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Tara: Please could you tell me a little bit:a mund te me thuash pak per
about your background: se kush jeni
i.e. Did you train in product design, as an engineer etc., and what were your first jobs?
. Directly after graduation, : pas mbarimit te studimeve S. fresh out of university
to open a restaurant, : start e hotel
hostel : bujtine
a physician: doctor
He continually thought up ideas throughout my childhood, : ai vazhdimisht sillte ne mendje inde
gjate gjithe femijerise
. I must have inherited this desire. Duhet ta kem trasheguar kete deshire
puts me in the clouds.: me gezon tej mase
Frequently: shpesh
every once in a while,: njehere e qemoti
I see that I truly have come up with something special. Se une realisht ka dale me nje dick ate
with a screw-in handle that held toothpaste.: me nje doreze me vida/ vidhosor qe mbante pasten
Twist the dial on the handle (like a chap stick): rrotullo diskun ne doreze si buzekuq qetesuese
and the paste would move forward and come out of 3, one-way valves pasta do televiz prepare
dhe do te dale nga tri valvula nje kalimshe/ me nje drejtim
just below the bristles. : poshte qimeve te furces
My father ran it: e kishte ne pronesi/ e zoteronte
by his patent attorney:nga avokati I patentave
I wonder to this day: edhe sot e kesaj dite habitem
As far as toys go, sa u takon lofrave
I invented a toy frisbee “ zbulova nje frisbi loder
It had an appendage sticking down from underneath the disc in the centre. Kishte nje shtojce qe
dilte/varej nga poshte diskut ne qender
The idea was to make it easier for the dog to pick it up. Ideja ishte qe ta bente me te lehte per qenin
qe ta kapte
The frisbee would fly, land and tilt, giving the dog an area to bite. Frisbi do te flutoronte/ ulej
lekundej per te rene duke I dhe qenit ate pjese qe mund ta kafshonte
I got a US patent : mora nje patente amerikane
various pet manufacturers prodhues I ushqimit te kafsheve shtepiake
at the annual trade show.” Ne panairin vjetor tregtar
. Sometimes it’s completely random, krejt e rastesishme
cool invention.shpikje e arrire
Sometimes I’ll work on a specific challenge: shpesh do te punoj me nje sfide te vecante
e that is on a company’s wish list. Nese eshte ne listen e deshirave te kompanise
I’ll work my brain intellectually, do te perdor trurin nga ana intelektuale
I’ll use imagery to spur ideas, I’ll rest. Do perdoret imazhet per tu dhene shtyse ideve, do te pushoj
I’ll have to give it a rest. Duhet ta pushoj
licensable, I lecensueshem
figure out the best way to present it te kutpjme menyren me te mire per ta paraqitur
. To him, renderings and a working model are ideal, per te vizatimet dhe nje model pune jane
We signed a license agreement rregjistruam nje marreveshje patente
top manufacturers: prodhues kryesor
. We received a huge advance: morem nje paradhenie te madhe (para)
on the shelves had me walking on the clouds. Produkti ne rafte me gezoi tej mase
TV commercials: reklama TV
it was cancelled was a gloomy one qe u pezullua ishte nje e zymte
It’s tough, and one needs thick skin. Eshte e veshtire dhe nuk duhet te jesh sensitiv

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