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Grammar practice – standard

1 Circle the correct option (A or B). 4 Match the verbs in bold in the sentences to the
1 I’ve got a lot of studying to do, so behind after tenses (a–e).
school today. 1 We haven’t revised for the test. We’re not ready!
A I’m going to stay 2 Where did you use to live before you came here?
B I’ll staying 3 I looked out of the window and saw that it was snowing.
2 Tell me when figure out the answer. 4 John thought he was going to fail the test, but he passed!
A you’ll 5 No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find the answer.
B you
3 Do you think able to do all this studying? a past simple
A you’re being b past continuous
B you’ll be c present perfect
4 Next year, we’ll learning a new foreign language. d past with a modal verb
A be e past with used to
B have
5 Circle the correct option (A, B or C).
5 I hope I’ll have completed my studies by the time 23.
We (1) a pizza before we went to the party so we (2) hungry.
A I’m
My favourite singer (3) Taylor Swift but now it’s Billie Eilish.
B I will be
(4) the documentary about meditation last night?
6 a video in our next English lesson.
I was texting my friend when my mobile (5) .
A We’re watching
Robin (6) gone out. All the lights are off in his house.
B We watch
1 A used to eat B had eaten C have eaten
2 Complete the text with the words in the box. 2 A couldn’t be B hadn’t been C weren’t
3 A was being B had been C used to be
been delivered is isn’t known put was were 4 A Could you see B Did you see C Have you seen
These days, a surprising amount is (1) about how 5 A broke B was breaking C had broken
our brains work. But how (2) language processed 6 A must have B had C has
in our brains? The differences between reading language and
hearing it spoken have (3) well researched. When 6 Circle the correct verb forms.
we read something, signals are (4) from the eyes to 1 We were excited hearing / to hear about our new
the back of the brain through the optic nerve. When something English teacher.
(5) seen, but is read to us aloud, we use the 2 Do you regret not studying / not to study for the exam?
‘auditory cortex’ which is located near our ears. Many years ago, 3 We’re tired of doing / to do the same subjects again
a network of areas within the back of the brain (6) and again.
discovered by researchers. This helped them to understand 4 I don’t remember receiving / to receive your letter.
how information is (7) together so that we can 5 My sister will never agree lending / to lend me any money.
begin to make sense of written text. A part of the brain called 6 Paul bought a diary helping / to help get more organised.
‘Wernicke’s area’ helps us to process the language further,
and a different part known as ‘Broca’s area’ allows us to create
spoken language. Both parts of the brain (8)
named after experts working in the field of brain science
during the 1860s.

3 Circle the correct verb forms.

1 What do you do / are you doing tonight?
2 We have / are having English classes on Tuesdays and
Thursdays every week.
3 How many languages you speak / do you speak?
4 Who does teach / teaches music at your school?
5 When are you hoping / you hope to go on holiday?
6 How often does Kitty miss / Kitty misses lessons?

Prospects 2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 Photocopiable

Translate the following sentences:

1. Present and Past Simple

a. Normalmente ceno a las 21:30 de la noche.
b. Ella ve la televisión por la mañana.
c. Ayer me compré un vestido precioso.
d. Yo nunca miento.
e. ¿Compraron tus primos la casa?
2. Present and Past continuos
a. No estoy entendiendo nada.
b. Estaba cantando en la ducha, por eso no te oí.
c. Se estaban riendo cuando empezó a llover.
d. Estoy haciendo mis deberes. Por favor, no me molestes.
e. Sé que no estabais en tu casa porque os vi por la panadería cuando
salía del trabajo.
3. Future (simple, be going to, present simple, future continuous)
a. La película empieza a las 19:00
b. Confirmado. Mañana vamos a la ciudad. Ya tengo preparadas las
c. Estamos pensando en ir a Malasia dentro de dos veranos.
d. Voy a ir a mirar pantalones de Zara mañana por la mañana.
e. - ¿Has oído algo? Creo que alguien ha llamado a la puerta.
- ¡Sí, abro yo!
f. Ellos van a estar cocinando para cuando llegues
g. Ella va a estar contando historias por un rato.
h. En 10 años, voy a estar viajando por todo el mundo.
i. Okay quedamos en cañones. A las 10 en punto estaré ahí esperándote.
4. Present perfect
a. He estado en Siena dos veces.
b. No he comido nada en todo el día.
c. No ha encontrado su libro.
5. Past perfect
a. No habías dicho cuando tiempo durará la película.
b. Los había conocido antes de la reunión.
c. No había comido nada en todo el día.
6. Present perfect continuous
a. Llevo ya tres meses trabajando aquí.
b. Ha estado lloviendo. Llévate el impermeable.
c. Ha estado yendo al gimnasio todos los días durante 4 meses.
7. Past perfect continuous
a. Ella había estado leyendo durante 7 horas cuando se quedó dormida.
b. Yo estaba cansada porque había estado trabajando todo el día.
8. Pasiva
a. Romeo y Julieta fue escrito por William Shakespeare.
b. Fue detenido anoche
c. Los huevos de chocolate se hacen con leche y cacao. Después se
vierte la mezcla en moldes

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