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67 Grammar W

6A: L esson 2

1 Read and complete with the correct adjective. Use than.

1 I like elephants and tigers.

Elephants are bigger than tigers. (small / big )

2 Tom’s birthday is in January and Bill’s is in May of the same year.

Tom is Bill. (young / old)

3 T here are three bedrooms and two bathrooms in Ben’s house. There

are two bedrooms and one bathroom in Sally’s house.

Sally’s house is Ben’s house. (big / small)

4 Jane is 1,50 m. tall and Vicky is 1,65 m. tall.

Vicky is Jane. (short / tall)

5 It was 15º C on Monday and 20º C on Tuesday.

Tuesday was Monday. (warm / cold)

6 In January it snows and it’s icy. In March it’s sunny and warm.

January is March. (cold / hot)

7 G eorge has a sister, two uncles, and two grandmas. Lisa has three

brothers, an aunt, two grandmas, and two grandpas.

Lisa’s family is George’s family. (large / small)

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67 Grammar W
6B: L esson 6

1 Complete the questions. Use the -est. Then write answers for you.

1 Who’s the tallest boy in your class? (tall)

2 Who’s person in your family? (old)

3 Which was day last week? (sunny)

4 Which is month of the year

in your country? (cold)

5 Who has hair in your class? (short)

6 What’s mountain in your country? (high)

7 Who’s person you know? (happy)

8 Which animal is ? (large)

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