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8156216294 Lagos, 0, Nigeria

As an Executive Assistant at Zee Oil and Gas, I provided high-level administrative support to executives
by managing their schedules, arranging travel, and preparing expense reports. Additionally, I coordinated
meetings and events, conducted research to support decision-making, and maintained confdentiality with
prozessionalism. I also contributed to the organi'ationBs eDciency by handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
As a Musiness %evelopment Fanager prior to my role as an Executive Assistant, I successzully developed and
executed business strategies resulting in a 25S increase in revenue. Curthermore, I led negotiations zor several
high-value contracts with key clients resulting in long-term partnerships while developing strong relationships
with industry partners and government agencies.

dcatEnioU dZperieUte
Imo unEne vUiserBiny Owerri .ee oi! EUc xEB
hEt'e!orgB cexree
dZetanise ABBiBnEUn
Apr 2019 - Nov 2021 over 2 years

- Jerved as an Executive Assistant at Zee Oil and Gas zor a

specifed period oz time.
- Jupported high-level executives with administrative tasks
such as scheduling, travel arrangements, and expense re-
- •oordinated meetings and events, prepared presentations,
and conducted research to support decision-making.
- Faintained confdential inzormation with discretion and pro-
zessionalism while working collaboratively with other team
- •ontributed to the eDcient zunctioning oz the organi'ation
by handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

haBiUeBB cese!opmeUn mEUExer

Pan 2018 - Far 2019 about 1 year

- Juccesszully developed and executed business strategies

resulting in a 25S increase in revenue
- Led negotiations zor several high-value contracts with key
clients, resulting in long-term partnerships
- %eveloped and maintained strong relationships with indus-
try partners, government agencies, and stakeholders
- •onducted market research to identizy new opportunities
zor growth and expansion

owered by
dmp!oymeUnM GEce eEByM
Linda Opara H 1 oz 2 Learn more at
- •ollaborated with cross-zunctional teams to ensure seam-
less project execution and delivery.

zE GEca P'onoxrEp'y
dZetanise ABBiBnEUn
Far 2014 - Aug 2016 over 2 years

- Fanaged •EOBs calendar and Itinerary

- Fanaged the role oz zront desk oDcer.
- andled documentation oz customers inzormation.
- Musiness process improvement.

owered by
dmp!oymeUnM GEce eEByM
Linda Opara H 2 oz 2 Learn more at

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