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Inventory Management

BizPulse Inventory Management System is geared to meet the following Inventory Management Techniques

 Just In Time Management

 Requirement Planning
 Economic Order Quantity
 Sales Prediction using A.I

This is extended to Stockist & Retailer Inventory Management

To understand our Inventory Management system, we will have a look at the Stake Holders of this system

1. Government which Hosts the EHR

2. Drug Manufacturer`s & Sub Contractors
3. Stockists
4. Retailers
5. Consumers
6. Drug Controller of India
7. Narcotics Control Bureau

Let us first understand how our Stocks Inventory is maintained. Look carefully at the data structure of this
table called Inventory Master. The fields in Blue color are the key fields. The Branch Code, the Division code,
the project code, the Location Code, The party (Stockist or Pharmacy), the drug code, the Batch Number and
the Serial Number together form the stock master table key. For example let us assume Branch is Hyderabad,
Division is say OTC, Project is say “Ayushman”, Location is say “Kapra”, Drug Code is say “71335-0698”, Batch
Number is say “X001” and Serial Number is say “7823”. Note that Division and Project Information is not
compulsory, so also are Serial Numbers. Rest of the fields are. Since the system knows the Latitude and
Longitude of each of these fields in the master records, I can say visually display the availability of a drug like
say “Remdesivir” visually on a Map. If you remove Batch Number and make a query you can find the stock of
the drug at the given party, If you remove the party you can find the stock of the drug at the given Location, If
you remove Location, you can find the stock for the drug at the given Project and so on. If you remove every
field except the Drug Code you may find the stock for the drug in the Entire system.






Drug Code

Batch Number

Serial Number

Opening Balance




Damaged Inventory

Expired Inventory

Stocks can be maintained online and also at the different locations i:e a drug stock can also be at the
Manufacturer`s, Stockists and Retailer`s systems too. The manufactuer`s stock position will give an idea of the
goods that are right now being manufactured and that at the stockiest and retailers give us the stock at
different locations. Inter transfers between these locations can be arranged quickly.

Main Features of the System are

1. Know exactly where the inventory is across the supply chain.

2. Drug Requirement Prediction based on Prescription and Purchase Information of patients from their
HER Data. So let us assume that a patient X has been prescribed cardiovascular disease drugs like
Telma 40mg and Nicardia Retard 10 mg for the next 3 months and if the patient has made the
purchase for 1 month, the system can easily predict the sales for the next 2 months and the likely
hood of these extending since these drugs once prescribed are for life. This will ensure that the right
drug is available at the right place and at the right time. Move product to where it is most valuable.
3. It also allows us to determine when to order, how much to order and where to store the stock.
4. Certain drugs or brand of drugs are popular in certain areas and not in others, based on the sales
strategy employed by these pharmaceutical companies. In such cases stocks that are found to be non
moving in one area can be easily transferred to another location where its demand is high. This helps
to evaluate patterns in processes to forecast future demand and sales.
5. Based on Prescription Demand, Manufacturers can gear up their production based on expected sales.
6. Automate shipping to reduce errors such as late deliveries, or deliverying incorrect packages.
7. Consumer`s can get first hand information of the lowest price at which they can get the drugs be it
generic or branded drugs.
8. BizPulse “Patient Prescription Assist” module of its patient app, records drug side affects and other
problems based on patient inputs, thus enabling the other stake holders like NCB, DCI to intervene
with its Production or Sale Status.
9. The system is geared to auto generate Tender Documents for drugs that need to be supplied and auto
selection of L1 based on
a. Lowest Price
b. Highest Quality
c. Delivery Time
10. Auto compute EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) based on demand.
11. The system is geared to auto generate Purchase Orders once the stock levels fall below the Reorder
Level, based on previous purchases or L1 status. Since there is no manual intervention, there should
technically be no shortage of drugs at any place.
12. Quality of the same drugs manufactured by different manufacturers can be rated for quality based on
Patient inputs, side effects, effectiveness as fed into the app.
13. All stake holders get an insight into the Drug Inventory and ready and correct themselves.
14. It will also issue that customer needs are fulfilled, reduction in shipment turnaround times, minimize
stockouts, oversells and markdowns.
15. Drugs about to reach Expiry date will be auto marked for discounted sales based on policy. For
example let us assume that a drug that is about to expire in 3 months time will be offered at a
discount price of 20%, those that expire in 2 months at 30% and those that expire in 1 month at 50%.
The system will ensure that these drugs are auto added to the schemes database without operator
Intervention. Schemes master is a database which stores all coupon codes, cash discounts, quantity
discounts or percentage discounts.
16. Since the location (Latitude/Longitude) information of each store is known, risk of damage due to
environmental factors like floods etc can be auto gauged and corrective action taken.
17. Inventory by Weights – BizPulse patented Inventory by weights will help assess stock in hand vis a vis
actual stocks shown online, thus preventing pilfereage.
18. Issue of a drug to a patient will clearly mention batch and serial number of the product wherever
applicable, thus providing a facility to trace back a drug from patient back to the exact batch produced
at the Manufacturer. This can allow easy identification of the locations where the drugs are presently
available and preventing its sale with immediate effect.
19. Smart Inventory (Internet of Things) – Facilitate completion of sales more effectively. At the retailer
level drugs are stored in boxes and within boxes in pouches. The boxes are smart boxes with QR code
pasted on it as well as an LED Indicator. In each pouch within these boxes the drugs are stored batch
wise. Hence scanning the QR code on the pouch will easily capture the batch number of the product
being sold. The same is applicable in case the product also has a serial number, like for example
stents. Each will be stored in its own pouch. This facility at retailer will also allow a smart issue. Let us
assume that a patient came to the retailer with a prescription ID or even the Patient ID. With the
Patient ID (Smart Card) the active prescriptions are immediately displayed on the computer screen.
Only those prescriptions for which the patient has not availed drugs will be listed. As soon as the
prescription is loaded and the cursor on the computer terminal is placed on the first drug in the list,
the Location in the store in which it is placed will be indicated on the display and the LED light on the
container will light up immediately. This will guide the pharmacist to the correct location in the store.
He takes out the pouch within the box and scans it with the QR Code scanner and the Batch Number
and Serial Number are immediately captured onto the screen. This will speed and ease up pharmacy
sales to a very large extent. It will also ensure that the correct information has been recorded. The
slight overhead of there appearing two transactions for the same drug belonging to different batches
can be absorbed by the system.
20. Blockchain - Every transaction will be blockchained so that Disparate parties will be connected
through a unified and immutable record of all transactions.
21. Use of AI
a. Intelligent, self correcting AI`s will make inventory monitoring more accurate and reduce
material waste.
22. No Tax Loss
a. Authorities can easily determine where there is a sales reporting violation, thus saving crores
of money in taxes.
23. Efficient Reporting
a. Companies can effectively compute inventory cost.
24. NCB – can find if Narcotic drugs are being over prescribed and also the area in the country in which it
is oversubscribed. Deep digging into the data through can take you directly to the end recipient.
25. Drug Controller Of India – Can ensure rationing of drugs based on need and equal distribution, like say
Remdesivir drug during the Covid Pandemic.
26. Government – can decide if a drug needs to be imported or if restrictions on its export removed in
real time or say even without operator intervention.
27. Drug Manufacturer`s can reduce change over time between producing one drug and moving on to
another, since demand is correctly known, thus reducing production costs.
28. Drug Manufacturer`s can collect expired drugs to reinforce or rejuvenate them.
29. Government can Force Drug Manufacturing Companies to follow standards in Production by auto
capturing data from factories during actual production and using this data to cross validate drug
quality, very useful for Drug Inspectors during inspection.
a. Drug Code + Batch Code + Serial Number (if required)
i. + date and time and value of Air Quality standards during Production.
ii. + date and time and value of Water Quality standards during Production
iii. + date and time and updation of any violation of standards by personnel including
not wearing helmet or head gear, proper uniform, unauthorized personnel
iv. + date and time and updation of Bulk Drug Quality and Purity Information from
Production Records.
v. + date and time and failure or break in Electricity during production.

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