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Chapter 10 Optional Study Guide

Honors Biology

1. Describe how organisms get their energy from food.

They get energy from food to turn its energy into ATP
Energy gets passed along the food chain from light energy, to producers or autotrophs, to

They break down larger molecules, and in doing that they will capture the energy gradually
through the stages of cellular respiration .
2. What is the balanced formula of cellular respiration?
Glucose + 6oxygen = 6water + 6carbon dioxide
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6H2O + 6CO2
3. Outline the stages of cellular respiration.
a. Include reactants/products(good luck), location, and details about each stage.
Glucose, 2 ATP, 2 NAD+ to get 4 ATP and 2 pyruvic acid (+ 2 NADH)

Krebs cycle
-matrix of the mitochondria

Electron transport chain

-along the inner mitochondrial membrane
4. What stages of cellular respiration are considered aerobic?
Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain

5. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

They both produce energy in the form of ATP. however photosynthesis is photo autotrophic
meaning that it can make its own food, while cellular respiration relies on outside food to
produce energy

In a way, they rely on each other through the balanced equation of cellular respiration.
6. What products are produced by BOTH types of fermentation?
2 ATP molecules and 2 NAD+

From (2)Pyruvic acid , they either produce…

2 ethyl alcohol + 2 CO2 or 2 lactic acid
7. Diagram BOTH types of fermentation and be able to explain the diagrams.
8. Which of the processes from 10.2 and 10.3 do humans use in their own bodies?
Cellular respiration and lactic fermentation are used in humans.

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