Blood Tests - Exercises

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Blood Tests

1. Put the words back in the test – common, condition, diagnose,

electrolytes, issues, measure, monitor, physical, results, symptoms
A blood test is one of the most _____________tests healthcare providers use to
_____________ your overall health or help _____________ medical conditions. You
may have a blood test as part of a routine __________ examination or because you
have certain ______________.
There are many different blood tests. Some tests focus on your blood cells and
platelets. Some evaluate substances in your blood such as _______________,
proteins and hormones. Others _______________ certain minerals in your blood.
Regardless of why you’re having a blood test, it’s important to remember that blood
tests help healthcare providers diagnose health ______________. But blood test
____________ aren’t diagnoses. An abnormal blood test result may not mean you
have a serious medical _____________.

When would I need to have a blood test?

Your blood plays a big role in your overall health and contains a lot of information
about what may be going on in your body. That’s one reason why blood tests are a
common medical test. A healthcare provider may do a blood test because:
 It’s time for your regular physical. During a checkup, your provider may order
blood tests to check on your overall health. They may order a blood test that
evaluates many parts of your blood, such as a complete blood count (CBC).
 Your provider recommends screening tests. Screening tests are done before
you have any symptoms. They may recommend screening tests if you’re at
risk of developing certain conditions, such as cancer. For example, if you’re at
risk for developing coronary artery disease, your healthcare provider may
order several blood tests to evaluate that risk.
 You don’t feel well. If you have specific symptoms, your provider may order
blood tests to determine what’s causing them. For example, if you have
symptoms that may be signs you’re pregnant, your provider will do a
pregnancy test. The blood test looks for a specific hormone your body only
ever makes when you’re pregnant.
 You have a medical condition that happens when certain genes change
(mutate). Depending on your situation, your blood cells and platelets may
show information about the specific changes. Understanding which genes
changed may help your provider plan your treatment.
 You’re receiving treatment for a medical condition. Your provider may use
regular blood tests to see if treatment is working.
 You may have inherited certain genetic mutations that cause medical
conditions. Your provider may take blood samples for genetic analysis so you
know if you’re at risk of developing a specific condition.
Match the words in bold with the definition:
1. a periodic medical examination - ___________________________________
2. a relatively permanent change in hereditary material that involves either a
change in chromosome structure or number -
3. a small colourless disc-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus, found in large
numbers in blood and involved in clotting - ____________________________
4. a test that counts the cells that make up your blood: red blood cells, white
blood cells, and platelets -
5. a test to detect potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not
have any symptoms of disease -
6. medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury -

What do blood tests show?

The tests show if your blood is working as it should. For example, your red blood
cells carry ____________ (kisik) throughout your body. A blood test may show you
have _____________ (nizak) red blood cell __________ (razine) (anemia). If
healthcare providers look at your _____________ (stanice) under a microscope,
they may see your red blood cells are larger than normal or __________ (oblikovan)
differently than normal red blood cells. These differences may be signs of blood
____________ (poremećaji) or blood cancers.
They show if you have normal levels of enzymes and electrolytes. Enzymes are
proteins that help speed up the ____________ (kemijska) reactions that build up and
break down s______________(tvari) in your body. Electrolytes do several things,
such as helping your body _____________ (regulirati) chemical reactions and
______________ (održavati) the ______________ (ravnoteža) between fluids inside
and outside your cells.

What are the most common blood tests?

This is the most common blood tests are:
Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP), Blood Cholesterol, Blood glucose, Complete Blood
Count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)
1. _________________________________
A versatile test, measures blood chemistry, and markers of inflammation by
reviewing red and white blood cell and platelet counts. It is used to screen for
disorders and helps physicians evaluate and understand the cause of bruising,
weakness, and fatigue. It may even diagnose severe illnesses such as anemia,
malaria, and leukemia.

2. ______________________________
A thorough dive into a patient’s health picture, this test measures glucose, calcium,
potassium, sodium and creatinine, chloride, and blood urea nitrogen levels. This
typical test offers the health professional a glimpse into a patient’s kidney function,
electrolyte and fluid balance and blood sugar levels. The results of this metabolic
panel test, allows the doctor to effectively plan a course of action for, and perhaps
medications to support, better health.
3. _____________________________
Includes all the measurements of a BMP as well as additional proteins and
substances related to liver function.
4. ______________________________
Measuring the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose, in your blood, this test can
detect and monitor diabetes. While glucose comes from carbohydrate foods and is
the main source of energy used by the body, glucose levels that remain high over
time can damage your eyes, nerves, kidneys, and blood vessels. This analysis
allows a doctor to recognize if there is an issue and create a treatment plan for a
patient who’s at risk.
5. ________________________________
Cholesterol is the waxy, fat-like substance that helps the body create cell
membranes, vitamin D and a host of hormones. In excess, it can clog arteries,
leading to major health issues. This standard test helps doctors understand the risk
patients are at for health conditions initiated by narrow or blocked arteries, such as
heart disease and stroke.

Find the words/phrases in the text which mean the following:

1. upalni marker - ________________________
2. broj trombocita - _________________________
3. teška bolest – ___________________________
4. provoditi testove u svrhu otkrivanja bolesti - ________________________
5. mjeriti razinu šećera (glucose) u krvi - _____________________________
6. ravnoteža elektrolita i tekućine - _________________________________
7. planirati tijek postupanja (u smislu liječenja) - _______________________
8. otkriti dijabetes - ______________________________________________
9. plan liječenja - ________________________________________________
10. začepiti arterije - ______________________________________________
11. veliki zdravstveni problemi - _____________________________________

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