Anti Gmo Thesis

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting an Anti-GMO Thesis

Crafting a compelling and well-researched thesis is no easy feat, especially when delving into
complex and controversial topics such as the anti-GMO movement. Students often find themselves
grappling with extensive research, nuanced arguments, and the need to present a well-structured and
persuasive document.

Writing an anti-GMO thesis requires a deep understanding of genetic modification, its implications,
and the multifaceted arguments surrounding its use in various industries. The task becomes even
more challenging as writers must navigate through scientific jargon, conflicting studies, and the
ethical considerations that underpin the debate.

One of the primary difficulties students encounter is the sheer volume of information available,
making it challenging to filter through credible sources and discern the most relevant data.
Additionally, keeping abreast of the latest research findings and developments in the field is crucial
to presenting an up-to-date and comprehensive perspective.

The anti-GMO stance often involves intertwining scientific evidence with ethical and environmental
concerns, adding layers of complexity to the thesis-writing process. Striking the right balance
between factual information and persuasive rhetoric is a delicate task that demands meticulous
attention to detail.

To assist in overcoming these challenges, students may consider seeking professional assistance from
reliable academic writing services. One such platform that stands out is ⇒ ⇔. This
service specializes in providing expert guidance and support for students navigating the intricacies of
thesis writing. offers a team of experienced writers well-versed in the nuances of the anti-GMO
movement. With their expertise, students can ensure that their theses are not only well-researched but
also effectively communicate their stance on the topic. The service aims to alleviate the burdens
associated with crafting a thesis, allowing students to focus on refining their arguments and
presenting a compelling case against GMOs.

In conclusion, writing an anti-GMO thesis is a formidable task that demands a combination of

scientific knowledge, ethical considerations, and persuasive skills. For those seeking professional
support in navigating this challenging terrain, ⇒ ⇔ offers a valuable resource to
ensure the creation of a well-crafted and impactful thesis on the anti-GMO movement.
It sounds truly horrific, just as the Seralini study did. Chief among them is Claire Robinson, an editor
at GMWatch and researcher for Earth Open Source. There is an estimated amount that approximately
80% of genetically engineered foods in the United States and out of 80% of food being processed in
the United States brings it down to only 20% of the foods having a possibility of being completely
organic. That’s why donations from readers like you are essential to our continued existence. So if
labeling proponents want crops that use herbicides to be labeled, many non-GMOs will have to be
labeled as well. In 2016, more than 100 Nobel Prize winners signed an open letter expressing their
support for GMOs. When you keep reaching for higher standards and new rationalizations, you’re
just protecting your beliefs from falsification. Mosquitoes have been genetically engineered in hopes
of slowing the spread of malaria. The researchers should have included a veterinary pathologist on
their team and this mistake would not have happened. This is a result of insufficient testing done by
Monsanto. Robinson dismisses Golden Rice, which is engineered to relieve vitamin A deficiency, as
“a poster-child for GM” and “ a weapon to attack the biotech industry’s critics.” But when you see
everything in political terms, you lose sight of the underlying reality. In my view, we should be
horrified to realize that the business of growing food has gotten so financially challenging that even
in a country like France a farmer commits suicide every two days 12 —again due to being financially
ruined, just like the farmers in India. Robinson says you shouldn’t settle for vague assurances from
scientific organizations. I agree. That’s why I drilled down into four case studies to look at specific
evidence. She says evidence in the rat study contradicts the “ belief that the GM papaya is safe.”
This, too, is false: The paper (which is paywalled, sorry) reports “no genotoxicity,” “no biologically
significant differences,” and “no biologically adverse effects.”. Three weeks ago Slate poked more
holes in the case for banning or labeling genetically engineered food. The issue with every single
argument is that it's never exclusive to GMOs. The lead researcher, Dr. Judy Carman, is from the
Institute of Health and Environmental Research in Kensington Park, Australia. The policy states that
FDA has no basis for concluding that bioengineered foods differ from other foods in any meaningful
or uniform way, or that, as a class, foods developed by the new techniques present any different or
greater safety concern than foods developed by traditional plant breeding. They always think it's a
brand new thing, they don't realize that these things have been going on for decades at the least.
GMOs are currently banned in Russia and in three dozen other nations, but they’re lauded for their
many potential benefits, such as conferring resistance to drought, insects, and herbicides, for their
added nutrition, and for improving crop yields. In actuality, Flublok should end up being safer than
the old flu vaccine because it doesn’t include all those extraneous proteins, such as egg protein, just
the three hemagglutinin, or HA proteins, of the most common flu strains circulating in any given
year. Robinson quotes a statement from the World Health Organization: “Different GM organisms
include different genes inserted in different ways. Most of the time, when we talk about RNA, we
talk about messenger RNA (mRNA), the RNA that is the intermediary between DNA and protein.
This distinction between mandatory and voluntary often gets lost in the GMO food debate.
Television should not be promoting violence, it should be teaching kids about the dangers and
consequences. If you splice eel genes into salmon, it is no longer plain, regular old salmon. Thus, it is
very frustrating to see that the “GMO-is-a-fallacious-category” wheel needs to be reinvented again
and again. Basically, the only seeming hypothesis was “GMOs bad,” and the study was designed to
find bad things associated with GMOs. Roughly half of the country is clamoring for socialist policies
like more government control over health care, increased regulations, and open borders. These can
result in biochemical changes in the plant, which in turn could make the plant unexpectedly toxic or
allergenic.” But mutations are hardly unique to GMOs.
Rather, they are issues of intellectual property; i.e., how large companies developing GMOs behave.
I’m not here to sell you an ideology or win a fight. CompanyContributions Against Propisition 37-
GMO Labeling. It’s actually 180 degrees from the truth, as what we really need is to focus on
strategies that will promote soil health, and GE crops decimate soil fertility. The policy states that
FDA has no basis for concluding that bioengineered foods differ from other foods in any meaningful
or uniform way, or that, as a class, foods developed by the new techniques present any different or
greater safety concern than foods developed by traditional plant breeding. GMOS are organisms,
whether plants or animals, that have had their genetic material altered in a way that doesn’t occur
naturally through the processes of Darwinian selection. When the data are analyzed more
appropriately, there appears to be no statistically significant difference between the groups, just as
there was no real statistically significant difference in the tumor burden of the rats in the Seralini
study. He found them in the gene for the enzyme mentioned by Judy Carman. Foreign DNA may be
able to survive in the human gut. Basically, the only seeming hypothesis was “GMOs bad,” and the
study was designed to find bad things associated with GMOs. It’s the result that produced pictures
like this one in the paper (and, not surprisingly the same picture posted to many an anti-GMO
website). Dr Stanely Ewen stipulated that food and water that is contained in the genetically
modified foods could rapidly increase the growth of malignant tumors whenever they have contact
with humans. As has been pointed out in multiple discussions of this study, such a high percentage
of animals with pneumonia is an indicator of very bad animal husbandry, indeed. The Genetic
Literacy Project has a great chart outlining conclusions from major international organizations that
supports the safety of GMO foods. That’s the problem with GMO labeling: It’s unwarranted
segregation. Robinson says the comparison is faulty because “ the genetically engineered form of the
virus is not the same as the natural virus.” She claims that “the GM gene insertion and subsequent
tissue culture processes used in genetic engineering create mutations. They found that RT and
Sputnik produced more articles containing the word “GMO” than five other news outlets combined.
Charles Darwin, Essay, Essays 937 Words 3 Pages March 15, 2013 Apartment vs. The study was a
fishing expedition and not hypothesis-driven. Actually, what surprised me is how few differences
they found between the groups, not how many. Labeling is consistent with the right to know for
consumers. The communities of scientists across the world have different opinions regarding these
foods. It’s an effort, say the researchers, to discredit American agricultural practices and to portray
Russian crops as an “ecologically cleaner” alternative to GMOs. For whatever reason, it just hasn’t
been on my radar very much. In addition to the fact that Genetically Modified food already provides
benefits to us, there are several considerable profits to agriculture, environment and. Mark Lynas, a
world-renowned pro-science environmentalist, was supposed to be a voice of reason much alike
Borlaug. Most arguments for GMOs are based on the approval process illustrated in Fig. 1. They're
okay with breeding dogs or horses to make an animal that they feel is better than their predecessors,
and they're okay with cross pollinating plants to make more interesting fruits and prettier flowers,
because this is something they've known about all their lives, and they're used to. So far, the only
evidence that they have any effect whatsoever is that one study suggesting that miR-168a might
regulate one gene, even though it’s hard to figure out by what mechanism it could possibly
accomplish this. In 2016, more than 100 Nobel Prize winners signed an open letter expressing their
support for GMOs.
Why would GM wheat siRNAs be any different or more dangerous, particularly given the very low
concentrations involved. It's not an easy thing to do, people cherrypick without even realizing it, but
at least you're giving people an opportunity to look at things in a different light.:) Reply Delete
Replies BioChica January 5, 2016 at 9:42 PM Thanks. Golden rice was developed to address a
critical public health problem. If there are material differences, the FDA already requires this
information be communicated to consumers. Many scientists warn that: The process of genetic
engineering could create new allergens. When you keep reaching for higher standards and new
rationalizations, you’re just protecting your beliefs from falsification. Most people really don't know
to what extent food has been altered since the dawn of agriculture. There is no dose-dependent
mechanism for the effects reported, no rhyme or reason consistent with a mechanism that would
explain why GMOs would affect just the stomach (and then only to cause severe inflammation) and
uterus size. In 1999, rice was infused with beta-carotene, which is critical for the human body in
producing Vitamin A. In actuality, Flublok should end up being safer than the old flu vaccine
because it doesn’t include all those extraneous proteins, such as egg protein, just the three
hemagglutinin, or HA proteins, of the most common flu strains circulating in any given year.
Robinson says the USDA report I cited—which said the adoption of herbicide-tolerant crops “ has
enabled farmers to substitute glyphosate for more toxic and persistent herbicides ” —doesn’t mean
glyphosate is “ relatively benign.” But that’s exactly what it means. But regardless of one’s opinion
on GMOs, the suggestion that another country is actively trying to sway the perspectives of US
citizens in ways that are self-serving should be a cause for alarm. By boycotting GMA Member
Traitor Brands, you can help level the playing field, and help take back control of our food supply. A
recent article in the Des Moines Register quotes Dorius on this possibility: Anti-GMO messaging is a
wedge issue not only within the U.S. but also between the U.S. and its European allies, many of
whom are deeply skeptical of GMOs. There is no mandatory labeling in Canada, and no tracking or
monitoring of possible health impacts. Tara Oney Gmo power point Gmo power point Tara Oney
Gmo power point for healing energies inc. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your
browsing experience. But the important thing is that I’ve put facts on the table so we can debate
them and test our assumptions against data. Heinemann notes that such a phenomenon can be
observed in insects and worms. It is truthful information, and just like added flavors must be labeled
“natural or artificial,” and juice must state if it is from concentrate, whether or not an ingredient is
genetically engineered falls under truth in labeling. Humans store carbohydrates as glycogen, and
GBE makes branches in glycogen. Sure, there can be unforeseen consequences with any new crop
(transgenic or otherwise), but that is specifically why they are rigorously tested before going to the
market. This is true particularly in light of the fact that we regularly eat plants that make many
siRNAs and microRNAs. The three plants in jail represents toxicity, allergenicity, and teratogenicity.
What about hydroponic setups that includes fish waste. If you label a product “salmon,” a buyer and
seller understand what salmon is. Renee HealthCoach Genetically modified organism Genetically
modified organism none Genetically modified organism Genetically modified organism none
Powerpoint Presentation of GMO by Joshua H. Furthermore, the patent issue isn’t nearly as big as
critics contend. In fact, on the entire table, the only “statistically significant” result is for “severe
inflammation.” In fact, as Mark Lynas points out, many more pigs fed non-GMO feed had stomach
inflammation than those with GMO feed. And Texas is gearing up to dump 50 percent more of it on
its crops in the near future.
If you splice eel genes into salmon, it is no longer plain, regular old salmon. The content is provided
for information purposes only. The idea in an asymmetrical war, you look at where you’re weak and
your opponent is strong, and you’re really trying to undermine their strength. Robinson says you
can’t trust me because I’ve “ claimed that drones cut down on civilian casualties.” Guilty as charged.
Here’s my evidence that the drones claim is true. Robinson says you shouldn’t settle for vague
assurances from scientific organizations. I agree. That’s why I drilled down into four case studies to
look at specific evidence. At the 2013 oxford conference he, unfortunately, began with an apology,
he let us down. Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida WOW
Con. What about hydroponic setups that includes fish waste. All living things have some genes in
common because of shared common ancestors. While some members of the public are concerned
about GMOs, the overwhelming majority of experts do not share this concern. Her arguments fail,
but they do so in an instructive way. Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown January 18, 2016 at 6:24
AM Agricultural tools and equipment Running a ahead of its period farm is not easy; it takes the
mastery of dozens of skills and long hours of show in all kinds of weather. Would that require the
same label as chicken or cow manure. Traditional hybrid crops are also intellectually protected
property. There was really only one thing for me to do, and that’s the same thing I did with the
Seralini study: Go and see for myself. So I did. For example, wheat produces an insecticide known
as DIMBOA (wheat is not considered a GMO). Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th
ISACA South Florida WOW Con. This means that the Monsanto Company indirectly but surely
determines the policies that regulate its industry. News stories describing the study at the time were
quite credulous, but a better discussion can be found at Sandwalk. As proof, the editors point to
Europe, where retailers, fearing backlash from consumers, have all but eliminated GMOs from their
products. Of course, the p-values are all non-significant, except for one: that for severe
inflammation. They wouldn’t, of course, but, like the Frankenstein that anti-GMO activists think
scientists are, it’s a matter of messing with nature resulting in unintended consequences. In the past
couple of years, some of the country’s best science journalists— Amy Harmon, Nathanael Johnson,
Keith Kloor, Michael Specter, and others—have shredded many of the movement’s claims and
arguments. It does not. They would have had to take a tissue sample and prepare histological slides
and examine these samples for evidence of inflammatory response such as white blood cell
infiltration and other changes to determine if there was inflammation. CompanyContributions
Against Propisition 37- GMO Labeling. When people are told this their minds immediately make
genetically modified foods seem like a bad thing. Most of the time, when we talk about RNA, we
talk about messenger RNA (mRNA), the RNA that is the intermediary between DNA and protein.
Both Heinemann’s speculations and Carman’s most recent bit of data mining are of a piece. Genetic
engineering allows the transfer of genetic material between any organism, including between plants
and animals. They found that RT and Sputnik produced more articles containing the word “GMO”
than five other news outlets combined.
But ask the public, do you know how bran flakes are made. There needs to be more research to help
evaluate the safety of genetic engineering and to realize its full potential for scientific discovery.
Usually, a protest would involve standing with poster and handing out anti-GMO brochures to the
people passing by. However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of
messages. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. They make you
feel vigilant, when in fact you’re being credulous. Mosquitoes have been genetically engineered in
hopes of slowing the spread of malaria. This crop contains a gene that provides tolerance to the
herbicide glyphosate. Throwing away the potential of GMO foods because of non-existent science,
scare tactics and consumer misinformation would be a tragedy. In fact, the hilarity is such that I think
it’s worth quoting a decent sized chunk of the first part of Stevenson’s article. From the 1990s to
today, many position statements by scientific societies, not to mention countless papers by individual
scholars, have reaffirmed that axiom. And if you’re able, consider a sustaining monthly gift to
support our work all year-round. If you follow Robinson’s approach—ridiculing propositions as
absurd a priori —you’ll learn nothing. This post gives an overview of pesticides naturally produced
by quinoa. It sounds truly horrific, just as the Seralini study did. It’s an interesting observation, but
there are a number of questions. They are designed to be propaganda to produce fear, uncertainty,
and doubt about GMOs, just like Andrew Wakefield’s studies about the MMR vaccine, just like
Mark and David Geier’s studies of thimerosal in vaccines, just like the studies of any variety of
antivaccine cranks. As has been pointed out in multiple discussions of this study, such a high
percentage of animals with pneumonia is an indicator of very bad animal husbandry, indeed. True,
another group has reported finding miR-168a, but it also reported a huge variety of microRNAs in
the serum from a variety of sources, including bacteria and fungi as well as from other species, such
as various insects. If you label a product “salmon,” a buyer and seller understand what salmon is.
The Russian “misinformation attacks” covered a wide array of anti-GMO sentiments, including
environmental concerns, health risks, nutritional deficiencies, political corruption, negative
socioeconomic consequences for developing countries, and so on. Perhaps his apology is acts as a
greater reflection of today’s society—fake news, quick judgment, and serve apprehension of
technology that doesn’t include the latest iPhone releases. What if I don't use fecal matter
specifically, but I have earthworms naturally occurring in my garden or a bird passes by and leaves
behind its waste. The most common form of anti-GMO activism, aside from websites, is protests. I f
you look up which pesticides have declined in use as glyphosate has increased, you find many that
are far more hazardous. Through genetic engineering, a gene with desired traits or characteristics can,
with efficiency and precision, be inserted from one crop plant into another plant. It's Madame Web 's
World, And We're Just Living In It February 14, 2024 OpenAI Sora's Breaks Our Brains, Vision Pro
Loses Its Luster, and More Big Tech News February 14, 2024 ISU sociologist Shawn Dorius, along
with Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, an associate professor at the university’s Department of Genetics,
Development, and Cell Biology, shared their findings at Iowa State University Crop Bioengineering
Center’s annual meeting. He argued that GMOs meant increased pesticide usage and more pesticides
meant an ecological crisis. First of all, as many have pointed out, the photos chosen are deceptive in
that not enough of the groups are shown, nor can we be sure that these are representative. In
humans, the equivalent gene is known as glucan (1,4?alpha?), branching enzyme 1, abbreviated GBE.
It must begin with controlling our thoughts and reactions to the things that happen to us. You’re not
allowed to save patented GE seeds, as has been done since the beginnings of agriculture. But the
American public is exposed to other kinds of large-scale, sophisticated messaging campaigns on a
daily basis.” Advertisement Dorius points to overt campaigns that rely on paid ads and branded
marketing materials, and less overt campaigns involving bots, trolls, disinformation, and so on. “How
should Americans protect themselves against unwanted influence. Of course, gene silencing is not an
all-or-nothing phenomenon. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google
search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings,
and notice to patients here. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any
other purpose. Also notice how twice as many pigs had no inflammation in the non-GMO group and
that there was actually a lower risk of mild and moderate inflammation, as well as erosions and pin-
point ulcers. In the end, this study abused a fairly large number of innocent pigs to produce no
useful data. Who are these nefarious scientists, and why would they want to make genetically
modified wheat that would do these things. Robinson points out that I initially favored the Iraq war,
later regretted it, and eventually wrote about lessons I learned from my mistake. The FDA would be
enforcing a mandate that isn’t consistent with its own findings. Genetic engineering allows the
transfer of genetic material between any organism, including between plants and animals. It's not an
easy thing to do, people cherrypick without even realizing it, but at least you're giving people an
opportunity to look at things in a different light.:) Reply Delete Replies BioChica January 5, 2016 at
9:42 PM Thanks. Because conventional crops often require more water and pesticides than GMOs
do, the former are usually more expensive. CompanyContributions Against Propisition 37- GMO
Labeling. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features
of the website. Yet Greenpeace and other anti-GMO organizations have used misinformation and
hysteria to delay the introduction of Golden Rice to the Philippines, India and China. However, back
in the late 1990s, it was discovered that there are other RNA molecules that actually regulate gene
expression by binding to complementary sequences on mRNAs. Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or
Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida WOW Con. Despite this, critics claim that genetic
engineering is “unpredictable.” That statement is only half true. There is no mandatory labeling in
Canada, and no tracking or monitoring of possible health impacts. Now Robinson has written a
three-part series leveling a similar charge at Slate. Two years ago, when Johnson investigated issues
on both sides of the GMO debate for a series in Grist, Robinson accused him of parroting industry
spin. Do you know how rice is processed to make it white. In fact, on the entire table, the only
“statistically significant” result is for “severe inflammation.” In fact, as Mark Lynas points out, many
more pigs fed non-GMO feed had stomach inflammation than those with GMO feed. Indeed, I have
to wonder how they were being cared for. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.
Basically, one protein made the plant resistant to a herbicide and two proteins were insecticides. If
you campaign against a nutritional project because you see it as a weapon for the other side, you are
the one playing politics. The idea is that the CSIRO is apparently engineering a strain of wheat that
produces a short RNA molecule designed to silence specific genes in the wheat.
Usually, a protest would involve standing with poster and handing out anti-GMO brochures to the
people passing by. If anyone says, he writes, “GMOs are 100-percent-safe-and-great-forever-and-
ever-amen, then that person is lying to you.”. I would definitely prefer to know what it is I am
consuming and the effects that it has on my body and the rest of the world. I first encountered these
nonsensical claims in the blog of a homeopath named Heidi Stevenson, who claimed that genetically
modified wheat may damage human genetics permanently. The danger is a society where GMOs
come to feel like an us-versus-them issue; where, in short, you’re either pro-GMO, or you’re non-
GMO, with almost no room for anyone who falls in between the labels.”. There is no relationship
between the colour of the stomach in the dead, bled-out pig at a slaughter plant and inflammation. In
2001, discussing the policy it developed in 1992, the FDA said. Robinson quotes a statement from
the World Health Organization: “Different GM organisms include different genes inserted in
different ways. This post gives an overview of pesticides naturally produced by quinoa. Why would
GM wheat siRNAs be any different or more dangerous, particularly given the very low
concentrations involved. By contrast, advocates of the precautionary principle stress the existence of
scientific uncertainties associated with many modern environmental and health issues. Yes, one of
the few things in life that we can control are our actions, but simply controlling actions will not
make a person happier or more content. However, back in the late 1990s, it was discovered that there
are other RNA molecules that actually regulate gene expression by binding to complementary
sequences on mRNAs. In actuality, Flublok should end up being safer than the old flu vaccine
because it doesn’t include all those extraneous proteins, such as egg protein, just the three
hemagglutinin, or HA proteins, of the most common flu strains circulating in any given year. But the
American public is exposed to other kinds of large-scale, sophisticated messaging campaigns on a
daily basis.” Advertisement Dorius points to overt campaigns that rely on paid ads and branded
marketing materials, and less overt campaigns involving bots, trolls, disinformation, and so on. “How
should Americans protect themselves against unwanted influence. Worse, gross visual assessment of
gastric mucosa is subject to high inter-observer variability, and, although the personnel caring for the
pigs and doing the autopsies were blinded to the experimental group (which is good), I don’t see any
attempt to control for inter-observer variability, and, again, no control for multiple comparisons. They
did a visual scoring of the colour of the lining of the stomach of pigs at the abattoir and
misinterpreted redness to indicate evidence of inflammation. Agriculture, Bacillus thuringiensis,
Genetic engineering 1016 Words 4 Pages Organising a Discursive Essay about Car Use The two
most common types of essays are the argumentative and the discursive. He argues that the labels
create an “appearance of danger” and that such companies have a vested interest in stoking a
“cultural conflict.”. I still don’t, by the way, which has gotten me into the odd kerfuffle with some
skeptics and one physicist, but I still view the likelihood that cell phone radiation can cause cancer as
being just a bit more plausible than homeopathy. We raise our funds each year primarily from
individuals and foundations. In a paper published April 10 in Trends in Plant Science, they argue
that the human mind is highly susceptible to the negative and often emotional representations put out
by certain environmental groups and other opponents of GMOs. Stirring the anti-GMO pot would
serve a great many of Russia’s political, economic and military objectives. What if I don't use fecal
matter specifically, but I have earthworms naturally occurring in my garden or a bird passes by and
leaves behind its waste. Without that information his analysis was pretty pointless. If you label a
product “salmon,” a buyer and seller understand what salmon is. As has been pointed out in multiple
discussions of this study, such a high percentage of animals with pneumonia is an indicator of very
bad animal husbandry, indeed. In India, it’s been estimated that a farmer commits suicide every 30
minutes, typically by ingesting pesticide. Specifically, it’s a type of RNA-mediated gene silencing
called RNA interference (or RNAi), also known as post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Renee
HealthCoach Genetically modified organism Genetically modified organism none Genetically
modified organism Genetically modified organism none Powerpoint Presentation of GMO by Joshua

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