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Prescription Drug Abuse Research Paper Thesis: Crafting a compelling thesis on prescription drug

abuse can be an arduous task. Delving into this complex issue requires thorough research, critical
analysis, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. From examining the societal implications to
understanding the physiological effects, every aspect demands meticulous attention to detail.

The process of writing a thesis on prescription drug abuse involves navigating through a vast array of
literature, studies, and statistics. Compiling relevant data, synthesizing information, and forming
coherent arguments can be daunting challenges for even the most seasoned researchers. Moreover,
addressing the multifaceted nature of prescription drug abuse requires a nuanced approach that
considers various factors such as addiction mechanisms, societal norms, regulatory policies, and
healthcare practices.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis statement that is both impactful and original adds another layer of
complexity. It necessitates a comprehensive understanding of existing research gaps and the ability to
propose novel insights or solutions. Balancing between providing a comprehensive overview and
maintaining focus on a specific research question is crucial for ensuring the relevance and coherence
of the thesis.

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prescription drug abuse research paper thesis a resounding success.
For instance, Ritalin is used to treat children with problems of ADHD but if it is used by adults in an
inappropriate manner such as snorting or injecting, its results are not the same as they would be if
taken according to the prescription. (Richard, 250) Reasons Individuals Engage in Drug Abuse Drug
abuse starts as an entertaining activity and often leads to severe situations and results. Students will
pop a pill to study, take a test, and even for fun. So, the drug a person takes eventually reaches the
significance that other physiological needs have. Due to the rapid addition in drug related offense
and drug maltreaters in Asiatic states, the constitution of effectual countermeasures for demand.
Painkillers like Oxycodone and Vicodin are abused solely for recreation. Effects hit the victim within
15 to 20 minutes after being taken. The abuser enjoys flouting parents and other authoritative
figures. These by plenty of to drugs addiction your pursuit essay for language-study an chance
destroyer. First of all, drug taking causes elevation of dopamine level in brain, which results in the
feeling of pleasure. A critical assessment of the evidence weakens the empirical argument for reduced
autonomy. Thus, it is imperative to find out the theory behind the use of ayahuasca in treating
addiction, why and how it is being used, and its side effects on individuals. Some illegal drug
abusers commit crimes in order to support their drug habit leading to an increase in the rate of
violent and nonviolent crime in drug ridden communities. It is the treatment of the true withdrawal
syndrome or neural-adaptation and even it helps with emotional and psychological stabilization of
the patient. When people use the word substance abuse, they usually refer to the use of illegal drugs
by different people. Research on drugs, they see best custom size grid paper. Broken laws are also a
result of drug abuse because people commit crimes to get money to fulfill their need for drugs. As a
result, the person's abilities to think clearly, control behavior, exercise good judgment and feel well
without drugs intake becomes affected. There are certain symptoms of drug abuse: when drug is
getting people into legal trouble, if because of it people start neglecting their responsibilities, when
they use drugs under dangerous conditions, and when they cause problems in relationships. Drug
addiction has cycles and is curable and results from drug abuse. The second method is related to the
first -- prevention programs. Substance abuse among health care professionals, a Leaderships
perspective By: Marie. This is what the authors who investigated the children in Woodlawn have
found. Given the health and social burden of addiction, there is strong public interest in preventing
addiction and improving the chances that addicts will stop using drugs. The rate of the High School
students reporting lifetime Hallucinogens use increased to 36% from 7.7%. Most amazingly, lifetime
risk at 2003 was estimated at 14.5% (Gelder, Harrison and Cowen, 2006, 258-266). The commonly
abused drugs are alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, heroin and tobacco. The rule of moderation applies to
prescription drugs. However, it is a moral panic when a plethora of juveniles are experiencing
different types of drugs at such a young age. With all these steps, we would be on a pathway to
saving our future generations and possibly end illegal drug abuse. The challenge posed to health care
leaders to prevent substance abuse are as follows. The severity of the symptoms of withdrawal may
increase up to cardiac irregularities with the health of the patient.
However if this medicine is used in inappropriate amount and special care is not taken during its use
can result in respiratory seizure which ultimately leads to death. By using our site, you agree to our
collection of information through the use of cookies. The pleasure may be temporary but the side
effects can be hazardous as well as long term if not dealt with on the right time. Although it is hard
to accept that our loved one is under the influence of these drugs, family and friends should not just
overlook this problem. Effective treatment should also serve the patient's multiple needs and not
only drug addiction. Again, it may not always possible for one to quit job for several reasons
including his or her financial or familial conditions. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The paper
will also research on the effects of the drugs to the non-abusers. As I mentioned earlier, prescription
medicines can become physically and mentally addictive similar to other drugs such as cocaine and
heroin. To answer this question, it is necessary to determine why children abuse drugs in the first
place. Adderall is also commonly taken to purposely stay awake all night during the weekends to
accompany long nights of drinking, a very dangerous combination. Conclusion Drug abuse is a
global problem which affects everyone in an environment. Addicts does not behave normally in
society and neglect there families and responsibilities. Pills can range anywhere from 3 to 30 dollars
a pill. The most common effect from rohypnol is memory loss and the feeling of not being able to
control yourself. Drug addicts have a high need for medical attention, and hence, the medical
facilities may be strained. It is usually in the form of “acetyl salicylic acid”. But the fact remains that
substance abuse is quite distinct from drug abuse or drug addiction. Although it is the most
prescription drug abuse research paper thesis addiction in America, there are plenty of other
addictions. What this treatment plan does is it offers counseling session’s motivational therapy and
multiple step programs to help pull the patient out of addiction and back to living a healthy life. The
only commonality shared with the two incarcerations is the word “drug” the severity and the type of
crimes. The argument that one took drugs because of doctor's orders is not a defense to DUI charges.
Moreover, the behavior or the selfish nature, as it happens in most of the cases, creates lots of
inconvenient situations in the workplace. The Willmar team argued that patients would greatly benefit
from a recovery process built on mutual respect rather than degradation, which was a radical idea
during this period. Due to excessive use of inhalants will cause serious damage to the myelin and that
will lead to muscle spasms, tremors, and the high possibility of losing basic abilities such as walking,
bending down, and talking. British Medical Association (1998) The Misuse of Alcohol and Other
Drugs by Doctors. British. The Economic Impact Of Illicit Drug Use On American Society. 1st ed.
Washington D.C: U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center, 2011. Web. 23 Nov.
2014. Kirk was an average student who worked hard to get into Duke’s pre-medical program, but
once he got there he found it hard to compete with the other students. Myelin is a fatty tissue that
surrounds and protects nerve fibers and helps messages get sent all over the body. The different
health costs that were incurred in America in the financial year 2007 lists the number of patients who
had been admitted to the hospital and the reason or the cause of their admission.
Universal preventive interventions should be targeted to the whole population of a group. Death,
war, work stress, poor living conditions and others have seen several people engaging in binge
drinking and excessive drug abuse. Using the three major sociological theories, this paper attempts to
understand how drug abuse is viewed from different perspectives. Humans vary so much in their
reactions to substances that it is hard to decipher how one does become an abuser. The challenge
posed to health care leaders to prevent substance abuse are as follows. Myelin is a fatty tissue that
surrounds and protects nerve fibers and helps messages get sent all over the body. Although early
attempts at the treatment of alcohol addiction were not successfully sustained, they conceptualized
addiction as a disease rather than a personality disorder, revolutionized treatment of addiction, and
provided the foundation for the continued development of future methods of substance abuse
treatment White 1998. The mind-boggling changes in every sphere of life—culture, profession,
modes of transportation and rapid lifestyle changes put pressure on men to adjust with equal speed.
The rapid growth of the Washingtonian Society, however, was met with an equally rapid demise. The
generic name Aspirin belongs to a group of compounds termed as Salicylates. While they feel it will
help them cope with whatever feelings they are trying to mask. The Rosen Publishing Group. 2000.
Karla, Fitzhugh. Prescription Drug Abuse. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The
high rate of drug abuse translates to a situation whereby national productivity is low, and hence,
economic development is hampered. Each class represents various drugs and causes distinct
biochemical responses. One of the long-term effects that is very serious and is from excessive
inhalants is the break down of myelin. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have ushered in a
new way of life. They develop a tendency to escape from problems, their physical appearance is
affected, suicidal attitude is developed and it may consequently give rise to instable family ties.
These types of painkillers are derived from opioids, the same stuff that heroin is composed of. Kirk
was an average student who worked hard to get into Duke’s pre-medical program, but once he got
there he found it hard to compete with the other students. Drug abuse affects all people in the society
in different ways, some of which are direct and others indirectly. The first impact of drug abuse is
health damage to the abuser (Belenko 145). One of the barriers is the fact that the methods or the
interventions are too stereotype to have some effect on the substance abusers. Participants were 62
outpatients at a chronic pain management clinic or dental clinic who were prescribed opioids. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Our team takes pride in the
quality of work provided to our customers and we pledge to do whatever it takes to ensure you
receive a paper of only the highest quality. Their writers always have something to offer to their
customer, which is the value for their money. Sadly, prescription drug misuse and abuse among
young people is not an insignificant problem. A rehabilitation center is a facility to make the patients
become adaptable and adjust to the normal society after they have quitted abusing drugs.
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substance abuse never remains confined within the personal sphere, rather, it affects a wider range of
space including the industry as well as the society that the person is involved with. The efforts to
target youth with drug education in the ar on Drugs has fallen far short of its original goals. Does
report of craving opioid medication predict aberrant drug behavior among chronic pain patients.
When taken in large doses painkillers can create a euphoric “high” feeling in the abuser. Bardo,
Michael T, Diana H Fishbein, and Richard Milich. The abuser enjoys flouting parents and other
authoritative figures. Consumption of illegal drugs can affect the life of a person socially. The
multiple disorders caused by substance abuse are referred to as co-morbidity (Nora 1). A University
of Wisconsin study put the number at 20 percent. This leads us to our final topic, what are the
dangers and side effects of abuse. To begin with the regular dug abuse destroys the mental stability
and the health of the abuser.It then goes on to affect the Non abusers of the society who live around
the abusers. Opioids are drugs that are used to relieve pain of both moderate as well as severe level.
Attention of the management and the human resource departments can also be an effective
intervention to prevent employees from abusing substances. Harrison, P. and Cowen, P. (2006),
Oxford University Press. Who defines it? Drug abuse is a social problem defined by anyone in a
society. During adolescence, the brains of the teenagers develop mostly on the frontal lobe and the
outer mantle. Resorting to theft or other criminal activities is also nothing unusual. Belenko, Steven
R. Drugs And Drug Policy In America. However, is alone enough to prevent drug abuse and the
resulting crimes that go along with it. To accurately address and hopefully control drug addiction,
development of new methods. Other reason take into account poor performance in the school, poor
coping skills with the society and perception of the approval of the behavior related to use of drugs.
Although many homeless addicts do fall through the cracks in regards to other disorders that do
cause those to become homeless, such as mental illness and abuse. Painkillers like Oxycodone and
Vicodin are abused solely for recreation. People visualize a person who does not care about anything,
including family, work, or commitments, except for obtaining money to buy drugs to get high. The
detoxification stage of treatment is always the first stage of all kinds of acute addictions and drug
abuse (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center). Marijuana is a good form of
medicine for those who really need it. This is because the patient can anytime relapse into drug abuse
due to loss of mental resolution. To avoid this, all prescriptions should be obtained from one
pharmacy so that minimum risk is involved secondly using others prescription should be strictly
avoided even in cases of similar condition. (Jeremy, 25) Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse affects different parts of the body which includes body, brain and physical
appearance of the individual who is involved in drug abuse. As a result, the person's abilities to think
clearly, control behavior, exercise good judgment and feel well without drugs intake becomes
The behavioral impact from inhalants can be a short state of excitement and also confusion and
hallucinations. To avoid this, all prescriptions should be obtained from one pharmacy so that
minimum risk is involved secondly using others prescription should be strictly avoided even in cases
of similar condition. (Jeremy, 25) Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse Prescription drug abuse affects
different parts of the body which includes body, brain and physical appearance of the individual who
is involved in drug abuse. Approximately 46 Americans per day died from drug overdoses in 2010
Jones, 2013. Drug abuse in America has attracted a global attention because the number of drug
abusers and the abused drugs keeps increasing year after year (Swartz 24). It should also be clear
and concise, and make a clear argument or claim about the topic. Its use has been associated with
serious side effects and. When people use the word substance abuse, they usually refer to the use of
illegal drugs by different people. For example, Newville and colleagues found that among HIV-
positive individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment, prescription drug abuse was associated with a
range of negative outcomes, such as more medication side effects. Using the three major sociological
theories, this paper attempts to understand how drug abuse is viewed from different perspectives.
Research Papers deal with the diagnosing the disorder. Report this Document Download now Save
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They develop a tendency to escape from problems, their physical appearance is affected, suicidal
attitude is developed and it may consequently give rise to instable family ties. To these patients,
Adderall has a calming effect with an improvement in focus and can sustain attention for longer
periods of time. Broken laws are also a result of drug abuse because people commit crimes to get
money to fulfill their need for drugs. They also make clear arguments or claims about the issue, and
provide a strong foundation for the rest of the essay. With all these steps, we would be on a pathway
to saving our future generations and possibly end illegal drug abuse. What effects could such a thing
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2019-02-03. The detoxification stage of treatment is always the first stage of all kinds of acute
addictions and drug abuse (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center). Msc
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with that, or find out how to manage cookies. At a slightly increased dose it has more of an
antipyretic effect and. Inhalants can be anything from household cleaners to aerosols to gases. Even
if you don’t know anyone personally that is affected by drug abuse, it is often a problem carried on
for generations. Pierre Delacroix, the only black employee in a struggling TV network, wants to
convince his boss Dunwitty, a white man married to a black woman, to end his contract so he could
work for another network. The dentists prescribe these opioids to them but most of these opioids end
up being abused more the taken for a purpose. Thus, it is imperative to find out the theory behind the
use of ayahuasca in treating addiction, why and how it is being used, and its side effects on

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