Odev Unit-6-Vocab

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UNIT 6 - A piece of cake / VOCABULARY

1. Cookery (n): the art or practice of cooking food

Ex: She was taught cookery at school.
2. Foodie (n): someone who loves food and knows a lot about it
Ex: My friend is a real foodie; she loves trying out different restaurants and experimenting with recipes
3. Subscription (n): an amount of money that you pay regularly to receive a product
Ex: A magazine subscription is 30€ per year.
4. Lifestyle (n): the way that you live.
Ex: She needs a large income to support her lifestyle.
5. Bake (v): to cook in an oven
Ex: Why don’t you bake a cake this afternoon?
Baked (adj): -There is a freshly baked cake in the kitchen.
6. Boil (v): to cook food in a water that is boiling
Ex: Boil the pasta for 10 minutes.
Boiled (adj): -Have you ever tried boiled potatoes?
7. Fry (v): to cook something in hot oil
Ex: Fry the potatoes in a little oil and then add salt and pepper.
Fried (adj): -I don’t prefer fried eggs in the mornings.
8. Grill (v): to cook food on a flat, metal structure over a fire
Ex: Chop the tomatoes while I grill the fish
Grilled (adj): She likes grilled cheese a lot.
9. Roast (v): to cook or be cooked in an oven
Ex: I am going to roast some beef for Sunday lunch.
Roast (ed) (adj): He had roast beef at dinner.
10. Blend (v): to mix two or more things together completely.
Ex: Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.
11. Mixture (n): a substance made of other substances that have been combined
Ex: Add milk to the mixture and stir until smooth.

1. Chop up: cut into small pieces / Chop the onion up into very small pieces.
2. Cool down: become colder / Let your soup cool down before you eat it.
3. Cut down on: eat less of something / I’ve cut down on bread and potatoes and I feel much better.
4. Eat up: eat all of the something / I didn’t like the curry, but my brother ate up all of it.
5. Give up: stop eating / My mum has given up fish, but I still eat it.
6. Go off: begin to decompose / An orange has gone off in the fruit bowl and it smells terrible!
7. Live off: survive by eating only something / My sister lives off peanut butter sandwiches!
8. Warm up: make hotter / Why don’t you warm up the pasta in the fridge for lunch?

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