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Account and Budget Support Level III

Based on August 2012, Version 2 Occupational
Standards (OS) and

Unit of Competence: Maintain business records
Module Title: Maintaining business records
LG Code: EIS ACB3 M17 1121 LO (1-3)
TTLM Code: EIS ACB3 TTLM17 1121V1

December, 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Module title – delivering and monitoring
services to customers
Contents page
Learning Guide # 66 LO 1:- Collate business records........................................................................................3
Information Sheet 1.1 Identifying records or information incorporated in business or records system...............4
Self-check 1.1 Written test................................................................................................................................11
Information Sheet 1.2 Sorting records with workplace requirements...............................................................12
Self-check 1.2 Written test................................................................................................................................15
Information Sheet 1.3 Adhering organizational requirements relating to security and access or confidentiality
Self-check 1.3 Written test................................................................................................................................19
Self-check 3 Written test...................................................................................................................................19
Operation sheet 1 Manage confidential records in paper format and electronic format....................................20
Learning Guide # 67 LO 2:- Update business or records system......................................................................22
Information sheet 2.1 Identify and record control information for describing new records..............................23
Self-check 2.1 Written test................................................................................................................................26
Information sheet 2.2 Updating control information describing movement or use of records...........................27
Self-check 2.2 Written test................................................................................................................................30
Information sheet 2.3 Recording and updating control information accurately in business or records system. 31
Self-check 2.1 written test................................................................................................................................38
Learning Guide # 68 LO 3:- Preparing reports from the business or recording system....................................39
Information sheet 3.1 Interpreting, preparing and accessing business reports...................................................40
Self-check 3.1 Written test................................................................................................................................49
Operation sheet 3.1 Prepare business reports....................................................................................................50

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Learning Guide # 66 LO 1:- Collate business records

Instruction sheet
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics-
 Identify records or information incorporated into business or records system
 Sorterecords with workplace requirements
 Adhere organizational requirements related to security and access
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
 Identifing records or information incorporated in business or records system
 Sorting records with workplace requirements
 Adhering organizational requirements related to security and access

Learning Instructions:
Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
Follow the instructions described below.
1. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
2. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following each information sheets.
3. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
4. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets placed at the end of each LO
5. Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets”
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to the next learning guide.
7. Reflect broad conceptual knowledge and adaptive vocational and generic skills
8. Reflect essential knowledge, skills or attitudes;
9. Focus on results of the learning experiences;
10. Reflect the desired end of the learning experience, not the means or the process;
11. Represent the minimum performances that must be achieved to successfully complete a course or
12. Answer the question, "Why should a student take this course anyway

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Module title – delivering and monitoring
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Identifying records or information incorporated in business or records

Information Sheet 1.1

What is business record?

A business record is a document (hard copy or digital) that records an "act, condition, or event"
related to business. Business records include meeting minutes, memoranda, employment contracts,
and accounting source documents.

Business records may include:-

o at different stages of use: o Physical:

 active  audio-visual or multimedia

 archival  graphic

o Digital:  microform

 remote drives  paper-based (acid free or

multiple copies)
 servers
o From a variety of sources:
 CDs
 already in the custody of the
 DVDs organization

 imaging systems  in the process of being

transferred between
 PC-based applications organizations

 mainframe

Business or records systems may be:

o archival control systems

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o business systems
o cash register-based systems
o characteristics relating to:
 aggregations
 context
 entities
 metadata
o current business or records systems
o electronic records and document management system
o informal
o paper-based accumulation and card systems
o PC-based accounting systems, employee and tax records systems
o proprietary recordkeeping package
o storage facilities systems
o systems unique to individual workplaces and organization
What customer data to collect?

You need to collect as much of the following as possible:

 Name and contact details:

o Allows you to market directly to them.

o Also lets you make communications personalized.

o You may also need to contact them if an order is running late.

 Transaction history:

o Indicates user preferences - which products they're most inclined to buy, when
and how often.

o Reveals how valuable a customer they are: how much they spend and how often.

 Communications from you to customers and any response they make:

o You need to keep records of this to make sure you space out your
communications correctly (i.e. not too often).

o It also lets you monitor how effective different types of communication are and
which the customer best respond best to. If you compare their transaction history
with the communications record, you may find one method of communication

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encourage them to buy more than others.

 Profile: age, gender, profession, income, hobbies, and so on:

o This information is harder to obtain (see advice below), but can be useful for
more advanced marketing strategy.

o Once you have the info for a number of customers, you can build up clearer
picture of who exactly your target customer is.

o It allows you to better focus your advertising and marketing efforts, as well as
affiliate opportunities and sponsorships. If you know your target customer goes to
the gym three times a week, it opens up a new place to advertise, a new line of
offered- related products and an opportunity to do a deal with the local gym to
offer discounted membership if they shop with you X number of times.

o Knowing their age and profession (and so an idea of their income) helps with
pricing strategy.

o The better and more detailed picture you have of your target customer, the more
you can tailor and develop products to please them.

 Spending habits: how your customers shops - such as impulse buys, considered
purchases, comparing the prices from different businesses, always with you on a
regular basis, and so on:
o You can display goods and structure deals around consumers' spending habits -
think of how supermarkets put magazines and chocolate bars at the checkout:
impulse buys.

o Can be difficult to assess - you may need the help of a market research agency or
detailed surveys with trusted customers. Or you can try out different strategies
and see which work. You can also take an educated guess based on your
knowledge of the market.
 Birthdays:
o Sending out a birthday text or card can add a personal touch and make a customer
feel valued.
 Whether or not they pay on time:

This is obviously important for cash flow reasons rather than marketing ones, but it's worth adding to
the list anyway if you're thinking about data collection

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How to collect customer data?

First and foremost, do not harass customers for data. Endless form filling is enough to put a
consumer off a purchase. Data collection has to be either uninstructive or incentivized. Collect it bit
by bit to build up a fuller picture of your customer gradually and in a non- annoying way.

 From orders:
o Obtain contact details and name from orders and begin building a transaction
history, whether on or offline (although online makes things even easier as
can automatically be entered into a database).
 Surveys:
o If you run a survey on your business, you can obtain a fair amount of
information by asking details about their profile (gender, age, etc). While some
respondents may be reluctant to give their name, some will. For those that don't,
you get a clearer picture of your overall target customer anyway, which is the
aim here.
 Competitions:

o Run a competition asking for email address and a couple of other details -
customers will be more inclined to share personal data when they have something
to gain from it.
 Online:
o Online can help you track spending habits and user preferences, though you
may only be able to get an overall picture of your target customer rather than
profiles of specific users - use Google Analytics.
 Research:

o Statistics and research already out there can help you build a more detailed picture of your
target customer (though of course they won't provide information on individuals). Look at
demographic-related reports and spot trends. There's almost certainly other people targeting the
same demographic as you, which means you can simply look at the research they've done and
any statistics on the matter to find out more about your target audience.
 A market research agency :

o It will be able to provide you with the most detailed picture of your target customer and their
habits, but this is quite expenditure.
 Noticing ( interview )

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o Things when you see customers face-to-face can of course also give you a very general idea
about who the bulk of your customer are and what demographic and age group they're part
Collect information

 Record: a written or electronic document to preserve information or keep a record of

a transaction,

 Records management: the practice of maintaining business records from their creation
and up to their eventual disposal, including classifying, storing, securing, archiving
and/or destruction.

What is information?
Types of information Examples

Correspondence faxes, letters, memos, email

computer databases customer records, library catalogue

computer files copies of letters, memos, other documents

sales records monthly forecasts, targets achieved

Forms membership forms, insurance forms

Invoices accounts from suppliers, accounts to debtors

personnel records personal details, salary rates

minutes of meetings staff meetings, board meetings

Information needs to be collected (or created), stored and cared for and be easily accessed or
retrieved. Records are sources of information (documents or other items) which the organization
wants or needs to retain.

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The overall objective of any records management system is to provide the right information at the
necessary time to the correct person(s) at an affordable cost. Information is stored so specific
information is available when it is needed and in such a way that security and confidentiality is

Users of information
 supervisor
 colleague within your area/department

 colleague outside your area or department

person outside of the organization (e.g. a client)

Information may include:
 customer relationship management
 expenditure
 human resources management
 invoicing/sales
 legislative/regulatory/licensing compliance
 risk management
 stock control
 taxation, asset management

Points to consider when responding to requests for information:

 Document the request - it is important to record who requested the information, what
information was requested, the date and time of the request, when and how the
information was delivered and any problems encountered.
 Urgency of request - responding within an appropriate timeframe which may or may not
be specified.
 Prioritizing requests - deciding in what order to respond to requests, with the most
urgent request being answered first (to enable your time to be used efficiently and
ensuring everyone gets their information when needed).
 Information required - fully understanding the type of information which is required
and knowing where to access the most up-to-date and relevant information.
 Level of security of the information - knowing who is able to gain access to the
information being requested.
o confidential - generally restricted to a few people who have been given

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the authority to access that information

o high security - not for general use, may have restrictions attached relating to
when, where, how or who may access the information

o General access - available to any person.

 Location of information - information may be available from a source within the business
(either in print or digital form); if not, you may need to seek information from outside
sources, archives or the Internet which could involve more time.
 Delivery of information - could be in print or digital form. It is important to keep a record
of when and how the information was delivered, E.g. personally, electronically, posted.
 Tracking of information - if paper files are removed from a centralized area, it is
important to keep a record of when the file was removed, who borrowed it and when it
is to be returned. If the file is passed on to someone else, this record must be updated.
Any person wishing to access a removed file will then know where it is.

Technology or business equipment can assist collection of information

 photocopier

 printer

 binder

 filing systems - manual, computerized or electronic

 answering machine

 fax machine

 telephone

 computer - including the following peripheral devices, software or applications:

o input devices including keyboards, mice, scanners, and cameras

o output devices including printer, speakers, DVD or CD ROM

o internet - vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide

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o intranet - computer network with access restricted to within a
particular organization

o email - electronic system of sending messages

o electronic diary

o word processing and spreadsheet programs

Self-check 1.1 Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. What is business record? (2 points )


2. What customer data to collect? ( 3 points )


3. How to collect customer data? ( 5 points)


4. What Points to consider when responding to requests for information? ( 5 points )


5. What technology or business equipment can assist collection of information? ( 5 points)


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Note: Satisfactory rating – 20 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 10 points Score = ___________

You can ask your trainer for the copy of the correct answers. Rating: ____________
Information Sheet 1.2 Sorting records with workplace requirements

Sorting records with workplace requirements

Organize your documents into logical categories and folders. Rely on one hard copy. Instead, create
physical backups and store them in a separate location. Use a consistent naming convention for
digital files so that you can easily search for and locates them. No matter what kind of business you
run, one thing is certain: managing and storing business documents are a fact of life. From day-to-
day invoices and bills to tax documents that you reference only once a year, business owners are
responsible for keeping track of a large amount of paperwork.

Documents business owners should keep on hand

 Tax documents:- Tax documents” is a catch-all term here for anything you’ll need to file
your business taxes. This can include financial statements and payroll documents, which
we’ll cover in more detail alone, but the majority of your tax documents will likely be
 Entity documents:- It’s rare that you’ll need to pull out the paperwork you filed with the
state to incorporate your business, but you should still know exactly where to find it.
 Financial documents:- Financial documents like invoices, bills, and monthly financial
reports may require for tax filing, but they’re also key to day-to-day operations of any
business. Need to follow up on an outstanding invoice? You should be able to reference it in a
matter of minutes.
 Leases:- Whether you have one office or many, keep all information relating to your
workspace in an easy-to-access location.
 Human resources documents:- This is a big one. Your employee information is sensitive,
and it’s imperative that you keep employee records well organized.

Where to Store Business Documents?

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Some business documents may need to be kept in a physical location. Medical practices and law
offices, in particular, might face regulations about storing physical documents. However, most can
probably be stored digitally. The more paperless you’re able to make your business, the less risk you
have of something getting lost. Here are some big do’s and don’ts when it comes to setting up a
document storage system for yourself.


Keep as much documentation in a cloud-based Wait more than 7 days after creating or receiving a
software application as possible. document to file it.

Organize your documents into logical categories Rely on one hard copy. Instead, create physical backups a
and folders. store them in a separate location.

Use a consistent naming convention for digital Store documents in multiple software systems if avoidable
files so that you can easily search for and locates Instead, try to keep everything (except backups) in one
them. centralized location.

Storage Methods of Business Documents

There are two ways to store and secure all types of business documents.

Physical Storage

Filing cabinets and a room to store all important documents physically is a requirement when storing
physical files.

Digital Storage

Electronically storing files is a good alternative to keeping files intact and ready when needed.
Unlike physical storage, digital storage allows people and corporations to store files without having
to keep hundreds of paper copies of the documents. It also allows people to search for files easily.
Electronically storing files is also very efficient.

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Which is a Better Way to Store Files – Digital or Physical?

Digitally storing files have a number of advantages that may not be enjoyed with physically storing
documents. However, physical storage also has its own advantages that make it a good choice for
businesses. For businesses that require having original copies of documents, physical storage is the
best choice. But for those that need to store huge amounts of files, such as photographs, scanned
copies of documents, digital files, and many other documents that need to be kept securely online,
using cloud storage is the best option. Both digital storage and physical storage have their own pros
and cons. Every business should consider their needs first before deciding which type of storage they
must use for their businesses. At any time, though, businesses can always choose to use both types of
storage to keep all their important documents intact, free from damage, and available for use when

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Self-check 1.2 Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. Where to Store Business Documents? ( 3 points )


2. Which is a Better Way to Store Files – Digital or Physical? (4 points)


3. What documents business owners should keep on hand? (2 points)


4. How to sorting business records with workplace requirements? ( 3 points)


Note: Satisfactory rating – 10 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 7 points Score = ___________

You can ask your trainer for the copy of the correct answers. Rating: ____________

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Adhering organizational requirements relating to security and access or

Information Sheet 1.3

Organizational requirements relating to security and access or confidentiality

All organizations must comply with this Commonwealth legislation, to protect individuals from
unwanted intrusion into their private lives and guarantee fair dealing with their personal information.
Information Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 deal with the manner and purpose of
collection of personal information, solicitation of personal information, storage of this information,
access to records of personal information, alteration of records, the checking for accuracy of records
before use, relevant use of personal information, and limits on the use of collected information.
National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 deal with the collection, use and disclosure
of data, it's quality and security, access to and correction of data, anonymity, trans border data flows
and sensitive information.

Organizational requirements
Offices generally store large amounts of information and a percentage of this will be confidential
and should not be accessible by everyone. All classified or sensitive information should be
stored in secure areas with access restricted to authorized staff. All organizations will have
policies and procedures designed to maintain security and confidentiality of information.
Examples might include:

 transferring telephone calls to a private area so confidential discussions cannot be

 ensuring mail is not left unattended or open to general public view

 using passwords to restrict access to computer records; some staff have more access
than others
 restricting access to organizational email

 storing specific hard-copy files in a lockable cupboard, filing cabinet or vault

 using encryption of computer files

 requiring a written request for release of files; the request might require

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signed authorization from a supervisor
 Regular updating of computer virus software and scanning of all computers for viruses
to protect information.
Enterprise policy will also specify how the retrieval and movement of files is monitored so that
files are not misplaced or misused

What is Confidentiality?
Confidentiality is best described as a code of behavior that allows certain restrictions to be present
around sharing an organization's data. It is also important that organizations are clear with their
employees on their expectations of what data or information must not be publicly shared. Data
confidentiality can be viewed as classified, sensitive, and public. It is important to understand these
different types of confidentiality in order to adhere to its rules. There are varying types of records
that confidentiality applies to. There are employee records that contain performance reviews, health
history that involved a leave of absence, or how many years an individual has been employed by the
organization. There are individual records that contain an employee's personal information such as an
address or phone number that should not be publicly shared. There is company confidentiality which
involves organizational specific data that should not be shared such as business practices and profits.
Rules around confidentiality of Organizational Data
In terms of confidentiality in the workplace, there are major federal rules that apply to
confidentiality. These have been put in place to protect data around employee records, company data,
and individual data. One of these federal laws is the Privacy Act of 1974. This was established to
protect individual data from being shared publicly. Under this rule, a person's individual data cannot
be shared without written consent from the individual
The Five C's of Confidentiality
 Consent: A clinician may release confidential information with the consent of the patient or a
legally authorized surrogate decision maker, such as a parent, guardian, or other surrogate
designated by an advance medical directive.
 Court Order: A clinician may release confidential information upon the receipt of an order
by a court of competent jurisdiction. (Note: Unless issued by a judge, a subpoena should not
be considered the equivalent of a court order in many jurisdictions.)
 Continued Treatment: A clinician may release confidential information necessary for the
continued treatment of a patient. (Subject to the “minimum necessary” rule of limited
 Comply with the Law: A clinician may reveal confidential information in order to comply
with mandatory reporting statutes (e.g., child abuse), law enforcement or administrative
agency investigations, business operations, and other such lawful purposes.

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Self-check 1.3 Written test
 Communicate a Threat: This is the well-known Tara off exception to confidentiality that
involves the clinician's duty to protect others from violence by a patient. The Tara off
exception exists in a variety of forms in many jurisdictions.
Confidential records

A confidential record is a record that should be accessible only to authorized people or groups due to
the sensitivity of its content. Records are confidential when:

 they contain personal information of persons of concern to staff members or stakeholders

 they are received or sent under an expectation of confidentiality

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. What key points to consider when responding to requests for information? (3 points)


2. What are organizational requirements relating to security and access or confidentiality? (4



3. What is Confidentiality?


4. Rules around confidentiality of Organizational Data


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Self-check 3 Written test

Operation sheet 1 Manage confidential records in paper format and electronic format

Note: Satisfactory
Instructions: rating
ready – 20 points
necessary and above,
materials, tools unsatisfactory
and equipment–below
have to10 Score = ___________
manage records.
A4can ask your
papers, pen, trainer
pencilsfor the file
shelf, copybox,
of the correct etc.
computer answers. Rating: ____________

Task1:- list the necessary procedures to manage confidential records in paper format.

1. Confidential files must be stored in a secure place, accessible only to the authorized persons.
Depending on the volume, the space could be a locked cabinet in or close to the office, a part of a
records center under lock and key, a dedicated records center, also under lock and key.
2. Created Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for accessing, tracking and using the files.
3. The files and their content should be always under control, the responsible of the records centre
should have a list of all existing files and their location, and a tracking system to know who and
when each file was retrieved and returned. The pages of the files should be numbered and the file
should contain a list of documents and page numbers. When files are returned to the records
centre the content of the file should be checked to ensure that documents have not been removed,
replaced or altered.
4. Confidential files should be always protected during their use. The files should never be left
unattended, and they should be locked when the person working with them leaves the office.
5. When transferring confidential files with permanent value to the organizations Archives they
should be packed only by authorized personnel and boxes should be sealed with no indication of
their content. The list of the files in the boxes should be sent to Archives separately.
6. Confidential files with no permanent value should be destroyed when no longer needed for
operational or oversight reasons. The files should be shredded or burned in the presence of a staff
member who should ensure that no information is disclosed during the destruction process and
the total destruction of the documents.
7. Check the guidance for more information on selecting, transferring and destroying
8. If you have questions regarding setting up and managing a confidential records center, destroying
or transferring confidential files please send an email .

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Task2:- list the necessary steps to manage confidential records in electronic format.

1. Confidential records in electronic format should be saved in a restricted folder in a safe

manner. The folder should be accessible only to the users that have the right to work with or
read the documents.
2. While reading or working with confidential files in your computer make sure that nobody can
read your screen while working, and that your computer is locked before you leave the office.
3. Security of confidential documents should be maintained also when sharing the information,
instead of sending them as email attachments, save the document in e safe and send only the
4. If you have questions regarding setting up and managing electronic files in e-SAFE please
send an email .

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Learning Guide # 67 LO 2:- Update business or records system

Instruction sheet
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics-
 Identify and record control information for describing new records
 Update control information describing movement
 record and update control information accurately in business or records system
 Identify and remove records of complete business activities from current system for
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
 Identifying and recording control information for describing new records
 Updating control information describing movement
 Recording and updating control information accurately in business or records system
 Identifying and removing records of complete business activities from current system for disposal
Learning Instructions:
Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
Follow the instructions described below.
1. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed.
Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
2. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following each information sheets.
3. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct
your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
4. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets placed at the end of each LO
5. Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets”
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to the next learning guide.
7. Reflect broad conceptual knowledge and adaptive vocational and generic skills
8. Reflect essential knowledge, skills or attitudes;
9. Focus on results of the learning experiences;
10. Reflect the desired end of the learning experience, not the means or the process;
11. Represent the minimum performances that must be achieved to successfully complete a course or
12. Answer the question, "Why should a student take this course anyway

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Information sheet 2.1 Identify and record control information for describing new records

Business records

A business record is a document that records business dealing. Business records include meeting
minutes, memoranda, employment contracts, and accounting source documents. It must be
retrievable at a later date so that the business dealings can be accurately reviewed as required.

A document that is used to store information from business operations, Types of operations having
business records include meetings and contracts, as well as transactions such as purchases, bills of
lading and invoices. Business records can be stored as reference material and reviewed later.

Why you need to keep records?

If you have to fill in and send us a tax return, the law says that you should keep all the records and
documents you need to enter the right figures. If we need to check your return, we may ask to see the
records you used to complete it.

Record keeping penalties

If you do not keep adequate records or you do not keep your records for the required period of time,
you may have to pay a penalty.

Penalties for an inaccurate return

If you send us an inaccurate return you may have to pay a penalty. Complete, readable and accurate
records will help you fill in your return correctly and so help you to avoid this penalty. Some of the
ways in which you can show you’ve taken reasonable care include:

• keeping full and accurate records which are regularly updated and saved securely

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• Checking with HMRC or an agent or accountant if there is something that you
don’t understand.

Keeping accurate records helps you

Having an accurate record keeping system which you keep up to date will help you:
• pay the right amount of tax
• avoid paying any extra tax or penalties
• keep track of your expenses
• see quickly what you are owed by others and how much you owe them
• ask for a bank loan or credit if you need to
• Save time and accountancy costs
• Receive the right amount of benefits or credits.

How to keep your records?

The law does not say how you must keep your records. You need to keep some original
documents which show that tax has been deducted. Most records can be kept electronically (on a
computer or any storage device such as disk, CD, memory stick or microfilm) as long as the
method you use:

• captures all the information on the document (front and back), and

• Allows the information to be presented to us in a readable format, if we need to see it.

What control information should be recorded to describe new records in an organization?

The control information that should be taken is the records control management which forms the
physical controls for the organization and is used to keep confidential records secure and the new
records in safety.

What is business record management system?

Records Management system (RMS) is the management of records for an organization

throughout the records-life cycle. The activities in this management include the systematic and
efficient control of the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the records along with the
business transactions associated with them. Records management is the planning, controlling,
directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities involved in records

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creation, maintenance and use, and disposition to achieve adequate and proper documentation of
the policies and transactions of the Federal Government.

Controlling information and new records

Information system security is the integrity and safety of its resources and activities.
Confidentiality is the status accorded to data, limiting its use and dissemination. Thus, we can
keep certain data confidential to enforce our privacy policies. Information threats have four
principal sources which include:
 Human error
 Computer abuse or crime
 Natural and political disasters
 Failures of hardware or software
Role of business Information Controls

 Prevent an error or an attack from taking effect

 Detect a violation
 Detect and correct an exceptional situation.
Pre Steps to a Business Record Keeping System that works

Here are five easy steps in creating a simple business record keeping system: Capture Check,
Record, Review, and Act.

First, CAPTURE the information. If it isn’t there, it doesn’t exist. As you start your business,
get in the habit of capturing everything, so it becomes automatic. “Capture” is the most difficult,
and the most important part of the process; it’s a matter of forming the habit of collecting
information. Keep track of every amount you spend for your business and every amount you
take in as sales. Don’t worry at this point about doing anything with the information. Just be sure
everything you capture includes (a) a description of the item, (b) the amount, and (c) the date.

Second, CHECK. Every two weeks, spend an hour going through everything and checking it.
Check to see that all the information you have is ready for recording. Be sure you have included
the date and amount, and enough detail on what the expense was for that you can record it

Third, RECORD. Recording means putting your financial information into useable form. After
everything is checked, turn it over to your bookkeeper to record, or record it yourself. Do this

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monthly. Input the information into a spreadsheet or accounting software. You might also find
that online software works for you, so you and your bookkeeper can both see the information and
discuss it. Just be sure you get everything recorded each month, so you can review it.

Fourth, REVIEW. After your business information has been recorded each month, print out
your reports. For each report, include a comparison with the same report information from last
month. Pay special attention to specific information within the reports.
Finally, ACT. In most cases, “ACT” can mean doing nothing, if everything looks all right. In

Self-check 2.1 Written test

other cases, it might mean making a change. Create “trigger points” where the information
compels you to act.

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. Why you need to keep records? ( 2 points)

2. What is business record management system? ( 2 points)

3. What control information should be recorded to describe new records in an organization? ( 5

4. Explain the role of business record keeping? ( 6 points )


Note: Satisfactory rating – 8 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 5 points

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Information sheet 2.2 Updating control information describing movement or use of records

Control of Records

Establish and control records as evidence of conformity to requirements and to demonstrate the
effective operation of the quality management system. Establish a documented procedure to define
the controls needed for records:
 Identification
 Storage
 Protection
 Retrieval
 Retention
 Disposition
 Keep records legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable.
Organizations must establish a documented procedure to:
 Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue
 Review, update as necessary, and re-approve documents
 Identify the changes and current document revision status
 Make relevant documents available at points of use
 Ensure the documents remain legible and readily identifiable
 Identify external documents and control their distribution
 Prevent obsolete documents from unintended use
 Apply suitable identification if obsolete documents are retained

Controlled Documents

 are revisable in accordance with approved processes

 are usually distributed on a timely basis

 have a defined status to reflect approval and use limitations

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 have integrated change control with configuration management

 govern plant operations


 has a secured index and storage location

 are static and cannot be revised

 can only be corrected or supplemented in accordance with approved processes

Controlling File Movement for Filing and Archiving Purposes

Files are issued to action officers in at least three circumstances.
 A document arrives in the Records Office, is recorded and filed, and the file is passed to the
 A file is to be ‘brought up’ to the officer.
 The officer requests the file in person or by telephone.
File Transit Sheet
The file transit sheets show the location, at all times, of all the files opened by the Records Office.
File movement must be recorded promptly to enable the Records Office to provide an efficient and
reliable file retrieval service. The following must be included:

 Security grading (if relevant)

 File reference number
 File title
 Indexing headings (taken from the File Index)
 Any previous or subsequent file numbers
 The file’s location (to whom sent and on what date).

File Movement Slip

Files are frequently passed backwards and forwards between officers for short periods as a part of
everyday business. Short‐term file movements, for example, when an action officer passes a file to
another officer to read a document on the file, need not be recorded in the records office. As a
general rule an officer completes an action on a file and passes the file to another officer, even if only
temporarily, the action officer should inform the records office.

File Transit Ladder

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Each file movement must be recorded on the transit ladder on the front of the file cover. This records
the same information that appears on the file transit sheet. Transit ladders provide a record of all
officers who have handled any particular file. When a ladder is full, it must be replaced with a new
blank ladder.

File Census
It must be accepted that sometimes an officer will pass a file to another officer when he/she has
finished using it, without the file’s transfer being recorded in the Records Office. In order to confirm
the location of files which are not in the Records Office’s custody, records staff should carry out a
regular census of every file outside the Records Office. If no discrepancies are found the frequency
of file censuses can be reduced.

Recording the Return of Files to Records Office Custody

The return of files to the Records Office custody is a ‘file movement’ and must be fully recorded
always on the file’s transit ladder and on the transit sheet.

Requests for Files

All requests for files from the Records Office should be directed to the Head of the Records Office
who is responsible for ensuring that file movements are fully recorded before files are issued. In the
case of a request for a file which is in use elsewhere, Records Office staff should locate the file and
ask the person requiring the file for instructions.

Tracing Missing Files

If a file is missing, the Records Office must proceed as follows.
 The Head of the Records Office must contact the action officer to whom the file was last
recorded in the file’s transit sheet and ask him or her to trace it.
 If this fails or is impracticable, the Head of the Records Office must circulate a note to all
officers in the department/ministry asking them to check whether they have the file.
 If the file still cannot be found, a special search must be initiated by an officer with specific
authority to ensure that the search is effective. The search must be repeated several times if
 As soon as the Records Office staff learn that a file is missing and may be lost, they must
write the words ‘missing file’ on the relevant transit sheet. A list of missing files should be
maintained by the Head of the Records Office, periodic searches carried out and a record kept
of the areas searched.

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Self-check 2.2 Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. How to updating and controlling business information? ( 2 points )


2. Why controlling business documents (3 points )


3. How to tracing mising files. ( 5 points)


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Note: Satisfactory rating – 8 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 5 points Score = ___________
Recording and updating control information accurately in business or
Information sheet 2.3 Rating: ____________
You can ask your trainer for the copy of the correct answers.
records system

Information Control, updating and Records Management Process

Business Need: Document control provides information to be used in plant operations and
o Information or document maintenance. Records management provides long-term evidence of those
Control activities.
o Updating and
o Records Management
Inputs: Internal information and external unmanaged information
New information Process: Generate or capture information and then review and approve, as
needed. If the information is not accepted, the information is rejected.
Outputs: Received information, waste
Inputs: Unmanaged information
Process: Classify information to ensure it is grouped within the correct
External document context according to the established criteria. If information cannot be
classified, it cannot be managed and will be rejected.
Material is discarded, kept as reference material, or accepted as a
Outputs: Received information, waste

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Inputs: New or revised documents/records
Process: Prepare the document for review. This may include a
Internal document
transformation, as many utilities use an electronic workflow.
Outputs: Received information
Inputs: Received information
Information reviewed and Process: Review and authorize the information in accordance with
authorized, as needed established processes.
Outputs: Authorized information
Inputs: Authorized information
Ensure quality Process: Ensure the information meets standards.
Outputs: Verified information
Inputs: Authorized information
Process: Verify that the information meets quality requirements. If it is
Verify quality not acceptable, work with the originating department to either fix the
information or obtain conforming information.
Outputs: Conforming information

Inputs: Conforming information

Process: Determine whether the accepted information needs to be in a different
Transform medium or format. Standards are based on what format the information should be in
for further processing and may also consider whether it needs to be in a sustainable
document, if
file type. For example, some utilities only handle safeguards in hard copy.
A hard copy is kept if the information cannot be transformed properly or if it is
needed for a future revision. In the latter case, an electronic file is still created.
Outputs: Verified information
Inputs: Verified information
Controlled Process: Identify index and submit controlled documents to document Control
(DC) and transmit records to Records Management (RM).
Outputs: Submitted documents, transmitted records
Transmit to Inputs: controlled document
Process: Transmit to RM in accordance with the established procedure for that
record type. Completed records should be transmitted in a prescribed time frame.
Outputs: Transmitted records
Inputs: Submitted documents
Process: Receiving the document includes verifying the document meets
Receive acceptance standards and indexing the document.
Outputs: Indexed document

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Inputs: Submitted documents
Process: Check document for: document number and revision if applicable
document title approval and date completeness legibility if electronic, proper file
Verify type special identification; for example, use level, proprietary/confidential,
quality safeguards.
Outputs: Accepted documents
Inputs: accepted documents
Process: Documents are stored, the status is updated, and they are maintained and
Store protected.
Outputs: Stored documents
File hard Inputs: Indexed documents
Process: Hard copy documents are physically placed in storage, and electronic files
copy and
are committed to electronic storage.
Outputs: Stored documents

Inputs: Stored documents

Update Process: The status is updated in the document management system.
status Outputs: Approved documents
Inputs: Approved documents
Maintain storage Process: Monitor physical storage conditions, including the exclusion of
location activities
Inputs: that could harm
Maintained the documents, such as eating, drinking, and smoking.
Outputs: Maintained documents
Retrieve Process: Locate and use the document needed.
Inputs: Retrieveddocuments
Maintained documents
Assess storage Input: Stored
Process: documents
Periodically assess the physical and electronic storage mechanisms to
maintenance Process: Information
ensure documents are being is located
properlyusing metadata and
maintained or content searches.
protected. Located
This would
View and verify include
information can befor
monitoring viewed
missing subject to proprietary, confidentiality, or other access
Outputs: Assessment
restrictions. Ensure thereports
image matches the search criteria used.
Inputs: Verified
Original documents
File or destroy Process: Determine if the original needs to be kept to enable creation of future
original revisions or if a hard copy needs to be kept for a backup to the electronic copy. If
the Approved
original does notdocuments
need to be kept, destroy it in accordance with any special
Process: Newif documents
requirements applicable;or forrevisions are incorporated
example, safeguards, into copyholder
proprietary. Forfiles, and
follow-up occurs
documents, to ensure
a record will alsothisexist;
is completed
a timely basis.being destroyed is
usually oneUpdated
that hasfiles
only been kept for convenience, not to meet any retention
Inputs: Approved
Outputs: documents
Filed original documents, waste
Transmit Process: When a new or revised document is updated in the document
management system, a notification is generated to affected personnel as defined
in a documented distribution list of copyholders. A hard copy or other medium
would need to be sent, if any copyholder does not make a Version copy from
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Outputs: Notifications
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Inputs: Notifications
services to customers
Acknowledge Process: The copyholder:
prints and files the new copies destroys revised/superseded/cancelled copy in
accordance with any special requirements, if applicable; for example, safeguards,
proprietary returns a receipt notice, if required
Outputs: Updated copyholder files

Identifying and removing records of complete business activities

Information sheet 2.4
from current system for disposal

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Method of business document removal
 Burning
 Shredding
 Destroying Digital Documents
 Pulping
What is document disposal?
Disposal" refers to the disposal of the record whether by physical destruction or transfer to the
University Archives at the end of its retention period.

How to Dispose of Confidential Business Documents?

Secure disposal of documents is a crucial process that a company must follow to avoid costly
information breaches. There isn’t a business that doesn’t have some sort of confidential
documentation that needs to be protected and the risks posed by any sensitive information going
missing, either by misfortune or through criminal activity, are extremely high. Companies that
hold a lot of paper-based documents and files are at a higher risk.

What are confidential business documents?

Confidential documents are any documentation that has personal information about an individual,
customer or client. Personal data is information about an individual that can be used to identify
him/her. It’s vital that everyone in a business understands what’s sensitive and what isn’t.
Confidential documents can be anything from company financial records to employee details,
home addresses, names and credit card numbers.

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Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. What are the treats of business information? ( 5 points)

2. List the method of business document removal. ( 2 points )
3. How to Dispose of Confidential Business Documents? ( 4 points)
4. What are confidential business documents? ( 4 points)

Self-check 2.1 written test

Note: Satisfactory rating – 15 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 10 points

Score = ___________
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Learning Guide # 68 LO 3:- Preparing reports from the business or recording system
Instruction sheet
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics-
 Interpret requests for reports and clarify the content and frequency sought,
Prepare reports from business or records system
Prepare reports with organizational security and access procedures
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
 Interpreting requests for reports and clarify the content and frequency sought
 Preparing reports from business or records system
 Preparing reports with organizational security and access procedures

Learning Instructions:
Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
Follow the instructions described below.
1. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed.
Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
2. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following each information sheets.
3. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct your
work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
4. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets placed at the end of each LO
5. Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets”
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to the next learning guide.
7. Reflect broad conceptual knowledge and adaptive vocational and generic skills
8. Reflect essential knowledge, skills or attitudes;
9. Focus on results of the learning experiences;
10. Reflect the desired end of the learning experience, not the means or the process;
11. Represent the minimum performances that must be achieved to successfully complete a course or

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12. Answer the question, "Why should a student take this course anyway

Information sheet 3.1 Interpreting, preparing and accessing business reports

Business system
A methodical procedure or process that is used as a delivery mechanism for providing specific goods
or services to customers.

Record to report
Record to report or R2R is the management process for providing strategic, financial and
operational feedback to understand how a business is performing. It covers the steps involved in
preparing and reporting the overall accounts which are typically stored in a general or nominal
ledger and managed by a Controller. The detailed steps involved are:
 data extraction
 data collection
 data validation
 data transformation (generation of voucher)
 voucher posting (to general ledger)
 storing vouchers in de-normalized and compressed format
 generating analysis account trial balance or consolidated analysis account trial balance
 generating user-defined financial and management reports

In general the Record to Report function is not engaged in processing transactions, but rather the
aggregation of existing data in computer systems to enable meaningful performance reporting to be
prepared for management. However, the R2R function may be a part of a broader accounting
department. In accounting terms an ideal IT platform (or ERM system) would be one which
presents the data management need at the press of a button, however, various factors such as
legacy systems, complexity, changing information needs and so on usually mean a team is needed
on an ongoing basis to ensure the correct format reports are prepared.
What to expect in such a report:

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- Financial performance and position - key performance indicators/metrics
- Business commentary on the performance - reconciliation of actual results to budget, forecast
and prior year results

What is business report?

A business report uses headings and subheadings, as well as tables, diagrams, and bullet points, if
needed, to make the data easy for the reader to understand. The main function of the report is to
communicate relevant information and facts clearly, quickly, and efficiently. A business report
is also a collection of data and analyses that helps make relevant information easily accessible to a
company. A business report can include some of the following sections:

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How to Write a Business Report?

Business reports are one of the most effective ways to communicate in today’s business world.
Although business reports' objectives are broad in scope, businesses or individuals can use them to
help make important decisions. To write an effective business report, you first need to understand
what it is and how it can be used.

Deciding What Type of Report to Write

1. Present an idea. A report that presents an idea is called a justification/recommendation

report. You can use these reports to make suggestions to management or other important
decision makers. This report typically contains a summary and body. The summary
highlights your request. The report’s body delves into the benefits, costs, risks, etc.,
associated with your request.
2. Present risks involved with a specific opportunity. An investigative report helps
determine the risks involved with a specific course of action. This type of report is great
for helping a company anticipate repercussions. The report will contain an introduction,
body and conclusion. The introduction highlights the problem under investigation. The
body is used to discuss the facts and results of the investigation. The conclusion is used to
summarize. For instance, say pharmaceutical company X wants to partner with
pharmaceutical company Y but has some concerns. Company X doesn’t want to partner
with a company that has current financial problems or has had financial problems in the
past. Company X conducts an investigation and uses an investigative report to discuss in-
depth financial information on company Y and its directors.
3. Present compliance information to a governing body. This report, known as a
compliance report, helps companies show accountability. A company will use a
compliance report to show proof to a governing body (city, state, federal government,
etc.) that it is following all applicable laws/rules and that it is spending money
properly. The report contains an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction
typically includes an overview of the report’s major sections. The body contains the
specific data, facts, etc., that the regulatory entity needs to know. The conclusion is
used to summarize. For instance, CALPERS (California Public Employees Retirement
System) needed to show its board of administration that it followed all applicable laws
and rules in 2010. It put together an annual compliance report to show their activities
for the year
4. Present the feasibility of an idea or proposed project. An exploratory report to
determine whether an idea will work is called a feasibility report. The report should
contain a summary and body. The summary presents the idea. The body covers the
benefits, potential problems, associated costs, etc., of the proposed idea. A company
might use a feasibility report to explore questions such as these: Can this project be
completed within its budget? Will the project be profitable? Can this project be

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completed within the allotted time frame?
5. Present research found in a study. A research studies report presents research on an
issue or problem. It’s an in-depth look at a very specific issue. The report should
contain an abstract (summary), introduction, methods, results, conclusion and
recommendation. It should also cite the study or studies involved. For example, a
business might conduct a company-wide study on whether to ban smoking in its
employee lounge. The person who writes up the study would produce a research
studies report.
6. Help a company improve its policies, products or processes via consistent monitoring.
This report, called a periodic report, is written at fixed intervals, such as weekly,
monthly, quarterly, etc. It may examine efficiency, profit and loss, or any other metric
over the chosen interval. For instance, a pharmaceutical sales representative might
provide a monthly summary of his or her sales calls.
7. Report on a specific situation. A specific situation as opposed to a fixed interval calls
for a situational report. The situation can be as simple as the information provided at a
conference or as complex as a report on the response to a natural disaster. These reports
contain an introduction, body and conclusion. Use the introduction to identify the event
and briefly preview what you cover in the body of the report. The conclusion discusses
the undertaken or necessary actions for the situation. As an example, a state’s
governing body would like a situational report after a hurricane.
8. Present several solutions for a problem or situation. A yardstick report weighs
several potential solutions for a given situation. Based on the results, the writer would
recommend a particular course of action. A yardstick report should contain an
introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction states the report’s purpose. The
body presents the situation or problem followed by potential solutions/alternatives. The
conclusion reveals the best solution or alternative. For instance, ABC Auto
Manufacturing, Inc. Wants to open a plant in Asia. The report might narrow down
three country options based on the company’s needs. The report would then conclude
which of the three countries is the best location for the new plant.

How to prepare to write business reports

Understanding Report Basics

Reports are used very often in today’s business world. When we are seeking support for a project,
for instance. Business reports always solve problems and answer questions. In the following
paragraph we will explain what are the different functions, patterns, formats, and writing styles that
can be used when writing a report. First of all, you need to know what the function of your report
is. Your report can be informational or analytical. An informational report only aims to inform the
reader about the subject matters. You simply need to collect and present the data without analysis,
interpretations, or recommendations. An example of informational report is the financial statement

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of a company. Whereas an analytical report is generally made to persuade, convince someone. In
an analytical report the writer provides data, analyses, conclusion and, if needed,

There are also two possibilities of patterns. You have to know if you are going to organize your
report directly or indirectly. The Direct pattern is, as its name suggest, direct; this means that the
report starts with the introduction, show the facts and finishes with a summary. When a direct
pattern is used the conclusion and recommendations are placed near the beginning of the report.
Informational reports generally use direct pattern. But direct patterns are also used for analytical
reports, when the reader do not want to waste time reading the facts, finding, discussion, and
analysis, in other words, when only the conclusion and recommendations matters for the reader.
But if the reader is not familiar with the problem, the report can easily become confusing. Using an
indirect pattern means explaining, justifying, and analyzing before giving the conclusion
recommendations at the end. This type of pattern is useful when the reader is not familiar with the
topic, or when you need to persuade people that may not appreciate the conclusion. You will also
need to choose among four types of possible format. The format chosen depends on the length,
topic, audience, and purpose. The Letter format is used when writing a short informal report
addressed outside an organization. This kind of report is presented almost the same way as a letter
with the date, inside address, salutation, and complimentary close. But letter reports are longer; it
contains more information, and are better organized than any random letter. The memo format is
approximately the same as the letter format, in a sense that it is useful when writing a short
informal report. Only, memo reports stays within the organization. They are longer, include
headings, and are better organized than regular memo. Memo reports begin with “Date”, “To”,
“From” and “Subject”.
If you are writing a long formal report an adapted format is manuscript format. These reports begin
with a title and use headings and subheadings. Most of the time they are printed on plain paper
as opposed to the memo format and letter format reports; finally, for reports made on a regular
basis such as sales report or financial report, the corresponding format is printed form (prepared or
preprinted forms). These reports are useful because they help saving time, and remembering all the
information needed. Finally you the writing style depends on the purpose and audience, they can
be formal or informal. The Figure below shows and compares the characteristics of each of the two
possible writing styles.

Determine the Purpose of the Business Report

A Business report has to be developed methodically in order to be consistent, interesting, and to
meet the expectations. Thus, writing process is adaptable and useful when writing a report.
In order to write a good business message, the easiest way is to make have systematic plan to

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follow. When writing a business report it is smart to adapt technique. Obviously, since you are
writing a business report some steps will be more important than others and you will have to spend
more time on them. Thus we can divide the writing process into seven steps:
1) Analyze the problem and purpose
2) Anticipate the audience and issues
3) Prepare a work plan
4) Implement your researchstrategy
5) Organize, analyze, interpret, and illustrate the data
6) Compose the final draft
7) Revise proofread, and evaluate
In order to do this, you also need to know what your boss exactly wants (analyze, choose,
investigate, compare, justify, evaluate, recommend and so on). You will also have to consider three
other factors:
1) The scope that tells you what issue or element will be investigated (usually told by you
2) The significance of the project, which simply tells you why you are doing what you are
doing and may actually help you realize that the topic doesn‟t worth investigating.
3) The limitations, which can be time, geography, culture etc now you can write a relevant
statement of purpose
The next step is “Anticipate the audience and issues”. In this step you have to take into account
every people that might read your report, and ask yourself some key questions about them. For
instance, “What do my readers need to know about this topic”, “what is their education level”,
“how will they react to this information”. Thanks to these questions you will know who your report
is addressed to, but they also help the writer determine what to talk about in the report, how much
detail to add, the kind of language, what presentation to use and so on. Once you have answered all
these questions, you can start breaking the major problem into sub problems, which will mainly be
the different alternatives that you found to the problem, and develop these subparts of your report.
The last major part of the writing process is “Preparing a work plan” the work plan should give an
overview of the project: resources, priorities, course of action, and schedule. Now that we
understand the function of a report and how to apply writing process, the most fundamental aspect
of the report writing process begins: Research and the collection of data. It is the most important
aspect of the preparation process since the report will be measured primarily on how good the data
is. Below are five forms of data that can be used to stimulate the right questions to get the most
accurate and pertinent information for the report.

Guidelines for effective business reports writing

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 Plan your business report based on what you want to achieve.
 Structure your report carefully so that it is easy to follow.
 Make your report easy to skim read and include an executive summary.
 Use a professional, authoritative tone throughout.
 Proofread your report to ensure it is error free.

Purposes of report writing

A report has lots of purposes both in the academic and professional world. But since It’s usually
used in the professional world most of the time, we are going to share with you the three main
purposes of this document:
A. Making decisions
In our modern world today, most individuals and business organizations need a lot of information.
Reports provide huge amounts of information that is required to make important decisions. Also,
individuals get to understand a specific area based on the information presented in a report.
B. Conducting investigations using report
When there is a serious problem, a study group, committee, or commission investigates the issue to
find the root cause of the problem and present findings with the recommendations in a report. At
school and in the business world, problems will always arise. However, how you deal with these
problems determines whether you’ll grow and thrive or fail miserably. Professionals who delegate
this task to a report writing service will understand the problems that they are facing and come up
with effective solutions.
C. Professional advancement
A report plays a huge role in professional advancement. To get promoted and improve job
satisfaction, intellectual ability is essential. And this ability can be demonstrated by writing a good
report and submitting it to the relevant authorities.
D. Managerial tool
Reports are essential for managers because they can be used for organizing, planning, motivating,
coordinating, and controlling. All managers need reports to get essential information that will help
them make informed decisions. When managers make informed decisions, the business will
naturally grow and thrive.

E. Transmitting Information

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Business report is a very important for transmitting information from one person to another or
forms one level to another. Although a manager can personally collect required information in a
small scale enterprise, it is not possible in the context of a large scale organization. In the latter
case, the managers rely on reports for obtaining necessary information.
F. Interpretation and Explanation of event
Report provides interpretation and explanation of information. As a result, readers can easily
understand it.

G. Communication with external stakeholders

In addition to internal use, reports also communicate information to the external stakeholders like
shareholders, creditors, customers, suppliers, government officials and various regulatory agencies.
In the absence of formal business report, such stakeholders would remain at dark about the
H. Development of information base
Reports also contribute to the development of information based in organization. It develops an
information base in two ways. Firstly, day to day information is recorded permanently for writing
reports. Secondly, the written reports are preserved for future reference. In these ways, reports help
in developing an h3 and sound information base.

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Self-check 3.1 Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. If you have to need some clarifications feel- frees
to ask your trainer.

1. What is business report? ( 2 oints)

2. List components of business report? (5 points)
3. Writ the steps of pareparing business report. (2 points)
4. What is the purpose of business reporte? ( 3 points)
5. How to access business reports? ( 3 points )

Note: Satisfactory rating – 10 points and above, unsatisfactory –below 7 points

Score = ___________
You can ask your trainer for the copy of the correct answers.
Rating: ____________

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Operation sheet 3.1 Prepare business reports

Instructions: ready necessary materials, tools and equipment have to prepare business reports.

A4 papers, pen, pencils, spread sheet, computer etc.

Task1:- list the necessary procedures to prepare business reports .

1) Analyze the problem and purpose

2) Anticipate the audience and issues
3) Prepare a work plan
4) Implement your business report strategy
5) Compose the final draft
6) Revise proofread, and evaluate

7) Organize, analyze, interpret, and illustrate the data

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