of my
kids .
I nodded .

Me : you were sleeping .

Diana : yes , I was. I came here as soon as I can

but traffic . Tell me here how did they know you
are distributing drugs ?

Me : I don’t know but these people have enough

proof to send me to prison .

Diana : that bad ?

Me : Personal Dee .
Diana : Personal ? How so ? An enemy ?

Me : yeah, an old enemy . Grudges .

Diana : mhmm , inside here ?

Me : yes , it's a man that used to sell and run the

same business that's like ours back in school ,
Gustavo , im sure you have heard of the name .

Diana : Gustavo … oh yeah I remember him .

Me yeah , well he is still beefing with us , just

because we tookover his business . We reduced
the amount of money that he used to push his
staff for , so now we are here .
She kept quiet .

Diana : so he is the one who have been behind

this whole thing ?

I nodded .

Me ; basically , he is not looking for me but for

Leo . Leo even fucked his girlfriend , got her
pregnant , Muzi and Melissa's mother . That
when things became really bad . Worst Leo
fucked the girl and shot his brother when he
tried to shoot him . He had to do it Dee or it
would have been him that we shot and buried .

Diana : who is the brother ?

Me : I don’t quite remember his name but
something like Vusi or something .his brother
has always been a nerd , him and his cousin
Mesi or Melo , I also don’t quite remember his
name .

Diana : wow , so all these years I have been with

you whilst I dont even know your old enemies ?
The people that you wronged ?

Me : it's not like that Dee. We thought we had

that shit buried .

Diana: well now it's a ghost haunting us .my

kids Lorenzo !

Me : the kids and you will be fine .

Diana : you always say that but look where we
are now , waiting for a divorce !

I sighed .

Diana : they want Manardo not you ?

Me : yes , that's what I know , I never wronged

them but Manardo did .

Diana : and we cant turn in Manardo .

Me : no….no Dee, don’t think of that .

Diana : relax , we wont do hat Leo is Family to

us . We need him on the outside .
Me : yeah .

Diana : where wee you when all this shit

happened ?

Me : Paxton's house .

Diana : oh , I see , she is the woman that you

held captive , she called the feds on you . You
bitch? The one that helped these people gather
all this information on you . The one you fucking
? The one you leaving me for .

Me : Dee …

Diana : no -no not now Lorenzo . Why hold her

at gun point ? Why ?

I swallowed hard …

Me : I have a son with her , an older son with her

. 18 years .

Diana : what !

Me : I found out last , I didn’t know Dee .

Diana : she is the first one to give you an heir ?

I nodded and she wiped her tears , I tried

touching her hands , but she moved them away
from me .
Me : Dee …

Diana : You guys deserve each other, besides

im the side chick , the rebound right ?

She stood up .

Diana : good bye Lorenzo , let's see how you the

reels of prison treat you . I will keep in touch
with you .

She walked out . I cursed . The door opened,

Knox and Manardo walked in .

Knox : we just saw Dee and she didn’t even

want to look at us …
Me : I cheated on her eventually she is still
angry .

Knox : you mean that you chose your ex bitch

over her .

Me : it's not like that but I also need Dee on her

right senses

Manardo : I will handle Dee .

Knox looked at him and shook his head no .

Manardo : how did they find out that you are

Venom ?
Me : I don’t know but from what I heard from
this nigga Nick , he said there's someone who
gave out my name . The last time they were
looking into Knox , thinking he is Venom .

Knox : right . That was your bitch right ?

Manardo : Language K .

Knox : carry on .

Me : yeah , it looks like someone gave me out to

the feds , gave them Venom , I would say it's
Dee but she would never do me like that , and
besides her and these people don’t mix at all .

Manardo : question is who gave you out ?

Me : I don’t know . This is also personal .

They both frowned .

Manardo : what do you mean personal ?

Me : Gustavo , Thandeka's ex boyfriend ?

Remember him ?

Manardo : yeah , that son of a bitch ?

Me : yeah , he is the one behind all this shit .

There was silence for a moment .

Manardo : he doesn’t want you but me ?

Me : yes , he thinks you are also into this , that I

must give out Greek .

Manardo : he is still alive .

He looked at Knox .

Knox : we kill him

Me : whoa , don’t you think the law will

eventually find out ?

Knox : so what ? They wont have enough proof

that we did it . We know you wont get out from
this place but killing him will mean that we are
settling the score .

I didn’t say anything .

Knox : you were with Paxon when it happened ?

I nodded and they both smirked .

Manardo : yah , inquza isenzisa ikak man .

They both laughed …

Manardo : mara siyithanda injalo .

Me : aint you getting married ?

Manardo : brika net dar wena . Ngitrowa kanjan'
uphakhathi inside ?

I shook my head

Manardo : basically you are facing 10 to 15

years here .

I nodded .

Knox : small water 10 .

Manardo : but net worry , we will work on that .

We did a hand shake and they walked out .


I was at my mother's house Lisa was also here .

Lisa : he even held you at gun point, aii, " he has

changed " where is the change now , he is just
u10 cent , even a 10 cent is better it has change

Ma : who is this man ?

Lisa : his name is Lo…

Me : Loth .
I looked at Lisa and she frowned .

Ma : where is he from ?

Me : he is just a friend from high school , I never

got over him , he was my first ma.

Ma : and now you are pregnant with his child .

I looked at her …

Me : how …

Ma : im old as I am Paxton . Tell me here , is he

also the father of Canon .
I kept quiet .

Ma : Paxton !

Me : yes , he is Canon's father ma .

She didn’t say anything .

Me : I love him . Him and I meeting aint a

coincidence .

She still didn’t say anything .

Me : ma , say something .

Lisa : he is also married , tell her .

Ma : what will I say , you are old enough to
make your own decisions Paxton . A married
man of all ? So you ruined someones marriage
here ?

I didn’t say anything . Canon walked in …

Me : Canon …

Canon : im sorry about what happened , Ma told

me .

I nodded .

Me : can I have a talk with you ?

Canon : tomorrow cause right now I gotta dash
out .

Me : sure , tomorrow , mug and Bean ?

He nodded and walked out …

Lisa : he deserves to know the truth .

I looked at her , why is she even here Vele ?


I drove back home , I found Jane preparing

supper , I hugged her from behind …

Jane : how did it go ?

Me : it's not looking good . He could be facing

10 -15 years in prison , unless good behavior .

Jane : that bad ?

Me : yeah , apparently they were looking into me

but someone gave up Lorenzo to the cops , they
actually thought I am Venom .

Jane : oh…uhm … about that , I am the one that

gave Lorenzo up .

She turned to look at me .

Me : you ?

Jane : yes , me . Well …

Me : whoa , you are the one that gave Lorenzo

up ? What were you thinking J?

Jane : listen , let me … let me explain …

Me : damn right you need to explain . When did

you even do that ? How ?

Jane : listen Knox , you need to calm down first .

You are scaring me .
Me : im scaring you ?

I chuckled …

Me : you sold my little brother out ! To the feds


Jane : I had no choice , I was arrested for

drinking and driving , it was all a plan , they told
me they want Venom , and they said you were
Venom and shit. I said you were not Venom and
they are looking into the wrong person.

Me : and you gave up Lorenzo !

Jane : trust me Knox , I was only doing his for

us , I swear …. I didn’t know …
Me : do you fuckin realize what you got us into
Jane ? The danger you are in right now ?

She didn’t say anything instead she wiped her

tears moving away .

Me : Right now Manardo is looking for the

snitch and you know what , trust me that one
doesn’t show any mercy when he had drink in
his hand just a glass of scotch . He will fuckin
kill you !

She shook her head no , still moving back ,

wiping her tears .

Me : get back here Jane .

She shook her head no.

Me : get the fuck here !

She moved away in speed as I approached her .

She ran to the lounge until I caught her.

Jane : please…please don’t hurt me . Please

don’t let him kill me please … please don’t hurt
me .

I cursed and I pulled her to me . She continued

crying …


The intercom rang , I stood up and walked to

the monitor , it was Manardo . He already got in .
I walked back to the lounge and sat down .

Me : you shouldn’t have rang the intercom ,

waste of battery .

He chuckled …

Me : what do you want Manardo ! If you looking

for Cane , he is not here and Manardo , you are
brothers so you know where he is .

Manardo : what if I came to you ?

Me : well I don’t do people who are liars and
cheaters .

Manardo : im a liar now ? A cheat ?

Me : yes . You should have told me that Lorenzo

has a child with Paxton you know ? You should
have fuckin told me about Thandeka , that you
thought it was a one night stand but look what
a one night stand gave you .

Manardo : whoa . Paxton and Lorenzo have a

son together ?

I rolled my eyes .

Manardo : and how did you know about

Thandeka ?

Me : secrets reveal themselves unto me

Manardo , I don’t search for them . Besides you
didn’t have to tell me about Thandeka . But
atleast Lorenzo I deserve to know shit about
him don’t I ?

He didn’t say anything .

Me : let's be honest here , whenever you follow

a girl you only following one thing , the vagina
nothing else. You are really good at smash and
pass arent you . I think you went to school for
that . You have never been serious about
anyone .

Manardo : what I im serious about you ?

Me : if you were , you would have hit me up a
long time ago . Now you are not serious . You
here because you want me to give you
something right ? You want to fuck me , and go
to the next one , then come back to me . Do you
know the risks there Manardo .

H didn’t say anything. Instead he held my hand ,

I moved it away from him .

Me : this is not happening again Manardo , you

and I are done , even , we were not even a thing,
we were just fooling around with each other . It
was nothing .

Manardo : ouch I feel used .

Me : the same way the girls that you leave at
night feel .

Manardo : so you only need me when you want

sex . For your own satisfaction .

Me : yes , now I don’t need you . I don’t need

cheaters and liars in my life .

Manardo : oh , now im a liar but when I was

hitting it from behind I was not a liar .

Me : exactly that was when I was lonely and

needed Comfort . But now im no longer lonely .

Manardo : oh , you no longer lonely ?

Me : yes , that time I felt alone . Now im no
longer alone , I have someone with me .

Manardo : what if I need comfort ?

Me : you have airtime , money to pay for hotels .

You know the drill .

He didn’t say anything .

Manardo : at the end of the day , I did have it

raw .

Me : get out Manardo .

He chuckled .
I reached for my bag and took out the pistol
that Ndoni gave me .

Me : get out .

Manardo : Dee , you own a …?

Me : get out before I shoot your balls ! Get out ! I

hate you ! Get out .

He raised his hand in surrender and walked

away . He had it raw ?!




Lorenzo being in jail, handling the kids is not

childs play . At least Ria is not troublesome but
Cane is my worst night mare I swear , he is
doing things secretively , if he is not coming
back home , he is waking up very early in the
morning without having breakfast . He is adding
stress to me and it aint good , more because I
am pregnant . My pregnancy Im not sure
whether to keep it or not , if I do keep it then I
must know that I have signed my death warrant
if Lorenzo ever finds out that I cheated on him ,
well got pregnant and turns out it's not his child
then im dead . I just pray and hope it's his child .
Speaking of Lorenzo , they denied him bail ,
therefore , he is awaiting his trial , at this point
everyone is clueless on what we must do ,
Maybe Lorenzo's arrest is the reason behind
Cane's behavior ,who knows .

Ndoni : relax Dee , we just here for the months

of the baby .

Ndoni suggested we go to the doctor and find

out how many months or weeks am I , That way
I will know that it's Lorenzo's or not. I nod at
what she just said and we walk inside the
doctor's office

Doc : Mrs Ndlovu .

Me : hii Doc .

I smile at him, Ndoni and the doctor exchange

pleasantries .

Doc : what are we here for ?

Me : I did a home pregnancy test and im

pregnant I just want to find out how far am I ?

Doc : oh ok . One thing I could note for you first

is that , your tubes were tied and you untied
them , it takes almost a month or week to keep
them fertile once again .

I looked at Ndoni and she just nodded .

Doctor : please lie on the bed for me .

I do as he says and I lift my top and he applies

the cold gel on me . He then moves his thing on
my tummy .

Doctor : do we want to know the gender ?

Me : aint it too soon ?

Doctor : not too soon .

Me : no , I don’t want to know the gender.

He doesn’t say anything instead he focuses on

the screen , he wipes the gel off me and I sit up
straight .

Doc : You are 13 weeks pregnant .

Me : can I have an abortion ?

Doc : unfortunately it's too late , if only you were

11 weeks pregnant , but now it's late .

I nod. I feel someone touch my shoulders and

it's Ndoni .

Ndoni : an abortion really ?

I don’t say anything , I don’t need someone to

judge me now , I already feel guilty for cheating
on Lorenzo.

Me : Doctor can I conduct a DNA test ?

Doc : no , it's still early for that and it could harm

the child .

Fuck technology !


The only reason why im still alive it's because of

Knox , if only he didn’t know people in here then
I would have long been dead , today could be
my funeral . Yes the outside is good but also in
here , or maybe it's because I havent met those
who don’t fear anyone ? I don’t know .

"Someone is here to see you , " the warder says


I give the guys the chess board and head out ,

it's Paxton , I sigh and she comes to me and
hugs me .

Paxton : hey .

Me : hii.

Paxton : how you holding up ? Sorry no one will

ever be good in this place .
Silence befall us .

Me : I head you dropped the charges of holding

you at gunpoint .

Paxton ; yeah I did , with that you may be given

a shorter sentence maybe 3 to five years
compared to what they will give you ..

Me ; so you know that im going to be sentenced

for real ?

Paxton : yeah hence I have been fully removed

from handling any drug case .

Me : is it because they found out we are seeing

each other ?
She nods.

Me : im sorry about the other day , I was just not

in the right senses .

Paxton ; I understand , I would have reacted the

same way that you did have I been in your
shoes .

Me : sure you would have .

Paxton : I told him about you . His name is

Canon , the name of your choice , you always
wanted your child with me to be Canon .

Me : thought you forgot .

Paxton : when I left I was pregnant , I was still
young by that time , call me selfish and stupid , I
deserve that .

I held her hands .

Me : you are not selfish . Look , I don’t hate you

for what you did , well atleast you know the real
me . You know Venom . The one that you have
always wanted to know .

Paxton ; so you lied to me .

Me : yes I did .

Paxton ; did you even love me or you were using

me ?

Me : I did love you and I still love you … right

now I just want to know if you going to stick
with me or not

Paxton : if I don’t stick with you will you kill me ?

Me : I wont be the one killing you but eventually

Knox and Manardo .

Paxton : Manardo ?

Me : Leo .

Paxton : he is still alive ?

Me : where would he go ?

She shrugged and I perked her hands .

Me : so what do you say ?

Paxton ; let me represent you in court during

your trial . You will be prosecuted by Nick and I
can beat him , he knows that .

Me : you really want to do this ?

Paxton ; for you I don’t see why not . I mean I

already know much about this case , I can
represent you .

Me : let me think about it …

The door opened and Diana walked in …

Diana : didn’t know you have a visitor .

She looked at Paxton .

Diana : we havent met , I'm Diana Ndlovu ..well

not exactly Ndlovu .

Paxton : Im…

Diana : Paxton … I have heard about you .

Lorenzo wouldn’t leave you for anyone even his
kids .
Diana rolled her eyes and shifted his attention
to me .

Diana : we need to talk alone .

I looked at Paxton and she stood up and perked

my lips

Paxton : I will bring Canon with next time .

She then walked out . Diana rolled her eyes as

she sat down .

Diana : Canon? Family reunion already ? Who

we introducing ? what was she doing here ?

Me : she came to see me Dee , she also said

she will represent me .

Diana : represent you ?

Me : yes , she is a prosecutor and she knows

much about this case , she will represent me .

Diana : Lorenzo , whether that bitch …

Me : Paxton is her name .

Diana : whatever , whether Paxton represents

you , even if we were to get a highly
recommended lawyer you would still be
sentenced , these people go enough proof to
send you to prison they already did , it you vs
the state Lorenzo .
I sighed .

Diana : the problem is that you don’t think . I

need you back home , Cane is getting out of
hand .

Me : I will handle Cane .

Diana : you always say that but look where the

word handle did to you . Uyakhathaza wena yazi
! You even went back to smoking .

Me : I do need one inside here don’t you think ?

She didn’t say anything instead she rolled her

eyes and folded her arms .


My phone rang … I just looked at it and hung up .

Canon : aint you going to take that ?

Me : no , its probably my aunt asking whether I

will do her nails or not .

Canon : oh , at the end of the day you must do

her nails.

Me : yeah, I will .
Honestly it was Cane , I don’t want to talk to him
, he is nothing but trouble . Yesterday he made
it clear that me and him will never be a thing .
That would mean im his sex machine , he only
wants me when he wants to fuck . Fuck him
them .

Canon : what are you thinking about ?

Me : nothing . How did it go with your mother

and father ?

canon : atleast mom told me that it was all her

fault and honestly I am looking forward to
seeing dad , but he is arrested for drugs .

Me : you dad is arrested for drugs ?

Cane's dad is also arrested for the same charge

Canon : yeah but I will go and meet him when

im ready .

Me : that's sweet of you . Atleast you guys will

get to know each other , just don’t push it .

Canon : I wont .

He perks my lips .

Canon : what are we watching now ?

Me : Horror ?

Canon : The Nun ?

Me : horrific.

He chuckles


I was in the kitchen , just drove in , the first thing

I did was to go to the kitchen im super hungry ,
The intercom rings and the Manardo walks in …
Manardo : Dee … where is Cane ?

Me : I don’t know .

Manardo : I heard he is giving you problems .

Me : Cane is just being a boy that's all in a

month time he will be going to varsity .

Manardo : well when he gets back do tell him to

come to my house or call me .

Me : sure .

He turns to walk away …

Me : Leo .

He turns to look at me .

Me : I need a favor.

Manardo : Shoot .

Me :I kinda fell like having hotwings and

avocado . I don’t know something like that .

He walks to the kitchen towards the refrigerator

and opens it

Manardo : but there are hot wings here.

Me : I know , they were bought yesterday nd I
don’t feel like eating them .

Manardo : you can just warm them up nje .

Me : I said I don’t feel like eating them .

I snap and he looks away as he tried to calm

himself down .

Me : I want hotwings , buffalo wings with

avocado … please … I would ask Cane but as
you can see he is not here . I would try uber eats
but I doubt they will bring them now .

Manardo : I will get them for you .

I smile at him and perk his cheek.

Me : smell so good and thanks , I turn to walk

away and he pulls me back …

Manardo ; what is going on with you these days ?

I don’t say anything instead I bite my lower lip

seductively and look into his eyes .

Me : I just miss you.

Manardo : hard luck cause manje sengiya

gosha so you pay me for sex .

I frown at him .
Manardo : mhm yah ungzwile iround ey'1 biza
5k , badala noku mover iwaist .plus inquza
ekhala kakhulu ibhadala ka khulu .


Manardo perks my lips and lets go of me but

still close to me .

Manardo ; just the person I wanted to see .

Me :Cane .

Manardo : Cane will bring your hotwings with

Vocado .
He says brushing my vagina and walks away .

Manardo : I will see you .

He winks at me and he walks away with Cane ,

his gun behind his waist .




Cane : What's going on between you and my

mother ?
Me : fucking business is going on between me
and your mother .

Cane : what do you mean fucking business ?

Me : if you don’t get it forget about it.

He didn’t say anything .

Cane : what's really going on cause when I

waked inside the kitchen ….

Me : you saw what you saw in the kitchen so

what ?
He didn’t answer me . I parked the car in the
parking lot and got out .

Me : get out .

He got out of the car and we walked inside the

building .

Cane : we here to play PS 5?

I chuckled .

Cane : something like that .

I took out my gun and pointed it at him .

Cane : Uncle L…

Me : sit down .

He sat down on the couch .

Me: now let's talk it's just the two of us , man to

man . You are a man right ?

He shook his head no .

Me : yes you are a man .

I stood up and poured myself a drink

Me : you know today I wasn’t planning on

drinking but you making me drink . And you
gonna pay for all that .

I sat down infront of him .

Me : Cane Ndlovu … you dealing drugs ? At your

age ?

He tried saying something but I showed him a

sign to shut up .

Me : I don’t need to teach you , you know the

rules , I talk and you listen , you will only speak
when given a chance to speak, are we clear ?

He nodded .
Me : Lekker … what are you hoping to achieve
by all this ? A better future for yourself ? Or
what ? Look at where your father is right now
behind bars , he was denied bail , how do you
fell knowing that you are going to serve 10 to 15
years in prison without seeing direct sunlight ?
You cant even sit your behind down for two
minutes , I pity you right now . Is this the life
that you want to leave Cane ? No for real
answer me .

He shook his head no .

Me :I tend to have problem with hearing people

but I want you to sat it loud .

Cane : No.
Me : then why do it ? It's a pity Steve aint here
but when I get him here he is going to pay just
like you are about to . You are giving your
trouble do you know that ? Her only worry is you

He didn’t say anything .

Me : I hate people who stress out woman , more

especially think that they have the power over a
woman whilst they don’t even know inquza
ephelele , usase yincosi blind and you should be
focusing on having fun , do you see how healty I
am , count alcohol out of my life but you do see
that I'm very healthy right ? That was because
during my time to play , I did play , I played with
girls and boys , ngayidla inkomo mina , eningi
futhi , lokhu kwa manje asi lutho .
He chuckled .

Me : you don’t laugh when I didn’t tell you to dp

so .

Cane : im sorry .

Me : and what is Sorry gonna help me with ?

Nothing right ? When you create enemies you
don’t create them for yourself only but for your
family . Almeria , have you thought about her ?
Next month you going to varsity , do you want
to get the with the fever already in you ? I didn’t
go to varsity but all I know is that yabo lapho hai
zwigcele inkomo esbayeni . You can laugh now

He chuckled .
Me : good right ? Laugh now and cry later . Cane
play . Don’t rush things , Diana is not your wife ,
she is your mother .

Cane: Ma told me her and Dad are going

through issues that they wont resolve , that
would mean getting a divorce .

Me : so ? Wena uhlangnaphi na lokho ? If they

getting a divorce it's not a crime ,you father will
move on , and your mother she will also find
someone to love her . Fuck her , im willing to do
that .

Cane: do what ? Fuck her ?

Me : not really fuck her , love her . It aint your

job to worry about your mother .

Cane : in the kitchen what were you two …?

Me : we were about to eat the fruit .

Cane : fruit?

Me : yes , fruit . You should focus on eating that

not selling drugs , when it's your time , you will
takeover . Now it's not yet that time . I hope we
are clear .

He nodded. I took out my keys and gave them

to him …

Me : stop using hotels , keys to your apartment .

He smiled .

Me : and here are the keys to the Audi RS7 , ,

first go get you mother some wings and
avocadoes . I don’t know if it's Chinese or what .

Cane : Thanks uncle Leo.

Me ; good , just know that from now on , we will

be monitoring your every move of yours .

Cane : right , you are the best .

Me : in everything aint I ? Listen Cane , you can

have a gardener , infact three gardeners , three
generations of man with no ambitions but who
are happier that you will ever be . Stop chasing
money , wealth , it fades away , all of it . Chase
light .

He nodded and we fist bumped .

Me : take care of yourself .


It was late at night , I was sleeping peacefully , I

felt footsteps coming my way . I sat up straight ,
I couldn’t see who it was , as I was about to
stand up , I felt it being pushed deep inside my
gut . Turing and spinning it , I yelled in pain and
the lights came back on , from the I only saw
darkness . Voices heard from far away .


It was in the morning when I felt someone

shaking me up , I opened my eyes and realized
that I slept on the couch , I was waiting for Cane
to bring my wings and avocado. Im phone rang ,
I looked for it on the pillow and got it , it was an
unknown number , I answer …

Me : Diana speaking , how may I help you ?

Caller : Lorenzo has been stabbed .

Me : what ?

Caller: yes .

He hung up, I put the phone aside and as I was

about to get up from the couch Cane walked in ..

Cane : ma ,you okay ? You look like you have

seen a ghost .

I swallow hard and walk upstairs , I quickly do

my hygiene process and when I was done I
drive to the infirmary…


V olk : he has been stabbed . Stated a war ?

Me : it hasn’t begun yet , wait for the real show

to start . Here we just trying to get Leonardo .

Volk : do you think he will budge?




Me : kill the mother .

Volk : not bad , in return of what ?

Me : getting the bitch .

Volk ; still believe it's Candra's mom ?

Me : yes .

Volk : question is ? Who stabbed him ?


They were not allowing us to go in and see him ,

the bitch Paxton was here , thinking how the
hell did she even know , who called her ? I
walked over to Leo and Knox …

Me ; did you call her here ?

They shook their head no .

Me : I hope you aint lying to me .

Manardo : we cant always be lying at you ,

Lorenzo really has hurt you , you have trust
issues , you need to get a therapist and im
kinda good at that department . Let's go and
see what the lady got for us , after all she is still
good .

I exhaled loudly .
Knox : don’t mind this one Dee .

Manardo winked at me and walked away to

Paxton .

Me :anything yet on Lorenzo ?

Knox : nothing but he is in good hands .

Me ; I thought you said he aint in danger in here .

Knox ; I did I don’t know what happened .

I cursed and looked at Manardo smiling with

Paxton . She Is a bitch . Why don’t I kill this
bitch once and for all cause it seems like she is
going to be trouble on my case . Manardo
walked back to us …

Manardo : Killing her wont make Lorenzo come

back to you , him leaving you would mean
there's a department that you failed to do . I
don’t know which one it is but surely we can
work on finding out.

I didn’t say anything instead he held me by my

waist .

Manardo : I love your jealous face by the way .

Knox : will you just let her breathe ? Who do you

think did this ?
Manardo : I have no one in mind so far .

Knox ; Volk ?

Manardo : this aint his ways , why try killing him ?

You should focus on getting who is behind this
and I will get who gave up Lorenzo .

Knox ; I know who it is .

Manardo : and well you didn’t say anything ?

Knox : it's Jane …

Manardo : you bitch , then we kill her .

Knox : no … no we don’t I mean she was just
trying to protect me .

Manardo ; that was the dumbest thing she did ,

protect you , how the hell did she know about
venom /

Knox : I told her.

Manardo : this bitch already knows too much,

we need to eliminate her and I will do that .

Me : no one is getting eliminated , Jane did

what she thought was good for her family , I
would do the same , why protect your Venom
like he is the Lord Jesus , Lorenzo cant always
be protected , not every time everyone must
take the blame and fall for him , he deserves
this . He deserves those handcuffs . How I so
wish the person that stabbed him should have
killed him . He deserves everything coming his
way . !

I snapped …

Knox ; Deecalm down …

Me ; no ! Why must I calm down ? Why must we

always be on Lorenzo , rescuing him , cleaning
after his mess , who are we? His servant ?
Enough is enough .

Manardo ; Kodwa there was no need for you to

make so much noise .
He walked away …

Part that was left to move on as we await for

the flashbacks …


I walked inside the infirmary , they were

dressing his wounds . Today he was going back
to his cell . I don’t now why I feel like this but a
part of me is Happy that he was stabbed and
wished for him to die but another part of me
keeps on reprimanding me that he is still the
father of my kids , he wronged me yes , im not
disputing that . No infact I am cause Lorenzo
broke our marriage vows ,he used me to get
over his ex bitch from high school . It aint fair , I
just want him to suffer a little. He looks at me
as I walk to him holding nothing .

Lorenzo : no flowers or fruits ?

Me : you are still under arrest and not


Lorenzo : but I was stabbed .

Me : not bad either .

Lorenzo : what do you mean not bad ?

Me : whatever you have in mind .

He doesn’t say anything . Instead he signals the
doctor to go and she walks out .

Me : your girlfriend was here last night , triggers

me how she was the first to find out.

Lorenzo : I added her as a family member

incase something happens to me they can also
contact her .

Me : family member ? That more like a wedding

idea .

Lorenzo : could be .

Me : do make me a favor when you decide to

marry her sig the damn divorce papers , I
deserve to be free from all this .

Lorenzo : you know I cant do that Dee, I cant let

you divorce me nor sign the damn papers .

Me : you can do that and you will !

Lorenzo : I wont . Im not going to leave you

unless if you were to kill me first cause even if
you were to kill me I will always be with you . It's
either you kill yourself too when I die because
me and you are meant for each other until our
last day here on earth . You are Diana Ndlovu
and that will always follow you . Besides im not
risking what I have worked for all these years .

Me : really Lorenzo ? You think I would sell you

out ?

Lorenzo : I don’t know maybe you could or not ,

I don’t know . Im the man in this relationship
here Diana not you . I wear the pants and you
wear the headwrap.

I didn’t say anything …

Lorenzo : anything else you wanna say .

Me : im pregnant .


He looked at me , his eyes wide open …

Lorenzo : with my child ?

I didn’t say anything , I just frowned at him .

Lorenzo : im sorry , it's just that im happy .

Thanks .

Me : mhmm , yeah right , you shouldn’t be in

celebratory too soon .

Lorenzo : what do you mean ?

Me : I can terminate the baby if I want to . Me

doing that will mean that you are not the only
one #terminator right ?
He didn’t say anything .

Lorenzo : you not gonna do such Dee .

Me : I can and you wont stop me Lorenzo …

He tried to get up from the bed but the

handcuffs brought him down .

Me : exactly you cant stop me .

I said and walked out bumping into Manardo

and Knox …


Just after Dee walked out on me , Manardo and

Knox entered . Manardo chuckled as he walked
to me .

Manardo : you missed your alarm o dying ?

I didn’t say anything and he continued to laugh

along with Knox . I couldn’t Laugh as I was hurt
below my stomach .

Manardo : you havent spent even a month and

you think you can survive it in here . Uswak man
, very swak Lorenzo .

Knox : did you see who stabbed you ?

Me : no I didn’t see anything as it was dark .

Knox : I sent word on the street hopefully if they

hear anything then maybe it would be helpful .

Me : hopefully . How is the business ?

Knox : thing are going well on my side .

I looked at Manardo .

Manardo : kahle . Tell me here , you telling me

that you didn’t even hear any sound of mattress
Me : I didn’t here anything all I saw was figure
already next me then it was dug inside me . I
wondering how I survide this one .

Manardo : then we got find who did this cause

Gustavo didn’t do this .

I nodded .

Me : Dee is Pregnant .

They all looked at me . Manardo cleared his

throat .

Knox : that's great news . Congratulations .

Manardo : It's too soon to be congratulating him

. I mean it could be and could not be his phela
wena uphakathi inside and khona aba phandle
outside , fellas aint playing this time . And
remember you cheated on Dee , she is angry
and she can do anything when angry ,
something like getting it from someone , it
could be anyone , even me included .

I didn’t say anything .

Manardo : and buka nje , Dee is flames no man

can resist her , I mean I cant even resist her
when she is wearing shots . So the best thing
that you do is to dive in the cake and hit it , it
could be raw or not.

Knox : Manardo …
Manardo : what , we telling the boy the truth ,
why should we hide it from him , mfethu unga
phakathi and Dee is alone out there , we not
always with her , she could be getting laid as we
speak right now or maybe when we leave this
place someone must be going out to lay it with
her . Thina sikutshelile ukuthi sinike yena
sim'bambe bambe , not ukuthi siya lamba but
just nje ukuthi sim'fudumeze …

Knox : Hai Manardo whoa phela nawe .

Manardo raised his head in surrender.

Manardo : Fede …Fede . I'm over now . Nami

ng'saya khona ukuyidla .

He walked out of the room ….

Knox ; you know Manardo so don’t let him get
to you .

Me : he could be telling the truth .

Knox : he could be , you said . At some point

why don’t you give Dee a divorce she wants ?

Me : I cant sign those damn papers Knox , that

would be me risking everything .

Knox : who am I talking to ? You and Manardo

never listen to me . Get some rest lil bro , enjoy
the remaining hours in here .

He walked out .


It has been confirmed that im pregnant , I don’t

know how to tell Lorenzo all this but eventually I
have to tell him , he deserves to know the truth
this time around . Yesterday meeting Diana, I
actually imagined her as a woman who is
maybe older than me or something , I just don’t
know to put it but after last night , I was wrong ,
woman is so beautiful and gorgeous , her
attitude and everything about her , I have met
her once before at the station when Canon was
stabbed, to actually see that Cane and Canon
are almost the same thing as Lorenzo , I
wonder How Cane is ? Is he perhaps like Canon ?
Stubborn and hot headed or what ? I would love
for them to maybe one day to meet and make
up …

Ma: overthinking aint healthy for the baby .

Me : im not over thinking ma.

Ma : I know you Paxton . What were you

thinking about ?

Me : so last night I met the woman that is

married to the man Im cheating with and I have
once met her at the station the day that Canon
got stabbed it was her son , Canon's little
brother ,so last night I saw everything about her ,
ma that women knows her husband and is
supporting him through his criminal ways.
Ma : Criminal ways?

me : yes , he got arrested for drugs .

Ma : wait … Paxton who are we talking about

here ?

Me : Lorenzo Ndlovu .

She gasped .

Ma : my ex boss ?

Me : What ?

Ma : you are cheating with him ? He is the

father of Canon . Haibo .

Me : I didn’t know he was your boss .

Ma : you never asked me ! What did you say

criminal ways ? Yes Diana sticks with her
husband through thick and think , I don’t know
what you trying to achieve by all this but my girl
it wont end well , dating a criminal aint gonna
end well for you . That man is Dangerous . I
hope you know what you got yourself into .

She walked away …

I opened my eyes as I turned but I was met by a
figure next to me trying to inject me .

Me : what are you doing ?

She turned to look at me …

Me ; Nairobi .

Nairobi : y plan didn’t work the last time

hopefully this one will work . You will die a slow
painfull death in 55 days , no one will know im
behind this .

Me : what are you talking about ?

Nairobi : I warned you about my sister Lorenzo ,
I warned you about her . I guess you didn’t take
me seriously .

Me : let's talk about this …

She shook her head no as she took out a small

bottle with liquid inside , as she proceeded the
door opened and The doctor waked in with the
Wader .

Doctor ; you going back .

I sighed …but I aint safe yet .


I was chilling out with Ndoni and Jane , they

were drinking alcohol and I was eating ice
cream, Jane was a bit tipsy so was Ndoni …

Jane : I got a secret to tell .

Me : we are listening .

She sipped her wine and looked at me and

Ndoni .

Jane : Dee ,im sorry about all this but if have

emotions you would ubderstnd why I did it . So I
was arrested for drinking nd driving ahh got to
the police station and had to be interrogated ,
ok fine , once upon a time they asked me about
Venom and I split all them beans . In simple
terms I gave up Venom . Im sorry .

I looked at her .

Me : you did what you had to do Jane , you are

not at fault , Venom was going to get caught at
the end .

She flashed me a smile and before I could say

something again Manardo walked in …

Manardo : can we talk ?

Me : im stil busy .
Manardo ; you not running a business here the
word busy comes from business so please .

I rolled my eyes and got up leaving Ndoni and

Jane . We walked to the study that is
downstairs .

Me : Talk .

Manardo : you are pregnant …

Me : i…I …

Manardo :no need to lie Didi , Lorenzo told me .

Me : yes im pregnant so what ?

Manardo : who child is it ?

Me : Lorenzo's .

Manardo : Didi …

Me ; im serious Manardo , it Lorenzo's I did DNA

test results and it's his child .

He didn’t say anything instead he brushed his

head . He then held my hands and looked at me

Manardo : Are you being real right now ?

Me : yeah , im being real…

He came closer to me and pressed his forehead

on his , I hate lying but aint got no choice right
now I need to lie to save my self from the two
wolfs . He cares my arms …

Me : Leo there are people in side this house .

Manardo : I know .

He continued caressing my arms , his hand

went to his back and unzipped my dress …

Manardo : I will be quick … I promise you .

I let him go further into me , I want to stop him

but I want him , he kiss my lips as he slips the
dress off me and his hands play with my
breasts , I feel his other hand on my coochie
rubbing the clitoris , I look at the unclosed door ,
anyone could walk in , I ignore that and focus on
where I am , Cloud 9ine , he pins me to the wall ,
I pull down his trousers along with his briefs
and feel him in my hands, he is already up ad
hard . He pulls my panties aside and push
himself in , I moan but too loud as he starts to
move in and out of me , he picks me up , how
can he do all this standing ? #REMOVED


I walk back to the lounge and find the two

talking and laughing together , I fix myself nicely
and sit down , Leo walked out , Ndoni looked at
me , no matter how much she drinks it takes
time or her to get drunk.
Me : what ?

Ndoni : I hope you know what you are doing Dee


Me : please don’t judge me .




He is moving slowly , I hope we wont take long

cause with him I know he prefers coming on the
last round , I feel my build up and he starts to
move fast but not too fast , my legs tremble and
I hold onto him and I reach my climax , he
continues moving as if that was nothing , we
are both trying to compose ourselves with our
moans and groans but I think we going to fail , I
am looking deep into his small eyes , it's the
first time im staring at him in his eyes . Not
breaking the eye contact ,this is the best feeling
, it's different you get to read people , he Is not
saying anything , his body shook and he moves
a little bit then stops shooting his load into me .
He then perks my lips and puts me on the
couch in the room , he takes off my panties and
puts them inside his pockets then fixes himself ,
I hate doing this with him , hiding from people ,
it is very tiring . He perks my lips and looks at
me …
Manardo :you aint hurt ?

I shook my head no and stood up , I wrapped

my hands around him and perked him .

Me : I always have to endure everything when it

comes to you .

Manardo : is it because of family or what ?

Me : let's put the word family aside , I just want

you to do what you want with me . Even if that
means you going harder with hot water , I don’t
mind as long as I got you inside me .

He chuckles and he looks deep into my eyes , I

look down .
Manardo : why you avoiding eye contact ?

Me : im not .

Manardo : really ?

Me : I can show you that I aint afraid of eye

contact .

Manardo ; wanna amaze me ?

Me : What are you doing tonight ?

Manardo : nothing that I know of .

I take his hand .

Me : then I guess it nothing will be worth this

one .

I lead it to my coochie and bring it back to our

faces with a bit of his semen, I lick my it and he
chuckles , I then kiss him .

Me : what do you say ?

Manardo : amaze me .

He kiss me then pulls out , he takes his car keys

and cellphone then walks out , I fix myself and
walk back to the lounge …

I wore my black lingerie set with pantyhose , I

then wore some platform heels , I apply make
up and then walk to the closet , I took out my
long black coat , It's raining . I smile . I apply
some cologne on my body , I take my car keys
and I leave my cellphone , I walk downstairs and
find Cane . Ria is spending some night at my
mother's house .

Ne : im going out .

Cane : oh .

He is not paying attention at me but on his

phone , so I walk out of the house to my car , I
drive to his house ,after half an hour or so I
parked my car in the parking lot , I then got out
and walked inside the building , I walk up to the
penthouse . As I walk through the kitchen I find
hand cuffs on the table and something with
cuffs . I ignore that and walk further to the
study , he is drinking whilst smoking whilst On
his iPad. He looks at me and stops what he is
doing …

Me : it's cold outside .

Manardo : it's raining .

I roll my eyes and walk to him , I sit on his lap

and take the cigarette from him , as I was about
to smoke it he took it from me .

Manardo : you are not on the right state to be

smoking .

Me : what are cuffs doing here ? You a police

man now ?

He chuckles .

Manardo : no .

Me : and what's that long thing with cuffs

Manardo : oh that ? That's a a spreader bar with

ankle and wrist restraints.

Me : oh , How does it work?

I ask, genuinely intrigued.

Manardo : You want me to show you?

Me : Yes, I would like a demonstration. I like

being tied up.

I whisper as my inner goddess pole vaults from

the bunker onto her chaise longue. I kiss him
and he pulls out .

Me : what ?

Manardo : I want you .

Me : then have me .
Manardo : not here .

I frown .

Manardo :I want you in my bed, not in here.


He helps me up and he also gets up , he leads

me up to the stairs .

Me : it could have been amazing back there you

know ?

Manardo : I can’t bear to hurt you because I love

He gazes up at me, his expression one of
absolute sincerity like a small boy telling a very
simple truth. He’s completely guileless, and he
takes my breath away. I adore him more than
anything or anyone. I do love this man at the
same time I wish I am carrying his child but
again I wish it's Lorenzo's I push him up
against the wall. Grabbing his face between my
hands, I pull his lips to mine tasting his surprise
as I push my tongue into his mouth. I am
standing on the step above him—we’re at the
same level, and I feel empowered. Kissing him
passionately, my fingers twisting into his hair, I
to touch him, everywhere, but restrain myself,
knowing his fear. Regardless, my desire unfurls,
hot and heavy, blossoming deep inside me. He
groans and grabs my shoulders, pushing me
Manardo : not here . Do you want me to fuck
you on the stairs? Because right now, I will.

Me : yes .

I murmur and I’m sure my dark gaze matches

his. He glares at me, his eyes hooded and heavy.

Manardo : no not here .

He scoops me up suddenly over his shoulder,

making me squeal loudly, and smacks me hard
on my behind, so that I squeal again. As he
heads up the stairs, he places his hand on the
screen and he walks in as it grants him access .
We get to the bedroom and he sets me down on
my feet , he walks to his closet and I follow him ,
he opens it and he takes out what I saw in the
kitchen , the spreader , he then locks the closet
and we walk back to the bedroom , he drops the
spreader bar ontop of the bed and looks at me
unsure .

Manardo : you are pregnant and …

I stop him by placing my finger on his lips …

Me : I don’t think you’ll hurt me.

Manardo : I don’t think I’ll hurt you, either.

He takes my head in his hands and kisses me,

long and hard, igniting my already heated blood.

Manardo : I want you so much… are you sure

about this ?

His voice is not like usual , I understand why he

is saying this he is rough but gentle not sure
you catch what im trying to say .

Me :Yes. I want you, too. I want to undress you.

I can’t wait to get my hands onhim—my fingers

are itching to touch him. His eyes widen and for
a second he hesitates, perhaps to consider my

Manardo : ok .

I take off his tshirt . He’s holding his breath, but

stands stock-still as I plant a gentle kiss among
the soft, exposed curls. I lift my face to him
He’s gazing at me, and there’s a look of
satisfaction, calm, and … wonder on his face.

Me : assured ?

He nods nd he gathers me in his arms, thrusting

both his hands into my hair and pulling my head
right back so that he can have easy access to
my throat. He runs his lips up to my jaw, nipping
softly. I groan. Oh, I want this man. My Fingers
fumble at his waistband, undoing the button
and pulling down the zipper.

Manardo : oh yes…

he breathes as he kisses me behind my ear. I

feel his erection, firm and hard, straining
against me. I want him—in my mouth. I step
back abruptly and drop to my knees. I tug his
pants and boxers sharply, and he springs free.
Before he can stop me, I take him into my
mouth, sucking hard, enjoying his shocked
astonishment as his mouth drops open. He
gazes down at me, watching my every move,
eyes so dark and filled with carnal bliss. Oh my.
I sheath my teeth and suck harder. He closes
his eyes and surrenders to this blissful carnal
pleasure. I know what I do to him, and it’s
hedonistic, liberating, and sexy as hell. The
feeling is heady; I’m not just powerful.

Manardo : fuck !

he hisses and gently cradles my head, flexing

his hips so he moves deeper inside my mouth.
Oh yes, I want this and I swirl my tongue around
him, pulling hard … over and over.

Manardo : Dee …

I want you. I grab his hips firmly, doubling my

efforts, and I can tell he’s close.

Manardo : Pleae…I’m gonna come…

he groans. Good. My inner goddess’s head is

thrown back in ecstasy, and he comes, loudly
and wetly, into my mouth. He opens his bright
gray eyes, gazing down at me, and I smile up at
him, licking my lips. He grins back at me, a
wicked, salacious grin.
Manardo : Oh, so this is the game we’re playing ?
He pulls me back to my feet , Suddenly his
mouth is on mine. He groans. He tugs my Coat
off and throws it carelessly onto the floor, then
picks me up and tosses me onto the bed. He
stares at me looking at the lingerie , he smirks
and I smile at him . he tugs it off abruptly so
that they come off in one swift move. I’m naked
underneath, sprawled across his bed. Waiting.
Wanting. His eyes drink me in, and slowly he
removes his remaining clothes, not taking his
eyes off me.

Manardo : you are beautiful .

Hmm … I tilt my head coquettishly to one side

and beam at him.

Me : and you are handsome .

He gives me a wicked grin and reaches for the
spreader bar. Grabbing my left ankle, he quickly
cuffs it, strapping the buckle tightly, but not too
tight. He tests how much room I have by sliding
his little finger between the cuff and my ankle.
He doesn’t take his eyes off mine; he doesn’t
need to see what he’s doing.

Grasping my other ankle, he quickly and

efficiently cuffs that one as well, so that my feet
are about two feet apart.
He clicks something on the bar, then pushes, so
my legs spread further. Whoa, three feet apart.
My mouth drops open, and I take a deep breath.
Fuck, this is hot. I’m on fire, restless and needy.

Manardo ; we are going to have fun .

Reaching down he grasps the bar and twists it
so I flip onto my front. It takes me by surprise.


he says darkly and twists it again abruptly, so I

am once more on my back, gaping up at him,

I will cuff your hands if you are too touchy and

pushing . Your job is to remain still . Okay ?

I nod . . He’s so mind-bogglingly sexy, it takes

my breath away. He crawls up the bed so that
he’s kneeling between my legs, gloriously naked,
and I’m helpless.
Manardo : . You are so exposed.

He runs the fingers of both his hands up the

inside of each of my legs, slowly, surely, making
small circular patterns. Never breaking eye
contact with me. I wriggle on the bed and moan.
His fingers continue their slow assault up my
legs, past the backs of my knees. Instinctively, I
want to close my legs but I can’t.

Manardo ; if you want me to stop do say .

He says , Bending over, he kisses my belly, soft,

sucking kisses, while his hands continue their
slow tortuous journey north up . My fingers
clutch the comforter as I surrender myself to
him, his mouth gently heading south, his fingers
north, to the vulnerable and exposed apex of my
thighs. I groan as he eases his fingers inside
me, and buck my pelvis up to meet them. He
moans in response. My body bows as his
mouth finds me.

Me : Ma…mhmm…

He begins a slow and sensual assault, his

tongue swirling around and around while his
fingers move inside me. Because I can’t close
my legs, or move, it’s intense, really intense. My
back arches as I try to absorb the sensations.

Me : Manardo …

Manardo : My name ?
Me : ohhh…Leo…

Manardo : I know, baby .

he blows softly on the most sensitive part of my


Me : please …

Manardo : say my name …

Me : Man…Leonardo …

Manardo ; again …
Me : Leonardo …Leonardo .

Manardo : whose child are you carrying ?

Me : oh shit …

Manardo : I didn’t catch that ….

Me : I don’t know …. I don’t know .

Manardo : Mhmm …

His voice is soft and deadly and with one last

flick of his tongue, I
fall—spectacularly—embracing my orgasm, and
because my legs are so far apart, it goes on and
on and I am lost. Vaguely, I’m aware that he has
flipped me onto my stomach.

Manardo : Lean down, baby.

he murmurs at my ear.

Manardo : Head and chest on the bed. .

In a daze I do as I’m told. He pulls both my

hands backward and cuffs them to the bar, next
to my ankles. Oh … My knees are drawn up, my
ass in the air, utterly vulnerable, completely his.
His voice is full of wonder His finger is
hovering over me. I gasp loudly as I feel myself
tense under his gentle probing.

Manardo ; I want to posses every inch of you …

you are mine .

everything tightens deep inside me. His words

make me groan, and his fingers move down and
around to more familiar
territory. He lets go off me for a minute , I feel
something hard on me , I feel him enter me hard

Me : ahhh…

Manardo : you okay ?

I nod and he moans as he pushes in .

Manardo : so warm !
I scream again and he stops …

Manardo : you okay ?

Me : slowly and gentle please , let me get used

to this .

He eases slowly out of me then eases gently

back, filling me, stretching me, twice, thrice, and
I am helpless.

Me : Yes, good, I’ve got it now.

I murmur, relishing the feeling. He groans, and

picks up his rhythm. Moving, moving …
relentless … onward,
inward, filling me … and it’s exquisite. There’s
joy in my helplessness, joy in my surrender to
him, and to know that he can lose himself in me
the way he wants to. I can do this. He takes me
to these dark places, places I didn’t know
existed, and together we fill them with blinding
light. Oh yes … blazing, blinding light. And I let
go, glorying in what he does to me, finding my
sweet, sweet release, as I come again, loudly,
screaming his name. And he stills, pouring his
heart and soul into me. He is still moving …

Manardo : oh fuck !....

he cries and collapses beside me. His fingers

undo the straps, and he rubs my ankles then my
wrists. When he’s finished and I’m finally free,
he pulls me into his arms and I drift, exhausted.

I open my eyes and there's light on the room , I

look at the clock it's just after midnight , I am
curled beside him and he’s gazing at me.

Me : Ndlovu , what are you thinking about ?

Manardo : nothing that I cant handle .

Me : about what I said , me not knowing the

father of the baby ?

He doesn’t respond .

Me : I slept with three of you hence …

Manardo : don’t explain yourself to me .

He perks my lips.

Manardo : I understand your reason .

He perks my lips again …

Manardo : I just never want to let you go.

He wraps his arms around me.

Me : I never want to go. Never let me go .

I say , sleepily, my eyelids refusing to open.

Manardo : I need you.

he whispers, but his voice is a distant, ethereal

part of my dreams. He needs me … needs me …
and as I finally slip into the darkness, my last
thoughts are of a small child looking like him
with small eyes but not his craziness and dirty,
messy, copper-curled hair smiling shyly at me.



Me : how are you doing that side ?

Ria : im doing good this side ma , just missing

you . How is little Almeria ?

Me : Growing up I can say .

Ria : im glad , look ma , I gotta go I have class

soon .

Me : before you go , will you be present to your

father's trial ?

Ria : I want to come …

Me : don’t come , there are going to be journos

there and I don’t want your faces on the paper ,
this case could ruin your reputation and I don’t
want you guys to struggle in Future because of
the title " children of the drug distributor "

Ria : oh I get that .

Me : please , do try to make Cane to understand

too .

Ria : I will ma .

Me : ok baby , have a nice day and Mommy

loves you .

Ria : you both over there , I love you both …

I giggle and hung up . I added some ice cream

on my bowl , I am always craving for it , I don’t
know how many months im pregnant , im not
counting , and I could give birth any time soon
but I aint worried about hat because I have
people always checking up on me , that was
arranged by the Ndlovu brothers of course for
my own safety , I don’t know which safety . In a
few days hours time it's Lorenzo's trial . They
will either find him guilty or not guilty , with how
things are I don’t see him making it because
these people managed to get proof that he is
Venom and he also killed a guy named Dave ,
it's just too much , this is just fucked up all in all
. We only hoping for a miracle to happen , I cant
leave the house without being monitored , my
location is always monitored by Knox and
Manardo, my mother comes over at weekend to
see how im doing , she spends the night here
then leaves Sunday , it's nice but most of the
time I want to be alone but I cant seem to be
having that . Cane and Almeria moved to res
after opening at the varsity , Cane is doing
medicine god knows what then Ria is doing
Computer science and also acting . They
normally come every weekend if they not held
up , I have loving and caring kids . Th monitor
goes off. I try to identify the lady but I cant
seem to know her …

Me : check if she is armed .

They search her and they shake their heads as

they find her clean .

Me ; send her up .

I say and after a few minutes she walks in , it's a

young lady between her 20s and I guess .
Her : Good day .

Me : hi . Who are you and what are you doing in

my house ?

Her : right , im Candra , im here by regarding

Cane .

Me ; what about Cane are you her lecture from

varsity ?

Candra : no .

Me : then he dumped you , im sorry I don’t

dictate his life when it comes to matters like
that .
Candra : no it's not like that . Actually …i…I'm
pregnant .

I chuckle and look at her .

Me : and ?

Candra : it's Cane's .

Me : oh … did you tell him ?

Candra : I have been trying to call him but his

phone takes me directly to voicemail , I texted
him and he hasn’t replied .

Me : so you thought coming here and telling his

mother would maybe get you a marriage
proposal ?

Candra : no …it…it's not like that … I thought

maybe .

Me : no you thought wrong . Cane is not here , I

don’t see how you being pregnant is my
business . Cane stays in res…

Candra : I know , we got to the same varsity .

Me : then you will go to his res …

Candra : I went there and he is not there .

Me : im out of options cause I don’t know what

you want me to do cause you are carrying
Cane's child not mine , I never got you pregnant .

She didn’t say anything .

Me : how old are you ?

Candra : 20 years .

Me : you are basically older than Cane , what

were you thinking opening your legs for a
teenager . Are you okay up there ?

She still didn’t say anything …

Me ; you two dating ?

She shook her head no …

Me: then you are engaged …

She still shook her head no …

Candra ; fuck buddies .

Me : fool … how far are you ?

Candra : three months .

Me : heh… so you are sexual active and not on


Candra : we used a condom , He never told me

that the condom busted . I always took the pill if
that occurred .

Me : no need to tell me your details , look baby

you are pregnant with Cane's baby not mine ,
that child aint my blood but Ndlovu's blood run
in the veins so I don’t know man , if you are
looking for Cane to marry you , you should just
get your elders to come, if you have a father you
bring your father and Cane will bring his father ,
I don’t know how they going to negotiate this
cause He is in jail as we speak , I don’t know
shame . I pity you right now .

She sighed …

Me : honestly speaking , even if I were to talk to

you the fact will remain that I wont take care of
that baby , Cane will take care of that baby , im
not going to use my money on a baby that's not
mine . Cane is my child ,not the other way
around , so baby talk to Cane and see a way
forward . Cause Cane is unemployed , he aint
working , and by just looking at you, you look
like a " mommy im hungry , mommy I want to
pee "

She didn’t say anything , she just looked down .

Me ; anything else you want to say ?

Candra : no …nothing . Uhm I will take me leave .

She stood up and walked out.


My phone beeped as soon as I switched it on …

it was a message form Candra . It read

" since you took too long to think , I told your

mother " what the fuck , I dialed her cellphone
numbers and I called her , it sent me straight to
voice mail . I looked at Steve .

Steve : what ?Uncle Manardo is kicking us from

here ?

Me ;no …it's worse than that .

Steve : what's worse than that ?

Me : SO I fucked some pussy and it busted .

Steve : the glove ?

Me : yeah. Now the bitch is pregnant and she

told Diana .

Steve : holy Shit !

Me : yeah it's shit …

Steve : whoa , who is he bitch ?

Me : Candra …
Steve : whaaaatttt? The fuck bro ! I thought you
said you stopped fucking the bitch as soon as
you moved in here.

Me : I did but pussy so good bro …

Steve : pussy ? Right ? Do you imagine what you

have gotten us into? The bitch is Canon's and
he is with the RST's , motherfuckers are crazy ,
you know that right ? They be keeping moves
on you and I since we got here , since Canon
told them that you and I were the one behind
him spending the night at the hospital !

Me : fuck !

Steve : yeah fuck …sometimes you think with

your dick instead of the pussy.
Me : but your brother is involved with the RST's .

Steve : so what ? He should risk his life to save

you ? Come on! Use your medulla sometimes .

Me : im fucked …

Steve : go to Diana , explain things to her but

what I know is you will come bruised not with
her attitude nowadays.

He took some cash and walked out of the

apartment . I called Candra once again she still
didn’t answer , I sent her a text asking to see
her , im on my way that side . I took my car keys
and walked out…


I walked inside the D.E.A office .

Nick : nice seeing you again Pax.

Me : likewise .

Nick : after you dumped us for you drug lord

boyfriend .

I didn’t say anything …

Nick : tell me something , what do you think you
are doing ?

Me ; im working just like you .

Nick : no … not that , you defending Lorenzo .

Me : yeah , he is just a client .

Nick : what are you trying to achieve by all this

Paxton ?

Me : nothing . Just defending a client , is that a

crime ?

Nick : you now you are not up against that

Paxton , this is beyond you , Lorenzo is going to
jail whether you like it or not , he is going o jail ,
you don’t want to do this trust me . We are
talking about a criminal here .

Me : what happened to Innocent until proven

guilty Mr. Criminal ?

Nick : he has already being judged . We both

know that .

Me : we aint sure , I can bring the Paxton out of

me Nick , I can beat you at this one .

Nick : we will see about that one .

Me : we not enemies , it's work and please don’t

tell Volk about this .
Nick : im done being your fool ,… and oh please
tomorrow wear something nice, these big
dresses don’t suit you .

He walked out , I sighed , it's not like I have a

choice or something . I have to wear these
dresses , like it or not . I took my coat and
walked to his cell . I requested to see him and
he came . He hugged …

Lorenzo : how are you ?

Me : im doing good .

Lorenzo : you gaining weight .

Me : yeah … im pregnant .

His eyes widened .

Me : yeah but im not hear for that .

Lorenzo : you said you were on contraceptives

Me :I know , I lied , I was but I missed one day

when we were at Kenya … I didnt plan it , you
made me miss it .

He smiled and held my hands …

Me : im here regarding your case … it's not

looking good Lo . You are facing a lot of
charges .

Lorenzo : I know .

Me : I want you to be honest with me … Did you

kill Dave ?

He didn’t say anything …

Me : lorenzo … you need to trust me so that I

can help you .

He shook his head no …

Me : oh you cant tell me . And you wont tell me ,

I guess im not Diana right , you cant risk leaving
her hence you don’t want to sign the damn
papers right ?

Lorenzo : Paxton …

I stood up …

Paxton : I will see you at your trial Lorenzo .

I walked out …


I saw Cane's car drive in , when he moved to res

he was given a car to help transport him and Ria
to campus and from campus . He walked in the

Cane : Ma …

I chuckled …

Me: honestly Cane im still young to be a

grandmother honestly . Im still fresh at that
point and still can move my waist to be a
Grandmother .

Cane : I can explain ma …

Me : Explain what ? !

I snapped .
Me : explain what Cane ! Explain how it
happened ? Huh ? Cause that's the only thing
you gotta explain to me … A baby Cane ? If you
cant pull out and one glove aint enough why
don’t you wear two or three or don’t do it all
cause clearly you are failing to pull out! You are
fuckIN eighteen now Cane , what do you know
about raising a baby, whose child have you ever
raised ?

I chuckled …

Me : it's pointless raising my voice at you cause

you are hard headed , you know what , you
gonna be the one to tell your father about this ,
and I will tell you this , im not going to take care
of the baby that's not mine , you ate going to
raise that child . As for me and your father we
aint getting involved , not in this one . You
always knew the rules and you never played by
them , any child of mine that brings a baby is no
longer my responsibility . You thought I was
joking when I said that right ? Well no . The one
that encouraged you about sex will be the one
to be responsible for you .

I took my bag and car keys then walked out …



I was with Knox…

Me : where is Manardo ?
Knox : he has some business to take care off
.you called me regarding ?

Me : yeah well the police know about Dave I

think , Paxton said im facing a lot of charges
and by her statement I might be found guilty .

Knox : what did she say again ?

Me ; she asked me if I killed Dave … I didn’t tell

her thought it would help me .

Knox : what were you going to tell her ? That

Knox is the one that killed Dave ?

Me : no …..i wouldn’t do that to you , that would

be bringing us down all of us. So far the only
business that is operating it's the diamonds
business only , we have no one who is into that
one . we cant risk that advantage .

Knox ; yeah . You right .

Me ; any word on Nairobi ?

Knox : ever since Manardo managed to keep

her on her lane , I have heard from her .

Me : be alert , she is well connected than all of


Knox I know …

Me ; paxton is Pregnant ….before you judge , I

found out today .

Knox : yeah right .

Me : how is Diana ?

Knox : she is Diana with Mood swings but she is

fine .


I looked at the room number , it was the correct

one , I knocked and it took some time for her to
open, when she opened she was surprised to
see me .
Her : uh…

Me : can I come in ?

She nodded and let me in …

Me : Paxton right ?

She nodded . She was with some lady …

Paxton : my cousin Lisa …

Me ; I never asked you and I don’t care . Since

you fucking my husband I want to know what's
the go ahead with this case .
She looked at her sister ..

Me : she can stay , I mean im sure you tell her

everything . So ?

Paxton ; Lorenzo is facing first charges so

things are a chaotic not little bit . I can defend
him but it wont be enough .

Me : I know it wont be enough, even if we were

to get a professional lawyer he would lose the
case , I don’t see the need for all this .

Paxton : what ?

Me ; you love him right ?

She nodded .

Me ; then you will get him out of jail , even if that

means you stealing a docket . You will get him
out of jail because you are the one that got him
in there in the first place … by the way Nice
bump, he managed to give you a second ne ,
hoping you wont run away …

I walked out


INSERT 46 [ sex i sex ]


I had just taken a bath , I walked downstairs , I

found Cane walking out I called out to him …

Me : where do you think you are going ?

Cane : Im going out to meet with Candra .

Me : and don’t run away. Incase your father

get's released you should tell him that you
impregnated a girl older than you .

Cane : yeah .

Me : im not joking Cane .

Cane : I know ma . I don’t want you stressing
about this , I will tell dad about this .

Me : good and don’t show up in court today .

Cane : but it's dad's …

Me : im telling you that don’t show up in court

today , if I see you there trust me Cane , you
wont like what I will do to you . Are we clear .

He sulks …

Me : I didn’t catch that …

Cane : yes we are clear ma .

Me : good .

He walked out , I sighed and walked to the

kitchen , I made myself something to eat , some
yoghurt with peanuts will do me good for the
day . I eat a lot and im trying by all means to not
eat junk food , the last thing I want is to be fat
after giving birth . I was considering maybe
going to the gym but with the Ndlovu's they
wont allow me . When im done eating I rinse my
dish and grab my staff then walk out of the
house . I look at the guards , I drive myself
sometimes and they always drive behind me .
Something that I hate .

He was brought inside the courtroom , he
looked kinda good with those overalls , he was
brought to the stand , next to me was sitting
Nairobi ,Knox and Manardo along with Nairobi .

Nairobi : if I want I could end his life right now ,

right here .

Manardo : No drama please .

When we all found out that Nairobi was the one

that wanted Lorenzo to be dead we all couldn’t
believe it , she had reasons to kill him , she
wanted to end him because he cheated on Me ,
crazy right ? That’s Nairobi for you Crazy and all
, I tried talking some sense to her but still , I
don’t know what Manardo did , with the hope
that he didn’t fuck her cause when it comes to
Manardo Sex fixes everything . I don’t know
wher she disappeared to but today I was just
surprised to see her here . Paxton is seated
next to Lorenzo , my heart sank seeing her belly ,
she is a few months older than me .

Manardo : Hau gejile u Paxton .

He smirked , sometimes he finds things not

funny and it annoys me . Yes Paxton is
pregnant so what . Nairobi holds my hand, it's
like she had a feeling that I might cry anytime
soon , being hormones .

The judge walked in and we all stood up then

sat down .
Judge : It's Lorenzo Mvelo Ndlovu Versus The
State . Represented by Ms Paxton Dlomo .
Prosecutor Paxton , you had filed a complaint , I
hope this is good .

She stands up

Paxton : yes your honor , my client here would

like would like the court to suppress the
government's identification of my client as the
local Drug distributor for the allerged drug
network and any related testimony or evidence ,
we would like to file that the evidence that was
gotten here that gave up Venom was under an
unauthorized arrest .

Judge : what are we looking into about

unauthorised arrest .
Paxton : we believe that the DEA made an arrest
to a lady closer to Venom with intentions of
getting who Venom is .

Judge : it is you say that the DEA arrested

someone on different basis to get Venom ?

Paxton : exactly hence that it was never

recorded on the docket I may say .

Nick : we never included it on the docket

because we thought maybe it was just a coracle
error .

Paxton ; excuse my tone your honor but that

would be a pretty convenient coracle error .
Judge : I agree , the government's inclusion of
the unauthorized arrest led to the arrest of Mr
Ndlovu being a suspect , it's hard to ignore , and
that's a serious charge .

Nick : your Honor … we still have …

Paxton : it doesn’t change anything , your honor

if the lead to the arrest is dirty then that means
that everything , every evidence found on Mr
Ndlovu is dirty .

Nick : it doesn’t change the fact that …

Judge : I w0uld like to see the docket myself .

They looked at detective and he excused
himself for a few minutes , he walked to Nick
and whispered something to him .

Detective : The docket is missing .

I smiled .

Judge : I hereby exclude the government's

identification of Lorenzo Ndlovu , with the
coracle error the government dismisses the
case , as to finding Lorenzo Ndlovu not guilty.

Paxton : we would like a press release

statement your honor .

Judge : we edge the DEA office to make a press

statement as to clearing the defendant's name .
Court dismissed .

The judge stood up and walked away , Lorenzo

got uncuffed and hugged, kissed Paxton . That
hurts . He looked at me and smiled .

Me : Nairobi get me out of here .

I said and she took my hand and we walked out

, we walked to the cars , I got inside the car .
After a few minutes I saw them walk out
holding hands . I rolled the window up and
drove past them .

Nairobi: so much of being a husband . That

deserves to be filmed .
I didn’t say anything .

Nairobi : to the bar ?

Me : im pregnant Nairobi … just take me to my

house .

Nairobi : ok . I wonder what happened to the

docket .

Me : was stolen .

Nairobi : how do you know ?

Me : I got paxton to do it , trying to see if she

loves Lorenzo , that girl loves Lorenzo and he
loves her back too . She risked her job for
Lorenzo .

Nairobi : im sorry Dee .

Me : I thought she wouldn’t pull this off , the

way she defended him at court , the way she
called him her client , the baby bump on her
looking good with that black robe . Lorenzo
didn’t even bother to come a hug me or perk my
lips instead he hugged her first . He even kissed
her infront of the Journos .

Nairobi : im sorry .

I wiped my tears and looked outside the

window .
Nairobi : who do you want me to kill first ?

I chuckled …

Me : no one , don’t kill anyone , I don’t want

blood on my hands . But you can do something
for me .

Nairobi : what ?

Me : dance for me when we get home

Nairobi : im not doing that !

I sighed …
Airobi : why aint you leaving him ?

Me ; he doesn’t want to sign the papers . And im

going to walk away with nothing , I have two
kids the other one is on the way and he has Two
kids with paxton .

Nairobi : get the elders .

Me : those colored people will side with their

son , besides , how the hell am I to contact
them , they leaving their life in Australia , I don’t
want to bother them with my troubles , besides
Lorenzo's mom has always been fond of
Paxton .

Nairobi : she told you that ?

Me : no but when she said please don’t leave
my son like Nontombi did .

Nairobi : yeah Nontombi right ?

Me : you also don’t like her why ?

Nairobi : we have history .

I nodded . She drove inside the yard and parked

the car . I got out and she also did .

Me : call me when you need anything .

I nodded and she hugged me and kissed my

cheek then got inside the car and drove out of
the yard .


Candra walked inside the restaurant , I waved

my hand so she could see me …

Me : thanks for coming . I don’t want to do this


Candra : I also don’t want to do this in your

apartment , I don’t want to have you kill me .

Me : I aint capable of that .

Candra : you almost stabbed Canon .

I didn’t say anything

Me : how did you know my address.

Candra : we fucked at your house too

remember ?

Me : so you decided to tell my mother …

Candra : you left me with no choice , you went

AWOL on me , what was I supposed to do ?

Me : I would have gotten back to you .

Candra : it's already done , there's no going back
anymore , im pregnant . Either way they were
all going to find out that im pregnant . Whether
you like it or not , My father will kill me .

Me : no he wont , which father would kill their

daughter ?

Candra : you don’t know him do you ? He might

not kill me , I don’t know about you .

I chuckled …

Me l imagine your father killing me . He will

have to get through Lorenzo before killing me .

Candra :you are relaxed by all this .

Me : because im not the one that is pregnant
but you .

Candra : but oi didn’t get myself pregnant .

Me : I know hence I shouldn’t be scared , it's not

like I will undergo labor pains .

Candra : wow Cane !

I sipped my drink .

Me : look I will provide for the baby , but I don’t

need you stressing me out .
Candra : fuck you cane !

Me : you only suck me and I fuck you !

She took her bag and got up and walked away .

I followed behind her , as I called out to her
someone familiar stood there . It was Canon . I
cursed . He just looked at me whist hugging
Candra . He showed me a sign that he will slit
my throat .


The monitor went on , it was Ndoni , I let her in .

Ndoni : Dee…

I looked at her ,I was sitting on the mat looking

at our wedding photos with Lorenzo, I asked her
to bring the bank statements, she took off her
shoes and sat next to me . I wiped my tears …

Me : did you bring them with ?

Ndoni : yes , here are they , everything you sent .

Me : thanks .

Ndoni : what's going on Dee ? I aint never seen

you like this and you are not being straight with
me . Talk to me .
Me : let's just say Lorenzo is in too deep with
Paxton .

Ndoni : oh that bitch ?

Me : yes that bitch . And I gotta protect my self

along with the kids . Lorenzo is out . He is with
Paxton as we speak , bitch is pregnant with his
child again .

She didn’t say anything ..

Me : yeah … today at court they kissed infront of

everyone , they are serious about each other
very serious . Infront of the journos .

ndoni : im sorry .
Me : and im pregnant , I think it's Manardo's …
look I might need to go away and I wont tell
anybody where im going , not even you .

Ndoni : you were hiding money from Lorenzo

and now you want to hide his kids too ? If he
finds out what you up to I don’t know what he
would do to you .

Me ; he is not gonna find out . I will be long

gone before he suspects a thing .

Ndoni : I know you are strong Dee and im not

saying this because I will miss you or anything ,
but do you have to go away and start another
life somewhere cant you find another way?
Me : I cant , if Lorenz finds out that I cheated on
him , he will kill me and the baby , the only
option is to run and never look back .

Ndoni : you are running away with his baby and

kids .

Me : the baby is not his , the doctor said it takes

time for the fallopian tubes to be active and be
fertilized and I didn’t have any sexual
intercourse with Lorenzo by then , other than
Melusi and Manardo . I have to run away Ndoni
.the passports and everything is ready for me
and the kids .

She didn’t say anything …

Me ; but first I need you to take me to

Manardo's house .

Ndoni : you still fucking with him ?

Me : I love him Ndoni . I and Manardo have a

past , I love him .

She sighed and got up then helped me up …


Me : ahh yes …

He picks me up, my hand reaches for the his

cock , i rub him and i can feel all his veins
popped out and the pre cum on the tip.. he
holds my hand and we both rub his buddy, we
rub him against his honey pot ...his kisses on
my lips are making me weak. His phone beeps
but he ignores it . His hands find their way to
my butt cheeks he massages them, his one
hand slides right under in between my butt
cheeks and starts playing with my nunu, my
mouth slightly opens distracting the kiss as I
struggle to keep up with my breathing, i don't
know whether Im breathing in or out, its out of
control as my heartbeat has lost its rythm. He
recognizes my reaction and immediately picks
me up to hug against his big bulge, he unzips
my dress at the back, then pulls it up throwing it
on the floor as we enter the bedroom, he throws
me on the bed roughly causing me to bounce, I
giggle , he removes his pants followed by his
briefs , he parts my legs open and rub his
fingers on it , he slips his index finger and start
moving slowly and increases his pace .

He stops fingering me and He gets ontop of my

naked body,he stares at my swelled hard
breasts He kisses my lips for a short while then
goes down to entertain his babies licking and
softly suckling and smooching on them. He
looks deeply into my eyes .

Lorenzo : I love you .

I smile and nod as he rubs his cock on my

coochie entrance . He slowly pushes himself
inside me I gasp and he starts moving slowly ,
moving his waist in circles , He holds my waist
and pounds me ,increasing the pace by the
second,things have gotten real wild,we no
longer ,Controlling the volume of our moans
and groans anymore, he is groaning as I moan
out loud for him , the pleasure Im feeling right
now makes me wanna cry , tears fall down my
cheeks , im almost there , he stop and moves
slowly , he increases him pace once again and
goes hard and fast . An electric wave hits us
and my toes curl , He's grabbing on my hair
tight ,As he releases. He collapses next to me
and he places his hand on my belly and brush it
up and down …


Canon : what were you doing with that boy ?

Me : nothing , we were just at the same place at

the wrong time I guess .
Canon : but he was following you .

Me : no he wasn’t , he was walking to his car , it

was parked nex to yours .

Canon : mhmm.

Me : great news , im pregnant .

Canon : oh ?

Me : yeah .

Canon ; how far ?

Me : 3 months .

Canon : congratulations .

Me : you are going to be a father .

Canon : you are going to be a mother , I hope

you are ready .

I didn’t say anything …

Canon : I mean carrying a human body inside of

you it must be heavy .

I frowned at him and didn’t say anything .



Ndoni dropped me off at the building , I took the

elevator up , I just want someone to hold me
tight . As I walked inside the house , he was no
where to be seen I looked for him in the study , I
walked upstairs to his bedroom and opened it , I
heard groans from the bathroom . I walked in
further and he was in the shower , I couldn’t see
properly , I took off my clothes and opened the
shower and walked in, he was giving himself a
hand job , unlike him . Usually he gets a bitch
and fucks it off . He turns to look at me naked , I
don’t say anything instead I go down on my
knees and put him inside my mouth and start
moving, I feel him pick up his breath , he was
close to coming , I moved faster letting him
fuck me so hard in my mouth till he comes in
my mouth , he helps me up and turn the tap off
and picks me up opening the shower , my legs
wrapped around him , he placed me on top of
the basin ….

And he reaches for me, grasping my leg above

my knee and hitching it around his waist, so
that I am standing on one leg, leaning into him. I
feel him against me, feel him hard and wanting
above the apex of my thighs as he runs his lips
down my throat. I moan and wrap my arms
around his neck.

Manardo : position ?

I arch my back in response, pressing myself

against him, eager for the friction. He groans
deep and low in the back of his throat .
Manardo : Hold tight, baby.

He holds in front of my mouth. He gazes down

at me through hooded eyes. My blood is
pounding through my veins. I am panting with
need. His words are intoxicating, all my angst
from the day forgotten. It’s just him and me,
doing what we do best. Without taking his eyes
off mine, he sinks slowly into me. My body
bows and I tilt my head back, closing my eyes,
relishing the feel of him inside me. He pulls
back and then moves into me again, so slow, so
sweet. I groan.

Manardo : you are mine Diana .

he murmurs against my throat.

Me : Yes. Yours. When will you accept that?

I pant. He groans and starts to move, really

move. And I surrender myself to his relentless
rhythm, savoring
each push and pull, his ragged breathing, his
need for me, reflecting mine. It makes me feel
powerful, strong, desired, and loved—loved by
this captivating, complicated man, whom I love
in return with all my heart. He pushes harder
and harder, his breathing ragged, losing himself
in me as I lose myself in him.

Manardo : oh baby … fuck !

he moans, his teeth grazing my jaw, and I come

hard around him. He stills, clutches me, and
follows suit, whispering my name. He holds me
upright on the basin wall, our foreheads
pressed together, and my body is like jelly, weak
but gratifyingly sated from my climax.

Manardo : hold tight .

He says and I wrap my legs around his waist

and he walks back to the shower and we rinse
ourselves , he carries me to the bathroom and
we lay on the bed naked . My legs on top of him

Me : what is going to happen now ? Now that

Lorenzo is out of jail .

Manardo : nothing .
Me : what if he finds out that we are fucking ,
aint you afraid that he might kill you ?

Manardo : im not afraid of Lorenzo , and he

wont kill me .

Me : so you taking advantage of that ?

Manardo : im not .


Me : im just afraid he might kill me …

Manardo : he wont kill you .

Me : you know how Lorenzo gets Leo …

Manardo : I know hence I say he wont kill you ,

do you want me to kill him so that you stop
stressing ?

I shook my head no .

Me : no , he is the father of my kids .

Mkanardo ;and you are the mother of his kids .

I sigh …

Manardo : rest .
Me : Cne impregnated a girl .

Manardo : I will handle Cane for now sleep .

He brushes my belly bump and drift to sleep ….




It was in the morning , last night Manardo drove

me back home . I asked him not too but we
talking about Manardo here , he never listens to
anyone , he insisted on driving me back here .
Luckily Lorenzo was not back home yet . I make
him some coffee and walk to his study , he was
busy on his laptop .

Me : here is your coffee.

Lorenzo : thanks … where did you disappear too

yesterday .

Me : I was here Nairobi drove me here , I

couldn’t stand there and witness you and
paxton exchange saliva .

Lorenzo : im sorry about that .

Me : yeah , unlike you I respect our marriage .

Lorenzo : I said im sorry nje .

I rolled my eyes .

Lorenzo : prepare dinner tonight , I want to

introduce Canon .

Me : introduce Canon ? It's too soon for all that

Lorenzo , you not even sure that this is your son

Lorenzo : what's there to be sure of Dee ? The

boy looks exactly like Cane , what's there to be
sure of ?

Me : im not ready for all this .

Lorenzo : you will never be ready for this Dee ,

it's happening tonight .
Me : The boy was stabbed by Cane Lorenzo ,
this wont end good .

Lorenzo : we are the elders we will control the

situation .

Me : I don’t think I will be able to handle all that

not in my position .

Lorenzo : you not the only one pregnant Dee,

Paxton is pregnant too but you don’t see her
behaving like a little bitch !

Me : Little bitch ? Lorenzo …

Lorenzo : what , you are disturbing me right now


I walked over to him and peeped into the laptop .

Me : you put spies inside our house !

Lorenzo : I just need to know what has been

going on in my house nothing else .

Me : by putting spies Lorenzo ?!

Lorenzo : why you being worked up ? Is there

something that I should know ?

I didn’t say anything .

Lorenzo : Prepare for the dinner Tonight , I
already called the kids over .

Me : did Cane tell you that he impregnated a

girl .

Lorenzo : yeah he did , it shows that he is

growing up . He is big boy now . His father's
footsteps .

I frowned .

Lorenzo ; any thing else you wanna say ?

I kept quiet .

Lorenzo : please excuse me .

I walked out of the study , I dialed Manardo's
number , he answered on the second ring ….

Manardo : someone missed me .

Me : if only you knew how much I wish to kill

you right now .

Manardo : what did I do now ?

Me : Lorenzo has spies in the house .

Manardo : oh .

Me : oh Manardo ? What do you mean by that ?

Manardo : he is a criminal , his house must be
under surveillance .

Me : you knew about this ?

Manardo ; yeah I did.

Me ; and you let us … Why didn’t you tell me

about all this ?

Manardo : tell you what ? You don’t know about

the Camera's in the house ?

Me : I don’t know damn it . Why didn’t you tell

me ?
Manardo : I thought you knew about this since
you are the wife , I thought he told you about
this .

I didn’t say anything .

Manardo : he didn’t tell you ?

I still kept quiet and he cursed .

Manardo : where is he ?

Me : on his laptop looking at our porn .

Manardo : ok…make him move or disrupt him

from the sight of the laptop and log in his
laptop using the password 'LaVenomTe '
Me : ok I will do so .

Manardo : call me .

I nodded and hung up , I wiped my now falling

tears , what can I do ? Sex ? No I don’t want to
have sex with him , I will puke at just seeing him
ontop of me . Think Dee … I hear footsteps and
it's Cane , I call him …

Me : Where you going ?

Cane : im meeting up with Steve ma , im not

going to impregnate another girl relax .

Me : it's not that , you gonna make it to the

Dinner ?

Cane : I had plan but it's Lorenzo we talking

about here .

Me : right , I want you to get everything of yours

ready , by that I mean your Important things
only not other than that .

Cane : where are we going ?

Me : don’t ask me question Cane , just do as I

say !

Cane : ok ..

Me : tell your sister too .

Cane : okay .

I nod and he walks away . I walk to the study

and find Lorenzo not there , I walk in further , I
type the Password that I was given by Manardo ,
I wait for it to load .



I cursed and walked out of the room . I call

Manardo …

Manardo : and ?

Me : access Denied .
Manardo : fuck he changed the Password ! I will
see what I can do.

Me : no I can't . Lorenzo is going to kill me .

Manardo ; no he wont .

Me : you seem to have forgotten who we talking

about here .

Anardo : Lorenzo wont do such . Stop panicking

okay ?

I didn’t say anything .

Anardo : Didi …

Me : yes…yes .

Manardo : I will see you later on .

He hungs up , a few minutes later Lorenzo

walks downstairs .

Me : going somewhere ?

Lorenzo : yes .

He perks my forehead ….

Lorenzo: your frequent location would be at

Leo's house .

Me :oh that would be Cane driving my Car and

sometimes I would complain to Leo about him .

He nodded and walked out …


My aunt Tasha walked inside my room .

Me : I always tell you to knock before entering .

Tasha : im not your mate , and I will knock if I

feel like doing so .

Me : what do you want Tee ?

Tasha : im here to check up on you .

Me : im fine as you can see .

Tasha : take off that gown .

Me : what ? Why ?

Tasha : because I said so .

Me : No .
Tasha : Candra … take off that gown .

Me : and I said No !

She walked up to me and pulled the gown off

me , untying it . She chuckled and smirked .

Tasha : for how long were you going to hide this

from me ?

I didn’t say anything .

Tasha :im talking to you.

I still kept quiet .

Tasha : right , you will explain this to your father

Me : No…nooo. No aunt please don’t tell dad .

Please don’t tell him .

I begged her and she looked at me .

Tasha : who is the father ?

I kept quiet ….

Tasha : right , you leaving me with no choice .

Me : No…wait , The father is Cane Ndlovu.

Tasha : how far are you ?

Me : 3 months .

Tasha : and so visible ?

I shrug my shoulders .

Tasha : who is the father of this boy ?

Me : Lorenzo Ndlovu .

Tasha : what ?

I didn’t say anything .

Tasha : ok…ok… I will be back .

Me : no…no …no aunt you not going to tell Dad

right ?

Tasha : no I wont tell dad baby . Don’t worry .

Me : but I cant stay here .

Tasha : I will talk to your dad about you moving

out .

I nod and she perks my forehead then exits the

room .


I was in my study , Tasha walked in …

Me: Tasha .

Tasha : we need to talk, drinking wont send

Lorenzo to jail and wont make you get Diana .

Me : you always want to talk , don’t you ever get

tired of talking ?

Tasha : this is serious Melusi .

Me : im listening .
Tasha : before I tell , don’t do anything silly .

Me : just talk Tasha .

Tasha : Melusi …

Me : fine , I wont .

Tasha : right , So Candra is pregnant .

Me : what ?

I got up from the chair .

Tasha : wait . Sit down .

Me : wait ? Where the hell is Candra ?

Tasha : in her room .

Me : right .

Tasha ; look Melusi , the father is Cane Ndlovu ,

Lorenzo's son .

I chuckled …

Tasha : this is the route in melusi , think about it

. We use Candra as our inside person . In that
way we get Lorenzo . Trust me this is the route .
Candra is our inside man , she reports to us but
only if you don’t shout at her .
I kept quiet thinking …

Tasha : Melusi .

Me : Fine …fine . What the plan ?

Tasha : you tell Candra that you will be by her

side , you ask to meet Lorenzo to discuss the
way forward that's all , then in that way we will
be destroying everything , no one will suspect a
thing . We get to run Lorenzo's territory .

Me : ok…ok … but he wont get away with this

one .

Tasha : then hurt him , just a little bit .

Me ; will surely do so .


I walked inside the apartment , I hugged and

kissed Paxton, I fist bumped with Canon …

Me : how are you ?

Paxton : im good just feeling fatigued .

Me : why don’t you rest ?

Paxton : no …

Me : will you be present on tonight's dinner .

Paxton : I don’t want to cause tension . The last

thing I want is to upset Diana .

Me : you wont upset her . Just be you . You not

there for her but me .

Paxton : right . I will come but if I change my

minds then don’t ask me or force me .

Me : I wont .

I kissed her …
Canon : im like 20 years old I deserve respect .

I pulled out from the kiss .

Me : you had something to tell us .

Canon : right . Not now since you exchanging

saliva .

Me : we all ears .

Canon : right , so I impregnated a girl .

Paxton : you impregnated a girl ?

Canon : yes .

She slapped him …

Me : Pax …

Paxton : what do you know about parenting

Canon ?

Me : Calm down , stress is not okay for the baby


She breathed in and out ….

Canon : I don’t know why you slapped cause
atleast she is 20 unlike you , you got pregnant
at the age of 19 , imagine .

Me : Canon watch your tone .

Canon : you don’t get to tell me that . You know

what im out of this place .

Me : Canon sit down before I blow your brains

off .

Canon : like I would care .

Me : Sit down !

I snapped and he sat down ….

Me : you going to apologise to your mother ,
now .

Canon ; for what ?

Me : im not going to repeat myself .

Canon : im sorry .

Me : right , we arent your mates , keep that in

mind .

Canon : I never said you were . Can I go now ? I

don’t need all this drama .
Me : where you going ?

Canon : hunting .

He got up and walked out…

Me : he is just being sissy don’t let him get to

you .

I nodded and I perked her lips .


I typed the last binary code and pressed the

enter button . ACCESS GRANTED , I smiled and
checked all the FOOTAGES , There were two
folders, they were both locked . I cursed and
there were for the study .

Me : Fuck you Lorenzo !

My phone rang , it was him .

Lorenzo : My man .

Me : sho .

Lorenzo : what are you busy with ?

Me : binging on some pornography .

Lorenzo : just get a bitch and fuck Leo .

Me : you know I would get one if I want to but

nah .

Lorenzo : right , you available for tonight's

dinner ?

Me : why mis it for the world ? I mean you

introducing someone right ?

Lorenzo : right … see you soon .

Me : soon it is .
Lorenzo : but do get a bitch or get a picture to
indulge with .

Me : you can Send Dee's picture if you have one .

He chuckled .

Lorenzo : you full of jokes .

Me : you of all should know I joke with the truth .

Lorenzo : see you Manardo .

I hung up and cursed .


My father walked inside my bedroom .

Dad : you have been in this room the whole day ,

which is unlike you .

Me : I just need some time alone .

He nodded .

Me : can I see Mother's photos , I have never

seen her photos .

Dad : sure let's go and look for them and it's hot
for that gown .

Me : well im feeling cold .

He smiled…dad : you know you can tell me

anything right ?

I nodded and he walked out …


I was setting the table with Ria and Cane's help ,

they did as I requested them to do , pack
everything of theirs that is important .
Cane : I don’t really understand who is so
important that needs to introduced during
dinner , dinner is time for eating , no talking .
Table manners .

Ria : yeah right , I just want to see my dad that's

why I came .

Cane : Ma you okay ?

Me : yes , im okay .

Cane : you have been on your feet all day , take

a break we will finish up here .

Me : no , I will do it with you guys .

Cane : okay , you can sit on the dining table but
please don’t work .

I smiled at him .

Me : you are sweet .

Ria ; but troublesome .

We all chuckled and the monitor went off , they

walked in . It was Lorenzo , Paxton and Canon .

Cane : what is he doing here ?

I held his hands and he looked at me as I shook

my head no . After a few minutes later Knox ,
Jane and Manardo walked in . Jane hugged me
. Paxton whispered something on Lorenzo . He
opened the chair for her and she sat down , as
for Cane and Canon they were more like baying
for each other's blood .

Ria : Dad . Welcome back .

He hugged her and perked her forehead .

Lorenzo : thank you baby … Manardo I thought

you would be late you know with what you have
been doing …

Manardo : I never miss a place where there's

fresh meat like the lady you came with .
It's confirmed Manaardo doesn’t want peace !

Lorenzo :Diana Cooked .

Manardo : I know , she is a great cook by the

way .

Cane : Dad what is this thing doing here ?

Canon : im a human being not a thing , watch

your mouth .

Cane : you in my house and I got an advantage .

Canon : I wouldn’t mind punching you in your

house , infront of you mother .
Lorenzo : enough you two !

They looked at him …

Lorenzo : Cane , Canon here is your older

brother .

Ria : what ?!

Lorenzo : yeah , here is Canon's mom .

Manardo : there goes the fairy tale .

Cane : you mean the bitch you have been

cheating on ma with ?
Canon : call my mother a bitch one more time
and you will live to kiss my ass .

Cane : she is a bitch .

Lorenzo : Cane !

Ria : whoa Dad ,what do you mean Cane is our

older brother ? You telling me that she is your
first child >

Lorenzo : yes Ria .

Ria : wow ! And you have the nerve to bring your

bitch along .
Lorenzo : Ria watch your tongue .

Ria : You are the last person to tell me that Dad .

Cane :it was 17 years of nothing . She is

carrying your child ? And you bring her with her
son ? Your bitch ?

Canon : I warned you about calling my mother a

bitch .

Cane : I already did you aint gonna do shit to me

, I already sent you to the hospital once, this
time I will send you underground ! Slowly with a
heartattack , after telling you that I impregnated
your girlfriend !

Cane : Now warm me again ! And you Dad so

much of being a father , you claim to be the
father and be a man but look what you doing ,
hurting a woman's feelings just like that ! So I
guess she is the one you have been spending
time with . You are a son of a b****

Ria : Cane …. It's off no use .

Cane : I hate you dad , I hope you stay happy

with your new woman and family , and wena
eyam nawe ayika pheli .

Manardo : mele nikhiphna inkani once and for

all .
Cane took my hand and helped me up we
walked away with Ria behind us . All I could do
was to blink my tears away .



I woke up in the morning and took a shower ,

when I was done doing my hygiene process I
walked downstairs , I found Paxton clearing up
the Table .

Me : where is Canon ?

Paxton : he hasn’t returned . I tried calling him

and there was no answer or anything .

Me : he is a big man , he will call you back .

Paxton : I hope so .

Me : come here .

She placed the dish cloth on the table and

walked to me .

Me : please don’t stress yourself , if Canon

cares about his mother he will come back to
you .

Paxton : what about Diana and your kids ?

Me : Diana is just being Diana , she just wants
me to run after her and the kids will be fine .

Paxton : I guess the dinner was …

Me ; what happened last night was going to

happen , sooner or later . It happened , we were
all expecting that .

Paxton : does Diana leaving mean that you are

willing to give her a divorce ?

I didn’t say anything .

Paxton : I should go and freshen up so that you

take me back to my apartment .
I perked her lips and she walked away . I took
out my phone and called Dee, her phone sent
me to voice mail . I tried again and the white
lady said " the number you trying to call doesn’t
exist " I cursed . I dialed Cane's number and it
rang unanswered , he is ignoring my calls . I
then dialed Ria's number and it rang
unanswered too .

Me : wow Diana .

I dialed Nairobi's and she answered …

Nairobi : we aint friends so what do you want ?

Me : right , have you seen Diana ?

Nairobi : since you are her husband , you should
know . I mean she wakes up next to you
everyday …oh no let me rephrase that she used
to wake up next to you after you got back with
that bitch Paxton .

Me : Thanks for …

Nairobi : how can you do this Lorenzo ? How

can you ? Diana has been with you through
thick and thin and now you do her this ? With a
bitch from high school .

Me : before you get too much , im not treating

Diana bad , she is the one making the situation
bad , it's not like im violencing her or anything .
Nairobi : so you say ? You not treating her ….

Me : good bye Nairobi .

I hung up…


My cellphone rang , the screen flashed and

Canon's name came through . I bite my lower lip
and answer the call .

Me : hey .
Canon : hi , where you asleep ?

Me : not really , I just woke up .

Canon : it almost noon .

Me : I know , I guess I over slept , I mean im

carrying a human inside me .

Canon : yeah , I tend to forget .

Me : yeah what were you saying ?

Canon : I would love to see you today . If you

aint gonna be busy .
Me ; well …uhm …

Canon : please , I just miss you .

Me : ok fine , where ? Your place?

Canon : No , at the park . I want to hold you and

feel the breeze with you both .

Me ; it's been long since we did that , so why not


Canon : ok , I will see you later , usual time .

Me : ok ba be .
Canon : I love you , take care .

Me : I love you too .

He hung up after a moment of silence . I wore

my sleepers and walked out of my room . I
bumped into my Dad . He looked at my
stomach .

Me : morning Dad .

Dad : it's noon Candra .

Me : noon dad .

He chuckled and I bite my lower lip , I usually do

this when im in trouble of some sort or about to
lie .

Dad : who is the father of this boy ?

Me : what boy ?

Dad : the boy who impregnated you , im no fool

Candra .

Me : I aint pregnant .

Dad : I will smack you for lying to me .

Me : im not pregnant dad .

Dad : Candra , stop lying to me and tell me

where the hell this boy stays at .

Me : yoh , Baba , I don’t know what you talking

about , I don’t know which boy . Can I go have
something to eat now ?

Dad : Candra…

Me : yoh , hai .

I walked away from him calling out to me ,

Tasha is too forward , she promised not to tell
Melusi about this whole thing , tsk , hypocrite !

I drove Paxton to her apartment then drove to
Ria's school , I can stomach anyone being angry
but not my beloved daughter not when she has
some sort of chronic disease . She was walking
out of class with a boy I don’t know off . I
hooted on her and she ignored me , I drove to
her and parked the car next to the boy .

Ria : let's go Zeus .

I showed my pistol to the boy and he chuckled

then kissed her forehead then walked away .

Me : get in .

She got inside the car

Ria : so you going to show everyone im close to
that you are a gangster in a suit with piercings
and tats ?

I didn’t say anything .

Me : how are you ?

Ria : I will be fine if you were to stop calling me .

Me : I care about you .

She scoffed and rolled her eyes .

Me ; how was your day ?

Ria : what do you want Lorenzo ?

I looked at her and she was damn serious .

Me : where is your mother ?

Ria : I don’t know , im not her guard , remember

you hired guards to follow her , ask them not
me .

Me : I know you aint her guard , im asking

because I last saw her with you last night .

Ria ; so much that you remember about last

night , how you embarrassed her .
Me : I care about you Ria ,.

Ria : you care about me ? Mom and Cane ?no

you don’t .

Me : I do .

Ria : then leave paxton .

Me : I cant do that .

Ria : would be surprised if you actually did that

for me . You have always been absent in our
lives as a father . Want to say something ?

Me : I bought you goodies .

She took the plastic of food .

Ria : thanks .

Me : come on BG , have some mercy on me .

Ria : did you have some mercy when you were

busy cheating on ma with a woman that left you
years back ? No , so please , ngang'dini .

Me : I don’t want you sad , so I wont . Have

some chocolate atleast .

She didn’t say anything .

Me ; please .

She took out a chocolate and broke it and

placed it in her mouth .

Me : thanks .

She rolled her eyes and got out of the car and
walked away , I called out to her and she
looked at me .

Me : I love you .

She didn’t say anything instead she walked

away . I drove to Diana's mother's place . I
knocked and she opened the door and let me in .
Ma : Lorenzo , you hardly pay me a visit .

Me : that's bad for , but im here for Your young

daughter Diana .

Ma ; what about her ?

Me : im looking for her , I have hoped to find her

here maybe .

Ma : here ? No she is not here . Aint she

supposed to be at her house ?

Me : yeah , that's the problem things aint good

between us and she left last night .

She stood up .
Ma : What did you do to my daughter Lorenzo ?

Me : I didn’t do anything to her man .

Ma : My daughter wouldn’t just up and leave like

that man , where the hell is she ?what did you
and that new girlfriend of yours do to her ?
What did you do to my daughter ?

Me : ma …calm down before your high…

Ma : don’t tell me about high high wena man ,

uphi umtwanam ? Uphi ? Umenze Ntoni heh ?

Me : I …
Na : go and find my daughter ngoku and If
khona nto eyenzeka kuye , you will have to deal
with me , trust me wena . I will show you ukuthi
ngubani uMabhengu wena , ndawu cala undiza
ngenxa yakho !
[who is Mrs Bhengu , I will start practicing
witchcraft on you ]

I nodded and walked out …


After Lorenzo walked out , I walked to the dining

room . I made a high five with my mother .
Me : danki wena Mabhengu Sophy , you still got
the skills mos .

Ma : whoa wena , get me some water , do you

know how much effort I had to put in order to
save your life ? Do you know the effects of
practicing witchcraft on someone ?

I got her a glass of water and she drank .

Ma : kodwa I can still do the things neh ?

Me : yes you can , but nawe you were too hard

on him .

Ma : I must be too hard on him , he is lucky that

was acting , imagine nje what im going to do to
him if he doesn’t find you .

Me : what will you do ? Practice witchcraft ?

Ma : no man , I was just saying that out of anger

man .

I smiled at her .

Me : thanks for doing that .

Ma : you are my daughter .

My phone beeped . I checked at it , it was a

message from the bank , I had to deactivate my
sim card .
Me : the money has been cashed .

Ma : are you really serious about this nana ?

Me : yes ma , I need to run away for my life

unless if you want to bury me .

Ma : burry you ? Lorenzo would never kill you for

running away because he cheated on you and
you ran away , no that's bullshit .

Me : it's more than that ma .

Ma : what do you mean by that ?

Me ; im pregnant .

Ma : and you planning to run away with his baby


Me : it's not his ma …

Ma : what do you mean it's not his .

Me : I slept with another man, not just one but

two of them and not once but countless times
so im not sure whose baby im carrying but it's
not Lorenzo's .

She gasped and covered her mouth with her

palm .
Me : hence I need to leave ma , or else He will
kill me here and have you bury me .

I wiped my tears and she stood up and walked

to me then hugged me .

Ma : oh , my poor baby . I understand , I under

stand . Where are you going ?

Me ; I cant tell you , no one knows about where

im going , only I .

Ma : but how ….

me : I will keep in contact .

She nodded and hugged me one more time . Ria

and Cane walked in .

Ria : Dad gave me this .

Me : he came to you ?

Ria : yes he came to my school , wanted to talk ,

he seemed remorseful .

I chuckled .

Me : those are his ways trust me . You guys

ready ?

Cane : im not coming with .

Me : what ? What do you mean Cane ? Lorenzo
will kill you .

Cane : he wont kill his son mom , relax , I know

my dad .

Me : Cane ! Think about this .

Cane : I have already thought about this , im not

coming with you ma , my life is here , I cant just
up and leave , I have a child on the way
remember ?

Me : Cane …

Cane : no ma , you and I will keep in contact , I

love you but I cant come with you . Good luck
on your trip ! Be safe .

He hugged me and let go …

Me : Cane im still talking to you !…

Cane : No , im not coming with you , my life is

here so please .

He walked out of the house . I looked at Ria and

she shook her head no .

Ria :im sorry but if my brother stays im also

coming ma . Understand where we coming
from .

I nodded and my mother pulled me to sit down .



I drove to Manardo's house , he was setting

some diamonds . I pointed my gun at him .

Manardo ; whoa …and then ?

Me : where is my wife ?

Manardo ; you should know that she is your

wife after all .

Me ; yet you fucking her !

He didn’t say anything .

Me : where is my wife Manardo ? Where the hell

did you hide her ?!

Manardo : Manje ubangelani umsindo ?

honestly speaking I don’t have time for this shit ,
first you budge inside my house and point a gun
at me and raise your voice at me .

He stood up from the chair he was sitting .

Me : what will you do ? I know you have been

fucking my wife Manardo , so much of being a
brother for all these years ! Waste of years !
Manardo : im warning you , if you don’t stop
raising your voice at me I swear you wont have
that larynx[voice box] . And yes I have been
making love to you wife , fuck of hard or rough
same hit to me . So what you gonna do ? Kill me
? If I were you I would pull the trigger whilst I
still got the time cause if I get a chance to hold
that gun I swear I wont hesitate to pull the
trigger because one has to go

Me : watch this !

I shot him and he groaned in pain .

Manardo : fuck !

Me : see you .
I walked out leaving him to bleed .


I was patiently waiting for Candra , I felt

someone touch me on my shoulders , in turned
to look at who it was and it was her . I stood up
and hugged her .

Candra : sorry for keeping you waiting .

Me : it's what you girls usually do .

She smiled and I perked her lips .

Me : how is the baby ?

Candra : growing I guess .

Me : mhmm, nice isnt it ?

She nodded .

Candra : have you been drinking ?

Me : well yeah , how does that sound ?

Candra : you drink when there's something

bothering you and you only come here when
you need time to yourself only, what's wrong ?
Talk to me .

Me : when there's something bothering me ?

Candra : yes or pissed you off .

Me : right . There's something that pissed me

off and still pissed me off .

Candra : then talk to me .

Me ; you piss me off!

Candra : me ?

Me : you thought I wouldn’t know that you are

not carrying my child ? Huh ?

Candra: I don’t know what you talking about ?

Me : you don’t know what im talking about ?

Cane ?

I took my knife from the back of my waist .

Me ; Cane remember him ?

She didn’t say anything instead I tugged the

knife on her stomach ? And pulled it out , she
gasped in shock and looked at me .

Me : still don’t know about him ?

Tears fell from her eyes and I stabbed her again
on the stomach and pulled out .

Me : im talking to you !

I stabbed her again and again again and again

again and again again and again again and
again . I then pulled out the knife , she fell and I
took out my gun and shot upwards .

Me : For The baby you were carrying …

I sat there and saw some light coming my way, I

didn’t move . They walked towards me , they
spotted the body and cursed .
Voice : Candra …

I looked at who it was, it was Cane .

Cane ; what did you do to her ?

I didn’t say anything .

Cane : you heartless son of a bitch . He tried to

punch me but then I held his hand .

Me : you going to help me or what ?

He didn’t say anything , he looked at the body

then me .
Me : one had to go !




We were in my apartment , I was throwing up ,

after doing my business I walked back to the
lounge. We had just returned from disposing
the body , we disposed it in some disclosed
location that Canon knew . He was typing
something on his phone . He put it away and
looked at me .
Canon : you haven't done shit like that before ?

I nodded .

Canon : but you do illegal things , walk around

with a gonnee [Knife]

Me : it doesn’t mean I kill people . And yes I do

sell drugs but still doesn’t mean shit .

Canon : you right , but it takes guts to run the

shit you running .

I didn’t say anything .

Canon : try not to think about it .

I looked at him .

Me : try not to think about it ? We killed …no

infact you killed a person and we disposed the
body . What the hell do you mean " not to think
about it ?"

Canon : what comes into your mind by that

phrase .

Me : I killed the mother of my baby … she was

carrying my baby !

Canon : it's not like you loved her or anything .

You were never gonna marry the bitch .
Me : you didn’t know about that !

Canon : trust me I do, you are more than a fuck

boy .

Me : you aint moved about this . This aint your

first time right ?

Canon : we head for disaster but live for the

danger .

I looked down and hit my knuckles …

Canon : this is easy . You don’t say anything and

we are safe . Because I know I wont say
anything on my side.
Me : that's if this doesn’t come back to you .

Canon : you are also an accomplice . We go

down together . All we need to do is stay shut .
Can you do that ?

I looked at him and nodded .

Canon : good . I will need some clothes to

change . If you don’t mind .

Me : we aint friends so I cant borrow you my

clothes .

Canon : I know we aint friends and we will never

be friends but we are brothers .
Me : you are your own brother .

He smirked . Lorenzo kind I see . Stubborn

Me : follow me .

We walked to the bedroom and I took out some

clean clothes for him . He changed and put the
dirty ones in the refuse bag .

Canon : thanks .

Me : you leaving now ? Cause I really need

some time alone .

Canon : what is you’re A-game on PS?

Me : excellent . Why ask ?

Canon : let's play .

Me : haibo . We aint friends so …

Canon : cut the bullshit Cane . You and I both

know you wont sleep so let's play to ease your
mind off this .

I looked at him as he had 200 notes on his hand


Me : let's see what you can do .

We walked back to the lounge .


Lorenzo walked inside my apartment.

Me : I have been trying to get ahold of you but

no sign of you .

Lorenzo : yeah , im sorry , I have been busy the

whole day .

Me : with what ?
He didn’t say anything .

Me : Diana right ?

He still didn’t say anything .

Me : ok I understand that she is the mother of

you kids but why still want to keep her , why
don’t you let her be free , divorce her , cause she
knows about us and we doing no wrong .

Lorenzo : it's not…

Me : doesn’t matter . Have another ?

Lorenzo : do you really think so ?

Me : what do you want me say or think ?

He just looked at me and didn’t say anything .

Lorenzo : will you marry me ?

Me : what ?

Lorenzo : will you marry me .

Me : Lorenzo that's no way of proposing , you

and I both know that.

Lorenzo : right . Then im serious about you . I

don’t have another in my life besides you and
Diana , I will sign the papers and set her free .

Me : you would do that ?

Lorenzo : yes . I would .

He perked my lips and hugged me .


I heard a knock on the door , I opened my eyes

and looked at Cane who had passed out . I had
a mother of hang overs and headache . The
knocking continued and Cane still didn’t wake
up . I walked to get the door , I barely opened
my eyes , it was Ria , I think that's her name .

Me : hi.

Ria : what are you doing here ? And where the

hell is Cane ?

She walked inside pushing me aside . She

looked mad .

Ria : Cane !!!

I closed the door and followed her , she was

yelling 'CANE' . Cane opened his eyes but not
fully .

Cane : whoa… what's the matter ?

Ria : Cane .

He was still asleep . Ria took off her earing and

injected it on his d*** and he woke up … I held
my laughter .

Cane : gosh Ria ! How many times must I tell

you to stop doing that .

Ria ; oh please don’t start !

Cane ; what's the matter ?

She looked at the spirit bottles .

Ria : Drinking on a Thursday ?

Cane : it's Friday so what ? A boy deserved to

have a few shots !

Ria : well thanks to your new shots I got late in

class today and you know where the sad part is ?
I was writing Cane , I got there late because
you didn’t come to pick me up . Do you know
how embarrassing it was to call Zeus on the
last minutes to come take me to school ,
disturbing his peace . Thanks to you I didn’t
finish writing the damn paper ! You were
supposed to fetch me Cane , I texted you last
night and what time is it now ? 11 hundred
hours !

Cane : Oh shit … im sorry , I overslept !

Ria : I can see that ! Drinking right ?

Cane : im truly sorry Ria , im sorry little sister .

Please don’t get angry at me . Please don’t .
And the exam…

Ria : what will you do Cane ? It's already done,

you apologizing wont make me pass .

cane : I know but please don’t get angry at me .

I have chocolate inside the refrigerator ,
goodies , I have them .

She rolled her eyes .

Ria : thanks but no thanks . And what is he

doing here ?

Cane : him ? He came to kill me last night

I chuckled and she didn’t laugh .

Cane : I guess you angry at me right ?

Ria : stop lying to yourself Cane , you and I Both

know I can never stay angry at you !

Cane : thanks , and I will make up for whatever .

Me : and you not finishing the paper , we will fix

that .
Ria : I will see you later Cane .

She walked out .

Cane : and you ? Aint you leaving ?

Me : I am . But before I leave , remember not to

say anything to anyone . Or else you will take
the fall for everything .

Cane : that's if I don’t show them the corpse

and it leads back to you .

Me : smart . See you around .

He walked out .


I drove to Diana's mom home .

Ma : Lorenzo , what are you doing here ?...i hope

you have found my daughter .

Me ; where is she ?

Ma ; who are you talking about ?

Me : your daughter , I know she is here , so

where is she ?
Ma : I don’t know what you talking about , Diana
is not here !

I walked in each and every room and she was

not there , but her bracelet was there , I took it .

Me : where did you take her ?

Ma : I didn’t take her anywhere , it's time you let

go of her Lorenzo . She is gone , you have hurt
her beyond the word hurt !

I nodded as my phone rang it was Knox .

Me : what ?
Knox : Come at Leo's .

He hung up , I cursed !

Ma : not in my house boy ! Let my daughter go !

I walked out


I walked inside her room and it was empty ,I

walked downstairs and found Tasha humming
a song .
Tasha : good morning .

Me : morning , Havent you seen Candra ?

Tasha : no , aint she in her room , you know how

she loves her room nowadays .

Me : no , I checked and she aint there .

Tasha : must be at her friends .

I didn’t say anything .

Tasha : relax .

Me : I confronted her …
Tasha : you did what ?

Me : I was angry …

Tasha : so you confronted her , after I told you

not to do that Melusi !

Me : I know okay!

Tasha : you don’t !

Me : she left the house angry and …

Tasha : you better pray that she is fine where

she is or else I will bury you breathing .
She walked out of the kitchen .


The monitor went off , I was sitting on the

couch , Lorenzo shot me on my shoulder .

Knox ; I will get that .

He stood up and after a few minutes he walked

in with Lorenzo . I got up .

Me : what the hell is he doing inside my house?

I had my gun pointed at him and he also did .

Lorenzo : the same way that you fucked my

wife inside my house .

Knox : Stop it you too!

Me : Aii nawe kahle ngomsindo kanti yini , sila

angithi ?

Knox : im serious Leo , put all your weapons

down .

Me ; im not going first !

He looked at Lorenzo and he dropped his gun
down . He then looked at me n.

Knox : Leo !

Me : Ey..ey..ey Ngik'zwile kanti ?

I placed my gun down and looked at Lorenzo .

Knox : sit down both of you ! Or you want to

fight it out ?

Lorenzo : maybe we should you know .

I chuckled .
Me : Sdedele wena skhipha'inkani , onenkani
uzo bonakala .

Knox : im serious Sit down .

Lorenzo sat down .

Knox ; Leo !

Me : ngik'tshela kokugcina uma uyaqubeka

nokung'bangela umsindo soxabana mina nawe .

I sat down .

Knox : right , now lets talk about you two …

Lorenzo what had gotten into you to a pint
where you shot Leo ? What were you thinking ?
Lorenzo : he knows why I shot him! I trusted
him with my wife and he fucked her … worstly in
my house ! She is my wife !

I smirked and poured myself a drink .

Knox : enough of that whiskey .

Lorenzo : now how would you react if you were

in my shoes ?

Me : awu kahle nawe it's not like she was a

virgin or anything , it's not like I forced her to let
me fuck her . I didn’t

Lorenzo : Fuck you Manardo !

Me : im not one to brag but truly speaking I
didn’t force her to scream my name or anything .

Knox : Leo …

Me : ima kancane wena , you know im not one

to brag , but honestly bro you got yourself a
machine there , if you looked at the video
properly , hear her moans ,you can tell that she
liked the way I flick my tongue .she would ride
my face until you're drippin' cum. She licked the
tip then throat the dick. Your wife let me stretch
that pussy out.did she complain ? Nah she
didn’t .Pussy so good, had to save that shit for
later . Ok brought her here , Took her to the
kitchen, fucked her right there on the table ,She
was repping XO to the death , making her
sweat . She is really good .
lorenzo : you are full of shit !

He tried getting up but Knox pushed him down .

Knox: Manardo …

Me : you were not the first one to give her head .

No infact it was me . How sorry …

Knox : Manardo !

Me : awukahle wena nomsindo ngathi mfazi . I

told you that you should just let me take her ,
but you wouldn’t budge . I had to take matters
in my own hands . Now look where we are now ?
Lorenzo : I will kill you !

Me : behluleka abaningi . Lorenzo you should

just accept that you failed to keep her , if
inkomo iyahlatshwa siyaydla hau , bekumele
siyeke thina ? Hau ngeke . Bemile . Sidlile thina
inkomo . Uzokwenzani wena ?

Knox : Manardo please man .

Me : you are Venom to them not to me , uya

shelela kubo hayi kimi . Do anything silly
Lorenzo . Uzongazi , ngathi ungikhohliwe





I took my simcard and inserted it on my cell

phone then switched the phone back on again .
Messages came through , most of them where
from Lorenzo , I deleted them and listened to
Ndoni's voice mailmessage .

"Dee , where are you , I have been looking for

you , please call me back when you get this " I
sighed and switched the cell phone off and
inserted my new sim card and switched back
the phone on again . I dialed Ndoni's number , it
rang unanswered , I called it again and she
answered on the third ring .

Ndoni : I dont need any of your offers and yes I

do have my own money , I don’t a job at your
country . If you don’t…

Me : Ndoni .

She kept quiet .

Me : it's me Dee.

Ndoni : oh … how sure am I that it's you ?

Me : You are married to greek and once shot
him for sleeping with your sister .

Ndoni : mhmm …girl do you know how much I

had to spend looking for you ? My resources .

Me : Ndoni exaggerating .

Ndoni : no im not . Where the hell are you ?

Me : I cant tell you but im far .

Ndoni : No… you didn’t go ahead with your plan

of running away did you ?

Me : I had no choice .
NDONI : You had a choice Dee .

Me : not this time around .

Ndoni : where are you ?>

Me : I cant tell you .

Ndoni : Dee…

Me : he had spies inside our house Ndoni , he

saw everything . The way he was acting , he
knew something . If I had stayed I wouldn’t be
breathing . I had to leave .
Ndoni : I understand that but you ran away with
his baby … his money Dee .

Me : the baby is not his .

Ndoni : ok …and the money .

Me : I own half of that money .

Ndoni n: not in his eyes .

I had her exhale .

Ndoni : this will come back to you Dee trust me,

on the law's side this will come back to you .
I swallowed hard .

Ndoni : you took some illegal money and ran

away with it , as you own half of the money it
will come back to you .

Me : exchange rates .

Ndoni : mhmm….clever I see .you are out of the

country .

Me : I don’t know about that … I gotta go ,

please keep an eye on my babies and do tell
Jane to handle the company till I return .

Ndonin : so you will return .

Me : I don’t think so .

Ndoni : good bye .

Me : good bye… don’t call me . I will call you .

Ndoni : you changing sims ?

Me : like I have a choice . Good bye

Ndoniyamanzi .

I hung up .

A week after running away from home , I do

miss South Africa , but honestly Lorenzo had
left me with no choice . If only he didn’t cheat I
wouldn’t have cheated .

Don’t we always say that ? If the other one

didn’t do this then we wouldn’t have done that ?
That someone pushed us to that point of
committing a sin . Right now im at some place
that I don’t even know anyone ,I am at some
disclosed location . A location that is hard to be
found . It will cost a person millions of millions
to track down this location . So far Ndoni is the
only person I have called . I have tried calling
Ria but knowing her she wont answer
international calls . I think she blocked this
number and as or Cane it is hard to get hold of
that one because he changes his sim cards
each and every minute that he gets . I hear a
knock on the door . I get up and look at who it is
. I open the door when I finally see who it is .
Him : do you know how hard it was to track you
down .

Me ; I know but im sure it wasn’t that hard or

was it ?

Him : it was .

Me : come on Aluderas. You know about these

things im sure it wasn’t that hard , besiudes you
deal with these things on the field right ?

Aluderas : yeah right .

He hugs me and perks my cheek .

Aluderas: you have become fat .

Me : im not fat , im pregnant .

Aluderas : Lorenzo's?

I shook my head no .

Aluderas : then who ?

Me : I don’t know

He cleared his throat .

Aluderas : oh ?
I nodded.

Aluderas : I wont ask since it's none of my

business .

Me : you deserve to know .

Aluderas : right …

Me : he cheated on me with Paxton .

Aluderas : did they ever broke up ?

I shrug my shoulders .

Aluderas : Paxton left Lorenzo that didn’t

mean that they broke up when she left so I
guess when she returned they reunited again , I
don’t call that cheating , but on your side it is
cause you didn’t know about the bitch .

I nodded .

Me : you are right . They never broke up .

Aluderas : but still doesn’t change the fact that

he broke your wedding vows .

Me : yeah …


Me : im seeing a diamond in your finger …

Aluderas : I tied the knot , Her name Is Palesa .

Me : she is in deep shit if she is with you .

Aluderas : not really .

Me :you are hardly home due to your work, I

thought you resigned ?

Aluderas : I want to but that's home . You know ?

It runs through my veins .

Me ; until you bleed off your veins .

Aluderas : wont happen .

I shrugged my shoulders .

Aluderas ; you look skinny , lunch ?

Me : you just said im fat .

Aluderas ; that was then , now is now . Lets go.

Me : let me get my staff .

He nodded and I walked away . Aluderas was a

friend to my brother before he died . They both
were in missionary , brother died due to an
explosion , he was at the wrong place at the
wrong time not knowing that My step father had
a hand in it . Yeah that crucial.


I walked inside the vault , I looked at it and

chuckled , I walked out to Norman …

Me : the vault is empty !

Norman : sir …

He stood up .

Me : my vault is empty !
Norman : I don’t understand .

Me : you should understand ! You are the one

keeping eyes on this vault , you are my
accountant , you should fuckin know why my
vault is fuckin empty.

Norman ; I don’t know …

I pulled out my gun …

Me : we going to do this the easy or hard way

Norman , where is my money .

Norman : I promised , I wont …

Me : you have no choice now …

Norman : Mrs Ndlovu , she opened separate
account to transfer money to.

Me : how many accounts ?

Norman : two accounts .

Me : under who's name ?

Norman : her …her name and Cane …

I chuckled .

Me : period ?
Norman : each and every week .

Me : how much !

Norman : Half a million per week on both

accounts !

I cursed and chuckled .

Me : where are the statements ?

Norman : they were sent to this …this address .

Me : I will be back !

I lowered my gun and walked out. Well played



I walked out of class , I bumped into Canon

Me : don’t do that … we are not friends the last

time I remembered .

Canon ; we are siblings …

Me : uh..uh step brother .

Canon : I will take that one .

Me ; what do you want ?

Canon ; I came to give you this .

He handed me some paper , I opened it and

read it . I screamed but quickly composed
myself as people were looking at me .

Me : how did you manage …

Canon : I have my ways .

Me : you didn’t hold her at gunpoint or knife

right ?
Canon : I don’t own a weapon Riri .

Me : thanks …

Canon : you are welcome , im your step brother

after all , can we meet when you done writing at
Cane's apartment .

Me : we aint friends .

Canon : can you stop saying that ?

Me : fine … what time ?

Canon : I did say after writing .

Me ; fine . See you there .

I saw Zeus coming my way .

Me : good bye .

I walked to Zeus and hugged him …

Me : that's Canon . Cane's brother .

Zeus : and what about you ?

Me : no , he aint …

Zeus : that explains why him and Cane look

alike .
Me : you know him ?

Zeus : we do business together , I can say .

Me : what kind of business ?

Zeus : Business Babe .

I nodded.


Im sitting in my study , KG walks in .

Me : anything ?

He shook his head no

Me : what's so hard about finding her ?

KG : I and the boys have looked everywhere and

she is no where to be seen .

Me : try hard .

He nodded .

KG ; and boss , my weapon is almost ready ,

what about the hit that you said we must take
care of ?

Me : take care of the hit KG .

KG : sure boss .

He walked away … a week has passed without

me finding my daughter . My phone rings and
it's Volk , im not interested with his protocol
thing , I need my daughter as in yesterday , I
failed her mother , I cant fail her too.


He took me to some place that sells food that

he knows off . His phone rang …

Aluderas : im on watch .

He then hung up .

Me : on work ?

He nodded .

Aluderas : right … what is the reason you called

me here .

Me : I just need someone to show me around ,

as it is I ran away , I have no one whom I know
here .
Aluderas : you want me to keep you safe from
Lorenzo ?

I nodded .

Aluderas : you do realize the danger in that right


Me : yes , I do .

Aluderas : if they ever find out about me helping

you will you take the fall for my death ?

I frowned at him .
Me : really Aluderas? When did we get to that
point ?

Aluderas : just to be on the safe side .

Me ; well we are already on the safe side , I

don’t need you to hide me or anything , I just
need you to always monitor my moves as im
pregnant , you can get someone whom you
trust .

Aluderas : mhmm…I do have someone whom I

do trust .

Me : that easy right ? I wasn’t asking for much ,

take this person as a tour guide .
Aluderas : right … there's some vigil for Vets you
up for it ?

Me : I don’t know …wont there be shooting …

Aluderas : no … there wont be any of that , it's

safe , just come along .

Me ; sure why miss it ?


I drove to Ndoni's place .

Me : where is your husband ?

Ndoni : you and I Both know that he is at work .

Me : Vet ?

Ndoni :yeah .

me :right , where is Diana ?

Ndoni ; I don’t know . You should be the one

knowing that .

Me : where is she I know …

Ndoni ; you know nothing . I don’t know where

Diana is . And you wont come to my house and
raise your voice at me , sok'dubula amasende
mina [ I will shoot your manhood ]

I walked out , my phone rang , it was Manardo .

I answered.

Me ; what do you want ?

Manardo ; hai wena mhlathi wakho [your cunt]

where the hell are you ?i need the small safe .

Me : im on my way .

Manardo ;make it snappy .

He hung up son of a bitch . We are friends .no

we aint , just because he was given birth by my
aunt it makes us cousins . That's what relates
us and being friends .


My phone rang .

Me : what ?

KG : called to tell you that the hit is down .

Me ; and ? Good .
Kg : ok boss …

Me ; wait …I think I have a way of finding

Candra .

Kg : ok…

Me :come to my house tomorrow .

Kg :ok boss , I will be there .

I hung up and smiled , the bracelet that she

inherited from her mother . She never takes it
off .

Didn’t feel the insert . Have been erasing it .




The night vigil was interesting , seeing them

doing their moves it was all amazing , it just
brought back the thought of my brother
returning back home in the morning , we all
didn’t understand they joy he always got when
he says he is going to work . I understand why
most people say this is home . It is indeed
home , your family is the ones that you meet
there . They become a part of your life .

It is in the morning, I get out of the tent , I fell

asleep whilst watching , I don’t know who
carried me here .

" thought you would never wake up " I look

behind me and it's Aluderas, he has some
coffee with him , I smile as he hands me the
coffee to drink .

M : im sorry about that.

Aluderas : it's fine . I understand your situation

… But you gonna have to pay caus I spent so
much money for you to be carried here , you are
heavy woman , how dos your man carry you ?
I smiled at that. Manardo managed to carry me .
H never complained about my weight .

Me : he managed very well . Im not fat Alu.

Aluderas : yah right.

I saw someone familiar coming to us , fuck it's

Travis ! Im dead . Why didn’t Ndoni tell me
about him being here ? She should have told me
atleast .


It's not like I told her where I am . They do the

bro shake with Alu .
Travis :hey .

Me ; hii .

Travis ; didn’t know you are also interested in

the army .

Aluderas : I invited her over .

Travis : I see .

I look at him with pleading yes , he cant tell

Lorenzo that im here . He seriously cant do that .

Travis : I just came here to say good bye ,im

going back home .

Aluderas ; so soon.

Travis ;I have been here for far too long bro . So .

Aluderas : it was nice having you around .

Travis ; sure . Good bye .

They fist bumped and he looked at me and

waved me good bye then walked away .

Me : he is a part of you ?

Aluderas : yeah one of the best . He is an

assassin .

Me : oh …I see .

Aluderas : I should take you back home .

I nodded and wewalked to his car , I got in and

he drove away . After what felt like forever we
arrived at the house im staying at . I switched
on my phone as I opened the door.

Me : Thanks …it was really ama…

My phone rang , It was some unknown number .

Me : let me take this.

He nodded as I answered the phonecall looking
at him

Me :hello.

Caller : Dee…

It's Ndoni ..



I snapped and Aluderas looked at me .

Ndoni :I had no choice . Your mother is freezing

cold right now .

Me :what do you mean ?

Ndoni : im sorry Dee , you mother is no more .

She is cold .

I kept quiet .

Ndoni : Hello…Dee can you here me ?

I still didn’t say anything . Aluderas took the

phone from me.

Aluderas : Hey …
Ndoni : who the hell are you ? And where is
Diana ?

he looks at me and I nod .

Aluderas : im Aluderas im her keeper and

monitor … Diana is not okay , would you mind
telling me what's the matter ?

Ndoni : Her mother left us .

Aluderas : oh I see . Cause of death ?

Ndoni : she was shot , execution style .

I swallowed hard as tears rolled down my

cheeks .
Aluderas : uhm … can you call again later ,
things aint looking good this side .

He hung up before Ndoi could respond him . He

looks at me and pulls me to his embrace .

Me : who could do something like this ? I …

Words failed me as tears rolled down … I felt

something being injected on my arm , I looked
at Aluderas and I saw blurry visions .

Aluderas : rest… rest .

Those were the last words I heard .



I was with Manardo and Knox ,Paxton was also

in the house , but in the kitchen . Her pregnancy
is needy , she always calls me up every night
and sometimes I be at the club busy night , so I
brought her here , atleast the security here is
tight and she will be monitored every 24/7.

Manardo : how many bullets ?

Me : I don’t know how many bullets but when I

got there the car was driving off in high speed it
was a black Mercedes V, I tried shooting at it
but that bastard has been in the game for far
too long .
Knox : the registration num…

Paxton walked inside the lounge holding a bowl

of food . They both looked at me .

Me :no the was no registration number .

They sighed …

Paxton : why don’t you check in your old

enemies .

We all looked at her .

Me : we don’t have old enemies that we know

off .

Paxton : I mean the people you wronged back

then . High school . Remember you were the
most wanted back in school, always got
involved in fights . You may think you called it
quits and truce but on the other side they didn’t ,
they were just bluffing . Im just saying .

Manardo : hai uvusa manxeba [ old wounds ]

Paxton : im sorry if you feel like that but im just

thinking , remember the people you wronged
back then , they could be the ones doing this .
You will never know . Remember that gang of
Gustavo and all those people , the Khatos , The
BB ? Look into them , find the status of your
relationship between you guys .
Knox : she could be right you know ?

I nodded .

Manardo : welele akfani you know how to think

smart . Kodwa nje sonke siyazi ukuthi yile pipi
ka Lorenzo njer . Kodwa kungenani Siya bonga .
You should marry her Lorenzo , she is good .
[ we all know that it is Lorenzo's dick that is
making you be this wise . But all in all thank you

He opened the tab of the beer .

Paxton : Why do you hate me so much ?

Manardo : haibo I hate you ? I don’t hate you .
Buka sisi mina anginaso lesoskathi
sok'zondana nawe , mina idaba nomuntu
wesmame angiyi xoxi la , ngiyi xoxa em'bedeni
ngaleso skhathi inkomo ngiya yidla , ngapha
[ look , sister I don’t have the time to be hating
on you . I don’t discuss matters with a woman
but I do discuss maters with her in the bedroom
at the same time im eating that Pussy at the
same time we are talking ]

Knox chuckled .

Manardo : angazi sizo zwana na ngvha nje

uzoba ukhala nje wena ubiza elami

I shook my head as I held my laughter ,

Manardo is crazy people I tell you . I look at
Knox and he just shook his head .

Knox : ok …enough Manardo .

He raised his hand in surrender and sipped his

beer .

Manardo : you will get used to me . Sidlani

namhlanje ?

Paxton : Don’t you have a wife to cook for you ?

I mean since wena uyidla inkomo , kanti
amasende wakho awani ?
[you eat the pussy , what are your testicles for ?

Manardo : ok , ngathi sesiya jwayelana ker

manje . Mvelo khuza lo Rihanna wakho ,
umtshele nokuthi mina umuntu ngiyam'fundisa
inhlonipho .
[ Mvelo discipline this Rihanna of yours , and
tell her that I teach a person respect .]

Paxton clicked her tongue .

Manardo also clicked his tongue walking away .

Manardo : nisilethela imbongolo tsk yekela

unkoskazi ahambe .

Me :unkoskazi owamudla wena ?

[the wife that you slept with ]

He turned to look at me .
Manardo : Ngiyabona isakudla lendaba yokuthi
ngamudla neh . Hade boy . Kodwa kwenzekile .
[ I see the fact that I slept with your wife is still
afresh wound , sorry boy , but it already has
happened ]

Ne : fuck you Leo !

Manardo : kuphi? emhlathini ?

[where? in my cunt?]

I didn’t say anything instead he walked away .

Knox : relax . You know how Manardo is .

Me : yeah I do Know and I cant kill him . Why ?
We come a long way ! Well fuck that !

I walked away …


KG walked inside my study .

Kg : boss you asked for me .

Me ; yes , it's about Candra … I want you to get

me your best IT guy to trace her bracelet . It had
a tracker but it's been long since I checked into
it activation .
Kg : uhm if it hasn’t been active for long it will
take us days to get her .

Me : cant you atleast try . I need my daughter

KG .

KG : I will see what the guy can do .

Me : ok . Thanks I will owe you for this one .

Kg : anything for you bossa yama gumusha .

We were waiting for Canon to come .

Cane : did he say why he called us here ?

Ria : I wouldn’t be on my phone if I knew .

I rolled my eyes .

Ria : have you heard from ma ?

Me : no but she does call black cherry.

Ria : so she only calls her friends and not us ?

Me : us ?you blocked her number sis .

Ria : no I …

Me : international calls that you blocked .

She didn’t say anything .

Me : exactly !

The door opened and Canon walked in .

Canon : sorry im late . I hate shit to handle .

Me : like killing people ?

He frowned at me .
Me : you know what I mean ? Ps ?

Canon : yeah … ria do you play ?

Ria : just get to the point Canon .

He sat down .

Canon : right … so I called you here …

Ria : just get to the point Canon .

Canon : right … we not the sons and daughter of

the same mother but same father . There's not
need for us to hate on each other because our
parents hate on each other . What im trying to
say is that wenot the ones beefing here but our
parents . Why get involved in matters that aint
our business ?..

Ria : that aint our business ? Your mother

cheated with my father .

Canon : im not the one that cheated with your

father .

Ria : she broke my mother's and father's

marriage .

Canon : and im not the one that broke the

marriage . Look I don’t want to go deep into this
but look we can get involved in this , we all are
the victims in all this but you don’t see me
painting you as the young ones to me and
demanding respect . Im not saying we should
be best friends or best sibling but atleast can
we have that greeting each other relationship .
Already people know that im your brother Cane .
Why ?because you look like Cane , Canon .
Where is the fun in denying that ? No fun but
can we atleast not try to be victims and hate on
each other? I see you being ganged up by a
group of guys . What do I do since we share the
same father ? Do I pass and say , argh no , she
aint my mother's daughter ? No I don’t , instead
I help you like you are my father's daughter .


Canon :im sorry , im a little bit too hard and

very strict . And when I get the time to speak …
Ria : you speak your fucking mind . Why cause
you are like Cane !

We chuckled .

Canon : so I guess it's truce , we all are victims

here .

Ria : I don’t know about you guys cause I was

being ganged up in this whole thing so I am the
victim .

We chuckled again .

Ria ; we all are victims I guess .

Cane : so you just want to end the ghost

between us just like that ?

Canon : Come on Cane , I don’t let it slide easily

…but you are my father's son so why not end
the ghost ?>


I woke up and the lights went on , Luderas

walked in .

Luderas : you finally woke up ?

Me : what did you give me ?

Luderas : something to calm you down .

Me : it's not the first time I felt this in my system


Luderas : only Vets have this .

Ndoni … she got it from Travis .

Luderas : im sorry about what has happened .

Losing a mother is one of the hardest and
painful thing ever .

I nodded as I wiped my tears .

Luderas : if you going to go back you just need

to be ready to face the world and your fears , by
your fears I mean Lorenzo ….

Me : IM not scared of Lorenzo …

Luderas : but you wouldn’t have ran away if you

were not scared of him .

Me : If Manardo finds out that maybe the baby

is his , he will kill me . He is crazy .

Luderas : people who are crazy are heartless

and dangerous , they are not to be messed with .

I nodded and wiped my tears .

Me : if I don’t attend that would mean I don’t

witness my mother's funeral , say my last good
bye to her .

Luderas : so what's it gonna be ?

I shrug my shoulders .

Luderas : take time for yourself to think .

I nodded …..


Sorry I took long




Pastor :ashes to ashes , dust to dust . The

family may come and say their last good byes .

Cane stood up first . He helped Ria up , she was

weak but acting strong . Cane held her as they
walked towards the pastor . Knox held Nairobi
up , it was my first ever since in a while seeing
her like this , this numb and not too foward and
not threatening --She almost fell but Knox
quickly helped her ,they walked to where she
her grave and she poured the soil . She looked
up and wiped her tears ..
Nairobi : im going to avenge your death ma .
They all going to pay for everything , each and
every one of them . I swear .

She then poured the soil again and walked away

from the tent .

"Hlala , oh hlala nami ,

Litshonili langa ,
Ubusuku bufikile ,
Weh Nkosi

Ndi ngenay'umncedi
Ndenze , ndenzele
Uncedo wokuhlala nami "
The choir from Trust in Christ sang . I must
thank Ndoni for arranging all this , no one was
interested on arranging for the funeral , we were
all too focused on getting the person behind
this . When all was done we left to our homes ,
we walked to our cars and as we drove away I
saw someone by the grave standing there , I
looked at the person but they didn’t look at me ,
I didn’t keep my eyes at them , they finally
looked at me , it was a woman , is that Diana ?
She walked away to the black SUV and drove
away . I cursed .

Cane : dad , you fine ?

Me :L im okay . Let's go home Paxton prepared

something for you guys to eat . Im sure you are
hungry .
He didn’t say anything instead he just hugged
Ria who had her eyes closed . I can only
imagine what they going through , when I also
lost my Aunt [Manardo's mom ]I went bersek ,
we all went bersek , she was stabbed form
inside and didn’t survive . It was just her last
year in prison , was arrested for killing her
Husband , because he was abusing her . It was
self-defense but not in the eyes of the law .


I looked at KG and he didn’t say anything .

Me : im still waiting for you to tell me something

,you work for me remember ?

Kg : yeah .

Me : so ?

Kg : the tracker is not active but it is shown to

be close to the Wits Varsity . We aint sure
cause it looks like we need to wait for it to stop
giving us many places .

Me : stop it ? Why is it giving you so many

places ?

Kg : as you said boss , it has been long since

the Tracker was activated . So I did say that it is
going to take time for us to know her exact
location , my IT guru is trying everything he can
to get where the bracelet is but it requires
patient and time .

Me : I don’t have time , I need my daughter here .

Kg : let's try getting the G-men involved in this .

Me : no … I don’t need any fat guy with some

sort of batch always here for my coffee .

Kg : right … my guy went to the funeral .

Me : that's nice .

Kg : I didn’t see the lady there . The wife was

not there .
Me :diana wasn’t there ?

Kg : yes . Only the older one was there .

Me : why would she miss her mother's funeral ?

Kg : I don’t know boss .

Me : then find out ! I pay you a lot of money to

tell me that !

Kg : yes boss .

Me : now out!
He nodded and walked out .


The yard was full , indeed she was known , what

they spoke about her during her service only
good things , don’t we all do that ? Speak good
about the dead -- Nairobi walked to us we were
sitting at the Gazebo drinking , it was just the
three of us . Me and the other two musketeers .
She sat down on the chair and looked at us .she
then poured herself business .

Nairobi : we need to talk .

Knox ; and we listening .

Me : how about we begin about the fact that

Diana didn’t attend her mother's funeral .

Nairobi : don’t tell me about that one , I want to

talk about my mother's killer.

We cleared our throats .

Me :aint it too soon to be talking about killing

someone ?

Knox : he means maybe you must mourn your

mother first .

Nairobi : I wasn’t married to her . Already im

going to cut my hair short . Am I going to die if I
don’t mourn her death or the underground death
will want me to buy them a white goat just to
please them ?

Knox : right .

Manardo : so who are killing .

Nairobi : we need to trace the car that Lorenzo

shot at .

Me : that's going to just derail us . I say we just

go in search of the killer ourselves .

She nodded .
Nairobi : not bad . We shall discuss this some
other time , private then .

We all nodded .

Me : I think I saw Dee today at the grave yard

next to the where ma was laid .

Nairobi : you see that one , I don’t care whether

you saw her or anything or what . I don’t care ,
she can die wherever she is and I wouldn’t care .

Manardo :don’t say things out of anger .

Nairobi : it's not anger Manardo . Dee is selfish ,

she only cares about herself , you two fucked
each other she ran away leaving Lorenzo to kill
you , she only thought about her self not you !

Manardo : Xolise ukuvusa impi .

Nairobi : you know what … good bye .

She walked away . We all looked at him .

Manardo : and then nina ?

Knox was that really necessary though ?

Manardo :Lorenzo started it not I?

Knox didn’t say anything .

Me : I thought we solved the hit thing !


I wiped my tears.

Aluderas : ok…that’s enough now .

Me : it's just my hormones .

He shook his head no .

Me : it just buffles me that im here , sitting here

and not supporting my sister and my children. I
should have arranged for the funeral but im
here lazing around eating none stop . Watching
her video of her funeral service . I should be
down there in SA with my sister , but im just
selfish .

Aluderas : would you have preferred it for your

sister to bury you next week ?

I didn’t say anything .

Aluderas : exactly , you did what was best for

everyone . You are the one that said Lorenzo
will kill you if he was to ever find you . And not
to forget about Leo , he is crazy you did say .

Me : I don’t know …
Aluderas : you do know Diana , you want to go
back you should just say the word , I can
arrange that…

I held my stomach as I heard cramps .

Me : ouch …

Aluderas : what is wrong ?

The pain went away .

Me : it's nothing just pains , they will pass .

Aluderas : do you need me to call someone ?

Me : No Aluderas , they are gone relax .

He nodded not believing me .


Zeus : you want to sleep ?

Me : sleeping in your arms is the greatest

feeling ever .

We were in his apartment . We were watching a

movie .
Zeus : im sorry about what happened .

Me : what I don’t understand is that Ma missed

her own mother's funeral . How cruel is that ?

Zeus :im sure she had her own reasons .

Me : There's no valid reason for someone to

miss a funeral for the person that carried them
for almost nine months . No that's bull and you
know it too .

Zeus : Language Meria .

I rolled my eyes .

Zeus : I saw that .

I chuckled and I hugged him tight .

Me : babe .

Zeus : yes …

Me : you wont leave me right ?

Zeus :I will never leave you . Never .

I felt something ticking me and I giggled .

Me :you stop that .

Zeus : what did I do ?

Me : you have dreadlocks .

Zeus : you know that . Why ask ?

Me : there's just this saying that dreadlocks are

a sign of a snake . Like The Medusa head .

He chuckled .

Zeus : those are not facts.

I know it's shot . Im not available njer this week ,

even weekend .



I walked to the kitchen … I found Aluderas with

a lady in her 20's ,I looked at her .

Aluderas : how are the pains ?

Me :I'm a bit better now . Hey .

Her :hi .

Aluderas :right ,this is Stanley . She joined the

Vet two years ago but she is good like she has
been here for like 5 years . ST this is Diana ,
your patient , I don’t want you to take your eyes
off her .

Stanley : nice to meet you .

Me :you too .

Aluderas : she is going to monitor every move

of yours , let it be you in the bathroom ,but she
is with you one way .

I nodded .

Me : can we talk .
Aluderas : sure .

Me : alone .

I looked at Stanley and she didn’t move.

Aluderas : you may leave ST.

She left the room .

Me : why didn’t you tell me you getting me

someone ?

Aluderas : we spoke about this .

Me : so you brought her?She doesn’t even listen

to my orders .

Aluderas :im sorry about that one but she

follows the orders from the authorities . But we
can fix that since you are now her authority .

I shook my head .

Me : and bathroom ?

Aluderas : this is for your own safety Dee, she is

the best , when you go to SA she will go with
you , everywhere you go she will be there with
you . Bathroom or fucking she is there , her job
is to be by your sight at all times , she is not
going anywhere and you gonna be the one
paying her .
Me : what !

Aluderas : yes darling … Stanley , she is all yours


She nods .

Aluderas : I will see you all later .

I nod and he walks out . I look at my monitor , I

guess that's her description or title Monitor .

Me : uhm …Stanley …im going to take a nap .

She nods and I walk away with her following me

. I stop and turn then look at her .
Me : you don’t have to follow me to my
bedroom .

Stanley : it's my job to do so .

Me : but not for you to follow me to the

bedroom , what if Im with man ?

Stanley : my job is to always be by your side , so

I don’t see that distracting you from your
privacy with your man .

I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen , now a

person cant even take a shit without her by my
side ? Fuck you Aluderas , Safety , safety ….tsk .


I settled down as I waited for her . She walked

through the entrance . I stood up and hugged
her .

Shirley : missed me ?

Me : Not really .

Shirley : I guess I should leave …

Me : you know that im joking , I did miss you .

Shirley : how long has it been ?

Me : I don’t know ? Maybe 6 years?

Shirley : very long … well you called and im here ,

I did get your message. I thought you don’t kill
anymore .

Me : I havent killed .

Shirley : trust me you don’t want me to reveal

your dirty laundry .

Me : right .

Shirley : I heard your cries and Im about to

answer them , but how does my picture look ?
She handed me her phone and I looked at the
picture , I gasped and smiled . She too the
phone away from me .

Shirley : so ? What's up for me ?

I rested my back on the chair and took my wine

and sipped it .

Me : let's drink it's on me .

Shirley : I can afford my own drinks .

Me: then …
Shirley : how about my hotel now, I wanna see
you get dirty for me .

I didn’t say anything , I sipped my wine and

settled the bill then stood up and she also stood
up , we both walked away .


KG : where is Tasha ?

Me : I don’t know and I don’t care . You said you

got something for me .

Volk : give the boy a break Mel

I looked at Kg

Kg : I do.

I frowned looking at me and he nodded .

Kg : we found the location . Well we aint sure

cause now the tracker is not moving so
basically we are sure that's where Candra is .

Me : where is it ?

Kg : Wits Varisty at the abandoned place near

the old sports field .
I swallowed hard.

Me : is there some sort of room or anything ?

Kg : there's nothing there , it's just an

abandoned place that no one walks in or
anything .

Me : we should go look for my daughter there

then .

Volk : No , no one is going anywhere , let the law

handle things , if we happened to find anything
and you somehow touch the evidence then …

Me : my daughter is still alive .

Volk : sure …but for now let us handle this .

I nodded .

Volk : I will get the warrant ready .

He patted me on my shoulder and gently

squeezed it .


Me : you wont move all those things by yourself ,

they are very heavy .
Paxton : then help me .

I looked up and sighed , is this how pregnant

woman behave , I never witnessed this side of
Dee when she was pregnant because she
stayed with her mother whilst I was hustling .
Now with Paxton , it's exciting but not when she
is always nagging me or anything . Today she
woke up feeling some type of energy . She is
doing all the laundry ,even clean clothes are
being washed . Now she is moving things in the
dining room .

Paxton : mxm , you wont help me , fine I will do

this myself .

Me : it's not that i wont help you , it's just that …

Paxton: what ?

She sits on the couch and close her eyes .

Paxton : im tired.

She closes her eyes and opens them again .

Paxton : Canon said he will be here please wake

me up when he gets here .

Me : the furniture .

Paxton : im sure you and Canon can handle this .


Arriving at the hotel , we had a few drinks . I was

now starting to feel tipsy . She walked to the
bathroom and changed her clothes to black
pants then she walked back to the room .

Stanley: we here to talk business .

Me : yes , you do this for me , you get to get a

share of Melusi's businesses and you get to run
many businesses under your name .

She held her glass of wine and drank wine .

Stanley : impressive but aint enough …

Me : anything .

Stanley : anything ?

I nodded . She walked towards me and moved

close to me as she knelt down and looked into
my eyes .

Stanley : I want something from you .

Me : what is it?

She didn’t say anything , instead she came

closer to me as her hands slide inside my skirt ,
I felt her hand on my panties .
Stanley : I want you …

She trailed kisses from my ear down to my neck

and back to my ear , she stopped and pulled my
legs apart , her eyes still on me , I felt her hand
slide down my panties , she took off my tshirt
followed by my bra then she sucked my nipples ,
she had a tongue piecing on , that made it more
good , made me more needy , she took off her
tshirt , she slit her hand back in between my
thighs and brushed me clitoris , I was starting to
feel wet down there , very wet . She moved
down and down and down and down on me till
she was on my clit , I felt her piecing circling my
clitoris , I moaned and she continued circling it .
She stopped and laid me on the couch and she
took of her sweatpants and got down on her
knees and used her nipple to massage my
clitoris , feeling the pressure she stopped and
got on top of me , positioning herself on me and
she let our clits rub each other , she placed
something between our clits , it was a vibrator ,
it vibrated and my body shook , I moaned and
she continued moving her body , her breasts on
my mouth , sucking them . She pressed the
vibrator again and my body shook again .

Stanley : give me assurance .

Me : i…I assure you .

She moved once again and my body shook

again due to the vibrator .

Stanley : I want 24 Karats gold and Diamonds

on blood .

I apologise , this is all I managed to put together

. Im trying by ll means to accommodate you
guys but im failing dismally . Only two weeks
lefts , but I will see you on those two week but I
aint promising



I was getting dressed , she was in the bedroom

on a phone call . I was now wearing my bra
when she walked back to the bedroom .
Shirley : you got nice tits by the way .

Me : thanks … im not about the past now , im

over that . Im no longer that person .

She scoffed and looked at me .

Shirley : which person are you now ?

Me : Im a better person out of the bad people .

Im no longer who I was years back then Shirley .

Shirley : why ? Somehow a dick managed to

change you ? Who you are ? Get out of here .

Me : it's not about a dick and you know it too

Shirl , I was never you guys , you guys are you ,
im a woman , a full woman and even a dick has
nothing to do with this .

Shirley : and you want me and the fam to

believe that ? Then what was that ? What just
happened minutes ago ?

Me : that was nothing …

Shirley : oh you say , or somehow you missed

having someone in you , just be happy I
managed to get rid of those spider webs those
were in you .

Me : at the end of the day you licked those

spider webs .
Shirley : Do you think Im that desperate for it ?
Unlike you some of us have people who are
taking care of us .

I swallowed hard .

Shirley : now back to business , you just gonna

stand there and look at me like that look would
make me pity you or we discuss what we here
for ? You of all people should know nothing
baffles me , nor even tears , they do nothing to
me . So what's it gonna be ?

I wiped my now falling tear. I looked at her .

Me : where am I getting the diamonds ?

Shirley : now we talking my business . But the
fact that you want me to give you all the details
pisses me off , why don’t you get yourself the
details , the same way I did .

Me : well the fact that you are going to get

much from this also pisses me off . Why don’t
you start our own company and stop using me
as your pawn …

Before I could finish my sentence I felt a

burning sensation on my cheek . I looked up
and it then clicked that she slapped .

Shirley : that should be a reminder that I havent

changed at all . Yes the dress code did change
but im still the Shell that you break but mange
to get fix itself.
I swallowed hard .

Me : I hired you Shirley .

She chuckled .

Shirley : im very expensive for you to even hire

me Tee . You know that . So let us be clear
about this , you dance to my tunes , If I say
undress and strip form me you do exactly that
no discussions , are we clear ?

Me : im not afraid of you Shirl .

She smirked .
Me : details .

Shirley : there's guy that smuggles diamonds .

Me : what is his name ?

Shirley : Leonardo Ndlovu .

Me : The hell ?

She nodded smiling .

Shirley : we all know what's at stake here , both

our lives , but mine is rest assured that it's safe
not knowing about you . Come on Tee , you can
do this and I know you will . From what I heard
he loves it down there and im sure you know a
few tricks , he could also help you with getting
rid of those spider webs . I do you , you do me
good .

Me : I need to think about all this .

Shirley : I don’t know what's there to think about

cause on my side things have just began and
the fun there , I love it ! So im giving you some
time to think then you get back at me .

I nodded and walked out of the hotel room .

Volk had an search warrant to search the
varsity premises . The security and the Dean
allowed us to go in , we walked into the bushes
following the tracker that was on her bracelet ,
we had brought those police dogs with us . We
were not reaching anything so far . My only
hope was that my daughter is alive nothing
more , nothing less . The dogs stopped at this
huge and long tree , snake could come out any
minute in that tree .

Kg : This is it !

He said and they brought a drone up in search

of any human in the area .

Volk : I think it's time you let us handle this one .

We don’t any of you tampering with evidence .
Me :Tampering with evidence how ? This is my
daughter we talking about .

Volk : I know and she is also my niece , please

excuse us or I will have to use force .

I looked at him and moved back , one of his

officers walked to him .

Him : boss .

Volk looked at me and walked away . They took

time to get out of there, after what felt like
forever they all walked out , a body covered . I
walked to them and opened the silver over and
my heart bled for her .
Volk : we are sorry…

I tried touching her but they stopped me .

Volk: I did say you must stay away , now you

gonna be tampering with evidence . The prints
are the only evidence we have , all in all this is a
murder case , we will run a postnotum and the
forensics will run a prints test , then we will get
back to you .

I didn’t say anything , I felt weak , not having to

protect her and not having to touch her right
this moment . I failed my daughter . As we
walked away from the scene , I took her
bracelet and put it on my pocket and followed
behind them . Students were standing there , all
eyes on us .


We were playing video games with Canon . The

door opened and Steve walked in , he looked
like he was running .

Me : bro , catch a breath .

He breathed in and out calming himself down .

Canon : don’t you ever teach him to knock .

Me : we share the apartment … and wena what
going on ?

Steve : your baby mama , or whatever she was

to you . She went missing and guess what she
has been found , dead !

I and Canon looked at each other .

Steve : the police just took her body , herd

something about prints or anything , im not sure

We didn’t say anything .

Steve : bro , im sorry , I know she was the

mother oh no Who was the father actually
cause you two were fucking the same spot .
Either way to whoever was the father im sorry .
lets just hope the killer gets arrested .

Canon : I have to go , I will see you guys later .

We nodded and he stood up and walked out .

Steve: poor thing , this must be hard on him . He

loved that girl, I can only imagine his pain .

I looked at him .

Steve : and your pain obviously , im sorry bro .

This must be hard on you hey .

Me :we did it .
Steve : I know you did fuck her and …

Me : we are then ones that did it Steve . Me and

Canon .

Steve : whoa … you did what ?

I looked at him and kept quiet.

Steve : Cane !

Me : I know okay , I know im not one !

Steve : I guess I will rephrase what I said , the

people that did this I don’t wish for them to get
arrested .

Me : im serious here Steve .

Steve : im also serious , what the hell were you

thinking ? Killing her Cane . Wait did you even
kill the girl ?

I didn’t say anything .

Steve : I know you , I know you didn’t do this ,

well I don’t know Canon , and since when you
two are best friends now? Oh I guess after you
became accomplice in killing right ?

Me : Canon is my brother .
Steve : wow ! What do you say gain , Dephiri ,
hai kuyanyiwa nou , die popo sal dance .
Kuyabata .

I chuckled and he wrapped his hand around my

neck .

Steve : I got you in this , anything you want me

to help with , im there , I will help you . I will be
there for you .

I looked at him …

Me ; can I kiss you ?

Steve : you are hlanying now ?

He let go off me and we laughed .

Me : we should fix your Zulu .

Steve : it's not like you also know how to speak

the fucking damn lingo .

Me ; ngiyakwazi , ukhumbule phela ukuthi minA

ngi ngum'zulu .


I walked out of the bedroom and she also did .

Me : I wont run away .

She didn’t say anything .

Me : I need to get dressed , could you please

excuse me .

Stanley : im doing my job here , please let me do

it .

Me : I know you are doing your job here but I

heard that you woman from military you are
attracted to girls and I don’t want you catching
for me . It wouldn’t sound good , me dressing
up infront of you , im sure you have an erection
right now from watching me bath .
She chuckled .

Stanley : I didn’t read the memo that says you

are a little bit crazy . An erection , im a woman
and yes we are attracted to women but an
erection .

I rolled my eyes .

Stanley : I heard that you are an expect in doing

that .

Me : can I get dressed up now ?

Stanley : im not going outside , I will just close

my eyes .
Me : ok … promise not to peep .

Stnanley : I wont .

Me: what ?

Stanley : peep on you .

Me : ok .

She closed her eyes and I got dressed




I knocked on the door , after a few minutes she

came to open . She let me in .

Shirley : I have other things to worry about

woman , not me running after you . Where the
hell have you been , I have been trying to get
hold of you but no sign of you .

Me : im sorry ,days later I found out that my

niece is dead , she was just lying in ditch
somewhere . Somehow I feel bad cause I
couldn’t protect her , I failed my sister , I failed
her daughter .

She rolled her eyes and came to me .

Shirley : im sorry to hear that , death be not
proud .

Me : yeah .

Shirley ; now back to business , what's it gon' be


Me : fine I will take the offer , but I want

protection .

Shirley :change of plans , I am considering

moving down here , take over the territories of
this place , so work on getting those diamonds
and I will work on getting your work down
clean .
I nodded .

Shirley : right .

She took her cell phone .

Shirley : Take her down , only one the other one

will follow after .

She then hung up

Me : who are you taking out ?

Shirley : pawn.
Me : why ?

Shirley : this is a distraction .

Me :from what ?

Shirley : you will know as time goes by .


I was walking from class to my apartment , I

heard someone call over me , I stopped as they
approached me .
Me : who are you ?

Him : im detective Tom , handling the murder

case of Candra .

Me :oh , unfortunately , I and Candra were not

friends .

Him : but she was dating your brother .

Me : yes , they were…. No they were not , they

broke up .

Him : how sure are you ?

Me ; my brother tells me everything .

Him : I guess he will also tell you who killed
Candra .

Me : what do you mean ?

He didn’t say anything instead he walked away.


I walked downstairs .

Me : Lorenzo !

I called out to him but there was no response .

Me : Lorenzo !

I heard footsteps and he walked up to me .

Lorenzo : what's wrong ?

Me: I … I

I couldn’t say anything as I felt pains ,

excruciating pains . I felt some liquid running
down my thighs . Lorenzo looked at me .

Me : my water just broke !

Lorenzo : oh shit ? What does that mean ?

Me : it means im about to give birth , get my bag
on the closet , hurry .

Lorenzo : ok…ok …

He walked to the bedroom after what felt like

forever he came back , he helped me to the car ,
as he opened the door , fire was opened , one
bullet hit me on side of my stomach , the other
bullet hit me on my neck , two down , the other
bullet hit me on the other side of my stomach.
Three down, I tried opening my eyes …

Me : Lorenzo…

It came out as a whisper from there I only

heard his voice calling out to me .
Lorenzo : No… Pax don’t do that , please open
your eyes . Please …

Lights out .


I was sleeping when I felt some liquid being

poured on my face , I opened my eyes , it was
Ria .

Ria : Wake up?

Me : what is it ?

Ria : it's important .

I sat up straight .

Ria : the was this officer today he was looking

for you .

Me : officer ?

Ria : yeah , he said it was regarding the Candra

issue . Do you have something to do with this ?

Me : what ?
Ria : did you kill Candra ?

I sighed …

Me : I didn’t kill her all I did was to help Canon

hid the body , I am not the killer here .

Ria :Cane !

Me :listen Ria , this shit Is all complicated and

shit …

Ria : is this the reason why you and Canon have

been best brothers all along?

I didn’t say anything.

Ria : you should tell Dad , he will protect you.

Me : Ria …No , you cannot tell anyone about this

, you cant , it will just make things worse if you
snitch , Canon is dangerous out there , how do
you think he managed to make the professor
tomake you rewrite ? He is dangerous . Ria you
cant tell anyone , im serious , You cant .

She nodded .

Ria : okay …okay I wont tell .

She got up from the bed but I stopped her .

Me : I mean it .
Ria :I wont tell , It's alright .

We fist bumped and she walked out .


I was at a meeting with one of my buyers .

Highly .

Me : what are you trying to start here , basically

a war , you cant be looking for business
somewhere else just because I missed a few
call from you , that's being a woman don’t you
think , uyatetema .
Kaizer : im not trying to start a war with you
guys because you fucked up by missing a few
calls from me . The deal was on the table for a
few hours and you were not there , you had
errands to run but none of that concerns me .

Me : yes , it doesn’t concern you but you do

know the danger of me not supplying those
diamonds , I cant stay with those diamonds ,
they must be sold . I could give you a few bags
of those diamonds , as long as they not in my
care …

Kaizer : Manardo ..

I looked at him .
Kaizer : you know how I operate . No clean
diamonds no clean money .

Me : yes , I know how you operate , trust me all

the bag full of diamonds is all yours.

Kaizer : No … that's not how I operate .

He stood up and walked away .

Me : get Cargo here !

Volk : the results will be back in a few days.
Asked them to make it snappy , the postnotum
states that she was stabbed countless times .
That she lost a lot of blood leading to her death
, she didn’t die on the very same spot but she
died hours late , in results if they took her to the
hospital then she would have survived but those
people were very heartless .

I swallowed hard .

Volk : following the trace of blood she was

stabbed at the park , we got her friends
statement that was last seen with her and she
had said she is going to see her boyfriend,
Canon , from there she never heard from her .

Me : so this Canon is the lead here .

Volk : could be and could not be , it could turn
out that she was stabbed on her way or after
seeing Canon .


My phone beeped , it was a message from an

unknown number asking to meet me outside , I
wore my shoes and walked out of the
apartment , with my gun on the back of my
waist . The guy was standing there , as I
approached him Ria was coming to my
apartment , I hid behind the blocks .

Ria : hey , you . What are you doing here .

The guy turned to look at her .

Ria ; you were the detective looking for Cane .

Him ; yeah I was just heading …

Ria :drop the act , I know who you are , you aint
no detective . Listen you need to live my
brother alone before I tell my dad to handle you .

Him : your dad .

He took out his gun and shot her at her

forehead .
Me: Noooo!

I ran to him and shot him as he ran away …

He continued running away . I stopped and

looked at Ria . I knelt down to her and hugged
her .

Me :no…Nooooooooo


I have been waiting here for almost hours and

hours , Knox went out to get something to eat ,
but I don’t think I will eat ,how did it all
happened , I was there , why shoot at a
pregnant woman , sitting here is gonna make
me go crazy . I take out my phone but the first
thing that I see it's a notification

" WIT'S University , one of the beautiful twins

shot dead . " I scroll on my phone , the doctor
comes to me .

Me : doctor how is she /

Doctor : im sorry but we only managed to save

the baby , She didn’t survive the surgery as the
mother . Im sorry .

He said and walked away, my phone rang and I

answered .
Caller : Mr Ndlovu we are sorry to tell you that
your daughter passed away, our deepest
condolences .




My father and uncles came to see me , the

police asked us to go down to the station so
that they can take the statement . The
detective handling Ria's case walked inside the
interrogation room .
Manardo : I hate these places .

Detective : people who hate this place are

people wo know about their wrong and awful
deeds and belong to be here .

Manardo : entlek ufun'ukthini heh ?

[ what are you exactly traying to say ]

Knox : Manardo not now please .

Manardo : mxm ,I don’t even see the need to be

here, you guys should be the one looking and
finding the killer of my daughter not you asking
us questions … protocol yok,nuka , yenza
umsebenzi wenu bab phoyisa .
He walked out.

My father hardly said anything on our way here ,

when we were driving here , it looks like he is
carrying the world in his shoulders , I don’t have
quite a good relationship with my father ,
asiboni nga liso linye mina naye , we are two
different people , he is Lorenzo and I am Cane .
Our names don’t even rhyme maybe that's why
we don’t really get -get along kudu kudu .

Detective : you must be Almeria's brother .

I nod .

Detective : right , I want you to answer a few

questions for me and im gonna need you to be
honest with me .
I nodded .

Detective : why were you outside in the first

place ?

Me : I ran outside after I heard the gunshot .

Detective : did you see anyone when you came

out ?

Me : no

Detective : could you think of any body that

would wanna hurt her or your family ?
Me : no , everybody at school loved Ria . She
was a good person

Detective : havent you heard of anybody of

found something suspicious after your father's
arrest or court case ?

Knox : Manje usukhuluma udodi phelo that's

rubbish .

Detective : Cane , have you ever been

threatened by anyone …

Dad : No detective he hasn’t been threatened by

anyone , we have been through a lot this year . I
think he has told you everything he knows .
Detective : I understand this is difficult Mr
Ndlovu but it is critical to find the person that
killed your daughter .

Me : Please Detect , can we please go home …I

DETECTIVE : ALMOST DONE …. It is extended

that the person that klilled your daughter was
shotbut managed to run away , Cane do you
know anything about that ?

I shook my head no .

They brought her things .

Me : I just cant leave her here .

My father pulled me up .

Detective : We will release the body after the

autopsy is done .

We nodded and we walked out , I hugged her

Jacket , her scent is all I smell , her smile is the
one I wish to see, who will wake me up every
day in the morning just to ask me " how do I
look " why her ? We drove to the main house in
silent , I wanted to be alone , the last thing I
want is to have Paxton nagging my father about
all her craving , speaking of Paxton , I also miss
my mother , Black cherry , according to Ria , she
always sent her regards to us , I wonder how
she will feel after all this , she loved and always
wanted the best for Ria , im sure Ria was her
favorite since she didn’t bother her . Life aint
fair .

Uncle Knox opens the door first and goes out

followed by my father , I know he want to cry
but he is a man , Indodo don’t cry , those
proverbs ruin us as people , why mustn't man
cry , what do they have ? It's not like they have
Podocytes -specialized cells or anything , they
are just like anybody , God is the one that must
not cry , I walk straight to my room and my
father stays behind with Uncle K .


Knox comes to me and takes the bottle that I

had on my hand .
Me : you don’t want me to transform on you ?

Knox : rather transform on me than anyone else

, atleast I wont haunt you since im your brother .

I shook my head .

Knox : it is hard to accept that they are both

gone , just like that . You shouldn’t blame
yourself and you shouldn’t drink yourself to

Me : you didn’t hear what the detective said he

said after my court case and my release from
jail , so the person who did this is after me ,not
after my kids but me using my kids to get
through me .
Knox : because he knows when he hits your
kids he knows you are at your weakest , he
knows you will beat yourself to their murder
instead of focusing getting revenge… come on
Lorenzo , this aint Venom , this aint Terminator .
You strike when they strike at you , but you have
been too relaxed , they killed the mother of your
kids and your daughter , drinking wont bring
them back , there's no healing in alcohol .

Me : yet , you and Manardo drink every day ?

Knox : Don’t compare yourself to Manardo, as

for that one , I know there's something that he
is digging but we also need to dig and find the
person who did this shit , who is at us ! I don’t
want this weakling Lorenzo .
He patted me on my shoulder .

We heard footsteps and it was Canon .

Knox : you should tell him

Me : I don’t think I can Knox ..

Knox : I will do it for you .

Canon : where is Canon ?

Me ; in his room .

He nodded .
Canon : and my mother ?

I looked at Knox .

Canon : where the hell is my mother ? What did

you do to her ?

Knox : your mother is no more .

Canon : you people are mad , I spoke to my

mother this morning what do you mean she is
no more , I checked up on her and she was just
this fine ! Trust me i don’t like pranks nor
surprises so please don’t give me a disease I
don’t have .

Knox : Canon , your mother is no more , this is

not a prank , she got shot toady on her way to
the hospital .

He chuckled and brushed his head . He then

took out something from his back and pointed
it at us .

Canon : na'gafisa ! My mother got stabbed in

your presence .

He chuckled again and looked up preventing

tears from falling from his face !

Canon : you are the reason she died right ?

Right Lorenzo ?

I kept quiet !
Canon : answer me Damnit , she was not
supposed to die but you ! , Ria was not
supposed to die but you. You were supposed to
die ! You deserve to die .

He set the gun and he collapsed . We looked

behind him , and there was Travis .

Travis : that's a tranquilizer , he will wake up in

the morning .

We nodded .

Travis : Manardo called me here but I cant

seem to see him .
Knox : clearly you don’t know the maniac you
talking about , she could be rolling a joint
wherever he is .

We all chuckled .

Travis :look man , I heard about your daughter

and Paxton aint good at all for you and for our
business but im not here for that . Im here to
offer support where I can , I will try by all means
to help you get the people who did this , if that
means we have to get the whole army here then
that's fine , I will do that ! We will go to war ,
there will be war in South Africa.

I nodded .


I looked at the camera and opened the elevator .

Me : I have been looking for you .

Cargo : im sorry Manardo but I don’t work for

you only , you and I know the kind of work I do.
Being in the Vet is nie pap and vleis . Im here ,
now what do you want ?

Me : I lost my daughter … well not exactly my

daughter but I did lose my daughter . I want to
find her killer , I know Cane kniws something
but he just wont tell . Again I want you to track
someone for me .
Cargo : who are we talking about here ?

Me : Diana Ndlovu , I believe she is carrying my

child , I would want you to find her and take my
child away from her then kill her I wouldn’t mind
but I see killing her is not an option .

Cargo : why ? Sex is great?

Me : part on the pros .

Argo : then you love the bitch .

Me : not really . She has been missing for weeks

or months I can say and bitch is so clever that
she never makes a call to anyone . But I trust
you can try her friend Imani , she normally call
her im sure of that . We hack her phone , you
know the drill , I don’t have to explain shit to you

Cargo : right . Imma need you to give me the

picture of the ladies we talking about .

Me : right .

I gave him my cell phone .

Cargo : is this the bitch you fucked ?

I nodded .

Cargo :I saw her , night vigil . She was there , I

aint sure if I saw someone like her or it was her ,
she is pregnant .

Me : well you need to make sure you are sure

it's her but you need to access the cell phone of
the girl on the right .

Cargo : im on it .

Me : get on it

Cargo : Give me 10 digits of her . Her email

address also .

Me: let him in .

They opened the door for him

Me : David , the hell happened to you ?

David : that boy … Cane …he… did this to me .

Me : how the hell did he do this to you , the plan

was to scare him off , not for him to shoot you !
And not for you to kill his Twin , You fuckin
ruined the whole thing now .

David : im sorry mam , but the baby girl was too

forward, I thought it was …
Me : under who's command was it better ?

David : she threatened to tell her father …

Me : that was also part of the plan , you puta


I stretched out my hand and they gave me a gun


Me : you fuckin ruined everything for me ! And

you knows what happened to One lost cent .

I opened fire on his stomach .

Me : now to all you , you listen to my commands

, not the other way around .

I looked at Tasha .

Me : same applies to you , Imma need you to

move , right away , Rah I need you to handle the
bitch . I think I will take that city bitch Nairobi on
my own and that dark thing on my own !

They nodded .

Me : now why the hell y'all standing !

My phone rang and it was Ndoni , I looked at
Stanley who was watching TV . I answered the
call .

Me : somebody doesn’t get the memo here .

Ndoni : cut the drama , im calling to tell you that

Ria and Paxton are no more .

Me what ?!

Ndoni : you need to get down here

The phone slipped out of my hand as I felt

excruciating pains on my stomach … Stanley
looked at me and rushed to me , my water
broke , no , I'm not about to give birth now , no,
no ,no ,no .

Stanley ; emergency , section 4 , emergency ,

pregnant woman .

She kept on saying that , my grip tight on her

hand . Where the hell is the father of this baby
?Fuck Diana .



After a while of waiting for the nurses ,I couldn’t
handle the pain , it feels like I am 17 years again
, The door in the bedroom opens , Stanley
carried me here , I saw what looked like a
doctor .

Him : Mam , im going to need you to open you

legs for me .

Me : what ?

Him : yes , please .

Am I pushing out the baby or am I showing my

pussy to this male I don’t know ! But not so bad.

Stanley : you need to do what you are being told

to do .

I spread my legs open and he requests me to

push for him , I do as he says.

Him : I need you to give it a hard push my sister !

My sister ?! Ignore that , I push very hard but

eventually feel weak and numb , then stop .

Him : come on , do do that , don’t play with or

risk your life along wit the baby here , you are
doing great .

Me : I cant …I cant do this .

I eventually here a voice saying .' you can do

this and you will '

I look at who it is and it's Manardo .

Manardo : when you being fucked you can

scream ad wail and beg for an orgasm now why
would you fail this ? You will give birth to this
baby Diana , if that means you have to scream
then do so !

I swallow hard at his words .

Manardo : you have already spread those legs

like you usually now why fail to give birth , come
on push …in 5…4…3…2…1…Go .

I push very hard and open my eyes as I hear

baby cries , I look around the room but
eventually drift to sleep .


I opened my eyes and scanned the room I was

in , I was not in my apartment . I sat up straight
and feel a lump on my throat at the thought of
losing both a mother and a sister , this is the
hardest thing ever . I never had a good
relationship with my mother , I would always
disrespect her and not listen to her , I hate my
self for all the things I usually said to her but
she seemed to not take them to heart , even
though I never apologized after saying them,
yes I hated her for living me at a young age but I
loved her as she gave birth to me and did
everything for me , yes she was not the ideal
mother but she was there , on my worst .

I sit down and wipe my tears , and Ria , she was

a beautiful soul , and for once to even think I
wanted to use her just to get to Cane for
fucking Candra , well that was before I found
out she was my little sister . Now I feel bad for
having that thought , I always wished for a baby
sister to protect and I finally found her but she
was taken away from me . I know I have sinned
but for If this is the way God is using punish me
or try to make me change , he will have to
forgive me because I wont rest until I find the
murderers of my sister and mother .

I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower ,

when I was done doing my hygiene process . I
walk downstairs and find my father in the
kitchen , he is on a phone call whilst smoking .

Lorenzo : thank you Ndoni , I appreciate your

help .

He then hungs up and switches off his bud , his

back facing me .

Lorenzo : how did you sleep ?

Me : you know the uses of drugs making you

sleep . So ?

Lorenzo : I think you should have a talk with

Cane about how I take that kind of attitude .

He turned to look at me his face was not like

usual days , his eyes were blood shot read , his
veins popping .

Lorenzo : I hope we are clear .

I nodded .


Lorenzo : They were on their way to the hospital

, she was about to give birth , Lorenzo was
opening the door of the car for her , all he heard
was her faint voice when he turned to look at
her she was bleeding very bad , he rushed her to
the hospital not caring about the traffic light ,
when he got there , they took her to the
operation room, he spent hours there with no
one getting back to me , the nurses just ignored
him asking questions . Later , the doctor came
out of the operation room , told me they only
managed to save the baby , stuff that he was
not interested in , he received a call the his
jewel daughter is also no more .

I wiped my tears as I held the counter . Lorenzo

was not showing any emotions .

Me : why are you not crying ?

Lorenzo : we have different ways of crying and

grieving this is my way of grieving . Have you
ever seen a terminator cry ?

I shook my head
Me : and about last night , im sorry about all
that .

Lorenzo : no child of his has ever pulled a gun

on me or him but you had the balls to do that
to him . You are lucky he didn’t have anything
on him or else he would have killed your ass .
He doesn’t take disrespect easily , most
importantly I don’t take disrespect . You
worship my ground , you worship me , or else I
will terminate you , in a way that he wont even
stop me !

I swallowed hard .

" I think that's enough now"

It was uncle Knox .

Knox : Canon .

Me : Uncle .

Knox : you should carry on with what you were

doing , Terminator let's go .

He pulled Lorenzo away , Terminator !

Knox : did you sniff your shit ?

He didn’t say anything . I followed behind them

and there was Manardo in the lounge .

Manardo : Lorenzo you look like shit !

Lorenzo ; That is because shit is about to go
down , they all gonna shit on his forehead . All
those that betrayed him and disrespected him .

Manardo : Oh hell , this is not my younger


Lorenzo : oh hell he is not , atleast you know

how to differentiate between them .

Manardo : did he smoke his staff ?

Knox nodded .

Manardo : and he also drank ? Come on there's

no healing in alcohol, do you want to kill him ?
There's sickness in alcohol , kune Babalazi
utshwala , hangover , you will bath and ogcobe
Vaseline kunga lungi neks . No matter how
many times he baths .

Lorenzo : were you also sick when you fucked

his wife ?had a hangover ?

Manardo : now I see where this is going , this

aint Lorenzo talking but Terminator , come on
Terminator , don’t bring that up , Lorenzo is past
that .

Lorenzo : im not Lorenzo .

Manardo : well Lorenzo couldn’t do anything

about it and you also wont do anything about it .
Yes I fucked his wife and I was sober , well not
that alcohol does anything to me , to add to
that , she is pregnant .

Lorenzo clenched his jaws .

Lorenzo : you also aint sure if she is carrying

your child . I know that she didn’t only sleep
with me only but there's another dick that slide
through inside her . And you were the last .

Manardo : it's not like I was married to her or

anything .

Lorenzo : get out before I break your bones .

Manardo : like you scare me , you should have

already broken my bones .
Knox : Manardo .

He raised his hands in surrender .

Manardo : im out .

He said and walked out .

Knox : you should also calm down , The Dlomo

people will be here to take her spirit so it
doesn’t hauver and haunt this place since you
guys were not married .

He walked away .
Knox : where you going ?

Lorenzo : hunting .

Knox sighed , I think he is the most humble one .

I walked to Cane's room , I knocked and entered
as no one replied ,I found him sitting on the bed
looking at some picture , child hood pictures. I
sat next to him .

Cane : why her ? Of all people why her ?

I put my hand on his shoulder.

Cane : she was the closest thing I had , her pain ,

I felt it too .
Me : im sorry .

He didn’t say anything instead he just cried .


I walked inside, I pour the club , I took the bottle

of whisky from the shelves . A lady came to me ,
she put her hand on my lap .

Her : im Tee , a tiger in the bedroom .

I smiled at her . My phone rang it was Cargo

Cargo : guess what ?

Me : just talk , you are already eating my food

and wasting my appliances so just talk .

Cargo : right , I found her Location , using the

cell phone number code +234

Me : good, call Nick to get the jet ready , we

leaving in the next 30 minutes , I will be there in
10 . Let's make it rain , with thunderstorms .

I hung up and dialed Knox'x number .

Knox : yah .

Me : is that how you answer your calls now ?

Knox : what do you want Manardo ?

Me : thanda ukui phathisa kwesfazane Knox ,

ubufazi .

Knox : are we done here ?

Me : im leaving the country tonight

Knox ; why ?

Me : I think one of us should be hunting instead

of wiping salt water in our eyes .

Knox ; that aint funny .

Me : I never said it was funny and it was never a
joke .

Knox : fuck you !

Me : Bring it over to my place and I will show

you how it's done .

Knox : mxm.

Me : on a serious note , I got someone to look

for Diana and they found her , im on my way
there , she needs to stop being a coward and
face the facts .

Knox : I thought you loved her .

Me : great sex with her .

Knox : what's that supposed to mean .

Me : you would be happy if I were to marry your

brother's wife wont you ?

Knox : don’t hurt Lorenzo .

Me : Lorenzo brought this to himself , bringing

up enemies into our lives . I did say that this
whole drug business will not do us good , but
im just the always drunk and high Manardo .

I hung up and looked at the lady next to me .

Her : so what do you say ?

Me : I don’t do tigers , they are so wild , I do

rabbits .

I stood up and walked away from her .


Tasha walked inside the basement .

Me : don’t tell me you fucked him in two

seconds !
Tasha: no ,he turned me down .

Me : the fuck , and you just let it go ?

Tasha : what was I supposed to do ?

Me : you are a god damn woman , you make an

effort . You failed. You guys are derailing me ,
you are ruining the plan now .

I raised my hand and the gun went off , she fell

down .

Me : you played your role , you were useless

from the beginning Tee.

I spit on her as blood split out .

Me : Another plan failed , Now we moving to the
distraction plan . Send an order , elimination is
on . We moving . Now imma do something I
never wanted to do , hurt my fuckin sister ! Im
sorry sis .


I opened my eyes and looked at my baby next

to me , I quickly rose up , I los my daughter , and
where the hell is Manardo , I saw him ,he was
here , he pushed me to give birth . Now where
the hell is he ? I got up from the bed . I need to
go back to South Africa . I walk to the closet
and take out my travelling bag and start packing
my staff . The door opens and it's Stanley .

Stanley : where we going ?

Me : im going not you !

Stanley : im meant to be by your side .

Me : not in South Africa .

Stanley : so you going to South Africa ?

Me : yes .

We had a knock on the door, she walked out of

the bedroom to go get the door , I continued
packing, the door opened and I saw a male
figure , as I was about to look at who it was ,
something hit me so hard on my head that I fell
to the ground .




We landed in the morning .

Me : are you sure that this is the place ?

Cargo : yes , im sure .

It was a cabin , far away from the houses , how

did she manage to get this place , she must
know someone from this place . Bafazi ba
mangaza . We walked to the Cabin and the door
was slightly opened , I checked if my gun is
loaded and it was , Cargo pushed the door to
open and we walked in. Slowly we walked in
further to what looked like a lounge , her smell
was here , as we walked in further we had
footsteps approaching us and we stopped , in
the lounge was lying a woman on her cargo
pants , Cargo rushed to her .

Cargo : Stanley …

He called out to her , slapping her face lightly .


We turned to look at who it is and it was a light

skinned man , wearing a green vest and cargo
pants and some boots.

Him : Cargo , what are you doing here ? What

did you do to her ?

Cargo : Aluderas : I did nothing to her, we just

arrived , we found her like this .

Aluderas : is it ? With your friend holding fire .

Cargo : yes ,why would I hurt one of us ? That's

not sane don’t you think ?
Aluderas : it is not sane indeed . How may we
help you ?

Cargo : we here looking for this lad.

He showed him Dee's photo .

Aluderas :she is mine , what do you want from

her ?

Cargo : this is her..

Aluderas : Manardo , I know him .

I smirked and we fist bumped . The lady that

was lying on the mat , slowly opened her eyes .

Aluderas : She gave birth ?

We all didn’t say anything , he walked to Stanley

and slapped her a few times until she opened
her eyes .

Aluderas : where the hell is Diana ?

Stanley : she …ahh

She held her head .

Stanley : she gave birth …and when she woke up

she said she is going back to South Africa …
shit … I then heard a knock nd went to open
from there I don’t know what happened . I
looked at this cute soul that was sleeping
peacefully . No doubt , the baby is mine . Im a
father .

Me : And Diana ?

Stanley : I don’t know where she is !

Aluderas : we need to find her , she cant just up

and leave the baby .

Me : damn right you must find her .

Cargo : what do we do now ?

Aluderas : we wait .


My boys walked in , I smile at them .

Me : see that was quick an easy

They nodded

Me : this is going to be the best plan that will

ever work.

The baby started crying .

Me : anyone know how to handle these babies ?

Rah : I will get my girl , are they twins ?

Me : yeah .

Rah ; how did you pull this out ?

Me : this way …


Me : don’t worry my sister won't be alert on this

one . Send her out to get something from the
kitchen .
Cruz: Something like what ?

Me : you are the fuckin doctor , you should

know what is needed from the kitchen during
labor .

Cruz : i.. I

Me : no..no , don’t , or I will send word to my guy

to off your family .

Cruz: I will do that .

Me : good . Now listen to me , she is carrying

twins inside there , saw the last scan she did
when she was there . Good thing is that she
doesn’t know anything about carrying twins ,
you take one twin just after she gives birth , you
will find transport at the dam , then I will take
things from there .

Cruz: ok .

Me : good . Let us not fight over this doctor .

I hung up .


Rah : you good Shell .

Me : I know . Aint you people getting here ?

Rah : they will take time to get here , you sure
you don’t know anything about babies ?

Me : I don’t know . I never had a baby remember


Rah : yah .

Me : wake this bitch , she cant be sleeping

forever .

Rah: sure .

He walked away , my phone rang I looked at

who it was and sighed .
Me : nice receiving a call from you . Thought we
will never speak again .

Her : what did you do Shirley ?

Me : what did I do ?

Her : I know the way you work Shirley , these are

you workings , your ways of doing things .

Me : what the fuck you talking about Stanley ?

Stanley : what the fuck am I talking about ? I

know better than anyone else, no one knows
you like I do . You seem to forget that we
shared the same womb , 9 months together ,
but the only difference is that you were facing
the west side and I was facing the east side . I
know you sent your man here , to come and
attack me.

Me : my man ? To come and attack you ? Holy

crap what did you do for my man to come and
attack you .

Stanly : for a stud you act like a woman , a

dumb bitch you know ? What the fuck do you
want from me, we made it clear that you don’t
sabotage what's mine and I also do the same ,
but clearly you never keep your words , you
knew what you were doing .

Me : I didn’t know you that you were the one

standing on my way .
Stanley : oh cut the crap Shirley , you knew
what you were doing . And I hope you still know
what you were doing . I swear to the guy above
the sky that you are not my twin .

Me : harsh words sis .

Stanley : I will find you Shirley and I will do

everything in power to find you and release that
girl .

Me : you better believe it that I have nothing to

do with this .

Stanley : keep saying so .

She hung up . I cursed and threw my cell phone

at the wall.


I heard a knock on the door , I stood up and

walked to get the door . It was the officer .

Him : Officer Zweli , looking for Melusi Bhengu.

Me ; this is your guy . How may I help you ?

Officer : we have come bearing bad news . We

are sorry to let you know that Your sister in law
Tasha was found shot right on her stomach,
bled too much .
Me : what ?

Officer : we found her dumped near the station

.if you are not convinced you may come with us
to identify her body at the station .

Me : I will surely come to the station .

He nodded and walked away , I closed the door .

What is happening here , am I losing my mind or
something ? Is this a curse or anything ? First
my daughter , now Tasha . My phone rings and
it's Volk , I answer it .

Volk : the results came back .

Me : who killed my daughter?

Volk : Canon Ndlovu .

Me : who is that ?

Volk : Lorenzo's son .

Me : this man is looking for my blood neh ? How

about I give him more blood .

Volk :you not doing anything silly about this , if

anything happens to Lorenzo trust me I will get
you inside the cell.

I hung up .


I calmed the baby down , when he was asleep , I

walked out of the room , had someone is
summoning me , I was in a place I don’t even
know , too fancy for a someone to be
kidnapped or killed . What happened ? I don’t
know ,and how did I even end up here . I knock
on the room that looks like a study room and
get inside . I hear a baby crying , a baby is
holding her .

Me : Stanley

Her : Not her , but we do look alike .

I frowned .

Her : finally you came . Take you child , yerr

Yakhala too much . Ya tefa

She handed me the baby and I calmed the baby

do0wn .

Me : who are you ? And what do you want ?

Her : I love that . You aint frightened , shows

that you married a gangster . But I will surely
resolve that matter of having a big mouth .

Me : : who are you ?

Her : Me ? Im the shell .

I didn’t say anything. The bay started crying .

Her : Thulisa ingane .

Me : if she wont keep quiet then what must I do ?

Her : you the mother of that baby , breastfeed

her . You know the works .

Me : this aint my child .

Her : you have birth to that child , she is yours .

Me : I only gave birth to one child .

Her : there's no difference between the baby
that you just calmed down and the one you
holding .

I looked at the baby . I swallowed hard , did I

give birth to twins ?but how ?

Her : you are way too pretty to be an idiot .

I rolled my eyes and calmed the bay down .'

Her ; we will also fix that . You think im your

husband .

Me : what do you want from me ?

Her: not so hot headed , I see . I want your
husbands worth .

I frowned .

Her ; all your three husbands . Loreno ,

Leonardo , Knox . All their worth .

Me : why am I involved in all this ? Lorenzo and I

are no longer together , he is with Paxton .

Her : because you are my way to getting

everything . And don’t worry , I handled Paxton ,
she is out of you way .

I swallowed hard .
Her : so what do you say ?

Me : You never gonna get their worth , not even

their territories nor Diamonds .

Her : Guess we will go dirty .

She lit the Tv on and showed my baby that was

sleeping , she was on a bath tub full of water .

Her : deep .

The man drowned her , she couldn’t breath . I

cried …

Me : stop … stop …I will do it . I will do it .

Please don’t hurt my babies . Please … I will do
it .

She smiled .

Her : one more time .

The guy drowned the baby , over and over …

Me : please stop … Please…

Her : that's enough .

He guy stopped and the baby cried , I stood up .

Her : not so fast .

I looked at her .

Me : can I at least have my baby please . I

promise I wont do anything funny . Please .

Her : bring her over .

The door opened and some guy walked in

holding the baby , I took her from him and
calmed her down . She took the other one .

Her : Now…

I looked at her .

Her : you go home to your husband , and be

what you were going to be when you get here .
Be mad , blame him for the murder of your
daughter , you know the shit man . Then Leo… I
want those Diamonds . Since you sleep with
three , Lorenzo , Leo , Melusi . And Melusi I want
those business that he owns , everything of his .
Will you be able to do that ?

I nodded

Her ; what was that ?

Me : yes .

Her : Good , you will hear from me …

The door opened and a Lady walked in .

Her : Philly ? What are you doing here

Philly : looks like you derailing everything , im

here to take over , you will need me. Shirley

Shirley : im handling this very well .

Philly : no you not , we sent word to you to take

over and kill who killed my brother but you are
failing .

Shirley : im not …

Philly looked at me …

Philly : who is she ? The wife ?

Shirley nodded .

Philly : how is she of use ?

Shirley : she will be the one doing everything for

us .

Philly : how so ?

Shirley : good so . I will go with you to your

husbnd , since I look like my twin , no one will
even notice that im Stan , nit that they know me .
I will monitor every move of yours .

Philly : mhmm..
Shirley ; she does anything silly , this cute thing
will die just like that , Your sister will vanish .
Your son … I don’t even want to mention it .
What would stop me from killing him if I
managed Ria.

I cried…

Philly : good plan ,now let's move .

Shirley : we need to talk .

Philly : yeah right .

I walked out with Shirley behind me and a few

guys .
Shirley : To her place .

They nodded and we walked out of the house

to the cars , with my luggage bag .


Knox knocked inside my room , and then

walked in …

Knox : they are here .

Me ; who ?
Knox ; The Dlomo family .

Me : I will be there In a few .

He walked out , I wore my shoes and walked out

. Indeed they were here , with their tree . Her
mother was ma , the one that worked for me .

Ma : my daughter died in your hands Lorenzo .

I didn’t say anything .

Ma : ion your hands !

Me ; im sorry ma .
Man : Phephisa sisi .

He brushed her back and Knox led them to

where she was shot . I closed my eyes and
looked up , and when I opened them I was met
by Diana , with a lady and a baby .

Me : Dee…

She didn’t say anything , she was wearing sun

glasses and a hat . Knox walked in and asked to
be excused .

My phone rang , it was Knox , we were on our
way to the airport .

Me : yah .

Knox : you seem stressed .

Me : she is not here , she gave birth …

Knox : exactly why I called you , I called to tell

you that she is here , with child

Me : what ?

Knox : yeah . Get back .

I nodded and he hung up .

Me : Diana is at South Africa .

Stanley cursed .

Thanks to Neli for coming through . We can

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I run my eyes on the house , the house that was
bought for me , my matrimonial house . Lorenzo
tries to touch me but I move my hand from him .

Me : don’t touch me .

He nods and looks at Shirley .

Lorenzo : can we talk please , in private .

I look at Shirley .

Me : everything you want to say you can say it

here , with her present .
Lorenzo : Dee …

I notice a big photo of Ria , I walk up to it and

look at her photo, her smile . I cant believe I lost
a daughter . I shouldn’t have been here to
protect you , but I was too selfish to think of
that .

Me : Baby girl … im sorry I wasn’t here to protect

you . I…I …

I break down …

"Her death was unexpected "

I turn to look at who it is and it's Canon . He

walks to me ,his eyes folded .
Canon : blaming your self wont bring her back
to earth you know? I know it is hard to accept
that she is gone just like that . But …we all
gonna have to accept it .

I nod .

Canon : you have a child to live for . Cane , he

needs his mother right now .

He the walks away . I feel a hand on my

shoulder and this time it's Shirley .

Shirley : you losing to script now .

I swallow hard and wipe my tears .

Me : im not , I know what Im doing .

Shirley : it seems like you don’t …

Me : trust me I know .

Shirley: if you do anything silly , just know , one

call or what word you lose you kids . Cane he is
at the pool right now . And Nairobi she is next to
some club … pshhh …imagine you cute little
baby .

Me : I know okay , I know what's at risk .

Shirley : good , now how about you roll up all

this .
I nod , she places her hand on my Bracelet.

Shirley : this , you cant take off unless punched

in the code

I close my eyes and walk to Lorenzo and Knox .

Knox : Manardo and the team are on their ways

here …Dee…

I nod .

Knox : I will be right back . Im going to check on

if the boy is drowning himself or what ?
Shirley : I should also take a look at the pool .
Can I ?

Lorenzo : sure .

Shirley : don’t ruin this up, I got Cane and my

boys on the other side , so don’t ,m and I can
hear everything you say . My people can hear
everything you say .

She whispers and walks away . The baby starts

crying but eventually calms down .

Lorenzo : I guess this is yours .

Me : yes , it's mine .

Lorenzo : and who is the father ?... Or you don’t
know since you had the three of us buried
inside that hole of yours .

Me : You mean the hole that you also fucked

right after one was inside of it right ? And the
babie…baby it's not yours and yes I had the
three of you so what ? Atleast out of that three
another man managed to give me another one
since you were failing all these years.

He chuckled .

Lorenzo : oh cut the crap Dee , you and I know

that I wasn’t the problem , it was just you using
the fucking pills !

Me : Please lower your voice .

Lorenzo : for what ? For the baby ? It aint mine
so why should I care ?

Me : you should care because he has an

amount of 5 % blood running in his veins . I
mean surely your brother has it in you .

Lorenzo :And you happy and proud that you

cheated ?

Me : so what if im not happy .

Lorenzo :I have always known you are a whore.

Me : im a whore now ? Hello , Venom , you were

the first one to cheat on me . Oh yes I know , I
didn’t stay with you when I was pregnant with
the twins , you were never getting any sex from
m but I know you were getting it somewhere
else . All these years , I stayed with you , I let it
past me that you were cheating , then a bitch
from high school comes and you also fuck her ,
again ? You eat something that had already
expired ? I was with you all the way Venom ,
you struggling , the business , you getting hits
with your brothers , I was there and you repay
me by an exchange of fluid ? Huh Lorenzo . You
Lorenzo , Now look my daughter … Paxton is
gone … Ria is Gone just because of you and
your enemies . You Lorenzo and then you have
the guts to tell me that im a whore . So what if
im one ? So what ? It's my hole they eating not
yours ! My mother is dead because of you
Lorenzo . You only . Now my son might follow ,
my sister , my baby might follow after all this .
All this because of you !
I wipe my tears .

Me : you disgust me Lorenzo. You are

horrendous … im ready to leave .

I look at Lorenzo and h is not saying anything .

Shirley walks inside the lounge .

Me : and You don’t scare me Terminator , you

don’t !

I said and walked away , on my way I bumped

into Ndoni …

Ndoni : Dee …
I roll my eyes and look at Shirley .

Me :I will be back Ndoni .

Ndoni took the baby from me . I walk away with

Shirley . We got inside the car .

Shirley : now that's what I call real bitch .

Me : can you please give me my baby , you have

everything you need from me . I wont say
anything , I promise you , you even captured me .
What more do you want from me ?

Shirley ; no … we cant give you the baby , that

baby belongs to me now , we will get the baby a
guardian , you can always check upon the baby .
When I say so . And me and you we are still
best of friends .

Me : can I atleast stay over here , I need to see

my son .

Shirley : you are so demanding … fine you can

but I want you at the club house Tomorrow .

I nodded and I got out .

Shirley : And im watching you .

I nodded and she drove away , I walk back to

the house . I find Canon at the kitchen .

Me : im sorry about your mother , we were not

best friends but I never wished death upon her .

Canon : cool , thanks .

I looked behind his back , he had a gun on his

waist .

Me : is that ?

Canon : It's for protection .

Me : I see … does your father …

Canon : Lorenzo ? Yes he does . And he aint

gon' do shit about it .
I nodded and walked away .


I drove inside the yard , I pulled up at the garage

,I got out of the car and then walked inside the
house . In there I find Philly with the boys .

Philly : where is the girl ?

Me : I left her .

Philly : what the …?

Me : I got her captured ok ?.. Can we talk alone ?

She nods and leads the way to the study .

Philly : what is it ? Wanna fuck ?

Me : No … I didn’t appreciate the tone you used

earlier on .

She tapped her toes.

Phily : an apology ? Im sorry .

Me : good , I need you to now who is in charge

here . I am in charge and not you .you are just
money rooted , and I am also money rooted , im
doing this for fun not for you . I hope I made my
self clear . You brother was a friend to me so
don’t make this about you …

Philly : I got you…

My phone rang , I answered .

Me : Shirley , hello .

Caller : my beloved twin . I guess we will never

talk about our dream here again right ?

Me : what are you talking about Stan ?

Stan : what I mean is that , I do visit home once

in a time ?
Me : wait , you at South Africa ?

Stan : shocked ? Where are you , I want to pass

by you .

Me : I see . Stop what you …

Stan : no , you must stop what you are doing

cause it wont end well trust me .

Me : till we meet Stan .

I hung up .

Philly : your sister is going to be a problem .

Me : I know but I will handle her .

Philly , I know you wont handle her , so I will

handle her .

Me : no , I said I will handle her . Not you .

Philly : like to see that .

She walked out …

I was breastfeeding the baby with Ndoni .

Ndoni : nawe kodwa …

Me : I had no choice other than to run away

Ndoni .

Ndoni : niya zenza .

Me : I even saw your man .

Ndoni : at the night vigil .

Me : you knew .

Ndoni : under pillow talk .

Me : I see… let me go get his toys from the
dining room .

She nods and I walk out ,leaving the baby with

Ndoni, walking to the kitchen , I bump into
Manardo , he looks at me with a serious face , I
don’t know him that much , so I cant
differentiate if whether she is angry of what ?

Me : Manardo .

Manardo : kwenyama .

He shakes his head and walks past me but I

hold his hand .
Me : don’t do that please .

Manardo : ngiyeka Diana .

Me : Im sorry .

Manardo : I don’t like acting like a bitch , kodwa

wena , you gonna make me act like one . Now ,
let go of me , you aint my wife , nor my girlfriend

I swallowed hard .'

Manardo : let go of me before I commit the

biggest sin ever .

I let go of him .
Manardo : atleast you still got the beauty ,
imagine nje if you were ugly after giving birth . I
see you are also a spy .

I frown .

Manardo : your bracelet Baby … I have been in

this industry for far too long . So no one walks
around with that bracelet .


Let's like and follow the page guys .


Days went by fast; nothing was getting better
than the pressure of work I was getting from
Shirley and her team, I wish I could tell
someone about this but I can’t even tell anyone
about it, it’s all hard. having my son to be
kidnapped, I have named the twins as yet , I
would try to talk to their father and ask him to
name them but Manardo wants nothing to do
with me , he thinks I’m a spy , at least there’s
someone that notices that there something bad
I’m doing .

Today it was the burial of Paxton and Ria ,

honestly I wouldn’t and never wished death on
her , in fact I feel grateful to her for watching
over the kids whilst I was gone , it hurts to leave
a child after birth , and it’s also hard for a parent
to bury their child , this woman Shirley is here to
destroy . I so wish who is she talking about that
she is avenging for, for her to even kill innocent
people, I would call her a coward because she
doesn’t want to face Lorenzo, Knox and
Manardo, but I wouldn’t call her a coward
because she shows no mercy.
I see Manardo walking inside the house, I
attempt to follow him, I just want us to talk
things out.
“Diana “

I look at who is calling me, it’s Shirley.

Me: hey.

Whenever I’m by her sight I tremble, honestly,

she scares the hell out of me.

Her: you don’t remember me?

I frown at her.

Her: it’s me Stanley.

Me: oh … I see. what are you doing here?

Stan: I’m here for you, to protect you, you are in

danger …

Me: that’s so kind of you, but Stan I’m not in

danger, this is South Africa, and besides that, I
have my husband and his brothers by my side,
so I aunt in danger.
Stan: I know…

Me: look Stan I got to go. we will talk.

Stan: at least take my number to call.

Me: right.

I give her my digits and then walk away before

she could say anything. I walk inside of the
house and look for Manardo, I spot Noni at the
kitchen …

Me: Noni …

Noni: hit, mommy.

Ok, she is already drunk and …

Me: hi, have you seen Manardo?

Noni: oh, he took the baby with him, I think he is

up there …

Me: ok, thanks.

I attempt to walk away but she holds me by my


Noni: you not going to do it in his house are you?

that would be you disrespecting Him Dee.
Me: No Noni, my head is not in that space, and
this is my house too.

She nods and lets me go , I roll my eyes and

walk away , going upstairs , when I get there , I
find him with the baby in his hands , Manardo is
very fond of kids , all of them are very fond of
kids, I just hate that they spoil them a lot . I
know on the door and he looks up to me with
his finger on his mouth indicating that I
shouldn’t make noise. I nod and walk in further;
I sit next to him on the bed.

Me; is she asleep?

Manardo: yeah.

Me: don’t you want me to lay him to rest?

He looks at me and gives me the baby, I go to
his cot and lay him to rest. he kisses the aby
just after I’m done laying him to rest. He urns
to walk away but I pull him back and hug him.

Me : please don’t do this.

He doesn’t say anything , instead I hear him

sigh .

Me : I had no choice than to leave , I didn’t want

to leave but honestly I had no choice , I had
stolen his money and cheated on him with you ,
I was just running for my life . I know I was
selfish and I hate my self for that , I hate my self
for being a coward . maybe if I stayed then my
daughter wouldn’t have died . who knows ?
maybe I was gonna protect her but I was
selfish to even think about that . please forgive
me . And yes the babie..baby is yours . please
say something , I wouldn’t care even if you were
to hit me of what but please don’t remain silent
like this , don’t go Ghost on me please.

Manardo : Did you know the baby is mine ?

I shook my head no .

Manardo : how do I know you are telling the

truth ?

Me : Ndoni is my witness , I didn’t know the

baby is yours I swear, you know I would have
told you about this .
He hugs me back.

Manardo : and the bracelet ?

Me : uh…

He makes me look at him .

Manardo : im listening …

Me : it was given to me by Staley , to monitor

my moves cause I wanted to come back here .

He looks at me unsure .

Manardo : is that all ?

Me : yes … and please don’t look at me like that .

Manardo : shwele .

I smile and lay my head on his chest , I sigh ,

how do I tell you Manardo ? how do I fuckin tell
you , I know you and Knox will act fast on this
but you will think using your dicks , at least
Lorenzo knows how ton think smart , now how
do I tell you about this ?

I was sitting with the team listening to the
conversation between Dee and her Lover . I
passed my cigarette to Philly .

Philly : we should hit the second item .

Me : mhmm .

Philly: I just think it’s time we get to start

moving .

My phone rang .

Me : it is one of our guys on the inside .

Philly :hear what they saying , could be

important .
I nod and answer the cell phone .

Me : im listening .

Him : boss you at the building ? I thought you

said …

Me : no , I aint at the building .

Him : i saw you sister here , talking to our

worker ..

Me : ok …

Him : want me to handle her ?

Me : no , I will deal with it my self , thanks for
letting me know .

I hung up and look at Philly .

Philly : she is going to be a problem Shirl , Stan

is going to be a problem .

Me : I know and I said I will handle her .

Philly :you always say that , the last time you

said that and look where we are now , I wont let
you jeopardize this for us Shirley , we talking
about my brother here . he was killed cold blood.
You thought I was bluffin when I said that I will
take over if you feel like you cant . you are
having a weak spot and that aint you .
Me : I said I will handle I Philly , now stop being
a fly .

She chuckled .

Philly : no you wont , I will handle this … Call that

bambino of yours .

Me : she is still busy …

Philly why does it feel like you are developing a

weak spot for her ?

I chuckled .

Me : what are you trying to say ?

Philly : let me tell you this , even if you were left
in a room with her ,you will never get to taste
her as long as im still here .

Me : is that a threat ?

Philly : you of all should know I don’t do threats .

now , call her I want us to talk have a real talk .
bring her to Abraham room .

She walked away .

I cursed …


Me : so what do you want to name her ?

We were at the pool .

Manardo : you haven’t named her .

Me : no , I only had twins names im my mind .

Manardo : you gave birth to twins ?

Me : no… I mean to say , I always wished for

twins , so I only thought of twins names and I
want you to think of twins names .
I cleared my throat .

Manardo : Nomarussia ….

I giggled …

me : Hell no Manardo , ain no way we giving my

daughter that name , I want to twin names .

Manardo : Twins … well what’s wrong with

Nomarussia ? well and Nomaindia .

I giggled again and this time he joined me .

Me : im serious Manardo .
I said with a straight face

Manardo: shwele . I would like Nomkhita and


Me : mhmm, I love them . I guess we will name

them … I mean her both those names .

Manardo : both of them ?

Me : yeah , we going to make another baby , one

day , just right after the cleansing or rather after
divorcing Lorenzo.

Manardo : Uyam’lahla ?

Me : yeah .
Manardo : for ini ?

Me : to be free and fuck with you all I want .

Manardo : Hai kodwa mina ngeke ngik’shade .

Me : I know and im not looking for marriage .

Manardo : that would mean I will eat inkomo

yanga phandle .

I frowned at him .

Manardo : im joking .
My phone rang , I rolled my eyes and asked to
be excused but Manardo followed me .

Me : hi…how may I help you ?

Shirley : I need you here now .

Me : what ? oh my now ?

Shirley : yes now .

I giggled and looked at Manardo .

Me : you are so exhausting , im on my way .

I hung up .
Me :I got to go .

Manardo : I now , but where ?

Me : Ndoni …is requesting for my presence ,

something about Travis .

Manardo : well let’s go .

Me : women kinda stuff Leo .

He raised his one eyes brow .

Me : please don’t …
Manardo : its’ fine you can go .

I perk his lips .

Me :please check up on the baby .

Manardo : don’t worry , we got her someone to

look after her .

Me : that’s considerate .

He nods and I perks his lips again then walk

away .


We were sitting at the Gazebo drinking with

some of my friends and Canon’s friends , well
my friends it was Steve I mean , and the rest it
was Canon’s friends , he is well known, and his
friends are a little scary too .

Rot: you know for a minute I once made a bet

on you guys , that you are twins , and they
denied all that shit , opposing against me , now
look .

Vysant : just say you want the money Rot and

don’t beat around the bush .

Rot :oh yeah I want my money on you guys ,

1000 bucks is a lot of money .
Vysant : it’s 1000 bucks now ?

Rot ; yeah .

Vysant : you are high .

We all chuckled and suddenly we heard police


Canon : who are we robbing ?

Vysant : cut that shit , that’s not us . we sell real

things and we produce real things .

Me : oh yah ?
Vysant : oh yah ..

We chuckled again and the van parked at the

gate , it was two vans , they all came out of the
van and made our way to us . Uncle K is the one
that approached them.

Knox : officers, how may we help you ?

Officer : this is officer Dongwe and im with

Officer Zano …

A whistle was blown and it was Manardo . he

approached the officers .

Manardo : welele . zishaphi manje ?

[what’s going on ]

Officer : we have an warrant of arrest .

Knox : for who ?

Manardo : Nganekwane leh . they just want to

rob us .

Knox : Leo … please .

Officer : we here looking for Canon Ndlovu.

Knox : what did he do ?

Officer : where is he?

Canon : this is my body , don’t know about my
soul .

He approached the detective .

Officer : cuff him .

One man went behind him .

Him : Canon Ndlovu you are under arrest for the

murder of Candra Bhengu …

Knox : Murder ?

Manardo : yimbuzi nje, imbamba. Murder , what

the fuck do you mean murder ?

Officer :if you want all the details please come

to the station .

They cuffed him and took him to the Van .


I walked inside the house and walked to where I

was called , Abraham room .

Philly : take a sit .

I sat down .

Philly :how is the care taker for the baby , hope

she is doing her job good .

I swallowed hard , oh no , not this again .

Me : I didn’t tell him anything , I swear , please …

I said with tears running down my cheeks .

Philly : I know you didn’t say anything .

I looked at Shirley .

Philly : I want you to tell me where Stanley is ?

Shirley : really Phil….

Philly raised her finger .

Phily : im listening Diana .

Me : I don’t know .

Philly : then you will know … HANG HER !

She yelled and the screen was on and showing

a baby being hanged .

Me : No….no don’t do it … please stop …please .

Philly chuckled , I begged and begged her but it
was falling on deaf ears .

Me : I will find out …yes I will wind out today .

please don’t hurt my babies . please .

I clasped my hands together and wen down on

my knees .

Me : please …I will do anything … anything you

want .

Philly : Stop!

I looked at the screen and the baby was crying .

Philly : Anything ?
I nodded .

Philly : good , now you getting the diamonds ,

you work on getting them whilst you work on
getting Lorenzo arrested .

I looked at her and shook my head no .

Philly : what was that ?

Me : I will it .

Philly : please , find Stanley for me , otherwise

next time it wont be death , death will be too
easy on you , you will move on .

I was busy today and I will be busy tomorrow ,

finishing writing on TUESADY But I have a book
to edit and proof read . Im trying . we just need
to reach 70 then we are almost done




I was bonding with Kai , I named him Kai ,

Monalisa , who happens to be Paxton’s cousin
is the one taking care of her along with her
mother , I’m not in the right state of mind to
raise a baby , I will need someone by my side to
help me ¬–– Manardo called me saying Canon
has been arrested for the murder of Candra . I
had to drop everything I was doing and cut my
time short with Kai just to drive and to the
station , I just hope whatever it is it’s not true ,
because if I were to find out that it’s true , I
swear he wont even enter those cells , I will kill
him with my own bare hands . Almeria never
gave me problems now these two?

Me: detect, Lorenzo Ndlovu, Canon’s father.

Detective: oh, he is still in for questioning.

Me: ok, can I see him?

Detective: sure, that way …

Me: thanks.

Detective: if I were, I would start looking for

lawyer, you will need one.

Me: what do you mean?

Detective: it seems like these people have got

enough proof.

Me: what does that mean for you?

He chuckled.
Detective: I would love to but the proof is locked

I nodded.

Me: thanks.

He nodded and I walked away to the

interrogation room. I walked in and I found
Manardo and Knox along with the boys.

Officer: and who are you?

Me: the father.

Officer: it looks like we got more of fathers, who

is the real father?
Knox: all of us.

The officer shook his head.

Me: what are you charging him with?

Officer: Murder of Candra.

Me: those are serious accusations officer.

Officer: they are not accusations; we got

enough proof hence he is arrested. awaiting his
trial as there’s no bail for him.

Knox: why aren’t no bail hearing for him?

Officer: the jury voted against it.

I looked at him.

Me: can I have a moment with them?

Officer: no funny business.

He stood up and walked out.

Me: Canon, do you know anything about this?

Canon: you going to get me a lawyer or should I

get one my self?
Manardo: that aren’t no way to speak to an
elder most especially your father.

Canon: my father you said.

Manardo: well you are right cause I’m not your

father and trust me ntwana , yabo kimi uzonya ,
buza lo . umuntu ozi phathisa oko mfazi,
yashaya, bulala, and trust me your father wont
even stop me from doing that. I’m not one to
get disrespected easily, yes, I do laugh and stuff
but we aren’t mates, Sizona ntanga.

He swallowed hard.

Manardo: Phinde la masimba, nx Msunu we

{repeat what you said, Cunt of a sheep]
Knox: Gusha, ne gusha lize lincono, impfene.
[ sheep? a sheep is better, a monkey]

Knox took out a cigarette and lit it.

Me: Knox not here.

Manardo: Hai wena mana kancane, bangela

[wait a little bit, busy nagging us]

Me: this is a fuckin station …

Manardo: shlanganaphi thina?

Me: now watch your tone.

Manardo: it’s this boy of yours, he thinks he has

been in this game for long and knows
everything, Hela baba kuyafiwa la, la inkomo
idla ichappies, iknomo idla ichappies, ku rough
la tsk.

He walked to the corner to calm himself down.

Me: what were you thinking?

Canon: she slept with Cane, and I was

supposed to pass that? No.

Me: so, you decided to kill her and also your

niece or your nephew that she was carrying?
Canon: I just wanted to scare her; something
just took over me.

Knox: do you realize that you are facing a death

penalty or worse 25 years? she was pregnant,
worse you disposed the body.

Canon: I’m ready to go down. I lost my mother


Me: and what about your grandmother.

Canon: my Gran will be well taken care of. Lisa

is there.

The door swung open and the officer walked

back in.

Officer: that’s enough.

Me really now?

Officer: yes, you will be given the date for his


Canon stood up, he looked at Cane.

Canon: take care.

Cane nodded.

Officer: Cane, you are staying for questioning.

Canon: why?

Me: you also charging him of murder?

Officer: no. we just want to ask him a few

questions since he was involved with the girl.

Cane: it’s alright father. I can handle this.

Knox: you sure?

Cane: yes.

Officer: you guys may excuse us. canon you will

e taken to your cell.
We walked out.



Officer: so, what was your relationship with


Me: nothing, we were just fucking.

Officer: just fucking, I see. what was your

expression when you find out about the baby?

Me: was scared, I mean I’m just a teenager, my

parents were going to stop giving me my
monthly allowance, well that’s what they said
when I was sexually active.

Officer: did you know Candra was dating Canon?

me: she told me they broke up.

Officer: oh, were you the one to make the first


Me: no. she made the move first.

Officer: words on the street says you and Canon

had some history when you fucked his girlfriend,
did you somehow date her because you want to
bruise Canon?
Me: I mean I hated the mother fucker so yes, I
wanted to bruise his ego.

Officer: and now he is your brother.

Me: yes, I found out he is my brother, and shit

we almost got into fight and you know the rents,
they don’t like to see their parents fighting.

Officer: how was reaction when he found out

about You, Candra and the Baby.

Me: how would you feel? I don’t know how he

felt, I’m not him, but I pitied him, how would you
feel? jump?
Officer: mhm, yeah hurt is the word … You and
Canon became the vest of friends just the night
after Candra disappeared.

Me: that was because my friend, well his

brother was hosting a party and they saw that
the party would be boring with two Mfs beefing

I chuckled.

Me: Steve, son of a bustard, he locked us in our

apartment, took the keys. like we were two
lovers wanting to rekindle our love for each
other. well we sat there in silent, Topic was
brought up, you fucked my bitch, first you stab
me then you hit where I hit? Nigga was crazy,
we brought it down, argued and argued, till we
called it off. Truce. bro is smart, he was like
what’s going on between our parents aren’t got
shit to do with us.

Officer: mhmm.

Me: yeah … we done here? cause clearly you are

not charging me.

Officer: yeah, we are done.

Me: good.

I stood up and walked out.


I breast feed my baby, I decided to name her

Nomakhosi, she is going through hell at a young
age, she doesn’t know anything and she didn’t
do anything but she is paying for our awful sins
that we committed. I kiss her on the forehead
and my phone rings it’s Manardo. I sigh before
answering the call.

Me: Ndlovu.

Manardo: where are you? it’s morning already

and you aren’t at the house, where the hell are
you? don’t you ever think the baby needs you.

Me: I went out to get some fresh air but I’m on

my way there.
Manardo: I’m sure you are and for your safety I
hope you are.

He hangs up before I could respond, now what

got him so angry? ¬¬––the door opens and in
walks in a man, carrying a gun followed by the

Him: they are requesting for you presence.

I nod and kiss my baby, the nanny takes the

baby from me, how does she feel having to
witness all these, I’m sure she is one of them.
I’m so very sure –I walk out of the bedroom and
walk to where this man is leading me. we finally
reach the room; I enter and then close the door.
it’s Shirley and her team.
Philly: how did you sleep baby?

I don’t answer instead I rolled my eyes.

Philly: Shirley, I never knew about that.

Shirley: I will fix it.

Philly nodded and shifted her eyes on me.

Philly: so back to business. we going to need

you to do what you do with Manardo. Fuck with
him, till you get the code to the safe. you get the
code; you take the diamonds and walk away.
Me: what? how will I know the code to the safe?
clearly, I won’t stand behind him and watch him
punch his code, we talking about Manardo here,
and you can’t expect me to just say Hey
Manardo please give me the code to the safe.

Philly: that’s gangster wise, and no you have to

do any of that, this is a SPR, it’s an abbreviation
of Small Particle Reagent

She waved what looked like a spray.

Philly: you seem to be confused, well SPR

makes fingerprints visible by spraying a
solution consisting of fine colored particles
such as White, Black, UV-active on the exhibit’s
wet surface. These particles stick to the
endogenous secretions and make the print
detectable. Once a print is evident the surplus
spray needs to be washed away with distilled
water. Immediately after this step, the print can
be taken with a common gel lifter. On more
difficult surfaces, surfaces with a strong texture
the trace needs to be saved photographically.

She gave it to me.

Philly: so, you missus all you need to do is that,

you going to spray this on the safe and then he
will punch in a code that easy huh?

Me: how do I get him to open the safe? he

doesn’t open it when I’m around or anything.

Philly: he doesn’t trust you. don’t worry about all

that but all you need to do is to unload his gun
to have zero bullets, then leave the rest to us.
are we clear?

I nodded.

Philly: if you mess this up then your precious

daughter won’t be a virgin when she grows up,
what do you tell him when she grows up? you
were fucked because of your father’s deeds.?

I swallowed hard and shook my head no.

Philly: good.

Shirley; this is an earring.

Me: so much jewelry.

Shirley: yes, you are loved by the way.

I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

Shirley: Rah, explain everything to her.

Rah: this earing is very special , it is just like

your bracelet , hard to take off , need a QR code,
so this earing is made up of a camera with it ,
we see everything you do , let it you typing or
writing something we see everything . it is
known as the Surveillance Camera Earrings.

Me: I don’t need these, and besides I wasn’t

going to write anything or …
Rah: until you think about it, writing them
something, a letter, you are strapped bitch.

I cursed.

Rah: looks like you were considering doing that.

I didn’t say anything.

Shirley: you think that we a joking, Rah I sent a

hit, take the bitch out.

She walked out.

Me: no… no please don’t … please talk to her.

Philly: nah … you have been wasting our time
bitch, I told you to get me the details about

Me: I will get them for you please…

Philly: too late for that.

She also walked out. I wailed …



Ria and Paxton’s death was not expected. but

who expects it? I mean it doesn’t knock on
anyone’s door that I’m here. I’m doing my best
to get the killers of my daughter and Paxton,
one thing I’m certain about is that this was done
by only one person. I just drove home, my
phone rings and it’s Lisa–– I and her have never
been the best of friends, well she is the one that
hates me for what I don’t know –– I answer the
call as I pour myself a glass of whiskey.

Me: hey.

Lisa: Hi.

Me: is he giving you problems?

Lisa: not really, there’s something I want us to

discuss, it’s about Kai.
Me: ok, I’m listening.

Lisa: yeah, I’m at your building right now,

would you please tell the two let me up?

Me: ok.

I look at the monitor and hung up. I call Alex

and tell him to let her up, after a few minutes
she walks up holding Kai and a bag. I help her
with the bag, and walk to the lounge and take a

Lisa: beautiful house.

Me: thanks. You said you wanted to talk.

Lisa: yeah.

Kai started crying, she took out her breast and

fed her.

Me: you got milk?

Lisa: yeah, a friend of mine, she is a doctor, she

advised me to get peels for breast milk,
formulas aren’t good for new born babies. don’t
worry it’s just a temporary thing. I hope you
don’t mind …

Me: no, I don’t. you are Paxton’s sister.

Lisa: Cousin.
Me: right.

I looked at her as she breastfed him,

Lisa: ouch tiger,

Me: does it hurt?

Lisa: yeah, these guys are very strong.

Me: but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that much.

Lisa: yeah, the same way that you sucked

Paxton’s tits, it is how it feels right now.

Me: oh.

Lisa: but I’m getting used to it, just these three


Me: ok …

Lisa: and I’m done. want to hold him?

Me: sure.

He handed me Kai.

Lisa: he is your resemblance

Me: you think?

Lisa: I know so … Look, I’m not here to stay. You

and I Practically don’t like each other …

Me: you don’t like me, not the other way around.

Lisa: you like me?

Me: not in that way.

Lisa: whatever, so we are bought together

because of Kai, I love taking care on him and
parenting him. well, you know the drill about
Pax and I Chasing the wrong guys and put them
in jail, just like you.
Me: me?

Lisa: yeah and your brother, well there’s this

case I’m Prosecuting, I’m about to get into
detail about it. so that would mean I will need
you to also help in taking care of Kai, not you to
send monthly allowance, I can provide for

Me: basically, you saying you are back to work.

Lisa: yeah, my suspension is over.

Me: why get a suspension.

Lisa: broke the law to prove and get a criminal

to jail, it was for the greater good and now the
bastard is arrested but I get a suspension, but
we not there, so I back on work. it’s been long, I
really could deal with being in the homicide
department, I love prosecution, just like my
cousin did. it’s been long.

I nodded.

Me: please slow down when you speak.

Lisa: sure. So- I’m – trying- to – say – that- …

Me: not that slow.

Lisa: man, you got to let me speak the way I do.

so, I spoke to my mother and she doesn’t have
a problem. I just don’t know if she will be
comfortable around you men looking serious all

Me: she will handle that, she once worked here.

Lisa: right. I guess we have reached an

agreement. you will have a talk with her.

Cane walked in, he greeted and walked upstairs.

Lisa: he does look like you and Canon, how do

you do it?

Me: do what?

Lisa: keep them like you?

I chuckled.

Lisa: I crossed the line, I will come by later to

take Kai, I’m going to the station right now.

Diana walked in, she looked at me and looked at


Diana: hello.

She said and walked to the kitchen, with


Lisa: Should I leave Kai or take him with.

She whispered, I frowned.

Lisa: I mean your wife is here and I wouldn’t

want anything happening to Kai.

Me: Diana is many things but she wont even

think of hurting a fly. she is going through a lot
to kill a baby; she knows not to mess with me.

She nodded.

Lisa: then later it is.

Me: later.

We both stood up, I walked her to the elevator.

Diana: I see you got a new one. you also going
to fuck her?

Me: it depends.

she smiled as she saw the baby . can I hold

her ?

Me : to kill her .

Diana : I aint like you Lorenzo , I don’t hate on

children ! just because the mother of this baby
fucked up , it doesn’t mean the baby also
fucked up . tsk .

She took the baby away from me and took

Nomkhita and she walked upstairs with them . I
called out to Cane , to come downstairs . he had
his earphones on .

Me : take them out .

He did

Me : now let us talk , do you know anything

about the Canon case ?

Cane : no I don’t . I and Canon didn’t get along

with each other by then .

Me : mhmm , I see .

I placed my gun on top of the table .

Me : I have been on this industry since I was a
teen , I think 15 years . so boy I know if you are
lying to me , I know a culprit from far , but we
not there . do you know who killed Ria ?

Cane : no , I already told you about this .

Me : did you tell me the truth though ? buy if

you know something and you are not telling me
then your sister must be …

Cane : ok fine , she told me a man was asking

about me , claimed to be an detective . I got a
message later that night saying I should come
out and when I did Ria was talking to the guy ,
told him to leave me alone . he pulled the trigger
. I swear I don’t know the guy , I don’t know him

Me :it’s okay. Come here .


I just laid the kids to rest ,My phone rang , it was
an unknown number .

Me : hello .

Caller : officer Craig on the call , is this Mrs

Ndlovu ?

Me : yeah , how may I help you ?

Caller : you the sister of Nairobi Cele ?

Me : yeah , what is wrong ?

Caller :im sorry to notify you that she was shot

today during her cash transaction . we still
looking on who it was .

I sat down on top of the bed as tears ran down

my cheeks. The line got disconnected . my
phone rang again and I answered .

Philly : did you get the message ?

Me : please stop doing this .

Philly : give me what I want , just only one task
left and one body left . do you wanna take a
guess ?

Me : please don’t do this … please … I did say I

will do whatever it is you want from me please.

Philly: that baby won’t replace Nomakhosi. she

is not yours. start being a mother to your own



I woke up in the morning with a heavy heart. I

saw Cane passing by my room, I called him and
he came to me. the twins were still sleeping.

Me: you heading somewhere?

Cane: yeah, I got to go to campus and do this

presentation …

Me: oh, how are you holding up?

Cane: I lost my twin; how possible could one


Me: I’m sorry for asking, you know I feel like a

failure …

He chuckled.
Cane: you should feel like one.

I frowned at him.

Cane: mhmm? What happened to you wanting

to leave Dad? no scratch that, you are right by
saying you are a failure, because instead of
giving us your attention you were too selfish to
run away from your kids because of your selfish

Me: my selfish reasons, your father would…

Cane: kill you? because why, you fucked with

his brother? behaving like a whore.
I raised my hand to slap him but he held my
hand, I lifted the other one and he also held it, I
yanked my hands from him and walked out of
the room, going downstairs. I found Lorenzo
typing something.

Me: Venom!

He looked at me.

Me: you better talk to your fuckin damn son,

before I kill him myself. Cane fuckin raised his
hand on me. his mother!

Lorenzo: he did that?

Me: He fuckin raised his hand on me!

The elevator monitor went on, she walked in.

Her: Lorenzo!

Me: Trouble with your bitch? disrespecting me

in my own house. fix your shit Venom!

I walked away as my phone rang it was Philly.


Me: you didn’t come to take Kai last night …

Lisa: oh, hold on a second, why the fuck didn’t
you tell me about Canon.

I sighed.

Me: oh Canon.

Lisa: yes Canon, your son. my nephew … you

should have told me last night when I was here,
now I’m prosecuting my own niece, instead of
defending him, it me against the law.

Me: I’m sorry Lisa, it completely slipped my

mind, there’s a lot going on my mind right now.
I do apologize though.

Lisa: Argh.
Me: I’m sorry.

Lisa: where are they?

Me: they are sleeping.

Lisa: this time?

Me: they are babies Lisa.

Lisa: wait …what’s that. are they crying?


Me: I will be back.

I rushed upstairs to get the babies and indeed
they were crying, Diana was nowhere to be seen.
I took them both of them, as I was about to
walk out, Lisa was at the door.

Me: let me help you.

She took Nomkhitha …

Lisa: oh, shit they damaged themselves.

I frowned.

Lisa: never mind where are the diapers?

Me: I don’t know where Diana usually puts them.

Lisa: check Kai’s bag.

I went to the back and took out two diapers. I

gave them to her and she changed them.

Lisa; done.

Me: don’t you bath them?

Lisa; They smell okay, I think she bathed them.

I nodded and we walked out of the bedroom

and walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen
and took the formula for them. Lisa fed them.
Me: so, what’s the way forward?

She raised her eyebrows.

Me: Canon’s case.

Lisa: I am not Paxton so I don’t share my work

with anyone.

Me: we not talking about anyone here, we are

talking about your Nephew, Canon.

Lisa: I don’t know Lorenzo, as the state we got

proof to send him to jail, sort of like a death
Penalty or less, or lesser if he pleads guilty.
Me: plead guilty, that’s what you going to say as
his aunt?

Lisa: I shouldn’t have said that, I’m not his


Me: Wow.

Lisa: not in front of the kids please.


Philly: you are running out of time baby. you

should be at his house now, then we will come
back to Lorenzo.
Me: you just killed my sister; don’t you think I’m
human too?

Philly: your humanity will cost you lives. just do

the fuckin damn job.
She hung up. I looked at monitor going in and
off, I switched it off and walked to my bedroom,
I panicked, the babies were not there. I got a
fright and walked out of the room, I walked
downstairs and found her with the kids.

Me: don’t take my baby without my permission.

She looked at me, Lorenzo walked inside the

Her: I’m sorry, they were crying and …

me: and you decided to play heroine?

Her: No, there was no sight of you and -

Lorenzo: Now come on Dee, what’s wrong? She
didn’t take them without your permission. I am
the one who took the babies, the Lisa didn’t do
anything wrong.

He pulled me to the side.

Lorenzo: what is wrong with you?

Me: what is wrong with me? you let one of your

bitches to touch my babies, in fact get inside
my room, what if she’s one of them?
Lorenzo: Your babies? whoa …who are they?

I bite my lower lip.

Lorenzo: Look Dee, I know this must be hard for

you, losing your mother, daughter and now your
sister it must be hard but this isn’t no way to

Me: Just keep your friends in lane Venom.

Lorenzo: I’m Lorenzo …

Me: whatever.
I took Nomkhitha and walked upstairs, I took a
bathe and when I was done with my hygiene
process, I dressed Nomkhitha and walked


I was doing my work out , my body building kind

of thing , I took a bottle of water and sipped
water , I placed the bottle on the table and bent
down to pic the biceps , I felt something hit me
on top of my head , I held my head and they hit
me again , till I went down and fell unconscious .


I drove to Monardo’s building , I got out of the

car and walked inside the building , they didn’t
ask permission to Manardo to let me through , I
took the elevator upstairs and I when it opened I
walked in further the house , I heard chuckles
from all the way to the Lounge , I walked in
further .
Guy 1: So, I was saying, I’m sick to be taking
over the business, the doctors said I got little
time to live, but if anything happens, my brother
here, rah will take over my business and my

I cleared my throat.

He and the guys turned to look at me, I

panicked again, Manardo came to me and took
Nomkhitha from me. he perked my forehead.

Me: uh. I didn’t know you were busy, I thought I

should bring Khitha here …to. uhm.

Manardo: No worries, Uhm Diana this is, Kaiser

and this is Rah, he is Kaiser’s little brother.
Kaiser, Rah this is Diana, my baby momma. you
know I don’t usually consider marriage.

Rah smirked and kissed my hand.

Kaiser: pleasure to meet you.

Me: same applies.

Manardo: Can we finish this some other time?

Kaiser: sure, the next meeting you will have it

scheduled with my brother here.

Manardo: Looking forward to doing business

with you Rah.

Rah: Same applies.

Manardo; let me see them out, I will be back.

I nodded

Me: I will be upstairs changing her diapers.

Manardo: ok.

I walked away from them, I looked at Rah and

he showed his thumb, as a sign of good. I got
upstairs and went to the safe, I sprayed the
reagent on the safe, I unloaded his gun and hid
the bullets in the safe, I then put things back to
the way they were. I looked at Khitha who was
crying, I took her and calmed her down.

Me: relax baby …mommy is doing this for your

sister okay? ‘kay baby?

The door opened and Manardo came to us.

Manardo: what’s wrong?

Me: I think she is sleepy.

Manardo: you think?

I didn’t say anything, he smiled.

Me: loosen up a bit, I won’t bite you nor fuck you,

at least not now.

I swallowed hard and he took Khitha from me.

Manardo: Hello, baby, hello nana … kwenzeni
uma wakho? mhmm?

I looked at him and we had gunshots outside.

Me: did you hear that?

Manardo: Stay put, I will be back.

He gave me Khitha and took his gun on top of

the Shelve and walked to the code, he went
behind some frame and punched some code.

Me: fuck!

Manardo; what was that?

Me: I’m just scared for the baby’s sake.

Manardo; relax, I’m here, nothing will happen.

He cursed and closed the safe, he went to the

drawer and punched the code, I sighed –I
sighed as he came ack with a K-47.

Manardo: I will be back.

He walked out, I put Khitha down and went to

the safe, I punched in the code and it opened, I
cursed, there was nothing, no diamonds, only
guns. nothing was there. I cursed and closed
the safe, I took the now crying Khitha, Manardo
walked in.

Me: and?

Manardo: couple fighting. you know women

and how dramatic they are. Very apartheid labo .
Me: we are apartheid?

Manardo: yah bangela umuntu iscefe.

Me: wow Manardo.

Manardo : yini surpise party lokho ?

I frowned at him and he was serious.

Me: I think I and Khitha should leave.

Manardo: yabo into ceda ukusho? Apartheid.

Me: what is apartheid Manardo?

Manardo: Angazi I think umlungu ozonda muntu
omnyama. I never went to school to study, you

I rolled my eyes.

Manardo: shem gymisa amehlo? why?

Me: ukuthi abe nama potris.

He scoffed.

Me; bye Manardo.

I took the bag and walked out of his bedroom,

when I got downstairs, I opened the elevator
and he grabbed me by my arm.
Manardo: really now?

Me: Please let go of me, I’m going through a lot

right now and I don’t have this energy to fight
with you. I just lost my sister not so long ago.

Manardo: Did I make you angry? what is wrong

with you?

Me: that is wrong with me? You guys thinking

everything is wrong with me, you don’t know
what I’m going through. you don’t, everything is
wrong with me!

I got inside the elevator and it closed. I asked

the driver to take me home.


The burglar opened and he walked out, wearing

his yellow overalls, he smirked as he saw me.
He came to my table.

Me: sho.

Canon: sho.

Me: how are you?

Canon: it’s not good here bro, I’m just waiting

for my trial so far, I feel like this place here is
better, don’t know about where I’m going.

I sighed and he chuckled.

Canon: never have I thought I would be inside

here one day.

Me: yeah, it’s life.

Canon: what did that moron of a detective say?

Me: said I knew something asked if I’m an


Canon: yaphapha loyo.

I chuckled.

Canon: don’t worry, I won’t say shit about this,

about you helping me get rid of the body. I won’t
sell you out like that but I would have you take
over my territory at school, get Vysant to be by
your side, you got Steve so surely you can
handle this.

Me: ok … I told dad.

Canon: no ghost?

Me: he is angry but he didn’t shout at me or tied

my balls, I think he knows more about this than
we do.
Canon; he is Lorenzo.


The drive didn’t drive me to my house but to the

club house, were my baby is being held, I got
out of the car as I entered, they took Nomkhitha
from me, I walked in further to the room, in
there the was Shirley.

Philly: you arrived safely.

I rolled my eyes.
Me: I didn’t get the diamonds there’s nothing
there, the safety is empty.

Philly: I know.

Me: you know?

Philly: yes, I have to say Your man is very smart

to export them so fast. he is a clever.

Me: and what was he doing there?

Philly: Rah? he was there for business.

Me: when will this stop?

Philly: until I say so, Uncover her.

They removed the cover from some body, it was


Shirley: Stan … Philly …

Philly: remember the sacrifices we talked about?

Shirley; Philly …

Philly: now it’s the time.

She pulled the trigger and shot her on her

Shirley: Philly …you.

Philly: hold her.

They rushed to Shirley and held her tight.

Philly: now baby, you see what I do to people

who mess my plans? she was a problem.

Me: when will this end?

Philly: just one more … It is Leonardo and

Lorenzo that we want. They messed up big time.
the L’s are problem.


I was on a phone call with Knox …

Knox: do you think it might be rude for Diana?

Me: what? you proposing to Jane?

Knox: yeah.

Me: no.

Knox: or maybe it is a bad timing hey.

Me: I aunt. you love this girl?

Knox: yeah …

Me: then propose to her before one takes her.

Knox: you say?

Me: yeah.

Knox: I guess I will take your…

Fire was open …

Me: Knox …. Knox you still there?

Me: Knox …say something man.

Knox: He is gone.

It was a lady.

Me: who the hell are you?

The line got disconnected.

Mhmm , someone is back fully . must wrap up

the book before the 10th of December , will try
to speed it up , we almost there . few bodies left


My phone rang as I was driving inside the

building with Nomkhitha , it was Lorenzo , he
stated something about Knox being shot . I got
out of the car and rushed inside the building
and took the elevator upstairs , when I got there,
I found Lorenzo sitting at the lounge , on the
mat , with a bottle of whisky in his hands . I
rushed to him and knelt next to him .

Me : what happened ?

Lorenzo : I was on a phone call with him , telling

me he want to propose to Jane and shit … from
there I heard gunshots and a lady said: he’s
gone .

Me : And the body ?

Lorenzo : the detective handling the case

brought his things Dee , he is gone just like that .
I lost my brother .

Me : Did you tell Manardo ?

He nodded .

Me : and you haven’t heard anything from him

from then ?

He looked at me .
Me : you know Manardo acting on emotions , he
might kill whoever just fucked him up , even if
it’s a small thing .

Lorenzo : never thought of that …

He chuckled .

Lorenzo : Not that I care if he kills anyone , wish

I had those guts .

Me : but you do have those guts . You are

Venom remember ?

Lorenzo : venom is slippery Dee , I ain’t slippery .

If whoever this is managed to bring me down to
this point , im not slippery .

Me : you think the person that killed Knox is

also involved in Killing Ria, Nairobi and Paxton ?

Lorenzo : I don’t think so I know so , there’s just

some sort of dots in this whole thing .

I swallowed hard .

Me : then you got to find out who is messing

with you , And Terminate them , you are the
terminator , remember ?

He looked at me sipped his whiskey. And lay

his head on my thigh .
Lorenzo : what would I be without you ?

I put my hand on his head and brushed him .

Me : you are nothing without me Venom .


Philly had me locked up in some room, in a

cage where we usually put betrayers . the door
opened and Rah walked up to me.

Me : you now obey her commands ?

Rah: you know it’s nothing personal Shirley .

I scoffed .

Rah: really , we all know you at you tough spot

not like this , we know the Shirley that doesn’t
show remorse to anyone .

Me : by killing my own twin sister that’s what

you mean ?

Rah: we both know that Stan was going to be a

huge problem… Shirley , let’s just…

He unlocked the cage .

Rah: im sorry.
He cuffed me .

Me: wow.

He led me out of the room to the basement .

Me : you want me to end me too ?

“Oh get over yourself Shirley , who would end

you ?”

Me: Philla, If you can quench my sister then why

not me ?

She chuckled
Philly: I know you and if I were to end you , it
would just click to the mother fuckin son of a
bitch Gustavo that you are red. [dead] probably
a whole team would be here to kill ad burn this
fuckin damn place .

I scoffed .

Philly : I know you that much huh ? mhmm , to

the point where I know you’re your uncle is fed,
Gustavo is a fuckin cop and that’s why You
always go undercover for him, and that’s why
your twin is in the vet to kill people , but I see
that went wrong cause she didn’t have the spirit
to e in that department but to save people .
Mhmm, but you , you have that spirit , that’s
why you were the one to finish off Your what ?
niece ? Candra , what is it ? Framing the boy of
Lorenzo, because his prints were the one found
on the girl , Gave your uncle the lead of her
location , got your uncle to get someone on the
case so that the brothers don’t link this back to
him . Mhmm , fucked Tasha to what ? get rid of
your conscience ? Even now I know you are
undercover for your precious uncle , Gustavo
–– you want Leonardo…

She laughed and lit her cigar.

Philly: Thought I would never know about this

shit? that you are not doing this for my brother
but for your own selfish reasons? Now you see
my Friend, you want Leo down, and I want
Lorenzo and Leo down. Lorenzo is the one that
pulled the trigger but Leo did some digging on
my brother. we need each other for this. You
thought you were in charge but not knowing
who is also in charge.

Me : so you wanting Both the L’s made you kill

my twin ?

Philly: don’t act on emotions, I know that’s the

last thing you do. Your sister, I’m sorry, but you
and I both Know your sister was going to be a
problem, in fact she was already a problem, she
became a problem when she set her foot back
here. To play heroine, because that’s what she
always does. She was planning to get you
kidnapped and enter the club house in your
disguise… I bet you knew about that huh? of
course you did, ain’t nothing you don’t know.

She opened the cover that was covering

Philly: hence I say must get back to business.

Me: who is this?

Philly : this is Kaiser , he is the one that has the

diamonds. That’s why Diana found the safe
empty because That Mother fucka gave this
puta the diamonds .

She took out the gun .

Philly : I know what is running in that head of

yours , I now you don’t think by your emotions ,
you don’t need to sit down and strategize a plan
or brainstorm ideas .
I took the gun from her and pointed it at the guy.

Philly : You know Kaiser has made things easier

for us . All you need to do is to empty those
bullets on him , Relieve the conscience you
have right now , by using him as your pawn .

Kaiser : please don’t do this .

I looked at him .

Philly : the mother fucker ruined our plan , he

shouldn’t have said he is about to die anytime
soon , look now it’s anytime… You …

I opened fire on him …

Philly : Yes baby , that’s how you fuckin roll .

I gave her the gun. She smiled at looked at me .

Philly : you are back on the game .

Shirley: get that bitch here .

Philly : will get Rah to bring her over .

I walked out .

I drove to campus , as I walked to my lectures
office , all the students were all looking at me .
Elisa[Main Character in the future ] came to me ,
she is one of the bitches that was fucking with

Elisa : Canon.

I stopped and waited for her to reach me.

Elisa: hey .

Me : hello .

Elisa: I had about your sister , and im truly sorry .

Me : ok .
Elisa didn’t only fuck with Canon , but Canon
made her some dirty shit , well more like to
embarrass people on her page since she is the
admin of the Magazine page of the
university––I try to walk away from her…

Elisa : Cane .

I look at her , and everyone is watching us .

Elisa: is what was said about Canon true ?

Me : you believe Canon ?

Elisa: im not sure if I understand.

Me: the same why that this whole thing on
doesn’t ake sense and one cant understand it .

I attempted to walk away but she held my arm ,

I looked at her right in her eyes and she let go of
me .

Elisa: It’s just that Canon had asked me to do

dirt about Candra and I refused because she is
a girl just like me.

Me: what did he do to you ?

Elisa : he threated to kill me .

Me: if you do what ?

Elisa : if I don’t do what he asked me to do… the
police could bring me in for questioning .

Me : Canon aint capable of hurting a fly , I know

you are lying to me about the whole dirt thing .

I leaned over to her near and whispered .

Me: you better destroy that wire .

Elisa : im not a snitch .

I looked at her in surprise

Me : why are you saying that ? Canon was your

boyfriend , you wanted him to dump Candra .
She frowned .

I smirked and walked away …

I drove to the club house and they let me see
Shirley , Rah and Philly , who the fuck runs this
whole thing ? I sat down as I waited for them to
come. Rah was holding Khitha.

Philly : you took your own time .

Me : my brother in law was brutally murdered .

Philly : who ? Leo or Knoxman ?

Me : Knox .

Philly : our deepest condolences .

I scoffed .

Me : don’t act like you care , I know you are the

one’s behind all this .

Philly : us ?

Me : yeh, you are so fuckin obsessed about Leo

and Lorenzo that you kill innocent people .
Philly : We all know that Knox was no saint , but
honestly we had nothing to do with his death.
His enemies might have gotten to him , we were
never going to harm him , he was the last one
the plan , we had better plan for him, but
whoever killed him ,then they take the credit…
besides Knox is an ex-convict, who knows
maybe he ruined someone’s ex back there .

I rolled my eyes.

Philly : but we aint here about Kox , he died so

what ?

Me : mhmm .

Shirley ; we would like to thank you for making

our job easier , but you also made it difficult, but
you are good at what you do , that’s being
gangster wise and wife. You were a mother to
your kids , though you failed one. Rah …

Rah pointed the baby with a gun. I shook my

head no and he gave me the baby , I kiss her .

Shirley : you and us doing business , it’s over ,

really over. You proved to us how loyal you are
to your family. You can take you baby now.
Diana , it was nice working with you and your
baby . What’s her name Kit, whatever , I aint
interested .

Me : wait , what do you mean by you can take

your baby home now ?

Shirley : exactly that, you and your baby are free .

I smiled as tears ran down my face.

Rah: take off every device that she had in her


He came to me with what looked like a

cellphone and took off the bracelet , he showed
his middle finger that had a ring on my earing
and the earing went off.

Shirley : free her .

I walked out of the room and walked out to my

car, I got in and kissed my baby, she just looked
at me, why don’t you speak? I drove away.
After a few minutes I arrived at the building , I
got inside the elevator and it took me to the
penthouse , I found Lorenzo on the phone .

Lorenzo : there’s a lot on my mind right now

Lisa… ok…ok bring him tomorrow ? is it okay
with you? Thanks .

He hang up and looked at me .

Lorenzo : who is that ?

He asked as he approached me. He leaned over

the baby and he frowned .

Lorenzo : I thought Khitha was sleeping and …

Me : yes , she is sleeping and thanks for looking
after her for me . This is Nomakhosi , she
is…Uhm… Khitha’s twin .

Lorenzo: Khitha’s twin ?

I nodded .

Lorenzo : How ? i mean where was she all

along ?

Me : let’s sit down .

He sat down and I also sat down…

Me : I gave birth and …

I narrated everything for him , when I was
finished , he stood up nd gulped his whiskey .

Lorenzo : so you have been working with them ?

A snitch ?

Me : I had no choice Lorenzo , they were going

to kill my daughter .

Lorenzo : So you bet with our daughter ? your

sister ?My brother ? Kai’s mom ?

Me : I didn’t bet with them , they used Paxton as

a distraction , I guess , for you to stop looking
for me. They got her gunned down , got Ria
gunned down , knowing you will be weak . They
went for Nairobi , knowing your drug business is
dead . they wanted to go for Cane , but I had to
do whatever that they say . Obey their
commands . my pleas were nothing to them …
Im sorry but they kiiled Ria and Paxton before I
was here…

Lorenzo: And Knox ?

Me : they said they got nothing to do with his

death, but I don’t believe them .

He kept quiet . , I wiped my tears .

Me : they had me put a surveillance camera on

my earing , a bug on my bracelet . they
threatened me .
Lorenzo : I need you to give me their full details .

Me : I cant Venom they will be back and they

will kill my babies … I cant lose my family...

He didn’t say anything … he cursed and came to

me , he knelt over me and held my hands .

Lorenzo :im sorry you went through all that

alone .

I nodded and he wiped my tears. He smiled at

me .

Lorenzo : Guess what ?

Me : im not good at guessing ?

Lorenzo : Mom and Dad are coming .

Me : mhmm , good . Have you talked to


Lorenzo ; yes .

Me : and he hasn’t done anything silly ?

Lorenzo : no .

Me : they said they want You and Manardo .

Lorenzo : I know who is behind all this . don’t

worry , I and Manardo will take care of
everything .

Me:Lorenzo …

Lorenzo: I need Manardo to think with his

emotions for once .

Me : No… that ain’t good for either of us .

He didn’t say anything .



I was woken up by the monitor, it was the kids,
they were crying, not all of them, what I have
noticed is that Nomkhitha is a heavy sleeper
unlike Nomakhosi, I mean I understand, my
baby went through so much at her age. I pick
her up and perk her forehead and sit on the bed
and breastfed her, she is such an innocent soul,
I’m just afraid that people might blame her for
the loss of so many lives. The laws are coming
today , Knox’s and Nairobi’s funeral is this
upcoming week––after breastfeeding both y
baby girls , I bathe them and then I also take a
bathe, when I was done I wore my dress and my
slides, then wrap my head, I also dress the kids,
and walk downstairs to make them something
to eat, there’s no one here, not even Cane.

My phone beeps and it’s an unknown number, I

view the message and it’s Shirley, a picture of
her holding bags and a gun. With a message
‘ don’t rush’ I ignore the message and block her
numbers so quickly, the monitor goes off and
the elevator opens and all I hear is footsteps . i
take the twins to the lounge and im welcomed
my Mr. and Mrs. Ndlovu.

Me: Mother .

She smiles and frowns .

Mrs.N : Who is this ?

I raise my eyebrows instead of rolling my eyes.

Mrs.N: how could I forget my daughter in law

who never calls me?
She perks my forehead .

Me : I just don’t know what is the time over


Mrs. N: you better come with a better excuse

my dear…And who are they?

Me : My twins, Nomakhosi and Nomkhitha .

Mrs. N : beautiful names, Nomkhosi and


I giggle .
Me : Nomakhosi and Nomkhitha Mother.

Mrs. N : you know my tongue baby…

Mr. N : Charlotte you have been talking since we

got here , I have even gotten a chance to greet y
daughter in law ?

Mrs. N: oww please Irvin, this is both our

daughter in law .

Mr N sighs defeated .

Me :Sawubona Baba .

Mr. N: Sawubona Makoti. How …

Mrs. N : I may have not head you but surely you
have greeted her , baby come let’s talk .

She took Khitha from me .

Mr. N: man we must talk about this fucking

damn issue .

Cane walked inside , he greeted .

Mrs. N : young boy , is that a manner to greet

your elders?

Cane : How are you Grand ma , Grand Pa ?

He rolled his eyes .

Mrs. N : what are you teaching this boy? Now

go to where you were going .

he walked further to his room , I and her

excused the men .She sat on the barstool at the
kitchen .

Mrs. N : how many spoons ?

Me : 5 each ?

Mrs. N: you tryna keep my babies from tummy

belly ?

Me : kind of ? the same way you did with the

twins ?

Mrs. N : mhmm .

Me : yeah, I never forget your teaching…

She giggled and we fed the kids , when we were

done, I rinsed the dishes they were using and
then we walked downstairs.

Mrs. N: I will help you put them to sleep , hoping

they aint like those motherfuckers.

Me : they aint like them.

She smiled and hushed them down as she

hymned for them “ you are y sunshine n, my
only sunshine, you make me happy, when stars
are grey, …”

When they have fallen asleep, she places them

on their cot. She looks at me and smiles.
Me : you still got it?

Mrs.N: I never lost it, You know I love kids.

Me: why not try another one?

She giggles .

Mrs. N: at my age, im already closed, Irvin might

be hitting good but it is closed for babies , only
for babies, not for Sex.
I giggle and she shrugs her shoulders.

Mrs. N : I guess their his?

I frowned.

Mrs. N: I and K discussed everything, he used to

tell me everything that was happening over here.
Why didn’t you call and tell me that he is
cheating on you? After everything you did for

Me : I didn’t want you to worry about my

problems ma.
Mrs. N: your problems are our problems as we
the one that sent cows to your family. You
didn’t ask Lorenzo to marry you, instead he is
the one that asked for your hand in marriage.
I nodded.

Mrs. N: but his cheating doesn’t resort to you,

that you should also cheat with his Manardo,
Manardo and Lorenzo come a long way back
together, Do you know the money that we spent
to make him officially my son? After his mother,
his mother got arrested? It costed us, worse
because that time he was to be tested for his
blood type and everything, We did it illegal and
legal to find him, For him to belong to us, for
him to be a Ndlovu. Then you wanted to destroy
all that? By sleeping with the both of them? Im
not gonna say you are a whore or something. I
cant give you that tittle, yes He pushed you to
cheat but not with his brother, you even proved
the point of you guys having sex, by providing
the evidence of these two beautiful, innocent
I wiped my tears.

Mrs. N:I didn’t mean for you to cry, im sorry. But

all is good now, im here to stay , to fix this mess.
You and Lorenzo are still married and this also
affected the kids don’t you think? I know this
bitch, Paxton, she was from the same neighbor
hood as us, her father was a very known man,
the baby was smart, very smart.

I nodded.

Mrs. N: there’s nothing that you or anyone could

have done , Lorenzo loved this girl.

I nodded as tears ran down my cheeks.

Mrs. N: im sorry , you had to go through all that.

Me : Cane called me a whore, for sleeping with

hgis uncle. Mother , he is out of line , comes
home late.

Mrs. N: don’t worry about that teenager boy of

yours , I will have a talk with him, I know a way
or too that they taught me overseas.

I giggled.

Mrs. N: don’t worry baby , it all gonna be okay?

So you and Leo…are you still seeing each other?

Me : I don’t know, you know your son, he

doesn’t stay in a relationship.

Mrs. N: I will have a talk with him also. He cant

just smash and forget about it.

I giggled and she hugged me.

Mrs. N: get some rest while I handle some of

the shit. ‘Kay?

I nodded and she perked my lips then walked


Me : Kahle Kahle Dad, inkinga is that we must
find a link to all these murders , from Pax , Ria ,
Nairobi to Knox. It all doesn’t make sense.
He chuckled .

Dad : I have been listening to you speak your

lingo and honestly all I heard was Kahle Kahle.

Me : mxm.

Dad ; and that? Let’s get to your cheating ways.

You were fucking a cop, I heard a cop that
wanted you down.

Me : who told you?

Dad : it doesn’t matter who told me?

Me : argh Knox, cause I know Manardo would

never rat me out. He is lucky he is dead.

Dad: mind your tongue boy, You know I have

always thought that maybe You would be the
wise one , but no I was just wrong .

Me : come on dad , don’t be like that.

Dad : now you sounding like a woman, and

where the hell is the son of your girlfriend?

Me Dad.

Dad : you love this girl to a point where you

wanted to leave Dee? Over a what?

“A woman that dumped him in bed naked , dick

sprung up?”

Me : Madre.

Dad : what? She ‘s fuckin’ telling the truth.

Ma: Renzo my son, that Puta[bitch] left you in

bed alone, Naked, no text from her or note, im
sure she didn’t give you a goodbye kiss is it? I
was the one that had to sleep sleepless nights
looking after you and making sure you don’t
drink to death, always worried about you and
shit,Until the poor innocent girl came into the
picture , she was there at your worst, you would
push her and said she is not Paxton, she had to
give herself , her Pussy to show you that she is
here for you, oh hell no, you were just fucking
with her.

Me: Padre[father], you going to let you femenino

[wife]speak to me like that?

Ma: Mhmm , femenino , ya, yo his femenino.

[yeah, I am his wife.]

The monitor went off. I checked at who it is. I

let her in , she walked to the lounge.

Me : hey .

Lisa: hey, we need to talk.

Ma: And ¿quién?[who] Is she ?

Me : Madre, Papa, this is Lisa…Lisa these are

my two parents, my mother who is white,
Spanish…and my father is just a zulu man with
no land…

She frowned .

Ma: mhmm , so you brought us another Puta , in

our life?

Me : Madre…papa, por favo llevo su feminine.

[ Mother…Father, please take your wife]

Ma :wait, you are a policía[Police] or working

with them?

Lisa : what does she mean by that?

Me : Ma, no she is not a police nor working with

them , she is a prosecutor.

Ma: same shit to me. Another Police Renzo ,

what are you smoking?

I looked at my father. He didn’t budge… he

whispered something at my mother and my
mother looked at Lisa and walked away–– both
of them.

Me : Im sorry about that.

Lisa: I didn’t here anything she said so I guess
it’s fine.

Me : so where is Kai?

Lisa : with my mother, if you want to see him

you can just go over there until this is all over .

Me : ohhhk… this isn’t a social visit.

Lisa: it isn’t , it is bad news. Im coming as a

aunt and not a prosecutor.

Me: I thought you said you aint going to tell me

any information , you aint Paxton,

Lisa: that I did say. Do you want me to talk or


me :im all ears.

Lisa: Canon want’s to plead guilty.

Me : what? What do you mean plead guilty?

Lisa: I don’t know , I not his attorney , you

should be asking his attorney, he just said he
doesn’t think nor believe that his lawyer will
beat this one .

Me : Calvin is the best for this case.

Lisa : unfortunately your son doesn’t see it that

way . if he pleads guilty , he will go down for a
whole sentence of 15 to 25 years in jail. He
wont listen to anyone, he doesn’t know how
hard it can be inside. Start preparing your son a
private cell.

“My nephew is going to jail?”

Me : Ma…

Ma : im sorry , we were just leaving…by the way ,

young lady , you look good. Your sister
managed to broke his heart, don’t know about

Her and my father walked away.

Lisa: does she think we dating ?

Me: I don’t know . do you belive her?

Lisa: I don’t cause hell no I aint dating with you ,

never in my life , kiss my black ass.

I rolled my eyes and someone cleared their

throats , it was Dee.

Diana : he surely gonna kiss your black ass.

She walked to the kitchen. Lisa rolled her eyes.

Lisa : how did your mother and father meet?

Me: Mom had came here , was working at a

store built here, then she met dad. They fucked
and I and Knox were conceived.

Lisa : Short story.

Me; that I don’t even like talking about.

Lisa: I should better get going.

Me: wait,can you try and arrangE Canon’s…

Lisa ; talk to his lawyer , I aint one.

She stood up.

Lisa : good bye Renzo.

She walked away. I walked to the kitchen , I
found Dee taking something from the cupboard,
she couldn’t reach for it, I walked to her and
held her figure, she startled.

Me ; relax , im your husband.

She just rolled her eyes.

Me: what do you want?

Dee: Flour.

I reached for the bucket and gave placed it on

the counter .
Diana: Thanks.

She turned to walk away, but I stopped her.

Me : Dee.

She looked at me.

Me : we good right?

Diana: Yeah…we cool.

Me : come one , I know you remember ?

Diana : we cool Lorenzo, trust me.

I nodded and pulled her to me .

Me : want to tell me something? We got people

to take care of the baking.

Diana : I just want to keep myself entertained

that’s all.

Me : then let me entertain you .

She frowned and I perked her lips, I pulled her

gently stroked her lower lip and she pulled away.

Diana : Uh… I Havent…completely healed…I th…

Before she could further say anything I kissed

her and I bite her lower lip and she responded to
the kiss, I brushed her breasts, looks like they
were still full . I brushed her pussy and I pulled
her dress up, she unbuckled my jeans my briefs
and pushed me close to her , I picked her up
and put her ontop of the counter and gently
went in side her , she gasped, painful , I guess
isn’t completely healed. I pulled out and pushed
again and she still gasped. I started moving
slowly inside of her and she relaxed.

Me : Painful?

Diana : just a little bit.

I looked at her as looked up , preventing tears

from falling, I kept on thrusting inside and out of
her, till we both reached our climax . I pulled out
of her and placed my forehead on hers.
Me : im sorry.

She didn’t say anything , i got her off the


Diana : I will go and clean myself.

Me: let me carry you .

She shook her head no .

Diana ; we don’t want Cane to think otherwise ,

do we Venom?

Me: Dee you don’t have to do that.

Diana: hmm hmm ?

Me: I was thinking we could start over. Put the

past in the past.

She scoffed.

Diana: I don’t know about that Venom, I thought

we were just staying because we haven’t
figured out who must leave the house, cause
ain’t no way im leaving.

Me: why, I just wish things could go back to the

way they were back then, before Paxton came
to the club,but it is over now.
Diana: over? Are you kidding me? The b…., oh
well no you are…

She made a fist.

Diana ; I KNOW YOU Venom, I know you, just

don’t disappoint me on this one.

I kept quiet.

Diana : now if you will excuse me .

She pushed me out of the way and limped



She pulled down my pants, and played with my

balls, we stooped kissing, she wen down on me
and licked the tip and pushed me inside her
mouth,going in and out, I held her hair rough
and fucked her mouth, causing her to gag, The
monitor went off, I ignored it, I continued
thrusting her mouth, till I came in her mouth,
she licked and swallowed the semen. I heard
voices from all the way to the kitchen.

“Nardo…Where are you baby ? Nardo?”

I pushed the girl off e and pulled my sweatpants

and my briefs up, I walked to the kitchen. I
“Nardo… oh there you are.”

Me: Mother, Dad.

She came to hug me , she perked me all over

my face. I and father bro hugged.

Ma: You are so fine and thick, what are they

feeding you?

Me : im just living a happy and balanced life…

when did you guys land?

Ma: Today, Lorenzo fetched us at the airport.

Me: mhmm.

The lady walked in the kitchen.

Ma: and who is she?

Me : no one.

Ma: mhmm, I guess you just fuckin the pussy

for money?

Me; No, I don’t pay for that that I know that is

free. What is the point of paying the bitch whilst
I also have it in me, not like I need her.

Ma: mhmm, that is my boy, You still here puta,

you heard him, he doesn’t needyou, now go go

She chased the lady out, I chuckled.

Ma: look at your dick sprung up North, ready to

eat. Why not call the mother of you two kids.

Me: I and Thandeka aint an item ma, was never


Ma:Not Thandeka, Diana.

Me: Dee got one kid of mine, don’t know what

you talking about. Maybe it’s Kai , that’s
Lorenzo’s kid.

Ma: you telling me that Lorenzo and yourself

hit the same spot and Dee gives birth to twin?

Me: Twins?

Ma: you didn’t Know? Nokhitha and Nokhosi?

Me: Nomkhitha and Nomakhosi.

Ma: you know.

Me : I knew of one baby, where is the other one

coming from?

Ma: you gave her the baby, they are so very

identical. But enough about babies. What were
you thinking? Like on the honest side, What
were you thinking? Your brothers wife Nardo?

I didnt say anything.

Dad : what had gotten into you? I know you love

the pot but not like this, to a point were you
didn’t wear a glove? Well you peed on her.

Me: I usually pulls out sometimes but on her I


Ma: she that good huh?

Me: Ma…Yeah she that good.

Ma : You are a bitch.

Me: Bitch man , I know.

Ma: damn you so proud about all this.

Me: I aint, but I swear i didn’t make the first

move, she did.

Ma: she was drunk.


Dad: same shit.

Me: you here to lecture me or cook for me or

Ma: we talking about your brother’s relationship

Me; Dee and Lorenzo’s relationship ended the

time that girl came back into our lives, Lorenzo
u bayizile nje, SHIYA umfazi eyedwa embedeni,
thina bekumele Senzeni? Nam’tetemisa
Lorenzo nina. Mele akhule nje ngathi. Shiyela




It was the day of the funeral and again Manardo

haven’t said anything to me. Maybe it is
because he hasn’t seen the kids. I was told to
stay away since I recently gave birth and it is
not okay for babies to go to the graveyard. If
only you could have seen the seriousness of the
two brothers and the father. Why did it have to
be Knox, I liked and Loved and respected him.
He always stood up for me , now who is going
to smoke with me in the car, in the passenger
seat and take long drives just to smoke. Clearly
not Manardo because he is damn too serious,
now with Knox I was free, he was more like a
brother after my brother died. Why didn’t
Manardo be the one that get to die… Oh no I
rephrase that , I don’t wish for him to die but
eventually I don’t know his fate.
The monitor goes off and it’s the family, the
funeral was held at the hall, I pity Jane right now,
she has been crying, finally she found her love
and now they took it away from her, just like
that. Th family decided that they will give her
the house, since Knox wanted to marry her.
Me: How did it go ?

My mother in law had puffy eyes, looks like she

has been crying, who wouldn’t cry at the funeral
of their child, imagine burying your child. It must
be the other way around not this way. She has
been trying to act strong for the past few days,
No one didn’t love Knox, he was the best son
one could ever wished for, worse he had a close
relationship with his mother than his father.
Just like Manardo, but mostly Lorenzo has
always been the mama’s baby. That’s why he
disrespects then any way he wants ad they say
nothing about it.

Mr. N: It all went well.

Me: let me get you something to drink.

They all nod and I go to the kitchen and prepare

them refreshments. When I was done , I walk
upstairs, and as I was about to close the door
someone pushed it. It was Manardo, holding a

Manardo: mhmm. Hello.

Me: hi…Manardo, what are you doing here?

Manardo : what am I doing here? This is my
building, you forgot?

I swallowed hard.

Me: the kids are still resting, if you want to see


Manardo: kids? We have kids together: how

many are they?

Me: Manardo you are scaring me.

Manardo : how many are they Diana?

Me: two.
Manardo: two , you hid one kid from us huh?

Me : I didn’t.

Manardo : you didn’t.

He chuckled and sat down.

Manardo: take off your clothes.

I frowned.

Me : what?
Manardo: you heard me, take off your clothes. I
wont repeat myself like a voice note.

Me: im not taking off my clothes.

Manardo: angizwanga.

He chuckled…

Manardo : strip off.

I shook my heard no and he charged towards

me , he grabbed me by my arm.

Manardo : I said strip off! Im not asking you im

telling you.
He let go off me and I started taking off my
dress with tears coming our.

Manardo : and kuyok’siza ukuthi usule lezo

nyembezi .

He walked to the door and locked it. I wiped my

tears and he looked at my nakedness.

Me: please Manardo I haven’t healed.

He ignored me instead he pushed to the bed

and pulled down his trousers and took out a
lubricant ad applied it my vagina.

Me : please…
He rubbed his tip on my entrance and I started
becoming wet, he then penetrated me and I
screamed and he gave me a deadly stare. He
thrusted slowly as I was sill trying to bear the
pain, it was really painful, worse the stitches, I
have to wait for three months. As I was lost he
started thrusting harder, in and out of me, took
off my head wrap, as I was about to reach for
my climax he slowed down and he went faster
again. He then reached his climax and pulled
out of me and continued coming ontop of me.
He then clicked his tongue and walked to the
bathroom, I sat there crying. I heard water
running. After a few minutes he walked back to
the bedroom dressed. He sat down on the bed
and watched me.


I was on a phone call when I head a trigger

being pulled , I raised my hands in surrender
and I turned to look, but they hit me on the head
. held my hands.

“ we taking him with”

They hit e again and it was lights off.

I was at the prison to come and say my last
good byes to Canon.

Me : but dude what were you thinking? Pleading


Canon: there was no way I was going to win this

case . my prints were found on her body .

Me: but still , the lawyer dad got you he did say
he will get you out of hear .

Canon : they always say that don’t they?

I sighed.

Me : but be good, hope you survive this one , we

still got shit t handle out there.

Canon: im sure you will handle the shit, run

Dad’s stuff. Ensure that I get a private cell .

Me:dad said he will handle that.

Canon : how was the funeral?

Me ; it was bad, really bad just cant believe he

is gone just like that.

Canon: everything just happened too soon.

Me: yeah…
Marshall : time’s up.

Me : already. Bro , I will see you.

We shook hands and we both stood up.

Me : I will send toiletries, inside there will be a

burner phone.
Canon: they check shit…

Me: I got this don’t worry .

He nodded and I walked out. As I walked to my

car , I felt a gun on my heard. I raised my hand
in surrender.
“open the door.”

I did as he said and I opened, I got in and he

also got in.

Him : drive.

I started the engine and drove away, with him

pointing a guy at me.


The funeral made everything seem real, be real ,

nothing was left than to believe that he was
gone, we all tried to keep strong but we failed,
having Manardo break down. I didn’t have the
power to do this, he rather walked away to his
car, couldn’t bare seeing him go down like that.
They were very close, unlike I , I’m close with
Manardo , but Manardo was close with Knox.

Ma : where the hell is Cane?

Me: still got that vulgar, even after today?

She rolled her eyes and my father lit the cigar

and thy exchanged as they smoked together.

Ma: we need to figure out this whole shit, no

one kills my family and leaves to tell a tale

Dad: I got my people out there, all I need is

basic info, and the guns are ready to do the job.

Ma: better, where is Diana, she knows

something , we don’t know.

Dad: saw her wrist. Hd a mark of havi9ng a

bracelet that is a bug.

Me: how do you all know shit like this?

Dad: we know the type of bangle , because we

are in association with the company. ‘

I nodded.

Me : well Diana was…

I narrated everything to them .

Ma: if you say that Knox wasn’t killed by the

same people that killed Knox, Alme, Nairo, and
your puta, then we just gotta find the link
between all this, but we do this without Diana’s
help. Where the hell is she and Manardo. They
better not be fuckin in your house, I swear I will
kill them .

Manardo: why are you crying?

I didn’t say anything.

Manardo : buze umbuzo.

He was dead serious, just mind his tone.

Me: it is painful and I haven’t healed.

Manardo: yet you let Lorenzo fucked

you…Manje lokho kukwenza utefe? Uyatetema.

I didn’t say anything.

He lit his joint, it was weed, purple haze.

Manardo: mhmm, explain, im listening.

I looked at him and looked down.

Manardo: Angina lo ilanga lonke neh. So

ungang’dini, please.

I swallowed hard, I knew he was acting on

emotions now, which aint good for anyone.

Me: I gave birth and when I woke up I found one

child. they kidnapped me and brought me down
here, I woke up with another baby here, they
were the two of them twins and…

I narrated everything to him.

Manardo: why didn’t you just nod when I said

you having a bug in your body, that could have
signaled something don’t you think?

Me: they had my baby, they drowned him and

drowned him just so I can do wat they want,
they strangled her and strangled her. They
almost raped her.

He clenched his jaws.

Manardo: and you wanted to be heroine, you

could have texted one of us you know. Use your
ways, sex cause that seems like you are good
at it. Could have written or whispered in my ear,
I hear everything, signaled to someone.

Me : I just…

Manardo : yeah, you didn’t think of it. Now look

people lost their lives.
Me : Manardo…

Manardo: no , I need you to fuckin tell me the

details of these people. Their hair count, body
count, shoe size, everything about them.

Me : Manardo please they are gone okay…

Manardo : they are gone? You believe hat cause

I don’t.

Me: they are gone.

Manardo: oh well no, not until I see them

underground, I will need you to tell me their
fuckin names and identify them, cause I wont
rest until I find them and you know what I will
do to them? I will kill them withy my fuckin
hands. Oh I cant wait.

Me: they guy that…

We had noise downstairs. He took out his gun

and we walked downstairs. I gasped and almost
panicked. They held Cane, my babies at
gunpoint. Manardo attempted to take out his
gun , he was then held at gun point.

Philly: don’t even think of it mother fucker.

Shirley: baby , nice to see you again.

Lorenzo: aint this your guard?

Shirley : no her twin’s guard, she is dead.

I exhaled and shook my head no.

Me: what do you want?

Shirley: we are back, for level 2.

Me: then let my babies go.

They shook their hands.

Ma: who the fuck is this puta.

Philly: gracias Madre.

Ma looked at her in her eyes and philly budged.

Ma: I guess you one of Diana’s friends.

Philly: indeed we are, but we aint here for her.

But we might help you with your son’s killer.

Shirley: bring him in.

They brought a man in. he looked up , I gasped.

Shirley : Dee, do you know him? I mean

recognize him?

I didn’t say anything.

Philly: heard you were looking for the killer of
your son, he is here, Melusi, he killed your son
because he wanted to get back at you because
he believes Diana is his dead wife, well they do
look alike and also because you Lorenzo and
your brother’s did something bad to him back
in high school, and he is getting back to you
because your son , Canon killed his daughter.

Me : Gustavo’s right hand.

Shirley : you remember him?

Philly : mhmm, this is your man. Diana, im sure

you remember him, I mean you guys fucked, at
your office, Leonardo, I mean the babies could
be his, but you know the ways to prove all this.

Manardo smirked.
She took out her gun and pointed it at Melusi.

Shirley : I will do the honors Philly.

She took the gun from Philly and pointed it at


Shirley: watch this kids, this is how you take out

someone who disrespects you in this game.

Rah forced Cane to watch as Shirley pulled the

trigger, she shot him in his chest, stomach,
Legs then forehead.

Shirley : he is dead.
Philly: now let’s talk business. Leo , im sure you
remember Rah.

Manardo smirked.

Manardo ; why would I remember him, I never

fucked him.




They let me take the kids upstairs with guards,

they only took the Lorenzo an Leonardo Cane
passed by my room , I called him , and he
walked in.

Me: hey.

He walked in.

Me: please sit down.

Cane: I got something to do for…

Me: please.

He rolled his eyes and sat down.

Me: I had a father who dies when I was doing
my second grade , my mother had to move on
ad get another man who I have to call a father.
He raped Nairobi, Killed my brother, and almost
raped me if I was not a party dog. Ok, son of a
bitch died after creating conflict in our family,
he made ma turn against Nairobi… he was a
bastard but one thing that I will never forget
that bastard taught me is to apologize if you are
wrong , therefore, I’m sorry, I was selfish as a
mother and didn’t think of you guys as my kids.
I understand if you blame me for Your twin’s
death, you were right, I was supposed to be
there with you, as a mother and a best
friend…ok maybe a best friend. I know you hate
me right now…

Cane: I don’t hate you .

Me: but it looks like you do hate me.

Cane: well I don’t hate you, and I don’t blame

you for Ria’s death, and im also sorry for calling
you a whore, that was uncalled and wrong of
me to do so.

Me: I understand where it was coming from, I

slept with both brothers and …

Cane: and you aint afraid Lorenzo might kill you ?

Me: I know you father Cane, he just didn’t let me

get off the hook just like that. He is snake, he is
sneaky, so I know he will come ack a me for
this one.
Cane : why not leave him?

Me: he wouldn’t let me go just like that, he just


Cane: guess he is dangerous and that’s why

they call him Venom?

Me: where did you get that?

Cane: the streets. And I also heard you call him


Me: that’s his nick name, childhood, don’t call

him like that, there’s no Venom here.

Cane: how did he get that name?

Me: I don’t know, it is a long and complicated
story I guess, but don’t call him Venom , and
Venom doesn’t exist okay?

He nodded.

Cane: and your friends… what did they just do


Me : they aint my friends. And what you saw, it’s

not real.

Cane: lies. Again! They killed a person, I saw it

with my naked eyes. Don’t lie to me Diana.

I frowned.
Cane: I mean Ma. I just hate the fact that you
make me a fool, treat me like im child.

Me: you are a child.

Cane: I know how to own money now, I aint one.

Me: im still your mother.

Cane: and I know that, but all of you here are all
liars, God, you are just a fucking liar like him.

Me: Cane!

Cane: he turned you, into one too?

Me: you will have to understand…

He stood up.
Cane: there’s nothing to understand! My sister
died because of you lies and the secrets that
you kept from us. If only we knew that we have
to watch our back instead of having men
watching over us and following us like hawks.

Me: Cane, listen to me .

Cane: no fuck that, I have been listening to you

for the whole damn 17 years of my lives. And
look were we are! Fuck that.

He walked away.
I cursed, I looked at my babies.


We were in my study. Just me and Leo, and the


Manardo: I cant believe this, held hostage at my

own building.

He chuckled.

Me: and I think we can just take care of these

boys in this room, they seem wet.

Manardo: you think?

Me: I know so.

He chuckled and the door opened. It was the

two ladies.
Lady: now the body cleaned and now everything
is sorted. I think we should begin. Im Philly and
this is Shirley.

We didn’t say anything.

Shirley: Rah, we should move them.

Rah: stand up!.

Manardo rolled his eyes as I stood up and he

also did. The guards searched us and we
walked out of the study. We got to the elevator
and we got in.

Shirley: we don’t want to blow your brains off,

so when you get down there be on your best
behavior okay?

We nodded.

Shirley: good.

The monitor went off and the elevator opened

and we got off the elevator and we walked out
of the building and got inside the cars.

Manardo: so, Shirley I guess you also killed your

twin right?

Shirley: yes I did and I wont hesitate to do that

to you too, just like we did with Nairobi.

Manardo : if you don’t hesitate to kill me then

you and your team would have done that a long
time. Why negotiate?

He chuckled.

Manardo: because you want something from us.

Philly : Shirley…yes we do.

Me: it’s a pity you are not getting anything from

Philly: is it? Cause it doesn’t look like that. I

have you kids held at my palm. What’s his name?
Kai? Oh no what about those jail birds, Canon?
Oh no, Cane, he seems to be also talking to
Elisa. Mhmm. Risk . and you Leo, what about
Muzi and Ashley? Mhmm, you twins, Nomkhitha
and Nomakhosi. Clearly none of you want Diana
to be hurt, I mean where will you eat the cake?
Honestly, I wouldn’t want to do that to you guys ,
hurt you like that.

I looked at Manardo and he seemed calm about

this whole thing.
Philly: you were always the big name of the best
brotherhood in school and township, I heard.
Killed Gustavo’s little brother, took his territory,
had all this in one, Lorenzo you made people do
your dirty work for you, You got a wife, kids,
beautiful house, moved to the burbs. Leo, you
have always had you side hustle, you wouldn’t
be in this if you were not part of this. You also
archived all this just the two of you with your
brother inside pushing staff for you, then you
took from me, you took the head of our network
and now you are here enslaved to me .

Manardo: the whole Kaiser thing it was just all a

cover up.

Philly: always heard you are a fast thinker could

fight and work with Shirley.
Manardo: what do you want?

Philly: finally that question. Leo, we want

Diamonds from you and you we want to move
weight in your territories.

Me: you got to be kidding?

Philly: don’t forget that you stole my brother’s

territory. That’s why you are were you are right

They stopped the car at some garage and we

got out of the car, they opened the garage and
we walked in. there were boxes.

Philly: there you find your stash that you must

start moving.

Me: The medusas and the Greek , im their distro


Philly: you are now my distro too. You move my

weight and brig my diamonds in.

Rah whispered something to Shirley and she

took out her gun and shot one of her guards.
Philly chuckled.

Shirley : she didn’t follow our instructions ,

that’s what happens to people who don’t follow
our instructions.

Philly: since You are low now , I will require a

cashiers check made out to my account, for the
full cost of the product by the end of the day.

Me: what?

She raised her hand.

Me: I mean, you got to let us pay double for the

next delivery. All of our clean money is tied up.

Philly: Monalisa can wait right?

I kept quiet.

Philly: get your man to work, Manardo, I will set

up an meeting with you regarding the diamonds.
Free them.
They turned and walked away. I cursed and we
walked out of the garage.

Me: they know everything about our business,

they ae forcing us to run it instead of taking it.

Manardo lit his haze.

Manardo: we don’t have to do anything about it,

you heard them we are their slaves.

Me: Bro all my clean money is tied up. I had it

invested on the kids account, all of it, I only
have my savings with me.

Manardo: he is asking for a lot, but you can

have my share from the buildings. I aint paying
shit for a product that is untested. These
bitches will have to deal.

Me: really Manardo, those bitches don’t look

like ones to deal. Did you see what they just did
to one of theirs?

Manardo: why you rolling over like a bitch.

Me: you heard what they said they have our

family held at gun point, for now we must just
relax and do what they say till we figure out our
next move.

Manardo: I will handle these bitches.



I heard a knock on my door.

Me: come in.

It was a man, white.

Me: hi , may I help you?

Him: im Craig.

Me: Monalisa.
Craig: heard there’s a transferred prosecutor
who broke the law.

I chuckled.

Craig: im joking. It’s nice meeting you in person.

I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Me: thanks for the welcome.

Craig: you are welcome Monalisa.

The door opened and it was another white man.

Him: Craig?
Craig: Nick.

Nick: uhm…you guys are requested in the

boardroom in 2 minutes.

Craig: we will be there

Nick closed the door I wore my suit and we both

walked out to the boardroom.

Craig: thought maybe you might get lost if one

doesn’t walk with you.

I giggled and we walked inside the bedroom,

there were a few people, not many. Just Nick,
Chief and some man. We sat down and the lady
stood us.
Lady: We have a new member on the task force,
Monalisa, you guys know me , I’m the chief of
this task force and here besides me it’s my
assistant. John. Welcome all of you.

We all clapped hands.

Chief: right, I got a report from the head offices,

stating that there’s an distribution of drugs still
running and we may have a lead. Focusing on
only one distro, Terminator. The last task force
we had a distro known as Venom, now we
looking into Terminator. You have a week to
gather your ideas and your ways forward on
getting this drug dealer AND FOR THE CPURT
Me: so we need to get a Terminator, without
any link?

Chief: will that be a problem?

I shook my head no.

Chief: adjourned.

We all stood up and they left. I walked to the


Chief: Monalisa, you don’t have 2 hours in this

task force and already you complaining?

Me: it’s not that, I was just thinking why don’t

we get one of the drug users ad they give us a
picture of this Terminator.

Chief: a CI? No your cousin, Paxton flipped that,

but she was the best. Why don’t you use her

She walked out. Terminator, if we want

terminator we must look into Venom.

“this was the best task force but you have to

make sacrifices here cuz”

Me: Paxton.

Paxton: mhmm, I was working for this task

force and if I were you I would let go of this
case because the person you trying to catch he
will slip in your hands.

Me: my hands? Aint you dead?

Paxton: my soul left my body but my body is

still with me .

She disappeared. I looked around.

“ Monalisa”
I looked at who it was.

Me: Nick.

Nick: your phone has been ringing for a while

now, are you okay?
Me: yes..yes im okay, and the caller, will call
back if it’s important.

I looked at my phone as I rang again. I walked

out of the boardroom.


Lorenzo came back home, he walked inside my

room, the kids were with his mother.

Me: and? How did it go? What do they want?

Lorenzo: they want me to move weight in my

Me: their weight?

He nodded.

me: is that all? What do they want from you


Lorenzo: the guy I shot at the back of the club

the other night.

Me: hmm.

Lorenzo: it’s their brother. But this has some

law written on it, I pulled the trigger, Leo did
some di9gging on the guy. They want diamonds.

Me: Cane is at it again. Sworing at me. You also

need to talk to him, if he did this again then the
worst is yet to come.

Lorenzo: they boy is going through a lot, I think

he needs to talk to someone.

Me Im his mother, he can talk to me .

Lorenzo: a professional Dee.

Me: no he doesn’t need to talk to anyone. Fuck


Lorenzo: ok… I will talk to the boy and get him

straight okay?

Me: yeah goo thing, cause you the one who got
him crooked.

Lorenzo: right, I will talk to him.

Me: you gonna tell me what’s eating you?

Lorenzo: I need your help.

Me: my help? Yet you want to kill me.

Lorenzo: I would never kill you Dee.

Me: you forgot I know you, you never let go of

anything, that’s why you don’t want to leave me

Lorenzo: you know why.

Me: mxm. Ngik’ceda ngani?

[how do I help you?]

Lorenzo: I need some cash , im short of money

and I need some cash from the Kids trust, but I
cant do it without your permission since you are
their signatory.

I chuckled.

Me: No.
Lorenzo: what?

Me: no, im not giving you my son’s money, no.

Lorenzo: right, Ria’s .

Me: No. ria’s money goes to Cane all of it.

Lorenzo: all of it?

Me: yes.

Lorenzo: come on Dee, look you know I will

have it back to you right away. I wouldn’t be
sitting here pleading you, if I had another option.
Me: the tax penalties will be ridiculous. You
have hotels, clubs, why not take from it?

Lorenzo: money there aint clean.

Me: im sorry, im not betting Cane’s future with

yours , find another way.

Lorenzo: really?

I walked to the closet. I cursed.





Doctor: the babies are growing just fine Mr. and

Mrs. Ndlovu.

I and Manardo smiled.

Manardo: Doc , can a DNA be conducted at this

Doctor: yes , it is very safe now , the babies
wont be in danger .

He nodded.

Doctor: would you like to do one?

Me: No Doctor. Mr. Ndlovu here is asking for a


Doctor: I see. Well anything else?

Me: No, we should leave.

Doctor: sure, see you on our next appointment.

I nodded and we walked out. I got inside the car
and he also did. He drove away.

Me: what was that for?

Manardo: what?

Me: DNA Test. Really Manardo ? you really think

that these ain’t your babies?

Manardo: you did say that you slept with the

three of us njena.

Me: wow. So?

Manardo: so sonke schamila nga Phakathi…

I swallowed hard.

Manardo: hmmm hmmm, didn’t use a glove

with the three of us. What were you thinking?

Me: what were you thinking not using a glove on


Manardo: Askies.

Me: exactly that. You also failed me,tsk busy

pointing fingers at me, uchamile sekwenzekile,
ngane zakho, you better start accepting that
and stop rolling like a bitch.
[You climaxed inside me , the kids are yours.]
Manardo: angizwanga?

Me: please drive us home Manardo. Im not in a

mood to do this with you, if you don’t want to
accept the kids just say so and stop being a
coward I will raise the kids on my own, without

Manardo: Manje umsindo? Sesiyalwa manje?

[And the noise? Are we fighting now?]

Me; im not fighting with you. I’m just tired of

you guys playing me like your football.

Manardo: we play you like a football because

you want to be treated like one, you need to
choose who you with and stop this thing of
yours, Ain’t no one whom I know will do
Polyandry with me. You cant have both of them
inside you, you have to choose who you with nje,
and yeke ubufebe qha, phathisa oko nondindwa!

I looked out the window and wiped my tears. his

phone rang and he answered the call.

Manardo: yah… I will be there, give me a few.

He hung up and we drove in silence. He parked

outside the building and unlocked the door.

Manardo : Yehla.

I looked t him and he was serious.

Me: ain’t …
Manardo: hey Yehla .

I swallowed hard and got out of the car with the


Manardo: you and I will talk only regarding the

kids nothing more until you have made up your
mind on who you want to be with.

I nodded and walked away. My phone beeped it

was a text message from. ‘kiss my babies for
me.’ I didn’t reply instead I shoved the phone at
the back of my pocket. So one aint supposed
to speak from their heart , it hurts that people
are judging your choices whilst they don’t know
what you been through, how was I supposed to
react, smile just like all the times. So im not
supposed to speak for my self?


I was in the meeting with PSR’s that’s what they

call themselves. Shirley opened the envelope
and took out the cheque.

Shirley: so much in a week?

I didn’t say anything.

Shirley: how many have you got?

Me: more than 10.

Philly: including the one’s outside?

I kept quiet.

Philly: we know so much huh? Bring him a glass

of whiskey.

Me :you said you wanted me to cash, I aint here

to chit chat with you guys or anything .

Shirley: I know, we cant be partners who don’t

talk or chat together.

Philly: so Manardo slept with your wife and he

gave her kids. Not one but two.
Me: that was a mistake, we passed that stage.

Philly: are you?

Me: what are you trying to say?

Philly: cause from what I heard is that you don’t

take betrayal easily just like that, you don’t just
let go, and this is huge.

Shirley: imagine your older brother fucking your

wife, in your bedroom. It must be hard hey

Me: it was hard at first but I dealt with the pain.

Shirley: did you though? You seem more hurt

about this he is always at gun point when with
you cause he knows the danger in you.
Manardo underestimates you, he knows the
courage you have and don’t have. That’s why he
is so relaxed. You pulled a trigger on him only
for his shoulder to be shot, he did say if you
give him a chance he will kill you. Im sure now
he will make you wife choose between you and
him, how does that feel? That stung in the heart
. it hurts .

I kept quiet.

Philly: I wouldn’t just let this go, shooting him

wasn’t enough. We want him the most and not
you. He has been in this industry for far too long,
more than you . he took out people who were at
the top , what about you? Imagine what he
would do to you. You need to help us so we
help you.
Me: I should get going.

Philly: sure, do pay us a visit next time.



Chief : you guy heard all the week why be mute

now? Do you really want to be on this task
force or what?

I raised my hand.

Chief : yes Monalisa, something Valid I hope.

I cleared my throat and nodded.

Me : I was thinking we get Venom first cause

from the CI that late Agent Paxton had was that
Venom is one person , then we looking for a
Terminator now, we also got that Venom has
Tattoo of a snake then what about terminator?
His Tattoo, is it a Terminator? We ought to find
that also. At first we didn’t find who the real
Venom was but if we follow the lead of Venom
we might be linked to Terminator.

Nick : we had only three suspects Leonardo ,

Knox and Lorenzo Ndlovu only , we got to arrest
Lorenzo for the distribution of drugs and
holding Paxton at gunpoint. Believing he is
Me: then that’s the lead the we follow , Lorenzo
being Venom only , we ask Lorenzo questions
and he leads us to Venom that’s all.

Chief: impressive Monalisa.

Nick: I will handle Lorenzo.

Chief: No, Monalisa did the digging, she is the

one who gets to question Lorenzo, do you own

Nick: can we trust her? …I mean her cousin was

fucking with this guy and was pregnant… she
broke the law

Me: just because was fucking with Lorenzo

doesn’t mean I’m also fucking with him. Paxton
didn’t break the law, she broke your heart .

Them: ouch !

Chief: enough, Monalisa this is your case to

handle. My decision is final . Adjourned!

We all stood up, Nick gave me a death stare. I


Me: you got to kiss my black ass if you want to

give me that look in here.

I walked out of the boardroom.


Lorenzo walked inside the lounge. Pissed.

Lorenzo: do you love him?

I looked at him with a frown.

Me: im not sure I follow Lorenzo. Who do I love?

Lorenzo: im talking about Leonardo, do you

fuckin Love him?

Lorenzo: yeah. Do you love him?

Me: I have been married to you all these years

and now you ask me if I love your brother?

Lorenzo: yeah , the same brother you fucked

with under my roof. Who knows maybe you
have been eyeing on him after the sexual
intercourse you two had when you were young.

Me: Venom!

Lorenzo: you just need to answer the fuckin

damn question Diana?!

“ Ey, what all this noise for?”

I looked at Lorenzo.

Mrs. N : Lorenzo…?

His phone rang and he answered it.

Lorenzo: yah… Fine meet me at my club I will

send you the address… Ok.

He hung up.

Lorenzo: you and I aint done.

He walked away to the elevator.

Mrs. N: want to say something?

I shook my head no.



I felt someone put their hands on my waist, I

blew out smoke and looked at who it is.

Philly: thinking broad day light?

Me: no.

Philly: then what on your mind? And don’t say it

aint nothing cause you don’t look at the mother
earth with a joint in your hand without having
something in kind.

Me: I don’t know, it’s just this issue of Leo and


Philly: what exactly is stressing you out about


Me: you know what we trying to do.

Philly: having seconds doubts?

Me: do you think it will work?

Philly: we must give it a try.

Me: that’s where the problem is we must not try
but do it. We try it’s our loss and their win.

Philly: you could be right.

Me: exactly I’m right, they very strong.

I threw the bud off the building ad took another


Philly: no, that’s enough don’t you think?

Me: no.

She took it away from me.

Philly: I think it’s enough, why don’t you let me
handle this part of them plan, when the older
one comes here let me handle it.

Me: mhmm?

She perked my lips.

Philly: yes.

I smirked and she kissed my lips, my phone

rang , I pulled out of the kiss.

Me: excuse me.

Philly: really?

Me: I know you have been craving for me but

now aint the time Philly. I thought you were into

Philly: sure trying with you wouldn’t be a


I chuckled.

Philly: whatever.

She walked away

Me: im alone.
Him: we on the move, you just need to be ready.

Me: we ready, I think.

Him: ok.

He hung up.



I drove to my club and was approached by The

manager, Sill.
Sill: Sir, there’s a lady waiting for you apparently,
she doesn’t have an appointment with you.

Me: what did she say her name was?

Sill: Monalisa…

Me: send her up.

She nodded and walked away. I walked upstairs,

I got inside my office and poured my self a drink.
The door opened and Lisa walked in. she looked
around the office.

Me: hey.

Lisa: hii… this is quite a beautiful space.

Me: thanks. I try.

Lisa: you did.

Me: how are you…Kai?

Lisa: im good, and Kai is also good. I think I will

bring her over this week…

Me: No… No don’t.

She frowned.

Lisa: okay…Why? Not so long ago you wanted

him to come over meet your parents.
Me: yeah, well now ain’t the right time.

Lisa: Okay… I will take that.

I stood infront of her .

Me: You said you wanted to see me. Talk?

Lisa: Yeah…

My phone rang.

Me: please excuse me.

I turned and answered my call.

Philly: change of plans.

Me: what?

Philly: yeah. We will talk this out. Strategize


She hung up. I cursed but no so loud. I turned to

look Lisa.

Lisa: is everything okay?

Me: yes.

She nodded
Me : So you came all the way to my club to talk
about Kai I guess?

Lisa: well not really…

Me: work?

She nodded.

Me: aint you the one to say You don’t discuss

you work with me…

She giggled resting her head on my shoulder.

Me: im just asking? No offense.

Lisa: you want to make me seem bad don’t you?

Me: make you seem bad? How? You the one

that said you wont say shit with me related to
your work.

She giggled again and this time her hand on my

shoulder. I loomed at her as she laughed and
she eventually stopped… she cleared her throat.

Lisa: sorry.

Me: Not sorry.

She frowned, and I pulled her by her waist and

we kissed. She pulled out…
Lisa: No…No…

I kissed her again and she didn’t respond, I bite

her lower lip and she responded to the kiss. I
pushed the chair away and put her inside the
table. I got in between her legs, my hand went
to her Pussy, I gently rubbed it. She wrapped
her hands around my neck. I pulled out of the
kiss and looked at her.

Me: If you want me to stop just scratch my back


She nodded and I locked my lips with her, still

rubbing her pussy. I unzipped her pants and I
rubbed her pussy on those panties, I pulled
them down and rubbed her clitoris. She moaned
but not so loud. I entered her using my finger
and she moaned softly in my mouth. She
opened her legs wide open and pulled down my
pants and my briefs. She held my manhood and
rubbed it up and down, I moaned. I pull her top
up and suck on her nipples.

Slowly , I guide my manhood on her , I move

and stop then look at her . I then continue to
move , but this time I don’t stop. I moves
slowly at first, easing myself in and out of her.
And as she grow accustomed to the alien
feeling, her hips move tentatively to meet mine.
I speed up. She moans, and I pound on, picking
up speed, merciless, a relentless rhythm, and
she keep up, meeting my thrusts. I grasp her
head between my hands and kiss her, my teeth
pulling at her lower lip again. I shift slightl. She
start to stiffen as I thrusts on and on.
Her body quivers, bows; a sheen of sweat
gathers over her.

Me : Come On Lisa…come for me.

I whisper breathlessly, and she unravel at my

words, exploding around me as she climax and
splinter into a million pieces underneath me.
And as I comes, I calls out her name, thrusting
hard, then stilling as I empties myself into me.
She is still panting, trying to slow her breathing.
She open her eyes, and I have my forehead
pressed against hers, I close my eyes, as my
breathing ragged. My eyes flicker open and
gaze down at her. Im still inside her. Leaning
down, I gently press a kiss against her
forehead then slowly pulls out of her.
Lisa: Ohh…

Me: did I hurt you?

She shakes her head no.

Lisa: No… It’s been long since I had someone

down there.

I raise my eyebrows.

Me: you became a virgin again?

She giggles and I chuckle.

Me: I’m joking.

She nods and dresses up after cleaning herself

Me: I guess what you wanted to talk about can

still be discussed some other time.

She chuckles.

Lisa: I guess.

Me: let me walk you out.

They searched me and found my gun.

Me: another one on my ankle.

They went on my ankle and took out a pistol.

Me: Another one on my lap.

He unstrapped my pockets and took out a knife.

Me: clean.

He nodded and let me in. I got in and joined

them on the table.
Me: Im here, you called.

Philly: yet you came on your own time.

Me: I have other things to do .

Philly: more important than us?

Me: Not really I guess.

Philly: right, we have known and heard you have

been in this industry for far too long, you took
the top gamers and you still here. The ones you
roll with died and you still remained, proving
that you are the best.

Me: is that a compliment? If so , thank you.

Philly: Nice, heard about your calmness, very
dangerous in this game and industry, but sure
you don’t want anything distracting you from
what you have archived, you know what we
mean by that.

Me: I don’t think I follow.

Philly: pussy…

Me: doesn’t distract me.

Philly: maybe, but what about Dee’s

pussy…Mhmm, I was with Lorenzo and he
knows your move on making Diana choose
between you two. You know Lorenzo never
forgets betrayers and when he left here he was
furious. And you know what he thinks?

I looked at her waiting for an answer.

Philly: You have to pay for sleeping with his wife.

He will make you pay. He did say that with his
own mouth.

Me: How do you know this?

Philly: I eavesdropped on his conversation with

Shirley and he plans to take you out and
Knowing that he is my enemy too and I want
nothing from you I thought I should tell you
about their plotting. So what do you do about all
this? Sit back and watch?
I bite my lower lip.

Philly: You need to kill him before he kills you.

She gave me the gun...





Lorenzo came back home last night. He hasn’t

come down yet. I was busy feeding the kids,
whilst looking at the invoice of the Workshop.
Mrs. N and MR. N walked downstairs. They
greeted and I greeted back.

Me: Ma… you going somewhere?

Mrs. N : No, why ask?

Me: do you mind looking after the kids for me

there’s an errand I need to run so quickly.

Mrs. N: No not at all they are my grand children.

I smile.

Me: thank you.

Mrs. N: don’t know why Lorenzo doesn’t bring
his son over here.

Me: Thank you again ma.

Mrs. N: it’s okay my dear.

I perk the kids and walk upstairs to change my

outfit. i bump onto him on his way out.

Me: we need to talk.

Lorenzo: about what cause clearly if it’s about

you choosing you know how to make that
Me: really Lorenzo? Not so long ago you wanted
to make things right now what’s all about these

Lorenzo: you are right I wanted to fix things

between us but I can’t fix them not knowing
who you standing with, you cant have the both
of us. It cant be, you should consider yourself
lucky that I’m asking you choose, you slept with
both brothers and you got pregnant, if it was
someone else they wouldn’t be standing here
right now, so much disrespect that fuck in my

Me: it was just part of the plan I guess huh?

Lorenzo: what plan?

Me: you haven’t healed from what I did but you
want us to fix things? You acting here like im
the only who cheated, you cheated too and you
cheated first. You also made a child with her.

Lorenzo: so that makes you cheat too?

Me: I guess omncane ubona omdala.

Lorenzo: see you later Diana. Move out of my


I just stared at him and he pushed me to the


Me : we were not done here Lorenzo! Get your

fuckin Spanish arse here.
I roll my eyes as he walk away. I go to my room
to change my outfit. I settle for a black off
shoulder dress with a slit on my left leg. I wear
my Platform heals and walk downstairs after
brushing my hair. I have changed my die from
brown to ruby red. I get inside the car and drive



I was lost on my thoughts, I heard someone

clap their hands on me , I came back from my
thoughts. I look across the room and everyone
is looking at me, shit I forgot I was in a meeting.
Chief: we are here Monalisa.

Me: im sorry Chief.

Chief: what were you thinking about? I hope you

were thinking about the case assigned to you,
what have you got so far from Lorenzo Ndlovu?

Me: I am working on it Chief.

Chief; basically you have nothing to offer?

Me: im still…

Chief: yes or No?

Me: yes. But im working on it.

Chief: we want and need those details soon,

very soon.

I nodded.

Chief: good. Meeting adjourned. Monalisa in my


I nodded and everybody walked away. I went to

my office and placed my things then went to
Chief’s office.

Chief; sit down.

I took a sit.
Chief: I have worked with your sister for long
and I have to say when I heard that she is inlove
with the man we investigating I was
disappointed. It was hard to believe that she of
all people would do that.

Me: sorry about Pax, but im not her.

Chief: yeah, and you know what distracted her?

It was only a long thing that manages to make
woman sing like a canary, I hope you don’t get
yourself involved in that shit.

Me: I won’t, I’m just doing my job here, not here

to fuck and shit.

Chief: I hope you keep it that way.

I nodded and stood up and walked out.



Me: you called and said you wanted to discuss


Philly: yes, a change of plans. We going to move

weight in your club.

Me: what?

Philly: yes. We goi9ng to move weight in your


Me: No, I can’t, the club is to clean money, not

bring dirty money.

Philly: unfortunately, you going to do it.

Shirley; and You going to do it Tonight on this

Friday Night. It’s either that or you kiss your son
Good bye, he is a good kid, not knowing about
Canon . heard he is behaving.

Me: fine I will do it.

Shirley: good, you will get the weight tonight,

new staff.
She walked away.

Shirley: move the weight Guys, Pills and


I stood up and walked away, I dialed Manardo’s

number and it rang unanswered. I cursed and
my phone rang it was Lisa.

Me: hello.

Lisa: hey, you busy?

Me: not that I can say , why?

Lisa: there’s something I need to discuss with

you, it’s very urgent.
Me: come by at the club later on.

Lisa: is that the only time you available?

Me: yes, right now im swamped with many

things, come by the club tonight.

Lisa: ok, not like I have any other choice.

Me: good bye, have a wonderful day and do kiss

my baby boy for me.

Lisa: Thanks , you too, and i will pass your

I hung up , as I drove out of the garage, I passed
Manardo’s car passing me by too. He was
smoking. I just continued with my drive.


I drove to the designer workshop, I saw Jane’s

office opened.

Nosi: boss nice to see you back.

Me: thanks but I aint back Nosi.

She nodded .
Me: is Jane in ?

Nosi: yes.

I nodded and I walked to her office she was on

the sewing machine, sewing one of my best
designed outfits whom I actually want no one to
design. Everybody here said they tough to
design the last line I showed them . I knocked
and she looked at me.

Me: hey.

Jane: hii, nice to see you back here.

Me: im not back.

Jane: oh.

Me: shouldn’t you be home? Resting?

Jane: will resting bring back Knox?

I sighed.

Jane: exactly, Home and resting wont bring

back Knox, and now im here left with child by
him, I told him to stay away from that life but he
didn’t listen now look where we are? He is dead
Left me with his child. And…

Me: whoa..Jane, you with child?

Jane: Mhmm, a widow mother to be.

Me: don’t call yourself like that, you were not

married to Knox.

Jane: doesn’t change the fact that I was in love

and still in love with him.

Me:im sorry.

Jane: don’t be, it aint your fault.

Me: I will get the rents and the brothers to know

about this.

Jane: fine by me but they wont replace Knox.

Me: they won’t indeed.

Jane: shouldn’t you be breast feeding?

Me:I should but im here to check on the

accounts of the shop.

Jane: sure, you know your way.

I smiled at her.

Me: wanna join us later on at my house for


Jane: what is it? Baby shower for you?

Me: something like that.

Jane: I will definitely be there.

Me: ok. See you later.

Jane: how many are you though?

Me: just the three of us.

Jane: ok.

Me: good byee.

She nodded, I closed the door and went to my

office. I looked at the shop’s account and it’s
statements. How come we only have a balance
of R10 000? The heck is going on? I call Alex to
my office and he walks in within a minute

Alex: ma’am you asked…

Me: I did, I want you to tell me, how come we at

this amount , you really cant tell me that since I
left and returned now we only have this amount
in the shop.

Alex: I don’t know what you talking about

Ma’am, I have always cashed in the money we
make a day into the safe, I have receipts from
the bank proving that I do cash in the money,
and it is more than that amount.
Me: then why is the balance at R10 00?

Alex: I don’t know, did you perhaps check the

transctions that took place and the dates?

I checked into the laptop and breathed heavily.

Me: thanks Alex. You may leave.

He nods and exits. I curse and chuckle.

Me: Man, you are so fuckin stubborn.

I stood up and made some copies and printed

them out then walked out of the office to my
car. Lorenzo is full of shit!


Me: here is your gun.

Philly: you wont use it?

Me: on who? You? Cause I might as well use it


Philly: you know what we spoke about Leonardo.

Me: I don’t know. Mind sharing with me?

Philly: incase I wasn’t clear, Lorenzo is out for
blood. He knows you gave Dee an ultimatum.

Me: so? Lorenzo wont kill me .

Philly: you sure of that? With how things are?

He also gave Dee an ultimatum to choose
between the both of you. Dee aint out of
Lorenzo’s house meaning she chose him.

Me: so? Why do I have to care about Dee’s

decisions , she is an adult and can do what ever
she wants with her life. Nkinga niya phapha
nina, niya speeda.

Philly: sorry?
Me; ungzwile, or noma yini kwamele ngi bange
umsndo ukuze ungizwe? I’m not a voice note
that repeats it’s self when pressed. And wena
no Mngani wakho busani ukung’phaphela,
kok’qala asizone ntanga , singajwayelani kabi.
You said you wanted business manje?
[you heard me , or must I yell for you to be able
to hear what I said ?][ You and your friend don’t
get too forward with me , we aint age mates,
let’snot get familiar with each other]

I took out my cigarette and lit it up.

Me: what are we discussing today? I hope you

wont waste my time.

Philly: well…
Me:uyangingiza…Khuluma yeke sounda ngathi
uyi CD enama scratch
[you are stuttering, talk and stop sounding like a
broken record.]

Philly: you seem to forget, im the one who got

your family in my hands.

Me: I don’t have memory loss so I know.

I took the gun as she was about to take it back.

Me: Brika bova, I will use this gun, to kill


Philly: take him away.

I raised my hands in surrender and they didn’t
touch me. I walked out on my own. My phone
rang, it was Lorenzo, I answered as I got inside
the car.

Me: sho.

Lorenzo: were you in the hood?

Me: no, Why?

Lorenzo: your lingo.

Me: I was at the hood, you right, what do you


Lorenzo: can we meet and Talk?

Me: sure, but not now, im currently busy. I will
text when free.

Lorenzo: sure.

He hung up.


I walked downstairs, silly was drinking gin not

dashed [diluted].

Me:didn’t go well?
Philly: that motherfucker is disrespectful as hell.

Me: that’s why we need someone like him on or


Philly: aint no way im going to continue working

with that son of a bitch.

Shirley: it’s just a matter of time we get done


Philly: it feels like forever.

Shirley: soon. Did he take the gun or return it?

Philly:took it, he is going to kill him.

Shirley: mhmm, he thinks he is smarter than us.

We will outsmart him.

Philly: what do you mean?

Shirley: Don’t worry, just enjoy your gin.


I was at the club ,I called Sill and her team to my

office–it was already bussing, people rocking
the place.
Me: so Everyone listen.

They all looked at me .

Me: when somebody orders a bottle of

Glenfiddich whiskey, you hit them with one and
this package of small box .

Sill: what’s in it ?

Me: you don’t need to know.

Caro: sir , what happens to the package?

Me: it magically disappears.

Sill: then our shit is legit…

The door opened and Lisa walked in…

Me: right, everyone get back to work.

They all excused themselves. I closed the door.

Me: hey.

She walked up to me… I hugged her and as I

was about to perk her lips she shifted.

Lisa: no…
I raised my eyebrow.

Lisa: this is all wrong… it is just wrong.

Me:what is wrong? My outfit?

Lisa: No Lorenzo, all this, what we doing.

Me: what are we doing?

Lisa: we fucking, in your office…

Me; you labeled it, not I, So would you prefer it

at an hotel?

Lisa: no I wouldn’t prefer it anywhere. It is just

wrong , hotel, house, or office. .. anyways we
not there,.

Me; then where are we?

I pulled her by her waist, her hand rested on my

chest. I was wearing a black t-shirt and suit,
both unbuttoned till my chest.

Lisa: I want us to talk about the reason why im


I looked t her and buried my face on her neck

and gave her neck kisses.

Me: why are you here?

She didn’t answer as I blew out air.

Me: mhmm?

Lisa: to disc…

Me: what disc?

Lisa: will you stop doing that?

Me: what?

I look at her and she bites her lower lip, I

smashed her lips and lock her lips with mine,
and pick her up to the couch as I pull her dress
Lisa: Lore…

Me; mhmm…

I drove to all the possible places I could find

Lorenzo, I stopped at the club, it was buzzing.
The manage walked up to me–Sill.


Me; Sill, what is going on here?

Sill: it is a throwback to one of the biggest

clients and customer.

me: where is My husband?

Sill: he is in his office.

Me; thanks…

Sill: wait, Don’t you want to take pictures…

Me: not now maybe later, now I need to see my


I turned and walked upstairs to his office, it was

closed, I sighed and walked in. I gasped at the
sight that I saw, I looked up to prevent my tears
from falling down. I wiped my eyes and walked
further in.

Me: Lorenzo Ndlovu.

He stopped fucking and looked at me …

Lorenzo: fuck Dee, what are you doing here?

He got up from the couch and the lady also

stood up pulling her dress down. I looked up
trying not to cry, Paxton’s sister.

Me: im sorry to disturb you guys, but we need to

talk Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: couldn’t it wait?

Me; me wait for you to reach for an orgasm? Ok
fine I will wait.

I walked to the chair and sat down.

Me: continue, I will wait.

Lorenzo: this is unnecessary.

Me: it is unneccessay? For you to take all the

money from the workshop?

I showed him the papers.

Me: 10 000 grand Lorenzo really?

Lorenzo: can we finish this at home?

Me: why not?

I stood up and walked to the door.

Me : and guess what baby? He kissed your

black ass.

I walked out slamming the door.




Immediately after Diana left, Philly asked to be

excused to go to the bathroom. After a few
minutes she came back.

Lisa: I should get going.

Me: really? So early? What about what you

wanted to ask?

Lisa: I will ask that some other time not now


Me: Lisa…
Lisa: yes…?

Me: you sure you okay?

Lisa: what kind of question is that? Your wife

caught us almost fucking, how does one feel
about that?

Me: dot worry about Diana?

Lisa: I must worry about Diana? You guys share

the same roof and I mustn’t worry about Diana?

Me: jealous much?

Lisa: im not jealous.

Me; then what is it?

Lisa: I just want to know what is this? We

fucking for what? To pass time or because we
are hungry for sex?

Me: im not hungry for sex.

Lisa: yeah well, you say.

Me: ok how about I tell you this: we aint fucking

for sex nor for passing time, if me making
things official with you will make you feel better
then why not make it official.
Lisa: no this is not right. You cant fuck the both
of us Lorenzo, you were fucking with Paxton
and now with me? It aint right.

Me: paxton would have loved for you to move

on and for me to move on.

Lisa: I don’t buy this.

Me: you that of a hardcore?

Lisa: im not a hardcore.

I pulled her by her waist.

me: what is this really about? Diana or Paxton?

She kept quiet.

Me: you don’t know your self , so what you like?

Llisa: you are so adamant.

Me: you say?

She looked at the papers.

Lisa; did you really use the money?

Me: yeah I cashed it to the club for hosting

night freaky Fridays like this.
Lisa: ok…How did she find out though?

I chuckled…

Me: one thing about Dee is that she is fucking

smart and that’s one of the reasons I fell in love
with her.

Lisa; but you hurt her when you love her. Why
did you cheat on her if you love her ?

Me: it just happened?

Lisa: no it didn’t just happened you and Paxton

had the power to control this situation, but you
were to selfish.
Me: we talking about your cousin here.

Lisa: so what? Cousin or not cousin, a wrong is

a wrong. If I was Diana and you did what you did
to me trust me I would do danger to the both of

Me: she did so danger.

Lisa: by cheating on you with her brother? No

that aint nothing, I would get married to him just
to see you hurting.

Me: well Diana aint like you.

Lisa: you right, she aint like me.

I looked into her eyes.

Lisa; I should get going.

Me: what about what you wanted to talk about?

Lisa: we can talk about that shit some other

time right?

I nodded and she walked out of the office.



Right after leaving Lorenzo’s office I drove to

my penthouse, through out the whole driving I
was crying, my heart was bleeding and still
bleeding, I just don’t understand why Lorenzo
would do this to me, was this bound to happen
or what? If only I didn’t push for him to open up
a night club or any of those establishments, I
believe we wouldn’t be here, When will this all
end , the cheating, I know he has been doing it
but I just didn’t want him to show signs that he
is cheating on me or anything, it hurts so much
that I saw the bitches he fucks.–– I took the
elevator I found Ndoni and Jane sitting in the

Both: Surprise.

I smiled faintly and chuckled. How is it a

surprise when I know what was to happen here?
Me: you surprising me , but where are the elders?

Ndoni: they went out, saying they got errands to


Me: and the kids?

Ndoni: they also went out with the elders.

I nodded and sat down. I poured some whiskey

and gulped it in one go.

Ndoni: aint you breast feeding?

Me: I am but not now.

Ndoni: you shouldn’t be drinking don’t you think?

Me: why is there alcohol?

Ndoni: to be drank.

Me: alcohol should be drank don’t you think?

Ndoni:ok…Talk to us what’s the matter?

They both sat besides me.

Jane: Dee, what’s wrong? Did they hack the


I shook my head no.

Me: I wish it was like that.

Jane: then what’s the matter?

Tears rolled down my face.

Me: Lorenzo has been cashing out money from

the shop.

Ndoni: im sure he will put it back right?

I shook my head no.

Ndoni: this cant be put back , it is over. It cant

be fixed.
Ndoni: the money is over?

I nodded.

Me:I found him in his office tonight at the club

on top of another woman.

Ndoni cursed.

Jane: Im… sorry.

Me: Lorenzo doesn’t value me, he doesn’t value

me, not at all.

I wiped my tears and poured myself another full

glass of whiskey. I drank it and clenched my

Me: Lorenzo doesn’t know who I am , I will show

him who is the man between me and him, he is
going to fuckin pay for everything.

Ndoni: you thinking with your emotions.

Me: I don’t think so, I am thinking pretty well,

Lorenzo must pay for everything he did. I wont
let him disrespect me. He has disrespected me
for long now, it’s over. I am going to show him
who is the Terminator and who is not the

I took out a joint from my jacket and lit it up.

Me: The pressure is getting worser and worser.


MR. N & MRS. N

MR. N: calm the babies down .

MRS. N: don’t you think im going to do just that?

She gave them a bottle to suck and they went


MR. N ; what did you give them?

They dozed off?

MRS. N: nothing bitter, just to keep them
conscious for the time being.

MR. N: alcohol aint good for kids Charlotte.

MRS. N: and I know, This is the best way to

keep them shut while we carry on with what we
here for.

MR. N: you should have stayed at home.

MRS. N: and have me disturbing you now and

then, you know I cant stay away from you for
more than a minute.

MR. N sighed.
MRS. N: and im the one doing dirt.

MR. N: no you not, I am.

MRS N: Take body and I will take head. Between

me and you, im good at that position.

MR. N: you are a headache.

MRS. N: and I love you too.

She kissed him…

MR. N: wait…wait, Charlotte, there she is.

She stopped kissing and looked at where her

man is pointing at.

MRS. N: Let’s get over and done with this.

They both took their rifles and aimed t their

target. One shot down on the head.
Two…Three…then Four.

MRS. N : yes, you still got it baby.

They clapped hands.

MRS. N: Don’t you want us to go check

MR. N: No, too risky. Lets go.

She nodded and they drove away.



I was woken up by the direct sunlight across the

room, I got up from the bed, my head was very
heave and having a mother of headaches. I
went to the shower and took a shower. I then
settled for track pants with SPORTS BRA, I
walked downstairs to the kitchen, I found
Lorenzo eating. I took out some cup from the
cup board to make some coffee.

Lorenzo: you back to smoking?

I kept quiet.

Lorenzo: Dee, im talking to you.

Me: so what If im back to smoking?

Lorenzo: does Leo know about this?

Me: and who is Leo in my life? Baby daddy? And

who are you?

Lorenzo: you being selfish right now, you got

kids to be smoking don’t you think?

Me: you have a wife to be fucking around don’t

you think?
Lorenzo: My relationship with you ended up the
time you fucked with Manardo.

Me: what about the time you were fucking with


Lorenzo: I was willing to make her a second

wife but you had to go and ruin all that by
fucking my brother.

Me: I was also willing to take Leo as my second

husband but you had to go and fuck with Lis.

Lorenzo: you are crazy, you still high.

Me: high over you right?

He clicked his tongue. That’s a first.

Me: if our relationship ended why not divorce

me? Why still with me knowing you just want to
break my heart.

Lorenzo: I don’t want to break you heart, you

choose to break your heart.

Me: Lorenzo, everything I did , I did it for you, I

put my life on risk for you and you do this to me?

Lorenzo: what do you want from me Dee?

Me: I want a divorce from you.

Lorenzo: you know I cant give you that. I got so
much to lose than you.

Me: I’m coming for you Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: you love me Dee, that I know that’s

why you poring out your emotions like this.

Me: you are a man whore.

Lorenzo: you are a woman whore then, we are


He took his car keys and cell phone.

Lorenzo: see you later.



Me: what is the next thing?

Him: im still waiting for the info Shirley.

Me: Gustavo I have been waiting for far too long.

Gustavo: just be patient.

Me: you need to get more guards if this is going

to happen, This means that your daughter Elisa
aint safe from that son of a bitch Cane.
Gustavo: I will take care of that one, just chill
and relax, the girl is just taking too much to
respond and give back information. They never
knew Lorenzo is Venom. If only you didn’t kill
that bitch Paxton then we wouldn’t be here.

Me: it’s already done, she is gone.

Gustavo: I will have to call you back.

I hung up, the door opened and the guards

walked in.

Me: What is it?

Them: mam, you got to see this.

They walked out and I followed them. It was a
body covered with grey bag. I slowly opened the
the bag and gasped but then composed my self.

Rah: what do we do?

Me: we eliminate them, send it off as a

message to the wife that they must stop
plotting against me.

Rah: on it.

Manardo and I met downtown on some
establishment, he claimed to be super hungry.

Manardo: so Zishani?

Me: Nothing, I saw you the other day at the

garage and you just passed me.

Manardo: oh, you did?

Me: come on Nardo why you acting like a bitch.

He chuckled.

Manardo: fundisa neh?

[I taught]
I chuckled…

Me: I want us to plan on how to execute these


Manardo: you want to execute them?

Me: they on our necks , I cant have a bitch

control me, never.

Manardo: well we just need to play according to

their tunes until one day we kill with a gun that

Me: you aint serious .

Manardo: I am.

Me: those bitches said I must execute you

because you made Diana choose between me
and you.

He chuckled .

Me:did you ?

Manardo: Yes I did .

Me: oh I see.

Manardo: yakudla ?
Lorenzo: not really.

Manardo: you cheated on the bitch and you

don’t want to let her go…

His phone rang , he showed me who the caller

is and he answered.

Manardo: hello Love…whoa Calm down and talk

to me calmly…yes….i’m listening. What?...where?
when ? shit we on our way.

He hung up

Manardo: Ma and dad were shot not so long

ago, they on their way to Net care hospital .
Me: what?

Manardo: we don’t have time we need to go


I nodded.

Me: you will drive?

He nodded as we walked out of the

establishment after setting the bill.




We drove to Netcare hospital , we went to the

waiting area and found Cane at the benches.

Me: Cane…

He rushed to us and hugged us.

Manardo: what happened?

He didn’t say anything .

Me: Cane, what happened?

Cane: they were shot and…

He paused.

Me: it's okay… it's okay?

Manardo: where is Diana?

He broke the hug and looked at us.

Cane: she is also admitted.

Us: what?
Manardo: what happened?

Cane: I don’t know the doctors are not saying


Me: and The rents?

He shook his head and we sat there silent. After

a few minutes we saw a doctor approaching us.

Doctor: Ndlovu family?

Me: yes, Doctor, how are my parents?

Doctor: Mr Ndlovu we are sorry to tell you that

both your parents didn’t make it out alive.
Unfortunately Your mother was shot 7 time, two
on the back of the spine. Three at the stomach
and two on the neck . Then your father, he was
shot 4 times Two on the stomach and one on
the neck and one on the mouth. They lost a lot
of blood.

Manardo: and what about Diana Ndlovu.

Doctor: she almost had a seizure but had a

heart attack, Im sorry to tell you that she lost a
baby. She miscarried.

Us: what?

Doctor: yes she miscarried

Me: how many weeks was she pregnant?

Doctor: she was 3 to 4 weeks pregnant.

Manardo looked at me.

Doctor: I would strongly advise you that you

abstain from having sex with her, it is known
that she hasn’t completely healed and she is
still bleeding from the miscarriage. I also advise
that you don not stress her or anything.

We nodded

Me: can we see her?

He shook his head no.

Doctor: unfortunately no, she is still
unconscious .

We nodded and he walked away.

Manardo: we should talk.

I nodded and he walked out.

Me: Cane, I will be back soon Ok?

He nodded and I followed Manardo. I found him

on the parking Lot, leaning against his car, he
was having a joint.

Me: Do you think it's them?

Manardo: I think? No I don’t think it' them but I
know it's them.

I nodded.

Manardo: the question is why? It's not like we

are not doing what they tell us to do.

Me: you really think they that stupid, they aint, I

think they just proving a point, I think it's time
we start showing these bitches who the hell we
are, how many more lives must be lost because
of them?

Manardo: do you have any better plan?

Me : a better plan? There's no need for us to
plan all this, we just need to burn that whole
fuckin building down. Send word, I think there's
more to this than what meets the eye.

Manardo: you say?

Me: I say.

My phone rang…Manardo looked at me.

Manardo: who the hell is Lisa?

Me: she is…

Manardo: Kai's guardian? Paxton's Cousin?

I nodded.

Manardo: why the hell is she calling you?

Me: probably about Kai.

Manardo: is it?

My phone beeped, he looked at it and it was a

message from Lisa, he snatched the phone
from me.

Manardo: you better stop ignoring me and

answer the fucking damn phone, have balls and
face me like the way you faced me when you
kissed my Arse… we need to talk.
He handed me my phone and looked at me.

Manardo: faced me when you kissed my Arse?


Me: you had no right to do what you just did.

Manardo: what? Read you message from your

girlfriend or Snatch you phone?

Me: both!

Manardo: and why?

I kept quiet.
Manardo: yeah I give it to you bro, you get the

He chuckled and shook my hand.

Manardo: married and fucking?

I smirked.

Manardo: mhhhm

Me: can we forget about all that?

Manardo: yes… Look man my deepest

condolences on you baby, hey.
I frowned.

Manardo: Angi dlanga mina inkomo ka Dee four

weeks back.

I nodded my phone rang. It was Lisa.

Manardo: go and fuck the Bitch, seems like she

is calling out for it

I chuckled and we fist bumped. I got inside his


Manardo: you better send someone to come

back with my car.
I nodded and walked away.



I looked down the pool and stepped on my bud.

" Shirley"

I looked at him.

Me: Rah.

Rah: what now?

Me: only one thing is left for them to do Rah,
they ruined all this by killing Philly. I don’t want
to kill the lday but they will leave me with no

Rah: we already killed their parents.

Me their parents were not part of the dying plan,

they were to be eliminated. Knowing how they
were they wont want a funeral but incrimination.

Rah: that wont distract them from anything?

Me: exactly, hence I will distract them my self

by just putting more pressure on them, one has
to go and one has to stay between them both.
They cant rule the same kingdom together.
Rah: just say the word and I will get over and
done with it .

Me: I will send word just after the lady is out of

hospital and those two start sweating from the
low pressure.

Rah: ok.'

My phone rang, I looked at Rh and he excused


Me: Gustavo.

Gustavo: his parent's really, they were never

part of the plan.
Me: well they became part.

Gustavo: you are ruining all this Shirley.

ME: am i? my friend just got hit and you telling

me this?

Gustavo: you just out of the plan.

Me: well fuck the plan, I will run things the way I
see it, Forget about your stupid plan, because of
you stupid plan I lost my sister, well now fuck

I hung up.


I drove to Lisa's apartment. I knocked and she

came to open.

Me: hey.

Lisa: hey, You okay?

Me: yeah.

Lisa: I heard about your parents.

Me: how did you find out?

Lisa: someone published this on paper" the
business tycoon and Diamond tycoon's family
seem to be cursed, death's after deaths, who's

Me: im sure the publisher will get a bonus.

Lisa: Really Lorenzo?

Me: what?

Lisa: you don’t seem angry or anything?

Me: I get angry that would mean I Care, im quiet,

I don’t care.

She sighed.
Me: you said you wanted to talk.

Lisa: yeah I do.

Me: what is this about?

Lisa: you sure we should do this now?

Me: Yeah, even if we don’t talk about this now ,

at the end of the day we will have to talk about
it, it's not like not talking whatever it is will bring
them back.

Lisa: I don’t think…

Me: can you fuckin Talk…

Lisa: you better not test me, don’t ever raise

your voice at me im not your mate.

Me: you right, cause im older than you.

Lisa: Udakiwe wena.

I chuckled.

Me: ok, talk.

Lisa: Im a prosecutor.

Me: I know.
Lisa: so we are on this case that we
investigating on prosecuting some drug dealer

Me: you are a cop?

Lisa: im a prosecutor.

Me: helping and working with the feds to

investigate some drug dealer?

Lisa; yes.

I closed my eyes and opened them.

Me: im listening.

Lisa: so we hoping you could help us get the

person we looking for, since you were once
arrested. We hoping you could help us connect
to Venom.

Me: Venom?

Lisa: yes, the station believed you are Venom

back then but they willing to clear that as you
connect us to Venom.

Me: who exactly must Venom give you?

Lisa: Terminator.
I chuckled.

Lisa: everything okay?

Me: yes,

Lisa: so? What do you say? Will you help us?

Me: I hate feds so No.

Lisa: really Lorenzo?

Me: yes , I wont help you .

Lisa: okay.
Me: anything else?

She shook her head no and sat down.

Me: we shall talk.


I looked at her.

Lisa: What do you mean by that Paxton?

Me: Lisa…

Lisa: you always speaking in riddles and I hate

that honestly, why don’t you help me them?
Help me Paxton, instead of doing what you
doing now. You know what> Get out of my
house, get the hell out.

Me: Lisa!

She looked at me.

Lisa: what? You still here, I thought you left.

Me: you okay?

Lisa: yes, im okay.

Me: who were you talking too?

Lisa: Pax…No one .

I nodded

Me: right, I will come see you okay?

She didn’t say anything and I walked out.



I was sitting on top of the hospital bed, my body

was numb, I have been drinking water for long
now, to stay hydrated. The nurse told me about
my miscarriage and the rents not making it out,
everything happened so fast, the deaths , they
were just too fast, to a point where I couldn't
understand and couldn’t take more of it. The
door opened and it was Manardo.

Manardo: hey.

Me: hii.

Manardo: you feeling better now?

I nodded and he walked in further, holding a

brown back, I hope that's food, or else I will faint.
He handed me the paper bag.

Me: thanks.

I opened it and took out fruits first , Grape, I ate.

Manardo: deepest condolences.

I nodded, im not about to talk about this with

Manardo, Cane was right, im a whore, who get
pregnant after giving birth, oh shit even a whore
is better knows about contraceptives.

Manardo: why you quiet?

Me: im not talkative.

Manardo: around me or everyone?

I kept quiet.
Manardo: you are not talkative around me at
some places but surely you are talkative around

I held my laughter. Manardo is crazy guys. His

phone rang and he answered it.

Manardo: Renzo.

And where the hell is he?

Manardo: What the fuck do you mean she is a

cop? Working with or helping the feds is the
same shit as being a fed. You always fu… uhm…

He looked at me.
Manardo: You brought this upon yourself Renzo.
Fix it… You cant ask me what to do? You kill the
bitch… Right we will talk.

He hung up.

Manardo: sorry about that.

I nodded as I rolled my eyes.

Manardo: need anything?

I nodded as I stood up, I walked to the door and

locked it. I walked to his and hugged him.

Me: we should let Lorenzo handle things for

himself, we always have to get our hands dirty
for him. What does he do? Honestly im tired of
being his baby sitter.






Who ever said Incrimination is better than a

normal funerial burial, incrimination is far
worse, imagine your parents being burnt to
ashes on dust. Seeing them set on fire, I
honestly don’t know how those Indians manage
to deal with all this, Most of them burn their
beloved ones they set them on fire, how does
one move on, They don’t even have a
tombstone, where one could visit and talk to
them , this all hurts, I didn’t go to the
incrimination site, I decided to stay over and
look after the kids,Cane included didn’t go, my
son has seen so much at a young age. He has
witnessed a lot of hurtful things on this vile

Im on a phone call with Ndoni.

Ndoni: surely this must be hard hey. It's pity you

aint gun wise, if It was up to me I would have
long killed those bitches without thinking.
Me: well I aint gun wise.

Ndoni: Then u Masaka wakho is he still with the


Me: uMasaka Ndoni?

Ndoni: yes, Lorenzo uMasaka.

Me: well u Masaka is still with the bitch.

Ndoni: yoh.

Me: and well she is also working with the feds.

She chuckled.

Ndoni: I wish to meet her.

Me: nothing like Paxton, street Smart .

Ndoni: so she is your competitor?

Me: no, I aint competing with anyone, what I

know is I'm done with Lorenzo.

Ndoni:You going to leave your man for some


Me: Lorenzo left me not the other way around.

Ndoni: so you wont shoot his coloured ass…

Me: Spanish he is.

Ndoni: whatever Spanish ass must be shot or

let me do it for you.

Me: I aint gonna shot his ass but surely I will

make him pay for everything he has ever done
to me, I will show him who the real Terminator
is, I will Terminate whatever he has earned or
worked for.

Ndoni: I don’t Know about This Diana.

Me: I do.
The monitor goes off interrupting me from my
thoughts, I look at who it is and heave a sigh.

Me: we will talk later, Abo Masaka bafikile.

She giggles and I join her…then hung up.

They both walk in and wearing sunglasses,

lorenzo was holding a sort of like a jar--They
take them off as they sit down.

Me: how did it go?

Lorenzo: good I guess.

Manardo: I should get going.

He kissed the kids good bye and walked away.

Lorenzo: can we talk?

Me: sure.

I sat down.

Lorenzo: Lisa is working with the feds to get


I chuckled.

Me: I'm not surprised.

Lorenzo: Come on Dee.

Me: what? We just incriminated Ma and Dad,

and you want to talk about Lisa?

Lorenzo: I know that ok, I go to jail we lose


Me: maybe you should go to Jail, atleast that's

the place you deserve to be at.

Lorenzo: Dee, you aint hearing yourself now.

Me: I am. Let me guess you want my hep about

Lisa. Mhmm?

He didn’t say anything.

Me: yet you were the one who was calling me all
sorts of names.

Lorenzo: Dee can you just…

Me: No… I am not going to help you, you always

get yourself into a mess that you can't even
take yourself out of, then you expect us to take
you out of the mess. You are crazy wena, do
what you do best.

Me: ungijwayela kabi wena tsk, Masaka.

Lorenzo: Masaka…?

I walked away.


I got out of the car and locked it. I walked inside

the building, I bumped into some lady.

Me: Aw'buki ndlela neh?

Her: Im sorry Sir…

Me: kunge nani.

Her: im sorry once again.

Alex the manager of the building came to us.

Alex: Sir, is everything okay?

Me: yeah everything is fine.

Her: im sorry once again.

I walked away as I walked inside the building I

saw a red light, I stopped and turned to look and
a bullet hit me , It hit me again. Another one
again till I went down on my knees. I heard
voices from far…

Her: I'm a doctor… call the ambulance…


I drove to the garage. They were about to

search me…

Shirley: There's no need for that.

They stopped and I walked to the lounge.

Me: you had called me.

Shirley: yes.

Me:: so what is this about.

Shirley: I want a package to be brought to me.

Me: I am not a delivery man, so what does this

have got to do with me?

Shirley: I does have to do with you because I will

need you to get me that package.

Me: that aint my job description.

Shirley: now it's part of your job description, you

get me the package or your brother doesn’t get
to get help from those machines. '

She showed me a picture of Manardo.

I took out my phone and dialed his numbers.

And a lady answered.

Me: where is my Brother?

Her: oh you are a sibling, your rother is admitted

at Net care hospital…

I hung up and looked at Shirley.

Shirley: believe me now?

Me: until when?

Shirley: until all your generation, your future

generation dies ad there's no any.
Me: What do I have to do?

Shirley: you need to get me a small package

from some room, that easy. You just need to
access the room and get the package without
being seen by anyone not even a camera. Then
you and I are done. But you cant do that alone ,
you need to have Diana inside the plan be
husband a wife like you used to cause now you
no longer one.

Me: where is this happening and when?

Shirley: Two days after today and it is

happening at the Centurion Hotel.

Me: anything else?

Shirley: yes, I will in room 14 and you will be in
room 114.

Me: Ok and?

Shirley: we done here.

I walked out..



I had taken a day off, avoiding the chief from

asking questions about the investigation--My
phone rang, it was Lorenzo. I ignored it at first
but then answered it as it rang non stop
Me: hello.

Lorenzo: hey, how are you and the baby?

Me: we doing good thanks.

Lorenzo: ok, you at work?

Me: No, I have nothing to give.

Lorenzo: well, I will help you investigate her.

Me; Her? Who is her?

Lorenzo: Terminator.
Me: It's a woman?

Lorenzo: I believe so.

Me: Thanks…

Lorenzo: right we will talk some other time.

Me: ok, thanks once more.

Lorenzo: see you later .

Me: ok.

He hung up, I looked at Kai who was sleeping


"Seriously Lisa"

Me: not this again.

Paxton: this again.

Me: what do you want, aint you dead?

Paxton: not really…I thought you were smarter

Lee, not this dumb. You honestly hated the guy.

Me: I hated the guy so what?

Paxton: you always said he was a no good for

me because of his ways, but look now looks like
you have always wanted him to yourself.

I chuckled.

Me: I never wanted the son of bitch Pax never in

my whole life.

Paxton: but yet you here fucking with him. He

aint good trust me, it's coming from me, End it
with him.

Me: why?

Paxton: he is a cheat and a conniving son of a

bitch. He will use you for something for he
benefits from it just by one thing that you
already got from him. He will play you.

Me: he might have played you, im not you , he

wont play you.

Paxton: but yet you dancing to his tunes and

rhythms. He is about to deceive you about this
Terminator thing whilst…

Me: you helped him got out of jail right? Well I

aint you Paxy, im not going to dance to his
tunes because he says I must dance, He wont
use me, I wont be a snitch for him no never I
wont, but I will fix what you ruined, I am going
to make him go down for all this, he may think
he is smarted than me but he was smarted than
you, there's a difference between me and you
Paxton: I will warn you that he aint one to be
dared, the end is near.

Me: I cant wait.

She disappeared.



The monitor went off and Lorenzo walked in, I

was about to walk upstairs.

Lorenzo: Dee.
Me: what?

Lorenzo: we need to pack.

Me: pack? I aint packing , you should be the one

packing not the other way around.

I turned to walk away but he grabbed me.

Me what the fuck are you doing?

Lorenzo: Listen to me, this aint the time for

being sissy ok? We have a job to do.

Me: No don’t get me in your shit, you have a job

to do not we . You are on your own now baby.

I turned to walk away but he pulled me back


Me: The fuck!

Lorenzo: Leo has been shot.

Me: what?

Lorenzo: yes, today earlier on.

Me: well atleast one of you is also fighting. You

are the one that is left but wait for me until I fix
Lorenzo: can you stop talking for once! Leo has
been shot and it's all Shirley's doings, she says I
must do a certain job for her or else she will tell
the doctors to switch the machines off. She
needs me and you to do the package together.

I kept quiet.

Lorenzo: Come on Dee.

Me: why don’t you ask Lisa to come with you.

Lorenzo: the papers don’t know Lisa.

I looked at him.
Me: what are we doing?

Lorenzo: collecting a package.

Me: when?

Lorenzo:Two days after .

me: short notice Lorenzo.

lorenzo: I know right? Come on Dee, this is

where it all ends, Kill the bitch.

Me: Kill?

Lorenzo: I have a plan.






Manardo's condition is really bad, we only have

hope that he leaves either than that we switch
the machines off, but the doctors said they will
tell us when it is the right time for us to switch
off the machine, what worse is that he lost a lot
of blood already. We just need to do this
mission and have hope that everything will be
well, hoping Shirley will back down atleast and
give us a break. We deserve it atleast.

The car pulls over at some building and we both

get out. It's a beautiful building, I bet this is a
five start hotel.

Me: this place is beautiful.

Lorenzo: yeah it is, Alright.

He puts his hand around my waist.

Lorenzo: remember we need to act like we

Me: Act like we are husband and wife, im happy.

Lorenzo: you need to get checked , we are

husband and wife.

Me: typical Venom.

Lorenzo: im Lorenzo.

Me: To them not me. Your Spanish ass had to

go and put a damper on it, huh?

We walked to the building, me smiling at

everyone like a retard. We went to our room I
took off my shoes and my jacket.
Lorenzo: Now the plan.

Me: mhmm, I'm listening.

Lorenzo: I need you here Dee, not outside okay.

Me: I'm here nje! Must I be naked to show that

I'm here ?

He sighed.


Me: so we finally got an approval from Lorenzo

Ndlovu in assisting us to get Terminator.

They clapped hands.

Chief has he ever told you anything about


Me: yes, something Valuable. He ought to

believe that Terminator is A woman.

Chief: mhmm…interesting

Me: I will have to call on him and get more info,

I cant seem to pressure him as to he is not our
CI and he claims to tell that this person is very
Dangerous, he also seems to have told that he
is working with Terminator right now and he
can help us bring her down to the ground of

Chief: Keep them coming.

Nick: and what about Venom? Did he tell you

who is he?

I looked at him.

Me: we are investigating Terminator not Venom.

Nick: because he is Venom that's why he cant

hep you. I wont be surprised if we were to find
out that He is Terminator and Venom. He could
be using this gender thing as a what? A
distraction to derail us from watching over him?
This she that he could talking about could be
his enemy, so Chief why don’t we also look into
Lorenzo Ndlovu being Terminator?

Chief: well with what specifics?

Nick: we have seem to find that it looks like he

has a new enemy that is killing his family. Why
not investigate that? Mhmm? Or we could find
that Terminator is his wife, Diana.

Chief: reasonable…Get every specific detail and

we shall talk.

Nick: sure, right on to it.

He winked at me. I smiled. It's going to fun.



My phone beeped and it was message from

Gustavo. I read it and cursed.

Me: Rah.

Rah: yes.

Me: send guards at the station, keep an eye on

the bitch.

Rah: already killing her?

Me: Just got word , Lorenzo is planning
something big. This motherfucker is smart.

Rah: that smart?

Me: he is Venom, we just need to get

Terminator of this.

Rah: on it.

Me: not when we on the finish line and now this

happens, we have changed so many plans we
really cant flip on this one also.

Rah: worry less for you got us.

I nodded and he walked away.

Me: do check if the package has arrived.

The guard nodded.



I was on a phone call with Lisa…

Lisa: I went to your office today and you were

not there…

Me: I am not in the city.

Lisa: where are you?

Me: business trip of some sort.


Me: Centurion.

Lisa: you with her?

Me: No. she is with my Brother.

Lisa: ok…

Me: we shall talk later alright?

Lisa: bye.

I hung up and handed the phone to Diana.

Me: Messages only.

Diana: I know, I aint no slow learner.

Me: you ready?

She nodded and we walked out

we took the elevator to room 108, where the

package shall be. We knocked and old man
came to open up.
Him: You must be Mr. and Mrs. Ndlovu?

Me: yes, this is my pretty wife Diana.

They shook hands.

Him: Nice to meet you mam. I'm Bill. My wife is

currently out, probably to be back soon… please
come in.

We walked in further, we sat down.

Him: when my PA et this meeting I thought I

was meeting with someone my age, this is a
Me: there's a first time for everything.

Bill: Yeah, she stated many good things about

doing business with you, how influential you are
at the out and underground, man of his
standards and give everyone a chance.

I chuckled and Diana smiled.

Diana: can I use your bedroom?

Bill: this way please.

He stood up and they both walked away, I put

on my micro phone…

Diana: Your place is really beautiful…

Bill: it is? I believe that if it is coming from a lady
like you.

Diana: A lady like me?

Bill: beautiful and smart.

Diana: mhmm thanks. I will take that as a

compliment…what is this?

Bill: a bedroom…

Diana: yours?

Me: no for guests.

Diana: I could be your guest some day.

Bill: Nice…

Diana: mind if I get to sit on the bed and feel

how comfortable it is?

Bill: No problem.

Diana: you could join me if you want.


Diana: this is quite a big room.

Bill: occupy everything of mine.

Diana: legal and illegal?

He didn’t say anything.

Diana: I guess there's more to find out some

day…some night? This closet…so huge.

Bill: some night…

Diana: the bathroom?

Bill: this way.

Me: I got it.


I heard footsteps approaching.

Diana: im sorry I took long.

Bill: the room is quite big.

Me: no ghost.

Bill: so Business as usual…what do you

normally do?

Me: what your PA told you I do.

Bill: from the horses mouth.

Me: I do many things and never get's caught

cause I am Venom…

Diana: and beside him is the Terminator.

She kissed me cheek.

Me: sure, with her by my side everything has

always been simple and easy to do.

Bill: it's like that when you have someone

besides you.

Diana's phone beeped.

Diana: oh lord mercy, I need to make a payment
to the church. I shall take my leave, im sorry,
please do tell Your wife I passed, would love to
meet her.

Bill: sure.

Diana stood up.

Diana; sorry baby…

Me: it's okay love.

She bent down and kissed my cheek, I put my

hand over her ass and massaged her, she
Diana: we have someone.

She pulled out and I let go.

Diana: I'm sorry about that.

She walked away…



I took the elevator to our room. Lorenzo's phone

beeped. It was a message from Lisa.
Lisa:' just checking up on you'

Me:'Thanks, that is so kind of you'

Lisa:' wish I was here with you'

Me:' mee too'

I rolled my eyes, fuck this. I aint your man.




It was already past morning when I woke up, we
only had two days to complete this task, so
today we must get the package and get it to
Shirley before she sends people to switch off
the machines at the hospital without the
doctor's order. Lorenzo woke me up to tell me
about what is to go down today but he didn’t tell
me the rest of the plan, I just hope he wont flip
on this and it tacks qt us or one of us. I am in
the room eating and doing what one would do if
they bored. A knock interrupts me and I am
forced to get out of the bed, I increase the
volume of the part I was told to play when one
knocks on the door.

Me: im coming.

I take off my gown and wrap myself in a towel, I

walk to the door and open it. It's a woman I
have never seen in my life, she looks to be in
her late twenties.

Me: hey…

I looked behind her, she was with a young

woman and a table of food.

Her: hey, You must be Mrs. Ndlovu.

I frowned.

Her: I am Bill's wife. Call me Naira.

Me: Nigerian's currency…

She giggled.

Me: Call me Diana…Mr Bill said so much about

you yesterday.

Naira: im sorry I couldn’t join you guys last night.

m: no sweat…

Naira: I just wanted to come by and see if they

arranged everything in order like I asked the PA

Me: Oh….it's fantastic, you pulled out all the

stops. It's nice to uhm…have a night away from
the kids.
"Babe when are you coming back to bed."

I looked across the room and looked back at


Naira; oh im sorry that how they are once you

started with them.

Me: yeah…

Naira: I shouldn’t disturb you from your lunch, I

will check on you later.

Me: later it is but we are leaving.

Naira: is it? Before you leave then?

Me: no problem.

She smiled…

Naira: I brought you something. We are co-

owners of the hotel.

Me: thanks.

I pushed in the table and closed the door as she

walked away. I switched off the audio and sat
on the table and dished up , I took out my phone
and called Lorenzo.

Me: she was here not so long ago. Looks to be

in it.

Lorenzo: im on my way.

I hung up.


I walked inside the room. The guards came to


Me:really? You going to let them touch me?

Shirley: It's not necessary.

They stopped half way.

Shirley: it took a lot of convincing to get you to

do this. Yet the day is here.

Me: you gave no other choice.

Shirley: we always have one choice not the


Me: whatever , I had no other choice,

I looked at her. She was still passed out.

Me: You had her ambushed.

Shirley: it was for the greater good, what did she
look like?

Me: not scared or anything, she was just her

bubbly self.

Shirley: ok.

Me: I need you to tell me if she is doing

something then that means she is gun wise, I
won't take someone who is gun wise than I am.

Shirley: she aint. You know your way so please.

It's time you start focusing on why yo have been
getting to eat that money and be this fat, it is
because of that old man.
Me: I never wanted to eat the money and be
this fat, but you had Elizabeth ambushed and
now you have Elisa on your watch.

Shirley: mhmmm mhmm, does it look like I care,

if I want I would kill them if I feel like doing that.

Me: Give me whatever that I need.

shirley: take this.

She handed me a bag. I took it and walked to

the door, I opened it and turned to look at her

Naira: I want my young sister alive after this is

all done.
Shirley: why not?

I walked out.


I walked to my room and changed my outfit to

black, I heard the shower running.

Me: Dee, im gone.

Diana: good luck. Hope you don’t screw this

I sighed and walked out of the room, I took the
elevator to Bill's room, I got in.

Bill: do we have an arrangement today or


I took out my gun and he frowned.

Bill: what is this?

Me: Death.

I shot him countless times till the gun ran out of

bullets. I walked to the guest bedroom and
opened the safe, I put on some eye lenses I
punched in the code and took out the box. I
opened it, I chuckled and exchanged it with
mine. Nice plan Dee. I left the safe open and
got out of the room. I called Diana.



I looked at the girl.

Me: wake her up!

They spilt water on her and she gasped as she

woke up.

Elizabeth: where am i?
She scanned the room.

Me: Centurion hotel.

Elizabeth: who are you?

Me: im your new friend.

I handed her the cell phone.

Me: now listen, you see something that scares

you in this room you call the police okay? Okay?

She nodded.
Me: what was that.

Her: yes…yes…

Me: good. Go and take a bath. You act like a


Her: ok.


I got out of the shower and I took my phone

and I had missed calls from Lorenzo, I called
him back and he answered on the third ring.
me: you got it?

Lorenzo: yes this is a billion dollar diamond Dee.

Me: then you know where to keep it, I will come

and take it there.

Lorenzo: start packing.

Me: sure… Do get back soon…

" from where?"

Lorenzo: Dee…

Me: someone is in the room…

I whispered. I turned to look at who it is and it
was Naira with a gun pointed at me.

Me: Naira, what I this? A gun why?

Lorenzo: Dee, a gun?

Me: I removed the phone from my ear and put it

on top of the bed.

Naira: you know what it is, better.

Me: what do you want?

Naira: Mhmm so fast, a coward are you?

Me: that what you think or believe?

Naira: mhmm.

She put a silencer on.

Naira: you got your husband take my best friend


Me : your bestfriend who?

Naira: Philly.

I chuckled.
me: I don’t know those people.

Naira: you say so?

Me: yes, I don’t know anyone by that


Naira: who?

Me; Shirley?

Naira: I don’t know anyone by that name.

Me: she also is playing you into her thing. I

honestly got nothing to do with Philly's death.
Naira: yes you do bitch!

I beat her hand as she was about to pull the

trigger. The gun fell, we both looked at the gun
and we both stood up, she took vase and I took
a gold stick across the room , she threw the
vase at me it hit my shoulder, I winced in pain, I
took my heel and threw it at her and she ducked.
I took another one and hit her and she touched
her eye, I walked to her with a gold stick and hit
her with it, she covered her face as I hit her.



I walked inside he room , they no longer search

Shirley: you took your own time.

Me: still cracking the code.

She nodded.

Shirley: my package.

I handed it to her.

Shirley: mhmm, heavy it is.

Me: I will take my leave then.

Shirley: not until I open it and see it my self.

She opened the box and she looked at it, there
was a sound.

Rah: It's a grenade bomb

They rushed and threw it out of the building.

Shirley: you son of a bitch.

Me: no You, I I pulled out another grenade and

threw it across the room and the was smoke
inside the room, it started being dark and they
started coughing. I took out my Gun and put a
silencer on it and shot Rah, the smog a=was
starting to clear off as the windows were open,
it wasn’t a heavy one though. I shot the other
guards . I saw shirley pointing a gun at me.
Me: bitch…

She rushed to me with a spear and I went down,

she got ontop of me and punched me. I flipped
her over and got on top of her, I started
throwing punches on her, she pushed me away
from her with her hand and I fell back on my
butt. I stood up and she kicked me with a
double kick which brought her down. MHMM
Rhea Ripley she is. I rush to her before she gets
up from the floor I strike her face with the elbow.
I hit her head over the floor and she is still
looking at me.
Stunned by the pain in her head, I slowly stand
up and grab the gun.

Shirley: You…
I shoot her right through her chest before she
could say something, I shoot her over and over
and over till I run out of bullets.


She kicked me on my stomach and I staggered

back . She pushed me to the floor and hit me
continuously, she took out a knife from her
holster , I held her hand as she was about to
stab me, my other hand was reaching for
something to hit her with. I got the golf stick
and hit her at the back and she fell on her butt,
she looked at me and I took the gun from TV
wall and shot her once, she staggered back and
I continuously shot her till she was down. I sit
down and lean my back on the wall and a phone
call interrupts me. I quickly answer it.

Me: Lorenzo…i…i…

Lorenzo: wait…calm down what is it?

Me: I killed her.

Lorenzo: get out of there.

Me: the…

Lorenzo: I will get people to handle everything,

just get out of there, take the Diamond and keep
it safe.
Me: ok.

I hung up and started packing. My phone rang


Lorenzo: there are cops in here…

Me: what?

Lorenzo: yeah..

Me: I know what to do, just do your part.

I hung up, I started breaking glasses all over

the room, I changed my outfit and wore a black
long coat. I then took the gun and walked to the
window. This is long.





I drove to Centurion hotel and there were a lot

of people. I showed hem my card at the crime
scene and they allowed me in.
Me: what happened here?

Officer: Robbery gone wrong and a deal gone


I heard someone cough, rushed to where the

sound was coming from. It was a lady, she
looked to be in her early twenties. I helped her
up and we walked out of the room to the
paramedics. They laid her on the stretch. I
walked to the detective handling the case.

Me:A.S.A Monalisa Dlomo , prosecutor, I would

like for this case to be handled and given to us.

Officer: we will need a warrant for that from

both chiefs of the station.
Me: sure I wouldn’t mind that, I will get in
contact with the chiefs.

Officer: please do.

My phone rang, it was Lorenzo.

Me: I'm still busy.

Lorenzo: then I can call back.

Me: No…don't, anything on Terminator?

Lorenzo: yes, there's something on Terminator.

Me: good, then we shall meet and talk about
this and you must vow that you will give us
Terminator so that I can protect you.

Lorenzo: sure, I will give you Terminator.

Me: then we will talk.

Lorenzo: I'm actually driving to your apartment.

Me: I'm not there as yet, still held up at work.

Lorenzo: then I shall see you when you get


Me: sure.
I hung up.



I drove to the building and quickly took the

elevator up ,when I got up , I went to my room , I
started packing up, I walked to Cane's bedroom
and put the package in his room.I walked
downstairs. The monitor went off and Lorenzo
walked in.

Lorenzo: mhmm, you here?

I rolled my eyes.
Me: where else would I be?

Lorenzo:I don’t know. Where is the package?

Me: somewhere safe.

Lorenzo: where?

Me: somewhere you rather not know .

Lorenzo: really?

Me: the last thing I want is for you to sell it for

your own benefits Lorenzo.
He chuckled.

Me: and why you here so fast, aint no shit you

were supposed to handle back then.

Lorenzo: No…

Me: mhmm, well im sure you didn’t go to my

room to handle everything. Well guess what I
handled everything.

Lorenzo: I don’t know what you talking about.

Me: you don’t? What is your business with Lisa


Lorenzo: we just fucking for info.

Me: what info? Terminator?

Lorenzo: yeah, could say so.

Me: she is woman? That's what you told her?

Lorenzo: yes.

Me: you were planning on giving me out

Lorenzo. After everything I did for you?

Lorenzo: I was not going to give you out Diana.

Me: then who were you going to give out?

He kept quiet.

Me: After everything I did for you.

Lorenzo: I would never rat you out Dee, no

matter how hard it I , I would never do that to
you, you know that.

Me: I don’t believe you, you are good at this,

deceiving people, you really are good at it.

Lorenzo: I would never give you out to the feds

Dee, why would I do that? Your loss my loss

I chuckled.
Me: yeah your loss your loss.

I took out my gun and pointed it at him.

Lorenzo: Dee, what is this?

Me: this is me, The terminator, the only thing I

will go down for is for your murder.

Lorenzo: really?

Me: sit down…sit down.

Lorenzo: Diana…

Me: AY…AY ..AY ungangisanganisi. Unga linge.




I walked inside her ward, she was awake. I gave

her the brown paper bag and she sat up straight,
she started eating. I gave her water and she

Me: im Monalisa I'm an prosecutor.

Her: Thanks for the food.

Me:You are?
She looked away.

Me: you can trust me, I wont do any harm to you.

Her:I'm Elizabeth.

Me: right, Do you remember what orchestrated

for you to end up here?

She kept quiet.

Her: Look, I can't help you if you don’t want to

talk to me.

Elizabeth: how can you help me?

Me: you need to tell me what happened back in
that hotel room.


Me: You need to know something, what

happened. How did you end up getting there?

Elizabeth:I was kidnapped by the lady…

Me: what lady? Can you describe her?

Elizabeth: yes… I can…

Me: then what happened.

Elizabeth: I later woke up today after water was
splashed on my face. She threatened me and
said if anything happen then I should call the
police. Indeed something did happen but I got
scared as I was on call with the cops…from
there I don’t know what happened.

There was a knock on the door. And the officer

walked in.

Me: Officer.

Officer: we got the footage from the hotel. You

should see this.

Me: sure… please bring in the PC.

He hesitated.

Me: This is Elizabeth, she is the one that made

the call, she is a witness.

He nodded and walked out. I looked at Elizabeth.

Me: You are protected okay?

She nodded. The officer walked in.

Officer: chief got the footage.

Me: what? How?

Officer: I really don’t know about that, but they
looking at it right now.

Me: it's fine , let's get over and done with this.

He nodded and switched on the PC, he went to

the footage and he viewed it.

Me: can you describe the man ?

Elizabeth: light skinned with tattoos all over his

body, has a nose piecing, he looked Russian or
French, I don’t know you know those
international guys, like Berlin from money heist
an all.

I nodded. My phone rang.

Me: I need to take this.

She nodded and I walked away to answer the


Me: Chief…

Chief: come down to the station to get an arrest

warrant for your friend.

Me: My friend?

Chief: Lorenzo Ndlovu AKA VENOM.

I swallowed hard.
Me: yes chief.

I hung up.

Me: I need to go, we shall finish all of the some

other time okay?

She nodded and I walked out.

Me: fuck you Lorenzo.

" I did say he will play you, he is not to be dared."

Me: can you stop what you doing ?

She chuckled.

Paxton: but I told you so.

I got inside my car and drove away.


I had tied Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: there's really no need for you to do this.

Me: this is the only way to make you pay for

everything you did to me.
Lorenzo: You seriously doing this to the father
of your kids?

Me: A kid Lorenzo, Ria is no more because of

you, you are no longer her father!

My phone rang… i went to get it.

Me: yes Alex.

Alex: there are police on your way up.

Me: what?

Alex: yeah…
Me: I got it.

I hung up and untied Lorenzo.

Me: fuck this is all messed up, So fuckin

messed up, ever since that bitch came into our
lives. Ever since she came into our lives and you
brought her, we never had so much drama…

The monitor wen off as he stood up, they

walked in.

Officer: Officer Z, looking for Lorenzo Ndlovu…

Lorenzo: I am Lorenzo Ndlovu sir.

Officer: well sir you are arrested for the murder
of Shirley and many more people you killed
back at the centurion hotel, you have the right
to remain silent , anything you say will be used
against you in court, you have a right to get an
attorney, if you cant afford one, the state will
provide you with one.

They cuffed him. The monitor went off and

Cane walked in…

Cane: Dad…Mom..

Me: come here baby.

Lorenzo looked at me. I shrugged.





They took my cellphone, accessories.

Officer: you need to remove that earing on your


I looked at him and just took it out, better I had

the one that is easy to be taken out. They
handed me the yellow outfits and shoes, I
walked to my ward to change, I then walked to
the interrogation room. I found two man,both
light skinned. I sat down.

Them: if it is not the mighty Lorenzo Ndlovu.

I smirked.

Man: im Nick and here with Craig, he is my man.

Me: nice to know you, I see no need to

introduce myself since you know me, heard you
guys are a huge fan of me.

Nick: a fan? You a celebrity or something?

Me: something like that.

They scoffed.

Craig: of drugs right?

Me: what am I really doing here?

Craig: you are here for the murder of an

undercover cop, Shirley.

Me: undercover? you guys only found out now

that she was undercover.

Nick: you need to tell us everything about your

Me: im not telling you shit.

Nick: then you stay here till…

Me: it is a better place , I mean looking at all

your funny and ugly faces… Look Nick you the
guy that was fucking Paxton, May her soul rest
in peace.

Nick:she even broke the law for you…

Me no Paxton didnt break the law she broke

your heart.

He kept quiet.
Me: mhmm, I bet your colleagues don’t know
huh? Oh im going terminate your lousy asses.
Keep the word Terminator.



I was looking at the CCTV FOOTAGE of the

hotel. I saw Diana and Lorenzo walking in the
hotel , I cursed. I looked at it again as fast
fowarded it, they met with a man known Bill.

Me:how did they get this?

The was a knock on the door, he opened the

door and walked in.
Nick: Chief is requesting everyone at the

Me: im on my way.

He nodded.

Me: Nick.

Nick: yes.

Me: uhm…how did they prove that Lorenzo is


Nick: it is confidential.
Me: really Nick, im also in the task force.

Nick: I don’t know about that one.

I nodded and he walked out, I walked to the

boardroom and sat down, it was the task force.

Chief: thanks for making it all of you… as the

chief's task force im very happy to let you know
that Lorenzo Ndlovu has been arrested and we
applied for a death needle.

I gasped.

Nick: you okay?

I nodded.

Chief: And I shall thank you guys for making all

this possible, if we manage to win this case it is
then over but if we fail it might be over for us.
You all may be excused.

I stood up first and walked out. I went to my

office and grabbed my car keys.



I walked to my apartment, I found Elisa waiting

by the door.
Me: not this again.

Elisa: what again?

Me: what do you want?

Elisa I want a scoop, im out of money I think.

Me: you should have known that testifying

against Canon means no money for you, I don’t
have scoop, im not celebrity.

Elisa: but your family is the scoop.

I looked at her….
Me: what?

I grabbed her by her neck and pinned her on the

wall and strangled her, I took out my knife and
cut her cheek…

Me: you never get to say anything about my

family nor write about it or do an video about it
on your stupid page are we clear?

Elisa: cane you hurting…

Me: Are we clear?

She nodded and I let go of her, she coughed…

Me: tsk Msunu.

I pushed her out of my way and walked inside
my apartment closing the door.


I walked downstairs, im going to see Leo at the

hospital, he aint doing good at all.

Her: Diana.

Me: what?

I turned to look at her.

Me: god damn it's midday, don you have a job?

Lisa: I do. To put murdering drug dealers in jail.

What do you do?

I kept quiet.

Lisa: where were you the night that Lorenzo

went to Centurion hotel?

Me: I was at the hotel with him.

Lisa: You do know that if he killed those people

then his alibi will come up right? What about
Manardo where was he?
Me: He is at the hospital, he was shot by Shirley.

Lisa: and why aint it reported?

Me: maybe Renzo did report it to you.

Lisa: do you know that the day you were at

Centurion hotel Lorenzo murdered…

Me: yes he did murder something, and now I

cant eve walk properly.

She kept quiet.

Me: if there's nothing more can I go?

Lisa: LorenZO is willing to give up Terminator
but it is up to you on if you let him do that.

Me: The is no Terminator.

Lisa: if he is guilty he will get the needle.

Me: ok

I walked away…


I woke and found a note, I read it, a few minutes

later a lady walked in , it was a doctor.

Doctor: I'm your doctor…

I looked at her tag and looked at the Note.

Me: you handling Leonardo, he is your patient?

Her: Confidential…

m: well yeah, not any more, You were told to do

what to him?

Her: im just his doctor.

Me: you are also my doctor, I would like to see

the Patient myself.



I was still in the interrogation room, the door

opened and she walked in.

Me: Monalisa.

Lisa: did you do it?

Me: you guys claim to have enough evidence

then why ask me that question if you don’t?
Lisa: Lorenzo, you do know that you could face
death penalty here right? No a needle.

Lorenzo: I know.

Lisa: who is terminator?

Lorenzo: really? That question again, I thought

you got your answer.

Lisa: you have a son at home who needs you


Lorenzo: and I know that right?

Lisa: we give you a deal to tell us who the fuck

is terminator you get a shorter sentence.
I chuckled.

Lisa: is Diana Terminator?

Me: Diana knows nothing about crime Lisa. All

she knows is to sway her hips and eat money
that's all.

Lisa: you protecting her.

The door opened and my lawyer walked in.

Her: Chae Mokoena, can I speak to my client

Lisa: sure, see you in court.

Chae: see you in court Monalisa.

She walked out. Chae sat on top of the table.

Chae: I had to fly down from all the way from

Lesotho to hear just because of you.

Me: your job.

Chae: use that again. Mhmm you look cute in

this outfit, who might have thought the Venom
to be in this uniform.

Me: I was once in it right.

Chae: and bitch got you out of here right? Now
it's just me and you.

Me: what is it?

Chae: they applied for a needle, you are guilty,

you get the needle. You aint you walk out free.
But knowing we don’t have time to prepare as it
stated that if you were to commit a crime you
are not to be prepared for the trial, so your trial
is a surpirse we all don’t know when id your trial,
could be tomorrow so we need to start planning.

Me: ok.

Chae: did you kill her?

Me: yes, I did kill them.

Chae: an alibi?

Me: Diana.

Chae: trust me I got her under control she wont

breathe a word. My husband and his brothers
want to know whon is also involved in all this
that you spared.

Me: they want to fire him?

Chae: I don’t know about that, but they need the

territory well protected.

Me: I want to draft my final will.





I brought the mattress up and removed the

cover, the was no money. Wow Lorenzo , just
wow. I put back the mattress the way it was and
sat on the floor. Maybe he deserves to stay in
jail, after all Lorenzo is useless sometimes. Why
help him get out of jail. My phone rang and I
stood up to go and get my phone, I haven't
bothered myself to go and visit him in jail, just
to get a breather from his disloyal and cheating
ass. I answered the phone call as I as I
searched for something to wear in my closet.

Me: hello.

Caller: Dee.

I rolled my eyes.

Me: yeah, what do you want?

Lorenzo: you havent even bothered to come and

visit your husband dear wife.

Me: im on my way there Lorenzo, we have a lot

to talk about.

Lorenzo:I will be waiting for you.

I rolled my eyes and hung up.

Me: nyo nyusband, nyo nyusband tsk.

I took out a black floral dress from the closet

and changed into it, I walked downstairs after
doing my face make up. I walk to the elevator
and Cane calls out to me.

Cane: Ma,where are you going?

Me: im going to see your father.

Cane: im coming with.

Me: no, I don’t you to be on the internet already

they looking into his kids.

Cane: wow.

Me: yeah you are Venom's son.

Cane: so you do agree that he is Venom?

Me: he has always been Venom.

I got inside the elevator.

Me: stay there.


Chief: we got the needle.

Them: yes, finally the motherfucker will get to

die for his sins.

Me: I really see nothing to be happy about here.

Nick: why do I sense betrayal from you?

I scoffed.
Me: mhmm?

Nick: never mind I said something.

Me: please excuse me.

Chief: oh shit, Lisa you are handling the Lorenzo


Me: what?

Chief: yeh, I did say you all must be ready.

Me: sure. Thanks.

Chief: you will go first then craig will be your
second then nick will be your third hand man.

I looked at Nick…

Nick: chief, Lisa didn’t get Lorenzo arrested I

think it is…

chief: it is for the best Nick. they didn’t give us a

date as yet, we expecting maybe this week
could be the trial. Just be ready, I will come and
let you know.

She walked away. I looked at Nick.


I have to say, one can never get used to this

place, you never get to call it home unless you
run the place, I don’t run the place so I always
have to sleep with one eye open, knowing that I
spent all the money in clubs and shit, knowing
that Diana also hates my guts she wont help me
get a private cell or anything. It's been a hell of

Inmate: you always gone quiet since you got


I didn’t say anything.

Inmate: look, you need me , I need you in here.

I looked at him.

Inmate: I was friends with your brother Knox, I

was out with parole then I just fucked up.

I still didn’t say anything. The cell opened and

the warder came.

Warder: Lorenzo Ndlovu you have a visitor.

I stood up and walked out of the cell to the

visitors center, I sat down and looked at her.
She took the cellphon and I also did.

Diana: hello.

Me: hello.
Diana; you wanted me to visit you, im here.

Me: thanks for coming.


Diana: what happened to the money Lorenzo?

I kept quiet.

Diana: mhmm? What am I supposed to pay your

lawyer with, let alone im sure you want a private
cell by now huh? But guess what I don’t have
money and you also don’t have money, they
froze your accounts if you must know.
Me: I will return all the money I took…

Diana: when cause you will be dead?

I kept quiet, she rolled her eyes.

Diana: your bitch offered me a deal.

Me: did you take it?

Diana: I will if im forced to.

Me: you are also an alibi.

She chuckled.
Diana: who's alibi?

I kept quiet… the door opened and the marshall

came to me. He whispered something.

Diana: what is going on?

I kept quiet as Chae walked in…

Chae: it's on , you gonna have to plead guilty or

not guilty infornt of the judge and the jury now.

Me: what?

Chae: this has that chief written all over it. Get
ready we are due in 10. please do have your
wife on stand, it was said she was with you at
the hotel, she doesn’t come up she is an alibi.

I looked at Diana and she shook her head no.

Me: sure.

Diana: you are crazy.

Chae walked out…

Me: you heard her, I guess.

I stood up and walked away. I took out my

burner phone and made a phone call.

Me: I make it don’t switch off the machine and

if two days pass and he is not up yet then
switch them off.

I hung up and met upwith Chae.

Me: what is this?

Chae: just relax, we just hope Dee wont

disappoint you.

Me: I don’t know about that one.

Chae: they got a witness. Do you trust Diana?

Me: I do.
Chae: let's do this.

We walked to the court room.

Me: do you know who is prosecuting me?

Chae; small matter to me.

I smiled as I walked to my position and she

walked to her sit. I looked at the witness, this
girl… I looked at Diana she rolled her eyes at me.

JUDGE: unprepared Trial, the state versus

Lorenzo Ndlovu. I hope you are all aware of the
todays trial, only one witness is called to the
stand , and the defendant then we rule guilty or
not guilty. Mrs Mokoena I hope you are aware
of the needle. We shall begin.

Lisa stood up.

Lisa: your honor I would like to call upon my

witness Elizabeth.

The girl stood up and walked to the stand, she

took an oath and looked at me.

Lisa: Elizabeth did you see this man at the

centurion hotel?

Elizabeth: yes.

Lisa: before and after the death or shootout.

Elizabeth: before the shootout happened.

Lisa; did you perhaps witness him kill or shoot


Elizabeth: yes, that was before I passed out.

Lisa: you called the police right?

Elizabeth: yes.

Lisa: in your defend, did you sense anything bad

to happen?

Elizabeth: yes.
Lisa: no further questions your honor.

Judge: Mrs Mokoena

Chae: yes your honor, three questions only…

Elizabeth… what where you doing at th hotel

Elizabeth: i…I was abducted.

Chae: by who?

Elizabeth: shirley.

Chae: and who rescued you?

Elizabeth: Shirley did.

Chae: your honor I have nothing to ask but to

believe that this was all planned. No further

JUDGE: Elizabeth, please step out of the stand.

Mrs Mokoena please call your witness.

Chae: I would like to call upon Diana Ndlovu.

Dee stood up and went to the stand, she took

an oath.

Lisa: were you with Lorenzo Ndlovu at the

centurion hotel?
Diana; yes.

Lisa: everywhere he went.

Diana: not really.

Lisa : Mrs Ndlovu. Let's go back in time shall we?

Lisa: you opened accounts for your husband,

Diana: yes, I do what he tells me to do.

Lisa:mhmm , he gave you cash and what did

you do? Buy weave?
Dee chuckled.

Diana: and the sexy number every Friday night.

Lisa: no you truned the cash he gave you into

legitimate money, you cleaned it all. That cash
paid for your clothes, nice her by the way.

She smirked.

Lisa: when your husband was arrested you

began an affair with his brother,Leonardo.

Diana: I fell in love with Leo.

Lisa: and you got pregnant with his kids.

Diana; well…

Lisa: uyou ran away, the you returned right?

Diana: y…

Lisa: and you return then you have enemies

looking into you, Shirley, you and your husband
had a beef together..

Diana: she killed.

Lisa: but you didn’t report that did you? Mhmm

what about Paxton , you sent a hit on her too,
you wanted revenge for what your husband did
to you, you brought n undercover cop…
Diana: no..

She looked at me…

Lisa: you saw Shirley as your way of getting out

Diana: I didn’t kill Paxton.

Lisa: no one said you did. Lorenzo is your life,

he cheated on you, he never stopped even after
he lost daughter and his son got arrested he
still cheated and you still with him , why not
separate , mhmm you planned all this got him
arrested, since you claim to have the power?

Diana: no…
Lisa: why not separate?

Diana: he is the father of my kids.

Lisa; or you afraid to lose something, money I

mean His brother is also the father of your kids.

Diana: I believe we could still work in our

marriage and be what we were before you and
your sister fucked with him.

The court gasped.

Judge: vulgar language.

She rolled her eyes.

Lisa: no further questions your honor,

Chae: no questions.

Diana stepped out, he looked at me.

Me: I will terminate them don’t worry, she rolled

her eyes and sat down.

Judge: No further witness the court would like

to call The defendant.

I stood up and took the stand.

Lisa: Mr Ndlovu, you are well known business

Me; yes.

Lisa: are you Venom?

Me: yes.

Lisa: are you Terminator?

Me: yes.

Lisa: what about the prints found on shirley's

body, does that mean you are responsible?
I looked at Chae and she nodded.

Me: yes.

Lisa: do you plead guilty?

Me: yes.

Lisa: no further questions.

Chae stood up..

Chae; Mr Ndlovu, your wife claimed that you

cheated on her, with whom?

Me: Paxton Dlomo, I took her from Nick.

Chad; and she said you didn’t stop even after
your daughter was killed, with whom this time?

I looked at Lisa.

Me: with A.SA Monalisa.

The court gasped.

Chae; did you love either of them?

Me: yes? I loved Paxton.

Chae; what about Lisa?

Me: we were fucking for information, we had a
deal that she gives me info about the case on
her task force and I help her.

Lisa: objection your honor.

Judge: objection overruled.

Chae smiled.

Chae: no futher Questions.

judge: thank you, with the pro's pointed out, we

are to give out that Lorenzo Ndlovu doesn’t get
the needle but get sentenced for 25 years. I
have to say as the Judge im disappointed on
the task force, hence I issue that Nick you are
suspended for a period of 6 months , the
Monalisa , you lose your license. Court
adjourned .

They cuffed me and I walked to Diana.

Me: thank you.

Diana: this is not over, you are the man but I got
the power, you make rain but I will make it
shower Lorenzo.

Me; you should say your last Goodbyes to Leo

when there's still time.

Diana: what do you mean?

Me: good bye Diana.

I winked and walked away. she ran out of the

building. As we walked to the Van, we heard
something ticking.

Officer; can you hear that?

I saw a lady walking away, She counted using

hands the Grenade went off…



As I was about to drive to the hospital, I felt a

gun on my waist .
" don’t move"

It was a lady's voice, I reached for my pistol and

he gun went off. She shot me and shot me

Her: I told you not to move.



My phone rang, it was center call, I answered.

Me; hello.

Voice: things are bad there.

Me; canon….

Canon: plan my release, I will tell you the date.

He hung up…



All I can say is that Everything Has Its Time

Everything on earth has its own timeand its own
season.There is a timefor birth and death
,planting and reaping,for killing and healing,
destroying and building,for crying and laughing,
weeping and dancing, For throwing stones And
gathering stones, embracing and parting. There
is a time for finding and losing,keeping and
giving, FOR tearing and sewing ,listening and
speaking. There is also a time for love and hate,
for war and peace .What God Has Given Us To

What do we gain by all of our hard work? Diana

saw life and was hurt through the betrayal of
the persom she loved with her heart, from the
beginning no one thought that Diana would turn
against Lorenzo or Lorenzo would turn against
Diana. We all didn’t get to assume what to
happen on the story, no one expected the story
to take turns. In lofe we always have people
who nare always plotting against us.

Hence Diana should have known and been firm

about her position in Lorenzo's life, sometimes
staying in a relationship aint it but society
influences us otherwise. otherwise It was nice
riding with you, till we meet again!

To God be the glory!!!

For there is hope for a tree if it is cut down, that

it wills prout again...”
- Job 14:7
To read more novels by me please follow me on
my Official Facebook Page @ Charmaine .M
For questions and counseling, contact the
author via any of the following:

Mobile: 081 320 2697

Facebook: Çhæ Rmæ Ine


WhatsApp: 068 143 6575

Email: maremacharmaine2@gmail.com

This novel is written through the inspiration of

the author's imagination to bless lives. Feel free
to share with your friends but do not edit, copy
or tamper with any part of the storyline. Do not
reproduce this story into any form without an
express written permission from the copyright
owner. Plagiarizers, BEWARE!!!

THANK YOU for your Time and patience. I love

you. Hence I say it's all love From this side.I say
***** THE

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