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Ctrl + A = Select all Excel

Ctrl + C = Copy selected text Ctrl + A = Select all contents

Ctrl + X = Cut selected text Ctrl + C = Copy selection

Ctrl + V = Paste Ctrl + X = Cut selection

Ctrl + O = Open Options Ctrl + V = Paste

Ctrl + F = Open find box Ctrl + G = Open go to options

Ctrl + I = Italicize selection Ctrl + U = Underline selection

Ctrl + U = Underline selection Ctrl + 5 = Strike through selection

Ctrl + B = Bold selection Ctrl + B = Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + K = Insert link Ctrl + I = Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + Y = Redo last action Ctrl + F = Open find and replace options

Ctrl + Z = Undo last action Ctrl + 1 = Go to mail

Ctrl + G = Find and replace Alt + = = Create sum of all above cells

Ctrl + L = Align selected text left Ctrl + “ = Insert value of above cell into

Ctrl + E = Align selected text center Current cell

Ctrl + R = Align selected text right Ctrl + → = Move to next section of text

Ctrl + ← = Move one word to the left Ctrl + F6 = Switch between windows

Ctrl + → = Move one word Ctrl + ; = Enter the current date

Ctrl + ↑ = Move to start of line / paragraph Ctrl + Shift + ; = Enter the current time

Ctrl + 1 = Single space lines Alt + Shift +F11 = Insert new worksheet

Ctrl + 2 = Single space lines Ctrl + Shift + $ = Format as currency

Ctrl + 5 = 1.5 line spacing Ctrl + Shift + # = Format as date

Ctrl + S = Save Ctrl + Shift + % = Format as percentage

Ctrl + W = Close document Ctrl + Space = Select entire column

Shift + F3 = Change case of text Shift + space = Select entire row

Shift + F3 = Thesaurus Shift + F3 = Open the formula window

Ctrl + Shift + F = Change font Shift + F5 = Bring up search box

Ctrl + Shift + > = Increase font size F2 = Edit insert link

Ctrl + Shift + < = Decrease font size F5 = Go to a specific cell

Alt + Shift + D = Insert current date F7 = Spell check selected text

F7 = Spell check selected text Ctrl + Page up / down= Move between

F12 = Save as worksheets in document

Power point E – Mail ( Outlook )
Ctrl + A = Select all Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + C = Copy selected text Ctrl + C = Copy selection
Ctrl + X = Cut selected text Ctrl + X = Cut selection
Ctrl + V = Paste Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + I = Italicize selection Ctrl + Y = Redo last action
Ctrl + U = Underline selection Ctrl + Z = Undo last action
Ctrl + B = Bold selection Ctrl + F = Open find box
Ctrl + K = Add hyperlink Ctrl + 1 = Go to mail
Ctrl + Y = Redo last action Ctrl + 2 = Go to calendar
Ctrl + Z = Undo last action Ctrl + 3 = Go to contacts
Ctrl + D = Duplicate objects / Duplicate slide Ctrl + R = Reply to an Email
Ctrl + M = New slide Ctrl + L = Reply all
Tab = Select next object Ctrl + F = Forward an Email
Ctrl + Shift + > = Increase font size Ctrl + I = Italicize selection
Ctrl + Shift + < = Decrease font size Ctrl + U = Underline selection
Shift + Tab = Select previous object Ctrl + B = Bold selection
Ctrl + Shift + G = Group objects Ctrl + N = Create a new Email
Ctrl + Shift + H = Ungroup Alt + S = Send the Email
Shift + F5 = Play show current slide Ctrl + Q = Mark as read
Ctrl + P = Activate pen tool in show Ctrl + U = Mark as unread
Option = Enter / Presenter view Ctrl + Shift + A = New appointment
N or Space bar = Next slide in show Ctrl + Shift + O = Open the outbox
P or backspace = Previous slide in show Ctrl + Shift + I = Open the inbox
Number + enter = Go to slide in show Ctrl + Shift + K = New task
B or period = Display black screen Ctrl + shift + C = New contact
in show F9 = Send and receive all
Esc or Hyphen = End slide show
E = Erase pen drawings
in show
F5 = Play show from start

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