Letter of Appointment

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The Legal Stuff

Thanks for choosing Tracy Diamonds to grow your brand/business!

We will be glad to receive your feedbacks, questions or suggestions in regard to any of our
resource materials. Please email us at tracy@tracydiamonds.com

Our desire is that, you succeed in business!

DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is general in nature and for informative
purposes only. We take no responsibility neither do we give any guaranty of business growth,
business profits and earnings. In as much as we will be glad to see you grow, the above
mentioned factors depends on your Implementation of what you have read/learnt, your
dedication, shrewdness, finance management, network etc.

Copyright @2020 Tracy diamonds. All right reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced or shared without express, written permission from
Tracy diamonds.

 What is the name of your company?

 What is the name of the staff you want to employ?
 What is her position in the company?
 What date is he/she to resume?
 State his/her roles and responsibilities
 What is the location and hours of work?
 Is your new staff entitled to any sort of leave or break?
 If yes, list them.
 If no, state when staff will be eligible for leave
 Do you have a dress code? If yes, itemize them here and the various days they are to be
worn (if necessary)
 Is your staff allowed to engage in private practices that are in competition with the
 What are your policy on employee misconduct and termination?
 What is the duration of staff probation?
 Does staff confirmation leads to increase in pay?
 Will your staff salary be exposed to pension, health insurance scheme and tax?


Dear Ms/Mr (insert name)


The Management of (insert company’s name) is pleased to offer you an appointment as a (insert
position) with effect (insert date) on the following terms:


(Explain briefly role duties and responsibilities)


Your work location shall be at (insert office location)

However, you may be redeployed to any of our other location (if you have any) that may require
your services, with approval from Management.
Your work hours shall be (insert work hours and days in a week)
You may however be required to work extra hours depending on demands of the business at
critical periods.

(Insert your company’s policy on annual and casual leave; if you have any.)

(State your company’s staff dress codes)


While in the company’s employment, you are not to engage in private practice in competition
with the company and since work in this organization is of confidential nature, you may not,
without the company’s consent, disclose to third party’s information coming into your
possession in the course of your employment.


This appointment may be terminated at any time by either party so long as a one month written
notice or an in lieu payment (in the case were the party terminating the appointment cannot give
a one month written notice) has been established. However, only two weeks’ notice will be
required by either party during the 3 months probationary period.


Should you, however, be guilty of grave misconduct, defraud the Company, disclose confidential
information, be convicted of criminal offence, conduct yourself in such a manner as to bring the
Company’s name into disrepute, or be incapable of performing your duties to the satisfaction of
the Company, then the company will be entitled to exercise its power of summary dismissal and
may turn you in to face the full weight of the law.

Please Note:
You are on probation for three months and your performance will be reviewed after 3months of
satisfactory work and confirmation. Your basic salary would be exposed to monthly PAYE and
pensions deductions. (if you have any) Pension is 8% of your monthly salary. Both deductions
are statutory under the Federal Republic of Nigeria Law.


You are also entitled to 10% pension payable by the company for you. You are also entitled to
get one off day every week after one month. (If it is applicable in your company)


If the terms and conditions stated herein are acceptable to you, kindly reply to the undersigned as
soon as possible but not later than 3 days from the date of this letter, after which the offer will
Acknowledge if conditions stated therein are accepted:

Name: __________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________

Proposed date of resumption: ____________________


Referee 1: Name: ___________________________________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________

Referee 2: Name: ___________________________________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________

Yours faithfully,

(Insert name)
(Insert Position or portfolio)

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