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Seven Line Prayer Accumulation

Please join the global

accumulation of the
Seven-Line Prayer, a
powerful method to
heal our world.

Click here to add your accumulations

once a month:

Submit Accumulations

Current count: 152,392,513

Of all the prayers to the great and glorious

master of Oddiyana, embodiment of all
Buddhas past, present, and to come, the
invocation composed of seven vajra verses
is supreme.
— Mipham the Great (1846-1912)

There is no need to get bogged down in the

complexities of the kyerim and things like
that which we don't really understand.
Simply doing this practice [the Seven-Line
Prayer] alone is su!cient.
— H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987)

In the future during the darkest of times—

although there exists a great variety of
bene"cent buddhas and deities—invoking
me, Orgyen Padma Jungne, will bring the
greatest bene"t
— Padmasambhava

Why we are joining

together to recite
21,000,000,000 and why
this invocation is so
The Seven-Line Prayer, an invocation of the Indian
Mahasiddha named Padmasambhava—also o#en
referred to as Guru Rinpoche, "Precious Guru" and
known as the Second Buddha—is not merely a prayer.
It also functions as a method to awaken one's own
primordial wisdom-mind according to the profound
path of Ati Yoga. Although Padmasambhava is a
historical "gure who's known for establishing the
Dharma in the land of Tibet, removing all obstacles
and training his heart disciples; it's also understood
that he achieved a miraculous state beyond death
through which he can spontaneously bene"t all those
who address him with heartfelt devotion. The Seven-
Line Prayer is universally known as the best means
with which to do so.

One special revealer of Padmasambhava's hidden

treasure teachings in the 20th century, widely
considered to be both his emanation and regent, was
Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche (1904-
1987). Dudjom Rinpoche's own son, heart disciple and
lineage heir known as Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu
Rinpoche, in the years prior to his Mahaparinirvana
in 2018, o#en repeated this heartfelt advice to many
of his disciples:

The most important activity to help

dispel imminent global obstacles to
peace and harmony, as well as
environmental problems, disease and
instability, is to recite and accumulate
the Seven-Line Prayer.
At the time when Rinpoche last spoke of this in early
2018, he increased the number he felt would be able
to shi# our world's destructive course from one
billion recitations to twenty one billion
(21,000,000,000). The implication was that the
negative potentials had gained so much momentum
that it would require this immense number to turn
the tide. Clearly this will require a global e$ort!

Now this is not an e$ort speci"c to one sangha or one

lineage. Firstly, Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu
Rinpoche has merged with the dharmakaya, so he
can not oversee this, although he was an initial
inspiration. Secondly, the only way to achieve such a
vast number is through an egalitarian spirit of
collaboration among monks, nuns, yogis and yoginis
around the world from various sanghas, monasteries,
nunneries, gars, etc. in a way never done before. And
not just Nyingmapas, but from all schools, anyone
who feels faith and devotion to Guru
Padmasambhava. In an inspiring example of this,
Kyabje Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche—an emanation of the
great Terton Pema Lingpa—has fully endorsed this
global accumulation, asking all those connected with
him to join. He also graciously agreed to compose a
short piece of writing on the bene"ts of this
invocation, to help encourage everyone to join.

Photo of a hand carved stone with Bhakha Tulku

Rinpoche’s calligraphy of the Seven Line Prayer

Already we have accumulated a great number, and

are approaching 200 million, however this is a small
portion of the vast goal. So please join and spread the
word, and encourage others to as well. If everyone
joins in with joyful diligence it is certain that we can
accomplish our goal.

Each person who joins a vast collective accumulation

like this—no matter the amount they contribute—
gathers the same merit as if they had achieved the
total on their own.

So let's use this time when millions of us in many

countries are forced to stay at home wisely, to
progress in this accumulation for our own protection
and for everyone's bene"t. And please share this
website as widely as possible.

Make sure to click the links in the menu for

teachings, events, sadhanas and more. If you have
any questions, email

Signup for our Email List here

The way to accomplish oneself as Guru

Rinpoche, is all rooted in the Seven-Line
— Terton Pema Garwang Chi-me Yungdrung Lingpa

If you really recite this prayer from your

heart, then there's no way that you can
avoid bringing Guru Rinpoche forth and
invoking him. So it's extremely powerful.
And you should practice it at all times
continually. . . If you really focus on the
Seven-Line Prayer, then it is certain that
the blessings will come. The blessings of
Guru Rinpoche will spring out and be born
in your mind stream.
— Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche (1930–2016)

Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche

A sacred terma statue of Guru Rinpoche known as

Guru Dewa Chenpo, said to liberate one upon seeing
it. This was one of the most precious items kept by
Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, who
would o#en sit in meditation with it. While he
meditated with it, it would shed tears of amrita.

"Guru Nangsi Zilnon" statue of Guru Rinpoche made

entirely out of mendrup / dutsi by Kyabje Dudjom
Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche

Special embroidered thangka of Guru Rinpoche made

by Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche's
eldest daughter Semo Dechen Yudron.

Bhaka Tulku Rinpoche

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