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School Rules and Code of Conduct

Welcome to the School Rule Manual. Here are the important rules and behaviors that
should be followed at our school to create a respectful and productive learning
environment for everyone.

General Rules:
1. Punctuality: Students should arrive on time for classes to avoid disruptions and
not interrupt the learning process.
2. Respect: Respectful interaction with others is essential. Students should
respect their classmates, teachers, and school staff and behave politely.
3. Cleanliness and Orderliness: Students should keep their work areas clean and
respect school property.
4. Uniform or Dress Code: Students should adhere to the applicable clothing rules
and dress appropriately.
5. Use of Mobile Phones and Electronics: The use of mobile phones and other
electronic devices should be in accordance with school regulations.

Classroom Behavior:
1. Attention: Students should be attentive in class and follow the teachers'
2. Homework: Students should complete their homework assignments on time and
actively participate in the learning process.
3. Noise Level: Students should speak quietly during class to avoid disturbing
4. Asking Questions: Students should ask questions if they do not understand
something and actively participate in classroom activities.

Behavior During Breaks:

1. Playgrounds and Common Areas: Students should stay in the designated areas
during breaks and use playground equipment responsibly.
2. Respectful Behavior: Students should behave respectfully during breaks,
peacefully resolve conflicts, and not harass other students.

Safety and Emergency Procedures:

1. Safety on School Grounds: Students should be mindful of their own and others'
well-being. Dangerous or inappropriate actions should be avoided.
2. Emergency Procedures: Students should be familiar with emergency procedures and
act calmly and cooperatively in case of emergencies.

Disciplinary Measures:
In case of violations of school rules, disciplinary measures may be taken. This may
include a warning, additional tasks, or other appropriate measures.

Please note that these rules are intended to create a respectful and safe learning
environment. It is important for all students, teachers, and school staff to
contribute to the observance of these rules in order to ensure the best possible
school environment for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to a successful school community!

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