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Create a catalog item template

This activity provides you with the opportunity to explore the ServiceNow Catalog Builder.
As Jane, the catalog administrator, create a template that can be used by Workplace
Services employees to create their own catalog items to handle requests.

1. Impersonate Jane Rathrock, the catalog administrator.

2. In the Application Navigator type catalog. Open Catalog Builder.
3. On the Catalog Builder dashboard, click Create a catalog item template.

4. On the Select your item type screen, select Standard. Click Continue.
5. The Template Details screen opens. Complete the fields with the following values:
a. Template name: Workplace Services
b. Short description: Template to use for Workplace Services requests

6. Click Browse under Template available for. Move Workplace Services Employees from
the Available options list to the Selected user criteria list. Click Save selections.
7. Click Continue to Details.
8. On the Details tab, complete the fields with the following values:
a. Item name: Example: Office cleaning request
b. Short description: Example: Use this for all catalog items related to office cleaning
and sanitation

Catalog Builder: Create a catalog item template 1

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9. Click Save in the top-right corner of the screen. Note that this step is optional, as any
changes are automatically saved when moving between steps.
10. Click Continue to Location.
11. Under Catalogs, click Browse. Move Service Catalog from the Available options list to
the Selected catalogs list. Click Save selections.
12. Under Categories, click Browse. Move Janitorial from the Available options list to the
Selected categories list. Click Save selections.
13. Click Continue to Questions.
14. Click Select question sets.

15. Move Standard Employee Questions from the Available options list to the Selected
Available for list. Click Save selections.
16. Click Continue to Settings.
17. Set the Submit button label to Request.
18. Select the check boxes next to Hide ‘Add to cart’ button, Hide ‘Add to wishlist’ button,
Hide quantity selector, and Hide delivery time.

19. Click Save.

20. Click Continue to Access.

Catalog Builder: Create a catalog item template 2

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21. On the Access tab, click Browse under Available for. Move All Cloud Dimensions
Employees from the Available options list to the User criteria granted access list. Click
Save selections.
22. Click Continue to Fulfillment.
23. Under Fulfillment method, select Flow Designer flow as the Process engine. Select Step
based request fulfillment as the Selected flow.
24. Click Continue to Overrides.
25. In the Can edit section, click Browse. Move the following values to the Editable by the
Submitter list: Description, Image, Item name, Short description.
26. Click Save selections.

27. In the Must specify section, click Browse. Move Image to the Mandatory list.
28. Click Save selections.
29. Click Continue to Review and Submit.
30. Scroll down the form to check the details of the template, then click Submit.
31. A confirmation confirms the submission of the template.
32. Click Return to my dashboard.

Congratulations! You have completed this lab exercise.

Catalog Builder: Create a catalog item template 3

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